Froih Orchestra To Accompany Songs, Dances (Continued from Page 5, Column 6/ Owen Preston, Patricia Byine, Barbara Sica, Martha Saltzmai, Frances Giliberti, Madelyn Payne, Shirley Callahan, and June Harrington. The men in the dance and native chorus are: Donald Duclos, Alfred Short, Stuart Macnofsky, John Allaslo, Roger Ryan, Kenneth Stevenson, Donald Voellinger, Donald Barrett, Paul Wenderlich, William Staats, Stanley Howlett, and Richard Shands. The co-directors of the dance chorus are Arthur Stone and Marion Schock Committee chairmen are as follows: Co-ordinator, Patricia Dean; Sets, Dolores Donnelly; Publicity, Ralph Adams; Lights, Paul Saimond; Make-up, Esta Eckstein; Costumes, Mary Ann Reiling; House, Marie Mortelliti; Props, Rose Mary Bradt; and Business, Gloria Vuolo. An orchestra organized particularly for this performance will provide the music. Brown will direct the orchestra. Nev*¥ STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY. APRIL 2 0 . 1051 PAOBe Greeks Pledge Business Students New Members Slate Conference fContinuedfromPageS, Columns) freshments, Joan Foucault '51 and Joan Tantum '52; Pre-Olean-up, Marion Gorski and Post Clean-up, Lois Twlss, Juniors; and Reception, Miss Barlnger. Kappa Delta Rho initiation week end, under the direction of Harvey Robinson '52, will be held today through Sunday, according to William Dunn '51, President. Plans for the week end Include Informal initiation, attendance at church services, and formal initiation. Informal initiation wll be held at the house tonght at 8:30 p.m. Kappa Delta Rho members and pledges will attend church services Sunday at the churches of their respective faiths. Formal initiation, at the house at 3 p.m. Sunday, will be followed by a luncheon. Pledges of Kappa Beta fraternity will hold a party for the members tonight at 9 p.m. according to Joseph Friedman '51, President. Richard Seigel '54 is General Chairman of the affair and John Harvey '54 Is head of arrangements. (Continued from Page I, Column ti tion for the 1950 Education of Evaluation Criteria. John E. Whltcraft, Supervisor of Business Education of the State Education Department, founded and was head of the Department of Business and Secretarial Studies at Alfred University. Mr. Whltcraft supervised writing of the new "Office Practice Syllabus." Mr. Whltcraft was a member of the committee working on the New York City Survey for Vocational High School. Mary Connelly is an Associate Professor of Business Education at Boston University. Dr. Donald MulKerne is Supervisor of Commerce in the Milne School. Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of the College, will give the welcoming address at 10:30 a.m. The committees for the conference are: Exhibits, Patrick Carlo and Douglas Adamson, Sophomores', Publicity, Barbara Benson '51 and Victoria Eade '52; Luncheon, Eleanor Gessinger; Programs, Sue Gallo and Arrangements, Martha Downey, Seniors. Myskania Revises Election Commission Major-Minor Plan Names Replacements The Major-Minor Office classification plan has been altered from that published in the Freshman Handbook, according to Gerald Dunn '51, Myskania member. The revised list appears on the Student Association Bulletin Board in Husted Hall. A student may hold one major or two minor offices under the new plan. Anyone who has been nominated for more than one office under the Major-Minor plan is to drop a note in the Myskania mailbox in lower Draper concerning his preference by Thursday. All organizations having offices listed under the Major-Minor classification are to hold elections and release the results to Myskania by Monday. Math Club To Convene For Lecture, Nominations There will be a meeting of the Mathematics Club Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. In Room 150, according to Daniel Tauroney '51, President. Sandra Heslin, Grad., will speak on "Magic Squares," and nominations will be held for next year's officers. Wednesday night Student Council approved the appointment of three new members to Election Commission to fill the vacancies caused by resignations, according to Stuart Gates '51, Chairman of the Commission. In assembly today Election Commission will introduce candidates for all Student Association offices and Myskania, and will supervise the speeches of Presidential candidates and their campaign managers. The Commission will also supervise the speeches of class presidential nominees. Gates announced. To fill vacancies brought about by the resignation of William Wiley, Joan Haggerty, and Robert Hausner, Juniors, in order that they might run for another office, Charles Hubbard, Royann Salm, and Alfred Kaehn, Seniors, were appointed to Election Commission. They will serve until Moving-Up-Day, shortly after which a new commission will be selected. All the classes will hold meetings Thursday noon at which time candidates for class offices will be introduced and presidential candidates will give speeches of a two-minute duration. LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTSMAKE THIS MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF AND GET **8" VOL. XXXV NO. 2 3 ALBANY. NEW YORK. FRIDAY, APRIL 27. 1951 Z-444 Stale's Sororities, Presidential Candidates For Student Association Fraternities Slate Weekend Plans Events scheduled for the weekend by sororities and fraternities include the Edward Eldred Potter Club formal, Kappa Beta Party and a Psi Gamma Open House. Kathryn Loucks '51, President of Beta Zeta, has announced the formal initiation of their pledges. Tonight the Aurania Club will be the scene ot the Potter Club formal. James Warden '51, is General Chairman of the affair, which will be held from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. Harry Vincent, his trumpet and his orchestra will provide the music for the event. Name Committee Heads for Formal Assisting the General Chairman are the following committee heads: Decorations, Fred Knoerzer '51; Programs, Edward Bonahue; Favors, Richard Jacobson, Sophomores; Invitations, Francis Ioele '52; and Flowers, Joseph Purdy '51. Two o'clock hours have been granted to women attending the formal. Kappa Beta Plans Party Tomorrow night, from 8:30 p.m. to 12 midnight, Kappa Beta fraternity will sponsor a Tru-Aldf Party for members, according to Jo eph Friedman '51, President. Herman Smith '52, is General Chairman of the affair. Corcoran Slates Open IIoustAccording to an announcement made by Lenore Corcoran '51, President of Psi Gamma, an Open House will be held for Statesmen tonight from 8:30 p.m. to 12 midnight. Barbara Joyce '52, is General Chairman of the activity. Irene Brezinsky '53, was recently pledged to the sorority. As the result of formal initiation last Monday evening, six women have become members of Beta Zeta sorority. Those who were initiated are Joan Bennett '53, Mary Pugsley, Nancy Roosa, Ada Cosgriff, June Terry, and Beverly Weiner, freshmen. Students To Vote On Candidates For S A Offices To Elect Class Leaders, Members O f Myskania Assembly today will consist of voting for Student Association and class officers. The election procedure will be the same as in former years. Ballots for both class and Student Association elections will be handed in at the same time, as the Assembly files out by row, according to sections. The candidates for MysKania were printed in last week's News. The candidates for other Student Association offices are as follows: UAVII) MANLY HARVEY ROBINSON President, Davlil Manly, Harvey Robinscui. William Wiley, Vi<<--, t'liarlt-s Abraham, Robert liabt-ock, Thomas Hughes, Richard Jacnbson, Hose Mary Keller, John Lnnnon, Joseph Lombard!, Oi-rnlil Roberts, A r t h u r Welgaml. SmiKli-iidi-r, Marjorle Davis, Helen Knslnskl, Milan Krclmlnk, .Mary Horys' Marks, Louise l-ell'lelcl, Ktlic-l WILLIAM WILEY Plcrsnn. Secretary, Simla Bush, A n n Caparls, Ann Cohnnhc, I'atrlcia Dean, My main point is that of an ef- Sally Oerlg, Marilyn Meyers, Madeleine ficiently run student government. I Payne, Patricia Zylko. student Hoard riimnee, Kugohc Anderson. Donald have seen in my past experiences of Hums. Victoria Billtlliio, Joseph Dolnn, with Student Association how this Arlene Kverson. Marjorle Karwell, all important point might be at- Charles (inineisen, .luanlla Me.Millc.-n, tained. In these seven points, I be- Until Merry, Douglas Thome, Rudolf Patrick Carlo. Leonard Davis, lieve we, you and I, together, can Untie, Roderick llilsinger, Milan Krclmlnk. and will reach this goal. William Robhlna, Katharine Sinclair, Harold Smith. Student Facilities Hoard, 1. A continued investigation of Holly Allen. ,lac(|iiellne Coplon, Robert lliiusner. ICdmiiiiil l.eigh, David Shepthe MAA problems. nril, lOdwal-il Itonahiii', Ratty t'oyken2. Get the Budget before SA ear- • lull. It ut h Dunn. Joseph .Nlel'orniaek, lier and to keep a closer check on Itolict-l Slnkcldani. Louis Vlon, Audrey Burke, Dorothea Cheriihinl, Alfred the running of student supported i'lemenle. Donald Duclos. James F l n uen, Man-In (ii'll'f, Thomas Iloppoy, organizations. K;ii/.. Donald Krng. Konrad 3. Keeping an accurate and strict Julie Mnier. Kathleen uliei-sl, H a r r y W n r r , Our Student Association is presTo me, being a candidate for the ently a strong and efficiently operoffice of Student Association Presi- ated governmental organization. dent is not an honor, but rather, it However, through three years of is a challenge to prove worthy of working experience in S. A., it is apparent to me that there are conthe votes and support of the student ditions much in need of Improvebody. ment and that S. A. has many poI do not stand on any "ID-point" tentialities that should definitely be investigated. In support of this, as platform, but I do propose the fol- on? wishing to improve our organilowing projects for the coming year: zation as your president, If you would 111 A thorough investigation of allow me to do so, I advocate: ( D A more varied and interesting "State-Financed Athletics" and/or assembly agenda; also, decision by a separate MAA Student Activity the majority and respect for the Card. minority. accounting of all Student Council Itevel'lv W e i n e r . The candidates for offices in ! lit- four (3 A student oociy, oetter inform- members, (attendance and reports.) (2) A release from hibernation of classes are as follows: Student Facilities Board, an organ- ed by a more investigative Student 4. The continued work into the 11*51: Alumni t'tiiitiHt-lor, Mnrilvn A l Lois Present!, lOvelyn Wolfe. ization with $30,000 with which to Council. feasibilities of the possible incor- len,11(52: President, Roller! Donnelly. (31 Constitutional house-cleaning poration of SA. furnish the new Student Union. Vice-President, Patricia DurRUscn, with special emphasis on clarificaRiiln-i'l .laeohy, Edward Kyle, 5. The Reactivation of the Stu- Leitfh. Trt-tiHiirt-r, Jt-annine Edmund (3) A further, concentrated effort tion of offices and the attached duBurke, dent Facilities Board. J; s Coles, Marjorle Farwell. St-crt-towards better Student-Faculty re- ties. 141 New Student-Faculty projects. 6. The remaking of the Social ttir.v. Palrlola Devlll, Viola Myles. Mnrlations, carried beyond the idea of (Continued on Page h, Column 1) i,r>) State aid for our activities, Calendar Committee. just one night in the year reserved expanding them with a minimum for such betterment of relations. 7. The clarification of the duties Student tax. I4I An optimistic outlook, that (6) A study of the wisdom in pur- of Election Commission. with the centralization of many ac- chasing a television set for the These main points will lead to tivities in the new Student Union, it Lounge, and the suggestion of in- the unique position of SA in the will be possible to promote more corporating S. A. State University, keeping it as a student participation in more organ17) Belter scheduling of activi- lender in Student Government in izations, and thus a closer-knit Stu- ties; and maximum use of our Stu- New York State. Tuesday evening, the annual Residents of Van Derzee Hall will dent-run Association. May Day observance will take dent Union. hold their annual spring formal toplace, Gerald Brophy '51, President morrow night, according to an anof Newman Club, has announced. nouncement by Clarence Larson, The Christian Science Organization Grad, President. The entire house and Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowwill be open for inspection by all ship have slated meetings for Thursguests during the evening. day. This event, to be held from 9 p.m. The May Day celebration will to 1 a.m., will have the theme begin with a parade, in which State Two rivalry events will be held "Dream World." The dance will Lending a helping hand to Comstudents will form the fifth division, feature the music of Bob Massey muters Club, the merry muses of his orchestra will provide music for tomorro.,' afternoon, according to starting from St. Rose College and Helmulh Schultze '51, Chairman of and his Bluenoters. General Chair, Venus and Apollo have agreed to I he couples. Rivalry Committee. Women's soft- proceeding to Capitol Park where man, Fred Knoerzer '51, will be as- sprinkle merriment down upon the Oh George! Jerry and Dagmar ball is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Page Bishop ScUly, of the Albany Diosisted by the following Committee Movlng-Up Day Semi-Formal Fricese, will speak. heads: Decorations, Robert Berk- day, May 4. By special agreement will be the special attraction of the Field; men's will be held at 2:30 The Christian Science Organizap.m. Each event is worth two rivalRose Lounge through the courtesy holer and Walter Schneller, Soph- with Petrillo, they will work overtion meeting will be held in Room ry points. of Dick's Radio Service. All this and omores; Chaperones, Stuart Gates time, spreading joy from !) p.m. to i l l Draper Hall at 7:30 p.m., acMovlng-Up Day rivalry activities '51; Music, Robert Creedon '53 and 1 a.m. in the Gym, Lounge and the boxing too -via TV of course, The roses may not be four, but they're include the skit and sing, each worth cording to Barbara Newcombe '53, Refreshments, John Lehr '51. Commons. President. Fleta Wright '52, Presibelter by the score. Chaperones for this annual event three points. The winner of the five dent, has announced that Mrs. AnThe decorations for Minerva's are William Lyons, House Manager, Ballroom in the Gym will center The atmosphere of the Commons points for the Big-4 will be an- na Mcahl will speak upon "How and Mrs. Lyons; Paul Wheeler, In- around the pedestal for the reigning will be that of a college cabaret nounced, and also the winner of Can I Know God's Will" at the structor in Sociology; Catherine goddess. She will be selected from featuring Sue "The Lady is a rivalry. IVCF meeting in Room 23, RichardNewbold. Instructor In History; and those women attending the dance Tramp" Danzis and Burnet, Banners must be returned to son Hall at noon. Harry Baden, and Mrs. Baden, In- by I he chaperones. Dr. Col- wno will rattle the HB's in accompan- James Jitisto '51, between (i p. m, and structor lu English. lins, who will be truest of honor, will iment. Pennants from various col- 12 midnight, Friday, May 4. The leges will be the outstanding decora- class returning its own banner will Honorary Fraternity present the goddess with a gift. tor's items. Refreshments will be two points; the class returnIn addition to these roinane.sque served In this care-free atmosphere receive ing lis rival's banner will be given To Select Offices touches, purple and gold streamers throughout the evening. three points. The present rivalry will lend a collegiate atmosphere to Skating Party, Hike Kappa Phi Kappa, national hon_ Sally Tschuml is supervising the score is eighteen for the Sophomores this divine world. Bob Massey and orary education fraternity, will hold cohorts who are preparing for the and seventeen for the freshmen. A skating party and u hike have Its final meeting of the semester descent of the gods and goddesses been .scheduled tomorrow and Sun- W A A Members W i l l Elect Tuesday In the Lounge at 3:30 p.m., from their Mount Olympus or Mount Six Freshmen Receive Warnings day for children at the Albany Officers For Next Year, Today according to Arthur Pederson '50, Rotunda. In response to a special For Violation Of State Tradition Home, according to Edmund Leigh President. During the meeting the request, Ceres has made special Elections for Women's Athletic '52, President of 8MILE8. The skatofficers for 1951-52 will be elected. arrangements to present each lady The following people have receiving party will be held from 1 to 5 Association officers will take place Pederson announced that the anp. m. tomorrow at Hoffman's Skate- outside the Commons today from with a corsage. These are to be In- ed second warnings for violation of nual fraternity banquet will be held land The "kids" will leave the 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Phyllis Harris '51, cluded with the $3 bid. Bids will go a State College tradition, according Sunday, May G, at Jack's Restaurant. Home ut 1:10 p.m. Sunday and will President of WAA has announced, on sale outside the Commons Mon- to William Engelhart '51, Chairman Frank A. Peake, National Secof Myskania: Jean Racey, JaneFreaAll girls with credit In at least one day. hike to Nonnimsklll creek. retary-Treasurer of the fraternity ney, Phyllis Ellis, Mabel Schweizer, Joan UiM-der and Robert Barron, sport are eligible to vote. The semi-formal looks as if it Mima Pollta, and Esta Eckstein. A visited the Chi chapter of State Juniors, Co-Chairmen of the weekThe elections will be conducted in might be quite heavenly. No wings third warning will necessitate an a- College Thursday, April 19. A short end's activities, request all students the manner prescribed by the new are necessary to enter this realm of Informal meeting was held at that interested In assisting with the hike, constitutional amendments passed heavenly rest—just an invite girls pology to Student Association, ac- time, according to Pederson. cording to Engelhart, the skating party or a baseball game and there you are. according to Miss Harris. to meet at the Home. WHAT EVERY SMOKER WANTS Newman, SCA, IVCF Plan Events Van Derzee Hall Schedules Formal 'Minnie Will Abdicate Pedestal Schultze Releases In Favor Of MUD Formal Beauty Rivalry Agenda SMILES To Hold M U M TO.AU* tu. «*AdB I STAfC COLLIOK Insurance Revive d . . . This week S t u d e n t Council voted o n a p r o g r a m which potentially h a s a f a r - r e a c h i n g effect o n each m e m b e r of S t u d e n t Association. After h e a r i n g representatives from two companies—American Progressive a n d O m a h a M u t u a l — t h e Council voted t o continue our affiliations with A r t K a p n e r a n d h i s company, the O m a h a Mutual. NEWS. % Pull <1U Wool 0* Not % Pull 1U Wool, STATE C O L L E G E N E W S . FRIDAY, A P R I L 2 7 . 1 9 8 1 Ilia* 9l <1U 2i4*itiOH Gammon-State* By HARVEY MILK By RAY CHAMPLIN :.'BWS. Having han:'.ed t h e retired "cow- from t h e n i n t h green. H o w could FOOD F O R T H O U G H T boy" a t t h e anterior p a r t of t h e bus cne school have so m u c h ! ? T h e field Einstein once said t h a t , " W e d o n o t weigh votes, T h e n e w company, offered u s a policy calling for t h e a p p r o p r i a t e fee,- n a m e l y twelve house u n f o r t u n a t e l y does n o t p e r m i t premiums of $23.75 for m e n , a n d $18.95 for women. "centavos," a b r i g h t a n d shiny new us a peek a t t h e fabulous swimming just count them." I n saying t h a t I believe h e meant Our p r e s e n t policy calls for a p r e m i u m of $25 for penguin awaits Its first glimpse of a pool, b u t we can see to our a m a z e - t h a t i n o u r country t h e vote of a b u m or drunk everyone. However, i t a p p e a r e d t h a t t h e American s t a t e institution. T h e genteel bounc- m e n t t h a t t h e locker rooms a r e r i g h t counts just a s m u c h a s t h e vote of a s t u d e n t of PoliProgressive is basing m u c h of i t s reasoning o n t h e ing on t h e cobble stones of t h e city's next to t h e gym. S u c h luxuries! tical Science or a n economist. Maybe it should anticipation of selling 1200 policies a t S t a t e College. m a i n thoroughfar* lulls o u r " u n a n d maybe it shouldn't. B u t I don't t h i n k so and I This year, t h e peak one, t h e r e a r e 630 policy holders. clued" little friend into a few brief Before u s lie t h e towering ivy hails base m y opinion on t h e elections held a t State. Too of learning, to which h a p p y hordes many people a r e n ' t qualified t o cast a ballot in most m o m e n t s of slumber. During t h e inI n explaining last year's increase, it was pointed o u t of carefree s t u d e n t s jog e a j h m o r n - elections. T h e y d o n ' t know who is r u n n i n g , t h e abiliby t h e representative t h a t over t h e p a s t t h r e e years terval, we four-dimensional m i n d e d ing as t h e need arises. Here in a ties of those w h o a r e running, a n d t h e responsibithe c o m p a n y h a s paid a s claims 92 p e r cent, 107 per m a t h majors a r e able to peer into traditional a t m o s p h e r e o n e receives lities of t h e officers to be filled. Whose fault is it? T h e its little h e a d a t t h e d r e a m which is cent, a n d 96 p e r c e n t of each dollar t a k e n . T h u s we j u s t t h e proper p i n c h of progres- voters a n d t h e candidates; b u t today we will vote for about to unfold. either were or approached t h e point of being, a losing sivism i ? ) . T h e library we find is our leaders n o t knowing their qualifications or how proposition. Here is t h e vision. S t r e t c h i n g a s quiet a n d peaceful, a n d t h r o u g h a they s t a n d on a n y controversial issue. A n d t h e votes On t h e other side, t h e lower p r e m i u m would be far as t h e eye c a n see, t h e Old Pork window, o n e observes industrious of t h e freshmen will count just a s m u c h as those of t h e price for a t least one year, a n d t h e r e is n o t h i n g S t a t e College for T e a c h e r s a n d s t u d e n t s working u n d e r non-flicker- the seniors a n d juniors who know just who's a to indicate, a t t h e present time, t h a t it would be O t h e r s unrolls itself majestically ing fluorescent lights. O n e shelf of phony a n d n o t . Several years ago i t w a s brought up more in other years. I n fact, t h e r e is n o assurance "plum" in t h e middle of Albranny. old books h a s recently been confis- t h a t t h e freshmen should n o t vote for Who's Who t h a t e i t h e r c o m p a n y will hold t o t h e same prices, T h e campus, acclaimed t h r o u g h o u t cated in order to p u r c h a s e two extra because they don't know t h e seniors well enough. the world for t h e color of its grass, crates of ping pong balls for a r u m p - T h e same is true for President of S.A. a n d Myskania. either u p or down. us room known a s t h e "s?lect." It is said t h a t they pay their s t u d e n t t a x a n d should We t h i n k t h a t S t u d e n t Council m a d e a wise choice. presents a b r e a t h - t a k i n g spectacle. be allowed to vote. I paid by taxes to t h e federal Shady walks crisscross t h e c a m p u s I n t h e past we have received excellent service from T h e modern buildings to our right Art K a p n e r . He h a s done m u c h to s t i m u l a t e interest giving evidence of t h e time a n d ef- are t h e "dorms." S t u d e n t s from o t h - government a n d will serve t h e same in t h e armed in t h e s t u d e n t s i n some form of medical coverage, fort expended in its design a n d con- er less fortunate schools a r e allowed forces but t h a t doesn't allow m e t o vote in national and possibly h a s laid t h e groundwork for w h a t should struction. T o our left t h e extensive to stay in them in order t h a t they elections. eventually come—compulsory i n s u r a n c e for every s t u - recreational facilities of t h e college m i g h t be filled a t least t o t h e fourth dent. His office h a s always been available to us for c a t c h t h e eye of which t h e tennis floor. I t seems odd, but in t h e back- INSURANCE courts a p p e a r to be t h e outstandingStudent council made one of t h e smartest decianswers to o u r questions. feature. O n e court is a gently roll- ground, one observes a group of sions t h a t body h a s ever m a d e when they voted not F r o m o u r point, however, we t h i n k t h a t m a k i n g wealthy m e n removing t h e smoldering m a c a d a m job a n d t h e others a r e to change t h e s t u d e n t medical policy. They used the established company justify its policy once in finished in clay. I n back of t h e a t h - ing plaster board, ruins of a n emer- their heads in deciding not to shop a r o u n d for bara while is good business. At least it t h e n becomes gency housing project. letic field where two girl field hockey gains when dealing with a n i m p o r t a n t thing as aware t h a t it h a s n o sinecure. Nevertheless, if we must teams a r e vying for the league leadNow as we turn slowly around our health. Please see your student council representachange, lets make sure t h a t we g e t s o m e t h i n g t h a t ershlo, one sees t h " golf course a n d eyes fall on t h e highlight of t h e tives for all t h e facts o n t h e issue. H a t s off to the is better t h a n w h a t we have. th? ski trails. It h a s been s a H t h a t campus. Nestled in a little hollow council. one can see t h e s t a t e office building amidst a n a t m o s p h e r e of pines a n d c h a t t e r i n g grey squirrels is a crys- IN T H E R I G H T DIRECTION K a p p a Beta should be given credit for t h e Cancer tal clear pool of aqua. A littl? foot bridge m a r c h e s gracefully over t h e F u n d show their pledges gave last T h u r s d a y in which Few people c a n predict elections with a n y accuracy, quiet waters a n d a boat house near they collected almost a dollar a m i n u t e . I t was in Q04ft4fUUUCicUi0HA. and we do n o t intend t o go o u t on t h e limb trying to the end of t h e lake hides t h e rowing my knowledge t h e first time any S t a t e frat h a s put predict winners either. T h e r e is o n e prediction t h a t their pledges to work for something constructive and team from view Ah, Utopia! can be m a d e with a great degree of a s s u r a n c e t h a t beneficiary. O t h e r frats should follow along and use only a handful (thirteen perhaps> of people will be Whoa, yells t h e jockey, and the j a r the pledges to help society instead of using them as To T h e Editor satisfied with t h e results of t h e Myskania election. of t h e stopping bus brings our little targets for paddles; or would t h a t be admitting a n To u s it seems r a t h e r ludicrous t h a t over 10 per cent " W h a t is this thing called Mys- penguin t o its feet. It g a t h e r s u p other frat was right a n d yours was wrong? of t h e J u n i o r class should be n o m i n a t e d for this of- k a n i a " ? a question being thrown its gear, s t r a i g h t e n s its beany, trips —Phi Delt h a s also stepped in t h e right direction fice. I n case you haven't counted them, there a r e 37 around lately after some acrutiniz- over two people a n d stumbles grace- by throwing out all restriction clauses in their confully to t h e curb. It lifts its eyes candidates. ation of t h e averages of Myskania with expectation a n d t h e hoax is stitution . . . congrats to you girls W h a t does it m e a n ? I t seems t h a t there a r e two prospects. Honor society, collection ended. Old Pork S t a t e is just a n FAULTY LEADERS possible solutions to t h e question. E i t h e r there a r e of scholars plus leaders, school gen- ordinary .school. Someone pulled a blunder in t h e disqualification of no o u t s t a n d i n g members of t h e class of 1952, as far ius a n d talent, or just "good Joes" several people from running for office. Some of as t h e qualifications for t h e office a r e concerned, or who devoted their time to pursuit Let us see if this h e a r t rendering t h a t t h e r e is something wrong with t h e system u n d e r of extra curricular activities r a t h e r little episode could not occur a t o u r those disqualified have appealed. And they have a strong case. When they a r e misled by Myskania which they a r e chosen. Overlooking t h e first suggest- t h a n their studies, or just w h a t ? own institution. Remember t h e one they can't be blamed. Myskania was negligent someion let us look a t t h e system u n d e r which they a r e real farce, portraying t h e life a t It is certainly agree! t h a t t h e conwhere a n d punished n o t themselves but candidates. now chosen. S t a t e College shown in Assembly Until five years ago, Myskania was a self-perpet- stitutional definition does n o t agree first .semester? Another film is now (JET T H E BEST uating body, vested with t h e s a m e duties a s possessed with t h e choice of c a n d i d a t e s a n d in t h e making. Will this be a replica Today you will decide who i.s to lead us as president by t h e present group. T h e n t h e present system was certainly n o t with t h e r e c o m m e n d a - of t h e first production? I trust it will next year. O n e qualification, a n d a n important, one tion of o u r present organization. inaugurated. At first it w a s assumed (judging from not be. O u r school can speak for too, is a good speaker. Someone who c a n lend and the ballots from t h e past five years i t h a t t h e o u t - What to d o ??? itself. Why not let it? guide us. Someone who c a n speak without stammering going Myskania would m a k e full use of its perogaT h e more radical person would all over t h e place. Think back to t h e speeches of last tive to recommend ten c a n d i d a t e s , o n which t h e s t u - say, let's g e t rid of it completely, week a n d which speaker comes to your mind first. He dent body would voice only a "yes" or " n o " decision. because we do not need a judiciary ^ufiin' On. 7lie 'loutti probably is t h e best. And think n o t only what a good To fill t h e remaining positions a n d assure t h a t worthy when t h e voice of t h e full s t u d e n t smile t h e c a n d i d a t e s have but if they a r e sincere or candidates were n o t overlooked, nominations were body c a n be measured in any quesnot. Let's put a worker in and not a phony. made, both from Myskania a n d S t u d e n t Association. tion, a n d since t h e structure of t h e S t a t e College a n d t h e City of AlIn later years, however, Myskania h a s not followed organization does not fulfill its con- bany will play hosts to t h e Collegi- AND WHY this procedure. . . does i h e co-op charge ten cents to cash a check ate Singers a n d Crane String Q u a r stitutional obligations. tet of Potsdam S t a t e Teachers Col. . isn't a n y complete information released to the It seems to us t h a t S t u d e n t Association should strongly consider t h e possibility of r e t u r n i n g to t h e T h e conservative would say. let's lege on Tuesday. T h e groups will News on t h e whole situation of t h e new dorms seemingly undemocratic—but certainly more able to make t h e constitution meet t h e type arrive a t S t a t e a t 4:30 p.m. a n d . . . isn't t h e suggestion box locked recognize ability—method of self - perpetuation of of c a n d i d a t e Myskania nominations will be recevied by a s t u d e n t committee thai will show t h e m to t h e . . aren't t h e suggestions in t h e box taken to Dr. Myskania. O n e other system h a s been presented for seem t o push to t h e fore. Collins every week Lounge where they will be able to a revamping of t h e judicial b r a n c h of S t u d e n t GovT h e n there's t h e freshmen girl rest, until dinner. D i n n e r will be . . don't people who participate in class activities e r n m e n t , a n d t h a t is to have a n appointed body of who goes to bed early every night served to them in t h e Cafeteria pay their dues five members, none of whom hold a n y other office so she c a n dream of t h e day when a n d after dinner, they will leave for . . . do people still vote strickly on fraternity and under S t u d e n t Association of a purely h o n o r a r y body. her Myskania key is draped around Chancellor's Hall where they will sorority lines . . . does membership in one group P e r h a p s , t h e first step in solving this a n d other her neck (Thus explaining h e r lowperforin at H:'M) p. m. and not a n o t h e r mean a person is better qualified? problems, facing us for next y e a r is to choose today averagei, w h o wants desperately to as our leaders those who possess all Lire necessary see Myskania kept in its present, T h e chorus a n d quartet a r e under ability, knowledge, and leadership to cope with them. form. the direction ol Helen Hosner a n d Brock MeElheron of t h e c rune DeSTATE COLLEGE NEWS Toss your com, make u p your parlm: lit ol Music at Potsdam s t a l e mind; nothing much will h a p p e n , T h e groups a r e being sponsored by ESTABLISHED MAY 1916 but it's fun to talk about it. the Music Department of Album BY T H E C L A S S O F 1 9 1 8 High and the C nine Alumni DepartEdwin I>. KurlamliT '51 ment. B sell's "Magnificat" w.ll be RATING—ALL-AMERICAN offered as the main work an.I Hi r e I'lUUAY, APRIL, 27 VOL. X X X V April 27. 1951 No 22 iniiindi r ol t h e program will consist 9 a.m. 12 noon Women's Athletic Association \ | , M i l , |p i - ' I' l.'i .r ol six ol Bralun's "Love Song" Wultelections outside Commons. zi s, .selections from " T h e Mikado." fi:3() p.m. 11! mid. Psi G a m m a Open House. •" 1' r.-i M i n n i e i i . « e . | , i ,.r i '||. \ , W "l . . I ' I , Sl M r C u t spirituals, a n d a variety ol modern '1, !LI" 9 p.m. 1 p.m. Edward Eldred Potter Club Fori . i r 1 I' In 1 I'llli l-llr l . -1, r I'l' , , | I I I . ('nil...... dance tunes. K•,cryon ', an.I par! ieilInSiii,|,. . \ I.I : I . . I . \ r i i r I n ' In' \ l : « S i | , . r mal at t h e Auranla Club. larly si iiilenls from State, a r e m\ li- i'i • i • ii/. - 'U'ji; \\ " I l l .' I'.II. a' - "•- •• SATURDAY, APRIL IH 1 1 . 1 . • • .Is i is i ed to t h e performance Tuesday \ I - I I I 1 M r» i.i i l l , N K W ' s I . : n i t .. r 2:30 p.m. Rivalry Softball on Page Field. night. Tickets will be $.75, tax in- « . .1 in—.i.i> i n . I I I ; in 11 in I I I . , ' . a . 7 1:00 p.m. 5 p.m. SMILES Skating Party at HoffM \l< V I I \/.|.;i. • 1 .hi... in 1In. 1 cluded man's S k a t e l a n d . (.11 1.1)1 K SV1 A I M / . - 1 .. M i n c i n e 1 illli.i A.-hL'inbly last week was high1 .. M i n m u m 1 i l i l m 9 p.m. 1 a.m. Van Derzee Formal at Van D e i Tins i.s nil advance noli :• el t h e O1 l\l lKAl .IiI NI \I I\ Ii lNl sI i; - . I', I I ,IIIIM. I I - 1. 1 1 " . lighted by campaign speeches oi zee Hall. sale, beginning next w 'ck, ol tickets Spurt-. ItliliH •alldidutes for tlh' Student Associ- lor the perlorinance ol the S.ui . ' a r - I ' M 1. I l l ( I I i l \ s SUNDAY, APRIL 29 I I I \ I ' l l 1 1 It 1 I I 1 It 1 N 1 i i . n l Oil.II Mini,IK.'I ation offices ol President. ViceJ I M ! 1 n i l lv All t ri'l ikl nit Miiiium'i 1:15 p.m. SMILES Hike. Leaves from t h e id Opera Company. May 22 at C h a n President, a n d S . c r c t a n All other •ellor's Hull T h e compan;, w ill p r c - i u . s i : i ' i i e l i < i i \ Milium.i Albany Home for Children. - • • - • iinsin.'sK 1 \ . limn;,' IMIHIII candidates for SA olfices ami Mvsi I.I \ n u T I S T I 8:30 p.m. 12 mid. Kappa Beta " T r u e - A i d e " Party s 'lit "Cu\ ulleriu R u s t i e a n a " and iM I:I I U I M - : < , \ i t c i i i. VKH.HIIII,. l.ililm kania were introduced to t h e .stu- 'Piigl'.ncei" both mi Tuesday night at t h e K a p p a Beta house \ l( I n u i \ I:\D|.; . A i.i I.- l i . l i t u i dent b o d ) . 1 tl 'I he I U'k.'l.s will be on .sale at t h e 1. II Vi 1 S M I 1 1| . . . Tl'KSOAY, MAY 1 3:30 p.m. Kappa Phi Kappa meeting in the Cuiulldules for Secretary spoke Palace T h e a t e r and will range from m i . s i 11..II- -I l.l I., i.Iih i,. . i , a. iiiu-l In' - i n n . , I V i m . - tt . i Ii,. tvil hh. 1.1 u|.'iii Lounge. lirst followed by those running for $1 HO to $3 till T h e seating rapacity I In. s i \ I i: • -< 11.1 .|-:<: ••: M - : \ V K M-MIIII. - n i' - | . . the position o| Vice-President T h e and tickets are limited, so g d your THURSDAY, MAY 3 tickets a.s curl) as possible P K .Kiel it la! candidates were then 12 noon Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow•I ••• • I introduced b.\ their campaign milli"Pupa Is All." a Peniisvlvaniu ship meeting in Room 23. ng rs mid presented t h e points of 1 Hitch com dy. will conclude Us run 7:30 p.m Christian .Science Meeting in their platforms. at t h e Playhouse season on May 5. Room 111, Draper. Bad To Worse . . . College Calendar £aU Week h 1 1 -m^- KDR Topples Kappa Beta; &? 1U WAA Pcds To Tangle W i t h Utica In Road Contest Beavers Defeat Rams By F U L L E R A COYKENDALL The Oommon-Stater is given the widest latitude at author of this column, although his viewpoints do t'ot necessarily reflect those of the STATB COLLEOI 9+t AuemLUf, PAOB * FRIDAY, A P R I L 2 7 , 1 0 9 1 Mathews Starts Umpiring Staff T h e "girls with t h e pearls" a r e back a t their post w i t h some toasts for our spring c a p t a i n s . State Golf Slated May 19-20 At Muny Down t h e Dorm field way o n Monday o r Friday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 p . m . we'll soon see all t h e old b a t s swinging down t h e field. Limbering u p their a r m and back Inclement weather h a s h a m muscles u n d e r t h e direction of Gwen pered t h e beginning of t h e m e n ' s Gallivan '52, a n d Buzzie Burke '54, IM Golf t h u s far, a n d t h e f i - a r e all t h e potential Bob Feller's. nal d a t e for t h e e n t r a n t s ( a n y Several girls a r e orientating thembody) t o h a n d i n their first selves for t h e big year on their farm card h a s been s e t back t o M a y teams. Several have h a d offers for contracts from t h e P i r a t e 54's and 4, a week from today. These Red Socks 53's. cards m u s t be in t h e h a n d s of Don B u r n s '52, n o t later t h a n Scouts Fuller a n d Coykendall took that date. a check o n t h e exhibition practices T h e tentative date for this last S a t u r d a y : t h e old timers h a n d i c a p affair is May 19-20. Rounding T h i r d Reed a n d Babe Director of Athletics Merlin H a Paterson were there coaching t h e thaway is a t t e m p t i n g to secure "Greenies," New faces have appeart h e use of t h e Municipal Golf ed a t t h e c a m p — R i g h t - A r m Richter. Course, site of t h e tourney, for Zippy Zylko a n d Bat t h e Bat Burke. t h e c o n t e s t a n t s free of expense. A few of t h e former Ex-rivalists If successful, only those with were also on h a n d like Gait-a-Long cards submitted by May 4 will Gallivan, Hash I t Out Haggerty, have t h e privilege of playing B r e a k - a - L s g Baldino. and Attaon t h e Muny course Monday Girl-Anna. t h r u Friday for t h e remainder of t h e semester without doling But t h e girls t h a t t h e sweat is r e out their own cash. ally rolling off a r e t h e Sophomores. They a r c trying to arrange the score to be 53-6 r a t h e r t h a n 54-6 in that daring Rivalry game. Joe Gives Boaters Rain Cancels Tough Spring Drill Hartwick Game T h e S t a t e College Varsity B a s e Coach J o e G a r c i a h a s h a d T h i s afternoon, t h e Vermonters ball t e a m travels to Utica tomorabout 30 m e n o u t for soccer m a d e u p of grad students, will meet row i n quest of i t s initial victory spring practice for t h e p a s t a strong Leftover team on Page of t h e c u r r e n t season. Coach Merlin week. Among t h e spring e n t h u Field. I t will be t h e opening game siasts t h e r e a r e about a dozen H a t h a w a y will probably send "Red" for each club, t h s Vermonters h a v new faces. Joe is still looking for McCormaclc t o t h e hill, h o p i n g t o ing forfeited t o K B last Friday. more t a l e n t a n d welcomes a n y post a w i n i n t h e squads first road I n t h e National League, a strong one who would like t o play soccontest. His probable opponent will K D R team defeated KB, 11-2, J o h n cer. be C a r l Lubert, who holds a decision Allasio pitching a one h i t game for over S t a t e i n t h e club's previous KDR. T h e past week h a s been d e meeting. T h e American League dominated voted to conditioning a n d indivI n a n a t t e m p t t o increase t h e b a t play, scheduling three games. Last idual skills such a s " t r a p p i n g , " ting punch, Coach H a t h w a y will S a t u r d a y , t h e Beavers downed t h e ball handling, a n d " h e a d i n g . " s t a r t H a r r y J o h n s o n in right field, R a m s l(i-5. T h e winning pitcher T h e remainder of t h e spring s o a n d h a r d hitting J o h n n i e Stevenson was Dave Clark; t h e losing pitcher journ will be spent on scrimbehind t h e plate. F r e s h m a n J o e Don B u r n s who was relieved by J o e maging a n d will be capped with a game with one of t h e t o p a m - Stella's fine work a r o u n d t h e h o t Dolan in t h e third. I n t h e second corner h a s practically cinched a a t e u r clubs of t h e local a r e a . g a m e of ( h e day, t h e Finks defeated regular b e r t h for himself. T h e rest t h e Kadavcrs. Yesterday t h e Angels of t h e lineup will be comprised of Garcia h a s worked h a r d o n m e t t h e Beavers. Rutley I B . E n g e l h a r t 2B, C a r t e r S S , n e x t year's schedule. H e hopes T h e only g a m e in t h e I n t e r n a infielders a n d Zongrone a n d K a e h n to play eleven games a n d to d a t e tional League was won by t h e Jerks in t h e garden. h a s h i s home opener s e t for who defeated t h e Philosophers 21-4. Dreary weather a n d a last m i n October 6, with C h a m p l a i n . N e Wednesday's g a m e between t h e Bisute downpour washed out t h e S t a t e gotiations have been completed cuits a n d t h e C o m m u t j r s was rained Hartwick game, which w a s t o h a v e for games with Union, P i t t s out. been played on Wednesday a t Bleeburgh, Army JV, Brockport, O s An intensive schedule i.s planned ker S t a d i u m . This contest will be wego, e n d R P I . until t !•? end of May. playing o n e Trekking v p from t h e fabulous replayed a.s p a r t of a double-header By PAUL BUCHMAN or tv J games nightly beginning Dorm Field, t h e weary scouts arc on at Oneonta o n May 8. I n t h e other Take 'em for what they're worth, their way t o t h e next assignment Moiv ay. Triple headers a r e schedhalf of t h e bill S t a t e will play uled for S a t u r d a y s . T e a m s expected but I think I'll make some major and it's tennis. . . . Oneonta. to d o m i n a t e play a r e Potter a n d league predictions this year too. Last S a t u r d a y in t h e season's o K D R in th.' National with S L S r a t T h e Yankees in t h e American pener State College bowed to a powWomen s Program ed as a possible dark horse. T h e League. Never bet againsl a c h a m erful Utica College nine. F o r t h e l o Finks, last year's champs, a r e ex-pion. They've got t h e one t h i n g ofSoftball play will get into full cals it w a s " R e d McCormack w h o pected to be their closest contenders. ten lacking on top-notch clubs t h a t s\vin» as it commences next week started a n d sustained his first loss A new officiating plan lias been makes t h e m consistent winners— on t h e Dorm F'ield. g a m e s being of t h e year. H e w a s relieved by a n n o u n c e d by Manager Ed Mat- CLASS. You c a n ' t beat it. As d a r k T h e I n t r a m u r a l Volleyball League, "Rapid Robert" H a u s n e r in t h e s e hews. A h a n d - p i c k e d umpiring staff, horses in t h e American League, with a total of 18 teams, h a s had played on Tuesday a n d T h u r s d a y evenings at 7 a n d on S a t u r d a y venth, who did commendable work to be briefed by Coach H a t h a w a y , watch Cleveland. They've got more but 8 games played since it was in t h w a r t i n g t h e T a n g e r i n e slugmornings a t 10. will cover all league games, indivi- power t h a n t h e Bed Sox and a s good s t a r t e d 3 weeks ago. T h i s poor showgers. dual t e a m s providing t h e base u m - a pitching staff a s t h e Yankees. ing is partly a reflection of conflicts According to Gwen Gallivan a n d Experimenting with h i s reserves, pires. It's tougher to pick t h e senior cir- between t h e administration and the Buzzie Burke, newly appointed soft- Coach H a t h a w a y employed 14 m e n cuit c h a m p . T h e Giants finished : rgue manager, but is mainly t h e ball captains, each game will consist in t h e lineup. Most impressive // // with a rush last year and look like cause of irresponsibility on t h e part of five innings. Also, e a c h t e a m is though, were already proven vetera well balanced t e a m — I F H e a r n a n d of t h e players themselves. On T h u r s - required to have a m i n i m u m of nine a n s Al K a e h n , Paul Carter a n d Maglie come through. Brooklyn h a s day night, a week ago, or the 6 teams players a n d must provide a score- Willie Engelhart, who combined t o a good solid club t h a t is deep in all scheduled to play, only 3 appeared. keeper for each contest. T e a m s m u s t get five of t h e t e a m ' s eight hits. positions. Dressen can come home a T h e result was one game played, one be on t h e field within five m i n u t e s Trailing six to t h r e e a t t h e e n d winner if h e c a n effectively utilize ending in a single forfeit, and one of game time or a forfeit will result. of five innings, t h e h o m e club p u s h ins erratic pitchers. T h e Phils, last in a double forfeit. T h i s double fored across two r u n s o n Zongrone's T h i s year's sol'tball p r o g r a m will year's p e n n a n t winners, do n o t seem feit was not to remain unique howsingle in t h e bottom of t h e sevenconsist of three leagues m a d e u p of as substantial on t h e hill as they ever, a.s it was repealed the followth, to p u t t h e pressure on Lubbert, S t a t e College's wrestling team were last slimmer, but don't count ing Saturday, along with 2 other three earns. It promises to be a n e x - who got stronger as t h e game p r o closed tire c u r t a i n on a highly suc- them out. single forfeits. If a n y more of this citing season as the girls from Pierce gressed. B u t earlier i n t h e contest cessful season last week with a win T h e dark horses in this league a r e negligence of commitments is forth- will be putting u p a strong fight to S t a t e h a d muffed a few scoring over t h e ABC aggregation. This the m e n from Bcantown — t h ecoining t h e termination ol the lea- hold t h e trophy they a n n e x e d last chances through b a s e - r u n n i n g , a n d year by defeating BZ in t h e finals. was t h e third victory in three a t - Braves. They've come through with gue altogether is more than likely. t h u s t h e t h r e e hour m a r a t h o n e n d G a m e s on schedule for this S a t u r t e m p t s for t h e Garciamen. ed with S t a t e o n t h e short end of a strong surpriser in Max Surkont, day a r e a t 10. Psi G a m m a vs. P h i S t a t e ' s grapplers won four of t h ea Cardinal castoff. At this writing, Davey Announces Ping Pong of a 6-5 score. Delta; a n d a t 11, G a m m a K a p vs. five contests against t h e Business- he's won two games in t h e first week men. Two of these were pins with of t h e season. Along with Bickford, Doubles Slate; 16 Pairs Enter Chi Sigma. the o t h e r two victories coming on Spahn, a n d Sain, they make a forDoubles tourneys for men in ping In other i n t r a m u r a l s , archery is points. T h e remaining match was midable mound staff. And don't pong a r e ready to swing into action being held at t h e Dorm Field on won by t h e losers with a pin. ( c u n t o u t t h e Cardinals—the Rickey very shortly, according to Tony Tuesday a n d T h u r s d a y from 3:30 to Pharmacists F r e s h m a n Phil Billings made a machine hasn't squecked to a com- Davey, this year's manager. Alto- 5:30. Co-ed volleyball practice will Founded 1905 Phone 4-2036 short night of it in t h e 130 lb. class plete halt yet. I t ' s too close t o make nether 32 men comprising 16 tennis be held a t the same field on S a t u r 157 Central Ave. pinning H a r r i n g t o n of ABC in 28a definite pick a n d be sure—so I'll have registered. Davey also added day from 10 to 12. Questions about seconds. J o e Lombard! won t h e only (boose a long shot, pick Boston, for that all games up to t h e semi-finals the latter sport should be directed ALBANY, N. Y. other fall for S t a t e with a p i n ofit gamble; just hope t h a t t h e G i a n t s will be decided b.\ a 2 out of 3 game to M a u r e e n O'Leary. Rinella in 3:45. Feurbuch a n d will w i n ; sit back a n d watch t h e margin. From then on a team will Schat/.le went t h e distance to winDodgers make my picks look silly. have to take 3 out of 5 to cop t h e on points. Milk w a s defeated by Somebody call me out of my cellar match. Last year's winners. Cote and Miller in t h e 172 lb. class by a pin when t h e series is over. Strauss, are split this year, and will in 5:55. 'i'hese picks a r e guaranteed not to play Willi F a r m e r a n d Al Brown G a r c i a Pleased With Results !)e precisely accurate in fact, you respect ively. Coach Garcia staled that he was pick voile own. if you want. You read highly pleased with t h e showing the same papers I do. I hat S t a t e m a d e a n d is all but awed al t h e promise a n d ability shown by t h e m e n in their first year out. It is planned to resume activities in t h e early part of October with the squad's sights being set on rV**l enough c a n d i d a t e s to establish a 785/HadisortAi/e,, Alb<ariu, Hewtotk. regular lnter-collegiute program, Kent n Flash Camera Couch Garcia is confident that and Shoot Your Head OH'! # O P E M DAILY A T 6 A . M . < | wrestling at S l a t e will lie raised " P o r t r a i t At I t s Finest" from "club" standing to a varsity spoil. Willi t h e addition ol more competition, Slate's squad hopes to add new laurels to its performance so far. 15(1 Central Ave. Itt-0:!:J1 It rusts you nothing to Look at the Costume Jewelry HOLLYWOOD COMES T e n t a t i v e plans for next year inwe have just received. Look it over. Tell us what you clude a trip lo Long Island where Open levelling* I'ntil !•:(!() EAST TO TAKE there a r e hopes of meeting .some think of it. It's a new line with us, and we are anxious of Ihe larger Metropolitan squads. to get your reaction. Coetiyiiody'd. *boin' 9t Softball To Highlight IM Volleyball Loop Wavy With Forfeits Rasslers" Beat ABC; Complete Perfect Record N.F.Htmikel & Son ^7" Frustrated? THE HAGUE STUDIO w ~~ SWEETSHOP •&3te»L. BLUE NOTE SHOP YOUR PORTRAIT SAVE Ul'-i If you happen to be interested in buying any of these items (and we hope you are) here are prices. — ON FOOD COSTS — SAVE 10% BOULEVARD CAFETERIA Kvcnings by appointment PHONE 5-11113 •MKKT AND EAT AT THE BOUL" lilK-UOII CENTRAL AVENI'F .MKAI. TICKETS ALBANY, N. Y. - ol'I'.'N 9:00 to IjdiO DAILY !?.">..VI FOR SS.OO till MADISON AVENUE T E L E P H O N E -1-0017 All items in this shipment except two numbers are .$.!lf> plus tax. You can't beat the price or the quality for that price. STATE COLLEGE CO-OP •I ^SflHmSJpjPjHBJj STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2 7 , 1051 PAOI 4 Students To Vote Council Prefers For S A Leaders Mutual's Policy (Continued from Page 1, Column S) At its regular meeting Tuesday evening Student Council approved cellne Stlcvo. Publicity Dlrectnr, Mnry the voting procedure during the asBuffo. Hongleuder, Mary Horya Murks, Joanne Seymour. Chrerleiuler, Evelyn sembly today and voted to keep the Kiunku. StniUnt C'oiini'tl, Juiin Bennett, Owen Oalllvan, Joan Ilnggcrty, Flor- present Insurance policy which Stuence Kloser, Ilnviil Manly. Theresa dent Association has bought during Porta, Harvey Hoblnson, Henry Smith. previous years. The Council allBSSt President, John Lannon, Richard Scott, Peter Teller', Vice-President, so recommended that a new ditto Drttlilel Kelley, Ann Olierst. Secretary, machine be bought for the students' Marlon Henl, Sarah Brewer, .loan DeA'lnny, Katherlne Sinclair, Ann Ht ur- use and decided to approach the ges. TreiiHiirer. Wllmu Kevins, Caroline Students' Facilities Board with sugGazulis, Marilyn Miller, Harold Smith, Thomas Senile. Publicity Dlrectitr, Ed- gestion, ward Bonahue, Thomas Hughes', Julie After representatives from the Korba, Edward r,lndscy. SOilglcnder, Rose Mary Keller, Louise I'etficlil. American Progressive Health InCheerleader, Marilyn Adamlak, Ruth surance Company, which is offering Dunn, student Council, Marilyn Burke, a new policy to State, and from the Hue Dionne, Robert Hughes, Joseph Stct'ormack, Betty Piatt, Alan Sweltzer, Mutual Health and Accident Accociation, whose policies State stud, Louis Vion. 11154: President, N'eil Brown, James ents are now buying, had presented Finnen, Thomas Hoppey, Stanley How- the benefits and assets of their releft. Joseph Luce. Vice-President, Nella Burtln, Rosemary Briiilt, Alfred Clem- spective policies, members of the ents, Prances Hopkins, Ronald lieuss. Council voted to keep the latter Secretary, Shirley Callahan, Faith Han- policy by a vote of ten to one. son, Joan Maekey. Isabel Martin. Marilyn Meyers, Madeleine Payne, Dorothy Student Council nominated Helen Presmont. Treasurer, Leo Bennett. Ada CosgrlEf, Walter Rehder. Publicity Di- Pilcher '52 to represent State Colrector, fieorge Hathaway, Leanore lege at the Student Workshop AsKetch. Songleiuler, Helen Kosinskl, sociation to be held in September. Ethel Plerson. Olteerlender, Beverly All expenses for the conference will Dodge. Margaret Livingston, Kathleen be paid by the New York State Oberst, (ilailys Smith. Student Council, ,MI.I.,I Ralph Adams, James Bennett. Son in Teachers Association. Marion GorBush. Raymond Call. Dolores Donnelly, ski and Victoria Eade, Juniors, Ronald Ferguson, Peter McMaaas, Bev- were selected as alternates. erly Weincr, Nancy Roosft. Counselors Schedule Froth Camp Tryouts All women Interested in working as counselors at the 1951-52 Women's Frosh Camp next fall are asked to report for interviews in Room Uo Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, according to Lois Prescott '51, Assistant Frosh Camp Director. The interested women should sign up for interviews or fill out the forms available on the bulletin board next to Room 110 immediately. These forms should be presented at the interview. Miss Prescott states that members of last year's staff will conduct the interviews. st & '/ / AsksMathews Lists Positions For Graduates/ Seniors Finance Staff Payment Of Dues Class dues are payable to Robert Burgess, Professor of Librariaship, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 38, Richardson, according to Victoria Baldlno '52, Vice-President of Student Association. The class dues must be paid in order to vote for Student Association and class officers. The amount of the class dues is $2.00 and may be payable to Burgess or the class treasurers. According to Elmer C. Mathews, Director of Teacher Placement Bureau, the following people have received appointments: Dolores Rapke '45, Ballston Spa, Library; and Fred Root '49, Saranac Lake, Math, Five Seniors who have also received positions are: Wyatt Teaubert, New Canaan High School, Connec. ticut, English; John Rouse, BerneKnox, Social Studies 10-11-12; Doris Pock, Delmar, Junior High English; Pauline Thompson, Grahamsville, Latin and English; and Kenneth George, Voorheesville, Junior High Math. ^•^. ^•:£• pfc- 2 ^ : * *& z& 5£ » : * ^ . ^ "' A Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests ^ Number 19.. . T H E W E A S E L ft V, k ft ft ft ft "A Clean Place To Eat" Waldorf Cafeteria 167 Central Ave. % "Who do they think they're kiddin'?J '<I invented ft ft ft ft ft ft ft double talk!" ,% V, ^ " f e * ^ - ^ ° li'°"<l('r llL ' I''™ ,lis sll,, k! ' AH lliis double talk . ^ 1 *$£> * about quick cigarellc tests was a llagraul inii ingemeul on liis [latent rights! They couldn't foul ll>i - > ..eler with "one-pun"'—"oiK'-wlulP experiments. Millions ot MM ; . g a t h e r i n g of Colby reached the same conclusion—-there's just one real way to prove the llavor and mildness of a cigarette. College students at the Colby Spa. And, as in college campus haunts /t's the sensible e v e r y w h e r e , ice-cold Coca-Cola — which simply asks you to try Camels as your steady smoke helps niukc those get-togethers . . ,011 a pack-alter-pack, day-aller-day basis. No snap something to remember. As a refreshing pause from the study grind, or when the gang gathers a r o u n d - test —the .'50-Day Camel Mildness Test judgments needed! Alter you've enjoyed Camels - a n d only Camels —lor 30 days, we believe you'll know why . . . coke belongs. Ask jar it either way .. . both trade-marks mean the same thing. M o r e People Smoke Camels IOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY IY ALBANY COOA-UOLA •OTTUKU CO. O 1V51, Tht Coca-Cola Company shave than any other cigarette I f"8 •«•«»• > *& Z-444 ALBANY. NKW YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1S51 VOL, XXXV NO. 2 4 Traditional Mornino Program Will Inaugurate State js Thirty-Eighth Moving Up Day Activiti es Collegiate Theme Voice Of King S A Assembly To Predominate To Accompany W i l l Include A t Semi-Formal Film On State Carlo's Appeal r>,l _. _ MtoiHt-ftfi-Zat ScAUje Annual Agenda 7:30 a.m. Senior Breakfast at Wal Includes r*Tapping, 7:30 a.m. Junior Breakfast at Boul. • » • t m 8:30 a.m. Lines form in Draper Hall. 8:45 a.m. Processional from Draper to Page Hall. 9:00 a.m. Moving-Up Day exercises in Page Hall. 12 Noon Recessional, forming of class numerals on Page Field, Ivy Speech. 2:00 p.m. Coker in Commons. Commons. 2:00 p.m. Coker in 7:00 Rivalry skits in Page Hall. "•«•> p.m. ••• 8:00 p.m. Traditional sing in front sing of Draper, awarding of Rivalry Cup, "Great Fires" H |p/*f m f ! »«*vHWll K^SUI^S m a w i w Commencing the Moving-Up Day " " weekend will be the annual semiRivalry Skits, Class Sing The voicing of the film "TomorAt the Student Council meeting _ row's Teachers" will be done by Wednesday night, the assembly agTo Climax Day's Events formal to be held tonight from 9 John Reed King, according to an enda was approved and the Council p. m. to 1 a. m. in the gym, the announcement by Martha Downey considered the separation of the The Thirty-eighth Annual Mov_.. The shooting „„„„v... e of ui the mc Inter-Collegiate juiei-uoiiegiate sports sports budget budget from from lounge and the commons. The theme '51, Director. ing-Up Day program will begin in of the affair will be "Minerva's film will be completed this week and the Student Association budget. The AssnninHnn u,,^««. ™-Page Hall tomorrow at 9 a. m. folBallroom" with pennantsa from vari- ready for release by July 1. Council also recommended that the ous colleges producing collegiate lowing the class processions from igiate thp ,v,pri» secnnri flnt.iirHa,, i., ™ ...... • King, who narrated the film made second Saturday in December be reatmosphere, according to Sally Draper to Page at 8:45 a.m. The in 1944, is well-known in radio cir- nserved for the annual Inter-FraterTschumi '51, General Chairman. program will include songs, class cles as Master of Ceremonies of % and Inter-Sorority Semi-ForHighlighting the evening's festiv- "The Missus Goes A-Shopping" on m " ' dance. speakers, announcements of new ofities will be the selection of a queen, ficers, and tapping of new Myskania The assembly agenda for today who will assume the title of "God- WCBS as well as "Chance of a Lifemembers. time" on ABC television, He also Includes an appeal from Patrick dess Minerva" for the dance. The The singing of the Alma Mater __ __. -..- appears on "Ford Festival" for NBC Carlo '53, and a motion for lncorpwill be followed by a welcome speech reigning lady will be selected by the television with James Melton. orating State College as a member given by James Jiusto '51, President chaperones and will be presented a Shortly after graduation from of the Faculty Student Corporation of Student Association. A member gift by Dr. Evan R. Collins. Presi- Princeton University in 1935, King of New York State Teachers CollectState sororities and fraternities of each class will give the class hisdent of the College. began his radio work on quiz shows, at Albany. If time permits, there have released plans for their week- tory. Featured in the Lounge will be a Since that time he has been MC will be a discussion of the budget, television set; while college for shows n* as "ruv„ "Give and Take,"•• levision(the set;Commons) while in in the the for such such shows „,„> ™i™ •«, . -for Moving-Up Day is as end activities and also the names of Collins To Announce Signum Laudis Apparel Cabaret Saracolleee Dan- "Double The announcements will begin or Nothing," "What's My follows: Seniors wear taps and new members. The activities will include an Alumnae Day, a pledge with Dr. Evan R. Collins, President zis and Jess Barnet, Juniors, will Name," "Best Girl," "Break the gowns. Junior girls wear while party, an open house, and a faculty of the College, naming the new provide entertainment. Refresh Bank," and has also done some edu.....w.ii,- ««...», ti"u naa tuou uune some eciu dresses, stockings, heels, and boys picnic. members to Signum Laudis. Marwear business suits with all Juniors Cabaret. inents will also be served in the cational for CBS. The au James Dunn '51, President of Kap- tha A. Eggelston, Instructor in Sothor of programs many magazine articles wearing hats, arm bands, and Serving as the heads of various King has also published a book canes; Sophomore girls wear white pa Delta Rho, has announced that cial Studies, will announce the new . .. „„.,..., —•«-*>, L3«i„i«niurc giris wear white the the lollowing lollowing men have been in- members of Pi Gamma Mil, and Dr. committees include the following: "John Reed King's Quiz and Game and skirts,socks, red blouses or sweaters, flats itiated into the fraternity: John Al- Edward L. Cooper, Professor of Publicity, Reta Lee White '52; Flow- Book. and socks, and and boys bovs wear white ur»il#n io.-;.. r.i.i. . Bailey, *-. • lasio, Lichard James Ben- Commerce, will list the new memers, Paul Lebrun, Grad; Chaper- Book." This movie about State College shirts and red ties; ones, Paul Wilbur '51; Bids and is currently being revised by the Frosh girls nett, Robert Bitgood, Raymond Call, bers oi Pi Omega Pi. New memberPrograms, Donald Cook '53; Deco- Audio-Visual Material Department wear blue bows in their hair, white Alfred Clemente, Charles Cullen. ship in Kappa Phi Kappa will also rations, Betty Allen '52, Jane Zil- under the direction of Floyd E. Hen- dresses, flats and socks and the Saturno D'Alfonsl, Walter Decker, be announced. After the honorary announcelin '53, Beverly Dodge '54, and Re- rickson, Professor of Education. boys tics. wear white shirts and blue rib- William Floyd, James Fox, Ronald bon freshments, Frances Allen '54. Ganslow, David Gardinier, Frank ments. The new officers of the folGiannione, and Thomas Hoppe.v lowing department clubs will be Chaperones for the evening will made known: Classical Club, Pan freshmen. be Dr. William Vickery, Director of Also joining KDR were: Henry Amigos, French Club, Math Club, the center for Community Study Hull. Francis Kennelly, Donald Science Club. Commerce Club, and and Intergroup Education; Dr. Sara Krtig, Joseph Luce, Joseph Patrick, Commuters Club. Clarence Hidley, MacGonagle, Assistant Professor of Walter Rehder, Robert Rivers, Ray- Assistant Professor of Social StuModern Languages; and Dr. Mary mond Robinson, Kurt Rosenbaum, dies, will present the Annual Potter Grenander, Instructor in English. By JORDINE SKOFF Richard Shands, Alfred Stone, Wil- Club Award. The religious clubs, "Helen Pilcher tootles the flute "De Gospel Train" by Noble Cain. Bids can bo obtained for $3.00 liam Walker, and John Zongrone, Hillel, Inter-Varsity Christian Fel(including a corsage) outside the and the music is simply grand; a The next two songs are taken from freshmen, and Charles Button and lowship, and Newman Club will Commons today. If anyone desires, credit to State College is Dr. Stokes' popular shows. The first "Hallelujah" name their new officers. The NewWalter Goodcll, Soophomores. he may have a bid reserved for the orchestra." man Club Award will be presented by Vincent Youmann from "Hit the The following men have become 'Twill be a grand day for the Deck" and the second "Students c'ance; otherwise they will not be to its outstanding member. on sale. Statesmen when Music Council pre- Marsh Song" by Romberg from members of Kappa Beta, according Dean Stokes To Announce to Joseph Friedman '51, President: sents their annual Spring Concert "The Student Prince." Robert StuCouncil Members Friday at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall. art '53, will accompany the chorus. Fredrick Bartle. Alfred Cannon, Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of WoDaniel Robinson, Morton Cohen, Sure and the Orchestra, Women's Sure and it's a grand evening Sophomores, Marvin chernoff, The- men, will list the new members of Chorus, Choralettes and the Men's you'll have. IContinued on Page !), Columns) Residence council and Inter-SororGlee Club will take part. ity Council. She will also award the The first group on the program is Inter-Sorority Cup and announce the orchestra directed by Dr. the Directors of Frosh Camp and Charles F. Stokes, Professor of MuJunior Guide Chairmen. Naming of Construction on the new dormi- sic. They will play "Zampa OverStudent-Faculty Night Alumni Councillor will end the antory, to be known as Brubacher ture" by Hcrold, "Funeral March of nouncements. Hall, has reached the stage of fin- a Marionette" by Gounod, "Slavonic Seniors will begin moving-up, acishing coats of paint, floor waxings, Dance" by Dvorak, and "Minuet and companied by their farewell song, and the installment of lighting fix- Farandole" from "L'Arlessienne "We 1951 Salute You." Virginia tures. One winy oi the dormitory, Suite" by Bizet. Miss Pilcher '52, will (Continued on Page if, Column 1) that facing Ontario Street, will be be featured in a flute solo in "Mincompleted and furnished by May 15 uet" which will highlight the perand will house women students dur- formance. The orchestra will be acing the summer session. The entire companied by Jeanne Simon '53. dormitory will be ready for occuBegorry! Tin folk music from four pancy by September 1. different countries that the Women's The building contains a total of Chorus will present. The chorus 140 student rooms. The rooms, each composed of almost eighty voices Maintenance fellowships for study of which will house two women, will sing the Cztcho-Slovak "Water in Italy for the academic year from Ripple and Flow" by Deems Taylor, will be furnished with blond mahogNovember 1. 1951 to July 15, VJ-i2 any beds, dressers, desks, and chairs. the Scottish "Follow Me Down To have been made available -n Ameri'llu> beds are complete with Inner- Carlow" by Leslie Bell, the Brazilian can graduate students according to spring matrasses and have storage "Tutu Mnramba" by Howard McDi'. Edward Shaw, Pnfefsor of drawers beneath them. Each room Kinney, and straight from Ireland, Modern Languages. One place is ofhas a study lump, while additional "Kitty of Colralne" by Tom Scott. fered both at the Colle^io Ghislieri illumination Is provided by fluores- Priscllla Jones '53, and Irene Cerand the Collegio Borromeo, located serlitch '54, will accompany the cent lighting. in Pavia, and two places at the chorus. Scuola Nunnale Superior in P i n . The ground floor is devoted to u Even Paddy Murphy would sit up Snack Bar, which will be run as a and Candidal", must present proof of take notice of the eighteen regular store by the Student Union, Choralettes Ameri an citizenship, good health, as they sing lour airy a large game room and a lounge. good moral character, personality melodic numbers. Accompanied There are also a private dining room and ami adaptability. The candidate by Miss Pilcher, the group Will prefor head residents and guests, a sent "Sea Moods" by Tyson-Tremust have demonstrated academic student dining room, and the kit- harne, ability and capacity for independent "Amaryllis, My Fair One" by Piclun-il above are two members of the State College Faculty who chen. Cacclnl-Taylor, "The Snow" by Rob- (Hintrlbiltud their talents to make the All-State night a .success. Mem- study, and have a good knowledge The floor above contains the Stu- ert Mcl.eod and "Wonderful One" bers oi the faculty and students cooperated with each other in this type ol Italian, and a Bachelor's degree by November 1, 1951. dent Union rooms and other activ- by Whltemati-Orofe. of social event for the first time in many years. Applications must be filed with ity rooms. On the second floor are Tls the Men's Chorus which now found a social room and a laundry takes over the stage to conclude the Volleyball games between the Women Faculty members and the all supporting documents not later luom. Each floor is also convent- program. They will sing the descrip- State women ami the mule members of the faculty and State men and than May 35, 1951. Blanks may be enced with three telephone booths tive "Ride of the Cossacks" by the fencing match pictured above, highlighted the evening. There was obtained from the U. S. Student niiinil and square (lancing fit complete the events of the All-State Program of the Institute of Interuml an electric clock. Wayne Howard and the rhythmic both national Education, 2 West 45th night. Street, New York 19, New York. New Dormitory To Open In Fall jr a friendly TOMORROty Presentations At Spring Concert To Feature Flute Solo, Folk Songs ft In Waterville, Maine, there is always State College News V j Movriio^y5-DA(rf> Fraternities List New Members ft ft ft OPEN DAY AND NIGHT <,. * ft < Colleges Offer Italian Fellowship