State College Netos

State College Netos
French Statesman
Will Address
Student Group
To Discuss Outlook
O f Postwar World
S t a t e College will play host to
t h r e e citizens of F r a n c e a t a special assembly next T h u r s d a y . According to Dr. E v a n R. Collins,
P r e s i d e n t of the College, students
will h a v e t h e opportunity to hear
Andre Siegfried speak on "A New
Outlook of t h e World after Two
World W a r s " at 11 a. m. in Page
Hall Auditorium.
S p e a k e r Holds Professorship
FRIDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 . 1951
o^%^it College Prepares To Welcome
Class Of 55 At Student Union
"Life is very different—so very
different here!" It's up a t t h e
break of dawn and then h u r r y
to get in line for t h a t hot cup
of coffee. "Home was never like
this," sighed the weary counsellors after a day of frolicsome
" T h e Saga of the Roaring
'20's" displayed the talents of
'55, while the faculty received
"Oscars" for their performances
(or was it just to shake t h e
President's hand I. The counsellors, displaying a lack of talent,
denned their war paint for t h e
adventures of Crescent Moon a t
Blue skies prevailed for a
weekend of fun and serious
thoughts. The frosh took an
evening to contemplate their
future during the traditional
candlelight service. A final goodbye tc camp was expressed by
"See you at State."
Religious Clubs
Will Entertain
Frosh, Transfers
The new College Union Lounge at Brubacher Hall will be the
scene of the All-College Reception tomorrow night, according to Rose
Mary Keller 'S3, General Chairman. The affair, which is a traditional
welcome to members of the incoming freshman class and transfer students, will begin at 7 p. m.
Entertainment will be provided by members of all four classes
and will include singing and dancing. The evening will be highlighted
by a pantomime skit entitled "Freshman Fantasy."
- E n t e r t a i n m e n t To Feature Skit
T h e skit, depicting life at State,
was written by Kathleen Wright '53,
and is directed by Barbara Newcombe and Rose Mary Keller, J u n iors. T h e skit shows State College
Monsieur Siegfried, accompanied
in its four stages before graduby M o n s i e u r Roger Seydoux and
T h e frosh are shown beM a d a m e Seydoux, is on his way to
fuddled by a deluge of tests; the
a special visiting professorship asSophomores are in the midst of a
s i g n m e n t a t the University of ChiBig-4 rehearsal; the Juniors have
cago for four months. A doctor of
a "Boul" session; and the Seniors
letters and a member of the French
are shown practice teaching.
Academy since 1944, he was eduList Cast Members
cated in Parisian schools and at
Members of the cast include: Sothe S o r b o n n e .
los, Henry S m i t h '52, Richard Scott
He was a professor a t I he Insti'53, P a l m i n a Calabrese and Phyllis
Victrola dancing will provide entute of Political Studies and an
Liftman, Sophomores; and Chorus,
l e i t a i n m e n l lor students a t t e n d i n g
h o n o r a r y professor a t the College
J o a n B e n n e t t and Evelyn Swenson,
the Newman reception tonight. P a t Seniors; Louise Petfield, and R i c h of F r a n c e .
Many of his literary
ricia Aswad '53 is General C h a i r ard Jacobson, Juniors; F r a n k G i works concerning various political
man ol the evi :iin ,'.i ,.cth Lies.
annone and Ann Columbe, Sophoand geographical ideas have been
Working with her are Mudolyn
Dr. Evan R. Collins. President of
mores; and Steven Serniak, Olga
published within the last forty-five
Meier. Bar aia > T h o m a s
Komanowski, and Sharon Bergfors,
years. Monsieur Siegfried, listed in the College, has released the n a m e s Hoppcy, and <\l'rod Cleirente. Sophfreshmen.
the 1951 edition the British Who's of those who have joined the facul- omores; Dolores Montalbano and
Wlic, h a s proven his s t a t e s m a n s h i p
T h e r e will be dancing in the Game
Marie Dennison. freshmen.
in t h e political and literary affairs T I K S C poisons and the positions
Room from 7 p . m . to 11:30 p . m . to
which the) have assumed arc as
Victrol.i dan: in and an "Eternal
of his country.
the music of the new juke box. Refollows: Albert C. Mossin, Assistant Light" skit will comprise the c e Consul to Introduce Siegfried
freshments consisting of punch and
Professor of Commerce; Donald R. iling's entertainment at the Hillel
cookies will be served in the dining
Monsieur Roger M. Seydoux. Con- Van C l e w . Assistant Professor of reception, which is under the superroom foyer. T h e thirteen members
sul G e n e r a l of France, and his wile Community studies; Morris K. Esoii, vision of Elaine Topper '53. R u t h C h a i r m a n of All-College Reception
of Myskania, the Senior Honorary
will also be present. Monsieur Sey- Assistant Professor ol Education, Shair and Adolf Hoehberg, Seniors,
Society, will serve as chaperones for
doux will present Monsieur Sieg- an i William E. Werner, Jr., In- are in charge of refreshments for
the evening.
fried to t h e Assembly. Monsieur st nil tor in Biulug).
the reception. Students wishing to
Name Committee Chairmen
Seydoux, who was formerly DiOther new members of the faculty attend shoul I ta';e cither the W h i t e Committee chairmen for the affair
rector of the I n s t i t u t d'Etudes Poli- include Francis G Lasak, Instructor hall R o a d - P a r t r i d g e Street or the
are as follows: Name Tags, Virginia
tique*, is now at I lie French in Mathematics; Arthur N. Collins. Delaware Avenue bus. according to
'53; Publicity, George
Consulate at, (ilf) Fifth Avenue in Instructor in English;
M a n u r e ! Miss s h o r .
Hathaway '54; Refreshments, P a t r i New York City.
Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of
Armslroim, Supervisor ol Commerce
Helen Pilcher ,>2. President of tiio College, will be the maip speaker cia Wilkerson '53; Dancing and
T h i s opportunity to h e a r these in the Milne School; Marvin K.
Records, Robert Hughes and RichSC'A.
at the first Student
Association ard Scott, Juniors; and Chaperones,
F r e n c h s t a t e s m e n is open to all Bl.vthe, Supervisor of Mathematics.
As-cmbP, today, according to the Elizabeth Piatt '53.
s t u d e n t s on a voluntary basis. All Milne School; Edward P. Cowley.
11 o'clock classes will be cancelled Jr.. I n s t r u ' t o r in Art, Milne School; being held loniehl at the Protestant agenda compiled by S t u d e n t Council
on t h a t clay in order t h a t students and Mary G. Blair, Instructor in churches in the city. Guides will be Wednesday night. He will extend a
Chemist i',.
may a t t e n d .
on Pane «,
Columns) welcome to the class of '55.
At the first meeting of the year
"-'tucieni i oiincil set up a book exc h . i u e headed by Muriel Woodman
'53. 'Phis ex diange, located in the
College enrollment figures for the
Draper Halls will sell books a t twofirst semester of this college year
t h i r d s cost.
Confusiun! Confusion! Where arc
Class Liiardian.s for this year were have been released by Edward J.
Sabol, Coordinator of Field Services.
the rooms? Brubacher's system of
rector, obviously admires Brubaoh- Bar, have worked together in sev- a n n o u n c e d by David Manly '52, T h e college enrollment, including
wings ami rooms is logical, but to
• , , , , , , . , ,
C h a i r m a n of M'.skania They are as
„,, ,
, , .
, ,
, e r s kit; lien lacililies. llie equip- oral resorts throughout the country, follows: Seniors, Manly and Marion graduates and underclassmen, is
a m i n d exhaustec by miles ol travel
including those in Cape Cod. the
G o r s k i : Juniors, n a r v e v Robinson 1535 as compared to a total of 1654
tilled w . f l i t h e babble o a oousand
Ne,v England Stales, and Florida
mifl Theresa P o r t a ; Sophomores, lor September 1950.
voices and the vision ol a thousand ,.
[ S 1
< 1L 1
This figure is approximately an
la-es. logical thinking is impossible.
T h e s u a . liar is helpful in two Henr.\ Smith and William Wiley;
and Ireshmen, Victoria Baldino and h", drop in college enrollment. A
And after a non-studving summer,
J u d g i n , by the meals the kitchen W . U K N ( ) 1 (:]1 |. , s ( n . , ,„,, | j n ( , X p c n largo part of this decrease in the
David Shephnrd, Seniors.
it takes concentration to remember '•tall'nisi seems wr.v fine. Head eook s i v i , l l U , a ] 1
,.,,;,, w i l ] h( , l u r m . t |
si mien! body is clue to the smaller
how t h e alphabet goes.
Unifies '1 hompson has cooked m into the student fund.
number of freshmen this year, acOnce a room is finally located. " l i i l l v 1I ' M "' 1 h l , l t ' l s - H o '
cordiug to Sabol. T h e freshman enhow can a girl get settled until she '"id W. Thomas Smith who superTrue, Brub.ieoer may be conliis- Guide Plan To A i d
rollment lor the tall semester is 325
finrls her belongings? Despairing vises I lie d i n h i ; room and the Snack in.;. But isn't the contusion ainusin'?
as compared to an enrollment of 400
of ever finding the trunk room, she
Transfers/ Graduates
in the Class ol 11154. 'Phis is a drop
dashes down to the snack bar What
Guides have been appointed tor of approximately 20'; over lust
docs she lind en route? Two trunk
0 ich I esidenee hall, according to \ear.
room . And the ti link'.' It's in a
D ivid S.iepard and Joyce Shu for,
third Ho T room at the opposite end ^
There is also a decrease in the en.-'i mors. Co-( hairmen of the new rollment of graduate students Last,
of t h e building. But all is not conLiiide
li.sion. .Sunday night's ollieial openyear 285 graduates were listed as
and g r a d u a t e
students, compared to 230 this year.
ing of the dorm went ol I with a snetiiiiues
ofer .sl'ii) bang. A but fid supper for
liee ol Kill n C. Stokes. Dean of
frosh and their guides reall) hit the
Women on Mondays. Wednesdays, 'News' Seeks Tryouts
spot. W i t h baked Virginia ham. who
a nd Thiii's la.\ s and may also be
could c o m p l a i n ?
From Sophomore Class
contacted at the residence halls.
Alter the supper the frosh disInformation concerning Sopho'I
resiplayed their talents. Such a variety
di nee halls ale as follows: llru- more tryouts and the method of obof t a l e n t s ; c iiuedy routines, piano
ba di r, K u t h n n Dundo, Florence taining space for news items in the
solos, impersonations ol
Kli .er. Joan Bennett. Pierce, Joan Slate College News has been rePane and the Inksputs. And who
1 la . erl \
Newman, Margaret Ed- leased by Grace Smith, Editor-incould dio'crent ial • bet ween songs a
wards; Sa\lcs, Robert
Donnelly; Chief.
la April Stevens and Al Jolson and
Kappa Delta, Helen Pilcher; Phi
Organization heads should registhe real Ihing?
Delta. Patricia Pureed; and Gumma ter their telephone numbers witll
Home was never like Ihl.s with
K a p p a Phi, Pliebe Fuller, Seniors.
the News Board immediately and
the luxurious chairs and divans in
O t h e r guides are Chi Sigma T h e l a , should call 2-;i32(i, Extension 11,
the lounge, the o h - s o - h a n d ) snack
J o a n Bostwiek; Alpha Kpsilon Phi, from 7 p . m . to 11 p . m . Tuesday and
bar, a n d the gigantic game room
E'anie Shampiinsky; Beta / , i i a . Vic- Wodncsda) nights, if the)' wish pubT h e bedrooms arc aotualh neat, too
toria Eude; Psi G a m m a , Olgo Buj- licity.
maid sen ice Now the main probiol) ; Kappa Beta, Mitchell BlU'kuWSophomores wishing to work on
lem is how lo slay awake Inner•! •, ; ,L'i nia 1 ambda Sigma, Henry the News should register ill tire Pubspring mal treses are so comfortS m i t h ; Potior Club. Da\ id Shepai'd; lications Office Tuesday night or
I'ielliii'il above is the Main Lounge of Hi uliaelier Hall dining the Comiuule: s, Shirley Cooper, Sen- contact Miss s m i t h Sophomore Edien ' l l ' s V v . ' n bet l e r ! him'I he one at program willed followed the buffet supper for Ireshmen iors; and Thiu'low. Herman Book- tors will be chosen before T h a n k s j a m s '54.
Vale." Malcolm Corby, the food di- and their guides Sunday evening.
T h e religious clubs on campus a r e
opening the semester's activities
with receptions for ireshmen. Newm a n Club will welcome the freshmen tonight, at Newman Hall, 741
Madison Avenue, at K p.m.. accordin:: to Beverl) Pranilis '53, President. Evelyn Shor '52, President ol
Hillel, has announced t h a : the Hlll.'l
reception will be held at Temple I s rael, lii f e d e r a l s t r e e t , Sunday from
7 p. m. to 10 p. m. The Protestant
churches in the city have scheduled
reception-; lor college freshmen this
State Enlarges
Teaching Staff
Collin s Speech
Heads Agenda
Pandemonium, Confusion Run Rampant Through Brubacher Hall
As Men Wander About, Women Marvel At Excellent Food
Enrollment Marks
Slight Decrease
FRIDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 , 1 S S 1
It's Yours
*lUe*e l A ReadOH
By DUNN a n d P E E N E
Frosh Camp is once again over and State ColBy BEVERLY W E I N E R
lege has welcomed three hundred and twenty-five
freshmen. A Senior can look at this incoming class M a y b e some of you S t a t e s t u d e n t s cipate in a Barber Shop Quartet?
Now t h a t we've paid o u r $42.50 a n d a r e stockand inform them that they have been offered the a r e wondering w h y m a n y upper- And how about Dr. Lester's d r a - holders in t h e n e w College Union, w e feel t h a t we
greatest opportunities that any freshman class has c l a s s m e n a r e willing t o spend p a r t matic t a l e n t ? Take it from me, t h e s h o u l d be eligible for Relief or a t least some contriof t h e i r h a r d - e a r n e d money to be frosh appreciate Knowing t h a t our bution from t h e Salvation Army. At a n y rate, we
had the privilege of receiving.
counsellors a t frosh c a m p . A good faculty is really h u m a n !
In a period of approximately two years State question . . . a n d it deserves some This year at women's camp we a r e open for invitations t o dinner. Kids—we've h a d it!
College has expanded tremendously, not only in careful answers. Believe m e , t h e r e n a c i t h e traditional Candlelight HELLO F R O S H
the enrollment of the school but also in the faci- a r e m a n y ! We believe t h a t frosh service . . . quite a sight! A n o n We know t h a t you've been adequately welcomed
a m p benefits t h e freshmen t r e - denominational Chapel
s e r v i c e already b u t we'd like to p u t our personal o a r in and
lities which it now offers to the Student Body. cmendously,
a n d we w a n t to c o n - t h a t brought members of all relig- say—glad lo h a v e you a b o a r d ! We h o p e t h e p a s t week
The dream of a College Union (a committee was t r i b u t e in our
own small way to its j 0 us groups together in prayer. h a s been fun b u t we would like t o r e m i n d you that
started in 1945), adequate facilities for the com- success.
w i t h t h e sky as our roof a n d the college isn c all parties. T h e time h a s come now for
merce department, the centralizations of the vari- L e t ' s agree t h a t S t a t e is about ground as our floor, it was impos- you to s t a r t h i t t i n g t h e books. Y o u will h a v e more
ous departments, and a more usable library are t h e m o s t informal a n d friendly col- sible to feel anything but peace, t h a n your share of parties during t h e year, but the
t h e r e is, n'est-ce p a s ? Well,
s p o r t s constitute a major portion prime object ol college (strange a s i t m a y seem) is
among the conveniences which are now in exist- lege
frosh c a m p is t h e first o p p o r t u n i - 0 f t h e c a m p program. Teamwork still your studies. An observation from t h e Has-Beens
ty t h a t freshmen have to observe becomes more obvious as the days —don't do as we didn't, do as we s a y !
The new College Union with its many pleasant t h e s e qualities . . . qualities t h a t w e n l - o n . Scon t h e frosh Invent
rooms was built for the purpose of serving the we soon learn to take almost for games of their own—stranding a HATS O F F
in the middle of the lake
To Mrs. H a t h a w a y a n d Helpers for t h e fine job
needs of the students. Take advantage of the fa- g r Oa nutre d .faculty is fun-loving, too, jcounsellor
n a canoe without paddles, or even
they a r e doing.
cilities which it offers; don't leave State College a n d o u t a t c a m p they really let turning over a Senior's bunk a n d
regretting that you didn't spent your time worth- t h e i r h a i r down. W h e r e else could putting it outside t h e cabin. T h e
T o Malcolm, t h e Steward, w h o t r a n s f o r m e d a
haven of havoc into a n efficient organization capable
while. However, remember that it is your Union- you see Dean Stokes, along with kids learn fast!
of t u r n i n g o u t first class chow.
m p m g o n the whole is a levellake care of it in a manner which it deserves— four o t h e r faculty memers, p a r t i - ingC a process
whereby everyone is a c you'll be carrying out the traditions of a typical
To t h e six counsellors who r e t u r n e d a week early
cepted on h e r character, friendli<
ness, a n d sportsmanship
r a t h e r to do a swell job of getting the new dorm s h i p shape.
State Student.
7aMi*t' OH 7he "loum
t h a n money, clothes or background.
W e Explain . . .
Blue jeans a n d shirts are the uniform of t h e day, a n d so only t h e
Let's remember we worked h a r d to get t h e College Union a n d it's up to us to keep it clean. 'Null
T h i s is station N.y.a.C.T. find
R a d i o Council t u n i n g in t h e news I " " " qualities of a person arc
T h i s y e a r t h e college b o o k s h o p will n o longer
of events in Albany a n d vicinity for i u c '^ c c l .
Also—State plays its first soccer g a m e next FriW c a r e
o p e r a t e on a c o - o p basis, which h a s b e e n t h e p r o - a n o t h e r year
anxious t h i 1 t t n c l l o s h
day a t R P I . How about a big t u r n o u t ?
c e d u r e for t h e l a s t four s e m e s t e r s . A p p r o x i m a t e l y
Bob Snyder h a s b r a n c h e d from learn to appreciate Uie lriendly a t mosphere of State so that they will
eleven h u n d r e d i n d i v i d u a l s or one-half of t h e p a t - his R.P.I. productions be
Book Exchange is now operating in the lower
able lo become p a r t of it a n d
ronizers of t h e book s t o r e , which i n c l u d e s t h e fac- a n d is now bringing you a show n a s s it on to each succeeding class. peristyle between Draper a n d Husted.
over t h e N.B.C. network featuring
ulties a n d s t u d e n t s of M i l n e School a n d S t a t e Col"America's Greatest B a n d s . " Listen Frosh camp, in my estimation, ac
Don't r u n out a n d buy a special briefcase for thai
lege, j o i n e d t h e d i v i d e n d s y s t e m .
undersized billboard you received in place of a stuto h i s program S u n d a y n i g h t s from compllshes this goal.
D u e t o t h e F a i r T r a d e s A c t , t h e c o - o p is forced 11:30 p . m. to 12 m i d n i g h t . S e p dent tax ticket! You will be given regular walletsized cards from your class t r e a s u r e r or S t u d e n t Board
to sell some of its m e r c h a n d i s e a t t h e s a m e price tember 23 he'll feature S h e p Fields;
of F i n a n c e in tlie n e a r future.
fyoctti. On ^Ite
t h a t it c o u l d b e p u r c h a s e d in a r e g u l a r retail s t o r e . S e p t e m b e r 30, R a l p h
October 7, J o h n n y Long. T h e show
P r e v i o u s l y , a n y p r o f i t s which w e r e m a d e , after will originate from t h e Crooked —
H a n g on frosh 'cuz your h a n d b o o k s a r e lost in an
d e d u c t i n g t h e cost of o p e r a t i o n , w e r e t u r n e d b a c k Lake Hotel in Avcrill P a r k , New Traditional receptions for fresh- unpenetrable forest, but hopes a r e high t h a t they
to t h e m e m b e r s of t h e co-op in t h e form of d i v i - York. T h e r e will be dancing from men will open t h e social season a t will see the light early next week.
d e n d s a t t h e e n d of t h e y e a r . T h o s e s t u d e n t s a n d 8 p . m . to 12:30 a. m . Admission S t a t e College.
will be $1.20, t a x included, a n d Local church receptions and the
faculty w h o d i d n ' t enroll in t h i s s y s t e m w e r e a c t All a r e welcome w h e t h e r male or female, stag or
reservations c a n be m a d e by call- Newman Club reception will open
ually a i d i n g t h o s e w h o d i d b e c o m e m e m b e r s of t h e ing t h e hotel.
drag, a t t h e big All College Reception where all it h e series tonight.
T h e Albany I n s t i t u t e of History
T h e All College Reception will be strictly a good time.
tomorrow night in the Student
T h e B o a r d of D i r e c t o r s of t h e c o r p o r a t i o n , of
will offer, starting on October 1, Union in Brubncher Hall,
which t h e college b o o k s t o r e is a m e m b e r , m a d e a a n
We lost our snake pit but. t h e c h a n g e pencilled
of t h e work of
T h e Hillel reception for freshmen
decision t o d i s c o n t i n u e t h e d i v i d e n d fund a n d r e - T w e n t y - t w o Painters of t h e West- will tie held tit Temple Israel, 18 both students a n d faculty due to a more efficient
place t h a t s y s t e m with t h e a l l o c a t i o n of t h e s u r - ern Hemisphere." T h e I n s t i t u t e is Federal Street. Sunday from 7 p.m. check out system a n d better library facilities in general. No more ping-pong balls d a n c i n g off our heads
Tuesday t h r o u g h S a t u r d a y to 10 p.m.
plus a t their d i s c r e t i o n to v a r i o u s o r g a n i z a t i o n s open
from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. a n d S u n T h e first SCA general meeting or being crunched under the feet of t h e ever grace( s u c h a s t h e College U n i o n a n d F r o s h C a m p ) in days from 2 p. m, to 6 p. m.
will be called to order in the Lounge ful "danseurs."
o r d e r t h a t m o r e s t u d e n t s m a y benefit from o u r
T h e J . Arthur R a n k Production, in Richardson 7:30 p.m. Thursday,
" T h e Tales of Hoffman," will be- September 27.
This year see., t h e rise of two new parties the
gin a r u n a t d i e Colonial T h e a t e r ,
T h e Commuters Club reception
C e n t r a l Avenue on T h u r s d a y . Sep- will be held Thursday, September M.M.B.'s (Move Minnie Backi a n d t h e A.L.F.'s 'At
W e s h o u l d like to e x t e n d o u r s y m p a t h y t o
t e m b e r 27. It's a brilliant t e c h n i - 27 in t h e afternoon in the Richard- Last t h e Face!i
color film featuring t h e Sadler son Lounge.
t h e family of C h e s t e r J . T e r r i l l w h o died
Did you know t h a t S t u d e n t Council took a vote
Wells Ballet Company a n d will
Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of
J u l y 2 0 , 1 9 5 1 . D u r i n g a period of t w e n t y - o n e
definitely be worth your keeping t h e College, a n d Mrs. Collins will on t h e issue a n d t h e M.M.B.'s won by a n unanimim.
y e a r s M r . T e r r i l l d e v o t e d faithful s e r v i c e , not
one n i g h t free to sec. A price r e - welcome t h e freshmen at the Pres- decision -Actually, t h e reason for Minerva's beam
only in t h e t e a c h i n g profession, b u t also a s
duction will be given to all stud- ident's
Reception, scheduled for moved was to facilitate a n easier passage ol traffic
e n t s . Tickets will be $1 a n d a r e on Friday, September 211, in Brubncher Irom t h e rotunda t h r o u g h D r a p e r Annex.
a p a t i e n t a n d kind a d v i s e r to t h e s t u d e n t s of
sale a t the Box Office now.
S t a t e College.
Dues tradition o u t r a n k necessity?
O n e of t h e m a n y c o n t r i b u t i o n s w h i c h lie
m a d e t o t h e s t u d e n t body w a s h i s offering
of s o u n d financial advice to S t u d e n t Hoard
ol F i n a n c e . H e c a p a b l y fulfilled t h e p o s i t i o n s
of T r e a s u r e r of t h e A l u m n i Association a n d
T r e a s u r e r of t h e H o l d i n g C o r p o r a t i o n . T h e
s t u d e n t s of St a 11- College will long r e m e m ber a n d respect M r . Terrill a s a t e a c h e r a n d
a friend.
in case you've been wondering, a n y profits t i n t
might accrue from t h e Co-op, Snack B a r or any other
limb ol the corporation will revert automatically to
ilie .students in other services.
.' li nilii-r
A-suf'l.lh'll 1 l l l l l ' l t l l l l i '
No. 1
ri i h,
,', . ,1 . I , n
• - •' ''
T i n II
!,• ,.,
I,i-il 1 ii, -.l.i.\
|, in HI _':::'._v, I'.M 11
i, • I I M
i i i i r i i - . ii'jisi->
Newman Hull receplion
7-11 Madison Avenue.
IVCF hike, vieihip,
Kililiir III I llli'f
I'lllllll' Itl'llllllinn l.illliii'
Spiii'li, I'lililui'
Sriiliii- S|Mirln Mi-iiilii-r
t i r r l l l i i l inn Miiniiui-r
1 in 1 ill,I'.illtur
A K H I H ' I I I I I ' l.illliii'
A K M H lull' 1 illlnr
V.h.lillll- I'jlllHI'
'' I1 "'•
' *^3^^'"
|ni l i e luiieii at
7:31) p i n .
" I" 1 1
An.HI.n mm
l''"st IVCK meeting in Room 23, l(i''hanl
m |( icl in i ils.u i Lounge.
for books in t h e Co-op t h i s semester, according to J o h n J . Morris, Jr.,
Manager of t h e Co-op. All t h e books
will be a r r a n g e d d e p a r t m e n t a l ^ o n
T h e line will e n t e r t h r o u g h t h e
former Publication Office.
buying books a r e requested t o leave
all other books, packages, a n d t e x t books outside of t h e Co-op. T h e
hours for t h e book store a r e 8:45
a.m. to 4 p.m. with n o n o o n t i m e
closing. Plans for a p e r m a n e n t
book store i n t h e former Publications Office a r e n e a r i n g completion.
: : :
: : :
: : : : : : : :
Campus Group
Lists Changes
'55 Will Attend
Orientation Class
h\ F. Honikel & Son
P h o n e 4-2036
157 Central Ave.
L. G. Balfour Co.
Club I'ins
1 ropliics
Medal •»
"Portrait At I t s F i n e s t "
o o t l r o w almost,
OPEN 9:1)0 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by a p p o i n t m e n t
h i t o(T m o r e t h a n lie c o u l d c h o w
w h e n lie t a c k l e d llie c i g a r e t t e t e s t s ! Bui lie p e e k e d
. * * * ?
Is i
a w a y 'til lie s m o k e d o u t t h e t n i i l i : S u c h a n
T E L E P H O N E 4-0017
i t e m a s mildness
c a u l lie t o s s e d olT in a
llt't'liiif; s e c o n d ! A " s w i f t s n i l l " o r a " p e r f u n c t o r y
p u l l " p r o v e s p r a c t i c a l l y n o t h i n g ! l i e , like m i l l i o n s of
s m o k e r s , f o u n d o n e test t h a t d o e s n ' t l e a v e y o u u p a t r e e .
tin' sensible-
. . . t h e ,'U)-I)ay C a m e l
Adams 82503
steady s m o k e — o n a day-after-tlay
IOC meeting, College
basis. N o s n a p
All Colli'",!' Uecepliiili lor l i e hiiiell III College I.iin,II. Isruljiii'liei Hull
SCA niecliiin
°-°P Modifier System
Test, which simply asks y o u to try Camels as your
ol Avenll
II a in
Special assembly, Pane
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests ;
Write ni' Call
3(1 Murray Ave. Waterford, N Y
l'-m I" Hillel n-epli.,11 lor He: lunch. Temple Is
t a i l . Ill I'Vdci'al Street.
All I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I ••••»--. -I , , | | | , | |„ .l.llll'l'.SM'll III llli' I ' l l l l l l l ' illUl
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I,,!' , i | , l | | | n l | , r\ |1|', .1,1',
M *||i'h ,'» | l l ' l " . » l ' II- ill
our $'12..'ill'.
College Calendar
l i K A t 1. s 111 II
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N O i t l S 1. ( A H t i l l . l .
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|,-U,. I'M' 'l f . • I n I-H ; |i i h l M i i ' , 1 i-M'i't
I'-ii' tin- Si IItU-iiI
M, I , I ,
hurray, we're
Myskania, t h e Senior Honorary
away"—but n o t with t h e m a n i n a n d transfers t o become a c q u a i n t e d Society, h a s issued t h e following
the little white coat. "We're all with o u r President, o u r Dean, a n d ruling i n r e g a r d t o s t u d e n t classidressed u p like a C h r i s t m a s p a c k - faculty m e m b e r s .
To eliminate confusion, s t u d e n t s fication, David Manly '52, C h a i r Several changes h a v e been m a d e age, cozy a n d warm"—but n o t in
will a t t e n d t h e reception a t differ- m a n of Myskania, h a s a n n o u n c e d .
in t h e college library a n d classroom our little straight jackets.
e n t times. These times will be a r - All s t u d e n t s will be classified a s
facilities. T h e college library h a s
This time we're going away t o
now been extended to include t h e the a n n u a l President's Reception, ranged in a n alphabetical m a n n e r a m e m b e r of t h e class (e.g. 1951) i n
former Commons in lower Hawley. Friday, September 28. F r e s h m e n will according t o t h e last n a m e s of t h e which they registered in S e p t e m b e r
New Commerce rooms h a v e also be escorted t o t h e m a i n lounge a t guides.
a n d will r e m a i n in t h a t class u n t i l
D o n ' t l e t these few hectic first J u n e unless they c h a n g e t h e i r class
been added to Draper Hall by way Brubacher, n o t by white-coated
of t h e extension In t h e r e a r of t h e men, b u t by their b i g sisters a n d
s t a n d i n g in t h e Registrar's office
with " t h e m a n i n t h e little white
coat." Forget your troubles, s h r u g a n d notify Myskania. T h e ruling
According to Mary E. Cobb, Col"All dressed up like a C h r i s t m a s off your cares, wait a week a n d go h a s been m a d e in order t o clarify
lege Librarian, t h e library e x t e n - package" means best bib a n d tuckt h e class classification of s t u d e n t s .
sion will be a reserve r e a d i n g room er for all. Girls will have t h e c h a n c e away to t h e President's Reception.
where all education books will be to model their dreamy n e w P a r i s
: :': :-x-: : : :::rx':::>^N.:::;;"X-•••:•:.:.'::.::::^^^
kept on open file so as t o facilitate creations. B u t if limited s u m m e r
;v: :v: : : :v;v: ; ; ; ; . ; , ;^^^
service. Both reserve a n d loan books earnings make t h a t creation only
except those in t h e 200's a n d 400's a dream, literally, d o n ' t feel blue.
m a y be obtained in this d e p a r t m e n t . Take t h e little black n u m b e r from
T h e library in Hawley will serve a s the closet, don h a t , heels, a n d
a reading a n d reference room where gloves, a n d you will be all set.
reference books a n d bound periodiT h a t "Christmas p a c k a g e look"
cals will be kept.
T h e procedure for acquiring a shouldn't be taken to h e a r t by t h e
book will be to use t h e reference male population. How shocking if
cards in t h e catalog file in Hawley. they should turn up sporting green
T h e title, author, a n d call n u m b e r of trousers, red jackets, a n d argyles
the desired book should be w r i t t e n and ties to match. For m e n t h e n e a t
on a call slip a n d given to t h e L i - conservative look is best.
Wliile attire is i m p o r t a n t , it isn't
b r a r i a n in t h e reading room in lower Hawley, Miss Cobb h a s a n n o u n c - the principle aim of t h e reception.
The basic purpose is to enable frosh
T h e Commerce building extension
to t h e north of D r a p e r Hall h a s
been organized to house t h e A n cient a n d Modern L a n g u a g e D e p a r t m e n t s and the M a t h e m a t i c s Department, as well as t h e Commerce
D e p a r t m e n t . T h e Social Studies D e p a r t m e n t is located on second a n d
third floor of Draper Hall, while t h e
new Commons,
d e p a r t m e n t s of English a n d Edu- occupies two laige rooms a n d is location a r e in Richardson. A list of cated near the cafeteria in t h e Forthese new room a s s i g n m e n t s may be mer Annex in Husted Hall, will be
obtained in t h e Registrar's Office. in operation next week, according to F a i t h Hanson '54, Secretary
of Campus Commission.
mail boxes will be ready for use
and tlie coke m a c h i n e s a n d victrola will also be operating by this
time. T h e old Commons in Hawley
Hall is now part of t h e Library.
T h e first of t h e weekly freshmen
T h e rules for traffic on tlie D r a orientation programs will be held
per stairways will be formulated
in t h e auditorium a t 3:35 p.m. Monwithin tlie next two weeks. T h e r e
day. According to Dr. Ellen C.
will be signs posted in t h e halls to
Stokes, Dean of Women, all freshdirect the traffic on t h e stairways.
men must, attend.
For the benefit of tlie freshmen,
Press Bureau will request t h e the traditional procedure of Senfreshmen to till out forms listing iors passing out of assembly first,
their major a n d minor subjects, followed by Juniors, Sophomores,
their e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r activities, a n d and freshmen will be observed in
other information required for t h e assembly today. No o n e will be a l Press Bureau files. Press
Bureau lowed to enter or leave t h e a u d i t o r uses t h e information
in sending ium after assembly h a s s t a r t e d .
news to the s t u d e n t s ' h o m e - t o w n
Orientation classes will be held
evrey Monday at 3:35 p.m. during
the first, semester. T h e i r purpose
is to help the freshmen to become
acquainted with S t a t e customs.
Cobb Announces Policy
For Libtary Extension
September 21, 1851
What is ilie break-down
College Extends Green Frosh Will Don 'Best Bibs Manly Releases
Student Facilities To Attend President's Reception Myskania Rule
Roses tn I lie administration for tin efficient registration .\\ u r n bill a lit i U- m u d is in tinier for rank
l H g k r l shown by t h e loss of i n a l schedules a n d the
h o l m e on the pari ol someone l.o notit,\ the incoming. Seniors of t h e nates of their practice leaching
i onterenccs,
FRIDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 , 1 0 8 1
Itltl:.\KI AST
I , I N ( IIES
j u d g m e n t s ! O n c e y o u ' v e e n j o y e d C a m e l s for ,'i() d a y s
in y o u r " T - X o n e " ( T for T h r o a t , T for T a s t e ) ,
you'll see why . . .
After all the Mildness tests..
Camel hods all other brands byhif/ions
Pupils To Enroll Gibson Plans
In Driver Course Lock Allocaf/on
The first driver training class will
be held today at 12:35 p.m„ announces Thomas R. Gibson, Professor of Health and Director of
Driver Education. A new training
car has been obtained for use of the
students in laboratory periods.
There is room for a few more
people in the class. Any student
who wishes to Join and has neglected to sign up may Join by going to
the class meeting in Room 23, Richardson, today at 12:35 p.m.
Kapner Will Offer
Insurance In Draper
Students' Accident and Sickness
Reimbursement Insurance policies
will be available during the next
two weeks in lower Draper, according to Arthur Kapner, Insurance
Agent. The policy Is underwritten
by the Mutual Benefit Health and
Signs will be posted on the va- Accident Association.
rious bulletin boards as to the hours Mr. Kapner will receive fees from
and locations at which the locks 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from Monand lockers may be secured. Stu- day, September 24 through Friday,
September 28 and from Tuesday,
dents are urged to obtain their October 1 through Friday, October
lockers as quickly as possible due 5. New policies will be effective until September 23, 1952.
to the limited supply.
Lockers will be issued to individual students this year, Thomas R.
Gibson, Professor of Health and Director of Driver Education, has announced. Equipment clerks will assign lockers and issue the locks.
Shaw Announces
Fulbright Deadline
The last day for filing applications under the Fulbright Act,
Which provides fellowships to permit
one year of study in certain foreign
countries, is Sunday, October 15, according to Dr. Edward P. Shaw,
Professor of Modern Languages and
Fulbright Adviser.
Nineteen grants offered to United
States graduate and undergraduate
students by the Mexican government will be available for study in
Mexico during the academic year
beginning 1952. Applications must
be in by October 15. Interested persons may obtain further information from Dr. Shaw, Draper Hall.
A D Class To Schedule
Play Tryouts, Rehearsals
Rehearsals for the first Advanced
Dramatics plays are being planned,
according to Agnes E. Futterer, Assistant Professor of English. A signup sheet for try-outs will be posted
on the Advanced Dramatics bulletin
board. Try-outs are open to all college students.
The Advanced Dramatics class
puts on eighteen plays, each of the
eighteen members of the class having an opportunity to direct one of
them during the school year. The
first play is scheduled for the middle of October, Miss Futterer has
It has been a long and lonely August and September, but Monday we were gratified to find that once again we were having
difficulty hearing ourselves think, that we were endorsing
Freshman checks made out for astronomical sums, that there
were once again students in NYSCT.
For these returning students who have forgotten the Co-op (as
if anyone could) and for the new students we present, for your
examination, a partial list of Co-op supplies and services:
BINDERS: (60c and up)
We have heard the comment that text books are expensive,
and they are, we suppose, if you compare their price with the
price of cigarettes or of beer at Olendorfs. But if you look at
text books in their proper light they are cheap . . . dirt cheap.
Total up your fixed college expenses: board, room, clothing,
laundry, etc. What percentage of your total College expense is
spent on Books? A very small percentage, indeed. (Figure it out
for yourself, we'll wager it doesn't come to more than 10',; ). So,
why, when the expense is so slight (percentage-wise) handicap
yourself with less than the best, less than a new book from the
Loose leaf binders come in assorted sizes, 11 x 8*/2, 10'/2 x 8,
9 x 6 , 8'/;. x 5i/.j inches. The prices range from 60c to $3.75 and
no one can beat the quality.
ZIPPER BINDERS: ($1.50 and aup)
No greater aid or supplement to the learning processes than
the Barnes-Noble College outline series books on every subject.
Need we say more?
The government (federal) considers zipper binders as luggage and they have placed a 20% tux on these items. But even
if the government gets their 20%, you still can't get better buys
than ours. Prices $1.50 and tax and up. Jule for the best in
leather and Stebco for the best in plastics. (Stebco products are
unconditionally guaranteed for FIVE YEARS.
TYPEWRITERS: ($68.00 and up. Rental
$4.501 mo. for portable $5.001 mo.
for standards)
Everyone cannot afford a new typewriter, but for those who
can, let us say, we carry only the best, Royal and Smith-Corona.
We also buy used machines, rent machines, etc.
College Specialties
We have in stock many college specialties for student use,
from felt animals to State Cigarette Lighters. Come in, look
them over.
^ ..
Pen Repair
Typewriter Rental
Jewelry and Watch Repair
Photo Developing and Printing
Magazine Subscription Service
Catalog Order Service
If someone asks you who runs the Co-op don't say J. J. Mor-
Those men taking gym will find a complete lino of gym
equipment in the Co-op at fair prices.
ris, and don't say Faculty-Student Association; say that the
students run the store. Without the support of the students wo
cannot exist and unless we offer you our best . . . we cannot justify that existence.
Of course we carry school supplies from pencils to scotchtape, ink to pens, fillers to mimeo. You name it. If we are out
of stock temporarily on any item, you can be sure we will have
it for you soon.
Very truly yours,
J. J. Morris, Jr.
Manager of:
Garcia Preps Soccer Squad For Tough Schedule;
Veteran Team Engage Engineers In Opening Game
Al 9 See 9t
Strickland And Nunez Lead Club;
Uarr.e At Army JV Features Slate
An open letter to the Class of
1955 . . .
You are quite fortunate to be the
first class to enter the "new" State
College. Our new buildings are wonderful and will certainly be given all
the care and respect that this student body has; they are the result
of a lot of hard work by our College and State leaders. These new
conveniences are something that
have arisen from aii exterior source
other than the student body itself;
true, we are paying fees for the
service rendered, but it is not beyond our reasoning to know that
it is an advantage that was given
to us, not something we created
The present student body has
done a bang-up job in treating
Strickland and Nunez discussing plans with Coach Garcia.
something that is really essential
to any college. They have helped
to build an athletic program a majority of the college takes pride in.
They have worked hard on this project and arc producing better results with each succeeding year. The
present upperclassmen have given
their time, effort, and even their Women's Athletic Association will
dollars, to secure the present set start the ball rolling on Saturday,
up. We have no great teams or any September 29 with its annual Frosh
hopes of producing them. We are Frolic, according to Jonn Haggerty
ill a thrilling exhibition of "guts
a small college and we know it, but '52. President. Kickoff time will be .softball," the power laden State
we also know that "good things at 10:30 a.m. at Camp Johnston. College Faculty stymied a last ditch
come in little packages."
General chairman of the event is rally oy the Green Gremlins of '55
Three years ago, this school had Phebe Fuller '52, assisted by Bet- to squeeze l.y in a tight 9-8 contest
one major varsity sport and that ty Coykcndall '53 and Anna Apos- played at Men's Frosh Camp last
was mediocre, to say the least In tolides '52. All frosh women are in- Saturday.
the succeeding years, we have added vited to come and get acquainted
The winning pitcher was righttwo varsity sports which have been and join in on the fun. Final plans handed Gene McLaren, who pitched
nothing but successful. Joe Garcla's will be announced on the WAA bul- a spotty game mid finally wilted
Soccer and Wrestling teams have letin board.
completely in tlie last frame, he was
gained added laurels for our college.
According to Miss Haggerty, the replaced by Milton Olson, whose
Our Bowling team made a clean following Fall intramural program screwball proved too much for the
sweep of the Intercollegiate League will go into effect this week. Upper- tree-swinging Frosh.
and really "cashed in" at the New classmen are urged to notice the
The game was featured by the
York State Tournament. The Men's changes in schedule.
i on.sistent battin.; of Merlin HathaAthletic Association has been freed
Hockey will be played on I he
of the shackles Student Association Dorm Field on Monday and Thurs- way, who popped three soft flies
held over it. The interest and cali- day from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and to the second sacker for a perfect
bre of play in the IM cycle has Saturdays from 10 a.m. lo 12 noon. day a i the plate.
picked up immensely. It cannot be Captains are Marylin Burke '53 and
In the fourth, when the faculty
denied that our sports program is Pat Zylko '54. Soccer will also be was tallying six times, the most
growing in quality as well as in played on the Dorm Field Tuesday. spectacular batting feat of the day
quantity. There is no better blue Wednesday, and Friday. 3:30 p.m. was turned in. "Hot, Shot" Ed Sabol
print lor your class to follow.
to 5:30 li.m. Willi Bnz/.ie Burke '54 ara . ed a two out bunt towards
This expansion is an expression and Kay Oberest, Sophomores, in to tally the final run of the
of the present student body's de- charge, Volleyball will be played on stanza. It seems on this play that
sires to raise our athletic program tlie Field Tuesday and Thursday Mr. Newman of the Frosh was supto the prominence it deserves. We from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and in I o.-ed to held the ball, but someare still in the growing stage and I tlie Page Gymnasium on Wednes- how never made it.
urge you to utilize that which we day evening from 7 p.m. to 9:30
It was obvious that the freshman
have created for ourselves with the p.m. A cup will be presented to tlie squad was confused throughout
same enthusiasm you have shown victors. Girls interested in playing the contest, perhaps this was
for our other "new" additions.
in I his league should consult Faith caused by Director Dave Sliepard's
We cannot ask for better co-op- Hanson '54 or Anna Christodulu '53. interesting yet confusing, lecture on
eration from the Administration. Finally, tennis under tlie direction mess hall rolction.
President Collins and Mr. Hatha- of Beverly Pranitls '53, will be playThis was not the cause for the
way have spent many an hour ed Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 confusion thai surrounded Jolt in'
working on this operation. II is an p.m. lo 5:30 p.m. in Washington Joe Garcia. The young tiger from
All-College movement that war- Park.
Ohio was the only oilier member of
Tentative plans have been made the a' •ieiil Faculty nine besides
rants your attention and support.
I hope you can do in much for lor sign-up sheets lo be placed on Clem
go hitless.
sports at .Slate as the classes of Til llie WAA bulletin board tor the folIhrough T>-1 have done, are doing, lowing clubs: fencing, archery, rid- ({am Curbs Women's Sports
and will do. THE OPPORTUNITY ing, and hiking. Individual hours
Women's Frosh Camp, in contrast
IS YOURS, TAKE ADVANTAGE anil days will be arranged by the to the hi lily successful organizarespi
tion and routine at Men's Frosh
Camp, was in a chaotic state. All
or ant 'c.l sports bein ; raincd-out
Intramural Program Off To A Fast Start; : y ;m almost constant drizzle.
•piriK however, were not damMAA Adopts Nine-Man Touch Football
I i ni'd ;iiul the Gremlins carried on
-.ill-all, basketball, and volleyball
Quite a bit of conversation has
been going mound about the pro- This action is lo insure an early with pickup teams.
posed plan of adopting nine-man start l"i the !M pigskin Inters and sports rci ncd supreme, with badfootball m the Intriiniunil league lo take lull advantage ot the rc- minion, tennis, and archery hlghthis Fall. It is now oflictal thai this miiining weeks ol daylight saving li'.'.htui the program. Canoeing, a
t,\pe of football will replace the six- tone Too many close ball games new-comer to the water sports also
proved to be popular.
liu.n game here at Slate. League were lost in the dark last year.
Manager George Schaerll a inouncA complete set ol the new rules
ed last night that he and Coach will lie published m next week's isHalhaway have approved such a sue. The general points ol the sixman game will be retained. Tlie esiSl,,p
The new stylo of plav employs a scntial characteristic being iliaiilic
Sidney Feltman, Ph.G.
live man line and a regulation quur- runner is not downed until lie is
M7 Western Ave. Albany, N, V.
let of back:, This is delimlelv a touched below the waist sunulliinPhone ti-HlilO
move to improve the calibre ol play eoiislly by both the hands ol one
and should be equally as interest- ot the delensive team.
Ing from the spectator standpoint
The bulk ol the new ticshnicn
Kchaertl lias advised all prosper- should present the upperelassmen
live I.'IUII captains lo sign up on With sonic .a w competition in as
the MAA bulletin board and give much as everyone will be starting
the name ol their lean, al that Iron, scratch u. this new type ol
time The minimum number olpla.\ It is doubtlul Unit ast years
players on each squad will be twelve champs, the Angels will score a
and the maximum will be eighteen repeal triumph. then two oulsUmd150 Central Ave.
George stressed the lad thai the nig pcrtormeis Pete Hawkins and
deadline for signing up would be Mike Bilo», will not be returning to
Monday, September 24, at 4:30 p.m. college this year.
Data Released Gremlins Edged
On WAA Frolic Out By Faculty
A t Frosh Camp
Exerting every possible effort to
round his men Into shape and to
select a varsity squad, Head Soccer
Coach Joe Garcia will emhark on
the toughest schedule State's Soccer squad has had thus far with
an exhibition game at RPI on September 29.
Garcia, who since he came here a
year ago has produced three winning teams, soccer, wrestling and
J.V. basketball, will build his team
around a nucleus of 15 returning
lettermen which will be co-captained by Raoul Nunez and Dean
Strickland. Both of these men won
all-state honors last year as a result of steady play. Raoul was selected for center forward on the
second team and "Curly" as righthalf on the third team. This duo,
along with Tom King, Ralph Adams, Red McCormick, Al Cannon
and Ben Button will be the mainstay of the starting squad.
Meyer Shows Promise
One of the most promising freshmen candidates from whom Coach
Garcia expects considerable help is
Jerry Meyer from N' ith Rose. Jerryhas had two years of High School
Varsity competition and was a
member of the County Championship squad in 1949. He is 5 foot 10
State At Stake?
New Sport Added
Brubacher Hall, New Draper,
and the Class of 1955 are not
the only new additions to State
College this year. The Sports
Staff and MAA have come up
with a baby of their own. These
two organizations are collaborating to give the College its
First, Annual IM Horseshoe
Tournament! The present plans
call for the construction of six
horseshoe courts in the vicinity
of the new Dorm Field. Here
we plan to hold a month-long
t interest
and crown an All - College
Champ in the Singles and Doubles Sections. If the fair sex
shows enough interest we will
gladly add another section.
That, of course, being Mixed
The tournament will be played in match style. Each loser
will automatically be eliminated.
When the field is lowered to four
contestants they will advance to
tlie finals by winning three out
of five games, the finals will be
determined on the same basis.
The finalists will meet in another
five game set. So limber up that
tossln' arm!
inches, weighs 155 pounds and plays
at right forward. The remainder of
the squad will probably be chosen
from George Smalling, Walt Render, Hank Berleth, Ben Button,
Phil Billings, Danny Joy, Ed Costillo, Bill Adams and Arnold Dansky,
all of whom are veterans of last
year's squad.
Also seeking varsity berths are
the following upper classmen: Art
Goldin, Dick Tennyson, Pete Telfer, Jim Bailey, and Fran Rodgers.
Army Highlights Season
This year's schedule will be featured by a game with Army's J. V.
booters. If the Statesmen can turn
in a successful showing in this contest, there is a good possibility that
in '52 they will get a crack at the
West Point Varsity and perhaps
become a regular part of the Army
schedule. Another soccer powerhouse that State will take on is
Brockport State Teachers, an outstanding soccer school of the East.
This season's slate consists of
eight games, with two open dates,
a possible ten game total. If the
budget will allow, there will also be
a four or five game J. V. schedule
against teams in the local area.
The Junior Peds will be coached
by Dave Wetherby and include
among its members Fran Schatzle,
Dick Bailey, Dave McKay, Joe McDowell, Joe Stella, George Wood,
Leonard Lewis, and Donald Barrett. At the time this edition went
to press, these men were still competing for varsity berths, and some
of them may help to round out the
Hi or 18 man squad Garcia intends
to carry.
Coach Works Hard on Schedule
Joe has done an exceptional job
in comprising such a fine card of
games. Handicapped by the budget
procedure, he had to turn down
possible contests with such Metropolitan powers as Pratt, Queens
College, and Brooklyn College as
well as other strong soccer squads
in '.he New England States.
present he is negotiating with a
couple of these schools in an effort
to fill the two open dates on our
The season finale with Plattsburg
State will be an annual affair. This
move was adopted by both schools
to create a competition that will
be both consistent and friendly.
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Mathews Issues
Placement Report
O f Graduates
Japanese Reverses " G o Wesf",
Comes East For Re-Orientation
Qacsdtf QootnoUl
Dr. Milton Olson, Director of Education, will make a trip to O n e o n t a
Monday. While there, h e
serve as c h a i r m a n of a panel of
h i g h school principals and businessElmer C. M a t h e w s , Director of m e n discussing business education
t h e T e a c h e r P l a c e m e n t Bureau h a s in t h e high school.
released t h e n a m e s of those gradSeveral members of t h e faculty
uates receiving recent placements in traveled in Europe this summer.
teaching positions.
Dr. Minnie Scotland, Professor of
T h e following members of the Biology, visited G r e a t B r i t a i n and
Class of '51 a r e listed: Charles Hub- t h e Scandinavian capitals. Dr. C a bard, Preeport, Commerce; Georgi- roline Lester, Assistant Professor of
n a Maginess, Averill Park, Com- M a t h e m a t i c s , Miss Helen J a m e s ,
merce; Theodore Bayer , Tupper Assistant College Librarian, a n d
Lake, C o m m e r c e ; a n d J o a n Perine, Miss Mildred J a c k m a n , Milne Lib r a r i a n toured Norway, D e n m a r k ,
Bay Shore, G r a d e 4.
England, a n d Scotland. While in
G r a d u a t e s completing the list Scotland, they attended t h e g a t h e r a r e ; Anthony Dovey, Pine Plains ing of t h e clans a t Edinsborough.
C e n t r a l School, J u n i o r High M a t h e - Dr. R u t h Hutchins, Assistant P r o matics, English; Leslie Kenny, West fessor of Art, and Miss R u t h R o b Winfield, English; Joseph Crucilla, erts, Instructor in English m e t in
Valley S t r e a m , English, Spanish, London a n d visited the British Isles,
a n d D r a m a ; E d w a r d Jadatz, North P r a n c e , a n d Switzerland. O n tour
Square, Social Studies;
Charles they attended art, d r a m a a n d music
Margolin, Sayville,
Mathematics; festivals.
N o r m a Miller, Gilboa, Social StudMiss Annette Dobin, Assistant
ies, English; William Walker, Sara n a c Lake, Social Studeis; Mary Professor of Modern Languages, is
English, on leave of absence. She will spend
Social Studies, and J e a n Sinclair, t h e year in Paris serving as a DiVassar College In Poughkeepsie, Li- rectress of the Sweet Briar F r e n c h
Don't t u r n over in your grave, • r e o r i e n t a t i o n p r o g r a m for students
Horace Greely, but your m o t t o is from J a p a n a n d t h e R y u k u Islands.
all wet. T h e United S t a t e s Army, W h a t h a s all this to do w i t h S t a t e
working in affiliation with t h e I n - College? Because of this program
stitute of I n t e r n a t i o n a l Education,
we now h a v e in our midst a young
h a s replaced "Go West, young m a n
Tokyo!te, Yurio Kobayashi.
with a beckoning "Come
young a n d old men and women."
With 449 others, Yurio arrived in
S a n Francisco this J u n e . They were
This all adds up to one t h i n g : a quite a varied crew, t h o u g h mostly male (only eighty women), with
ages r a n g i n g from n i n e t e e n to forty.
S a n Francisco wasn't altogether
strange to Yurio since he h a d been
Dr. Edward Shaw, Professor of born t h e r e .
H a v i n g left the city
Modern Languages, returned T h u r s - a t six years of age, he found many
day, September 13, from a two day surprises. O n e was t h e a b u n d a n c e of
conference in New York City. T h e r e automobiles. Yurio saw, not stars,
he acted as Interpreter for T r a n but cars, a n d plenty of them. Yet
Van Huu, Prime Minister of Viet- he c a m e to realize t h a t in a large
N a m ni Indo China.
city a car was more t h a n just a n other luxury; it became a necessity.
Dr. Shaw attended the conference
"They t h i n k they are so poor,
and served in this capacity a t the
request of Governor Dewey's sec- but they a r e so rich," commented
retary. For two days it was his duty Yurio K o b a y a s h i about our Amerito interpret for Van Huu a n d for can s t u d e n t s . Even if we have to
the twelve others in his delegation, work our way t h r o u g h college, we
who came to New York after a t - have such t r e m e n d o u s
tending t h e peace parley in S a n And after taking a gander at B r u bacher, how right he is!
Shaw Assists Parley
As Special Interpretor
stationed in front of D r a p e r a t 7
p. m. to escort the students to t h e
various churches. Receptions a r e b e ing held at the Congregational,
First Reformed, Baptist, Episcopal,
Presbyterian, L u t h e r a n and M e t h odist churches, according to Miss
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
is planning a hike and supper in
the vicinity of Averill P a r k in conjunction with the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute group of t h e organization tomorrow afternoon, a c cording to Elinor Boice '54, VicePresident. Students wishing to a t tend should plan to meot at Emerv's
F a r m which is located near the park.
T h e first of the regular T h u r s day noon meetings of I n t e r - V a r s i t y
Christian Fellowship will take place
T h u r s d a y in Room 23, Richardson.
Miss Boice has announced t h a t
Rev. F r a n k Churubini of the T r i n ity Presbyterian Church in S c h e nectady has been engaged as guest
speaker for the occasion. Rev. C h u r ubini will address those a t t e n d i n g
the meeting on the topic "How C a n
I Know There Is a God."
&ktrm'a &mofee &fjop
?/a? Chesterfield
<&w. ./v ./fog \k$\\
Religious Clubs Open
Semester's Activities
IGC Sponsors
Book Collection
In Draper Hall
Berlin Free University
To Receive Textbooks
I n t e r - G r o u p Council will serve as
the local agency for collecting volumes of books for t h e Books For
Freedom drive sponsored by t h e
National Conference of C h r i s t i a n s
and Jews and World B r o t h e r h o o d ,
Joseph Lombard! '53, President, h a s
announced. Books For F r e e d o m is a
nation-wide drive to collect college
textbooks for the newly organized
Free University of Berlin.
Books For Freedom is making this
appeal for voluntary contributions
of vitally needed textbooks to p u b lishers, colleges, universities, learned
societies, and industrial organizations. T h e campaign will be conducted by the National c o n f e r e n c e
of Christians and Jews and World
Erotherhood, an organization formed last year in Paris to reduce the
hostilities caused by national, religious, and cultural differences and
to aid the renaissance of democracy
thai is taking place in the Free
7 X
Skit Dramatizes
Daze At State
Fun-loving gremlins t u r n e d
out in full force a t Saturday
night's All-College
Highspot of t h e evening, with
strawberry punch r u n n i n g a
close second, was t h e skit p r e sented in t h e Main Lounge.
four - year
m a r c h lo a higher education,
t h e classes were shown a t t h e
height of their struggle. Frosh
bewailed t h e "Is someone following
"Now Is t h e Hour" Sophs worked on their IJig-4.
"The Thunderous Thespians"
(Juniors) sported painfully a c quired wisdom in a little "Bluebird of Happiness" advice Seniors, in "Slaughter on Western
Avenue," pantomime,1 Ihe trials
of a PTer. Dismissing his class
to the strains of "I Didn't Know
t h e Gun Was Lo.uled," he
marched t r i u m p h a n t l y I'rcnri the
Such is the life at State.
After seeing t h e skit, wonder
how many frosh will transfer?
Student Council
W i l l Organize
Union Committee
F R I D A Y , SEPTEMBER 2 8 , 1951
Collins Will W e i come Freshmen
A t Traditional Reception Tonight
Student Guides
To Accompany
Incoming Class
Garside Leads
State University
As President
An announcement m a d e by Alvin
C. Carmichael, C h a i r m a n
State University's Board of T r u s tees, has disclosed t h a t Charles
Garside has been apointed Acting
of State University of
New York. Garside assumed his duties Saturday, September 1, when
the resignation of Alvin C. Eurich,
the former President, became effective.
Garside lias been an active m e m ber of the Board of Trustees since
the University was established in
1948. He has served on the Executive
Committee and as C h a i r m a n of the
Board's Committee on Medical Education Centers.
was graduated
Princeton University with the B.S.
degree and received the LL.B. degree from Cornell University. He
was the Army member of the J o i n t
Army Navy Board lor Training
Unit Contracts during 1944 and
1945. In this capacity he supervised
the Army's contractual
with the colleges and universities of
the country.
At present he is serving on the
Advisory Council of the D e p a r t m e n t
of History at. Princeton Univer/.ty
and is also a member of the Advisory Committee, Ditson F u n d . Columbia University. Garside is also
President of Associated
Service in New York.
S t u d e n t s To Contribute Textbooks
S t u d e n t s arc urged to contribute
textbooks in English or G e r m a n covering all college subjects; technical
books dealing with every type of
profession, a n d books interpreting
American life and thought. T h e s e
A commission to execute the rules
bonks will provide the basis for the
University's new library to be built governing the College Union will be
with funds contributed by the Ford organized, it was decided a t S t u d e n t Council meeting
evening. S t u d e n t Council also p l a n T h e Free University of Berlin was ned the agenda for today's asscmestablished in the American sector bly, and appointed students to suof Berlin to serve in place or the pervise rivalry activities. A Mysold university now located in the kania decision declaring the Debate
Russian sector. It rises on the site Council elections of 1951 null and
of the old Kaiser Wilheim I n s t i t u t e void was approved by S t u d e n t
an:l will accommodate (i.OOO s t u d - Council.
ents, half of whom come from the
T h e organizations sharing the
Russian sector traveling across the
College Union will be categorized
boundary lines each day.
into publications, activities and dep a r t m e n t a l clubs. Boards composed
IGC To Collect Books
Pooks will be collected by m e m - of members from each organization
bers of IGC in lower Draper be- will elect one person from each c a t ginniir; this Monday and during egory to represent t h a t category on
Information concerning t h e plans
the next two weeks. S t u d e n t s who a Union Board, which will decide of the uppcrclassmen lias been rewish to give books but can not the rules to govern activities at the i,,a,s(,cl b y Robert Donnelly '52 and
bring them to school should con- Union.
Neil Brown '54. T h e
tact I.ombardi who will a r r a n g e to
T h e movie taken of S l a t e College class news lias been released by Vichave them collected.
last spring and produced by Dr. torin Baldino, Myskania Advisor to
Floyd Henrickson, Professor of Ed- the freshman class.
ucation, will be shown in assembly
Robert Donnelly, President of the
today. It h a s already beei shown C i a s s of '52, stales that Senior picat Frosh C a m p .
tures are being taken October 3, 4
F r e s h m e n elected to serve on ri and 5.
Neil Brown, President of the Class
valry committees a r e : Banner, Ger
aid Meyer, Gerald McDonald, Ger of '54 has announced that Alfred
Myskania has released the proced- aid Helm, and DeWitt Combs. Rob- Clemente was recently elected as
ure for sending warnings and the ert De Michael '55 was appointed Social Chairman of ihe Sophomore
penalties for violation of the Col- Men's Athletic
Donna class.
lege t radii ions, David Manly '52, Hughes '55 is Oirls' Athletic DirectAccording to Victoria
C h a i r m a n , has announced. T h e body or. Gloria Kneeiie and Marjory the first freshman class meeting will
has also issued a ruling in settle- Gesner, freshmen, are in charge of be held in Room 2(1, Tuesday at.
ment of the
problem of Debate freshmen skits. Louis Vion '53 was noon. The leaders for Campus Day
Council's two const it ut ions.
appointed Activities Day chairman. Activities will then be announced.
aeeepl utile
sending warnings In Myskania is
listed below:
1. T h e warning must he placed In
a sealed envelope in the Myskania
li. T h e warning must include the
La vie en green seems lo be Ihe Delta house. Even the woodwork is
following information: full n a m e of
violator, n a t u i e in offense, d a t e , rule in sorority redecorating at- lavender. Another one color room
hour, location, and the n a m e of the tempts. Green kitchens, green b a t h - is the "blue room" al Psi ( l a m i n a .
Gumma Kappa Phi now has a
rooms, green living rooms, they
person issuing warning.
have them all. Varnishing, clean- 1-u-r-g-e living
li. A person can receive only one ing, "putting a lew shingles on the Kaps took out their little h a m m e r s
warning for u violation at a certain porch," seem lo constitute most and energetically knocked out Ihe
Newman partition between tlit- living room
T h e penalties for violations of and Pierce Halls are not green with and ante room >
traditions are as follows:
To aid in personal redecorating
envy. They, too, received face liftthe Alpha Epsilon Phi house has
First offense: Warning from Mys- ings.
T h e kitchen in the Beta Zela new maple dressers and mirrors
"Most distinguished street" could
in light
.Second of tense: Warning
from house has been painted
Myskania and publication of the green, with touches of yellow; ditto very well apply lo Western Avenue,
violators n a m e m the Stale College for Chi Sighiu T h e t a . Sigma Lamb- since thai hallowed ground has beda Sigma, not lo be outdone by les come home lor three more Greek
I'eilimes, also has a green kitchen. societies: Kappa Delta Rho, ( l a m Third offense: Public apology be- A touch ol originality here: the ina Kappa Phi. and Chi Sigma
fore Student Asosciution
Sons ol Lambda
I rimmed theirs Theta. Kappa Beta ha.-, transferred
Freshmen will be required lo wear Willi while.
all earthly possessions to O n t a r i o
beanies from » a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
A lavender bedroom is one of Ihe Street, i Among said possessions is
(Continui d on Page c>, Column d> m a i n conversation topics at Ihe Phi a new TV set. >
Class Leaders
Release Plans
Myskania Issues
Warning System
T h e a n n u a l President's Reception
for f r e s h m e n will commence a t 8
p.m. this evening in t h e m a i n lounge
of t h e new S t u d e n t Union a t Brubacher Hall, according to Dr. Ellen
C. Stokes, D e a n of Women. Dr. Evan
R. Collins, President of t h e college,
will be p r e s e n t to lead t h e reception line In t h e official welcoming
of the Class of '55 by t h e Administration.
President of the College
Crosby To Talk
At Zone Forum
A Public Relations Forum sponsored by CASDA (Capital Area
School Development
and the Eastern Zone Public Relations Committee will be held S a t urday, October G. 1951 at 9 i.m. in
Brubacher Hall, according to Dr.
Joseph Lease. Professor of Education. T h e main speaker of the meeting will be Dr. Otis B. Crosby, a u thor of ••Campaigns Triumph,'' who
is one of the foremost
' experts in
this country in t h e field of public
school relations.
Representatives from the Lieutena n t Governor's office, from
State D e p a r t m e n t
and from t h e
Commerce D e p a r t m e n t
among the c o n s u l t a n t s to the teachers and students present at the
meeting. Seniors and G r a d u a t e s of
State are urged to a t t e n d this area
The purpose of this forum is to
plan an educational program, for
the public schools, t h a t every teacher will be able to defend. If is hoped
that this meeting will provide an
opportunity for public school teachers and experts to review and share
lcaching experiences, to appraise
needs as related to education, and to
explore Ihe possibilities of legisla-
S t u d e n t s To Note Schedule
Since last year's procedure helped to avoid t h e long waiting line,
the same a r r a n g e m e n t will be used
this year. S t u d e n t Guides
freshmen are asked to follow t h e
following schedule: students whose
names begin with A-G will meet
the P r e s i d e n t from 8-8:30 p.m.; with
G - P , from 8:30-9 p.m.; a n d with
P-Z, a t 9 p.m. S t u d e n t s are asked
to note t h a t t h e schedule is arranged according to t h e last name
of t h e
S t u d e n t Guides.
members a n d g r a d u a t e students are
invited to t h e reception.
O t h e r s on the receiving line will
be Mrs.
Dean of W o m e n ; a n d William Wiley '52, P r e s i d e n t of S t u d e n t Association. P e t e r Teller a n d Marjorie
Alguire, Juniors, C o - c a p t a i n s of
the S t u d e n t Guides, will also receive
the freshmen
The purpose of the reception is
for freshmen to become acquainted
with P r e s i d e n t Collins and with the
faculty m e m b e r s of t h e college.
Reception Concludes Guide Plan
s t u d e n t Guides a r e to lead the
freshmen down t h e receiving line,
T n i s w i n D e t h e last event on the
s t u d e n t G u i d e P r o g r a m for
year. S t u d e n t Guide activities included the week-end a t Frosh Camp,
and a tour t h r o u g h S t a t e College.
Educators Meet
In Brubacher Hall
T h e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e heads of all
the units of the University of the
s t a t e of New York held their regular meeting in the S t u d e n t Union
These regular meetings are held
four or five times a year to report
educational programs of the various
Stale Colleges, it h a s been a n n o u n c e d by Evan R. Collins, President of
the College.
Charles Garside, Acting President
on Page li, Column 4) of the S t a t e University and a member of its Board of Trustees, presided over tlie meeting. T h e agenda
included a report and discussion
concerning the reservation of television c h a n n e l s by the Board "of
Regents of the S t a t e University for
the purpose of education.
After the meeting the staff was
Rose and gray are among Ihe shown through Brubacher Hall and
most popular colors ot Stale's a m - the Student Union. They also were
ateur decorators. Gray, rose, and .served lunch at the dormitory.
green furniture h a s been purchased
for the Chi Sig living room. No need
lor looking al t h e world llirough
rose colored glasses—at least not in
Ihe Kappa Delta house: the hall is
being Mulshed completely in rose
T h e Class Board of Finance reNewman Hall, too, has a rose living ports that all class dues which were
mom and hall, and the rooms on no; paid on registration day should
l hint floor Pierce are now rose. l.e | aid immediately. S t u d e n t s who
Quite a cheerful aspect a l t e r a long, OAC class dues from former years
must pay them before they graduhard day, n'est-ce pas?
And so it goes.
John L.union '53, C h a i r m a n of the
The house thai I live in
Board, requests t h a t nil s t u d e n t s coWill have to be
operate with the class treasurers
Redecorated just for me
who will collect the dues. Treasurers
The room I call my own
tor the classes a r e : Marjorie F a r Will have
well '52, Harold S m i t h '53, and
Walter Reluier '54.
Copies of "The Modern Home."
Paint Pours Over Residence Halls, Sororities, Prat Houses;
Gremlin Influence Already Evident As Green Predominates
: J ®^*Wrr\kT
Treasurers To Collect
A l l Unpaid Class Dues