One On Ik* AiiU

Religious Clubs
W i l l Nominate,
Elect Officers
One On Ik* AiiU
O'Connor, S u l l i v a n , Houlihan, been chosen, and it will be under
and . . . Byrne, take note I Monday, the direction of Evle Ruben and
the Dublin Players will be here. Mary Ann JohnpoU. Tryouts will
Their presence marks one of the be held on Tuesday and Wednesbiggest dramatic events of our col- day of next week, and everyone
lege year and should draw crowds should turn out for them. Please
from students who are able to see remember that this is an ALL colthese world-renowned actors with i efre show, and you can be used in
tax admission only. This s o m e capacity. Ruben Garcia will
L ^ < S S 2 * ! wS « , ite. T ^f e a f t ? r , n ° o n do the choreography for the skit,
K ™ " ,
° special in- a n d
interested in learning
Sa W
a n h o w t0 dan
PvLrnf f ^ ° p ,
< * is welcome to try out
K w n S L ' ^
Pywialion. Y o u n e e d n o t b e experienced since
The ever-popular Shaw play is j R u b e n will instruct rjarticlnnnhi
Religious clubs' agendas Include
business meetings, a Lenten meeting, and the initiation of folkdance Instructions.
SCA will sponsor a chapel at 12
noon Tuesday at the Park United
Presbyterian Church, reports Thomas Dixon '55, President. Elaine
Swartout and Sarol Sanders, Sophomores, will be in charge of the
event. The Lenten Service will continue to meet at 300 State Street.
n J l n f ^ l , " ^ , MbStTK
opportunity in itself! I have heard
A business meeting will be held ? w ™
r L ? T F l r rfthe I r H h t h a t & r e a t P l a n " » « m store in the
by Canterbury Club Thursday eveM
n h a y B °, b y s c e n e r y Mne, so people interested
ning in the Parish Hall of St. An- X J S J 2 S
plays i n Ss t a g e c r e w wft, u e w e l c o m p r i
drew's Church, Madison and Main, r t i c t S S o u n T C h i n g these
y U1 d r a
° '
' "g i dv e n o tovfard
n ' t f^rgS
h o u r s ^ wmu eTmb.e
D & A Afflliate
at 7:45 p.m., announces Ronald matic background.
Lackey '55. The purpose of the
The All-College Skit has finally bership for participation in any of
meeting will be to ratify the Club
these activities.
constitution and to nominate ofRehearsals for Tovarich are comficers. There will be absentee noming along well. This play presents
inations Friday from 10 a.m. to
a difficulty in that several mem2:30 p.m. Elections will be conductbers of the cast are required to have
ed via absentee ballot each noon
Russian accents. However, through
for all members from April 26 to
perseverance and skillful direction,
30. Members are urged to sign up
The total enrollment for the this hurdle has been overcome by
for booth duty on the Club bulleSpring Semester, 1954 has been re- the actors.
tin board in lower Husted.
Faculty and students are invited ported by Philip A. Cowen, Research
One interesting sidelight stemming
to attend Hillel's Annual Passover Coordinator In the State University
from the play revolves about a
Seder, the special Passover meal, of New York.
Tuesday, April 13. Norman Arnold
Out of the totar full-time, on- tcene which requires a duel to be
'87 is Chairman of the event. Time campus students, which number enacted by Don Duclos and Art
and place for the meal will be 20,025, Albany State College has ^ e , n n , £ , I n P™P»™Uon for the scene,
posted in the near future.
1,556. This is rated second in num. M[ss 0™n«">er i s instructing the
th e
, , ^ ? f fencing. Did
Hillel also plans to hold classes ber only to Buffalo State Teachers' vou k n '"
crusader for
for all those interested in learning
Ja nes
S an e
Israeli folk dances. The first of
The breakdown for the enrollment s J 0 !'yt ? S' n
\f!'' l", t h l s
these classes will be held this Sun- of Albany's total is 1,402 under- ' !'
participated in
day at 7:45 p.m. in the Ohav Sho- graduate, matriculated, students and vwaar l oau ms e mnationa
competitions and
lon Synagogue in the vestry room. 145 graduate matriculated. In the T n, lfs m a y e x l°a n the Olympic squad,
P ' the shouts of "on
The classes will be taught by Bob non-matriculated category, there are
Reed, an e x p e r i e n c e d dancer. 4 undergraduate and 5 graduate guard" that have been echoing
through Page Hall as of late.
Lessons are free of charge and open students.
to everyone.
Albany State has more graduate
Congratulations to the Foreign
Newman Club will hold a busi- students enrolled than any other Film Group for their fine film, Einil
ness meeting next Thursday eve- Teachers' college in the state. With and the Detective, and to the Alning at 7:30 p.m. to nominate the expected increase in the fresh- banv High Dramatics Association
candidates for next year's officers, man class of '58, it is possible that whose presentation of The Grass
states Catherine McCann '56, Sec- the Albany Fall semester reglstra- Harp was so well clone—especially
tion will number well over 1700.
those sets!
SUNY Releases
Enrollment Data
Collins Speaks Sororities Plan
To All Students Open Houses
(Continued from Page 1, Column 2)
About Religion Mated
the following girls: Joan
Kappa Phi Kappa, a professional
education fraternity, will sponsor an
opening meeting April 8 at 3:30
p.m. in Draper Auditorium. The
speaker will be Dr. Evan R. Collins,
President of the college, announces
Howard Ahders '54, President of
Kappa Phi Kappa.
The topic of Dr. Collins' speech
will be "Religion in Teacher Education." The purpose of Kappa Phi
Kappa and the lectures presented
is to promote the cause of education by encouraging men and women
of recognized ability to engage in
the study of educational principles
and studies.
The programs throughout the year
take the form of a series of talks
and panel discussions which are
under the direction of outstanding
leaders in the educational field.
Weather Authority
To Speak At RPI
Dr. Vincent J. Schaefer, one of
the world's foremost authorities on
the behavior of clouds and how they
precipitate rain, snow and hail, is
to deliver the Young People's Science Lecture on Sunday, April 11,
a spring event sponsored by the
Mohawk Association of Scientists
and Engineers.
Dr. Schaefer will speak in the
Sage Laboratory lecture hall at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
The program will open at 3 p.m.
He will talk about his work in cloud
seeding, cloud formation and behavior.
The self educated scientist, whose
lonnal education ended alter two
years in high school, has won widespread acclaim for his achievements
in many different field other than
his findings in meteorology.
Newman '56, Josephine Testa, Nunciata Magistro, Bettye Sigety, Carol
Greenhill, Mary Ann Schlotthauber,
Cartha Krieble, Margaret Schmidberg and Lorraine Smith, freshmen.
Virginia Mastropiepro '56 was initiated into Chi Sigma Theta along
with the following freshmen: Carol
Allan, Beth Beehler, Marilyn DeSanta, Sarah Jane Duffy, Mary
Forman, Barbara Fox, Mary Furner,
Marcia Lawrence, Sheila Lister,
Mary Pagldaes, Barbara Poulson,
Carole Rising, Eleanor Roney, Trudy
Stemmer, Mary Stowell, Barbara
Strack. Jane Fremen '54, President,
made the announcement.
Sigma Lambda Fraternity installed
thirty-seven new members last Sunday afternoon. They are: Herbert
Hunt '56, Robert Bloomer, Peter
Booke, John Buchal, Robert Burns,
Donald Carter, Robert Crause, Phillip R. Dudley, Mansir Edwards,
James Estramonte, John Gauquie,
David Hardy, Alan Hutchinson,
Daniel Miller, Clyde Payne, Joseph
Purcell, Richard Sauer, John Stockbauer, Joseph Swierzowski, Richard
Wands, Donald Whitlock. Alan
Wiley, Fred Willi, Keith Yondo.
Donald Illingworth, Bruno Rodgers,
Raymond McCagg, Raymond Moskal, Norman Arnold, John Potter,
Barry Creagan, Robert Stimson,
Donald Butler, Ronald Vernooy,
Gary Hayes. Louis Mosher and Donald Dame, announces Eugene Webb
'54. President.
Gamma Kappa and Beta Zuta will
hold open houses for Statesmen
during the coming weekend. Friday
night the BZ girls will swing open
(he door of their State Street house
from 8:30 p.m. to midnight.
Gamma Kappa has announced an
open house this Saturday. Chairmen of the open house are Barbara
Hungcrford, Entertainment; Joan
Rcntert, Refreshments; and the
General Chairman is Maurine Fitzgerald.
Start smoking Camels
Smoke only Camels for ,'iO days —
see for yourself why Camels' cool,
genuine mildness and rich, friendly
flavor give more people more pure
pleasure than any other cigarette!
It I |(<,,|„ I..I,,,,-,.,, i \ i ,
Wliihh.ii Suloiii N T.
S A To Meet
Candidates, Hear
Speeches Today
Council Creates Group
To Investigate Award;
Discusses Line Raise
Student Council met for the last
time before vacation Wednesday
night. The agenda for this Friday
includes speeches by candidates
for Student Association President,
Vice-President, and Secretary; introduction of candidates for State
College Songleader and Myskania;
nominations of candidates for Beauty Queen for a Day, sponsored by
Press Bureau and Student Council;
a report by the Government Revision Committee and Announcements.
There was discussion on shortening the schedule for Moving Up
Day. After a report given by Edith
Titterton '55, it was decided to
group the awards into special categories to save time.
Council must choose twelve female representatives to the Tulip
Festival. Roberta Stein was placed
in charge of the selections.
There was continued discussion
on the placement of the trophy
case. This will be decided after
the vacation. Neil Brown '54. President of Student. Council, informed
the Council that the cafeteria will
be reorganized during the summer.
Brown also stated that there is
some interest in setting up a scholarship fund with seme of the money
now in surplus. A committee to
look into this was inaugurated.
The members are Mary Jane Fisher, Roberta Stein, Sophomores; and
Lois Johnson, Morton Hess, freshmen.
The Debate Council and Women's
Athletic Association budgets were
presented to the Council. The
WAA budget was accepted. However, there was discussion on the
amount of money which is to be
allotted to Debate Council. The
Student Council decided that each
organization should be given $3.00
per person per meal. This is to be
voted on in assembly in the future. Olga Komanowski '55 moved
to add this amount to all budgets
that contain this line.
D & A Presents
Nowost nationwide flgurot* from tho
loading induitry ancilytt, Hurry
ooltiin, tliow CumoU
/ SO 11/1(1";, almad of
o »ocoiKl-|>lactt i m i i t i !
- uinuuht IllofoiiriUil
load in hisluiy i
Dramatics and Art Council is
presenting a ceramics demonstration as part of their series of Saturday morning workshops. Lois
Mureault '56 will present the demonstration on the morning of May
1. Any persons interested in learning this craft are very cordially Invited to participate. Anyone who
lias had any experience in ceramics
and would be willing to assist Miss
Mlreault are invited to offer their
.services. Those people are to contact Ronald Koster '55 via Student
Mall Koster emphasizes the need
lor assistants to Miss Mlreault.
Also, D&A Council reminds their
tryouts that they are able to receive hours for these demonstrations.
Vacation Will Begin
Wednesday At Noon
The Spring Vacation begins at
12 o'clock noon Wednesday, announces Oscar K. Lanford, Dean
ol the College. Classes will resume at II a.m., Monday, April 26.
It is required that all students
oe in attendance al their classes
scheduled for April 1-1 and April
26, with the exception of Undergraduates on the Dean's List. Graduate students with an average of
2.8 lor the Full Semester and those
students excused by Dean Lanford or the Student Personnel Office will also be excluded.
"Don't Fence
Us ln/f
One rather weak A PA man
has been awarded the Oscar
of the week. While in Albany
Hospital with diphtheria, his
brothers are quiescently raising
the roof over their quarantine.
To pass the time of day,
while regretfully missing all
their classes, the A PA men can
be seen developing their badminton and volleyball muscles
on the lawn overlooking Madison Ave. Still others are developing their bridge anil poker
skill over a bottle of brew.
Every morning as the healthy
scholars skip to school, envious
eyes fall upon the closed blinds
and thoughts turn to drowsing
Speculation and rumors are
spreading further than the
plight. A few other houses on
campus are putting in extra
provisions "just in case"!
Directors List
Show Committee
The committee heads for the AllCollege Show have been chosen,
announce Mary Ann Johnpoll and
Evelyn Ruben, Juniors, Co-chairmen. They follow:
Makeup, Theresa Murphy '55;
Costumes, Thomasina Pagan '56;
Lighting, John Orser '55; Properties, Alan Weirier '56; Publicity,
George Hathaway '54; Sets, Judy
Vimmerstadt '56; Programs, Frank
LoTruglio 55.
Secretaries to tire directors are
Shirley Johnson and Barbara Weinstock, freshmen. Pianists for the
show are Neil Brown '54 and George
Dunbar '55.
Casting lists will be posted today
mi the All-College Show Bulletin
Board, which is located in the Lower Draper peristyle leading into
All future notices concerning the
show will be posted on this bulletin board.
Rehearsals will start Monday and
Tuesday. After Easter there will
be two rehearsals per clay until the
Rehearsal schedules will be posted
each day on the bulletin board.
Absences from rehearsals will not
be allowed unless by special request
to the directors.
SUB Sponsors
Listening Hours
Student Union Hoard will sponsor their last listening hour before
the spring vacation on Sunday. The
music, which will be classical and
semi-classical, will commence at
2:30 p.m. and end at 4:30 p.m., relates Mary Ann Reiling '54, Chairman of the Hoard. Coffee will be
served at tills listening hour.
Miss Reiling states that any students who would like to hear any
special selection should contact her
at their earliest convenience.
Miss Reiling also announces the
filling of vacancies on the Board.
Nancy Huzzard '54 and Phillip Bartell '55 are the new replacements.
Frank LoTruglio '55 lias been reinstated on the Board. He had to
become an ex-olficlo member when
he was elected to another board.
However, under the new mujor-minor office plan, he is able to maintain membership on both the boards.
SUB has sponsored four listening
hours, one coffee hour and a Dawn
Dunce. For the remainder of the
year they plan several listening
Formats To Highlight Weekend
For Brubacher, Pierce, Potter
Bru To Feature
Canterbury Club, Dean Re/eases
Duke s Chorus
SCA Announce Advisement List
At Intermission
All students are reminded that
advisement for the coming
Pre-Easter Plans program
This weekend State will be
Fall Semester will take place April
Canterbury Club's agenda includes
nomination and election of officers, and a Corporate Communion.
Student Christian Association is
planning a Chapel for Tuesday,
and the last of its Lenten meetings.
Canterbury Club is scheduling a
Corporate Commuion for Tuesday
morning at 7 a.m. at Saint Andrew's
Church. Madison at Main Streets,
reports Ronald Lackey '55, acting
Publicity Director.
Kathryn Johnston '55, President
pro-tempore of Canterbury Club,
states that there will be absentee
nominations at a booth in a lower
peristyle this noon, for those members of the Club who were unable
to attend the business meeting last
Elections will be held via absentee ballot for all members every
noon of the week after vacation, at
a booth in a lower peristyle. Members are requested to sign up for
booth duty on the Club bulletin
board in lower Husted.
Student Christian Association will
climax the Lenten season Tuesday
at noon with a Chapel, to be held
at. the Park United Presbyterian
Church, according to Thomas Dixon
'55, President. Elaine Swartout and
Carol Sanders, Sophomores, will be
in charge of the service.
The Lenten dinner discussions
series at the home of Dr. Frances
Colby, Professor of English, will
conclude with the Wednesday 6
p.m. meeting.
Class Schedules
Senior Banquet
The Senior Class has selected
Frances Allen as Its Class Counselor, announces John Allaslo, President of the class.
The Senior Class will have its
banquet at Jack's Restaurant. It
will take place on
June 10.
Allasio announces that, Instead
of ivy, a free will be planted this
year. The graduation ceremonies
will fake place on the Dorm field
this year. In case of rain, the
ceremonies will be transferred to
the Palace Theatre.
All Seniors are reminded to order their caps and gowns for the
ceremonies on Moving Up Day.
Torch Night and graduation services. Allasio urges all Seniors to
take special note of this and to
act immediately, as tomorrow Is the
last day that orders can be placed
with the Co-op for caps and gowns.
The Sophomore Class is donating
twenty-five dollars to the Foreign
Student Fund, announces William
Small. President of the class. A
picnic is planned by the class lor
sometime after Easter vacation,
28 through May 7, announces Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the College. Students are to report for
advisement according to the following schedule set by the Registration Committee:
Names: A to L—Wed., April 28
Names: M to Z—Thurs., April 29
Names: A to L--Friday, April 30
Names: M to Z—Monday, May 3
Names: A to L--Tuesday, May 4
Names: M to Z - Wed., May 5
Seniors and Grad s t u d e n t s Names: A to L—Thursday, May 6
Names: M to Z—Friday. May 7
Advisement will occur during the
hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
This schedule is printed on the
sheet of instructions available in
the Registrar's Office. Those students who do not complete their
program advisement according to
the schedule will not be allowed
to register on time next fall.
Students who plan to attend the
1954 summer session should sign up
in the Registrar's Office Monday
or Tuesday, April 26 or 27.
Regular session college catalogs
for the year 1954-'55 are now available in the Registrar's Office.
Library Lists
Easter Schedule
scene of three formals. Potter Club
will present their formal tonight
and Pierce and Brubacher Halls
will sponsor their dances tomorrow
The Aurania Club will be the
scene of Potter Club's annual
formal, to be held tonight from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music will be furnished by the Campus Serenaders,
according to Peter McManus 54,
General Chairman.
Arrangements for the formal are
being made under the leadership of
the following committee chairmen:
Bids and Programs, Gerald Holzman '54; Orchestra, Robert Coan;
Favors, Richard Rice, Juniors; and
Decorations. Philip Schatzle '56.
Pierce Hall will hold its annual
formal tomorrow night with a
Spring Garden theme, announces
Ann Vigilante '55, Vice-President
of Pierce. Dancing will be from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m., to the music of
Dick Hannis' Orchestra, featuring
Tony Farina on the trumpet.
The Pierce Queen will be crowned
at midnight by last year's queen,
Jane H. Isley '55. Chaperones of
the formal will be Mrs. Gladys
Rand, Pierce Housemother; Robert
Luippold, Instructor in Mathematics and Mrs. Luippold, and Marvin
Blythe, Supervisor of Mathematics
in Milne.
Committee chairmen for the event
are: Chaperones, Joan Bathrick
'54; Decorations. Ann Wong '55;
Refreshments, Barbara Balinski;
Programs, Annick Loehr; Queen,
The State College Library will Vivian Schiro; Band.
close at 1 p.m. Wednesday, April Englehardt. Sophomores; and Clean14 and will re-open at 8 a.m. April up, Dorothy Alford '57.
26, states Mary Elizabeth Cobb, College Librarian.
Stairway to the Stars is the theme
Reserve books may be borrowed of Brubacher Half's formal, also befor the holidays beginning at 4:30 inu held tomorrow night, 9 p.m.p.m., Tuesday, April 13. They are 1 a.m. Decorations will follow this
clue in the Library by 9:10 a.m. on theme, witli rose and silver as main
Monday, April 26.
colors, reports Mary Lavery '54,
Those students who do not return General Chairman. The featured
the books on time will be subject event of the evening will be the
to the fololwing fines: 25 cents for appearance of the Duke's Men, a
the first hour or fraction thereof group of twelve singers from Yale,
and 5 cents for each succeeding during intermission. The Campus
hour that the book is not returned, Serenaders from RPI will provide
up to 60 cents for the first day. music for dancing.
For each succeeding day, an additional 25 cents is charged up to the
The following people are compurchase price of the book.
mittee chairmen for the formal:
Books which are borrowed on a Orchestra, Mary Ann Hopko '54;
two-week loan between now and Chaperones, Ella Curtis; Photos,
the beginning of vacation will be Anne Dvorak; Refreshments, Edna
due on Wednesday, April 28. These Standley; Juniors; Arrangements,
books may not be renewed before Virginia Doyle; Decorations, Thomasina Pagan: Program, Susan Garthat date.
ett; Publicity, Barbara Corretty;
Sophomores; Cleanup,
Smith and Anna Arviintldes, freshmen.
Students Slate
Election Rally
Election Commission is planning
a spring election rally to be held
Wednesday, April 28 from 7:30 p.m.
Students Will Apply to 9:30 p.m. in the Game Room.
Brubacher. The Pep Band will play
for this event.
For ED Classes
Candidates lor major offices will
Applications for English 7 i Ele- be given an opportunity to speak
mentary Dramaticsi for the fall and campaign. No money is to be
semester are now being accepted, spent on any materials except on
according to Dr. Paul B. Pettlt of specified posters. Further Election
the English Department.
Commission rules are posted in
All Sophomores and Juniors in- Husted on the Election Commission
terested in dramatic production who Bulletin Board.
are Majors or Minors in English
Election Commission governs all
are Invited to secure application pre-votlng activities. The Commisblanks from the small table in Dr. sion is comprised ol two Seniors
Pettit's office (Richardson 6) tind and three Juniors and a chairman
to return them no later than who is selected from the two SenWednesday.
A A U W Sponsors
Informal Coffee Hour
All women Seniors from State
and the College of St. Rose are Invited to attend the April meeting
and an informal coffee hour sponsored by the Albany branch of the
American Association of University
Women, to be held Tuesday, April
27, at 7:5 p.m. in the lower lounge
of Brubacher.
Student hostesses will be Jean
Rasey, President of Brubacher and
Helen Cashman, President of the
Student Senate at St. Rose. Mrs.
Isabelle Stephens, member of the
faculty of Woodstock, Vermont,
County School, will talk on "What
Makes a Good Teacher."
No Contcit
In the depths of our memory it seems we
remember Moving-Up Day as being a day
of surprises, pleasant and otherwise, when
the election results were announced. We
also seem to remember having more than
one candidate to choose from on our ballots. But of course those were also the days
when people came to assemblies and enjoyed them and everybody and his brother
took part in the Friday debates.
^ B
. ttyK;
" . •• *
, < -;
It was observed earlier this year by one
of our classmates that all most of us have
done this year is reminisce about preceding
years. Reflective thought has value, but it
is decisive action that runs any group efficiently. Let us reflect upon the past but
take decisive action when we are presented
with our multicolored ballots at our next
assembly. Today you will hear the platforms
of major candidates and be introduced to
the others. Let's not allow quantity of experience outweigh quality of performance
in our final decisions.
Parliamentary Procedure . .
Last week in Assembly the major points
of the amendment presented by the Government Revision Committee were defeated by
a significant vote from SA. In these days
when time is a scarce commodity, no one
wants to spend his valuable time working
for a losing cause. As long as the motion
passed quite some time ago that would discontinue compulsory assemblies when a
suitable form of government is adopted is
hanging over our heads, the Government
Revision Committee must continue working
toward such a suitable plan. Since the vote
on the motion that passed it was so close,
and since the representative plan presented
last week was defeated, our student government leaders would like to see if the tide of
SA opinion has turned back to favoring
compulsory assemblies. Therefore, a motion
will be made for SA to rescind the original
motion that started all this fuss. A twothirds vote will be necessary to strike the
motion from the books.
We would like to see compulsory assemblies re-established on a firm ground. We
would like to see next year's leaders take
over without this unfinished business hindering their progress toward a more active,
spirited, optimistic student government.
• V T H t C L A M OP
Medalist CSPA
. . . SA's decision on t h e proposed c h a n g e in government. It's encouraging to note t h a t S t a t e ' s students
care enough about their legislative powers to vote
against losing them. Now if only we can get up interest in the exercising of these powers by more t h a n
a handful of s t u d e n t s each week, o u r government
might work the way it was designed to.
No. 22
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State
College for Teachers; published every Friday of the College
yaar by the NEWS Board for the Student Association.
. . . the fine response to the Dawn Dance. It was a
great party and a good time was had by all the hoppers present. Cheers for those who came up with the
idea and carried it through.
. . . the comments m a d e by t h e Dublin Players on
the high quality of audience response to their two
plays, presented last Monday. They felt t h a t the intelligence of our audience added a great deal to the
success of their performances, particularly to t h a t of
the religious play presented in the evening. This type
Ideals . . . do you subject yourself ity, w h a t we see under the micro- of play demands a sympathetic audience or it loses
all of its significance, and evidently the actors felt
sometimes to a personal inspection? scope? No we just exchanged a
this kind of response, for the play was excellent. It's
A sort of inventory of your actions, beautiful image for an ugly one. good to hear a sincere compliment to the S t a t e Colt h o u g h t s a n d ideals. One's ideals
lege audience after t h e repeated slams it h a s received
dwindle away r a t h e r rapidly during Life is a serious subject. T r u e ! But in the past.
the process of growing up. And how does seriousness imply h a r s h n e s s ?
could they possibly survive under Yet, disillusionment, you tell me, is
the close scrutiny with which we necessary and unavoidable for the AND WE'RE AGAINST
a p p r o a c h life. T h e r e are many of process of growing up in our world.
. . . those people who are m a k i n g it difficult for
us, who look a t life t h r o u g h power- After all, we c a n n o t go through life, Campus Commission by smoking in R i c h a r d s o n halls
ful lenses, In fact these lenses may
believing in Good Fairies and Prince and refusing to comply when asked to stop. Enforcbe even stained with some gray, so
ing rules is a thankless task a t the best of times, and
t h a t we shall not imagine some roseit seems unnecessarily petty to m a k e the job more
colored aspect in life. After all, we
unpleasant by refusing to cooperate. T h i s rules a p W h o said we c a n n o t ? P e r h a p s not plies to everyone in Richardson, even the grad s t u m u s t be scientific, objective, cool
in our actions, only t h e n do we lead with the fancy imagery and the dents.
a n Irreproachable life, worthy of vivid pictures of a child's world, yet
a smaller degree of p h a n t a s y does
. . . the sad plight of the boys in t h e APA house.
t h e h u m a n mind.
not imply its non-existence.
T h e As a result of the big q u a r a n t i n e sign on their door,
Oh fools t h a t we a r e ! How can h a p p y pictures of our childhood they are forced to put up with their own all-male
we u n d e r s t a n d the r h y t h m of life should ripen to realistic ideals in company until the end of the week. However, from
if we never experienced it? How our adulthood. T h a t adjective " r e - all reports, the boys are doing an excellent job of
d a r e we speak about the whole, alistic" is of great importance. Ideals fighting boredom. We c o n g r a t u l a t e t h e m on their
while we know only the parts? Take which lie outside of the f a r t h e s t struggle for happiness in the face of adversity, and
the petal of a rose. A deep red hue realm of h u m a n possibility will not sincerely trust t h a t nobody suffers any worse sickrelaxes your eye, and your h a n d serve their function as ideals. Ideals ness than the pain of an enforced holiday. Did you
thrills to the velvet texture of this must give an ascending direction in ever notice how these things always crop up just
f r a g r a n t piece of life. Yet, can you our lives, they m u s t be a spring of before vacation? T h e r e is positively no justice.
delight in t h e real, m a t u r e splen- refreshing power in our course of
dor of a fully-blossomed rose by life. T h u s , if an ideal lies beyond
. . . the old custom of electing S t u d e n t Association
merely knowing its petal? Of course the hope of being a t t a i n a b l e to some officers on the basis of popularity r a t h e r t h a n ability.
not, you say. But a t the same m o - degree, the purpose of the ideal is Remember that each office is more functional than
m e n t you dissect the petal. You wish defeated. In fact, such ideals will honorary. This applies to Myskania, which organizato know the rose further still. One become a blazing meteor, blind m a n tion has to contribute a great deal of clear thinking
must place it u n d e r a microscope. a n d cast h i m into an abyss of des- if the government is to function as it should. When
An ugly brown mass, marked with pair. Ideals have the function to be voting this time, be sure you have a clear idea of
horny bulges, separated by frizzled constructive. In their essence they what the duties and abilities are required in each post,
scars stares at you now. Is this a will be u n a t t a i n a b l e , but in degrees then decide who of those running could best meet
m a n m u s t be able to a p p r o a c h them. the requirements. This is the simple rule for sensible
T h e n ideals will be a truly uplift- voting that everyone knows but few follow.
Man what have you done? T h e ing power. And this is precisely why
. . . the necessity of going to class and pounding
picture which once delighted your man holds t h e m dear. So let us
heart, in your h a n d s became a choose our ideal.s carefully and with the books now t h a t Spring Is here. T h e r e is somen i g h t m a r e . P e r h a p s this accusation prudence, but once established do thing about the total effect of robins, warm blue skies,
suggests a schizophrenic mind, flee- not slander your own altar to please and trees in early leaf t h a t produces a deadly lethargy. You start out on a chapter, a term paper, or
ing reality. But I ask, is this real- the multitude.
a News column, full of d e t e r m i n a t i o n to do a thorough job, when you glance out a window, your
thoughts begin to drift away, and pretty soon . . .
Que&t Column
W i t h a between seasons sports lag
presently noticed by lack of news
tips for t h i s page, we of t h e staff
are t a k i n g a d v a n t a g e of t h e s i t u a tion to open u p a few questions in
the m i n d s of our r e a d e r s concerning a few items of t h e present
sports topics.
Of probable interest to almost
any S t a t e s t u d e n t is t h e quotation
from t h e February 15, 1935 State
College News: "Now t h a t we have
a real basketball team, why don't
we play some college teams? Drew—
bah I!! Connecticut State—phoney."
F u r t h e r on in t h a t article we n o ticed, " S t a t e plays host to M I T t o morrow on the Page court."
To clarify t h a t quotation, we
checked previous hoop schedules to
see w h a t competition h a d been
like. In 1928 the c h a r t included:
St. Michael's, Coast G u a r d , St.
Bonaventure, CCNY, Norwich, Cooper Union, LIU and others. How
much does the situation parallel
ours today? A few weeks ago t h e
S t a t e hoopsters ended a successful
season a n d indications were t h a t
they would have been able to hold
their own in much greater competition. T h e way this staff sees it,
the hoopsters deserved a better
schedule t h a n the one offered.
While observing the a m a t e u r a t h letes in vigorous sports competition
on Dorm Field for the past few
afternoons, we think there is suflicient high school track experience
in m a n y of these enthusiasts. With
the combination of the enthusiasm
and a small sum of money, we see
no reason why S t a t e could not ina u g u r a t e j u s t such a program.
We also noticed in our investigation t h a t initiation of crosscountry c a m e to S t a t e in 1935. In
recent years instigations have been
heard for a revival of this sport.
Another topic of much discussion is t h e question of t h e calibre
of S t a t e ' s gym. R u m o r s have been
h e a r d t h a t there is some desire
on the p a r t of the S t a t e Athletic
D e p a r t m e n t for the purchase of a
portable basketball floor for use in
State games a t New Scotland Avenue Armory. T h e question pops up,
however, "Would enough fans s u p port t h e t e a m if this ' d r e a m floor'
of the Athletic D e p a r t m e n t became
a reality?"
Also, is the present
grade of competition enough of a
drawing c a r d ?
In conclusion, a few more questions. Is it lack of interest? Is it
lack of money? T h e Sports R e l a tions Board, in the midst of an extensive p r o g r a m to promote the
present sports program a t State,
could do a much more efficient
job if our sports were of a high
college calibre.
Good sports and
good promotions would do a lot, we
feel. Why t h e situation is as it is,
we don't, know. It is our sincere purpose in writing this column to bring
about such suggestions and opinions
on the athletic program.
Gerald Drug Co.
UT Western Ave.
Co-Managing Editor
Co-Managing Editor
Publle Belatlona Editor
Circulation Editor
Sports Editor
- Buslness-AdMrllsIng Manager
Associate Editor
Ail communications should be addressed to the editor and
most h« signed.
Names will be withhold upon request.
The .STATU COU.HOH NMWH assume* no responsibility
tor opinions expressed In lie columns or communications
a* such expressions do not necessarily reflect It* view
The bold a d v e n t u r e t h a t beats
them all I H u m p h r e y Bogart, J e n nifer Jones, and G i n a Lollobrlglda
starring in J o h n Huston's Beat The
Devil a t t h e Palace. T h e second hit
Is Dangerous Mission! with Victor
Mature, Piper Laurie, William Bentlix, and Vincent Price.
Q u e n t i n at the Kit/.. "Scream, baby
-I don't mind!", the co-hit, Crime
S q ^ ° Start
Spring Practice
With S t a t e ' s first baseball g a m e
of t h e season b u t three weeks in
the offing, routine practice a n d
conditioning sessions m a r k e d t h e
week's activity for t h a t sport.
T h e H a t h a w a y m e n engaged in
their first outdoor practice on
Wednesday afternoon a t Beverwyck
Although t h e squad performed surprisingly well a t this
session, because of the earliness of
the drill a fair indication of the
squad's prospects cannot be ascertained.
It was learned this week t h a t
Bob Dreher, catcher on last season's nine, will be sidelined for the
entire 1954 season because of an
a r m injury. Presently catching t h e
slants of t h e group's array of p i t c h ers is Sophomore Sig Smith. Smith,
in his first year of S t a t e baseball,
has been performing very well behind the plate a n d is expected to
hold t h e position during t h e season.
Plan Award Banquet
State's Varsity letter winners and
IM award winners will be t h e
guests of h o n o r a t t h e athletic
award banquet which is now being
planned for t h e final week in May.
T h e banquet is to be jointly sponsored by MAA and AA, with F r a n
Rodgers and Custer Quick heading
the a r r a n g e m e n t s .
T h e feature speaker at. the fete
is slated to be a well-known professional
Davies of the Rochester Royals
and former S e t o n Hall ace, h a s been
the proposed speaker.
Each Varsity letter winner will
receive a Varsity sweater this year
as the athletic award.
Wily Wins
Whip Wheels
The first post season Page
Bowl game was played last
Trotters, champions, and the
Live Wires, co-champions of
theirs. This classic contest, eked
out by the Wires, 84-81, was featured by slick ball handling,
slick shooting, and a slick reffing job by Curly Moot.
Hymie's Trotters
FG F Tls.
Goose Walker
14 0 28
Sweetwater Sturm . . 6
0 12
Young Tim Newman 1 0
Chuckles Chernoff
. . 3 0 6
Sancho Blattman .... 6
1 13
Little Chuck Goldst'n 1 0
Gimp Wander
Big Dick Kirch
3 2
Stonewall Reuss
3 2
Cuboldal Smith
1 0
3 81
Live Wires
FG F Tls.
Bruce FitzGerald .... 8
1 17
Barry FitzGerald .... 9
1 19
Necturus King
16 0 32
B. T. Bain
3 0
J a c k Armstrong
1 0
Mr. Duffy
3 0
Cue Wilson
1 0
At Its
T h e S t a t e College Wrestling Club
competed in its first post-season
t o u r n a m e n t last S a t u r d a y , t h e E a s t ern Section of the Adirondack
AAU T o u r n a m e n t held in t h e Troy
YMCA. T o u r n e y director was Boris
Kazimiroms, Physical Director at
the Troy Y.
This t o u r n a m e n t was won by t h e
Norwich Y with 29 points, followed
by the Rome Y with 17 points, Colgate Wrestling Club with 15, Troy
Y with 5, Schenectady Y with 5,
and Albany S t a t e with 3 points.
Ben B u t t o n was t h e only S t a t e
grappler to r e a c h the finals, get-
OPEN fl:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by
Paddlers To Vie
In Tourney Finals
144 game for Phi Delt to have high
single for the team. Close behind
her was Mary Smith with a 138.
Smith Bowls 302 Double
In the second g a m e , P h i Delt
turned in an 80-pin lead to take
t h e game 632 to 640. Mary Smith
was high bowler for P h i Delt with
a 164 game. Her g a m e was backed
by J e a n Hallenbeck's
133. F o r
Beta Zeta, t h e high single was
turned in by B a r b a r a Law, who
totaled a 129. Backing Barb's game
was Lu D'Andrea with a 119. Scoring h o n o r s for the day went to
Mary S m i t h ' s 138, 164—302 and
B a r b a r a Law's 121, 129—250.
Award Requirements Announced
WAA h a s a n n o u n c e d t h e scheduling of elections for n e x t year's
sports m a n a g e r s following Easter
vacation. To qualify as a m a n a g e r ,
you must h a v e a total of 30 hours
in t h e combination of any t h r e e
sports. To be eligible to vote In
the elections, a m i n i m u m of 10
hours in one sport is required.
Women are also urged to complete
hours in winter sports.
will be based on a minimum of 10
hours in each of four sports.
Awards for the first year are class
n u m e r a l s ; for the second, a teeshirt; t h e third, a key; and the
fourth, a silver charm.
Volleyball leagues began competition u n d e r the direction of Anne
Wong a n d Elsie Hall, Managers, on
I n the opening game,
P h i Delt beat G a m m a K a p 31-13.
B e t a Zeta defeated Newman 39-14,
while K D forfeited to Brubacher.
G a m e s will continue on Tuesday
and T h u r s d a y evenings and on S a t urday mornings.
The grass is riz — Come join us in a fizz
Just the ticket
for spring
75 State Street
IT'S MORE FUN GOING with t h e c r o w d all t o g e t h e r on t h e t r a i n . T h e r e ' s
room for b r i d g e or bull session. A n d , in t h e d i n i n g c a r , y o u c a n
enjoy t h e next best to h o m e c o o k i n g .
GO FOR 25% LESS t h a n t h e r e g u l a r c o a c h fare by t r a v e l i n g h o m e a n d
b a c k w i t h t w o or m o r e friends on Group
• * -
I n t h e first game, BZ lost 604 to
640, a 36-pin margin. High single
for BZ was turned in by Nicky
Loehr, who h a d a 144. S h e was
followed by Phyllis P a r s h a l l ' s 121.
Dottie Rasmussen m a t c h e d Nicky's
Wrestling Club Participates In TournamentTeam Concludes Season With 5-1 Record
clears? T a k e a t r a i n h o m e unci k e e p t h a t v e r y first d a t e for
P h i Delta regained its winning
form on Tuesday as the Phi Delt
t e a m downed Beta Z e t a in t h e final two-game rolloff to t a k e t h e
league championship. As t h e two
t e a m s entered t h e last two games
of the six-game series, b o t h h a d 3
points of t h e necessary 5 needed to
take t h e championship. A point
was given for each g a m e won and
a n o t h e r point for t h e team having
t h e highest total pins each day.
Softball Will Begin
After Spring Recess
WHY INCH THROUGH HIGHWAY TRAFFIC or wait u n t i l s k y w a y
Phi Delta Takes Pin Trophy,
W A A Releases Elections
T h e MAA Ping Pong T o u r n a ment, both singles a n d doubles divisions, is now reaching its final
stages, and before Easter vacation,
t h e champion male table tennis
players in the school will be known.
I n t h e doubles the combinations of
T h e I n t r a m u r a l Softball season Bill Rock and Bob S t r a u b e r will
will commence the week following meet t h e Owen Smith-Dick J a c o b Easter vacation, according to Don son duo hi t h e finals.
Canonica, Manager of the legaue.
If enough teams sign up, t h e r e will
I n t h e singles division t h e paddle
be two leagues. One league will wielders in t h e upper bracket have
play its games a t Beverwyck, while reached the semi-finals, t h e two
t h e other will operate on Page survivors being Rock and J a c o b Field.
son. T h e lower bracket still m u s t
play its quarter-final m a t c h e s . T h e
four c o n t e s t a n t s in this bracket a r e
Chuck Derwin, Larry Suffness, G u s
Berleth, and J i m Lockhart. Derwin
still looks like the m a n to beat in
ting pinned by Blume in 4:53, but t h e singles.
e a r n i n g the lone 3 points for the
T h e r e were 82 competitors in this
year's t o u r n a m e n t , over three times
as m a n y entries as last year. Two
m a t s were in operation during the
entire t o u r n a m e n t , with referees Joe
Garcia of S t a t e , Bob Olcott of Albany Academy and Forbes Brown of
the Schenectady Y officiating.
T h e Wrestling Club ended its
regular season with a n excellent
5 a n d 1 record. On the basis of this
showing, the Club hopes to achieve
Varsity status next year.
College Calendar -
12:00 noon Absentee Nominations, C a n t e r b u r y Club,
S t a r t i n g today at the G r a n d . . .
Lower Husted
Award show I
Winners of six awards . . . Shane, SATURDAY, APRIL 10
with Alan Ladd, J a c k Palance, and
9:00 p.m. Pierce, Brubacher Foimals
B r a n d o n De Wilde . . . Come Buck
Potter Club Formal, Auraniu Club
You've got a front row seat at Little Sheba, starring Shirley Booth,
t h a t fabulous Broadway revue . . . holder of the award as Best Actress SUNDAY, APRIL II
with its stars, dances, Its wonderful of 1952.
2:30 p.m. SUB Listening Hour. Brubacher, Lower
fun! At popular admission prices
Held over for a n o t h e r week at
. . t h r o u g h the magic of Cinemascope . . . Leonard Slllman's New the Delaware . . . Walt Disney's T h e TUESDAY, APRIL 13
Faces at the S t r a n d . Hear Eartha Living Desert in Technicolor. T h i s
7:00 a.m. Canterbury Club, Corporate Communion,
Is Disney's first feature-length true
St. Andrew's Church
Kill sing "C'est 81 Bon," "Santa
life adventure. Co-billed is Disney's
Baby," "Uskadara," "Monotonous,"
12:00nooii HCA Chapel, Park United Presbyterian
Ben and l\li\ a cartoon novelty.
"Bal Petit Bui," and ' Love Is A
Church, South Luke and W e s t e r n Ave.
Grapevine recommendations i it
Simple Thing." An added hit is a
li:00 p.m. SCA Lenten Series, Final Meeting, :i(X)
Pa the News scoop . . the first blast you have any money left): New
Slate Street
Faces or T h e Living- Desert.
of an H-Bomb on film.
7:00 p.m. Psychology Club Films, B r u b a c h e r
By the way, who caught
"A d a m e got me in
and u P h a n t o m of t h e Rue Morgue and WEDNESDAY, APRIL H
dame'll get me out I", Duffy of Sun how nuked was the Naked Jungle?
12:00 noon "Ami off we go . ,"
Albany, N. T.
Phone 6-8610
Members of the NEWS staff may be reached Tuesday and
Wednesday from 7 to 11 p.m. at 2-3326, Ext. 11. Phones
Ruben, 2-3320; Aahfleld, 3-3589; Eldrcd and Qerlg, 2-0612;
Surtes, 3-3326.
. . . the display of paper-backed books in the Co-op.
There are some fine selections there now, a n d if the
volume of sales should w a r r a n t it we wouldn't be surprised if the n u m b e r and choice of volumes should
increase to the point where we could build our reprint
libraries from Co-op selections.
First Place APC
April 9, 1954
. . . the coming vacation. I t ' s really j u s t about time,
don't you think? P e r h a p s a week back h o m e will lift
t h e clouds of depression and pessimism which seem
to have settled over t h e h e a d s of most of us. A new
tie or flowered bonnet m i g h t perk us u p enough to
come back to face t h e few r e m a i n i n g weeks of school
with a little hope for t h e future.
We remember, too, when Myskania would
recommend to fill their own shoes some SA
members who had shown an avid interest
in student activities, and would abstain
from making any recommendations when
no such candidates were available. But then
those were the days when the performance
in a particular position was considered more
seriously than simply the listing of said position on an activity sheet, and when said
positions were actually held and fulfilled by
their claimants.
T h e y ' r e good on t r i p s of 100 miles or m o r e , ( l a t h e r a g r o u p of 2 5 o r
m o r e a n d y o u cock s a v e 2 8 ' , ' r i d i n g l o n g - d i s t a n c e on t h e s a m e
t r a i n , t h e n r e t u r n i n g as a g r o u p or i n d i v i d u a l l y .
Consult Your Local Railroad Ticket Agent Well in Advance
of D e p a r t u r e D a t e for Detailed Information
Albany, N. Y.
^ ^ ™ roam
State College
STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , F R I D A Y , A P R I L 9, 1 9 5 4
Science Congress
Begins Tomorrow
High School Students
To Meet In Hustcd
T o m o r r o w Husted will be t h e
scene of t h e sixth A n n u a l E a s t e r n
New Y o r k Science Congress sponsored by t h e Eastern Zone, New
York S t a t e Science Teachers Association. Any s t u d e n t regularly e n rolled i n a n y public, private or p a r o chial school located within the E a s t ern Zone may enter.
T h e r e will be about 150 J u n i o r
High a n d Senior High students in
H u s t e d w i t h exhibits and d e m o n stration-talks
S t u d e n t s giving d e m o n s t r a t i o n - t a l k s will do so between
10:30 a n d 12 p.m. and again from 1
p.m. until 2 p.m.
Guild Performs
For Veterans
OH* OH fA* AtiU
The Dublin Players have come and
gone, but they will long be r e m e m bered for t h e i r artistry, amiability,
and p e r f o r m a n c e s in two fine plays.
T h e afternoon performance, Shaw's
Pygmalion, was a delight to t h e e n tire audience. T h e familiar plot
was m a d e even more fascinating by
the superior technical skill of t h e
group. M a n y of t h e real laughs
stemmed, not from t h e lines alone,
but from t h e ingenious m o v e m e n t
and gesture which t h e group e m ployed. T h e scene in Mrs. Higgins'
study was hilarious in lines and d e livery, but it was especially funny
due to two s i t u a t i o n s created by t h e
Irish actors. T h e simultaneous lifting and lowering of the tea cups
caused one of t h e longest a n d loudest laughs of the show. Also the tortured, trapped position of Higgins,
when left with only one seat—between two revolting women—provoked laughter and showed the superb technique of a professional
group a n d fine direction.
plays were done without sets a n d
with a m i n i m u m a m o u n t of props,
and yet were accepted as complete
performances further a t t e s t s to t h e
ability of t h e actors. Lavish sets
were not missed In our envelopment
in the performances before us. Each
character was a complete personality, showing thorough u n d e r s t a n d ing of the role, and t h e doubling-up
of p a r t s did not h a m p e r this impression. Ronald Ibbs, with the male
leads in both shows, is a n excellent
example of this. He is a truly fine
actor and Is deserving of any a n d
all praise t h a t should ccime his way.
His portrayal of 'shadow' In C h r i s tianity made an excellent c o n t r a s t
to Phyllis Ryan's 'substance'. Miss
R y a n was t h e other o u t s t a n d i n g
performer of the day. T o the role
of Brigid she gave w a r m t h , u n d e r standing, compassion, and a vital
h u m a n quality. She was always t h e
frail country girl consumed by her
simple but deep religious feelings.
I t is plain to see why this role m a d e
a star of Miss Ryan, a n d why she is
t h e major interpreter of t h e role on
today's stage.
T h e r e will be three classifications
of e n t r i e s as follows: Junior, I n t e r m e d i a t e a n d Advanced Divisions.
T h e evening play, Paul Vincent
T h e J u n i o r Division includes grades Carroll's Shadow a n d Substance,
7 a n d 8, exhibits only; I n t e r m e d i a t e gave further proof of t h e Dublin
Division includes grades 9 a n d 10, Players' abilities. T h e fact t h a t both
biological a n d physical science; Advanced Division, grades 11 a n d 12,
Offstage, these actors a r e all t h a t
biology, chemistry, e a r t h science,
could be desired. Friendly, interesta s t r o n o m y a n d physics.
ed and interesting, appreciative, a n d
always charming, they gained the
T h e a r e a colleges participating
admiration and respect of all those
will offer partial tuition scholarwho worked with them. Their presships to t h e Junior or Senior with
All freshmen, except biology m a j t h e best d e m o n s t r a t i o n - t a l k of t h e ors, should plan to a t t e n d orienta- ent tour began last September, and
Science Congress. The three J u n i o r s tion on Monday, April 26, at 3:30, has taken them to all p a r t s of this
or S e n i o r s giving the best d e m o n - the day we r e t u r n from spring va- country. Arizona is, to Miss Ryan,
s t r a t i o n - t a l k s , regardless of field, cation. At this time, they will be the beginning and end of scenery,
will be eligible to compete in t h e expected to meet with t h e c h a i r - but she, like the others, will be
T h i r d A n n u a l S t a t e Science C o n - m a n of t h e d e p a r t m e n t in which happy to r e t u r n to h e r native I r e gress a t Syracuse University, May they plan to major. Directions will land come May. "It will be good to
walk down the streets and say 'how
be given for course requirements d'you do' to our friends again. But
E n t r y b l a n k s for students and a d - and there will be a c h a n c e to ask I'm afraid we'll be bores, talking
all t h e time about America," states
ditional information about the Sci- questions.
Biology majors will report directly the amiable Miss R y a n . T h e next
ence Congress m a y be obtained upon
request to t h e Director, Dr. Paul C. to Miss Scotland on Tuesday, April stop in their tour is "Saratoga
Lemon, Assistant Professor of Bi- 27th. S t u d e n t s are advised to watch s o m e t h i n g - o r - o t h e r . Is it . .
ology. All S t a t e College s t u d e n t s a r e t h e S t u d e n t Personnel Office Bul- Springs?" asks Miss R y a n with the
letin Board for t h e m e e t i n g place. charming Irish lilt in h e r voice.
invited a n d urged to a t t e n d .
Freshmen To Discuss
Course Requirements
R a d i o Guild will present t h e show
"Three Strikes a n d You're O u t " a t
t h e V e t e r a n s ' Hospital t h i s week.
L a s t week t h e Guild e n t e r t a i n e d t h e
veterans with t h e show "A $100,000
for a Wife." T h e S t a t e College students who participated are William
Floyd '54, Emelia S g a m b a t i '57, Beverly Sadownick and Charles Crowder, freshmen.
At last week's meeting J e a n Rasey
'54, President, submitted her resignation. Nancy Feder '55, was selected as President p r o - t e m u n t i l t h e
regular elections on Moving-Up Day.
T h e Guild was founded in 1947
to present radio programs as a
m e a n s of informing t h e public of
t h e work of the College and its organizations and to offer s t u d e n t s an
opportunity for radio experience.
K n i g h t '57, presented a disc jockey
show a t the Veterans' hospital.
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Has Formal Initiation
Alpha Epsilon Phi held formal
initiation for six girls Sunday and
A.P.A. has cancelled their Date
P a r t y planned for tonight.
Psychology Club
Presents Lecture
On Alcoholics
T h e Psychology Club presented
t h e first speaker for the semester
Tuesday n i g h t in Brubacher, a n nounces Donald Howard '57, P r e s i d e n t of t h e Psychology Club. T h e
speaker was from Alcoholics Anonymous, and he spoke of "The Psychotherapy of Alcoholics."
T h e speaker explained the origin
of A.A., which was started by a NewYork broker known as the "half
c e n t u r y " because he had been to
Bellevue Hospital 50 times for alcoholism. He collaborated with a n
Akron, Ohio doctor, and together
they formed the first Alcoholics
"An alcoholic is a person whose
life has become unmanageable because of alcohol," explained the
speaker. He told the audience w h a t
Alcoholics Anonymous is and how
it operates. " T h e first thing a person finds in Alcoholics Anonymous,"
said the speaker, "is friendship. T h e
cure is based on group therapy, or
talking things over."
T h e Psychology Club is presenting
two films Tuesday night, April 13.
announced Howard.
Seniors To Apply
To Graduate School
T h e following s t u d e n t s were formally initiated into A.E.Phi: Eleanor Bogan '56, Marilyn Chenfeld,
J o a n Kushner, Rita Cohen, Marcia
Meiselman, Sheila Strongin, freshmen, according to J o a n Bolz '54,
President. T h e A.E.Phi pledge cup
was awarded jointly to Eleanor Bogan '56, and "Marilyn Chenfeld '57,
for their participation, interest and
activity in sorority events.
Seniors who plan to continue
studies in the G r a d u a t e School
should submit their applications before May 1st, announces Edgar W.
Flinton, Director of G r a d u a t e S t u dies.
Applications received to date exceed the number received at this
time last year. A large portion of
these applications were filed by m e n
in the armed services, states Mr.
T h e Date P a r t y originally sched- Flinton.
Applications may be secured in
uled by Alpha P h i Alpha for tonight has been cancelled, reports the Office of G r a d u a t e Studies,
Draper 105.
Richard Bailey '54, President.
How a star reporter
got s t a r t e d . . •
MARGUERITE HIGGINS says: "1 was b o r n in
Hong Kong, Spoke only French and Chinese 'til 12.
When my family returned to America, I studied
journalism at California and Columbia. My
fluency in French got me my big chance — war
correspondent in Europe. 1 covered
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t h u l o a d i n g i n d u t t r y analyst,
Harry M. Woolton, thow Cumuli
now 5 0 8 / 1 0 % ahead of tho
tocond'placo brand — biggott
preference lead in h i i t o r y !
•I'ulilliliwllii 1'rlnluri' hilt. Iliftl
It. J
Three Fraternities
Schedule Initiation
Iti'iniil.lh T . . h . i , . . . Co., W i l l i
Hiilom, N. C.
SA To Choose New Leaders
d At A nnual Elections
Veni, Vidi,
Moving-up Day
Will Reveal
Student Choice
Who's who? Who wants whom
Psi G a m m a , P h i Delta and Chi
for w h a t a n d why? Who's r u n Sigma T h e t a
a r e having
ning- when for which office?
formals this weekend, and several
This Election Rally Wednessororities a r e holding their alumni
day evening: answered the owls'
F r a t e r n i t i e s are p l a n questions. Candidates gathered
ning informal and formal initiations
Elections for all S t u d e n t Associain t h e G a m e Room of the Union
for their pledges this weekend.
tion and Class officers will be held
to present their views to inP h i Delta will present its formal
terested members of S t u d e n t
in Assembly today. Below is a list
May 1, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., a t
Association and support (heir
Jack's, a n n o u n c e s Natalie Green '54,
of major candidates. T h e platforms
General Chairman.
P h i Delta's
of the candidates for SA President
T h e well-planned program of
a l u m n i dinner will be held S a t u r are to be found on page 2; Vice
Klection Commission was enday afternoon a t the White Swan
President and Secretary are printed
tirely unrehearsed and sponR e s t a u r a n t , states F a i t h Hanson '54,
on page 3.
the-cuff speeches. Self-appointPsi G a m m a ' s formal will be held
Running for President of SA a r e
ed campaign m a n a g e r s added
S a t u r d a y night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Charles Beckwith and J o a n Carlin;
qualification to political stands.
at the Sky Room of Herbert's, a n candidates for Vice President are
Select c h a i r - s i t t e r s and h a n d nounces Syivia K o r a b '55, General
Robert Betscha and Sigmund Smith.
picked cheering sections assured
Ci.airman of the dance. T h e alumni
Those seeking the office of Secrethe social gathering of interest
luncheon will take place S a t u r d a y
tary are Marie Carbone, Sara J a n e
in the future leaders of our govafternoon at 2:30 p.m. in the Sky
Duffy, Patricia Hall, J o - A n n Kazernment.
Room of Herbert's, a n n o u n c e s Anna
mercik, Joan Van Dusen, and Betty
Wong '53. A picnic will be held S u n Will there be a larger chorus
Van Vlack.
of Who's in Assembly?
day afternoon a t T h a t c h e r Park,
announces J u d i t h Vimmerstadt '56.
The candidates for Student AsG a m m a K a p p a Phi's alumni b a n sociation Songlcader are Lucretia
quet will be this S a t u r d a y afternoon
D'Andrea, Sara Hoyt, Linda Nlles,
at 1 p.m. at t h e DeWitt Clinton Hoand Elaine Swartout.
tel, preceded by a cocktail party
a t 12:30 p.m.
Candidates for S t u d e n t Board of
Chi Sigma T h e l a ' s formal will
In S t u d e n t Council Wednesday
Student Union Board has sched- Finance are as follows: from the
take place Friday night a t the
night, reports were heard, Consti- uled a coffee hour. Sunday, from class of 1955, Marilyn Gadd a n d
Auiania Club from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
The fourth a n n u a l Now York tutional a m e n d m e n t s for S t a t e Col- 2 to 5 p.m., in t h e Lower Lounge Marilyn Spegele; from t h e class of
'J. here will be an alumni luncheon S t a t e Intercollegiate Mock Senale lege News and Athletic Association of Brubacher. All faculty and stu- 1956, Nicholas Cassevoy, J o a n De
at J a . k ' s R e s t a u r a n t at 12:30 p.m. will be held in the Assembly C h a m - were discussed, and the agenda for dents are invited. T h e purpose of this Cicco, Barry Dellafiora, J o h n F l a n Charles
McHarg, Dolores
Beta Zeta will have an alumni bers of the S t a t e Capitol at Albany, today's Assembly was passed.
coffee hour is to further .student- agan,
Price, Barbara
Salvatore, Bruce
luncheon S a t u r d a y at the University May 7, 8, and 9. It is a model
Charles Beckwith '55 reported for faculty relations.
Wise; from the class of 1957, P a u l
Club, a n n o u n c e s Marjorie Liddell '55. legislative session, which is o r g a n - S t u d e n t Board of F i n a n c e t h a t t h e
Coffee, tea, cookies, and soda for Bertan, Marilyn Chenfield, DomGeneral C n a i r m a n .
T h e s e n i o r ized by and participated in by col- contracts for various organizations
speaker will be Dorothea Cherubi lege students.
such as News and Primer will be faculty children will be served. S t u - Inlck De Cecco, Morton Hess, Ami
dent pianists will provide back- Kammer, Molly K n i g h t .
;>4. Installation of the new ol flA Steering Committee composed checked by the Board.
eers will be held a l t e r the dinner, ol ten colleges makes all plans for
The Trophy Case Committee re- ground music during the Coffee
Running lor President of t h e Class
(jaroi Schrelner '54, President, states this a n n u a l function. C h a i r m a n of ported t h a t the possibility of a glass Hour.
of 11)55 is J o h n Orser. T h e c a n iiial BZ lias pledged Phyllis Rob- Steering Committee is Mary De- case is now being considered.
Alice O'Neill '55 and Belly Van didate for the office of Vice Presierts '57.
laney, College of Saint Rose; viceNeil Brown '54, President, brought Vlack '57 are Co-Chaimieh of this
dent is Donna Hughes.
Kappa Delta's alumni luncheon c h a i r m a n is Paul Sahnond '!>4, S t a t e up the question of whether winners event,
will occur S a t u r d a y at the Hide- Teachers College, Albany.
of Varsity letters should or should
T h e candidates for President of
Co-Chairmen of the Invitations
a w a y of Celebrities. Potter, APA,
Other colleges which will attend not be eligible for membership on
(he Class of 1956 are Todd Cushman,
and KB are holding their formal are: Harpur, Nazareth, Rosary, Hill. Athletic Association Board. Accord- Committee are Edna Standley '55 Marjorie
initiations this weekend.
Potsdam State, Buffalo State, Os- ing to the present Constitution, they and Anne K u n d r a t i s '57. Mary Ann Peter Neville, and Edward RockHopko
wego Slate, Russell Sage, Rensselaer are not.
si roh. Maurice Botivier, M a r g a r e t
Polytechnic Institute, Siena, Orange
An amendment, to the S t a t e Col- J o a n De Cicco '56 and Helen Natale Coognn, Mary J a n e Fischer, Elaine
County, S a r a h Lawrence, Vassal', lege News constitution was proposed
Swartout, and J a n e W h i t e h u r s t are
Marymount, S a i n t Joseph's, Ford- by Evelyn Ruben '55, Editor. Acrunning lor Vice President.
ham. Hofstra. Long Island A&T, cording to this a m e n d m e n t , the
Brooklyn. Albany Law School, and Editor-in-Chief, Business Manager
T h e candidates for the office of
Albany Business College.
and Circulation Editor will be electPresident of the Sophomore Class
' I v a n the Terrible," directed by
Committee work and debate of ed from the Junior Editors each
are Robert Bloomer, Bruno Rodgers,
Serge N. Eisenstein, will be pre- bills comprise the greatest portion J a n u a r y , and take office the first
William Smith, Joseph Swierzowski,
.-.ented tonight by the I n t e r n a t i o n a l of the session. The subject m a t t e r week ol I he second semester. T h e
and Joseph Taggert. Running for
Film G r o u p at 7 p.m. in Draper 349, of bills introduced is unrestricted. a m e n d m e n t was passed, having p r e - Myskania in reference to voting has Vice President are Joseph Anderson,
reports H a n n a Will'ert, President.
Modified Senate procedure, as based viously been passed by the News
Robert Burns, Clifford Davis and
Since the preferential system was Randall Dudley.
Admission to the movie will be on Clark's Manual, is observed.
by membersnip card or the price ol
Attendance is open to all colleges
Included in the Assembly agenda established for multiple elections
nfty cents.
in New York State. A m a x i m u m are I he election of the College Myskania interprets t h a t in all
i h e film group has invited Arthur delegation consists of four senators Queen lor a Day, Announcements, elections where only one candidate
Lennig '5,'i to give a short, intro- and four a l t e r n a t e s : however, this an explanation of the procedure lor is running that candidate must,
reach the quota. Therefore we wish
ductory talk about the film.
number may vary.
balloting, and voting.
to remind voters t h a t a blank ballot
'I he program ol the International
indicates a negative vote.
lilin group is to bring to State
College outstanding foreign films
McManus remind.', all candidates
Residence Halls preference forms
lor llie enjo) mi'iit of language m a for two offices thai, they must have lor next year have been sent to all
jors and the general student bociy
their preferences handed in by to- group houses and should be comas well.
day a t 3:30 p.m. Prelerences should pleted and returned to the S t u d e n t
"Ivan the Terrible" is the result
be handed to McManus or put in Personnel Office by May 7, All
ol the work of two famous artists.
the Myskania mailbox. They are other students, whether they plan
Serge N. Eisenstein is the director,
will feature class speakers a ver- urged lo check the Activities Classi- to live at home, in a private resiwhile the musical score is handled
'Pul on your old purple bonnet dant freshman, a gay young Sopho- fication Office list, lound on page 4. dence or in a college residence hall,
by Prokolief.
Presidents of all organizations are should complete a preference form
with the gold lei tors on it" and more, a Jolly J u n i o r and a G r a n d
move up with your classmates next Old Senior. New Club and Honor- to hand in the slates of offices and in the Student Personnel Office imary members and Officers will then boards lor next year by Friday at mediately.
Lines of uniformly attired climb- be announced. Myskania '54 will 3:30 p.m.
Assignments to resilience halls
ers will form at I) a.m. at Draper then circle the expectant Juniors
will be considered as binding only
before their long inarch up to Page in the Traditional lapping ol the
when a colli rati has been signed
Dramatics and Arts Council will and the next class. While splashed '55 Myskle. New SA Officers will
and when a room deposit, has been
: ponsor a Ceramics Demonstration with class colors and beanies will then assume their new jobs.
made or transferred. David H n r t in their series ol S a t u r d a y morning distinguish underclassmen I nan the
Class Numerals will lie lormed on
ley, Dean of Men. relates t h a t r e workshops. Miss Lois MiiTiiult '5(1 Solemn Seniors in their caps and Page Field as I he Seniors will InThe work ol the students in the funds on room deposits will be
will give the d e m o n s t r a t i o n in the gowns.
augurate the idea of planting a tree
cafeteria, S a t u r d a y morning at 10
Frosh girls will present a study rn I her t h a n ivy. An afternoon base- Art •! and II classes in drawing and made only if notice of intention
a.m. Miss Mlrenull has had tech- in while blouses and skirts or dress ball ganie Willi Potsdam in t h e painting is now being shown on the not to occupy assigned room Is
nical instruction and
experience and socks Willi red hair ribbons; Hleecker Stadium at 2 p.m. will be second floor bulletin boards of received before August I.
Draper, announces R u t h E. Hutchwhile a t t e n d i n g VlltccnUan Insti- bo.\s in dark pants, white s h u t , and followed by a colter.
All students are reminded that
tute, Farinliigdale A and T, and red bow instead ol a lie
"The Grass Is Always Greener," ins, C h a i r m a n of the Art Depart- they may live only in approved
Sam Houston Institute ol Tech- Sallys will wear while skirts, yellow an hour and a hall skit, will stall ment.
residences and may change resiblouses or sweaters, socks, the boys, the evening program at 7:31) p.m. in
T h e exhibit will continue through dence during the college year only
SophoPage. The traditional sing by the May 12.
All students are prompted to atwith the prior written approval of
tend this demonstration, which will mores and freshmen t frost) girls lour classes will follow on the steps
Part ol the exhibit features pencil the Student Personnel Office,
ol Draper. T h e n will begin the eon- poriraii sketches by the students. list of approved rooms off-campus
give I lie basic instruction lor a
fusion of "I'm now a Junior, but Some still lil'es in pastels are also will be available in the Student
ceramics program that will be car- with their beanies.
This year's shortened ceremonies still a Sophomore."
ried on next year
on display.
Personnel Office after September 1.
Council Hears
SUB Schedules
A/loc/c Senate
Two Amendments Coffee Hour
To Include State
Candidates Will File
Office Preferences
Colorfully Dressed Statesmen
To Move Up To New Classes
• % & »
Sororities To Sponsor
Formals This Weeke
Students To File
Housing Choice
Smoke only Camels for
JO days-see for yourself
why Camel's cool, genuine
mildness and rich,
friendly flavor give more
people more pure
pleasure than any other
A L B A N Y . N E W YORK. F R I D A Y . A P R I L 3 0 ,
Group Presents
Russian Movie
Instructor To Illustrate
Ceramics Techniques
Art Exhibit Includes
Student Paintings