Document 14064215

Dr. Watt Stewart, Professor of
Social Studies, will publish an article In a forthcoming issue of the
Hispanic American Historical magazine. Ke has also been named to
the General Committee on Latin
American History of the American
Historical Association which will
study and record the procedure by
which microscopic films may be
taken of Latin America.
Today, Dr. Stewart will speak at
Union, under tne auspices of the
International Relations Club, on
the topic. "Rogues and Revolutionaries in Central America."
Mr. Edward Sabol, Coordinator
and Director of Field Services, attended the 37th Annual Conference
of the New York State Association
of District Supervisors at the Hotel
Syracuse, Syracuse, November 5 to
7. The theme of the conference
centered about rural education in
the world of tomorrow. Featured at
this meeting was a speech by E. R.
Van Kleek, a graduate of State and
now Assistant Commissioner for
Instructional Supervision. He spoke
on'"Improvement oi Rural Education, 1948-49."
Dr. Charles L. Andrews, Professor of Physics; Mr. Arthur P. Jones,
Instructor in iPihyslcs; Mr. Marvin
J. Pryor, Instructor in Physics; and
Miss Anna R. Olive, Assistant Professor of Physics, attended a meeting of the New York State Section
of the American Physical Society in
Corning, N. Y., November 5 and 6.
Friday, those attending the conference took a trip through the Corning Glassworks.
Dr. Caroline A. Lester, Assistant
Professor of Mathematics, has been
appointed Associate Editor of the
American Mathematical Monthly,
published by the Mathematical Association of America. In this capacity, Dr. Lester will be in charge of
preparing for publication the papers that are submitted to the magazine.
Dr. Joseph Leese, Professor of
Education, will speak at Freshman
Orientation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on the topic, "How to
Study in College," Monday, at 7:30
p. m.
Assembly Today
Includes Quintet
(Continued from Page 1, Column 5)
Gerald Dunn '51, President of
Election Commission, presented to
the Council several recommendations of the Commission, which include:
1. The editor of the Frosh Handbook should be elected within one
month after the beginning of the
second semester, from the Sophomore class.
2. After nominations for all offices
have closed, one additional day
shall be given to allow for withdrawals.
,3. Any candidate for a class office
who has not paid his class dues by
the time nominations are closed,
shall be eliminated from the ballot.
These recommendations were approved, and will take effect Monday.
Slait To Dibate In Brooklyn
Edward Kurlander and Walter
r'armer, Sophomores, will represent
State College at a debate in Brooklyn on Tuesday. They will uphold
the affirmative stand on the question of Federal Aid to Education,
while Brooklyn College will defend
the negative side of the question.
Come Bidee, Buyee Boxee
At Chinese Auction Monday
Whether or not you talkee
chinee, you'd better go to the
Commons Monday at noon and
see if you can get any bargains
at the Chinese Auction. The
Honorable Sparkee Vaughn will
be Auctioneer.
Your name doesn't have to be
Hwang Ho or Peking Pete to
make you eligible to bid. The
only reason they call it a Chinese Auction is because you
won't know what you're getting
until you get there. (It's a well
known fact, you know, that the
Chinese are short on words and
long on surprises.)
Rare bits of paraphernalia
and privileges will be virtually
given away to the highest bidder, so don't miss a single sweet
second. The buy of the clay is
a surprise package, the contents
of which will be known only after purchase. A word to the wise
is sufficient, so, if you go steady,
have your nickels ready.
A goal of ten dollars has been
set up, which will be used to
purchase a rivalry bulletin
Cross To Give Study Seating
Concert-Lecture For Graduation
Music Council will present Milton Cross, noted commentator, author, and music critic, in a concertlecture, on the evening of December 2, according to Jean Munro '49,
Cross is known from the Saturday afternoon radio program, which
he conducts from the Metropolitan
Opera House. He also has several
other programs, including "Metropolitan Auditions of the Air" and
"Piano Playhouse."
Miss Munro states that in the
program given by Music Council,
Cross will discuss the opera and
take his listeners behind the scenes
of the Metropolitan with his experiences and anecdotes of the stars
that he has known. In this project
he will be assisted by a quartette of
young opera stars who will sing
excerpts of the opera he discusses.
The audience will learn something
of life backstage.
The administration has granted
permission to the class of '49 to
form a committee to study the problem of inadequate seating facilities
for graduation and report on what
solution to the problem can be
made at the present time.
If an adequate solution can be
worked out, it will be followed this
June and in years to come, until the
plans for added facilities materialize in the new building plans now
being considered.
The committee has already begun
work and expects that they will
have a complete report ready by
the first of the year. Investigations
are being conducted concerning the
Armory, the Palace theatre and
out-door ceremonies here at the
Rodney Felder '49, has been appointed chairman of the committee, and iPatricia Rourke '49, has
been appointed secretary. Other
members of the committee include
Michael Capuano, Joseph Amyot,
Dorothy Kern, Marvin Wayne, Arllne Zielengold, Audrey Schmay,
Jean Hoffman, Joseph Francello and
Jean Munro, Seniors.
building another big,
new factory (or us
smokers who like the
MILDER cigarette...
It's Nft cigarette.'
Dr. Gertrude Douglas. Assistant
Professor of Biology, who retired
June 14, 1948, has taken a position with the Bernice P. Bishop
Museum, Honolulu. Anyone who
wishes to contact her may write to
her in care of B. H. Bond, 2146
Damon Street, Honolulu, T. H.
Stat* Painti 'Horn*' Chapel
SMILES held two painting parties at the Albany Home for Children this week, November 6 and 11.
General clean-up and washing of
the walls took place Tuesday and
the painting began yesterday.
Alan Campbell '51, has announced
that a mailbox has been attached to
the SMILES bulletin board. He asks
that any suggestions for improving
the organization be dropped In, so
that they may be used.
1 wish I could take you in my Navion
plane over the big, new factory Chesterfield
is building at Durham, N. C. It's a honey. It
will help supply the ever-increasing demand
for the MILDER cigarette.'"
'Portraiture At Its Finest"
OPEN 8:00 to 6:30 DAILY
Evenings by appointment
Potter Club, SLS
Schedule Parties
For Frosh Men
Frats Select Hoedown,
Club '52 A s Themes
For Weekend Affairs
Edward Eldred Potter Club and
Sigma Lambda Sigma, State College fraternities, have planned traditional rush parties, "Club '52" and
"Hillbilly Hoedown," respectively,
for this weekend.
Potter to Hold "Club '52"
Potter Club's "Club '52," which
will have a night club theme, will
be held tonight in the Commons
from 9 p. m. until 1 a. m„ according to Chairman John Morley '49.
Harry Llttler's orchestra will play
for dancing. There will be refreshments and entertainment. Freshmen women attending will be able
to stay out until 1 a. m.
Heading committees for the Potter Club parly are: Richard Feathers '50, Decorations; Marvin Lansky '51, Refreshments; and Edward
White '51, Entertainment.
To Present "Hillbilly Hoedown"
The SLS rush party, "Hillbilly
Hoedown," will take place at Osborne Road Community Hall, tomorrow, from 8 p. m. until 12 midnight, according to General Chairman Richard Hayford '49. Guests
will meet behind Draper Hall at
7:30 p. m. for bus transportation to
the party.
Chaperones for "Hillbilly Hocdown" will be Mr. Charles Chase,
'47, and Mrs. Chase; Mr. Arthur
Soderllnd '47, and Mi's. Soderlind,
and Edgar Tompkins. Heading committees are; Peter Havey 50, invitations; Morton Thayer '49, Transportation; Harold O'Meara '49. Refreshments; Donald Taylor '50,
Decorations; Harold Mills '49, Entertainment; Charles Towey '51,
MAKE ^ l i i l ^ T H K
Uij>)/ijiii ivin, Usairt << Mum I'UMI • .i i;n.
'i-V Show Proves Explosive}
Sophs Entertain NEWS Staff
What with "Pean Julver,
"Whirley Shiltse," "Uncouth
Rockingham," and "Fernadette
Brail," not to mention the murder of a well-known member of
our society, the Soph Lack-oTalent show in the P.O. last
Wednesday night was howling.
(That is, the cast howled and
the audience hooted.)
Mary F'enzel played the lead
with touching reality, arid Jerry
Dunn didn't move at all. He just
stayed dead during the entire
performance. One by one the
members of the NEWS staff
giggled as they became aware
of slight similarities between
themselves and characters in
the skit. This was not coincidental.
Miss M.F., not of E.D. fame,
won first prize as least lack of
talent; Mr. J.D. won second
prize as most lack of talent; and,
Mr. B. Jablon third, for a mellow voice.
events of the evening was the
explosion of the cider, intended
for the staff.
Milton Cross, Concert-Lecturer,
To Appear In Page Auditorium
Opera Quartette
To Sing Excerpts
Juniors Elect;
Two Vacancies
Filled on Council
Commentator To Tell
Behind-Scene Stories
O f Metropolitan Life
Two representatives to Student
Council from the class of '50 were
elected last Friday to fill the vacancies which have occurred tills fall.
Earline Thompson was elected on
the second distribution and Ruth
Matteson was elected on elimination by a very close margin over
James Cafaro on an elimination of
the second distribution.
The vacancies occurred a.s a result of the election of William Lyons
as Vice-President of Student Association and the resignation of Anthony Prochilo from the office.
91 X 100
Milton Cross, commentator of
the Metropolitan Opera Broadcasts,
will be presented at Page Hall,
Thursday, December 2, at 8:30 p.m.
by Music Council. A quartette of
young opera stars, who will sing ex.
cerpts of the opera Mr. Cross discusses, will accompany and assist
+ 1
Cross, who Is makng his first
personal appearances in lectureconcerts this season, will talk about
opera. Cross will take his listeners behind the scenes of the Metropolitan with anecdotes of the
. stars he has known.
Gains Fame As Announcer
2 + 1
A musician himself, Mr. Cross be1 la 2 2a 2b
came an announcer In radio beCafaro .... 1300 1600 1614 2016 2820
cause of his diction and knowledge
Feathers . 1200 1200 1212
of music. He has become known
Holllday . 1200 1300 1312 1616
the world over for his own method
Matteson.. 1600 1700 1716 2020 2828
of linking great music to the listenNoonan .... 800
er. He also wrote the book, "ComThompson 2800 3100 3034 3034 3034
plete Stories of the Great Operas."
Blanks .... 200 200 208 410 414
Eight Sophomore reporters have
Sixteen Seniors have been elected Loss
been promoted to the position of Places First In Poll
a.s a result of the election held in
Throughout the United States
9100 9100 9100 9100 9100 Sophomore Desk Editors as a reassembly October 15 to select rep- Total
sult of elections held this week by and Canada, Milton Cross has been
resentatives to "Who's Who in Amthe State College NEWS Board. consistently placed first in the
erican Colleges and Universities."
Junior and Sophomore additions "Musical America's" annual poll by
The following students were electhave also been made to the sports music editors and critics of the
ed: Robertson William Baker, James
daily newspapers. In other polls he
Urell Brophy, Cathrine Mary Donhas always led the nation as the
nelly, Rodney Otto Felder, Cathnation's outstanding
erine Su/.anna Grant, Barbara Hope
been acThe annual Inter-Collegiate As- Brenner, Jane Cook, Gerald Dunn, claimed by these polls as the greatHouck, John William Jennings,
Robert Elwyn Kittredge, Donald
est popularizer of opera through
Gene Langsley, Jean Gertrude Mc- at Brockport State Teachers Col- gene Fetrie and Evelyn Wolfe.
his commentaries on the Saturday
Silent period regulations concern- Cabe, Agnes Jeanne Mclntyre, Jean represented by Robert Kittrduge '49, the class of '50 are Diane Webber broadcasts from the Metropolitan
ing sorority and freshman women Ann Pulver. Joyce Honey Simon, chairman of the delegation; Aud- and Andrew Rosetti and those Opera.
will be waived during these parties. Robert Louis Tucker, Robert Ken- rey Koch and William Lyons, Jun- members added from the class of
Reserved seats for this concert
Rushees and sorority women may neth Wilcox, and Joseph Louis iors; and Gerald Dunn '51.
'51 are Paul Buckman. Patricia Jai, will be priced at $2.40; general adtalk while attending the fraternity Zanchelli.
Harvey Milk, Jay Miller and Robert mission at $1.80; and student tickThe purpose of ICA is to further Reno.
functions but there will be no
The results of the election were
ets at $1.20. Tickets may be purcooperation
double dating of sorority members withheld until this date because ofDue to tlie Increased amount of chased at various music stores in
and rushees after the parties.
ficial word had not been received State Teacher Colleges in matters news this year, a NEWS constitu- the vicinity and at the State Colfrom the organization us to wheth- of student government, sports, and tion change was made which allows lege Co-op.
er the entire list of sixteen had to discuss mutual problems which for the election of eight Desk Edibeen accepted, The quota for each arise.
tors instead of six. From the eight
college is determined by the enrollTopics of discussion this year are Sophomoi'2 Desk Editors chosen,
ment, .Stale's quota Is supposedly to Include student government, ar- three Associate Editors for next
fourteen but because the college has rangement of assembly programs, year's NEWS Board will be anan organization ol thirteen Seniors student, finances, and intercolleg- nounced on Movlng-Up Day this
A "Gruel Icebreaker" will be held chosen as the outstanding members iate sports. The sports are especial- year. From these three, the EditorMonday, ul If p.m., in the Commons, of the class, the organization has ly oi interest I his year, for a plan in-Chief or Co-Edltors-ln-Chlef are
for the purpose of having graduate allowed the leniency of electing two formulated by Dunn, 'whereby at elected.
Assembly today will feature a
students mid faculty members get aclclil lonal representatives.
least six games will be played with
Tlie Desk Editors and Sports Staff speech by Dr. Charles F. Gosnel,
The names and records of those four oilier State Teachers Colleges, members were chosen on tlie basis N.'W York State Librarian and Secto know each other, according to
Malcolm I'appin, chalnnnn of the people chosen to represent the col- will be discussed,
of interest and ability shown since retary of the New York State FreeSteering Committee. The evening's lege will be published in the publidom Train Committee, on the subEuch school will have on display try-outs began.
program will include songs by the cation of the organization, "Who's various items of general interest.
A banquet, in honor of tlie newly ject "The Constitution as a Human
Choralettes, mi SC'AG contest and Who Among Students in American Included in the State display are elided Desk Editors and staff Document." Due to tlie absence of
addresses by several members of Universities and Colleges."
copies of the Frosh Handbook, the members, will be held Sunday at John Jennings '49, President, and
the faculty. Co-chairmen of the afWilliam Lyons '50, Vice-President
MAA Manual, the Prospectl of In- 6:30 p. m., at Herbert's.
fair are Jean Sears and Malcolm
of Student Association, Mary Eade
ter-Fraternity and Inter-Sorority
H i l l e l W i l l Present
Councils, plus various keys which A r t Classes To Exhibit '51, Secretary, will preside over the
assembly. Announcement will be
are awarded by the groups on camFeatured al (he party will be (lie Paul llton In Lounge
made of the results of election of
exSCAG conlesl. Those attending
Student Photo Display two Junior members to Student
the parly will be asked to guess
Mr. Paul I. lltnii. author, journalCouncil.
the meaning of SCAG and the ist, and archaeologist, will appear shields, and other items loaned by
The An (i class Is sponsoring a
At Student Council meeting Wednumber of graduate students en- in the Lounge Sunday evening at the Slate College Co-op.
Photographic Kxhlblt the week of
rolled at Klale College. A prize Will It p.m. under the auspices of Hillel.
The representatives will make u December 0-11, on second floor, nesday night several committees
be awarded for the closes! guess.
report t<> Studenl Council upon Draper, according to Miss Ruth made reports und the freshmen
Marvin Wayne '•!!), President ol
Hutchlns, head of the Art Depart- members presented a skit. Shirley
Faculty members who will take Hillel, has announced that Mr. Ilton
Wiltse 'SO, Editor of the State Colment.
pint in the program Include Dr. Ro- will tell of various experiences lie
lege Handbook, made a report conThe Show is dselgned primarily cerning the financial status of the
bert W. Fredericks, Professor of has had while traveling In Pales- Futterer Lists One-Act
exKdunitinn, Mr Harper F. Ben My,
Handbook and made suggestions for
Instructor in Education; Dr. C. O. cavating and doing research work Plays For ED Production students who have snap-shots they the naming of the editor for next
tSiui111, Professor ol Education; Dr. In Palestine lor over twenty years,
year's Handbook.
Three one-acl plays will be pre- may be of any size or subject, either
Margaret I,. Hayes, Professor of will also have on display an exhlhJohn O'Connor '50, Auditor of tlie
Education; Dr. Floyd E. Hendtick- II of valuable Items such us gold sented January 111 by the Klemen- mounted or unmounted, but must Class
Board of Finance, reported
son, Assistant Professor of Educathat Dr. Robert Burgess, Professor
tion; Dr. Joseph Leese, Instructor and hollies, some ol which were Miss Agnes Eullerer, Assistant Pro- ting them. Miss Hutchlns suggested of Library, will be faculty member
that students who are veterans
in Education; Dr. Ralph B. Kenney. used (lining the lime of Abraham. fessor of English,
might have snaps taken over-seas, of the Finance Board.
Assistant Professor of Education;
Al t h e p r e s e n t llllie, M r . l l t o n is
that might be of Interest in the
Reporting for the Student Faculty
Dr. J. Allen Hicks, Professor of Ed- preparing a book on "The Bible tuul
"Journey to showing.
ucation; Dr. Robert B. Mason, As- Archaeology," in which he will dis- Bralnal'd
Entiles should be given to Harold Thome '4U, stated that the faculty
sistant Professor of Education; Dr. cuss the books of the Bible In order Camden," by Thornton Wilder; and
Kennelh J. Frasure, Assistant Pro- relating to biblical Incidents with "The Feast of Ortolans," by Max- Vaughn '50, who Is In charge of
(Continued on Page 0, Column 3J
collecting pictures for the exhibit.
iVontiiuudon I'diiiii, Column k> archaeological dialings.
well Anderson.
Grads To Meet
racu Ity A t Party
State College News
N E W S Names
Desk Editors;
Sports Writers
Press Bureau
Releases List
For'Who's W h o '
State To Attend
ICA Conference
Assembly Today
Features Gosnel
Eitobllihtd May 1916
Vol. X X X I I I
November 19, 1948
No. 9
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers; published every Friday of the college
year by the NEWS Board for the Student Association.
Phones: Pulver, Spencer, and Furlong, 2-0120j Landau,
Troy,-275-W; Walte and .Terue, 8-0287. Members of the
news staff may be reached Tuesday and Wednesday from
7 to 11:30 P. M. at 3-9407.
The News Board
All communications should be addressed to (ho editor and
must be signed. Names will lie withheld upon request.
The STATU) COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility
for opinions expressed In its columns or communications
is such expressions do not necessarily reflect its view.
Tempus Fugit . . .
T i m e is p a s s i n g v e r y q u i c k l y a n d few people
seem t o h a v e realized t h a t p l a n s h a v e been comp l e t e d for t h e a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s Ball which will b e
sponsored by Inter-Sorority and Inter-Fraternity
C o u n c i l s , a n d t h a t o n l y t w o w e e k s r e m a i n after
T h a n k s g i v i n g v a c a t i o n before t h e Ball.
Attention: Advanced Jbnamaticl
10, 1 9 4 8
P e r h a p s It is talcing a d v a n t a g e of workshop a n d a r e Intended t o give
t h e space allotted m e as t h i s week's each s t u d e n t a t u r n a t casting,
reviewer t o address m y r e m a r k s p l a n n i n g a n d directing. As planned,
solely to t h e group responsible for t h e p r o g r a m is certainly c o m m e n d our d r a m a t i c presentations. How- able. I n practice, I cannot help b u t
ever, I feel t h a t after Tuesday's of- feel t h a t it often falls s h o r t of its
fering, a great m a n y people left i n t e n d e d goal.
Page w i t h a lot o n their minds.
O n Tuesday night, as on m a n y
Some were n o t so polite. They a u d - such nights' in t h e past, t h e fault
ibly voiced their opinions o n t h e did n o t lie with t h e directors or
u l t i m a t e value of t h e evening j u s t t h e casts of t h e respective plays.
R a t h e r — t h e fault rested within t h e
T h i s is n o t a new m u r m u r of dis- plays themselves. T h e production
c o n t e n t m e n t . Numerous times since time a n d effort seemed wasted in
t h e r e b i r t h of AD nearly three light of t h e overall result. I c a n n o t
years ago, t h e faithful
Tuesday help b u t feel t h a t a n u m b e r of t h e
n i g h t Page-goers have found t h e m - plays selected for presentation a r e
selves t u r n i n g away with a shrug so restricted in scope t h a t t h e y limof dissatisfaction.
Something w a s it t h e potential achievements of
wrong. T h e plays weren't clicking. those w h o work so futilely on t h e m .
I t is h a r d to condense a play a n d
I t is conceeded from t h e outset
t h a t it is far easier to sit behind a keep its continuity. I t is h a r d t o
N E W S typewriter a n d peck o u t find a o n e - a c t play t h a t challenges
poison-pen reviews with t h e b o u n d - the ability of t h e Thespian a n d t h e
less ecstacy of a Charles A d d a m ' s imagination of t h e audience.
cartoon character, t h a n take a conP e r h a p s if t h e time a n d effort d e structive p a r t i n t h e endless work voted to these Tuesday n i g h t v e n a n d aggravation involved in p r o - tures were spent in t h e production
ducing a n y of t h e aforementioned of several student-ca-ected major
ventures. Yet t h e question consist- t h r e e - a c t plays as sponsored by t h e
ently r e t u r n s . "Is is worth i t ? " "AreCollege Playhouse G r o u p several
productions years ago, t h e ultimate value a n d
worth t h e time, t h e effort, t h e a g - experience would be more beneficial
gravation a n d often t h e weak a u d - to evervone concerned.
ience response they so often r e As it now stands, Advanced D r a ceive?"
matics should stop a n d search its
Most of us realize t h a t t h e pur- soul. P e r h a p s from t h e throes of its
pose of Advanced D r a m a t i c s on our silent meditation we m a y again
C a m p u s is to give those people, s o - come t o receive offerings worthy of
experience in the talents of its participants a n d
play production. T h e Tuesday night a respectable level of d r a m a t i c e n presentations serve as a l a b or t e r t a i n m e n t .
By T o n y Prochilo
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude as
author of this column, although
Ms viewpoints
not necessarily
thone of the STATB COLLBOK
Have you noticed those little s t a r s , "December
10," plastered all over t h e walls? Those a r e t h e r e minders t h a t t h e I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y - I n t e r - S o r o r i t y Ball
is coming soon, a n d t h a t you'd better pick your
women right away, fellows. I t ' s to be held a t t h e
Aurania Club, up on Allen Street, near t h e intersection of Western a n d Madison.
Due to t h e limitations in size of t h e hall, only t h r e e
h u n d r e d tickets will be sold. They will N O T be held
In reserve for fraternity a n d sorority members only,
so, independents, don't hesitate or worry about your
opportunity to get yours. I t ' s first come, first served,
a n d it should be o n e of t h e year's best social events.
Come along, a n d let's all have a ball.
How m u c h can one organization do? I n t e r - G r o u p
Council is a bunch t h a t shows just how much. I t ' s
almost unbelieveable. They conduct seminars, which
now concern American folklore. With station WROW.
they present a weekly radio show. Right now, they're
carrying on a city-wide survey of t h e children's r e creational facilities. Last week's assembly was presented by them. T h e y foster IGC's in other colleges,
work in t h e Clinton S q u a r e C o m m u n i t y Center, a n d
do a dozen other different things, as a real service
Joy Simon a n d h e r gang a r e doing a wonderful job.
Our h a t ' s off to y o u !
In recent class of '50 elections, there have been
some questions as to t h e eligibility of some of t h e voters. T h e r e is a difference between t h e n u m b e r of people w h o claim to have paid then- dues a n d t h e n u m bei t h a t t h e records show as having paid. T h e class
treasurer w a n t s to avoid such messes in t h e future.
If t h e r e is a n y question as to your status, contact
Bill Dumbleton '50, immediately, so thai things c a n be
straightened out.
A Jlibebat 'JomaQMuu
U s u a l l y s t u d e n t s begin t o t a l k a n d t h i n k in a d Monday morning t h e fraternities will issue their
v a n c e a b o u t p l a n s for a d a n c e b u t in t h i s case, there
bids to t h e fellows t h e y hope to have e n t e r their reBy
spective organizations. They've been giving you t h e
seems t o b e little interest a t t h e p r e s e n t moment.
T h o s e m e m b e r s of t h e s t u d e n t b o d y w h o a r e faT h e r e a r e in our midst a t S t a t e points, they seem t o s t a n d o u t a s big rush since September; now, boys, is t h e time for
you to make t h a t big decision. A n d ' i t is a big one.
miliar w i t h t h e details involved in p l a n n i n g t h e College n o t a lew people who look signs of our time. O n e of these was T h e fellows you choose a r e going to be your close
upon t h e word "liberal" in t h e same the election of Mr. H u m p h r i e s to
d a n c e realize t h e p r o b l e m s t h a t were confronted
light as they do any other curse succeed t h e Anti-labor Senator Joe friends till you get that, old diploma.
b u t w h i c h should be b r o u g h t before t h e attention word. This group will probably find Ball. Mr. H u m p h r i e s is pro-labor
I've seen all too many fellows discover they've
of a l l .
this article extremely profane . , . and, more t h a n t h a t , he is probHowever, it is my hope t h a t this ably best known as t h e m a n who made a mistake in deciding which outfit to join when
it's too late—when a n y a t t e m p t s at rectifying t h e misF i r s t of all, t h e d a n c e w a s p l a n n e d on a much article won't cause a n y of o u r a r c h helped t o incorporate t h e vigorous ts, ke a r e bound to cause h a r d feelings. So consider
Demos m a l l e r scale t h a n last y e a r because of t h e financial
fling themselves oil t h e Page Hall cratic platform. Very liberal in both carefully—the organization as a whole, t h e fellows,
individually a n d as a unit, tlieir activities a n d how
failure of t h e C l a u d e T h o r n h i l l affair. T h e name- balcony.
domestic a n d foreign policy, he is
they jibe with yours. If you aren't sure m u d this a d b a n d d i d n o t seem w o r t h t h e m o n e y , t h e sororities
No doubt some of the people who expected to take a n Important role vice will probably bring a string of cuss words down
t h e 81st Congress.
a n d f r a t e r n i t i e s went into d e b t , t h e A r m o r y d i d read o t h e r
things besides t h e in
on my h e a d ) , wait. R e t u r n your bids unsigned. There
NEWS, will have observed recent pointer to t h e future was t h e d e - will be a n o t h e r c h a n c e for you next semester when
n o t s e e m t o b e t h e s a t i s f a c t o r y place.
editorials commenting on t h e fact
you a n d t h e frat m e n will know eaeli other better.
T h e r e f o r e , t h e first decision t h a t w a s m a d e w a s
t h a t our government, along with of Ohio. This is t h e home of t h e
t h a t we should secure a less expensive but good other governments in t h e world, is ultra-conservative Senator Robert T h e n , you will be surer of just where you stand.
a n d a democratic
victory K O - W Y E T
small b a n d with t h e idea also of decreasing ( h e moving toward a more liberal era, Taft
Bel ore1 any ol you rush off to get would seem to point to a lessening
price of t h e b i d s a n d m a k i n g t h e d a n c e available
silent period begins today at liveyourselves poison in preparation for of his political power a n d a dissat- o'clock. This m e a n s you sorority girls can't talk to
to m o r e s t u d e n t s in t h e college.
the revolution, allow me to explain
freshmen girls any more, u h - u h ; is verboten! You and
you a n d you might do some dirty rushing. Someone
T h e n c a m e t h e s t u m b l i n g block - w h e r e could what I mean by liberal. I u n d e r s t a n d a liberal government to be
There is n o t a little bit of specu- else might fry to sneak a word in here a n d there, In,I
the Ball be held a n d still a c c o m o d a t e t h e large one which produces legislation to
lation as to the prime reasons for you aren't supposed to say anything, except at. this
n u m b e r s e x p e c t e d to a t t e n d ? A n y person who h a s benefit a n increasingly larger area this t r e n d a n d also as to its signifiweekend's rush parties. So shaclclap!
tried to m a k e a r r a n g e m e n t s for a large affair of this of t h e population, a n d also take ef- cance and strength.
I find myself believing there a r e W H O O P E E ! !
t y p e in A l b a n y realizes t h e lack of a v a i l a b l e facil- fective steps to insure certain m i n imum s t a n d a r d s for all.
"Pour more days to vacation, back to civilization
two major causes for the movement
ities. T h e c o m m i t t e e tried t h e Colonic C o u n t r y
W h a t do we find today that in Ihe U.S. T h e foremost of these . . ." iLon Gisland, thai is>. Toikey a n ' cranbary sorce
C l u b b u t this w a s without success because of t h e would lead us to believe that our factors was t h e long and successful a n ' dressin' we e a t ! Have a good Ume, kiddies, a n d
d i s a p p r o v a l of t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ; t h e y investigat- people a r e more interested in a lib- term of P.D.R. I doubt that anyone take advantage of t h e few clays' rest." " I t ' s been a
ed t h e d o w n t o w n hotels b u t their ballrooms could eral government policy? In t h e first could fully estimate t h e influence long, long" grind.
place, there is the recent Democrat- of this period in liberalizing a n d
not a c c o m m o d a t e more t h a n 150 c o u p l e s ; the Armic victory in the election. For t h e broadening t h e scope of t h e Amerory w a s again suggested b u t t h e idea quickly Democrats, it was a victory after ican people in political thinking.
dismissed because of t h e m e m o r y of last year; out- being out of legislative leaders'
The1 second factor was t h e many
own g y m n a s i u m w a s being used for a .Milne bas- seats for only two years. T h e peo- migrations during t h e recent w a r ;
ple were not interested in Ihe con- not only of the military shifts but
ketball game that night;
t h e r e was one solution
servative ways of the Republican civilian as well.
t h e A u r a n i a C l u b which could only bo secured for 801 li Congress. In using t h e facts
It seems to me t h a t t h e wide
Friday night.
above, I am lo assume t h a t t h e range of new contacts a large seg- I K I D A V , NOVEMBER li)
Democratic parly, especially the ment of our population m a d e were 0-1 p.m. Poller Club rush parly, "Club '52," in
Even this fact was against t h e wishes of the or- one of recent years, is considerably a definite factor in making people
the Commons.
g a n i z e d g r o u p a s very often s t u d e n t s object to more liberal Hum t h e Republican. more willing to see a governmental
Tine, t h e victory was not a n over- policy t h a t reaches and benefits SATURDAY, NOVEMBER :><>
d a n c e s on F r i d a y n i g h t s . H o w e v e r , ii had in be whelming erne, nevertheless, if does
larger a n d larger sections of i h e » - l - I'm
SLS's "Hillbilly Hoedowu" al Osborne
this w a y or not al all. T h e price w a s down, t h e seem ID have inure than a tempor- people.
Road Community Hall. Buses fur guests
o r c h e s t r a v\as small, t h e d a l e was set a n d then t h e ary shift cil party power.
T h e r e are undoubtedly other l a c leave from behind Draper Hall al 7:110
c a p a c i t y for t h e C l u b w a s set al i()() couples. T h i s
tors to be considered a n d anyone's
was s o m e t h i n g else to spoil t h e plans but a situation liberalism in the U. S. government opinion is to be valued, for Ihe
was Mr. T r u m a n ' s personal victory. causes of intangible movements are 11 30-12 p.m. "Vic" claoee al Van Hall,
which could nid be c h a n g e d because of ihe ,i/.r of T h e President has a definitely libdifficult lo sort out.
the A u r a n i a C l u b .
eral program and he has laid for
As to the significance of Ihe new - P i " .
Buses leave Newman Hall lor t h e Albany
some time, though lie was unable
Diocese Area meeting al RIM.
C o n t r a r y to the rumors that have been circulat- in gel any of his proposals enacted liberal government and its inlluto session of Congress. His pro- enee on t h e 1future, your guess is as 3:30 p i n Newman Lecture by Rev. Waller Duffy al
ing, the dance is open lo anyone in the collide
includes such points a s : fed- good as mint .
f r a t e r n i t y and sorority or not to the first i(j()
People who a r e fur better In- 8 l , m
eral aid lo education, national slckHillel presents Mr. Paul I. in Lounge
persons who purchase their bids.
iii' ..i Insurance plan, extended Civil formed t h a n I sec: it as a pari of a
Rights section, extended social se- far greater reordering of society. I
a n d Inlet-Sorority
HCA a n d Hillel
curity , and seventy-live cents un will lia/.ard n o guess in t h a t direc- Noon
h a v e m a d e t h e plans for a formal. Sonic members hour minimum wage scale. Some tion
chapel ui Unitarian Church.
oi tin- Association m a y not like- i h e way ii w a s ol lliese are even to tile left of Hie
No m a i l e r what the future brings, 0 30 p.m. Primer meeting in Room 111.
G r a d u a t e s ' party. "Cirud Ice-breaker" in
p l a n n e d . H o w e v e r , if those people wish something liberal minded New Deal. Tills gives Ihe fuels seem to indicate a definite 11 p.m.
a liberal executive branch mid lead- change In t h e near future in liberdifferent, next year is t h e lime lo rectify it, not
er to go with u liberal Congress.
al h a n d s . Keep your eyes open for THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3
this \ e a i . I n s t e a d , s u p p o r t t h e Councils and gel
There are several more specific progress a n d Conservatives
take 8:30 p.m. Music Council presents Mill on Cross, opyour bids early.
items; though
they a r e minor your back seal now! II
era commentator, m Page Hall.
Frats, Sororities
Gommunicatfonl Pless Releases
Announce Plans
Departure Plan
h e Editor:
For Xmas Formal ToA tsuggestion
For Assemblies
t h a t would b e h e l p Cook, Zeller, Chairmen,
Choose Aurania Club;
Clute To Furnish Music
C h r i s t m a s Ball, Helen Cook a n d
R i c h a r d Zeller, Seniors, h a v e a n nounced plans- for t h e dance which
will be h e l d Friday, December 10,
a t t h e A u r a n i a Club.
According to Miss Cook a n d Zeller, although t h e Ball is sponsored
by I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y - I n t e r - S o r o r i t y
Council, all S t a t e College s t u d e n t s
a r e cordially invited to a t t e n d a n d
dance from 9 p . m. until 1 a. m. to
t h e music of Fred Clute a n d h i s
orchestra from Johnstown.
Stud e n t s a r e urged to obtain bids a s
early as possible because t h e Auran i a Club h a s a capacity limit of
three h u n d r e d couples. Sorority
m e m b e r s will n o t be given preference in t h e purchase of tickets. T h e
first people to ask for tickets will
be t h e ones w h o a r e able to p u r chase them. Bids, priced a t three
dollars, have been on sale since
yesterday a t a desk outside t h e
Miss Cook a n d Zeller wish to e x plain, also, t h e choice of a place as
small as t h e Aurania Club a n d t h e
setting of t h e date for Friday. Last
year I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y - I n t e r - S o r o r i t y
Council sponsored a large dance a t
the Armory a n d hired a n a m e band
for it. Due to costs a n d limited p u r chase of bids t h e Council went in
debt. T h i s year it wishes to present
a smaller dance, which it plans to
keep within the boundaries of its
T h e Christinas Ball this year is
being held Friday, instead of S a t urday, because t h e committee h a s
found no place available S a t u r d a y
a n d it h a s been able to obtain t h e
Aurania Club for Friday.
State Department
Requests Linguists
T h e S t a t e Department h a s more
t h a n 200 jobs fen- m e n a n d women
who are fluent in a t least o n e foreign language, to be assigned lo U.
,S. embassies, consulates, and s u b consulates throughout t h e world.
T h e positions are mostly clerical or
.stenographic, and in certain fields,
they a r e p e r m a n e n t .
T w e n t y - o n e languages a r e listed
as being most desired for providing
translators, transcribers a n d general
secretaries throughout t h e foreign
service: Russian, Polish, R o m a n i a n ,
Hungarian, Bulgarian, Serbo-croatian, Czechoslovakia!!, Arabic, Icelandic, Indonesian,
Finnish, Armenian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Annainesc. Malayan, Korean,
Spanish, French, Portuguese, and
Candidates for this Held will be
considered on t h e basis ol training
and experience. T h e recruitment is
handled directly by the S t a t e Department
itself a n d applications
.-hoiilcl be addressed to D e p a r t m e n t
ol .Slate. Division of Foreign Service Personnel, S t a l e Annex, -4. Washington 25, D. C.
Applicants should preferably be
American citizens, with lull t'ainiliaiii\ with one or more of flic
listed languages, and well informed
on t h e cultural and political changes
thai have taken place In t h e countries in which they would serve.
Those in which Russian influence
is iiio; I (ell are in greatest d e m a n d .
Bummer Announces Donation
Mrs. lleillia K. l i n i n i n e r h a s a n nounced that ihe Washington, D,
C brunch ol t h e Alumni Association vol eel to (Innate $10 to Ihe
lieiievolcnl Assoeial ion lor any use
deemed proper. T h e business meeting and luncheon were held November ii nl t h e Kenesaw Cafe.
H. F. Honikel & Son
Phar nincists
Eutabllflhed 11)05
Phone 4-2036
157 Central Av«.
i II m H "i • » < — » » — — « * « w — — » •
ful in t h e future is concerned w i t h
t h e dispensation of admissions for
produced a t Page
Hall. I n order to facilitate t h e p r o cedure a n d to give, in addition, e x t r a services, t h e following is r e c o m mended:
1. Secure a large board, preferably of plywood t h a t would permit
the construction of a flap for each
seat in t h e house.
2. Construct a board for t h e orc h e s t r a seats as well as t h e b a l cony.
3. By inserting a d u m m y ticket
in t h e slot, with t h e designated seat
to correspond with t h e actual tick,
et printed on t h e dummy, It will
be possible for superior service a n d
speed in selling t h e tickets, e t c .
T h e a d v a n t a g e s a r e as follows:
1. Permits visualization of t h e
seat t h e person h a s in mind or for
those w h o forget easily, p e r m i t s a
chance to find their place.
2. Does away with
charts t h a t a r e now employed.
3. Reduces cost of construction.
4. Saves time of people who
must wait in line. Saves time for
those monitoring t h e disposal of
5. Different
tickets can be employed to h a n d l e
more t h a n one presentation of a
6. Enables more activities to e m ploy t h e reserved ticket seating a r rangement.
7. Eliminates some tedious tasks
involved in returns.
Let's have more c o m m e n t s a n d
10, 1 8 4 8
Fay Gives With Glamour
For 'Fairy-Godmother' Role
Need a baby-sitter with s e x appeal? Ellen F a y '49, h a s been
spreading h e r talents to cover a
3 0 - m i n u t e radio show over
W R O W , S a t u r d a y s a t 9 a. m .
"Variety," t h e National P e r i o d ical for t h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t field,
recognized h e r efforts i n a r e view last week:
C a m p u s Commission
has announced t h e correct p r o c e d u r e for
leaving assembly a n d wishes to r e mind students to leave suitcases in
the shower room, according t o
" T h e Fairy G o d m o t h e r h a s
Pearl Fless '49, G r a n d M a r s h a l .
been waving h e r magic wand
After t h e n a t i o n a l a n t h e m , t h e
S a t u r d a y mornings a n d b r i n g entire s t u d e n t body will be seated.
ing o u t tales of fantasy, poems,
T h e Seniors will t h e n leave, row by
a n d musical greetings for h e r
row, with one half going o u t t h e
very youthful listeners — from
r i g h t aisle a n d t h e o t h e r half leavfour t o nine. This Albany girl
ing by t h e left aisle. T h e J u n i o r s
spins stories with a certain skill
will leave next, w i t h o n e half g o and perception. S h e is t h e p o s ing o u t t h e c e n t e r aisle, t h e other
sessor of a soft, gentle voice—
half using t h e side aisle. T h e S o p h into which, by a little twist, s h e
omores in t h e c e n t e r section will
puts more sex appeal t h a n most
leave, row by r o w . with each half
area femme broadcasters. I t ' s in
going o u t t h e n e a r e s t aisle. Howa minor mood b u t Is listenable
ever, t h e S o p h o m o r e s i n t h e side
for h e r moppet audience — a n d
section will move only t o t h e right,
sometimes a n adult dialer m i g h t
one row a t a time, s t a r t i n g with
yearn to escape t h e Berlin crisis
t h e last row. T h e usual order will
a n d t h e atom bomb into t h e i r
be followed by t h e freshmen, who
dream world."
will leave a l t e r all t h e upper
"Variety" h a s p u t S t a t e o n t h e
No one will be p e r m i t t e d to leave
m a p as possessing co-eds with
by t h e stage doors because of I h e
qualities not usually ascribed t o
rules. These doors a r e to be used
school marmsl
only in a n emergency. No member
of S t u d e n t Association m a y stand
up, when leaving, until t h e row in
back or in front of h i m h a s left.
Miss Pless also wishes to remind
students that if a n y suitcases a r e
found In t h e locker rooms, they will
be removed. S h e requests t h a t all
Mary J a n e Peris a n d Marie Holz,
s t u d e n t organizations keep their
Seniors a n d Co-Editors of t h e P e d bulletin boards n e a t a n d orderly.
agogue, have announced t h a t t h e
'49 Pedagogues m a y still be p u r chased
by all graduate s t u d e n t s ,
Milne Arl D e p a r t m e n t temporarily
interrupted plans for adding inter- faculty members, a n d individuals
est a n d color to t h e cafeteria walls. without full seventeen dollar s t u However, Mr. Vincent Popolizio, a dent t a x tickets. Those interested
g r a d u a t e of t h e Yale School of Fine are requested to leave a note to t h a t
Arts a n d new h e a d of t h e d e p a r t - effect in t h e Pedagogue mailbox,
ment, told me t h a t h e is anxious outside t h e P.O. T h e price of this
to continue t h e project this year. yearbook will be five dollars.
Grads, Faculty
May Order Ped
In talking with M r . Popolizio, I
This year names will be printed
found t h a t he w a s especially eager
t h a t we c o m m e n d Miss K a p l a n for in gold on t h e covers, upon request,
her interest a n d effort. S h e began for a fee of 50 cents. A table h a s
the work with very little guidance been set up for t h a t purpose.
a n d practically tackled t h e job
Any former State College stualone.
dents m a y procure a yearbook by
According to t h e basic principles writing to Anita Melewicz '49, Busiof mural painting, t h e pigment— ness Manager, in care of t h e P e d a either oil or t e m p e r a — i s applied t o gogue. S t a t e S t u d e n t s a r e requested
a dry plaster base. In this case, the to inform any graduates whom they
oil pigment was p a i n t e d over oil know of these a r a n g e m e n t s .
and as a result t h e m u r a l h a s beHague Studio will have t h e gloss
gun to chip a n d crack. Removing
the painting with a scraper will prints of t h e Senior pictures in
present some m e c h a n i c a l difficul- school all day today.
T h e project was originally begun ties and it will probably be necesby Miss Grace Martin, head of t h e sary to replaster t h e wall in order
Milne Art Department in 1946, a n d to have a good working surface for
Miss Doris K a p l a n , t h e a r t i s t a n d a new mural.
now a Senior a t Milne. Believing
Miss Kaplan h a s a very individthe cafeteria to be a n extremely ual style of painting t h a t does nol
C a t h r i n e Donnelly '49, C h a i r m a n
drab a n d unpleasant laboratory- lend itself readily to m u r a l work.
like place in which to eat a n d r e - But t h e technique shows m u c h of Myskania, h a s announced t h a t
lax, Miss Kaplan a n d Miss Marl in promise for easel p a i n t i n g . S t a t e this organization is p l a n n i n g to
went to considerable effort to get owes Miss K a p l a n a vote of Hmaks hold its annual C h r i s t m a s p a r t y
permission for their re-decoration for initiating t h e project, a n d if for Albany Home Children in t h e
the mural is removed, a n o t h e r m u s t Albany Home's Chapel December
When t h e painting of t h e m u r a l certainly replace it or h e r efforts Hi. Thursday, a t 5 p.m. T h e committees for tile party a r e : J a m e s
was started, it was intended that will have been futile.
Brophy '49, S a n t a Claus; J e a n P u l the cafeteria walls be used for t e m Christina n Licvcstro
porary, rotating a r t displays of t h e
ver and Donald Laiigsley, E n t e r advanced classes at Milne. T h u s , Milne Seniors To Give Play
the m u r a l was not planned as a
As lias been done before, each
comp e r m a n e n t piece. In many schools,
tills is a common and constructive edy, will be presented tonight at class will be assigned all age group
practice. Often entire corridors a r e 8:15p.m. in Page Hall Auditorium by anil members of t h e class will t h e n
given over for such purposes. It the Milne Seniors. T i c k e t s a r e pric- buy gilts suitable for children withmight be said thai Milne a r t s l u - ed a t 75 cents a n d m a y be p u1 r c h a s - in thai age group. Cartons will be
dents have accomplished some fine ed from any m e m b e r of the Milne placed in the halls by December (i
lor the wrapped gifts.
work with many of their projects. school Senior class.
The recess murals between Page
and Milne are r a t h e r
pieces a n d a r e certainly worthy of
permanent exhibition. And a n ocWhere all the Students Meet
casional glance along t h e lower corridor of Milne will give ample evidence of original talent a n d ability.
To Ihe Editor:
In t h e NEWS of October 8, a
letter was published condemning
the m u r a l in t h e cafeteria. T h e
caustic r e m a r k s about " t h a t a t r o c ity" probably express popular opinion.
However, Miss H u t c h i n s of
State's Art D e p a r t m e n t h a s asked
I explain
a few erroneous beliefs about t h e painting of
the m u r a l . I have found, in discussions with people around college,
t h a t t h e m u r a l is generally b e lieved to be t h e work of S t a t e students.
Myskania Schedules
Annual Xmas Party
in the faculty
Frats, Sororities
Post Regulations
Covering Bidding
Silent Period To Begin
Today; Men To Obtain
Bids Tuesday In Lounge
Helen Cook a n d R i c h a r d Zeller,
Seniors, P r e s i d e n t s of I n t e r - S o r ority a n d I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Councils
respectively, have released information regarding r u s h i n g regulations
a n d t h e issuance of bids t o prospective sorority a n d f r a t e r n i t y m e m bers.
Silent period will begin 5 p.m. t o day a n d will last until 5 p.m., T u e s day, December 7, a t t h e pledge
services, according t o Miss Cook.
During this time t h e r e will be n o
communication or r u s h i n g between
a n d sorority
members except a t Buffet Suppers
a n d F o r m a l Dinners, December 3
a n d 4. I t shall be considered a n offense of t h i s regulation t o h a v e a
t h i r d person a c t as m e d i u m for any
Rushecs to Receive I n v i t a t i o n s
Invitations t o rush parties shall
be mailed from t h e office of t h e
Dean of Women by 5 p.m. tonight
a n d shall be a n s w e r e d by rushees
tomorrow in r e t u r n mall. Rushees
a r e asked to sign t h e i r n a m e s on
the invitations a n d check t h e functions they wish to a t t e n d , before
r e t u r n i n g t h e m . A rushee cannot
attend F o r m a l D i n n e r a n d Buffet
Supper a t t h e same sorority. If a
rushee wishes to a t t e n d neither
function of a sorority she should
r e t u r n t h e bid unchecked.
Council To Issue Bids
I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council will i s .
sue bids Monday, from 9 a.m. until
12:35 p.m. in t h e Lounge, according to Zeller. T h e r e will be n o bids
issued after t h a t time. Men receiving
notice of bids t h r o u g h S t u d e n t Mail will go to t h e Lounge a n d
pick up their bids during this time.
Men will sign only t h e bids from
t h e fraternities which they intend
to join, a n d r e t u r n all bids to I n ter-Fraternity
in t h e
Lounge during t h e hours between
9 a.m. a n d 12:35 p.m., Monday, November 29. If any bids a r e n o t r e .
turned during this time they will
be held invalid.
Beta Zeta Plans Date Party,
Parker Releases Committees
Eeta Zeta sorority will hold a date
party tomorrow from 8 p. m. until
12 midnight, according to General
C h a i r m a n Joyce P a r k e r '49, Couples
will come to t h e Beta Zeta house
a t (580 Madison Avenue, dressed as
song titles. T h e r e will be e n t e r t a i n ment ami refreshments.
Committees for Die party a r e :
Arrangements, Mary Lou O'Neil '49,
Chairmen, J e a n H a t c h a n d Elinor
Butler, Sophomores; Refreshments,
Mary Odak '49, and Mary Lynch '50;
E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Eleanor Adams '50;
and Decorations, Eleanor Guarino
Mai Pappin & Orchestra
8:30 - 11:80
of I lie
Every Saturday Night
L. G. Balfour Co.
I i a t c i i i l t y Jewelers
Write or ( a l l
Tel. 644
" T
- I
Refreshments Sold
Admission 50c
Trinity Methodist
Luncheon Served Daily
: O P E N DAILY AT • A. M.
Basketball Pep Rally Potter,
Slated Before Opener Bowling League
To the Editor:
Last week an article appeared In
the NEWS, summing up the good
and bad points of the past Intramural Football season. The article
was written by a member of the
NEWS staff who was an active participant in the league as a player,
referee, and one of the five team
representatives consistently present
at meetings. For this reason, it de_By PAT JAI
serves attention. As manager of the Tumbling Demonstration
league I would like to air a few of
WAA Council met at Pierce Hall
my views on the topic, for what To Open Activities
Wednesday night to choose sports
they are worth:
MAA will initiate this year's bas- captains for the mid-winter and
1. The most important factor is ketball season with the proverbial winter sports. The fall sport seathe choice of a league manager. I bang, when on December 1, they son closes by Thanksgiving and all
don't feel that I was completely will hold a Pep Rally in the Page credit must be earned in fall sports
aware of the responsibilities in- Hall gymnasium from 7:30-9:30 p.m. by that time.
volved and I hope to orient our
The committee for the rally, as
It was decided that because of
manager elect on some of the pit- appointed by MAA, is Lyle Walsh
the weather conditions, riding, volfalls involved.
'50, Chairman, Al Holliday '50, and leyball, archery and tennis clubs
2. Next in line of responsibility Jay Miller '51. A radical and badly- will be continued again in the spring
are the team captains. Except for needed departure from the overall with the credit carrying over. There
the first meeting, attendance never pattern of Pep Rallies of the past was not a majority of girls who
reached 100%. Most of the time I is promised.
were able to earn credit in these
had to be satisfied with six or seven Program Planned
of the thirteen possible. This makes
The program as planned is ex- Basketball League Planned
all administration ineffective.
tensive. A demonstration of adElly Adams and Ruth Smith, Jun3. The freshmen need an orien- vanced tumbling stunts by the
tation on football as well as how to Tumbling Club will start the activ- iors, and Phyllis Harris '51, were
ask for a date. Because of Ignor- ities. The faculty has been challeng- appointed basketball captains. The
ance, many signed to play, and la. ed by a student team to a Volley- games will be played in the Page
ter had to quit for various reasons. ball match, and if accepted, a lively Hall gym on Tuesday and Thursday
Others did not sign up, were not game is forecast. (But, who trusts evening's and on Saturday mornings.
organlzedt and just didn't play, al- forecasts and polls today?). The A sign-up sheet is on the WAA bulletin board for any team that would
though they wished to.
cheerleadlng squad will be present
4. The refereeing, as a rule, to help lead the singing and cheer- like to be scheduled in the league.
smelled. I know, because I was a ing, and the evening will be topped A game schedule will be posted folreferee. So far, no practical solu- off by an intra-squad basketball lowing the Thanksgiving vacation.
It was decided that the grads would
tion to this problem has been of- game.
be allowed to play in the league if
fered, but I welcome all ideas on No Charge for Rally
they are willing to form their own
the subject.
There will be no charge, and the team. They are restricted from
Basically, I think these are the entire student body is urged to at- playing on any sorority or group
four problems which tend to dis- tend.
house team.
rupt the Intramural Football proThe team itself has been busy
Chosen bowling captains were
this past week in sharpening up its
I now turn to the one suggestion game by means of two informal Edythe Kelleher '50, and Audrey
by Mr. Milk with which I violently scrimmage games. Wednesday they Weller '51. The scheduled games
disagree. He suggests that the Frat- traveled to Troy to play the RPI will be played on Tuesday and
ernity teams be put in one league, Engineers, and yesterday, before a Thursday afternoons. A different
because, "it has been a common fact small crowd of students, they scrim- system of scoring is to be introducthat more of a rivalry exists be- maged with the Cobleskill Aggies. ed this year. The requirements for
unsupervised games will be posted
tween the frats."
Coach Enthusiastic
later by the captains.
The teams for each league were
Coach Merlin Hathaway has been
Lucy Lytle '49, and Mary Lou
chosen by the "long straw" method enthusiastic about some of the new
this year because I felt: 1. Any at- additions to the team. Bob Brown, Reed '51, were chosen ping-pong
tempt to classify the better teams a freshman, has been looking good, captains. The ping-ping sign-up
in one league, if successful, would and is playing on the Varsity. Ed sheet for the tournament is posted.
Ken Thompson '50, will head the
defeat the purpose of a play-off Matthews, a transfer, is another
game. 2. Leaving the selection of new face on the Varsity. Up from winter sports which include skating,
leagues to one person opens him to last year's J.V. are Albert "Killer" skiing, sleigh-riding and tobaggoncharges of fixing or "stacking" the Kaehn, Dave Wetherby, Paul Car- ing. To earn credit in these sports,
tor, and Jim Warden Jim Jiusto, anyone can report the hours she
If what Mr. Milk says about ri- although not new in the scnool, is has spent participating in them to
the captain.
valry Is true, then putting all the new to the team.
frat teams In one league would
In general, the team is In good
concentrate the interest on one physical shape. Starter Tom "O'Bie" Lifc-Saving Offered
The pool at the Jewish Commuleague to the detriment of the oth- O'Brien, however, is out Indefinitely
nity Center is reserved on Thurser—if It were true. As far as I can with a slight case of grip.
see, putting SLS and KB in the "A"
Tickets for out of town games day nights for swimming and lifeleague would only have increased will not ordinarily be sold In ad- saving. Swimming will meet from 7
rivalry so far as KB was a good vance here al State, but if there is to 8:30, from the week following
football team which might be able a big enough demand for them, Thanksgiving until February. At
to topple EEP. Within the "A" there will be advance sales at re- the beginning of the second semester
the Red Cross Life-Saving Course
league, I believe there was more duced rates.
rivalry in the EEP-Angel game
After the final cuts, the team will be taught by Martha Murphy
'50. After fifteen hours of practice
than In the perennial feud with shapes up as follows:
and a test, the passing girls will be
KDR, simply because of the caliber Varsity Squad
of the teams involved. As a final
Robert Brown, Paul Carter, Sey- awarded their life-saving certifiword, may I say that no place in mour Fersh, Kenneth George, James cates.
A general meeting of all girls inthe aims of intramural sports is Jiusto, Albert Kaehn, Melvin Lanthere a sentence or a word which sky, Lincoln Marsello, Edward Mat- terested in any sports program will
Indicates that development of fra- thews, Thomas O'Brien, James War- be held on November 30 at 3:30 p.m.
The captains will present their
ternal rivalry Is n goal to be con- den, and David Wetherby.
plans for the season and hope to
Junior Varsity
Theodore Bayer, Paul Bullock, have additions or suggestions by
My thanks to the fellows who
were so helpful the past season. Joseph Colpoys, Joseph Dolan, Wil- other students.
Over 100 fellows played ball—and liam Engelhart, Malcolm Falleck,
Tumbling credit is being kepi for
that Is the Important measure of Robert Kausner, Robert Milne. Nell WAA by Ruth Malieson '50, SecreRyder, Garfield Sanderson, Edward tary of tin- organization. A total of
Stearns, John Stevenson, and David ten hours in one season must be
Bob Tucker
acquired for credit.
W A A Liitt Team Captains
*••'•* ^-^"y«" -r y y •ww ^ •» t ' r T ' V ' t ' t * y w'v++ » v " y » r y y r ' > ' r V i y •*'» i ^ ^ ' i r ' i r y - y ^ i r i
Ten teams have entered the WAA
Bowling Tournament. The tournament will get underway Immediately ; W h o . . . You! (All Faculty and Students)
after Thanksgiving vacation.
Captains and teams in the Bowling tourney are Phi Delta, Evans; : W h a t . . . Tl'ltKKY DINNER — 50c
Sayles, Harris; Fierce, Adams; Beti
Zeta, Slttlg; Newman, Longo: Psl
Oama, Weller; Kappa Delta, HotalSTATU COLLKOK CAKKTKKIA
Ing; Wren, Paterson; Oamma Kap,
Kelleher; and Chi Sit, Rourke.
All teams wishing to enter must
sign up on the bulletin board be. .Monday, Nov. 22, litlH — II a.m.-I p.m. |
fore vacation.
WAA Basketball League teams
and captain.', will be published at
a later date.
Why . . . I T ' S
HOI.ll) AY T I ME !
Intra-Squad Tilt
Is Feature Event
Volleyball Teams
Begin Activities
Volleyball started off Wednesday
with four games; two openers were
from the "A" league, the fraternity
teams, and the two games following
Intramural bowling was resumed from " B " league, consisting of inagain this fall with the first games dependent teams. Ten teams have
being rolled on the Rice alleys Wed- so far signed up to take part in the
nesday afternoon.
This week's tournament.
games saw many teams jump to an SLS started out fast taking the
early lead.
first game from KDR by a close
Potter Subdues Gents
score of 16-14. KDR reversed the
Potter Club took three games order, however, in the following two
from the Gents. Charlie Hubbard's games, to win them both with a
163 single and Bob Reno's 467 triple rather decided edge of 15-9 and 15paved the way for Potter's triple 7, giving them the necessary two out
victory. Doug Thome's 148 was high of three games.
single while DeLucca's 389 was high
Potter Club was a winner when
triple for the Gents. Potter showed KB failed to present a full team,
a great deal of bowling power by making a forfeit necessary.
overcoming the Gents by a very wide
VDZ Swamps Angels
Van Derzee took two straight
Van Derzee Takes Three
Van Derzee defeated the Fools in from the Angels by a wide margin.
three straight games. Ray Rapacz The scores of the games were: 15-2
took both high single and high tri- and 15-3, respectively. Both teams
ple honors with 190 and 521. Ben- were short a man for the first
nett was high in both departments game.
for the Fools with 170 and 473. Van Burts and the Mitey Mites volleyDerzee jumped to an early lead in ed for a long time before the serve
the first game and was never head- was decided. A close game followed:
ed in their clean sweep of three first one team scoring and then
the other. Finally Burt's team pullgames.
ed ahead to win 15-11. The second
KDR Downs KB
Kappa Delta Rho led by Morris' followed with more of the same
156 single and 443 triple took three kind of playing. In this game the
from Kappa Beta. Gornbein had Mitey Mites went ahead from time
the high single and triple for KB to time; however, they were unable
with 144 and 400 respectively. The to hold their lead and Burt's team
last game was very close with KB came forward to win 16-14.
Volleyball schedule for next week:
losing out by 26 pins. The first and
second games were KDR's safely, as Monday, Nov. 22
they swept them with large margins. 6:30 p.m.—Faculty vs. SLS.
Beavers Whitewash Faculty
7:15 p.m.—EEP vs. KDR.
A strong Beaver team took three 8
p.m.—Angels vs. Burts.
games from the Faculty team. The
8:45 p.m.—VDZ vs. Mitey Mites.
Beavers were led by Lamanna's 202 Monday, Nov. 29
single and 525 triple, which are high
6:30 p.m.-^Sayles Annex vs. VDZ.
for the sea.son thus far. Although
7:15 p.m.—Angels vs. Mitey Mites.
the Faculty lost three games the 8
p.m.—EEP vs. Faculty.
second game was very close, being
8:45 p.m.—KB vs. SLS.
dropped by nine pins.
SLS Victorious
7-8—Potter vs. Fearless Five.
A highly touted SLS team sub9-10—KDR vs. Fools.
dued a Fearless Five squad by two
games to one. SLS was led by Mon- 11-12—KB vs. Gents.
SLS draws a bye.
roe's 168 single and 480 triple. Bill
The top ten men in the league to
Dunn paved the way for the Fearless Five squad with a 157 single date are:
Lamanna, Beavers
and a 401 triple.
Rapacz, VDZ
The Faculty originally intended
Monroe, SLS
to field two teams but one team
Bennett, Fools
withdrew from league competition.
Reno, Fotter
Therefore one team will draw one
Hubbard, Potter
bye a week.
Cortese, Potter
Next week's schedule is as follows:
Burt, Beavers
Brossie, VDZ
1-2—Jerks vs. Beavers.
Morris. KDR
5-6—Van Derzee v:,. Faculty 1.
To Purchase Your Xmas Gifts
The age old, yet romantic American saga of marrying your high
school sweetheart; traditional winning of school letter, and being
captain of the team; the corny but
real story of returning to school
after discharge from the Army; all
these are elements in the life of
Seymour "Sy" Fersh, veteran court
campaigner here at State.
"Sy" is a native of Foughkespsle,
New York, where he was a class
officer, and won his Varsity Liters
in Basketball and Track. Drafted
shortly after he left high school,
even though he had been accepted
at State, he spent two years in the
army, where after service in Europe,
he was transferred to Fort Knox,
Kentucky. There he played basketball for the Fort Knox team, playing against such top-flight teams as
the University of Kentucky (Ralph
Beard and Company i, and Louisville.
Enters State College
Next stop in his crowded life
was State. Here he became active
in school activities, including two
honor fraternities, Kappa Phi Kappa, and Pi Gamma Mu. He is an
active member of Kappa Beta, carrying their color:; in intramural
football and Softball. Not content
to play Varsity basketball, lie went
out for Ihe tennis team, and made
that too. With the experienced
gained in this way, "Sy" is looking
forward to coaching the Milne tennis team when he starts practice
teaching there next semester.
Late in August of 1947. while still
a Sophomore, "Sy" got married. He
lives now in an apartment near the
school, yet, since his marriage occurred just after the close of the
summer session, many of the students at Stale never learned of the
event. Although he like.'-, Albany, lie
expressed no desire to live here,
and made it plain that his fondest
hope was to teach nowhere but in
Poughkeepsie, his "home town" and
"alma mater."
Sincerely interested in polities,
Fersh is Ihe treasurer of the Forum
of Politics, as well as being active
in their activities, such as programming, and the election night partyHe has contributed many articles
to Soapbox and the NEWS.
An accelerated Junior, Fersh will
graduate in August. He is a Social
Studies major, with an English minor. His family too is in the teaching field, as he has two brothers,
both in Education in New York, and
a sister at New Pall/ Teachers College.
Enthusiastic Over Team
A genuine .spirit of enthusiastic
optimism seemed to ooze from "Sy"
as lie talked. "Some goal lreshmen
and newly arrived trnnslcrs ought
to bolster last year's nucleus. We
have a tough schedule, with some
pretty tall teams, but the team is
confident. Hart wick seems to be
the toughest game en the schedule
We hope to beat them I his year on
our home court."
Remembering when Siena was on
live schedule, Fersh likes to dream
of the time when Slate tennis will
again be strong enough to schedule
them again.
"The way to do thai Is la oiler
a I hysienl Ed. coui'M' here in Albany, or at hast a minor in that
We'd draw some g od players that
"Our biggest weakness tins year
is the lack ol heigh! We're going
l.o fry to make u i for 11 in l with
team play, eo-ordin I: n. and spirit."
Fersh's laniiliar iniiul.ei' eleven
State Keglers Cop Two;
Gain On Leading Siena
Football Playoffs Andreone Picks
Slated For Today Nine Winners;
This afternoon Potter Club, winner of the "A" League champion- Takes 1st Contest
Carosella Paces
Potter Clinches
Win Over Siena
Wednesday night, the Statesmen Soccer Crown
Ship, will tackle KB, winner in the
"B" League. Tomorrow the Sophs
will tangle with the frosh in the
annual Rivalry game.
After long delays the play-off
game will finally come, at 4 p. m.
this afternoon. The two undefeated
teams will meet to decide the championship of the 1948 Intramural
football season. From all indications
cf the past season, it looks like KB
will bs passing with Sy Fersh, while
Potter will be running with Carter,
Warden and Lansky. i t should shape
up to bo a fine game with neither'
team holding any decisive edge. Besiies defending its title, 'Fotter will
also try to keep their unscored upon record clean.
narrowed Siena's pace-setting margin to one game by taking two out
of three in their battle for first
place honors In the Intercollegiate
Bowling League. Siena nosed out
the varsity squad In the second
game by thirty pins to prevent
State from sweeping the thive game
set. If the home forces had been
able to take all three games, they
would have been in first place with
a comfortable one game lead.
The best Individual performance
turned in by the Statesmen was a
three game total of 545 rolled by
Captain Joe Carosella. Bob Dickinson and Don MacDonald also connected for totals of 535 and 534. Individual high single game was Carosella's neat 197 effort.
There will be no bowling next
week, but action will resume December 1 with State scheduled to
meet the Law School five.
MacDonald ..
... 197
... 168
853 2589
3 Tot.
Schcmerhorn .
191 179 150 520
Campacliiaro . ... 158 165 155 478
177 169 148 494
... 137 203 159 499
191 180 371
... 800
792 2499
Present Standi ngs
Law School
Won Lost
Individual Ave rages as of Nov. 16
State Scrimages RPI
State College Varsity Basketball
team traveled to Troy on Wednesday. November 17, lor an Informal scrimmage with RPI, Coach
Hathaway, looking for his starting
O'Brien, Marzello, Brown, and Warden in Wednesday's scrimmage. Noi.ublj absent from the workout was
Captain Kenny George.
Working from a lour and five
man roll the coach was exlieniely
Impressed with Stale's offense in
the early part of I lie game. As the
game progressed it was seen thai
extensive defensive drill Is definitely needed
A lew days before III" trip. Coach
Hathaway stressed the last break,
winch proved to be very effect I v.'
against the Engineers.
v, ill b" I lashing again l Ins year on
the Page Hull Court keep all eye
mil lor this aggressive player
Last Saturday saw Potter Club
clinch the Soccer League title by
turning back the Scrubs, 6-2. The
team has been undefeated during
the season.
Although Potter turned back
their opponents, they were unable
to score until the third period.
Early in the first period, Nolan
rowell emerged from a lury directly in front of Potter's goal and
booted the ball through the goal
for the Scrub score.
Throughout the remainder of the
first and second periods, the ball
changed hands many limes with
the Scrubs threatening time and
again but unable to score. Midway
in the second period, Potter pushed through its first tally and tied
the score. The play was originated
at midfleld, then in front o! the
Scrubs' goal. Jim Jiusto oassed to
Al Kaehn who scored.
Potter netted another score near
the end of the period on a boot
by Austin Munroe. Again Kaehn
figured in the scoring as he passed
from a corner kick for the score.
Potter scored its final goal in the
last period when a combination
pass Irani DeGarmo to Jiusto to
Warden clicked and Warden scored.
Mel Lansky played brilliantly on
defense for the EE? squad while
Marsiglio played stellar offensive
and defensive roles for the Scrubs.
Cheerleaders Elected
For 1948-49 Season
Rivalry Game
With the Green Gremlins, coached by Pat Dooley, and fielding a
team that won the rivalry football
game last year, the Yellow Daffies
under "Led" Sanderson will have
their hands full tomorrow, when
'51 and '52 mix in their rivalry
football classic. Last year '51 nipped
'5j in a tight game, 9-7, and seem
to have a stronger team this year;
however, from the looks of this
year's Intramural league games the
frosh will field a fast and smooth
running sextet.
The time of the games will be
1:30 p.m. and it will be at Page field.
No definite starling lineup was set
l':.r the Rivalry game, however, the
rosier for the playoff game Is:
Ends: Schick, White, and Zanchelli; Centers: Clearwater, Kaehn;
Backs: Amyot, Carter, Warden,
Ends: Lisker, Milk, and Fersh;
Centers: Waxman, Paul; Backs:
Jean Ineson '49, has been chosen Fersh. Gornbein, Berger, and CoCaptain for the 1948-49 Cheerlead- hen.
ing Squad with one Sophomore and
I cur freshmen completing the team.
Miss Ineson is the only member of
last year's Varsity returning to the
Chosen at tryouts held on Tuesday night. Rhoda Slruer '50, became the lone Sophomore member,
with Pat Durgursch, Evelyn Kampke, Mary Borys. and Rosalind
Lacks, freshmen, completing the list
of Varsity Cheerleaders,
With Ann Reed '52, as Captain
of the .Junior Varsity, the squad
will be comprised of six freshmen.
Betty Adams, Shirley Cooper, JemmMmtmWm
anne Hamilton, Anne Koleseus. and
Joyce Schafcr will work under her.
Alternates to the J.V.'s will lie Sue
Zmi/.is and Mary Alram.
The Cheerleaders will make their
mm mm<
initial appearance al I 'e first basWffiM"
k. Iball game on Da" aiber third
when the Varsity meet-, the Marllinie Academy in the Page II ill
Gym. December 4 will find the
Varsity team again in action on
the home court against VVilllinantic.
Judges lor the IryotM.s included
Couch Hathaway. Mi's Johnston,
and the four Senior members of
WAA Council.
State's top football expert for the
week is Francis Andreone who
picked nine out of ten winners successfully in last week's NEWS poll.
Dale Wood, runner up, also picked
nine out of ten but by comparative
scores Andreone won the prize.
The Sports Staff will conduct
another poll this week with a
greater choice given to the entries.
Andreont's selections were as follows:
Army 26, Penn 12.
Columbia 28, Navy 6.
Alabama 7, Georgia Tech 28.
Baylor 7, Tulane 19.
Mississippi 14, Tennessee 6.
Notre Dame 20, Northwestern 14.
Cornell 20, Dartmouth 7.
SMU 14, Arkansas 7.
UCLA 12, Oregon 36.
California 16, Washington S. 0.
Prize Same This Week
This week the contest will be
run off under approximately the
same conditions and the prize will
be a carton of Chesterfields.
This week's ballot will present
twelve games instead of ten in order to allow a little more leeway in
Just fill in what you think the
scores will be and place your selections In the NEWS mailbox before
5:30 p. m. today.
Ohio State
Oregon State
North Carolina
Fenn State
Continuous Quality
Is Quality You Trust
At Its Finest'
f Where . .
When. .
OPI5N 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
C O L L I * ! Jawu-IR
it M n I
II IflCnili
Roast Turkey, Di'o.s.sing, Potatoes, (lib'''' ( ' n i v > ' ' Butterud Hoetw or Spinach, i
. ('elory, Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin or ']
Mince Pie
KvenlngB by appointment
Aik Jur it either way .,, both
trdite-murks menu the same thing.
108-200 t'UNTUAL. AVKNUK
@ 1948, Th. Cocu-Colu Company
# w
-fia.r*?*=eTJiwnrfff ir<ri y**"F»**¥ffF » *iri irFfffffffffirffffff
Religious Clubs
List Activities
Eade To Preside
Over Assembly
Graduates To Meet
Faculty A t 'Icebreaker'
An article dealing with Renais(Continued from Page 1, Column 1)
sance lyric poetry by Dr. Catherine
W. Peltz, Assistant Professor of (Continued from Page 1, Column 8) fessor of Education and Mr. Fos. After having attended an Intersick, of Milne High School.
Hillcl, SCA Schedule
English, will appear in a forthcom- .
Group Council Convention of AlSocial activities for the "Ice- bany State ....„....„
ing Issue of Modern Language l s i n f a v o r o f presenting a show to
Teachers College
in NoAnnual Chapel Service t Quarterly, a Journal published at t h e student body for the bettering breaker"
will be under the direc- yember 1946, Jean Redden and Her^
Monday noon Hillel and Student the University of Washington, Sestudent-faculty relations.
tion of Morris Gerber. Other com- b e r t p r a v e r students of Oswego
Christian Association will hold a ttle, Washington.
Jennings formally welcomed the mlttee heads include: Publicity, g t a t e college for Teachers formed
their annual Thanksgiving Chapel.
Mr. Edward Sabol Co-ordinator freshman members to Student Angelina Robinson; Arangements, a council on their own campus,
The Albany Diocese Newman Clubs 0 f pi'ei^ services and Public Rela- Council. Bs, also, informed them of John Frasure; Refreshments, Su- N O W after a lapse of two years,
have scheduled a meeting at RPI tions, attended "College Night" at t h e d u t i e s a n c l functions of the zanne Freedman; and SCAG con- the Council is again functioning
for Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m.
Binghamton High School, Council.
test, Mary Jane Carver.
auspices of the social
Also slated for this weekend are November 16. While in this area, he
The report of the War Memorial l All
To bring grcata Tri-City meeting of Inter-Varsity a i s o addressed groups at Worchest- Committee was read. Members of ° l n e Party and may bring hus- e r interest in traditions of tolerChristian Fellowship, to be held at e r | schenevus, Unadtlla, Bingham- the committee are Harold Vaughn, bands, wives or friends. Tickets are a n c e a n d understanding toward all
Union College, and a trip to the ton and Norwich. During this re- Anthony Frochilo, Audrey Koch, prised at thirty-five cents and two o f the racial religious and cultural
International Zionist Federation of cruitment tour, he attended "Ca- and
Shirley Wiltse, Juniors. The re- for sixty cents. Faculty members differences which exist in the U S
America Training Farm in Averill r e e r D a y " a t proctor High School, P o r t considered the possibilities of will be admitted free of charge and I G C lias scheduled debates on raPark Sunday.
ah Ink fountain, a scholarship, the may also bring husbands, wives or C\A\ a n d religious problems speech
To Hold Thanksgiving Chapel
. "
A s o n was born to Mr. and Mrs. support of a German child through friends.
es a n d
n a y e ft'j '
Monday at noon, Hillel and SCA Richard S. Hauser, Instructor In CARE, or the purchase of an organ
Election of officers for the Grad ten and staged a musical show for
will hold their annual Thanksgiv- Biology Sunday, November 14.
for Page Hall to be used by the Club will be held after Thanksglv- the entire student body
ing Chapel in the Unitarian Church
student body.
ing vacation. A tentative meeting
The club'is hoping to'send several
The service will be led by Catherine Juniors May Order Rings
Rodney Felder '49, Secretary of fwrlo) 1m b «u >t leld
-V »» the cafeteria Representatives to the state-wide
Grant '49, President of SCA, and Afkr Thanksgiving Vacation
Student Board of Finance, made a
11:30 a.m. All graduate inter-Group Council meeting being
Marvin Wayne '49, Hillel president. ' " " " ••—"••«•"»» »-«.—«.•
budget report. He informed the students may attend
held later this year.
The SCA Choir will render a
Juniors may order their class Council that a number of students KJe ,I 1 A
c L J .
Thanksgiving litany. This service rings November 30 and December 8, have not vet paid their student tax ™ !°' ^nnounces bchedule
classes will resume 8:10 a.m. Monwill be open to all members of Stu- acording to Mrs. A. B. Gleason, repJames Brophy '49, Chairman o For Thanksgiving Vacation
day, November 29.
dent Association.
resentative of the Gleason Com- the Rivalry committee, stated that
Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Acting
Students will not be excused from
Dr. Frances Colby, Instructor of pany. These rings will be available the Rivalry Cup had not yet been President, has made an announce- any classes on the day preceding
English, will open the Advent sea- for Movlng-Up Day.
returned but that the Sophomore ment regarding Thanksgiving vaca- and the day following vacation, exson at the first chapel after vacaSeniors who have not yet ordered class has until December 1 to re- tion. Thanksgiving vacation will cept on the written permission of
tlon, Wednesday, December 1. Mu- rings may do so at this time.
turn it.
begin Tuesday at 5:25 p.m. and Dr. Nelson.
sical selections from the "Messiah"
will accompany the service.
The "Life Is Very Different" Club,
for frosh only, will meet on the
first Tuesday after vacation, November 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the
At this meeting, the
Christmas Chapel will be planned.
There will also be a speaker at this
Newman To Hold Rally
Sunday afternoon there will be a
Newman Club Rally at RPI in the
15th Street lounge. John Brophy
'49, President of Newman Club, has
announced that buses will leave
Newman Hall promptly at 2 p.m.
The highlight of the day will be
an address by Rev. John K. Daleyi
Newman Chaplain of Columbia
University. Also listed on the program ls a reception, a short welcome by the Most Rev. William A.
Scully, DD, Coadjutor Bishop of
Albany, entertainment, and refreshments.
Duffy To Lecture
Also scheduled for Sunday Is a
lecture by Rev. Walter Duffy, OFM,
Professor of Scripture at St. Anthony - on - Hudson Convent, who
will use as his topic "Promise Fulfilled." This program will be held at
the Playhouse at 3:30 p.m., and all
members of Newman Club are invited.
Helen Eaton '49, Vice-President
of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, has announced that IVCF will
hold a Tri-City meeting tomorrow
night in the Old Chapel at Union
College at 8:15 p.m.
The guest
speaker will be Donald R. Fullerton, lecturer and Bible teacher. All
those Interested In attending should
meet at Pierce Hall promptly at
7 p.m.
A visit to the Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America Training Farm In Averill Park, New
York, Is scheduled by IZFA for
Sunday, according to Adele Gorow,
The farm, run on a collective
basis, Is training students for living in Palestine. It was founded
near Albany during the fall of 1948
by IZFA members representing several colleges.
The State College group will
meet at the Troy bus at the Plaza,
at 9:30 a.m. Lunch will be served
at thi! farm and everyone will be
back by 5 p.m. Miss Qerow urges
those who plan to attend to wear
jeans or slacks.
Miss Oerow also anouncos that
there will be a mooting of IZFA
on Tuesday, November 30, In the
Commons, ui 7:30 p.m., to colebrnlu
Partition Day A local speaker has
been obtained for the evening and
skits, singing, dancing, and refreshments will completo the program
All Stale students arc Invited to
Mutic Council Slates Tryout
For "Pirates O l PeniancV
Music Council has .scheduled the
dales for iryoui.s of solo parts lu
tin- operetta "Pirates of Potiisance."
Tryouls for women parts will be
held Monday, November 20 at 4:3Q
pin , those for the men will be held
Monday, December II at 4 30 p.ui
Hath tryouU will lake place In room
2H Richardson,
' "IVflu I'J m, I HAM: & Mum I
State College News
Oswego State
Reorganizes IGC
Four Fraternities
, c
Richard Zeller '49, President of
Inter-Fraternity Council, has released the names of students
pledged to fraternities during the
past week at pledge services held
Monday and Wednesday evenings.
Sixty-eight students pledged to fraternities. This is thirty-two less
than the hundred men pledged last
year by State College fraternities.
KI)R Pledges Nineteen
Kappa Delta Rho has pledged
Alfred Dl Cesare and Wayne Gallagher, Juniors, Geraid Brophy,
James Corsetti, Francis Falk, Lawrence Fanjoy, Thomas Flannery,
and Eugene Petrie, Sophomores
Robert Donnelly, Robert Hausner,
Edward Kyle, Kenneth Orner, Edward Peene, Harvey Robinson, Kenneth Rutley, Alan Stephenson,
Douglas Thorne, William Wheeler,
and William Wiley, freshmen.
EEP Admits Twenty-Four
Pledges for Edward Eldred Potter Club are: Ernest De Lucco,
Graduate, Herbert Ginsberg '50,
Theodore Bayer, Donald
George Lampman, Daniel Tauroney,
Benjamin Worrell, John Whalen,
Sophomores, Ell Ballin, Robert Bell,
Walter Cole, Arnold Dansky, Frank
Dl Gregarlo, Robert De Rue, Robert Eich, Daniel Joy, Charles Kohrs,
Robert Lannl, Wallace Moore, Joseph Perslco, Edward Slkora, Donald Sonberg, Anthony Sterantino,
ancl Thomas Yolc, freshmen.
A. S. C. S.
ICA Conference I o t n d boronty Kush renod
The fourth annual Inter-Collegiate Conference was held at Brockport, November 19-21, with State
being represented by Robert Kittredge '49, Audrey Koch and William Lyons, Juniors, and Gerald
Dunn '51. The Conference was
opened by the President of ICA, Dee
Sterritt, of Brockport, and a welcome was extended to the delegates
by the president of the college
Dr. Tower. For the first time since
its start, all eleven teachers' colleges were represented at the Conference.
Topics discussed by the various
groups included: Student Government, Assembly Programs, School
Spirit, Social Activities, the New
York State Teachers Association,
Publicity, Publications, and Recruitment. Each group then reported its
accomplishments at a general sumup meeting which was held each
Highlights to come out of the
Conference included a resolution
to Dr. Francis T. Spaukling, Commissioner of Education, urging
State support, of Varsity Athletics
for the Teachers Colleges. The Conference also decided that each
delegation should try to gain greater recognition for ICA in the individual colleges, and that a quarterly news letter would be circulated by the Brockport delegation.
A committee of delegates judged
several seals which were submitted
by students of the various colleges,
and a seal for ICA was adopted. An
Invitation to Oswego for next year
was accepted. On Saturday morning each college had on display
banners, jewelry, and various publications.
After a dinner Friday night, the
delegates were guests of the Brockport Dramatics Group at Its presentation "Elizabeth the Queen," by
Maxwell Anderson. Saturday evening the Conference officially ended
with a banquet, at which Mr. Raye
Conrad, Coordinator of Field Relations at Brockport, was the guest
fourteen Join SLS
Daniel Brlggs and Dona id Jalbert,
Juniors, Lester Le Vlness, James
Laz/.o, Edward Stearns, Sophomores, Walter Cote. Ross Federico,
Wallace Hclnze, George Lcln, Robert Millie, Donald Putterman, Henry Smith, Herbert Van Glubt, and
Kenneth Wade, freshmen, have
pledged to Sigma Lambda Sigma.
Pledged to Kappa Beta are Samuel Morris '50, Malcolm Fallck, Education Fraternity
Theodore Strauss, Saul Rubcnsteln,
Sophomores, Mitchell Burkowsky, Slates Talk By Linton
Howard Graber, Herbert Holland,
Superintendent of Schools of
William Kirman, and David WanSchenectady, Mr. Harry J. Linton,
der, freshmen.
will address a closed meeting of the
educational fraternity, Kappa Phi
Kappa, Tuesday, according to Roberf Merrill,, Graduate,
Mr. Union Is one of the area's
leading educators and his talk will
center about "The Advantages and
Disadvantages of the Merit Rating
A lalk im Civil Service opportun- System." This type of evaluation is
ities for college seniors and gradu- used in Ihe Schenectady school
al e.s will be given today by Mr. system.
Carl Tinner, Head of the Education, Health, Welfare, Examination
Heel Ion of the New York State Civil
Sei vice Department.
The discussion Is being sponClul ii gown? Col a gal? Tell you
sored by Orud Club, and will be
who I you're gonna do. You're headheld in Room 20 at 11 a.m. Any In' for a formal. Yup, a real, honest,
Junior or Senior who does not have golly all llshliooks, formal. Mean to
an assembly seal IS invited to at- say you ain't, heard? Mean to say
you 'don't know thai It's just one,
little ol' week away? Mean to say
All college students interested in you ain't beared thai half of all
obtaining Jobs In technical and pro- those ilckeis are sold? Mean lo say
fessional llelds will be given an ex- you've already bought one? Mean
amination early next year.
The lo say you're goln'? Well. Fry ma
students must have been residents hldel'
ol New York .Stale for nl least one The above monologue, written
year, and inusl be graduated by Willi all due respects to Al Capp, Is
June HMD. This examination will lu reference to Ihe coining Christeliminate the experience quullilcu- inas lornial. Formal, did we say?
llou.N and reiiulreiuenls for secur- Why, you've heard of ".swing find
IIIII a job, thereby providing a bet- Sway wllh Sammy Kaye?" This will
ter opportunity | l "' college gradu- be "Mil the Boot with Freddy
ales wllh no previous experience.
The decoration plans have been
Mr Tremer will speak with any
Inleresled students about thin ex- rolling along full steam and Diveramination and the opportunity of son Klun 'ID, chairman, promises
college students In New York State thai Ihe Aurunln Club will be decked out lo the "nth" degree. (You
Tremer To Speak
O n Civil Service
LMjhe4r CA°I'eg! Formal Dinners, Buffet Suppers
Conduct Services, Students Attend
Pledge 68 Men
Admit Larger Number
To KDR, Potter Club;
SLS, KB, Select 30
Houses Present
Varied Themes
Signum Laudis,
Film To Highlight
Schedule Ceremonies
For Tuesday Evening
Assembly Today
The Signum Laudis presentation,
a movie, and the announcement
concerning the Myskania Christmas
Party will highlight this morning's
assembly. The report on the interCollegiate Association Conference
held at Brockport, November 19
through 21 was given in the Student
Council meeting Wednesday night.
On the program first today is
the presentation of Signum Laudis
which will be made by Dr. Edith
Wallace, Assistant Professor of Latin. Next, a film will be shown by Dr.
Floyd E. Hendrickson, Assistant
Professor of Education. Myskania
will announce its plans for a
Christmas Party, and general announcements will follow.
Pearl Pless '49, Grand Marshall
has stated that students may use
the back doors in leaving assembly,
In order to alleviate congestion.
Robert Kittredge '49, William
Lyons and Audrey Koch, Juniors,
ancl Gerald Dunn '51, reported in
the Stud: nt. Council meeting on
the discussions in which they took
part at the I.C.A. conference. They
discussed recruitment, school spirit,
student tnx, the New York State
Teachers' Association, and general
problems arising in flic various
teachers' colleges.
Mis.-, Koch was elected .secretary
of the I.C.A. at this conference.
Students May Obtain
1 9 4 8 - 4 9 Directories
The new pocket-sized State College Directory is now available to
all students, according- to Francis
Flanagan and Dorothy Parr, Seniors, Co- Ed i I ill's. If may be obtained at a desk in lower Draper upon
presentation of the student tax
ticket. On Monday, the remaining
copies will be sold for fifteen cents.
From among eleven entries submitted In the Cover Contest, the
design of Beverly Hllber '50, was
chosen. Judges of the contest include Dr. Catherine W. Peltz, Assistant Professor of English. Dr. J.
Wesley ChildiTs, Professor of Spanish, Mr. Paul H. Petit, Instructor In
English. Patricia Kirwin '52, Royann Halm '51, Ann Huno '50, and
Hie Co-Editors. The contest was
conducted through Miss Hutchlns
and the Ail Department.
President, Intersorority Council
Request Students
To Donate Gifts
The annual Christmas party at
the Albany Home for Children,
which is sponsored by Myskania
and SMILES, has been scheduled
for Thursday, December 17, according to Cathrlne Donnelly '49,
.-resident of Myskania.
The parly, which will feature
Santa Clans, a Christmas tree, gifts,
food and entertainment, will be
held from 4:30 until 7 p. m. for
children 3-6 years of age and at
7 p. in, lor boys and girls 7-17 years
of age.
There will be a collection in assembly Friday for the defraying of
expenses of the party. Students will
bo able to donate presents for the
party from Monday until Wednesday, December 15, Boxes decorated
with class colors will be placed in
lower Draper for this purpose.
Freshmen are requested to purchase gifts for children 3-G years of
age; Sophomores, for children 7-1)
years; Juniors, for children 10-13
years; and Seniors, for boys and
girls 14-17 years of age. Student*
are requested to wrap presents in
gift wrapping and label with a secure tag with the age and sex of
the child for which the gift has
been purchased.
Students, interested in providing
entertainment, should contact Jean
Pulver or Donald Langsley, Seniors.
Buffet Suppers and Formal Dinners will culminate sorority rushing this weekend, according to Helen Cook '49, President of the InterSorority Council. Miss Cook has released information regarding the
issuance of bids to sororities and
the termination of the silent period.
Freshmen to Attend Buffet Suppers
Buffet Suppers will be held at
the respective sorority houses tonight from 6 until 9 p.m. The
themes as follows are: Kappa Delta, Kappa Delta Nursery; Psi Gamma, South Seas; Chi Sigma Theta,
Roman Hotel; Gamma Kappa Phi,
Aquarium; Beta Zeta, Club 680;
and Phi Delta, Cafe. Invited rushees will attend Formal Dinners tomorrow from 7 until 11:30 p.m. For
its theme Kappa Delta will present
Winterland; Psi Gamma, Fairy
Chi Sigma Theta, Mardl
Gras; Alpha Epsilon Phi Symphony;
Gamma Kappa Phi, Gay Nineties;
Beta Zeta, Heaven; and Phi Delta,
Night Club.
Sororities to Submit Bids Monday
Each sorority will send a complete list of bids to the Office of the
Dean of Women by 9 a.m. Monday,
according to Miss Cook. Monday,
rushees will receive
blanks in the Student Mall. Rushees will mark these and return
them to the Office of the Dean of
Women by 5 p.m. At this time sorority presidents may obtain lists
of rushees who have chosen their
Miss Cook wishes to stress that
great care and discrimination be
used by students In checking their
preferences. If a rushee does not
receive a bid from her first preference, but does receive one from her
second, she will be obligated to join
(Continued on Page 6, Column 5)
A D To Present
Comedy, Drama
Advanced Dramatics will present
two plays, a comedy and a drama,
Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall,
directed by Joan Farrell and Rhoda
Rlber, Juniors. Miss Farrell's play
Is a comedy of situations in which
the husband and a sister become
Ihe victims of a wife who believes
In psychoanalysis. Miss Rlber states
that her play is a social drama
which lakes place during the war
years. II makes a play on military
pomp and dignity.
The cast for Miss Farrell's play
will be Jean Valuchovic '49, and
Richard Clemens and Beverly Huber, Juniors. The committees Will
Include: Costumes, Daniel Rider
'49; Sets, Joan French '50; Makeup,
Marie Jones '50; Publicity, George
Christy '511; Lights, Catherine Noo-
Forma/ To Change "Swing And Sway With Sammy Kaye
To "Lift The Boot With Freddy Clute" As Plans Progress
know, the one thai comes after the
mill and before Ihe oth, This Is
known as hilling the happy medium, i The new, HOLD look will be
leal tired, lie says, with Ihe theme
centering about a combination of
Christmas and winter.
•should I here be any doubt In the
mind of any member of Student Association us lo Ihe desirability of
attending the n II air, the follow Inn
points are listed lo clear away any
such mental reservations.
1. Seniors, (his Is the last Christmas formal thai you can attend,
Possibly, never again will you have
Ihe opportunity lo see your fellow
instil ul Ion members, decked out in
all their llnery, with orchids blooming like dandelions, tWell, they'll
be wearing llowers.i
'.! Juniors, this is practical experience for Junior Prom, come February. Here you may learn the line
art of sliln-klcklng, Ihe elaborate
skill ol elbow-bumping and you
might, even gel, to dance!
3. Sophomores, want to go to a
party- a real, honest-lo-goodness,
approved dunce?
This Is your
chance to enjoy the eleganl atmosphere of the Aurania Club and not
have lo be bothered with such distractions us, "Where's the cup?"
4. Freshmen, this Is your first,
big, college dance with all the
trimmings. Want lo Impress your
friends, back In llowling-on-the
green?? You want lo go to Ihe
Christmas formal,
Enumeration of the oilier advantages, for all classes, would Illelude dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.,
bids priced at three dollars and a
swell lime.
The date's been set
for Friday and Ihe place is the Aurania Club. All State College students are Invited to attend, so
Come one, come all,
No doubt at all,
For nil evening of fun,
IT'S the Christinas Hall!
Miss Klber's cast will Include Ellen Fay, Joseph Keol'e, and Donald
Langsley, Seniors; Robert Frusca,
William Duinbleton. Anthony Proclulo, Richard Clemens, David
Cilenday. Phyllis Witt Penn, Earle
Jones and Eurllne Thompson, Junnlor.s; Waller Keller, Joseph Purdy,
George Kline, Sophomores; and,
Roborl Donnelly, Roslyn Lacks, and
Edward Kyle, freshmen. Hi charge
of committees will be Joseph Cruclllu 'SO, Costumes; Marjorle Lyons
Til), Props; Jean Valaehovic '41),
Lights; George Christy '50, House;
Joan French '50, and Crueilla,
Makeup; and, Catherine Noonan
'50, Sets.