Document 14064258

Mathews Announces Placements
O f Graduates For Fall Session
The following placements have
been released by Elmer C. Mathews, Director of the Teacher Placement Bureau:
Geraldine Rennle '50, North Rose,
English 1, 8; Fredrick Harrington
*50, Wyoming, Science, Math; Joseph Stanionis '50, Sag Harbor,
Commerce, Richard Wheeler '50,
Middleburg, English 9, 11, 12; Marie
Stanionis Grad, Southampton, Library, Mary Lucas '50, Selkirk, Elimentary.
Also included are: Daniel Briggs
'50, Hammond, Junior High English, Social Studies; Ruth Bauch
'50, Webster, Commerce; Michael
Pinchuk Grad, Wells, Commerce;
Elizabeth Hutton '50, Selbirk, Elementary; Robert Riley, Grad, Mineola, English, Geography 9; Mary
C. Davis, Grad, Webster, Algebra,
Biology, General Science; Theresa
Hayes '50, Keene Valley, General
Science, Chemistry, Algebra, Plane
Geometry; Gene Valk '47, Troy, Library; Robert Miles, Grad, Ellenburg Depot, English 10, 11, 12; Janice Seward '50, Saratoga, Com-
mrece; John Moore '50, Hoosick
Falls, English; John Whalen '50, La
Fargeville, Commerce.
Also placed were Audrey Adolfson '50, Highland, Commerce; Shirley Barber '50, LaFargeville, Latin,
French and English; George Frank
'50, Ellicottville, Math, Science;
Joanne Palmer '50, Norwood, English; Anne Peterson '46, Schenectady Jr. High, Latin, French and
English; Martha Murphy '50, Clifton Springs, Latin, French, English; Thomas Harmon, Grad, Granville, Science; Margaret Vonada
'50, Ontario, Commerce; Julian
D'Alessandra '50, Schenectady Jr
High, Science; Leon Woodworth
'47, Binghamton Jr. High, Social
Studies; Jane Condo '50, Kinderhook, Latin, French, English; Bert
Parsons '50, Mineola, 9th Grade
Science and Math; Raymond Parker '50, Gloversville, 9th grade Social Studies.
Dorothy Pan '49, Ravena, Commerce; Joan Romulus '50, Shelter
Island, English, French and Spanish.
Two Hungarian Girls Enroll At State;
Reception To Feature
To Take Courses For Secondary Teaching Bygone Big-4 Songs
In the midst of registration, payment of dues, and greetings to old
friends, two sisters, Eva and Clara
Staley were wandering around,
trying to adjust themselves to our
The Staley sisters and their parents are here in this country under
Class Treasurers Request Dues;
'51 's Vets Pay For Two Years
Students who have not paid their
class dues may pay, them today outside the commons from 12 to 12:30.
Class Treasurers Ruth Breen '51,
Marjorie Farwell '52, John Lannon
'53, and Victoria Baldino '52, acting Treasurer for '54, would appreciate immediate payment of all
Veterans in the class of '51 are
requested to pay both last years'
and this years' dues. Because of
the newly organized class board of
finance, the Veterans' Administration refuses to pay these veterans'
the National Catholic
Conference, which brings displaced
Europeans to this country and
finds them places to stay.
The girls are Hungarians who,
with their parents, lived in Germany after the war. They learned
to speak English and worked while
living in Amsterdam, New York.
During their stay in their native
Hungary they attended the University in Budapest, receiving their
Doctorate Degrees in Economics
and their teaching diplomas.
The family recently moved from
Amsterdam to Albany in order
that the girls might attend school
here. They hope to secure enough
Education courses to certify them
to teach accounting and business
practice in our secondary schools.
When asked what impressed them
most about our college, both agreed
that the professors were much
closer than those with whom they
had come in contact.
Leaving their friends and fellow
classmates, they are here in the
United States to start on their way
to a new life.
(Continued Jrom Page 1, Column 5/
ber Dance" and "Sometime"; Patrick Carlo, Thomas Soule, Robert
Giammatteo, Harold Smith, .Richard Tenison and Edward Bonahue,
"One Flower Grown Alone in Your
Garden" from "Blue Horizon" and
Elaine Topper, acrobatic dance,
Also Helen Kosinski and Mary
Massi, blue singers singing "St.
Louis Blues"; Eleanor Telegen.
monologue; and Irene Cerserlitch,
piano "Revolutionary Etude" by
Chopin, freshmen.
The general chairman for the reception is Victoria Eade '52. Mary
Borys, Theresa Porta, Marjorie
Farwell, Marion Gorskie, Joan
Haggerty and Victoria Baldino,
Juniors, head the Entertainment,
Refreshment, Clean Up, Chaperone
and Music committees respectively.
Lois Prescott '51 is chairman of
the Decoration Committee.
Chaperones for the reception will
be Patricia Jai, Phyllis Harris,
Martha Downey, Lois Prescott,
Mary Eade, Seniors and members
of Myskania.
(Ml ffM
LtxJ U UnJ
Appoint Vickery
Program Director
State University's Board of Trustees has accepted a proposal by the
Bureau of Intercultural Relations,
including a grant of $10,000 for the
academic year 1950-51, to establish
a Center for Community Studies at
this college. In what is believed to
be the first appointment of its kind
in the country, Dr. William E. Vickery has been named Professor of
Intercultural Education and Director the Center.
List Objectives
The Center, according to Dr. Vickery has four main objectives:
li The development of action research centers for the study and
improvement of intergroup relations.
21 Development and improvement
of means for testing and evaluating
the work of such centers.
Hi Development of materials, procedures and equipment for the improvement of learning in intergroup
41 Service as consultants to graduate students and faculty members
in the field of intergroup studies.
Seeks Cooperation
Dr. Vickery stressed the fact that
in setting up this Center and to
make it work effectively, interested
.students, faculty members, and representatives must work together in
planning what the Center can do.
Everybody involved wil' bn ° n -.'"•">
to do in the action research end of
it. Bv using the studies on the curricula, as well as extra-curricular
activities, students can help in the
studying of college life in a community. One of the many ways in
which the faculty could add to the
Center is by deciding what kind of
instructions are needed to give .students or the faculty of other schools
help in community living and ways
in which to build stronger, healthier communities.
To Fill Vacancies
n L A I i /.
. . . you can tell Chesterfields will smoke milder.
... you have no unpleasant after-taste.
WHILE YOU SMOKE THEM you get more pleasure than
any other cigarette can give you — that's why millions of
smokers say: THEY SATISFY.
C4|»ifigla V>iQt UIM\I
Debate Council has just received
the National Collegiate Debate topic, "Resolved: That the non-communist nations of the world should
form a new international organization," according to Thomas Godward 'SI, President of Debute Council.
As a result of the successful debate season last .Near, Stale College
has been invited to an unprecedented number of debates this year.
They include Masachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston, Hamilton College at Clinton, University
of Vermont at Burlington, Colgate,
and West Point. At the University
of Vermont, Slate will meet such
colleges as West Point, Harvard,
Princeton and Yale.
Clodward announces several vacancies on boll) the novice and varsity teams. Try-outs will be held
Monday and Tuesday, Room 207 in
Draper al 7:1)0 p.m. under the direction ol James W. ahull, Debate
Coach. No previous training or prepai'ulion is necessary lor prospective
members. All who are interested in
keeping tab on current world alfaiis
are cordially invited to the try-outs.
Releases Picture-Taking Deadline,Posts Sign-Up Sheets In Draper
» M((»> Tf»M*»:C<
AT 3:30
State University Grant Sets Please Plans Collins To Welcome Frosh
NYSCT Intercultural Center F°r, A " em n b,y ' During Reception In Pierce
Seniors, members of sororities,
fralernilies, and I inoraiies will
have their pictures taken Tuesday
through Friday at the Hague Studio,
till Madison Avenue, according to
Joan Mitchell, Editor ol the Pedagogue, Anv person who has had his
picture taken lor previous years
must have a photo retaken.
The sign-up lisl Indicating the
schedule lor the individual snapshuts is posted on the Pedagogue
bulletin board In lower Draper.
At the Student
Council meeting
Wednesday night, the agenda for
shw BoQf To Co Qp today's assembly was planned by the
members of the Student Council.
The schedule for Activities Day, October 7, was proposed and discussed
Ladies and gentlemen, this is
at the meeting. A proposal for
your New York reporter Walter
a school band, discussion on obtainWinchell speaking. Serious dising more parking space, and an
order has been taking place at
early release of the State College
State College since last ThursDirectory were held.
The feature of the program today
On the spot interviews have
is a speech by Dr. Evan R. Collins,
quoted participants in the conPresident of the college. Introducfusion as follows: "Torture,"
tion of Myskania and officers of
says Maureen Daly, "I'd like a
Student Association will be first on
hot dog and pop concession set
the agenda. After President Collins'
up," declares Alice Whittcmorc,
speech, announcements will be made
from the chair and from the stubut what would you do about it"
dent body about the soccer game,
utters Evic ICrdle '52.
the missing banners, and the signup list for the Pedagogue.
In this time of war strain and
The events for Activities Day were
atom bomb scare, this situation
presented by William Wiley '52,
could prove deadly. A line is a
Chairman of Activities Day, to Stuline, but when it extends for a
dent Council in the evening after
whole corridor — that's going
the skit performances by the Sophsomewhere.
omores in Page Hall, a bon Are
will be held on Page Field. A snake
However, when the Co-op fidance will be formed and will follow
nally issues all new books on
a course planned by the Activity
hand, the excess chairs, benches
Day Committee. When the snake
and people will disappear.
dance ends, the regular annual
With a bright look to a more
dance will be held in the Page Hall
"roomy" Co-op future—this is
W. W. saying—hang on—the
best is yet to come!
The possibilities of distributing
the State College Directory by
Thanksgiving holidays were discussed By Helen Agnello '51, Editor of
the Directory, with the members of
the Student Council.
A proposal was made vj.y Harvey
Mi c 51 at, the nittTng oi he pos
sibiiity of forming a school land.
Gerald McGory '53 wa., given the
privilege of investigating this possibility.
Additional information concernThe problem of obtaining more
ing sports equipment and street parking space around the college
lockers has been announced by was examined.
Thomas R. Gibson, Professor of
Health. He also reports that the
class for beginning drivers is still
open to students on condition that
they enroll today.
Stokes, Nelson
Will Participate
In Receiving Line
May Yet Anchor
Schedules Hours
Gym Equipment
Award News
AHA mencan
clerks, Robert Brown and Robert
Hausner, Juniors, are on duty daily
at the following limes: 8 to i) a.m.,
12 noon to 1 p.m., and 3:110 to 5:30
p.m. in the equipment room at the
south end of the gymnasium. All
equipment needed for Physical Education classes, intramurals, and
other activities must be taken at
these hours.
Those students who failed to get
street lockers and locks may secure
I hem from the equipment, room
clerks at the specified times and
anyone who has trouble with locks
or lockers may report them to I he
The Associated Collegiate Press of
the University of Minnesota has
again given the All-American (superior i rating to the State College
News for the spring semester 194950. According to Maiy Fenzel '51,
Editor-in-Chief, the Mews has been
rated All-American since the fall
term of 194(1-47.
Type and enrollment of school,
method, and frequency of publication are taken into consideration
when credits are given. News coverage, make-up, feature'-, and composition are rated individually. The
News is rated with college newspapers from schools with the same enrollment throughout the United
Music Council Features Stokes,
Peterson In Brahms Presentation
Music C o u n c i l will present
Brahms' Concert Friday in Page
Ball ai 11:1)1) p.m. The music faculty
have engaged guest artists to perform al I he recital.
Music Council has brought another group oi performers to entertain Slate College students. The selections which the artists have
scheduled lor I lie concert are among
Brahms' best works. They include
the "!•' Minor Sonata," "Opus 120",
which was one of the last sonatas
\\ in ten by Brahms. It was written
lor the clarinet or viola Willi piano
and will be presented by Dr. Charles
F. Stokes, Professor of Music, playing the viola and Margaret Andei»
son Stokes accompanying at the piano.
Guest artist Leorit Ciridley, dramatic soprano who makes her home
In Nassau, New York, will render
two classical numbers, "Von Ewiger
Liebc" i Love is Forever) and "Melne
Lieve isl Grun" (My Heart, is in
Bloom i.
The other guest performer will be
David Levinstein, violiiieellisl of
the Albany Symphony Orchestra.
He will assist, in the performance of
one of Brahms' greatest creations,
the "C Minor Trio." This will be
one of the trios performing during
the evening and will include the
accompaniment of the piano and
Kail A B. Peterson, bass baritone,
will sing "Four Serious Songs" lo
add a religious touch to the evening.
These songs, written shortly before
Brahms' death, reflect his religious
attitude by using biblical texts.
Since tiie songs create a solemn atmosphere, it is requested that there
be no applause between the numbers.
Group To Plan
Social Calen dar
The Student-Faculty Committee,
according to Gerald Dunn '51, Chairman, is attempting to
rectify the confusion of scheduling
events on the college social calendar. The committee has planned a
meeting Tuesday, October 10 at 7:30
p.m. in the Lounge for organization
Due to the importance of and the
conflictlon arising from the arrangement of dates, this meeting
should interest all organizations on
campus that have big events during
the school year, according to Dunn.
The representative sent to the
meeting should be thoroughly versed in the events of his organization
plans for the year, so that he can
make definite arrangements for
dates for these activities. The person should be empowered to speak
for definite dates, and to accept alternate arrangements in the event
of conflicts.
The annual President's reception
is scheduled for tonight from 8 to
10 p.m. in the Ingle Room at Pierce
hail, according to Dr. Ellen C.
Stokes, Dean of Women. Dr. Evan
R. Collins will head the reception
line to greet the frosh.
In order to eliminate the standing in long lines, last year's procedure will be followed with the request that the Guides bring their
freshmen according to the following
schedule: A-G from 8 to 8:30 p.m.,
G-P from 8:30 to 9 p.m., and P-Z
at 9 p.m., and thereafter. It is to be
noted that the time the students
will attend in accordance with this
schedule will be determined by the
Guide's last name and not the
Dr. Collins to Head Receiving Line
Along with Dr. Collins on the receiving line will be Mrs. Collins; Dr.
M. G. Nelson, Dean, and Mrs. Nelson; Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of
Women; James Jlusto '51, President
of Student Association, and Joyce
Shafer and David Shepard, Juniors,
Co-chairmen of Student Guides.
Members of Myskania will also be
present to greet the class of 1954.
Tins reception is held to give the
students an opportunity to meet Dr.
Pnl"ns It dr.- provides a n. t l l l ij ioi
the freshmen to become acquainted
with the faculty.
Review Student Guide Program
The Student Guide Program is
brought to a close by this reception.
Under the direction of Miss Shafer
and Shepard, and the Frosh Camp
Directors Audrey Weller and Gerald Dunn, Seniors, the program has
sponsored the Freshman Weekend
at Burden Lake and Lake Cossayuna, tour of the college buildings
and correspondence between the
Guides and the freshmen during
the summer. The program is to
in adjusting the frosh to life at
State College.
Student Guides will accompany
their freshmen to the reception. If
a Guide finds it inconvenient to attend he should find a substitute,
according to Miss Shafer.
Mrs. Gladys Rand, Social Director
of Pierce Hall and Mrs. H. V. Woolscy, Manager at Pierce Hall, are in
charge of refreshments.
If a delegate does not appear for
an organization, it is deemed only
fair that preference as to the choice
of dates be given to those organizations sending representatives. As
there are limited dates available to
the committee, the absence of a
spokesman might result in the curA new membership corporation
tailment of some of the organiza- known as the Faculty Student Astion's activities.
sociation of New York State CoITege
for Teachers was formed. The purHence it is extremely important pose of this organization is to prothat each group is represented at mote and cultivate social relations
this meeting, since the decisions among the students and faculty at
made by the delegates will be ac- Slate and to assist them In study,
cepted by the Office of the Dean of work, living at State, and extraWomen, according to Dunn.
curricular activities.
According lo Ainard Gelbond, college financial secretary and attorActivities Day Events
ney for the corporation, the ofWill Commence Rivalry
ficers will be: President, Dr. Evan
R. Collins, President of the College;
Freshman and Sophomore Rivalry Vice President, Dr. Milton G. Nelevents will follow the tentative son, Dean, and Secretary-Treasurer,
schedule outlined in the hand- Gelbond. Serving on the board
handbook, according to William En- of directors with the officers will be
gleharl '51, Chairman of Myskania. Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of WomRules for each event will be pub- er. and Dr. Milton G. Olson, Profeslished before the event lakes place. sor of Commerce.
The liist main feature oi Rivalry
will be Activities Day, Saturday, Oc- Milne Faculty, Student Teachers
tober 7. This program is presented To Gather At Teas In Lounge
to acquaint the freshmen with the
The first Student Teacher Tea
extra-curricular activities of State will be held Tuesday In Richardson
Lounge from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. This
Campus Day will be the first Ri- is to be the first of a series to be
valry event at which points will be held during first semester, accordawarded. Athletic and dramatic ing lo Dr. Theodore H. Fossleck,
competition will highlight the Cam- Principal of the Milne School.
The main purpose is to enable
pus Day activities October 28. Rules
for Campus Day events will be re- the student teachers to become acquainted with the Milne faculty.
leased at a later date.
Faculty, Students
Form Association
September 29, 1950
No. 2
Aaaoulatml Collegiate Press
Collegiate Dlges'.
The undergraduate uuwupapcr oC the New York Slate College for Teachers; published every Friday or the College
year by the NEWS Board for the Student Association.
Phones: Feiizel, 2-0fll2; Wolfe, 2-0870; Milk. 5-0311. Memhers of the NEWS staff may be reached Tuesday and
Wednesday from 7 to 11:80 p.m. at 3-0407.
Co-Managing Editor
GERALD DUNN - - - - - - - Co-Mnnnglllg Editor
Public Relations Editor
Sports Editor
Senior Sports Membei
Circulation Manager
Advertising Manager
Business Manage!
Exchange Edltoi
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
All communication* shuuiil lie addressed to the editor and
must he signed. .Names will lie withheld upon request,
The STATIC COLLKdK NEWS assumes no responsibility
for opinions expressed in Its coilimns or communications
as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its view.
Traffic Jams . . .
Confusion s e e m s t o be t h e b y w o r d t h i s fall a t
S t a t e College. P e r h a p s the g r e a t e s t confusion is
t h a t in t h e h a l l s , s t a i r w a y s , a n d d o o r w a y s .
c o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e C o m m e r c e B u i l d i n g h a s m a d e
it n e c e s s a r y to close off s t r a t e g i c s t a i r w a y s a n d
doorways in Draper Hall.
U p o n being asked to write e n o u g h
b l a n k words to fill u p a b l a n k e t y b l a n k space in t h e S t a t e College
News, I immediately w e n t o n t a n d
bought one desk, t h r e e telephones,
(luckily I already h a v e t h r e e e a r s ) ,
one typewriter, one book entitled
"How to Type T h o u g h Lefthanded,"
four c a r t o n s of cigarettes, four cases
of whiskey, one sheet of typing p a per, a n d one beautiful blonde ghost
After installing a bottle of "Old
Mimeograph" in each desk drawer,
smoking several cigarettes a t t h e
furious speed necessary to c r e a t e
t h a t smoke-filled a t m o s p h e r e so
necessary to reporters, a n d settling
t h e blonde comfortably on m y lap,
I asked myself, " W h a t ' s wrong with
this p i c t u r e ? " After receiving a
w a r n i n g about amorous m a n i f e s t a tions on t h e campus, I k n e w w h a t
was needed; one soft felt h a t to be
worn rakishly, a n d a new ghost
writer w h o h a d n ' t watched wrestling on TV.
While waiting for the phones to
ring I applied myself diligently to
finding a crusade to write about in
glowing adjectives, breathless p h r a s es a n d deathless sentences. I would
go o n t h r o u g h p a r a g r a p h s , b u t
me. F o r t u n a t e l y
sprained the typing finger on my
left h a n d getting the cork out of t h e
first bottle of m e n t a l s t i m u l a n t so
I couldn't type even if I got a n y
ideas, which I didn't—about crusades. Added to my need for a brain
s t i m u l a n t now was the need for a
Myskania and Campus Commission have made
'Jtwin' 9n 7lie ^ouut
definite c o n s t r u c t i v e efforts to relieve t h e c o n g e s By LOU B E I I R I N G E R
t i o n . T h e r e l a x a t i o n of o n e S t a t e College T r a d i tion so t h a t freshmen m a y use t h e front d o o r of
W h o said you have to go to Paris,
D r a p e r is a definite h e l p . E x t e n s i v e use of clear
London or New York for culture?
signs " u p " a n d " d o w n " o n s t a i r w a y s a n d o t h e r We have it right here in Albany at
p o s t e r s h a v e been very effective.
t h e Art I n s t i t u t e , t h e Playhouse,
L o w e r D r a p e r , even in a n o r m a l s i t u a t i o n is and the S t a t e Education Building
j a m m e d b e t w e e n classes. X o w it is i m p o s s i b l e . T w o
G r a n d m a Moses, with h e r fine
i m p r o v e m e n t s could b e m a d e :
collection of primitive paintings, is
1. C a m p u s C o m m i s s i o n s e t t i n g u p a traffic reg- a t t h e Albany Art I n s t i t u t e now,
a n d will be t h e r e until October fifu l a t i n g s y s t e m when j a m s d o o c c u r .
t e e n t h . G r a n d m a Moses is a local
2. M y s k a n i a relaxing a n o t h e r t r a d i t i o n
( t h a t gal, who lives in Eagle bridge, New
York. T h e Art I n s t i t u t e is now open
freshmen shall not preceed u p p e r c l a s s m e n t h r o u g h Friday evenings, but is closed all
day Mondays. On Wednesday eveW e s u g g e s t t h a t C a m p u s C o m m i s s i o n enlist its ning, October 18 begins the series
of a n n u a l lectures a t the I n s t i t u t e .
m e m b e r s or v o l u n t e e r s to be p o s t e d w h e r e the If you a r e interested in a t t e n d i n g ,
j a m s d o o c c u r between classes so t h a t t h e y could you c a n call the Art I n s t i t u t e for
further information.
direct traffic.
T h e Playhouse opens its season
T h e r e l a x a t i o n of t h e t r a d i t i o n would i n s u r e a October 17 with "Harvey" as its
c o n t i n u a l m o v e m e n t of traffic t h r o u g h d o o r s t h a t first production. If you like t h e oldtime t h e a t r e , the Colonial presents
are available.
vaudeville t h r e e n i g h t s a w e e k N o p l a n w o u l d be effective w i t h o u t t h e com- T h u r s d a y , Friday, a n d S a t u r d a y .
plete c o p e r a t i o n of s t u d e n t s . A l t h o u g h the doorAt the museum of the S t a t e Eduw a y to the girl's locker room is a p o p u l a r place cation Building, there is a temporfor m e e t i n g friends, it would be b e t t e r p e r h a p s to ary a r t exhibit of Noah's Ark, done
by Celia Schwebel.
Their special
m e e t friends in the r o t u n d a , a t t h e Boul, or in monthly exhibit is an I n d i a n Cradle
the Commons.
Board exhibit.
In the music world, the Albany
S y m p h o n y will begin its season October 17. T h e Boston S y m p h o n y will
be coming to t h e R P I Field House
in Troy October 17.
T r a d i t i o n s h a v e a p u r p o s e . T r a d i t i o n s w e r e inT h e m e m b e r s of Radio Council
v e n t e d w h e n m a n consciously or
u n c o n s c i o u s l y a r e working very h a r d to a r r a n g e
found a m o r e c o n v e n i e n t w a y of d o i n g s o m e t h i n g . p r o g r a m s t h a t will m a k e the residents of Albany better acquainted
S t a t e College t r a d i t i o n s a t o n e t i m e e a c h h a d a p u r with us here a t S t a t e . Be listening
pose. T h e y h a v e evolved as t h e result of exper- for t h e m !
iences of s t u d e n t s on this c a m p u s since its founding s o m e y e a r s ago. T h e y w e r e c o n v e n i e n t w a y s
of c a r r y i n g on t h e affairs of d a y to d a y life of
students here.
Tradition Says
pain reliever, how clever of distilleries t o p u t both in t h e s a m e bottle.
At last I was beginning to a p p r e c i a t e t h e marvels of m o d e r n science.
" T h i s writing g a m e is certainly
fun," I hiccoughed to m y rapidly r e t r e a t i n g ghost writer.
If only I h a d a c r u s a d e . I n d e s halted by t h e clarion call of, " D e a d line." Hastily t u r n i n g on m y wrist
radio I contacted C a s e y - C r i m e P h o t o g r a p h e r a n d found t h a t deadlines
are w h a t killed vaudeville.
If only I h a d a c r u s a d e . In desp e r a t i o n I appealed to my ghost
writer, Little Audrey, b u t she j u s t
laughed a n d laughed. Finally one
of the phones r a n g a n d w h e n I
picked it up a voice said, " I t ' s a
long distance from Moscow." T h a n k ing Joe, I told h i m I would do m y
best to get this s t a r t l i n g bit of news
published. T h e next p h o n e call was
from a music publishing company.
They w a n t e d it k n o w n t h a t P r e s i d e n t T r u m a n h a d p u r c h a s e d some
new s h e e t music, " T h e
H y m n " a r r a n g e d for piano a n d
By now the "Old M i m e o g r a p h " was
living u p to its n a m e a n d with every
drink t h e n u m b e r of telephones I
saw doubled. By a h a p p y coincidence t h e n u m b e r of desks doubled
also a n d I knew my fortune was
made. Instead of r e p o r t i n g for a
living I would rent t h e e x t r a desks
to guest columnists a n d with t h e
money I would buy more "Old Mimeograph."
Overcome by my own genius in
devising such a wonderful way to
become rich, I leaned back a n d
counted desks while t h e editor r o a r ed out enough b l a n k e t y - b l a n k words
to fill t h r e e columns. My only regret
was t h a t Little Audrey was no longer a r o u n d to s h a r e my fortune. S h e
h a d gone to t h e Co-op for a book
on J u - J i t s u and h a d found t h e end
of the book line in P u x a t a w n e y , Pa.
To the Editor:
Are you looking for booKs? Want
to buy new ones? Well, tell you
w h a t I'm going to do, I have a
system here t h a t just c a n ' t go
wrong. You see, it h a s been figured
out so t h a t each person spends six
minutes getting his or her own
books a n d t h e n pays a s e p a r a t e
cashier thus avoiding any confusion or excessively long waits in t h e
book line.
Try S a t u r d a y , since t h a t is t h e
clay when we have n o u n d e r g r a d uate classes a n d you h a v e a few
spare minutes to spend on the book
line. Waited from 8 to 2? Couldn't
Don P u t t c r m a n '52
not necessarily
T h e book line, t h a t is . . . for peaceful m o m e n t s
recollected in tranquility a n d bridge for the more
social m i n d e d . . . unless you h a p p e n e d to h a v e a
few e x t r a dimes in your pocket last week. Seriously
though, j u s t w h a t became of t h e system used by the
Co-op last year? It was m u c h faster for everyone.
T h e n there's the book exchange . . . they m a y h a v e
only a few books, but they're always on the job.
WANTED . . .
Some more foster p a r e n t s like '52. S a n t i n a Maenza,
their w a r - o r p h a n , h a s written letters expressing her
deep appreciation for the food a n d clothing sent her.
T h e r e are t h o u s a n d s more just like h e r . W h a t about
it . . . '51, '53, '54?
SOCCER . . .
They w a n t e d a line last spring, now they're using
it . . . b o t h varsity a n d i n t r a - m u r a l squads a r e set
to go . . . a l t h o u g h sadly lacking in publicity. S t u d e n t
Association showed its interest a n d voted t h e m quite
a bit of money, so back the t e a m up t h i s Friday when
we take on Brockport . . . t e n n i s a n y o n e ?
Don't get excited! T h a t cozy picture on page 159
of the Ped is incomplete . . . with a little imagination
you can see the door of Van Derzee a n d the necessity
for a tight squeeze.
S T R I K E UP T H E BAND . . .
There's a movement afoot to organize a S t a t e College band . . . and Gerry McGory h a s been appointed
to scout up its possibilities . . . we t h i n k it's a darn
good idea. It would be quite a shot in the a r m for
pep rallies, games, a n d rivalry events . . . might be
brought up in assembly soon . . . t h i n k about it.
O. K. J E S S ?
In our h a s t e to pad a few lines last week (you know
how it is), we were slightly over enthusiastic about
Jess B a r n e t . F r a n Warren may plug one of his songs.
HOT S T U F F . . .
Reason for no smoking on one side of peristyle . . .
cigarette butt (lighted) dropped on w o r k m a n ' s head.
AD students throughout first and second semesters
will be casting for their Tuesday evening performances. W a t c h the D an A bulletin board . . . everyone is welcome to try out, frosh included . . . no
Equity card is necessary.
We highly approve of the new concept
t h a t sororities get to know freshmen in
ficial way . . . but we feel t h a t the new
vague for practical usage . . . a little
will lead to greater h a r m o n y in the end.
of rushing
a less a r t i code is too
. . .
With all the blocked e n t r a n c e s a n d general congestion in lower Draper, It's getting so one can't find
Art Kapner.
T h e Co-op lent some S t a t e College p e n n a n t s for the
All-College reception last S a t u r d a y night, and they
haven't been returned. This is a w a t c h - b i r d w a t c h ing ti pennaiitimppcr . . . litis is a w a t c h - b i r d w a t c h ing YOU . . . were YOU a p c n i t a n t n a p p e r this m o n t h ?
Ingle Room, Pierce Hull. President's Reception.
Ueverwyck Pa k. Soccer S l a t e Vs. Brockport,
Dale Party at Newman H a l l
p.m. Newman Club Ten,
7:30 p m . Newman Club .Smoker.
H:30 p.m. SCA Frosli Frolic, Lounge
Reprinted from fif,.
April 1949
issue of ESQUIRE
3:35 p.m
F r e s h m a n Orientation, Page
Hall Audi-
m i
I've been
going out with a,Frenchman ""<l • w a n t to learn
w h a t lie keeps whispering to me.
Copyright 1049 by Esquire , Inc.
W h o said S a t u r d a y n i g h t is
t h e lonliest n i g h t of t h e week?
Not a t S t a t e with a n All-College
Reception in full swing. J a y s
were busting out all over as t h e
Pedquins strove to give t h e m a n
evening t h a t they would never
The entertainment, highlighted by " T h r e e Sobs a n d a Souse,"
" W h e n I Look I n t o Your Eyes,"
an original song by J u l i a I s a k scn, a n d t h e b a n d i t c h o r u s featured t h e t a l e n t s of p a s t BigFour's. T h e "St. Louis Blues"
a n d "Deep Purple" showed t h e
"oldtimcrs" of State w h a t a new
class h a s to offer.
T h e gym was literally t r a n s posed into a j a m session as t h e
m a n y d a n c e r s tried to m a n i p u late their feet without e n d a n gering t h e lives of others. T h i s
hazard, however, did not p r e vent '54 from really getting a c quainted
. As t h e evening
came to a close, t h e J a y s a m bled cheerily home with t h e i r
new "friends"—discussing
experiences of a n evening they
would long remember.
Myskania h a s a n n o u n c e d t h e class
guardians, t h e procedure for sending warnings, a n d t h e penalties for
violation of t h e college traditions,
acording to William E n g e l h a r t '51,
C h a i r m a n of Myskania.
T h e following M y s k a n i a m e m b e r s
have been appointed class g u a r d ians: Lois Prescott a n d J a m e s J l u s to, Seniors; M a r t h a Downey a n d
William E n g e l h a r t , J u n i o r s ; Helm u t h Schultze a n d Gerald Dunn,
Sophomores; M a r y Eade a n d J o seph Purdy, freshmen.
All classes m u s t give their class
guardians twenty-four hours notice
before their m e e t i n g s are to be held.
Ail meetings a r e illegal without t h e
presence of class guardians, according to E n g l e h a r t .
T h e acceptable
sending w a r n i n g s to Myskania is
listed below:
1. T h e w a r n i n g must be placed
in a sealed envelope in the Myskania mailbox.
2. T h e w a r n i n g m u s t include the
following i n f o r m a t i o n : full n a m e of
violator, n a t u r e of offense, date,
hour, a n d location where offense
took place, a n d n a m e of person issuing w a r n i n g .
3. A person can receive only one
warning for a violation at a certain time.
T h e Class of 1952 h a s recently r e T h e penalties for violations of t r a ceived a report on tire progress of
ditions are as follows:
First offense: W a r n i n g from Mys- its foster child, S a n t i n a Maenza
from Italy. T h e child who is twelve
years old was adopted by '52 last
Second offense: W a r n i n g from year.
Myskania a n d t h e publication of Ihc
S a n l i n a ' s father is unable to work
violator's n a m e in the State College
because of war time disabilities. Her
mother, brother, a n d sister work in
Third offense: Apology in public the fields. S a n t i n a once worked
before the S t u d e n t Association.
along with them, b u t on M a r c h 28,
F o u r t h offense: Automatic expul- 1947. when she was sent for water
sion from office, a n d ineligibility for for the field workers, she stepped
on a h a n d grenade hidden in the
office for the following year.
F r e s h m e n m a y use the front door high grass. The g r e n a d e exploded,
of Draper Hall until the construc- badly wounding her in the right
tion is completed and tin- oilier ex- leg and a r m . She was hospitalized
for many m o n t h s , a n d eventually
it:; arc available for their use.
her right h a n d had to be a m p u t a t e d .
T h e list ol valid violations of traWlien she had recovered, her p a r dition which arc subject to warning
ents realized t h a t they were too
from Myskania are listed in the
poor to provide the training a n d
F r e s h m a n Handbook. F r e s h m e n are
care for her that she would need to
advised to read this book.
prepare herself for life, h a n d i c a p p e d
as .she was. Tims it was t h a t she
came under the care of the Foster
P a r e n t s ' P l a n For W a r Children,
Release History
OF Foster Child
Dr. Paul C. Lemon, Assistant Professor of Biology, and Allen Benton,
I n s t r u c t o r in Biology, will a t t e n d
the Conservation a n d
Conference at, the S l a t e Conservation C a m p tit De Bruce, New York
this weekend. They will serve as
representatives of S t a t e College.
3:30 p.m. S t u d e n t Teaclicr Tea, Lounge.
7:30 p.m. PI G u m m a Mu, business meeting,
»;()() p.m. Kuppu Plu Kappa, Lounge.
Newman, SCA
Slate Receptions
Jays, Pedquins Find Frederic March Will Narrate
Nests In Page Hall In Michelangelo Life Story
This organization lias moved her
to a colony for w a r - m u t i l a t e d children which they support. Here she
can live a n d work a m o n g children
in positions similar to hers.
Al the colony S a n t i n a is in the
Class of the
School. She is a willing worker, has
a pleasant disposition, a n d lives in
u n d e r s t a n d i n g and h a r m o n y with
her teachers and companions. Aritlimetie is her favorite subject and
she thinks Hint she would like to be
a school teacher some day.
Eugene II. McLaren, Instructor in
Chemistry, has been in Bosel, Switzerland during the past year, studying Chemistry a n d G e r m a n at the
largest, chemical
center on the continent. He visited
F r a n c e , G e r m a n y , Italy, Austria,
'52 has been collecting
cents from each of its m e m b e r s for
through Europe.
the support of this child. Now they
Marvin J. Pryor, Instructor in are campaigning for letters lo S a n Physics, gave a demonstration on tina which they hope will give her
optic and split, lenses at. the Collo- new courage.
quian at, the University of Iowa. Mr.
Pryor was a close second in I he competitive d e m o n s t r a t i o n .
Dr. Charles L. Andrews, Professor
ol Physics, had an article published
litis s u m m e r in The J o u r n a l of ApE x a m i n a t i o n s lo fill professional
plied IMiysics. T h e article was entitled "The Detraction P a t t e r n ol library positions will be held S a t u r Klcrlrumagnct ie Waves In a Circu- day, November 18, a t various counlar Aperture As Measured Willi Mi- ties in New York S t a l e . A college
cro-words." Dr. Andrews will at lend edtical ion a n d al least one half year
I lie meeting ol the New York S t a l e ol semesler credit hours of work in
Section ol American Physical So- an approved library school is Ihc
ciety al l lie Clarkson lust iluie of minimum requirement.
Technology I his weekend.
Salaries range from $2,1)00 to $4,51)1)
Dr. AlIIie If ( diver, Assistant Pro- and llieie are jobs in live counties
fessor of Physics, spent the .summer and Icii cities. T h e counties arc
doing research work in nuclear Erie, Westchester, Chemung, Nasstudy at Biooklinvcli. Long Island. MIU, and Wayne. The cities included
Since Dr Oliver has been granted are lloruell, Lockporl, Middletown.
permission to continue her research Mount Vernon, Newbiirgh, New Hoat Stale, equipment has been sent chellc, Plattsburgh, Rochester, While
to the college to aid her in her Plain.', and Yonkers.
The m o n t h s of legal residence in
Dr. Milton C. Olson, 1 lireclor ol lhe county or city varies greatly,
Kducalioii. will speak al Burlington, bill one year's residence in New
Vermont, at a Business Teachers' York S t a l e is required of most can
His topic
be: dldiites
The i dies range I roll) Library As"Facing F a d s in Business M u n i sistant lo Assistant Library Direcl
Additional information may be or T h e majority of the jobs open
obtained by slopping at the Publi- aic lor J u n i o r and Senior Librarians.
cations Oil ice.
Civil Service To Hold
Exams For Librarians
W h e n it s e e m s intelligent to b r e a k a college t r a dition we s h o u d do it readily. If it seems logical
to e l i m i n a t e or c h a n g e a s n a k e d a n c e , several sentences in t h e freshman h a n d b o o k , rivalry rules, or
some p r o c e d u r e or p r a c t i c e , t h e r e should be little
Myskania Issues
Violation Rules,
Warning System
THE CODE . . .
T r a d i t i o n s , like laws, should be observed objectively or criticized at i n t e r v a l s . W h e n a law is
no longer n e e d e d it is a b o l i s h e d . L a w s a r e c h a n g e d
by a g r o u p of p e o p l e v o t i n g . T r a d i t i o n s a r e rooted m o r e d e e p l y a n d a r e m o r e o b s t i n a t e . C h a n g e s
in them c o m e s about in a m o r e s u b t l e w a y , ie. by
a casual c o m m o n consent,
O u r college is growing in size a n d in its a l t i t u d e . T h e a t t i t u d e t o w a r d t r a d i t i o n seems to rem a i n t h e s a m e . T h i s is b e c a u s e we a r e n a t u r a l l y
t r a d i t i o n - m i n d e d people. H o w e v e r , a s i b i s y e a r
p r o g r e s s e s a n d new p r o b l e m s occur in a s s e m b l y
a n d s t u d e n t council they should be t r e a t e d a s s u c h .
T r a d i t i o n s s h o u l d be followed b u t o n l y w h e n they
fit t h e s i t u a t i o n .
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude
author of this column, although
his viewpoints
Has anyone tried to get a medical
FRIDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 9 , 1B8Q
WU'6. Qat A GtoUade?
MAY 1916
FRIDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 9 ,
Editors N o t e : Word received as
we go to press informs u s t h a t
D & A m a y be obliged t o o b t a i n a
different movie.
D r a m a t i c a n d Arts Council h a s
begun its year's scheduled events
with t h e presentation of a motion
picture entitled "The T i t a n , " n a r r a t e d by Frederic M a r c h , In Page
Hall, October 10 a t 8 p.m. according to M a r t h a Downey '51, P r e s i d e n t of the Council. T h e movie is
released through United Artists to
only educational i n s t i t u t i o n s
present a n d will not be released to
the public until a later date.
" T h e T i t a n " relates the m a j o r
events of Michelangelo's life a n d
how they Influenced his creations.
T h e work is followed in sequence
from its beginnings u n d e r G h i r landio's tutelage to t h e P i e t a a n d
N e w m a n Club a n d S t u d e n t C h r i s t h e Descent from t h e Cross, to t h e t i a n Association h a v e both p l a n n e d
final sculptures h e created in his their a n n u a l receptions for t h i s
old age.
weekend. Included on t h e a g e n d a
a r e t h e N e w m a n Club t e a p a r t y ,
T h e artistic works r e m a i n t h e smoker, a n d t h e S t u d e n t C h r i s t i a n
center of a t t e n t i o n t h r o u g h o u t t h e Association F r o s h Frolic.
film, the c a m e r a stops to e x a m i n e
N e w m a n Club will hold its a n n u a l
each piece of sculpture a n d dwells
on t h e p a i n t i n g of t h e Sistine C h a p - tea p a r t y for the women of S t a t e
el—both the ceiling a n d t h e L a s t College a t N e w m a n Hall this S u n day a t 3 p.m. Elizabeth Cahill '51,
C h a i r m a n of the tea, h a s s t a t e d
T h e r e are no living actors In t h e t h a t Dr. Mary Goggln, Assistant
story. You h e a r sounds a n d voices, Professor of Ancient Languages, will
see famous I t a l i a n buildings such be the guest speaker. Newman Club
as t h e Palazzo Medici, also the w a - h a s also planned its a n n u a l smoker
terfall a t Tivoli, as well as p o r t r a i t s for the m e n of S t a t e College a t 7:30
of Michelangelo himself a n d o t h e r p.m. J o h n L a n n o n '53, is c h a i r m a n
i m p o r t a n t artists of his time. These of t h e affair. Refreshments will be
references to i m p o r t a n t religious served.
figures a n d historical h a p p e n i n g s Newman Club to Act a s Host
This weekend N e w m a n Club is
help explain t h e c h a n g i n g c h a r a c t e r
acting as host to the Officers of t h e
of Michelangelo's art.
Central New York Association of
In conjunction with the coming Newman Clubs. Paul LeBrun '51,
movie, the Art D e p a r t m e n t of t h e C h a i r m a n , h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t nine
College will exhibit reproductions of schools of New York S t a t e will be
Michelangelo's p a i n t i n g s of the S i s - represented a t t h e meetings.
tine Chapel on Second floor Draper,
S t u d e n t Christian Association will
Monday, according to R u t h
E. hold its a n n u a l F r o s h Frolic t o Hutchins, Assistant Professor of Art. mororw at 8 p.m. in the Lounge.
Carol J e n k i n s '51, General C h a i r m a n , h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t everyone
is invited. T h e r e will be r o u n d a n d
square dancing with S t u a r t L. G a t e s
'51, calling. E n t e r t a i n m e n t C h a i r m a n Helen Pilcher '52, h a s p l a n n e d
a program including m e m b e r s of
the Class of '54. Belva M c L a u r i n '51
N e w m a n Hall h a s scheduled a is in charge of refreshments.
date party which will be held t o morrow night at 8 p.m. at Newm a n Hall. Those a t t e n d i n g will include residents of the dormitory a n d
s t u d e n t s from Siena College, according to Margaret Edwards '52, P r e s ident.
T h e following g r a d u a t e s h a v e r e ceived positions for the present year
T h e committees are as follows: as announced by Elmer C. Mathews,
C h a i r m a n , Eugenia Cerilli '52; R e - Director of t h e T e a c h e r Placement.
ception, Lois Holland;
Those placed are Diane S. W e b Florence Paris, Seniors; Decoraber '50, Hartwick, Social Studies
tions, Patricia
Refresha n d English; Mary A. Lynch, G r a d ,
ments, Irene Brezinsky, Sophomores.
Schoharie, J u n i o r High Social S t u d T h e decorations, centered around ies, English, Driver T r a i n i n g ; Joyce
a fall theme, will be a medley of Deubert '50, Conoseraga, English,
bright colors. Refreshments will i n - Library; Mary Kosegarten '32, Averclude cokes, varieties of cookies, a n d ill Park, G u i d a n c e ; Carroll P. G a i pretzel and popcorn tidbits.
livan '50, Newton Falls-Clifton Fine,
Commerce; Marjorie S m i t h '50, S h a ron Springs, Spanish, F r e n c h ; R o b ertson Baker '50, McGraw, Science;
Helcne Nichols '46, Hillsdale, Library; Anita Melewicz, G r a d , Mineola, Library; Raymond P a r k e r '50,
Honorary societies have sched- Gloversville J u n i o r High, Social
uled their first meetings of the fall Studies.
semester. Kappa Phi K a p p a , a p r o Also included are Dorothy P a r r
fessional education fraternity, a n d '49, Ravena, Commerce;
Pi G a m m a Mu, a national honor P a n g b u r n '50, Robert Kaiser '50,
social science society, have planned Monticello, M a t h ; Eugene T a r e n
meetings for next week.
'50, Mineola, J r . High Science, M a t h ;
Lyons '50,
Pi G a m m a Mu is holding a busi- Marjorie
ness meeting Tuesday in Room 101, Roosevelt, Elementary; J o h n McDraper at 7:30 p.m., according to G r a t h '50, Seneca Falls, Commerce;
Michael L a m a n n a '51, President. J o h n Perta '50, Cato Meridian, J r .
Kappa Phi K a p p a will hold its High English, Social Studies; R o b meeting in the Lounge a t 8 p.m., ert Bottomley '50, Ruston Academy,
Tuesday, according to Arthur Pe- H a v a n a , Cuba, English; Basil K a r dcrsen '50, President. T h e guest '50, Mineola Junior Hlghi Science,
speaker will be William G. Meyer, M a t h ; Marjorie Lyons '50, H u n t i n g Instructor in Modern Languages. ton Roosevelt, Elementary; J o h n
Refreshments will be served follow- M c G r a t h '50, Seneca Falls, Commerce: J o h n P e r t a '50, Cato Meriing the meeting.
d a n , J u n i o r High English, Social
Studies; oRbert Bottomley '50, R u s ton Academy, Havana. Cuba, E n g lis: Basil Karpiak '50, Fort Covington, Commerce, Coach; J o a n Keyton '50, Delmar, English 8; Carol
La Rowe '50, Cazenovla College,
Tours of Science inborn lories are Commerce; J a m e s Breen '50, Crown
foreseen in the future for Science Point, Social Studies; Shirley WilClub members, while of the liams '48, Buffalo Bayton S t r u t t o n
r e - Business Institute, Comerce; a n d
search projects lor the Eastern Col- Evelyn Weisenberger '50, Schenevus
leges Science Conference,
Herbert /Continued
on Pugc l\. Column #>
Thier '53, President of Science Club
Tea, Smoker, Dancing
To Highlight Weekend
CASDA Enlists
Objectives, Sets
Year's Program
Capital Area School Development
Association, is a voluntary association of public school systems, selfgoverned
administratorvoting representatives a n d directed
by an executive committee of school
officers. Its purpose is to a c c u m u l a t e
information about education p r a c tices and techniques in general.
This is accomplished by the work of
p a r t i c i p a t i n g schools which u n d e r take research in fundamental problems of education.
Lists Committees of CASDA
CASDA is composed of various
committees, which do research in
problems concerning their
T h e consultants of S t a t e College
are as follows: Reading Care, Dr.
J o h n Newton, Assistant Professor
of English;
Public Relations, Dr.
K e n n e t h Frasure, Assistant Profsesor of Education; Dr. Theodire F o s nieck, Principal of Milne School;
Edward J. Sabol, Co-ordinator of
Field Services; H u m a n a g e m e n t , Dr.
C. C. Smith, Professor of E d u c a t i o n ;
E l e m e n t a r y Education. Lionel Meno,
Oneontn; E n g l i s h
Mary Conklin, Assistant Professor
of English; Social Studies, Dr. W a l lace Taylor, Professor of Social
Studies, Clinton Roberts, I n s t r u c t o r
in Social Studies; M a t h , Dr. R a n dolph G a r d n e r , Assistant Professor
of M a t h e m a t i c s ; Science, Dr. Carlton Moose, Professor of Science;
Reorganization of Secondary E d u cation, Allan Rosebrock, Assistant
Professor of Education. They are
assisted by the following g r a d u a t e
s t u d e n t s : J o h n Dumansky, F a r n a r
Walsh, Stanley Bruckheim, J a m e s
Kirkpatrick, J a m e s Moore.
CASDA was c'Tlcially s t a r t e d October (i, 1949. T A O general meetings
were held in spring and two in
s u m m e r . F u t u r e meetings are scheduled for November 16, February 15
and May 24. As of now CASDA includes 37 member school systems
a n d more t h a n 1,500 teachers and
S t a t e Problems to be Studied
Problems to be studied In the
future will include: Adjusting Curriculum to Non-Academic S t u d e n t s ,
Methods of orienting s t u d e n t s toward understanding objectives, Developing school-community
intercommunications, and
studies of
morales, personnel relations, and
working conditions of the faculty.
Among CASDA's publications are
Cascaiils, the official
publication of the asoclalion, and
periodic reports made by the committees, which arc more c o m p r e hensive than Cascalds,
The values of CASDA are m a n y .
Ii supplies the opportunity f or
teachers and school systems to
sillily unit mil problems together. It,
develops Intimate working relationships for colleges and public schools.
II also provides for a s p e e d - u p of
educational change a n d progress and
answers basic a n d troublesome quesi ions.
Norton To Sell Unclaimed Boolcs
From Summer Sessions, Hast Year.
There will be a book sale of all
book', from last year and the summer session which have not been
claimed, according to Virginia Norton ill, G r a n d Marshal. T h e sale
will be held today from 1 3D to 3:30
p in , outside the Commons
Campus Commission will have
charge of the sale. T h e r e is a large
select ion of books available.
Siena Date Party
Mathews Lists
New Placements
State Honor Societies
To H o l d Fall Meetings
Science Club Plans
Laboratory Tours
Plans are being made lor m e m bers to make various excursions In
the near future to the Dudley O b servatory, General
Electric, a n d
S l e r l i n g - W i n l h r o p Research Laboratories.
Music Department Requests
Students For College Orchestra
S t u d e n t s who are interested in
joining I he college orchestra or operetta class are urged to a t t e n d
the meetings of the
groups according to Dr. Charles F.
Several s t u d e n t s are genaged In Stokes, Professor of Music.
research projects under the direc- orchestra meets Tuesdays at 3:35
tion ol members of the faculty. p. in., Room 28 in Richardson. I n These research projects will be t a - s t r u m e n t s will be provided for those
ken to the next meeting of the who do not have them.
Eastern Colleges Science ConferTile operetta class meets Monence, of which the S t a l e College days at 3:35 p. in., Room 28 in
Science c l u b is a member. T h e con- Richardson. S t u d e n t s wishing to e n ference is composed of 300 leading ter the operetta clans can join by
Eastern colleges. Science Club is contacting Dr. Stokes. T h e operannually represented by several s t u - etta to be presented tills year is
dents and a member ol the faculty. " I o l a n t h e " by Gilbert a n d Sullivan.
Navy Announces Issues PositionsRequest Students Gampul GtmmUlion
College Program Of Graduates To Join Crusade Campus Commission Regulations
mons, and put them back where
The Navy announced recently
that the fifth nation-wide competitive examination for its College
Training Program has been scheduled for December 9, 1950, and will
be open to high school seniors or
graduates within the age requirements. Successful candidates will
be given a four-year college education at government expense and will
be commissioned as officers of the
Navy or Marine Corps upon graduation.
The program is open to male citizens of the United States between
the ages of 17 and 21.
The students selected by these
competitive examinations will be
assigned to the 52 Naval Reserve
Officers' Training Corps units
which are located in various universities and colleges in the United
States. They will be appointed Midshipmen, USNR, and will have their
tuition, books, and normal fees paid
for by the Government. In addition
they will receive pay at the rate of
$50.00 a month for the four-year
period. Upon graduation they may
be commissioned as officers in the
Regular Navy or Marine Corps and
required to serve on active duty for
two years.
Applications are available at high
schools, colleges, and Navy Recruiting Stations.
Dodge Asks Students
To Join Red Cross Unit
A Red Cross unit will be established at State, according to Joyce
Dodge '50, Chairman, if enough students are interested. Both men and
women are needed.
There are five divisions! under
which students may sign. They are
home service, first aid, drivers service, Grey Ladies, and Nurses Aids.
Any student wishing to sign up may
do so with the chairman as soon as
Selective Service Representative
Slates Schedule For Candidates
All civilians and reservists of the
Armed Forces of the United States
who have questions about the present draft situation may discuss them
with Dr. Randolph S. Gardner, Professor of Mathematics in the Milne
School. Dr. Gardner will see both
students and faculty on Monday at
12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment.
(Continued from Page 3, Columns)
and Worcester, Latin, Spanish.
Anna Buno '50;
Orahamsville, Tri-Valley, French, Spanish;
Prances Ogbln '50, Gilboa, Library;
Seymour Persh '50, New Paltz, Social Studies; Guy Crlscione *50, Argyle, Science; Regina B. Taylor "50,
East Greenbush, Elementary; Earline
Thompson '50, Northport, Library;
Regina Driscoll '50, Orangeburg,
Third Grade; Asher Borton '50, Elbridge, Jr. High Math, Science;
Doris Kniffen '50, Coxsackie, English, Library; Philomena Cerro '50,
Englo Proctor, Utica, Social Studies 7, 8, 9; Eugene Ryan '46, Riverhead, Math, Science; Charles Ochab
'50, North Merric, Jr. High Science,
English; Irene Galloway '49, Virgil,
Social Studies, Latin; Helen Parrell
'50, Schuylerville, Jr. High English,
Math; Leila Drezner '50, Ellenville,
Commerce; Ethel Trop '50, Cincinnatus, Commerce; John Hopkins
•50, Greenville, Elementary; Patricia Caples '47, Schenectady, Elementary; John Connolly '50, Dannemora, Social Studies, English;
Genevieve Gilbert '50, Poughkeepsie,
Library; Ruth Smith '50, Homer,
Math, Science.
Civil Service Commission
Lists Senior Vacancies
The New York State Civil Service Commission announces opportunities for college Seniors. Vacancies are now available in the fields
of engineering, biology, chemistry,
mathematics, library science, psychology, statistics, and law.
Maximum salaries after five annual increases frange from $2600
to $3700.
Last dates for filing these applications is October 30. The date of
the written tests is December 2.
All those interested should inquire in the Registrar's office for
a descriptive folder.
Requests Workers For Directory
All students interested in working
on the 1950-51 edition of the Directory are asked to contact Helen
Agnello '51, Editor-in-Chief, before
Monday. The book sponsored by
Student Association, is expected to
be available in late October or early
This year as in previous years
there will be a contest for the cover
design. The contest will be open to
nil students.
To Our Customers:
We of the Co-op appreciate your patience.
Bucking the book line during the "Rush" is an ordeal, and we are glad to see that you still retain
your sense of humor and fair play.
they belong when they are not
College students throughout the A. Mail Boxes Regulations
In use,
United States are urged to join the
1. All notes sent through the stuCrusade for Freedom. General
dent mail must be at least 2" x 11. Get your nickels and buy cokes.
Dwight D. Eisenhower described
4" when folded and dated on
The machine will be filled at
Crusade for Freedom as: "a camthe outside. An infringement of
all times this year.
paign sponsored by private Amerthis rule will result in the im- 12. Don't spill cokes on tables and
ican citizens to fight the big lie
mediate removal of notes from
with the big truth."
boxes regardless of importance.
E. Annex and Cafeteria Area ReguChairman of the Crusade for
2. The outside of the note must
Freedom, General Lucius D. Clay,
contain the name, class, and
l.Each student is responsible for
has issued a special appeal to coldate.
his own refuse disposal.
lege and university students, stat3. No 3" x 5" card posters are to
2. Garbage, bottles and p a p er s
ing; "As students of history, literbe placed in the boxes.
must be placed in the recepature, political, physical and social
tacles provided for same.
4. No books are to be returned
sciences, you know that what men
through the student mail.
believe to be true has been as im3. No smoking at any time in Anportant as the truth itself in de5. The boxes must be kept free of
termining human events. Working
4. All posters put in the Annex
together in the Freedom Crusade,
6. No notes announcing any kind
area must be placed on the bulwe can help to put the free world
of meeting are to be put in the
letin board. No posters should
on the offensive."
boxes. There will be a meeting
be placed on the walls, except
To Install Freedom Bell
bulletin board provided for such
those put up by Campus ComThe Freedom Bell, symbol of the
crusade, will be installed behind the
7. Please be careful to pick up and
5. Smoking is allowed in the cafeIron Curtain in the Western Secreturn to the proper box any
tor of Berlin on October 24, United
notes that are dropped on the F. Hall Regulations
Nations Day. Enshrined in the base
l.No smoking.
of the bell, which will peal out
8. No stickers are permitted on
2. No congestion in corridors bedaily, will be signatures of millions
tween periods.
of Americans who have signed the
B. Lounge Regulations
Declaration of Freedom.
3. Single file down Annex stairs
l.No smoking at any time.
The volunteer organization for
and no gossiping on the way.
this people's Crusade cut across all
2. No eating at any time.
4. Papers in p r o p e r receptacles,
lines . . . political, economic, rac3. The Lounge is a place for sonot on floor.
ial, sex, religious. It consists of a
cial relaxation and study, not
not congregate in front of
national council, regional, state,
the mail boxes.
city and county chairmen.
4. No play rehearsal or song reTo Sign Freedom Scroll
hearsals unless approved by the G. Locker Room Regulations
1. No smoking.
Every college student can help
Secretary or by the Dean of
2. Suitcases in shower rooms.
support the Crusade for Freedom,
Women and the Lounge Chair3. No eating lunch at any time.
General Clay points out, by doing
two things: sign the Freedom
a) from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m., II. Lost and Found Regulations
Scroll, which in brief affirms his
3 to 3:30 p.m., or after a spe(See Helen Hagel '53>
belief as a free American in the
cial permission.
l.Any articles that are f o u n d
right of all men to freedom; and
5. No amorous manifestations.
should be put in the lost and
make a contribution to the Cru6. No card playing.
found box in the lower hall of
sade, which will be used to help C. College Grounds Regulations
expand Radio Free Europe, which
2. When you find something, be
1. No cutting across the lawns.
sure to put your name and the
is the medium through which pri2. No eating lunches or drinking
necessary data on the Lost and
vate American citizens can fight
cokes on Campus.
Found bulletin board next to
back against Communist attacks
3. Don't throw papers on grass or
the janitor's office.
upon the American way of life.
around walks.
3. If you have lost something, look
4. Put cigarette butts and matches
on the above mentioned board.
into containers.
5. No holding hands on Campus.
l.No eating.
I). The Commons Regulations
2. Students are not to use the P.O.
1. No eating of any kind whatsofor a cloak room.
ever in the Commons.
Kappa Beta is far from being
2. Cokes are to be drunk in the K. Mimeograph
Commons and not taken outside
a new fraternity, but judging
1. Contact Marilyn eLwis '52.
to other areas.
from the announcements made
2. No one but Campus Commission
3. All coke bottles are to be reby its president, Philip Malafhas the authority to use the
turned to a case.
sky '51, it seems to have its
mimeograph machine. This reg4. Matches and cigarette butts are
share of new attractions. Foundulation will be enforced.
to be put in ash trays.
ed in 1937, the fraternity moved
L. Posters
to its present home at 288 Quail
1. Paper: No red, oranges with letin the Commons are requested
Street in November of 1048.
ters that clash; use good, atto keep their sections neat and
Since that time it had not had
tractive color schemes.
2. Grays, greens, blues best with
its face lifted.
6. Dancing is permitted from 12
white or black 1 tters.
This year, however, there is
noon to 12:35 p.m., on weekdays
3. Size: !« size for meetings; full
something new. Housing fourunci from 2:30 to 5 p.m., on Frisb.e for advertising.
teen men, the house is full to
4. All posters must be approved
the rafters and is sporting a new
perbefore they may be put up. The
coat of paint outside, new floors
mission has been received from
poster chairman, Kathleen Ryin the bath and kitchen, and a
the Commons Chairman, Maran '52, or the Grand Marshal,
new shower. The meals also are
lene Southard '53, or Virginia
Virginia Norton '51, will apmuch improved, being served by
Norton '51, Grand Marshal.
prove them at 9 a.m. and 12
a new chef.
ii. Coke machines should not be
noon it' they are put on Campus
Anything but new are Kappa
used by other organizations unCommission desk in the ComBeta's (rood times. For its first
less proper arrangements have
affair of the year K.B. is planbeen made and permission re5. Pesters must be of ce'lege level:
ing a vie dance for members
ceived from coke chairman and
no crayons; time mi,, t be speni
Saturday night, October 7.
Grand Marshal, both.
on them; no messy jibs ac9. Vic and records can be used by
organizations alter permission
has been granted by Vic Chair- Math Club Will Hold Meeting,
man, Estelle Weisblutt '52, and
Announce Plans For Semester
Grand Marshal, both.
10. Do not remove playing cards or
The Math Club encourages all
ping pong balls from the Com- :,tudents, who are interested, to enroll as members, according to Daniel
'51, President. Both freshTIIRF.E SPEEDS AHEAD
men and graduate students are wel78 _ .|5 — 33 1/3
comed to attend the meetings.
The agenda for this year includes
mi exchange program with RPI
'Portraiture At Its Finest"
156 Central Ave.
02-0221 which will bring to the meetings
outstanding speakers In the MatheOpen Evenings Until 9:00
matical field. It also Includes demonstrations whereby members will
be taught to apply I heir mathemaHOLLYWOOD COMES
The Math Club usually .schedules
Its meetings for the first or second
Tuesday In the month. The first
meeting is planned for October 10
at 7:30 p. in. Advance notices will be
posted outside Room 103, Draper.
Renovate Abode,
Add Ritzy Touch
Thanks to one of your number we believe that
from now on—starting second semester—we will
have the book line eliminated as a part of State
tradition, and that there will be more order and
less chaos.
Thanks again for your seeming indestructibility, and your patient attitude.
,1. J. MORRIS, JR., Mgr
Clothes Driers
Study Lamps
OPEN 0:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Thousands of Items
BJveniiiBS by appointment
Central Variety Store
313 Central Avenue
Below Quail Street
Open Every Night Till 9
m. F. H®nikel & Son
Founded 1905
Phono 4-2036
157 Central Ave.
Touch Football Booters Begin Season T o d a y ,
Starts Monday,
Bui. . .
Outlook Bright
I ~
A . D
race brockport At Beverwyck
. . . Today the people of the CapAt 4:30 Monday afternoon, State
ital District will get a chance to will kick the lid off the '50 Intrawatch one of the nation's top soc- mural Touch Football League. Four
cer squads in action. Brockport has teams, not named as yet, will open
built up a terrific reputation among the season on the Page Hall field
the soccer world and this year they and at Beverwyck Park. Games will
will undoubtedly uphold their rep- bp played at these fields dally till
The State College soccer team will
a Champion is crowned.
open the 1950 soccer season by
. . . The Golden Eagles of BrockLeague Manager Jiob Hausner
meeting a power packed Brockport have won 19 of their last 21 has arranged for a larger playing
port eleven at Beverwyck Park togames, including one tie. Coach surface for the games this year.
day at 3:30.
Huntley Parker and the squad have This will definitely increase the
Thirty one men have reported
been at work for the past four pnee and caliber of the games playfor practice on State's team. State
weeks and arc reported to be in ed. The fields have been widened
has most of the men who gained
good condition.
Their probable T4s yards to 30 yards and the length
one year's playing experience last
starting lineup for the game will in- shall remain the same as last year,
year. There are also a large numclude two All-Americans; Ted Bodi, 60 yards.
ber of freshmen and transfer stuwho has been All-American for the
At last report there were fifteen
dents who have shown interest in
past three years, anil the other All- teams entered in the race. Leading
the team.
American is Don Thompson.
the "repeat" teams from last year
Team Shows Spirit and Hustle
. . . After the game with State will be the defending champion
Coach Garcia is very pleased with
today the Eagles will take on RPI Potter Club, Kappa Delta Rho,
the fine turnout for practice and
tomorrow and it is my opinion that Kappa Beta, Sigma Lambda Sigalso with the spirit and hustle that
their experience on the soccer field ma, Angels, and the Finks. New
has been shown by the team.
will send them back to Brockport blood in the league will be the
Dave Weatherby and Paul Bullwith a record of 2 wins and no de- Gents, Jets, Van Derzee, Annex,
ock have been chosen as co-captalns
feats. Hope I'm wrong.
Thurlow Hall, Red Raiders, Capitol
of State's boosters. Weatherby .has
. . . Those hooklincs in front of District All-Stars, Commuters, and
had three years of high school exthe Co-op look like a Salvation the Panthers. The eager incoming
perience and one year of college
Army soup line. If we could only frosh are well represented by the
i /. . . . . .
experience in soccer. Dave will hold
get that many people up to see to- Annex, Thurlow Hall, Van Derzee,
Coach Garcia ROCS over last minute strategy with co-captains Bullock the center forward Dosition nn T h e
day's same! Around here students and Red Raider teams.
and Wetherby for today's battle with the powerful Brockport Eagles.
team. His hard charging aggreswill wait three hours in a booklinc Potter Suffers Heavy Loss
sive type of play should do irrach
but can't give up two of their preIt is difficult at this time to make
to make the season successful for
cious hours to watch a soccer game. any predictions, but from past years
the Peds. Paul Bullock has had
But that's Tradition!
you can bet that both the finalists
two years of high school soccer ex. . . I hope Bob Hausner, prexy of from last year will be well up in
perience and one year of college
intramural football, doesn't run into the standings. Potter Club defeated
experience. Bullock will hold down
the same trouble as past prexys; a KDR for the championship last
the right forward position on the
long list of complaints from play- year. Potter Club lost three of their
team. Bullock's ability to kick that
ers but no help when the time comes first string ends from last year's
long ball should help the team a
to do some work like lining the undefeated and unscored upon a.gWe have been requested by the Rule V
fields, etc.
gregation. Hard running Bob Eich managers of Intramural football
Sec. 1
^ to Sreport ^ to any
^ offi- Nunez's Experience Helpful
. . . From this corner it looks like has entered Pennsylvania U„ end league to print a copy of the foot do not have
Rnoul Nunez is another outstandthe St. Mary's Angels will romp Jack Marks has left college, and ball rules. The following are last cial,
ing candidate for a starting posiover most of their opposition and passer
passer Jim warden nas gone out wyears
ruics ana any iuture cnanges
aec. 2 Eligible Substitutes: Any tion on the Ped's team. Nunez has
take the football championship.
for the Varsity soccer team. Capt. i l l be posted on the MAA bulletin bona-fide member of a team may had more experience in soccer than
. . . Work has been started to form Paul Carter will not find it easy board.
enter or leave the game an un- any other member of the squad.
a college band; the only thing need- to fill these gaping
limited number of
eaDine holes. Veterans
nf times.
suhis a native of Bolivia where
ed now is plenty of talent. Anyone returning to his team besides Paul Rule I
slittite must take part in at least He
interested should see Jerry McGory will be Harv Clearwater, Ed White.
Sec. 1 Team; A team shall be one play before he can be re- soccer is the national sport. Nunez
has had five years of playing extoday.
Ken Ludlum, "Killer" Kaehn, and composed of six players.
one play must transpire „ 3 . " " " \" h i o „.„, • . - .- • ,
. . . Help is also wanted by Bob Joe Persico.
Sec. 2 Playing Field: Those fields before a withdrawn player may re- ™ P '?,. " f J1'?, ' m t l V e a n d a " d
Brown. He is looking for several
The only loss suffered by the marked by the Association before turn to the game.
°"° * ' ' °fJ?*«*
experience. He
fresh and Sophs who will help him runner-up KDR outfit was Dave -••-,- ...... ....„
Page to
Hahbe and
" ^
work on the newly organized pub- Durkee, regarded by many as one Field
to be posted on player signed and approved for a £°f.L H n Tn th*£$>**£?* >, ° 6 *
licity committee for MAA. Anyone of the best ends in the league. Re- schedule
L a n St elHnH f nn t f '
interested see Bob.
turning to bolster the KDR team
Sec. 3 Uniform: Regulation phy- given team by the Intramural Ath. . . Rifle Club, open to both will be Jerry Brophy, Bill Wiley, sica] education wearing apparel letic Committee.
dn7P for J w h l s f l a n o h o f r c a n d l "
fellows and girls, is opening its 1950 Bill Dunn, Bob Hausner, Al Ste shall be worn. This shall consist
date lor a berth on the starting eleven
membership drive. There are no fi- venson, and posibly Jerry Dunn.
- Strickland has had four years
of shorts i long trousers permiss- Hule VI
f h i g h sch
nancial obligations, the only thing Power of Frosh is Unknown
Juvl . Uthe
R . ,,ankles),
Sec. 1 Free Ball: A free ball is oStrickland
° °will
l soccer
if ,,.,,„,
rolled ,,,
hold experience
down the and
inl e
you spend is your time—and it's
Not to be overlooked will be the sneakers or basketball shoe's and a ball which is in play but not in side
° } , .left
? L ' nr ,position
°L college
worth it. According lo Jim Lazzo, new frosh teams. There are some shirts,
possession and control of any playJim Warden will hold down the
head of the club, there are 9,000 big boys in the class of '54. The ' ec, 4 Eye Glasses: Eve glasses
a. A free ball may be advanced
inside left position on the State
rounds of ammunition and a good
supply of Rifles. The club will teach Gents and the Angels will also shall not be worn except'those apb. A blocked kick which does not eleven. Warden has had four years
a threat to last year's tit- proved.
beginners how to use a rifle and lpresent
cross the line of scrimmage is a and has been an outstanding athlsts
Sec. 5 Regulation Footballs: Balls free ball.
if high school soccer experience
polish it, too. If anyone is Interested
The whistle looters this year will provided by MAA shall be the reglete on other State teams. He is
come to Room 101 on Thursday. Be
considbe drawn from the competing u i a l j o n bn ji. s ior the league,
seeing you there!
ered a free ball even after striking an aggressive, cool competitor who
teams of the opposite league and
will certainly aid the team.
the ground.
. . . This paper was printed before from Coach Hathaway's officiating Rule II
Arnold Dansky will hold clown
last night's Pep Rally that was put class. Failure to perform assigned
Sec. 1 Protests: All protests shall Rule VII
the goalie position on the Ped's
together at the last minute. Because officiating duties twice will call for be made in writing to the Intrahas had one year
Sec. 1 Kick Off: The kick-off team. Dansky
of the late announcement of it immediate elimination from the mural Athletic Committee of MAA
not too many people were able to league of the offending team.
not later than 24 hours after ter- distance from the goal line to the aggressive style of experience.
play should do
attend. But there probably were a
League Manager Hausner would mination of the game,
much to bolster the Ped's defense.
lot of people who could have spent like it to be known that Varsity
Sec. 2 Decisions: Decisions con- mid-field stripe.
Sec. 2 Touch-back or Safety: Joy Wins Starting Berth
one hour adding lo the spirit of it, soccer candidates are ineligible foi cerning protest shall be made by
I >an Joy has had one year of
who just couldn't be bothered going Intra-inural football. Other stud- the Intramural Athletic Committee Alter touch-back or safety, the appropriate action shall take place high school and one year of colto it. 1 know I can say, without wor- ents are permitted to play Intra- and shall be final.
ten yards from the goal line.
lege playing experience. Dan will
rying that I'm wrong, that the mural soccer as well as touch footSec. 3 Out-of-Bounds Kick: The hold down the left halfback posicrowd at the rally was small.
Hole III
Sec. 1 Tackling: The ball car- ball is put in play by the receiv- tion on the team. Dan is a bust
Ing ball player and will aid the
rier shall be considered tackled ing team at mid-field.
team in the coming contest.
when, in the judgment of the of- Rule VIII
Sec. 1 Eligible Ball Carriers: AftJohn Burke is another outstandficials, lie has been touched by an
opponent with both hands simul- er the pass from center, any play- ing candidate for a starting role
taneously at or below the belt line. er of the offensive team may be- on State's eleven. Burke will start
at right half for Coach Garcia.
Sec. 2 Holding the Ball Carrier: come the bull carrier.
Sec 2 Line of Scrimmage: Offen- Burke has had one year of college
Grasping, holding, or blocking the
Tomorrow afternoon during the themselves lo the fullest, With | J a i | currier in any manner shall sive team must have at least 3 men experience and is a very fast man.
hours ol 2 lo T) p.m. I he Dorm Field these committee heads and all the be considered illegal. Penally: 15 on the line of scrimmage.
Bill Reynolds is another returnwill be I he scene of another (rush rest of the WAA girls who are work- yards or the play.
See. 3 First Down: 15 yards must ing veteran from last year's team.
welcoming the WAA frosh frolic. ing to niiike the event a success,
Sec. :i Blocking: Blocking, as de- be gained in 4 attempts for a first Bill will hold down the outside left
Mill, this is not a formal sort of af- you can't miss. So don't forget— fined by the National Collegiate down.
position on the Ped's team. Reyfair, in lad. it's just about as in- il's the Dorm Field Saturday after- Athletic Association Rules, shall be Hide IX
nolds has had high school and colformal as I hey conic. This time the noon for a frolicsome time with permitted.
See. 1 Forfeits: A team must field lege experience in soccer.
proper attire will consist of sport WAA. Not even ruin will stop the
Benjamin Button and Ralph AdSec. 4 Straight Arming: There al least live men by 4:40.
clothes, such as jeans, an old shirt fun, only the place
will change. If shall be no straight arming. PenSee. 2 Penalty for forfeits: If u ams are two more men who will be
and perhaps a .sweater.
it should rain the program will lake l l l ( v . 15 y n l . d s from the point of team forfeits twice, it will be drop- in Coach Garcia's tentative startThe lirsl part of the program for plare in the gym.
ped from the league.
ing line up. Button will hold down
the afternoon will consist of the
See. 3 Games Played by a Sus- the left half position on the team.
|{llU, 1V
playing ol various games. Last year's I .HI Sports
pended Team: All games played by He has had two years of hrgh
awards for Hie completion of WAA
Next week the fall sports program
Sec, 1 Playing time: The length of a team which is dropped from the school experience. Adams will Hold
spoil, credit Will be given. When will start in full swing. Soccer will playing lime shall be 2I( minutes, league will be stricken from the down the outside right position and
the games have been completed be afforded on the Dorm Field every this divided into 4 equal periods. records.
lie has had four years of high
their will lie a lively bit of cnter- Tuesday and Thursday from 3 to 5 There shall be 1 minute between the
Sec. 4 Providing Officials: Fail- school playing experience,
(:i11111u ill which will then be fol- p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, first and second, and 1 minute be ure of llie assigned team lo providi
Other members of the squad who
lowed by refreshments.
Mid Friday Iron) 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., tween the third anil fourth quart officials for two games will result will see u lot of action during the
Ccnnniiltee heads for the frolic in- and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to ers There shall be 5 minutes la in that team's suspension from the season arc Tom King, John Steclude: (iciuTal Chairman, Pat Jul; 12 noon hockey will be played on tween the second and third quart league.
phenson, Ed Costello, Paul Kirsch,
Knleiiamiiu'iil. Phoebe Puller; Re- the Dorm Field. WAA credit will be ers.
Rule X
Bill Taylor, George Smalling, Al
freshments, Evelyn Erdle; Clean- given for participation in cither of
See. 1 Unless otherwise staled Cannon, Bill McCormick, and Bill
See, 2 Officials: Then shall be
up, Hiilh Poole and Aliki Apostuli- these sports. Also, credit is given for one referci one umpire, and one ihe National Colegiute Athletic nAdams.
„v.».j Hullctt,
ttu.nov, James
.......u.-> Bliss,
U u.„ a . Henry
des, and Publicity, Mary Hullo.
ehcerleading, that is, varsity and head Inn
ii. The duties of these Association Rules shall apply in all Charles E. Button, Satrono J. Dal
tons!, Howard B. Fenenbock, and
Everyone is invited to this frolic junior varsity cheering. This year's officials shall be those described cases.
Note: Captains should keep this Philip Ballings are also candidates
noil if they come with the right ehcerleading captains are Marjory in the National Collegiate Athletic
Association Rules.
copy ol rules for their own use
clothes ami spirit they will enjoy Baker '53 and Evie Kamke '52.
for positions on the team.
State Up-Against
Superior Squad
1950 Intramural Football Rul es
Released By Hausner For Season
Here Comes The Frosh Frolic
With It's Gaiety And Excitiment
Beanies, Rivalry, Informality Please
Survivor Of Concentration Camp
He's also imoressed by the genuine
friendliness and the informal atmosphere here, but like the rest of
the frosh, he has problems: "That
freshman science—."
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Nein?
Well, opportunity is at your front
door—opportunity in the guise of
Herr Rosenbaum '54, who will tutor any interested State Fraulein or
Mann in the intricacies of the language.
Kurt Rosenbaum, a three year
native of Prattsvllle, New York, was
born in the Ruhr valley. Sis major
boyhood event was attending the
International Boy Scout Jamboree
in Holland in 1926.
In 1942 he found himself jammed
into a concentration camp. Three
years later he managed to escape.
'After all," he says with his characteristic sense of humor, "three
years in a concentration camp can
get awfully dull. The same food, the
same recreation
Kurt Rosenbaum is a man with
determination. He wants to teach,
here, in the United States. He has
seen what happens when an education system gets into a dictator's
hands, and he doesn't want to see
it happen again. "I want to show
my students the importance of the
American way of life."
But Kurt realizes that he still has
much to learn about this American
way of life. The other day he went
to buy some eggs. "Have you exks?"
he asked the clerk. "With or without a handle?" inquired the clerk.
"With," said Kurt, thinking the
United States had developed a new
After working two years in a DP type of egg. Imagine his surprise
camp, Kurt came to the United when the clerk came back carrying
States and got his impression of a long-handled axe!
New York in hot July. "I didn't like
it so I left and found a job as a
beef-boner." Translated this means
butcher. In Prattsville he continued
his interrupted education, successfully passed the regents and received his high school diploma.
Then came State, complete with
Rivalry its traditions: frosh camp,
103 Central Ave.
beanies, lines—. How does he like
it? "It's fun! These things belong
to a college. They're a part of college life."
FRIDAY. S E P T E M B E R 2 9 , 1 9 5 0
ress Durcau
Available/ Says Head
Kuhlkin Sets Date
For Sorority Social
Information forms for Press Bureau are in boxes on the Press BuInter-Sorority Council will hold
reau bulletin board, according to its Inter-Sorority social for freshMarilyn Strehlow '51, Director. man women on Friday, October 20,
Since the freshmen will receive
their forms at a special meeting, according to Beverly Kuhlkin '51,
these forms are meant especially President of Inter-Sorority Council.
for upperclassmen.
Lenore Corcoran '51, wilJ be chairThe information from these forms man of the affair.
will be transferred to the Press BuThis meeting is t> acquaint freshreau flies. Transfers are urged to
women with scvorlty women.
complete these forms so that frie
files may be more complete.
There will be dancing, entertainThe flies will be referred to when ment and refreshments.
notices of individual accomplishDuring the orientation program
ment are sent to home-town newspapers. No notices shall be sent out Monday Inter-Sorority Council will
for students who do not have an in- explain the sorority situation to
frosh women.
formation card on file.
Prohibit Use Of Dormitory Field
To Provide Respect For Sabbath
A Request that students do not use
the lawn between Pierce and Sayles
Hall on Sundays has been made by
Bertha E. Brimmer, Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association. In
order to show respect for the Sabbath, students are asked to abide
by this rule.
'Primer' To Meet, Says Miller;
Seek Volunteers For Publication
The first meeting of Primer will
be held next week, according to
Philip Miller '51, Editor-in-Chief.
All members of last year's staff and
anyone wishing to work on Primer
are asked to attend. The exact time
and place of the meeting will be
posted on the Primer bulletin board
in lower Draper.
PHONE 1-1913
$5.50 FOR $5.00
F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 6 , 19SO
V O L . XXXV NO. 3
Freshmen Will Sign For Activities Tomorrow;
Soph Skit, Bonfire, Dance To Highlight Evening
W i l l Constitute
State College
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
Number 3...THE FLICKER
Annual Recital
Yellow Jackets
To Present 54
Rivalry Banner
'Lucy Dons Shoes'
Nelson s Speech
For G o / a
Occasion Will Accentuate
Anyone want to shake the
hand that shook the hand that
shook the hand of President
Assembly Today
Collins? Queries such as this
The annual Activities Day, which
is the official opening of extra-curAt Student Council meeting, Wedricular activities, is scheduled for
nesday night, the agenda for totomorrow, according to William Widay's assembly was discussed, the
ley '52, Chairman of Activities Day.
manner of selecting representatives
No doubt impressed, or perThe events for the day are signing
to the Intercollegiate Association
haps amazed, at the sophisticaup for the activities, presentation
was decided and members of the
tion and formality of the affair,
"A Brahms Recital" will be preof the freshman banner, unveiling
Frosh Banner Committee and Frosh
the finery these freshmen sportsented by Music Council tonight at
of the '51 banner, a skit by the
Athletic Chairmen were chosen.
ed was no less impressive.
8:30 p.m. in Page Hall. This will be
Sophomores, a bonfire, a snake
dressthe first time that Music Council
Assembly will feature as its main
dance, and the annual dance ending
es, spike heels and spiked toes,
has featured works from one comspeaker, Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean
the day's events.
stiff collars and stiffer arms
poser alone.
of the College. Mrs. Hulda Hubbel,
The members of the organizations
This is an ensemble performance
are to set up their booths in the
presenting members of our music
Commons at 10 a.m. with David
and brothers searched for somebriefly on how the college unit opfaculty and area artists. Those takManley '52 in charge. The actual Acone
ing part include Dr. Charles P.
tivities Day events will begin at 1
to, the frosh made themselves
Rules concerning Rivalry will be
Stokes, Professor of Music, violin,
p.m. The booths will then be open
known to faculty and students.
read to the student body and nomviola; Karl A. B. Peterson, Instrucfor students to sign up with the orIt is rumored that one Miss
inations will be made from the floor
tor in Music, bass-baritone; Leora
ganizations they wish to join.
herself being shown
for representatives to attend the
Gridley, dramatic soprano; David
List Organizations
conferLevinstein, violincello; and MargarAll organizations will have their
ence at Fredonia. Student Council
et Anderson Stokes, piano.
Chairman of Activities
Well, back to the moth balls
booths in the Commons except for
has voiced the opinion that underwith
the State College News which will
Feature Rare Works
classmen be nominated to represent
over for another year.
be found in the Publications Office.
Featured will be works of Brahms
State at the conference, which will
The organizations that will be repwhich are not often heard. They
be held November 10 and 11.
resented in the Commons at the
include two songs which have not
Members of the Frosh Banner
booths are as follows: SMILES,
been frequently performed because
Committee are as follows: Henry
Commuters' Club, Primer, Pedaof their unusual combination. The
Hall, Judy Duchatellier, Edward
gogue, Dramatics and Arts Council,
two songs for soprano with viola
Lull and Sven Sloth. Council seMusic Council, Women's Athletic
end piano are numbers one and two
lected as Boys' Athletic Chairman
Association, Christian Science Orfrom Opus 91. The first Gestillte
Thomas Hoppy and as Girls' Athganization, Press Bureau, Campus
Sehnsucht i Longing at Resti uses
letic Chairman, Audrey Burke. Mary
Commission, Debate Council, Forum,
part of a poem by Ruckert; the
Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean, has Radio
Massi and Richard Averson are DiCouncil, Inter Group Counsecond Geistliches Wiegenlied (Crarectors of the Frosh Campus Day announced the following attend- cil, Rifle Club, Hillel Society, Interdle Song of the Virgin i makes use,
Skit. These people function for the ance regulations:
Varsity Christian Fellowship, Stuas a theme, a traditional Christmas
State College does not operate a dent Christian Association, New"The Titan" is coming to State class until class officers are elected.
melody dating back to the 15th
Tuesday at 8 p.m., in Page Hall, acman Club, Classical Club, Commerce
absent more times than number of Club, Pan-Amigos, and Science Club.
cording to Martha Downey '51,
semester hours carried by a course. To Unveil Senior Banner
The program also includes one of president of Dramatics and Arts
Whenever a student is absent
Brahms' most powerful creations, Council.
The freshman banner will be prefrom class, an excuse blank shall be
the "C Minor Trio." The piano, vio„ , .s, -fl ,
. . ,
„ . .
filed with the Registrar on return sented in the Commons at 3 p.m.
lin and violincello will be the in™
™. narrated by Frederic
by Harvey Robinson '52. Immediateto college.
struments making up this trio.
March will relate the major events
An excuse form that covers ab- ly following this, the '51 banner will
, „ ,,
of Michelangelo s life and their insence of more than one absence per be unveiled in the Commons. The
The religious part of the program f l u e n c e o n h , g c r e a t i o n s ,
class requires the approval of Dr. banner song of '51 will be sung under
consists ot four serious songs which
the direction of Claryce Perretta '51.
Mr. Peterson will sing. Since the
"The Titan" is principally a deAt 4:40 p.m., October 2, 1950, a
A history of the Senior Class will be
songs are of a religious nature, it tailed pictorial examination of all group of students, faculty members,
given by Helmuth Schultze, Presiis requested that there be no ap- Michelangelo's main works. It con- and townspeople met in the Lounge mothers will not recommend ex- dent of '51. The banner will be hung
plnuse between these numbers.
tains no living actors. The sounds to explore the possibilities which
on the wall of the Commons by
According to Claryce Perretta '51, and scenes are there, but the peo- were opened up by the establish- know reason for absence.
Dunn, Donald Ely, and WilWhen absences per class exceed liam Engelhart,
President of the Council, there will pie are absent. The picture is thus ment of The Center for Community
Seniors and former
be a reception for the guest artists aimed so as not to detract from the Studies at this college. The follow- the unmber of semester hours car- Presidents of the class. The afterin the Lounge directly after the beauty of the works themselves, ing people were present: Dr. Wil- ried by that class, the excuse form, noon events will end at 4 p.m.
Background material is introduced liam E. Vickery, Professor of Inter- after approval by Dr. Kenny, is to To Present Skit
only when necessary to illustrate cultural Education: Dr. Evan R. be presented to the instructors and iContinued on Page 6, Column 1)
the motivation of the artist's work. Collins, President of the College; filed with the Registrar.
When Dr. Kenny is not availDuring the course of the movie Dr. Joseph Leese, Professor of EduMichelangelo's creations are shown cation; Dr. Mary E. Conklin, As- able, students may refer attendance
in their various stages of comple- sistant Professor of English and Su- problems to Dean Nelson.
For absences before and after
tion from start to finish. Sculptures, pervisor in the Milne School; Miss
paintings from the Sistine Chapel, Mabel Jackman, Assistant Professor holidays, excuse forms must be preThomas Godward '51, President of including both the celling and the of Librarianship; Dr. Don A. Orton, sented to Dr. Kenny before abDebate Council has released the re- Last Judgment, are shown in de- Director of Education; Dr. Theodore sence takes place, then presented to
sults of the tryouts for the squad tail as well as in over-all views.
The Publications Office sends out
Standing, Professor of Sociology; the instructor concerned for his inwhich were held Monday and TuesDr. James Allan Hicks, Professor of formation, and filed with the Regis- a call for additional Sophomores to
day. Those who were unable to
"The Titan," a new kind of film Education, nnd Dr. Watt Stewart, trar.
try out for positions of Sophomore
make the tryouts may still sign up brings the art film to a higher level Professor of History.
The rules governing absences from Desk Editors. These editors will be
for debate work on Activities Day.
college assembly are the same as chosen the first week before ThanksRepresentatives from Albany were apply
The following have been selected
to absences from regular col- giving vacation. From the Desk EdDr.
for Novice Debating: Daniel Joy,
lege classes.
itors, Associate Editors for the News
Joseph Persico, and Joan Tantum,
board will be selected on Moving Up
UniJuniors; Anita Lilienfeld and Vir- Fall Picnic For Kids
versity also attended.
ginia Vogel, Sophomores; Eleanor
O p e n Cover Contest
Those who wish to try out for
State's student body was repreBoice, Joan Bathrick, Morris Colin,
SMILES will sponsor its annual
Desk Editor should come down to
Catherine Doyle, Thomas Eldred, fall picnic for the children of the sented by Carol Lebow '51, Ruth For Student Directory
the Publications Office Tuesday
David Gardinler, Clarence Spain. Albany Home, Sunday at 2 p.m. The Liepman '51, Paul Buchman '51, NoInstructions for the Directory night. They will then work on the
James Thompson, and Paul Wen- picnic grounds at Normanskill Creek rlne Cargill '52, John Bowker '52.
News Tuesday a n d Wednesday
derlich, freshmen.
will be the scene for the outing for Jess Barnett '52, Arthur Unity '52. cover contest have been issued by nights. The work will consist of
The following are eligible for youngsters in the 8 to 16 age group
Dr. Collins opened the meeting the entire student body, this com- gathering news material, writing
committee activities; Walter Davis, and any State College students who
by telling briefly what led to set- petition is held annually to select stories, composing headlines, and
Muriel Dessiino/,, Theodore Marro, wish to chaperone.
typing articles.
ting up the Center for Community the cover for the Directory.
Vasilike Pantelakos, Juniors; Milan
Anyone interested in this position
Marion Newton '52 is in charge of Studies at State. There were two
Krchnlak and Jordine SkotT, Soph- the picnic arrangements. Fred Baris encouraged to try out. No preArt
omores; Sally (ierig, Faith Hanson, tie and Mitch Burkowsky, also Junin to Miss Agnello. The size ot the vious newspaper experience is necesJoseph Patrick, freshmen.
iors, head the Recreation and Re- Announce Date For Completion
drawing must be six inches by nine sary.
freshments Committees, respective- Of Fulbright Application Forms
inches with a subject appropriate
Van Derz«-e Hall To Hold Picnic ly
lor a college directory. Smooth Committee To Discuss Calendar
Among the recreation events
The residents of Van Der/.ee Hall scheduled are softball and singing,
The Student-Faculty Committee
Seniors unci graduate students de- white stock paper should be used
have scheduled a picnic to be held Refreshments will be provided by siring to apply for a grant under and the color should be black on will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in
at Thatcher Park Sunday, according SMILES for the children and State the Fulbright Act are reminded that white or white on black. Black may the Lounge, according to Gerald
to William Helmer '51, President, college students.
application forms must be complet- be done with jet black ink. All Dunn '51, Student Chairman. All
Residents and their guests will leave
The students will meet at the ed by October 31. These forms may contest entries must be handed in organizations on campus that have
big events during the year may
Van Derzee Hall at 1 p.m. and re- Home, which is located on the cor- be obtained from the campus Fui by November 1.
The Directory lists the names, ad- send u representative who is well
turn at, 7 p.m.
ner of South Lake and New Scot- bright advisor, Dr. Edward P. Shaw,
Chaperones for the outing will be land Avenue, at 2 p.m. All are en- Professor of Modern Languages, dresses and telephone numbers of versed in the events which his organization plans for the year.
Room 12, Richardson.
students enrolled in the college.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lyons.
couraged to come.
Area Artists To Give
Ensemble Performances
O f Various Selections
ran wild among the frosh after
last Friday night's President's
Dean Re/eases
College Rules
For Absences
D & A To Show
Film, The Titan,
Tuesday Evening
"One question...
Where do I flick
my ashes?"
Community Study
Holds First M e e t ;
Discusses Program
Select Debaters
on't think our neal-pleated friend with the drape-
shape doesn't know the score! He's plenty hep to
all those tricky cigarette tests! If you're in the groove,
they're not fooling you, either. You know, from your own
smoking experience, that just one pulT of this brand
. . . then one puff of that brand isn't going to give you
In Nashville, Tennessee, there is
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a quick inhale and exhale, a wliilT or a snilT'.''
Vanilcrhilt University students at
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where, ice-cold Coca-Cola helps
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You judge Camels for .'{() days in your own "T-Zone"
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M o r e People Smoke Camels
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For Novice Team
News Requests
Sophs To Tryout