Document 14064200

f*A0i e
Southern College "Wear Green"
Offers Positions To Harps Riot
fContinued from Page i. Column 5)
t noon on Saint Patrick's Day.
To M A Students aThis
year the tradition will be re-
/liui Not*
The Inter-Collegiate Conference
will be held at State the week-end
of April 10, under the direction of
Robert Klttridge' '49. Anyone InThe University of North Carolina vived, ev*n though the party will
has announced a limited number of be held or. me ntght of the 19th terested In helping with the preparations for this conference may sign
graduate assistantships In the dorm- instead of the 17th.
itories open to qualified graduate
women. The assistantships are open
It is emphasized that tonight's
to women who hold a college degree dance is not a date party, accordand who present fitness for grad- ing to Brophy. All students' are invited, and there will be dancing to
uate work.
Each appointee will serve as a the vtatrola, as well as refreshdormitory counselor, assisting the ments and entertainment. Guests
head of residence in her services for will be expected to arrive suitably
for the welfare of individuals and attired In green.
the group. I n addition to her counseling duties, the dormitory assistant keeps student personnel records
supplementary to those in the office
of the Dean of Women and serves
as liaison between students and
University administration.
Experience In working with individuals and groups in college is a
prerequisite. Selection is based on
character, personality, college record, experience, recommendations
and professional objectives.
Application forms may be obtained
from Dean W W. Pierson, Graduate
School, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N, C. Applications
must be filed not later than May 15.
up in the Lounge Tuesday at 3:30 and whatever may be of interest to
p. m., according to an announce- the group.
ment made by Alice Williams '48. Student Board of Finance has
announced that those students who
Elmer Matthews, Director of the have requested refund of Infirmary
Teacher Placement Bureau, has a n - fee may receive their money from
nounced a meeting of all seniors 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday in
and graduate students interested in Room 300A, Draper.
securing teaching positions Friday,
March 19, in Room 20 at 3:30 p.m. Request blanks may be obtained
At this time an attempt will be in the office of Dr. Edward L. Coomade to answer questions on place- per, Professor of Commerce. All rement, letters of application, ethics funds must be made before May 31.
Dr. Reno S. Knouse, Professor of
Merchandising; Dr. Edward L. Cooper, Professor of Commerce; Dr.
Chester J. Terrill and Harrison M.
Terwilliger, Assistant Professors of
Commerce, will attend the Eastern
Business Teachers Association Convention this week-end at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel in Philadelphia.
Paul G. Bulger, Coordinator of
Field Services and Public Relations,
spoke a t a meeting of the Black
River Schoolmasters Association at
Glenneld, N. Y. yesterday. The topic
of hu speech was "Things We Can
Do In High School To Help Students Get Along Better In College."
At this meeting Mr. Bulger showed
the film "Tomorrow's Teachers".
Dr. Ralph Beaver, Professor of
Mathematics; Dr, Charles Andrews,
Professor of Physics;
Dr, Harry
Hastings, Professor of English; Dr.
Charles Stokes, Professor of Music;
and Dr. Robert Rienow, Assistant
Professor of Political Science, attended a meeting of the Association
of Faculties of New York State
Teacher Colleges this week at Syracuse. The meeting was under the
leadership oi Dr. Herman Cooper,
Assistant Commissioner in charge of
Teacher Education and Certification
in New York State.
Randolph Gardner, Supervisor of
Mathematics, spoke to the Student
Council Groups of the Columbia
County Schools at Chatham, N. Y„
Wednesday. Mr. Gardner's topic was
"Student Council as a Means of Education for Citizenship."
Easterfi Bunny
To Visit Home
SMILES and Myskanla are sponsoring an Easter party at 3 p. m,
Sunday at the Albany Home for
Children. Whitney's "Mr. Easter
Bunny" will be featured as entertainer.
Wilma Diehl '48, director of the
party, announces that talent, wit
and an audience are needed. All
members, of Student Association are
invited to attend. Refreshments
will be served.
"Mr. Easter Bunny" has been donated by Whitney's department
store to act as entertainer, firut in
the small cottage for younger children and then In the program and
party for older youngsters. Charles
Miller '49 is in charge of entertainment for the event, and may be
contacted by any wishing to contribute.
H. F. HonikelftSon
Established 1906
Phone 4-S80S6
157 Central Ave.
State College
'New Look" Seizes Commons Milne
Religious Clubs
Announce Plans
For Future Events
For a Time a n d
Money-Saving Trip
So by train
'IIyour vttcatiuu om/s ultel
buy a ruiiului 3*mQOth r o u n d - t r i p
It'* i|i,HI/ until ao/iuu/ piusta*.
N Ivl K lm I %t Ml \n
lm Mi I • l » w Mi l^ 9
Copyright IS40, IIOUHI & Mum To»»cc» Co.
Freyer Reveals
Night Club Plot
The women of State College are
not the only ones who have the
"new look" if Tony Prochilo will
pardon our running his terminoBig-4 Will Feature
logy "into the ground." The comSongs,
Comedy, Dance
mons has also acquired it.
Milne School will present a preOur question is "What happenIn Page Hall Tomorrow
Discussions, Speeches
ed to the beach chairs from which view of its annual Spring concert
Final rehearsals for "Bonanza,"
To Highlight Activities the material for the curtains was in Assembly this morning, under
the Sophomore Big-4, were held
taken?" All seriousness aside, we the direction of Dr. Roy York, Inthis week. The play, an original proThe Inter-Collegiate Conference think it was magnanimous of structor in Music. Cecelia Coleman
duction, written and directed by
of the State Teachers' Intercollegi- Dean Nelson to spend his Easter '48 will introduce a financial resoRobert Freyer, will be presented toate Association, under the direction vacation whipping them up so lution fiom Music Council and the
morrow evening in the Page Hall
of Robert Kittridge '49, will begin they would be here to herald our cheerleader motion introduced by
auditorium at 8:30 p. m.
Wilma Diehl '48 at the last Assemthis morning with registration in return.
bly meeting will be brought back
the Lounge and will last through
Rumor has it, Mr. Verrey of the on the floor. To provide seats for
The cast is headed by Phyllis
Sunday. Chief activities of the conWitt Penn, Arnold Rice, Earle Jones.
ference will be various discussion State College Co-op has noticed the delegates from the Incra-Co3Anthony Prochilo and Rhoda Riber,
groups, while the chief speaker is a decided decrease in the sale of legiate Association Conference, a
All music is under the direction of
Social Commissioner Gilson of the cotton stockings. This may be at- number of women students will be
Audrey Koch.
New York State Education Depart- tributed to the new metal, non- excused from Assembly today only.
run chairs. We, the better threement.
Eleven state teachers' colleges are quarters of the college, thank Milne to Entertain
Cornelius Goode IV, played by
Students from Milne, appearing
registered for the conference; three Campus Commission for their
Arnold Rice, is a very wealthy man,
in formal dress in place of cosregular delegates are expected from foresight and understanding.
who is in love with Sharon Bartlett,
tumes, will perform varied musical
each, together with any unofficial
a night club singer, played by Phylpieces, including a few Fred Wardelegates who may desire to attend.
lis Witt Penn. Sharon defers his
inging arrangements and some barAll members of Student Association
proposal of marriage in order that
bershop harmony. The Milne choir,
are urged to attend discussion meetshe may have time to think it over.
the Milnettes, and a male quartet
ings, according to Alice Williams
As a slight inducement, Cowielius
will sing, together with a soloist,
'48, President of the Association.
gives Sharon the deed to a nite club
Joyce Ruso. The numbers include
Welcomes Delegates
which he has purchased. The growth
"The Lord's Prayer"; "Autumn,"
A welcoming speech will be given
of the club weaves through the main
from "A Lover's Calendar"; "The
by Alice Walsh '48, President of
plot. In the course of auditioning,
Night Is Young"; "Way Down YonStudent Association, at the luncheon
Sharon meets, and succumbs to the
der in the Cornfield"; "Dry Bones";
meeting Friday, after which the
charms of Marc Peters, played by
Donald Langsley '49 was chosen and the "Battle Hymn of the Reopening meeting will be held, disMr. Elmer Matthews, Director of Anthony Prochilo. Cornelius unexpublic."
comcussing student government and the
the Teacher Placement Bureau, has pectedly arrives in the middle of a
peting in the oratorical contest
constitution of the Association. Two sponsored
released the names of the Seniors love scene between them and beby
other meetings will be held simul- NEWS, Wednesday, April 7. This
who have received teaching posi- comes enraged. Whereupon, he withStudents excused from Assembly tions through the Bureau to date.
taneously on inter-collegiate sports contest, which was in conjunction
draws his financial backing and
and press conferences, since it has with the Albany Times Union and are: Senior women, center, main
leaves Sharon holding the proverThe
been decided that more will be ac- the Hearst Newspapers Oratorical
bial "bag" right before opening
101complished if the conference is Contest, was based on the subject
broken up into smaller groups with "Benjamin Franklin, Patriot and 111. Junior women, right, main Mathematics - Science, Hartford;
floor—Row C, seats 2-18; Row D, Harold Baden, Science, Cornwall;
a sum-up meeting afterwards. Sup- Statesman."
The show is pervaded with sevenseats 2-20.
Raymond McNamara, State Educaper will be at the Boulevard Cafetion Research Department; Richard teen musical numbers—rhythmical,
Mary Odak '49 was chosen as an
teria, after which the delegates will
Tickets lor the Milne Spring Con- Beach, Science, Caledonia; Kath- melodious and comic songs.
return to the Lounge to hear Com- alternate to the local area college
missioner Gilsou's speech. A small contest that Langsley will now at- cert, Thursday and Friday, will be leen Bell, Commerce, Westport; Vir- Seating Plan
reception will be given at Sayles tend. The points awarded by the sold at a booth outside the Com- ginia Dowd, English-Social Studies,
According to Mr. Freyer, there
judges constituted a tie. Conse- mons starting Monday. Admission Cobleskill; Evelyn Jamieson, Comhall tonight.
quently, the NEWS board was asked is $.60 for State students, $1 for merce, Schenevees; Jane O'Brien, will be no rushing for seats. EverySchedule Movies
English, Schenevees; Donald Say- one wilL be required to remain at
Movies form the program for to- to render a decision.
les, Science-Mathematics, Wills- the head of the aisle until he is
The judges were Mrs. Jeanne C.
morrow morning, after breakfast at
boro; Edward Hoder, Mathematics- escorted to a seat by one of the
(Continued on Page 6, Column Si Cook and Graham Duncan, In- Schedule Time To Check Posters
Coaching, Schenevees; R o b e r t ushers. After 8:15 p. m., no seats
structors in English and Dr. Albert
Posters to be displayed at State Lynch, Science, Walton; Paula No- may be saved. Page Hall will be
C. Kldley, Assistant Professor of
College may now be approved dur- sal, Commerce, Tenafly, New Jersey; transformed into a theater and all
Ruth Doran, Commerce, Moravia: those in attendance are asked to
The local area college contest ing the day at the Campus Com- Henry
Druschel, Social Studies, follow the requests of the ushers.
southunder the sponsorship of the Times
Elizabeth Woods, Ele- The overture will begin at 8:30 p.m.
Union will be held at the Albany
mentary grades, Goshen; Marie
Law School auditorium on April 21. of the vie.trola.
(Continued on Page i, Column I,)
Bennett, English, Fultonvllle; MarSiena, Union, B. P. I., Skidmore
The Commission plans to have at garet Grossbeck, Science, Worand the College of St. Rose will least one member on duty during chester; Doris Haithwaite, Junior
each send one representative to school hours to approve posters.
High, Newfiekl; Charles Behanski,
Events planned by religious clubs this contest. At this time, one of the
Social Studies, Chatham; Henry
SCA, I/FA and Hlllel for the near six candidates will be chosen to take
future include a Student Christian part in the Eastern Zone contest Mullin Announces Meeting
Helen Hennig, Mathematics-Sciwhich
Movement dinner and a Council
According to an announcement ence, Chatham: June Petri Junior
meeting; church visitations sponA prize of $5.00 was awarded by from Francis Mullin '48, there will High English, Science; Shirley King,
sored by SCA and Hlllel; and a the NEWS Board to Langsley. The be an important Senior class meet- Junior High Social Studies, Bingmeeting of the campus organization Albany Times Union is offering ing, Friday, 3:30 p.m. in Room 20 hamton; Ida Ambroski, Mathema"Gay Venice" will be moved to
of Inter Zionist Federation of Am- three prizes in savings bonds of to discuss Big-4 plans. Seniors must tics, Biology, Altamont; Evelyn
one hundred, fifty dollars,, one hun- also sign up for caps and gowns Crabtree, Commerce, Adams; Cece- Van Derzee Hall for the annual
semi-formal dance which is to be
The banquet of the capital dis- dred and fifty dollars.
by April 15.
lia Coleman, English, Chester.
held tonight at 9:0 p.m. for memtrict of SCA Will be held April 17,
bers of the house and their guests.
at 5 p. m. in the First Presbyterian
Church, Troy. The program for the Hint Orchids, Jungle, Roller Skates In "Spring
To carry out the theme of the
evening will begin with registration
Venice of yester-year, the ballroom
from 5-0 p. in. Dinner will begin Song Hits, Comedy, Sky High Publicity Promised By Frosh
will be centered by a large sparkling
ill 6:00. At 7:00 a student panel
chandelier of flowers and glitterI ush orchids, a hot jungle .set- a froshi says that "Spring fever was overheard about "Spring Rhap- ing gold, supplemented by gondolas
will speak; at 7:'J0 a speaker will be
presented; and after 8:30, movies ting, romance galore then a swift never like this." Esquire says, "Girls, sody." - "Whole frosh class expects drifting on the Grand Canal which
change of scene. Now childish voices girls, and more girls." Vogue says, to participate." —"A cast of thou- will be arched by bridges of Veneand dancing will be offered.
resound from I he roller skating "Spring Rhapsody is newer than sands." —"Extras In the cast from tian styling.
Speaker at I he banquet will be court, and bright green beanies the 'new look.' and longer yet; It Yale, Princeton, Vassal', UCLA."
La Verne Cooley '50 is general
Dr. Morris S. Lazuroii M.A., Lift. D., splash I he scene .. .. clues, we hope won't drag."
-"The freshmen have decided to
Rabbi Emeritus of the Baltimore spalsh the scene . . . clues, we hope
If the foregoing comments have waive the customary formal wear chairman of the dance. Other comtrash Big-4 production Mud little actual lifhl on the plot on opening night due to the ex- mittee chairmen include: DecoraCongregation. He is a prominent coining
(Which comes two weeks after the of "Spring Rhapsody", flint's the pected press of a crowd of thou- tions, Donald Harold '48; Refreshworker in lnferfaith activities.
ments, John Lehr '51; Music, Maras we were way the frosh want it
Reservations at $1.50 each may Sophomore Hig-4i
vin Wayne '49,
be made by all friends and mem- saying, the frosh Ulg-4 will really
They're willlui. to ...iy plenty uReceived
a letter from Dr.
bers ol the Student Christian Move- be something I
bout the publicity that can be exMusic will be furnished by the
Astounding! Overwhelming! It'll pected come next Monday or so. Stanley Livingston in the heart of
ment of N. Y. S. For reservations
rumors Publicity will put the show sky Africa to the Stale College News— Melody Makers, an all-girl orchesstudents should contact Barbara be stupendous! Modest
(plantedi from modest freshmen. high." Also, "This will be n musical "1 have heard rumors by tom-tom tra which has boen engaged for
Houck '40 by this afternoon
Other calm freshmen statements comedy with emphasis on costume about a freshman play called the evening.
Council Meeting'
A Student Christian Movement Include: "The frosh Big-4 will and setting." And, "Two sensational 'Spring Rhapsody.' What is it?
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Andrews,
Council meeting will be held at overwhelm you! It's a hit " "It's new musical lilts have been written
Well, the news has spread, but Mr. and Mrs, Arthur P. Jones und
Lisle, N. Y., April 23, 24 and 25. equal to a DeMllle production." for the show."
the secret Is still safe. Come and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Verrey
(Continued on Paae If, Column 3) Life magoisine uigain according to Some freshmen understatements see for yourself, Dr. Livingston.
will act as chaperones.
Concert Preview
During Assembly
Langsley Wins
Contest Primary;
Odak, Alternate
Sophs To Stage All-Star Production Bonanza /
Rice, Witt Penn Have Leading Roles In Musical
Open Conference
Today A t State
Under Kittredge
faculty tf-ootHotei-
Buy a new "College Special"
Round Trip ticket when you get
home. It's made-to-measure for
college men and women and
teachers who need longer roundtrip privileges. Use it for your
Spring trip back to college , . .
and for going home after exams.
"College Special" tickets are on
sale from now until March 31st.*
Ask any ticket agent or Railroad
Representative about ticket costs,
rt uii limits, stopover privileges.
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1948
Matthews Lists
Seniors Placed
Through Bureau
Cooley Schedules
Venetian Dance
A t Van Derzee
On* Man'A Qftytion
What Do You Think?
By T O N Y P R O C B I I i O .
W h y ' d o w e s p e n d four y e a r s i n college? I s i t
«,„„„„„„• nnt
s omen
* * « « «latitude
This Reporter is
given me
the «vcMest
as author
'~A~ do not necesfeasible t h a t w e a t t e n d c o l l e g e , a s l o n g a s t h i s t o
™ J £ ^ ! S * ^ M ™
of thla column, although Ms
viewpoint*I f Advanced D r a m a t i c s b e g a n Its spirit.
l e a r n d a t e s a n d d a t a , t o a c q u i r e " p o l i s h , " t o m e e t c u r r e n t season Mke a l a m b . It defl- q u i t e i » s confWent o ^ r o l e a s w e ojr
o / tfc<j ^
friends, t o differentiate between a Big 8 a n d a V-8
If t h i s i s a l l , t h e n w e ' r e m i s s i n g t h e b o a t . O n e o i
t h e m o s t v a l u a b l e a s s e t s t h a t a college e d u c a t i o n
r a n rive t o a s t u d e n t , o n e t h a t i s s a d l y l a c k i n g a t
S o f f I f * £ „ f w S n a a b i H t v t o form a n o p i n i o n
S t a t e , is t h a t of w a n t i n g a b i M y t o w r m a n °P™™
- a sound unbiased view. T h e r e a r e plenty w h o
j u m p a t t h e chance t o personally advise another
or w h o a s k e d a b o u t a p a r t i c u l a r s i t u a t i o n a n d n o t
wanting t o appear stupid, repeat what they have
h e a r d s o m e o n e s a y . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d t h e r e is
?he p s y c Z S p i n i o n , t h a t w h i c h is formed b y those
w h o
i t
i i m d
£ S e d % C b f d e s ? r o y l n g "the 11J n
a y o u n g m a n , s f a n c y t u r n s t o . . . base, b a n , b u t they crossed m e u p a n d asked m e t o write
R n d ^
R u s s e U . s productions were luslon.
better t h a n average
this column for t h e S o p h issue. Like a fool I said
o f decidedly
r e j o l c e m t h e fact t h a t M a r i e
caliber; viewed Individually, t h e Qrf
"Yes"; it's a good way t o m a k e enemies. So
n a d e n t r u s t e d h e r comedy
p r e s e n t a t i o n offered by A r t RusseU S ^ t h e h a n d s of c o m p a r a t i v e n e w - bravely I d o n n e d m y a r m o r a n d asked t h e guys at
£ t f a e b e t t e r o f m £wo. T o g e t h e r . ™™et"
s a y l e s Annex t o h e l p m e o u t w i t h suggestions. Cono u r s t a g e ; we hope t h a t
a s p l e a s a n t ? ^ e D r o m i s e w h i c n t h e i r perform- sidering t h e fact t h a t t h e y ' r e t h e radicalest r a d cals
however> t n e y afforded
a t S t a t e , they c a m e u p w i t h some p r e t t y good points,
a n e v e n i n g a s A.D. h a s h a d t o offer ™ c e s showed will become reality i n
i n a n y of its o n e - n i g h t s t a n d s .
future seasons.
w h i c h a r e included below.
H a m p e r e d by a faulty c u r t a t a a n d
^ ^
# .
play ^ t h e evenlng(
% WM?slowstart
W * directed by A r t Russell, w a s a s n e a r * * » ™ J
, t s o m e t h m g d o n e about those ••/!!; mailS u V £ r t t S S S Z f i L somewhat P a c t i o n ~ 2 £ J > ^ " ™
b o x e s , " somebody w a n t s to know y e s it is about
t h e c r o w d r a t h e r t h a n disagree
^ d e l l ^ f
S f f i l f f 5 8 ?
w S
with them.
T h o s e w h o a r e g o i n g i n t o t h e t e a c h i n g p r o ession S g g f g g g g ™ ^ p l a c e d va*e^of S e c t o r a n d t h e cast. T h e mood ^
f r o m t h e P O . door to t h e center stairway.
will b e c a l l e d u p o n t o t e a c h d e m o c r a c y , a n d d e m o c - f l o w e * s > ^ to t h e poor voice p r o - w a s c p n t t a u « d . t h ~ u 8 h r ^
How about it, C a m p u s Commission? Come on, give
r a c y a f t e r all is o n l y a t a b u l a t i o n of t h e opinions J e c t i o n a n d t o t h e seeming r e l u c - almost perfect s y n ^ o n f « o n «f
t h m
d m o v e o u r m a i l b 0 x e s . We're tired of
of t h e m a s s e s - b u t t o b e a w o r k i n g d e m o c r a c y it tance of t h e players to w a i t for t h e t h e Ughjtag effects a d d i n g a g r e a t b r o k e n t o e n a i l s .
must r f c o n s e n s u s
of S O U N D o n i o n s
c a n b e n o b e t t e r p l a c e t o form t h e h a b i t t h a n in
[ a u g j t e r to s u ^
n e
«gg ™
S a b ^ f ^ ? -
a t t n e l r u s u a l best, b u t it w a s a
Some o r t ^ P e d a n t s w h o p
i f ^ g j ™
t r i b u t e t h e painfully slow c u r t a i n s pleasure t o see S t u a r t Campbell d o - a c h a n c e to discover t h e best t e a m o n c a m p u s A
s p e a k u p in a s s e m b l i e s , a t t e n d F o r u m njeet-
ings, b r e a k o p e n t h a t shell a r o u n d S t a t e College
a n d b e c o m e i n t e r e s t e d in t h i s p l a c e a b o u t u s , o u r
s t a t e , o u r n a t i o n , a n d o u r w o r l d . A b o v e all, l e t ' s
n o t b e l i k e a S t a t e College s t u d e n t w h o , when r e c e n t l y a s k e d for h i s s i g n a t u r e o n a p e t i t i o n , signed
it a n d q u e r i e d , " W h a t ' s it a g a i n s t ? "
And n o t to change t h e subject completely, h o w
is y o u r a t t i t u d e on S t a t e ' s m a n y o r g a n i z a t i o n s , o r
have you just accepted popular condemnation?
I n s t e a d of c o m p l a i n i n g a s h a s been c u s t o m a r y ,
w e ' d like t o t a k e a few lines t o c o m m e n d t h e h i t h e r to u n s u n g heroes of S t a t e .
C a m p u s C o m m i s s i o n is t o b e h i g h l y c o n g r a t u UtoA r>n Hipir snrrpssfiil r n m n a i e n t o m a k e t h e
l a t e d o n t h e i r successiUl campaigni t o m a w t n e
C o m m o n s livable once m o r e , o r p e r h a p s ior t h e
first t i m e . After all, it t a k e s a long h a r d struggle
to really stimulate a n y action on such an enterp r i s e a s t h a t o n e , a n d n o w t h a t it is accomplished
j m l VcrrJeldiitt a, pn pl enarr st d
HuUeP smom
a0 little
whhpe rr pe .
P a r a d o x i c a l l y , it is n o t M a t e w h i c h h a s p u w i cized a n o t h e r of o u r m o s t w o r t h w h i l e g r o u p s ,
b u t t h a t group which h a s b r o u g h t notice and a p p r o v a l t o t h e college. W e refer t o Smiles a n d their
w o r k a t t h e Albaify Home._ R e c e n t l y c o n s i d e r a b l e
s p a c e in b o t h t h e ' T i m e s - U n i o n " a n d t h e " C h r i s t i a n
Science M o n i t o r " w a s d e v o t e d t o f e a t u r e stories
o n t h e origin a n d a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s of t h e organization. I t does seem o d d t h a t a group which merits
s u c h a t t e n t i o n from o u t s i d e r s s h o d d receive so
little recognition from t h e s t u d e n t b o d y .
O f t een
n we have marvelled a t the patience and
. ,,
, n ,
i a of t h e A D p l a y e r s a s t h e y face a t o r r e n t
01 Cl'ltlClSm « m i t . n n j.»ii«n.»...«..., u u n u m « " « ' ticism after e a c h p r o d u c t i o n . S e l d o m favora b l e a n d even h y p e r - c r i t i c a l a t t i m e s , t h e y a c c e p t
all w i t h t h e spirit of a m a r t y r - o n w i t h t h e show,
• B u t t h e r e a r e m a n y m o r e — t o o m a n y a n d too
o b v i o u s t o m e n t i o n . T h i n k it o v e r . D o we h a v e
to remind you?
^ g ^ X n t l o n t i v S ' t o * S
v a , a c n o v i c ' s sustained c h a r a c t e r i z a tion, a n d Beverly Coplan's c h a r m i n g
p o r t r a y a l of a slightly " e a r t h y "
Gold S n S U S S t o
t S e cast;
a n d t o A r t Russell we d o n a t e a
m e g a p h o n e , d a r k glasses a n d a
J M f i f S K
only, play all h a n d s properly dealt, best two of three
games wins. After ; aU, i s i t . n e c e s s a r y t o be intellectuals
(bridge players,
prowess?t h a t is) in order t o show our cardvm e^n t gtoo,
C. C.I A h e m ! Could this be your depart
T h e new C o m m o n s tables a n d c h a i r s are beautiful.
Al} we need now is m o r e of t h e m , say t h r e e additional
tables, w i t h chairs. Also available a r e small round
. B y T H O M A S O'BRIEN .
tables of similar construction. Six of these would
always full of more popular votes t h a n any "of t h e m a k e nice c a r d tables. We c a n get t h e m , you know.
if you m e m b e r s of S t u d e n t Association say so.
m a y b e t h a t e x . others.
w a s
w h y
h e
t i e d himself
l st o o m u c h
rivalry. H e N Y s r T r
T h i s a n n o u n c e m e n t r e - „ Y o U Ty> i™**™*
° f J*i? " S ? 1 , 6 to".?°rt?Veftr " "
l m s
,„ ,
u J *
v.i N Y S C T I
a n n o u n c e m e n t r e - } i q u o r a ( j S in t h e last issue of t h e "Primer." Of course
^ flrst reaction w a s t 0 blast nt t h e admlnlstratloil
w l l l a l w a y s b e r e m e m b e r e d for h i s c e l v e d a c h o r u s o f t w e l v e m e e t i i s
as " a b u n c h of p r u d e s , " b u t let's t h i n k it over one,
h e r o i s m t n a t d a y in a s s e m b i y w h e n grunts_ m a c c o r d a n c e w l t h Roberfs
u T h p r p flrp t o o m a n v h a D D V This is a s t a t e i n s t i t u t i o n (no cracks, please) and
t h e n o w i i n g h 0 r d e of freshmen c a m e „..,„,,
d o w n
f r o m
t h e baI
o n
t h e i r S u ^ t s l " M v e inore n u n t a " I t ' s w h e t h e r we like it or n o t we have to cater to th,
Twelve m o r e g r u n t s , i t s w n i m s o f t n e p e o p l e o f t h i s S O V e r e l g n s t a t e . T h , . ,
h a n d s a n d knee_
a n d w e n t a r o u n d students!
^ „ ^to
1 bite
J?L !ffV
^ T t£h e« U P t o u s t o d o s o m e t h i n 8 about a r e c e r t a i n factions w h i c h would pounce on someoff t! h£e Tf™
legs of
j u s t w n e n i t seemea —
I>A«I a
-- - -
t h i
A n y
s t m
t n
0 o f
n b |
m a k e i t tough I'm
t h a t t h e s o p h s d i d n t h a v e a leg from Chuck U h l .
^ a d m i n l s t r a t i o n N o w c o n t m r y to m a n y opini,m,
s n
were m a n
{?*,, ™ £ ^T'Jfd
, t n f t h e fr*v
y suggestions. Lin the " G r e a t W h i t e F a t h e r " isn't out to give us a n>u>:i,
S t a M o o d y b e a n i T s w i t h t h e h e a d s c h i n e . * h ° l a u n d e r e d t n e O r d e r ' s time. He is merely doing w h a t he considers best fur
S i ^ t i ^ m , d a n g ^ d from h i s belt. ^ ^ V ^ Z t e Z
oT- £ T S 5 & & a d s T
S e J J n g wo s n a r l i n g f r e s h m e n 1by ^
^ Helen 5 ? e A step in t h e right direction will be for us to take
u T u i
t h e m back m i n t o t h « w a n t e d t o b u r n down Draper, b u t care in p l a n n i n g our s t u d e n t activities so t h a t eveniu
thev belontted His M t h e s e P l a n s w e r e e j e c t e d a s n o t ally such censorship m a y n o t be necessary, w . ' i v
balconv w h e r e
e K H ^ f o U < 5 & t h t e fine e x - being drastic e n o u g h t o cope with m a t u r e enoughL to r u n o u r own affairs; let's prove ,
ample, a l l ' began to B flip frosh i n t o * ? a d S d ^
by our future actions,
wie aair,
uii twh e while,
w n n e , "We'll
w e n £ a . ^, ar T ^. , ^. .H ^. . J• ,*.
. . singing all
^ T- .
h e
v e n t hhe p °
0 l >d .e rf "m l ? h t .
s S
o mo cm nemE g w which
. "e aut ntwheei ut o
T a l awt Os u r D
d ipo eofd their
i n r"a l s e *d t h ^a t e ™
e n i c n »isn nhr ac lr dt 0 tou nudnedres rt as tnadn dis isthe
c „i
l ° y a l lungs, r n e unprejudicea, u n - .
dAfiinnt WPVP that pnoffori
crepancies between h o u r s earned and hours work
a n d unbalanced j u d g e s g a t h - g ° o m e fnrwarri
^ 1 ^ ^B l i oi nu/n«
n I h-^lri
o S
"» t h e stagecraft a n d d r i v e r - t r a i n i n g courses, si;,:
»•«..... «,- ...,,..„».»,«, . . . . . . , . , ™ . . „ „ „ . . . „
ered u p eighteen c a m p u s c o m m i s - " J r f n ™ L
4 ^ ™ , h i Tin c r a f t . requiring more outside work t h a n most tin
, , is
. ,worth
. , .one
. hour.., You don'l even
S i t t e r s - hour courses,
™]o}?* g g g a 5 j j d M S t h e soohs o n - S t a g e r s " for h a v i n g been t h e ^ t m u c h for d r i v e r - t r a i n i n g i t seems that son..
0 ltlle d e ge
0l t n e
sopns, „_,_,„_?__ n f thP famnii.; nrnipet fm- body's taking a d v a n t a g e of h e .students concern,',
thus awarding a n eighteen-to-six " J S r a r i n ? t h r ^ Z s to roost They know t h a t these s t u d e n t s a r e extremely i n n ,
ln tn
on f,sted
t h e only
decision t o t h e sophomore class,
e n t o utrhaet mfront
t t a tsteps
p i t t oofn s Draper
to ioost
, ,e work
, , , since
, way in wh
t , ,
! : is „
T h e n there was t h e a n n u a l C r u s h - w a r m afternoons.
£ ? I „ T Z Z l l „° ' i e o o s s a T r y , ) l n i f t o r n " U i l o n l " " " , , '
hnii ennie in Paep Hall s t a d i u m
perionce along these lines. Isn't it about time ilia
ThiVfv n w i . M S H t n t h a 1 ^ ^ '
" I rmve a plan t h a t wlll solve t h e t h e responsibile persons realized t h a t it's .tot. neces,ai
r o b l e m w l t h tt
torn . a o l T o l a a i W u D a t onnolite P
m i n i u m of effort to p e n a l i z e - s t u d e n t s j u s t because they enjoy the..
Work o r b e c a U s e lt s pilrtly m a n u a l h l b o l ?
Th( s:,n
ends of t h e field on V fours
A «n °ur Part''
f a c t l o n of a
«w n L . h . 1 7 1 . ™ / ^ . ^
Sood preformance well done or a uriv.
o v e r o n h i s b£M!k
^ S S o n S S 5 J T J I £ a ? h M r L e n t e - r°m™
' "x l l k e a *™ extra h o u r s in black a n d white on n„
their o p p o n e n t s goal w i t h t h e n m 0 V e t h a t we go directly to a vote!" record,
noses. D was t h e hero t h a t day too, B u t t h e m a J o r l t y w e r e a b l t m o r e
By the Clan oM 918
having h a d t h e ingenuity a n d i n - c o n s e ^ a t i ^ a n d desired further d e Tomorrow night, t h e Sophs a r e present inj Hi
oisors to bite off all t h e frosh noses, t n i l s b e f o r e g e t t i n g t h e l r a p p r o v a L
big extravaganza, " B o n a n z a . " I t is going to l><
April 9, 1948
No. 21
Vol. X X X I I
terrific show I But of course, (as Paul Bruce Pi
" W e l l divide t h e m into factions
would say 10 t h a t ' s only thirleen hundred peo|
In every activity, Including t h e a n d encourage t h e m to fight among
AKHIII'IIIII'II CulU'Kliiti' Prase
Colloululo Dl«ual vicious vivisecting contest, a n d t h e themselves," continued Anne. "If we
Tlio untlurgrilOunte newepii|icr of tlio Now York Statu Col- p o m e g r a n a t e tosses, b o t h for d l s - move cautiously, eventually they'll "HHUOU.
lego for Tencliors; published t'very Friday ,,f tlio COIIBKB tance a n d for accuracy, D was r i g h t destroy ono a n o t h e r I"
your by tliu MOWS Ilonnl fur ilie Student Assnclntlon. in t h e r e . W h e n i t c a m e time to
„ „
,„ . . , „ , . , m , . ,
nest May, 2-11115; Coloumil mid Itocliford, 3-1112(1: V. 1 mi I
t h e class bfrom
a n d a nBill
a , D,
S-9588; (Murk 2-0870. Mombers of tliu uowe Mtuff may be hide
his inspiration
O r ot agkainn'gs „ a"HoorayI"
, }„ ? ftshouted
„ J
°j, ?,'
rt'iicliml Tuim., and Wod. from 7 to 11:3(1
M. «t 3 0107. goat, swallowed It a n d d i d n ' t cough c h u ^ U 1 V M r o f l e d 1 a l r o u , n d " j , 0 f l r o
It u p until Moving U p D a y . Those howling with fiendish glee. All were
originators of rivalry would be proud ' » f a v o r ' s 0 t h ° m o U o n w a s c a n ' l e c l 9:00 A.M.- Inter-colleglnle Conference begins
The News Board
of D . T h e present d a y classes a r e a n d after one verse of "Dry Bones,"
9:00 P.M.—VnnDerisoe seml-formul dance
T n e f l r s t f e w y e a r s o f rlVfth
MANAOINS IDITOR rivalry was f o u n d e d - o r don't you a
bit crude in comparison with p r e s 8:30 P . M . - S o p i i Big-4 ' B o n a n z a "
MANAOINa IDITOR know how t h e whole t h i n g s t a r t e d ?
c u t day s t a n d a r d s , b u t t h e spirit TUESDAY, A P R I L 13
It all began on a d a r k , dreary was t h e same. T o add zest to t h e
3:30 P.M.—Commerce Club meeting, Room 301
m i d n i g h t m a n y m a n y years ago, competition, t h e Royal Order instiRITA COLEMAN
3:30 P.M. IZEA meeting In Room 109, Drapei
7:30 P.M.—Meeting of the Christian Hclener (>i
ASSOCIATE IDITOR of lightning a n d mumbling t h u n d e r , award to t h e victors, working on t h e
ganizallon in Room 109, Draper
ASSOCIATI IDITOR T h e Royal Order of Those W h o Sit assumption t h a t everyone, a t o n e
on S t a g e g a t h e r e d a r o u n d t h e i r tlmo or another, c a n u s 0 a purple WEDNESDAY, A P R I L 11
smudge-pots on t h e shore of w h a t pot. Of courso a t first thero were
12:00 Noon—SOA Chapel at tlio Unitarian (
Is now W a s h i n g t o n P a r k Lako to obstacles to be overcome, such us T U D H S D A Y , APRIL 15
Issue E d i t o r s :
roast weenies and porpotuate a n - widespread inaccuracy with h a n d
13:00 Noon IVCF Noon-time worship in Room '
other dirty deed. O n e by one t h e grenades, a n d t h e usual complaints
R i c h a r d s o n ; speaker, Dorothea Di\
black shrouded
figures from t h e administration t h a t it was
9:30 P.M.--Dr. C h a r l e s Andrews speaks on sciem ,
All I'uinmuiiltuitloiiB si,,nil,I !iu aildrttuHi-d to tliu editor and Blithered out of t h e darkness into immoral, b u t all these minor points
program broadcast from WROW
the firelight. Having renewed t h e i r were eventually s t r a i g h t e n e d out.
niUHt lit* slKiicd. Nairn',, will in' wlthliuld ii|ion ruiiiii'Ht
Thi' STATU ('OI,I,Mill1; MOWS iiHtniniKH mi ri'Spousllillll.v pledge to " h a t e State," t h e m e m b e r s
Today, rivalry s t a n d s as proof to FRIDAY, APRIL Id
fur oiiluloim I'HU'i'.iiii'd III Itu Oolumoa or i-iiiumunli-H i limn m u n c h e d contentedly o n w a r n i n g t h e outside world of our h l g h 3:30 P.M.—Bible study group In Room 150, llu I "
i s suclt ei|iruusliiiia do uot lU'craHtirily ruflrtt Us vluw.
notlcos while t h e leader, Qiff T r u b - minded seriousness or our oompe- SATURDAY, A P R I L 17
ble, spoke. H e was m o r e hideous, tenet) a s t h e future teachers of
5:00 P.M.—SOA b a n q u e t , First Presbyterian Oluuvh
more frightening, a n d h a d received America.
Established May 1916
College Calendar -
Bridge Winners
To Attend Finals
By H E I N Z E N G E L
•• J.
' :'• .'. 11 ' , Sponsors
Variety Program
, tJM . - /
So w h a t of it—so t h e b a n d s d i d n ' t
play, so t h e mayor wasn't t h e r e t o
give t h e key t o t h e city—but t h e
welcome m a t was o u t j u s t t h e s a m e
A n i t a Olson a n d M a r i e Holz, J u n t h a t memorable September d a y ,
iors, have been invited t o a t t e n d t h e
1946. S t a t e College h e r a l d e d a n e w
finals a t Chicago of t h e Intercolbaby class—the class of '50.
legiate Bridge T o u r n a m e n t on April
Rapidly t h e news spread a n d h u g e
23 a n d 24.
and successful babyshowers (comThese s t u d e n t s were chosen after
monly known as receptions) were
two t o u r n a m e n t s were held a t State
p r e p a r e d where t h e newcomer w a s
in Februarv. T h e first w a s a n
pampered a n d we smiled obligingly
when we were asked to.
which t h e eight h i g h e s t players
were selected to t a k e p a r t in a
T h e first real interest in our o n second t o u r n a m e n t in which a p - coming obligation a n d future e n proximately 100 colleges t h r o u g h o u t deavors was expressed on Activities
t h e country participated. T h e top D
„ .
w i t ,
i d
16 scores tallied by p a r t n e r s in this , y ' , ' \ , „ P ' y e S ; W e W a l K e d
t o u r n a m e n t were n a m e d by t h e i n t o a l i f e f u l 1 o f a ctivities a n d
Intercollegiate Bridge T o u r n a m e n t pitfalls ( t h a t day, $12 w o r t h to be
Committee to compete i n t h e finals, exact.) I t was only fitting
Miss Olson a n d Miss Holz were a b o u t t h i s t i m e t h e g r o w l n g c l a s , /
a m o n g these 16.
should cloth its modesty i n s o m e T h e two finalists will fly t o C h i - thing fitting its position, a n d w h a t
Left to right—Durkee, Stoddard, Frcel, Wiltse, Cookingham
cago a n d will stay a t t h e Hotel could h a v e been better t h a n a babyDrake. A formal d i n n e r is sched- blue flag,
uled for t h e first n i g h t i n order to
.. ,
,, ,
A t a b o u t tnis tlme a stra
, on leadership of Bob Freyer we will do
welcome a n d introduce t h e players.
n g e d i s - body was at , . and got
m a d e
All expenses will be paid by t h e
known—the M.D. milk, of course.
our best to do a good job.
charge (M.D. i.e. Myskania d
After a three m o n t h s recuperation
it) said t h a t it was a children's disThis is t h e Sophomore history
W i l l Fly To Chicago
For Bridge Tournament
Futterer Releases
AD Play Cast
T h e cast for t h e play includes:
Penelope Sycamore, Ellen F a y '48;
Essie, Edith Dell '48; Rheba, Mary
C h e a t h a m '49; Paul Sycamore, J o h n
Lubey '48; Mr. Do P e n n a ,
Barselou, G r a d u a t e ; Ed, T h o m a s
Llsker '49; Donald, S t u a r t C a m p bell '48; Marl in Vanderhof, Harold
Mills '49; Alice, Elizabeth F r a n k s
'49; Henderson, Robert Lynch '48;
Tony Kirby, A r t h u r Russell '48:.
Boris Kolenkhov, Frederick Baron
'49; G a y Wellington. Gloria Jaft'er
'48; Mr. Kirby, Everson K i n n '49;
Mrs. Kirby, C a t h e r i n e Donnelly '49;
Olga, Beverly Sitlig '49; a n d Stage
Manager, Marie Grieco '49.
NEWS Will SPo nsor
Classes In Journalism
Dick F e a t h e r s (Pres.) Doris Price
(Vice P r . ) , T o m McCracken ( S e c ) ,
Rusty Willsey (Treas.) Painful t h e
process m i g h t have been; i t w a s
worth it.
In physical s t r e n g t h we grew
l°n r som P V thn S• weTa^rePd Tt
in some things we lagged. I t
us a little while to learn to
the debate proves t h a t .
• ':'"1Y
Approximately 30 scouts, In u n i form, will give first aid d e m o n s t r a tions, sing, produce skits a n d join
t h e children in games afterwards.
Goode, is to a c t a s magician. Scout
equipment" will be exhibited a n d
t e n t a t i v e plans a r e being m a d e for
a raffle of articles constructed by
t h e troop. Refreshments will be
This program i s sponsored by
S M I L E S ; all s t u d e n t s a r e invited to
a t t e n d , according t o Charles Miller
'49, P r e s i d e n t of t h e organization.
Choose Future
Dramatic Group
' « - m - s o r t - - e n d l y tory though
many, many more
like—but soon afterwards t h e In- chapters are t o be written. As with d e n t s
evitable fight began. F o r this p u r - any and all histories, its importance
jd d b u
T h e class includes: Joseph Keefe,
w e grew
o u r second
o fwlll o n l
, . , „ , , , ,
„ t
. . ., ,
J e a n n e Valachovic, Daniel Rider,
' T h i s l i m e t h e J ' t u r n e d o u t to generations, a n d by t h e classes t h a t j u n i o r s ; J a m e s B a u m g a r t e n , M a r be Tony Prochllo, Boy Freyer, R h o - will follow us who will, we hope, tin Bush, George Christy, Joseph
u p to us as a beginning of a Crucilla, J o a n Farrell, J o a n F r e n c h ,
d a R i b e r a n d D e e Webber, a n d with
Preliminary p r e p a r a t i o n s we P«»ud t r a d i t i o n ; a proud class with Marjorle Lyons, Earle Jones, C a t h j
good leaders a n d a t all times even erine Noonan, A n t h o n y Prochilo
started to pitch into our adversaries. l n a d v e r s p s i t u n t i o n s u n l t c d f 0 1 . t h e R h o d a R l b e i > i UaiM
F i r s t we took it sort of easy a n d let benefit of all.
Phyllis Wittpenn, Sophomores.
One memorable day in our young t h e m t n k e l h e C a m p u s D a y s k i t '
life m u s t be remembered, t h a t was J u s t t o l u r e t n e m l n t o f a l s e security
Campus Day. J u s t imagine, we were but then we really got started.
forced to hide our blue panties a n d
W e
search for somebody else's r e d ones.
Pushed them a r o u n d in p u s h Sort of h a r d on us since we just b a l 1 ' w e Paddled them in P i n g Pong,
we beat
got ours, b u t t h a n k goodness some
them with bare facts in
mixup occurred a n d we got ours o u r bald headed debate. T h e r e were
m a n v
back. T h a t was not all t h a t C a m p u s
others, some of t h e m we do
Day h a d in store for us. We h a d n o t l i k e l ° talk about . . . (I believe
also to show up our little a c t . O u r i n t l l o s e w e l o s t .»
theme, "Kilroy," was very well p e r Bl
sonnified by Bob Freyer.
' t our little world did n o t only
consist of Rivalry . . . t h e baby
Al about this time we h a d some class of 50 h a s grown u p a n d intelliof l h e most peculiar growing pains, gent participation in all activities
We did things we would never have h a s become a byword. News staff,
done otherwise; with right i t was Press Bureau, O r c h e s t r a a l | are ar
called Hell Week. And so we grew dently supported by us.
up, sometimes t h e h a r d way. At
times it was even said t h a t t h e class
O u r mental growth did n o t lag
was all wet, but t h a t is u n d e r s t a n d - behind; on a recent Dean's list we
able in a baby class.
have taken up an almost overwhelming a m o u n t of space.
Toward t h e end of our first y e a r
we were forced to p u t on a play
As you see us now, we are no
for our relatives. T h e t h e m e was, longer a bawling inexperienced baby
as it should be in any childhood, in a little blue diaper b u t a full
a Fairy Tale. Some of t h e main grown class with a proud blue b a n c h a r a c t e r s were King Rice, C i n - ner who has undertaken a great
derabner Borton, Princess Glockner, lask to prove its worth. We have
Princess DeCarlo, Fairy Godfather accepted a task and under
Lyons a n d Poppa McCracken.
Journalism classes sponsored by
the .Stale College NEWS will begin
n e x t Friday afternoon at 3:30 p.m.
These classes are being ottered to
all students who expect to manage
a high school newspaper, especially
Irom t h e Senior class. Those inter
We put a lot of work into It, e s eslt'd should sign their names on
pecially Earle Jones, who directed
the sheet posted outside the P.O.
the show, but it seems that t h e relaClasses will be run by the editor tives liked big sister's act better
and associate editors of t h e NEWS, and they got the ovaltine mug.
and will include all aspects of Newspaper work, including advertising,
Another day in our young existprinting, writing technique and fi- ance we can't forget, is Movlng-UPnances. At the last meeting, May Day. White and blue was our trade
ai, the group will visit t h e Knicker- mark that day, and even though t h e
bocker News plant.
weather gave us the cold shoulder
we gave a hoi interpretation of a
lextbook lor the project Is "The radio show. We even surprised o u r Ktudeiil Editor's M a n u a l . " written selves; with a winning song we
by Jean Nash and Illustrated by ended rivalry. We also surprised
" ! : l 1 Troy,
ourselves afterwards, I guess every-
Close-0ut on Children's Books
50% OFF
liny. N o w for F u t u r e
' '• •'•
Albany Home for C h i l d r e n will b e
t h e scene of a variety p r o g r a m p r e sented by Boy Scout Trodp' ?0 from
St. Marie's Church, Cohoesv- n e x t
Sunday, according t o William B e l a n g e r '49, scoutmaster.
p J S S L o ^ B n S l i a h ^ a ^ S S S
ease called Rivalry, a n d i t would period we came back a n d found t h a t (fooled you, you t h o u g h t t h a t all the list of students' n a m e d to t h e
probably break out in all sorts of a new bunch of urchins h a d moved this was a b o u t t h e Canadian quad- Advanced D r a m a t i c s class for n e x t
w m p t o m s . To a r m itself for a n y m t o our neighborhood. Naturally we ruplets), I t is n o t t h e complete h i s - year. This group, which is choosen
This is t h e first time t h a t State
College h a s sent s t u d e n t s t o this
a n n u a l t o u r n a m e n t . George Pohl,
G r a d u a t e , is T o u r n a m e n t Director
for t h e college.
T h e cast for Advanced D r a m a t i c s '
spring play h a s been a n n o u n c e d by
Miss Agnes E. F u t t e r e r , Assistant
Professor of English.
T h e play,
which was written by Moss H a r t
a n d George K a u f m a n , will be p r e senlecl^ in Page Hall Auditorium on
" a n d' 22.
Boy Scouts To Entertain
A t Children's Home
Ask fur it either way . . . both
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
mean the same
Evenings by a p p o i n t m e n t
© 1948, Tlio Coca-Cola Company
STATE C O U L I O I N E V ^ , F R I D A Y . APRIL ft, 1 0 4 0
Sophs Present State Delegates
To Join i Alumni Big-4 ProductionReport On UN,
Tomorrow NightN.y. Conference
nation* In NLY- xfp^im
Student Council eommumcaUua Brimmer, Bulger
Plans Banquet
To the Editor:
Business which came before Student Council at Its regular weekly Many campuses of the
meeting Included plans for Student have organized student political orCouncil Banquet, and. for compul- ganizations as a source of informasory class meetings on Tuesday.
Also In the order of business was tion and discussion of the political
discussion of a motion to be pre- situation in an election year.
sented by Music Council In AssemWhether or not a student is of
bly/and a suggestion was made that
the Sophomore and freshman classes voting age, It matters little. The
sponsor a Movlng-Up Day dance.
"need" exists and these student orGeneral chairman of the Ban- ganizations (with not a shadow of
quet, planned for April 21, is Robert the stereotyped political temper)
Baker '49. Chairmen of entertainment are Anthony Prochilo and can fill this need.
Heinz Engel, Sophomores. Elizabeth On Thursday of next week at
Cushlng '51, and Geraldine Cooperman '50, are In charge of favors for 3 ;30 in the Lounge, the first of such
discussions will be held. Topic: The
the banquet. .
Party and the Foreign PolCompulsory class meetings will
be held for all classes on Tuesday icy. Speakers: Pro—Phil Mooney
at noon. The Commons will be and Al Wahern; Con—Gerhard
closed from 12 noon until 12:30 p.m. Weinberg and Leonard Koblenz. It
For the Juniors, Sophomores, and is an opportunity to find out exactfreshmen, the purpose of the meet- ly what ideas are being presented—
ings will be to nominate class officers, with voting to take place in an opportunity, to weigh the pros
the future. The Seniors will also and cons.
have a class meeting. The Senior
meeting will be held In Room 111, You have a great privilege of beDraper; the Junior meeting will be ing an American—but remember you
held in Room 26, Richardson; the have a duty toward that privilege:
Sophomores will assemble in Room to be a well-informed and politi206, Draper; and the freshmen will cally active citizen.
Students for Wallace
meet in Room 20, Richardson.
Council discussed a financial mo- Date Set For Make-up Exams
tion which will be presented in Assembly today by Music Council. The According to an announcement
motion will propose that Music from the Office of the Registrar,
Council be allowed to put the money a tentative date of April 17 has
it has made this year towards the been set for makeup examinations.
buying of gowns for the Chorus, Those who have to take makeup
instead of returning It to the sur- exams from first semester are requested to leave their names in the
The suggestion was made that Registrar's Office.
since plans for the Moving-Up Day M e n Needed For Scout Work
Formal have been cancelled, the
Sophomore and freshman classes The Saratoga County Council of
might sponsor a dance that night, Boy Scouts of America is interested
in placing men on its summer Camp
possibly as a Rivalry event.
The Student Faculty Committee Staff. Positions include that of
will work next year throughout Camp Director, Assistant Camp Diboth semesters in cooperation with rector, Waterfront Director, Assistthe Dean's Office. Previously the ant Waterfront Director, a Nature
committee has acted only as a plan- guide, a Hiking guide, and several
provisional Scoutmasters.
ning body.
Attending the annual Spring
luncheon; of
the .Metrdpolltah
Branch of the Alumni Association
will be Mrs. Bertha E. Brimmer,
Secretary of the Association, and
Paul C. Bulger, Coordinator of Field
Services and Public Relations. The
luncheon will be held next Saturday at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New
York, at 11 a.m.
The program will include an address by Dr. Harold F. Studwell,
Superintendent of East Rockaway
Public Schools, a short talk by Mr.
Bulger and the latest college news
by Mrs. Brimmer.
(Continued from Page 1, OoUmnB)
and the curtain will rise at 8:40
p.m„ but tickets will be available
at the door until 9:00 p.m. when
the doors will close.
The New York Conference of
Eastern States Association of Professional Schools for Teachers, held
March 18, 19 and 20 at the Hotel
Commodore and which was attended by Alice Prindle Walsh '48, Catherine Donnelly, John Jennings and
Donald Langsley, Juniors, included
lectures, panel discussions and attendance at a meeting of the Security Council.
Other members of the cast include: Donald Taylor, Robert Frasca, William Dumbleton. Richard
Feathers, George Glenday, Robert
Freyer, David Glenday, (Peter Havey, Lorice Schain, Joan Paterson,
Helma Rosenberg, Joan French, Heard Lectures
Anne Morgan, Catherine Noonan,
The conference opened at United
Joan Farrell, Edythe Kelleher, Dorothy Conaway, Renee Karris, Susan Nations Headquarters, at Lake SucMiller and Margaret Vonada.
cess. The student delegation of more
than 400 heard lectures by heads
of various United Nations commitGeneral chairman of all committees. At the meeting of the Security
(Continued from Page 1, Column 1) tees is Earle Jones. Committee
chairmen are: Sets, Catherine Noo- Council which the delegates attendThe student governing and law- nan; Lights, Edythe Kelleher; Pub- ed, the India and Pakistan dispute
making body of SCA will outline licity, Earline Thompson; Make-up, was under discussion. The delegates
policies and choose officers. Mem- Sarah Caruso; Arrangements, Flobers of the. council from State are rice Klein; Properties, Susan Miller; reported that they were fascinated
Marian Mieras '48, Barbara Houck Costumes, Gloria Sottile. The com- by the translation set-up, the conand Catherine Grant, Juniors.
mittee members represent a large fusion and protocol.
In the near future SCA and Killel section of the class.
will sponsor church visitations to a
State Commended
'Protestant church and Synagogue.
The representatives also discovExplanations of the various parts of Dean's List Additions
ered that State College is held in
each service will be given. Details
high esteem by the Association and
of time and place will be posted on Announced By Nelson
that our student government is "recthe bulletin boards.
Milton G. Nelson, Dean and Act- ognized everywhere as being one of
IZFA Meeting
the best organized and operating."
IZFA will have a meeting on Tues- ing President, has announced two
day, April 13, in Room 109, Draper
Hall, at 3:30 p. m. The theme of for the first semester of the 1947-48 "Carmen" Soloists To Try-Out
the meeting will be "The Jewish school year. They are Margaret CurMr. Karl A. B. Peterson, InstrucNational Fund and the United Jew- tin '48 and Frances Cembalskl '49.
ish Appeal." Jean Hoffman '49, As a result of some misunder- tor of Music, has announced that
Chairman of the local JNF drive, standings in regard to the qualifi- tryouts for soloists for the conlias asked all holders of empty raf- cations for Dean's List the Regis- certized version of "Carmen," which
fle books to return them by the trar's office has felt it necessary to will be given as the spring musical,
have the regulations printed. To will be held Monday in Room 28,
time of the meeting.
On Thursday, April 8, IZFA will qualify for this list a student must Richardson Hall.
According to Mr. Peterson, it is
participate in a city wide protest have at least a "B" average in the
service, held at the Congregation semester's work and be taking 13 not necessary to be a member of
of Sons of Abraham, to protest the hours or more if a Senior or fresh- the operetta class to try out for a
present United States stand on the man and 15 hours if a Junior or part. Auditions will be open to the
entire student body.
partition of Palestine.
Religious Clubs
Announce Plans
Baseball Practice Begins; Volleyball Play W A A Reveali
Finds Four Sixes Sports Program
Golf, Tennis Planned
Still Undefeated For New Season
Softball League
Starts Play Soon
Last Monday a meeting was held
. .
, . ,
for all men interested in Varsity
Baseball, Golf and Tennis. The
turnout for baseball was good, over
twenty candidates reporting. Tennis
,1 «_..,.. . -. ,
and golf were not as fortunate. Only
four golfers and six tennis players
were present. This group was dismissed with a "It looks like the end
of tennis and golf" from Coach
These teams got off to a fine
start last year, after being dropped
during the war. If they are dropped
again, they can "wither on the
vine" for years without being
Baseball practice has started already, as soon as enough interest
is shown, golf and tennis can get
underway. Time is short, as both
teams should have at least two
weeks practice before meeting any
A Reminder
Remember, today is the final day
to nominate next year's M.A.A. officers. From all indications It will
be a bigger year than ever. This
year's M.A.A. ran smoothly because
the officers devoted a great deal
of time and effort to their jobs.
Four capable officers are needed
again. As previously stated in the
NEWS, nominations are open for:
president (must be in class of '49);
vice-president ('49 or '50); financial
seorr try C50); and secretary ('511.
Place names of candidates In a
sealed envelope and deposit in
M.A.A. mail box.
T-E-A-M, Yea Team
Two frosh Gain Title
In Mixed Bowling Tilt
With about 30 candidates report^ ^
Tuesday afternoon in Page Hall
gym. On Wednesday, the men journ e v e d to
Bleeker Stadium, which the
Mens Athletic Association secured
Amazing talent was displayed
by two members of the green and
white class in the WAA-MAA
mixed doubles bowling' match.
Astoundihg their opponents with
superb bowling skill, Mike Lamanna '51 and Fannie Longo '51
rolled into the spotlight Monday,
March 22 to capture the handicap title.
Not far behind the successful
freshman team were the grad
students Earl and Jean Snow,
who rolled 695 to stand second in
the tournament.
Seventeen hopeful couples participated with wishful gleams in
their eyes.
The four top teams stood as
Total Handi- Final
cap Total
Lam anna '51 606
Longo '51
Snow, E. Grad 607
Snow, J. Grad
Sorensen '50 601
Thompson '50
Chase '48
Cheatham '49
Orchids to Angle Ricci '48,
Audrey Adolphson '49, and last
but not least, Lyle Walsh '50 for
the efficient management of a
successful season in bowling.
ingi t n e s t a t e baseball s q u a d
games and practice,
had the men
H athaway
hitting extensively to help get their
arms and wrists in shape. A couple
0f laps on the track were helpful for
getting legs in shape. As it stands
at the first four practices, State's
£n t
team w m n
tchinir a and
* lv.
t o _ lincluding
n c l u d l n H mpitching
n d ' receiving.
Many freshmen are out for the
team to add to last year's regulars.
The squads hitting looks as though
it might prove to be packed with
power, with Kenny George, Roy
Monroe, Jim Warden, Hank Farley
and John Duffus driving them high
and far. The pitching staff has five
fellows working out. Coach Hathaway will be able to develop a wellrounded mound staff.
Infield Well Stocked
In the infield fifteen candidates
are vicing for position, but because
of hitting ability they might find
themselves working the pastures to
give State a well-balanced infield
and an outfield with plenty of
punch at the plate. Bob "We'll kill
'em" Baker, '51, is out every day
with the fellows in his position as
The members from last years
squad who arc returning are: Dickinson, Duffus, Dalton, George,
Glenday, Howar'h, Marzello, Farle.V, Monroe and Tucker. Several
freshmen and upper-classmen are
trying out for the first time" Blavctnlck, Carter, Clark, Clearwater,
D urkee, Engulhardt, Farmer, Kaehn,
K i r s h | L a manna, Llsker, McDonald,
p e t r l ) Stevenson. Warden,
ganlora Petrule and Gallagher,
To turn now to W.A.A., here and
now let us put in our plug for the
checrleacling motion now on the
assembly floor. As President Dlehl
pointed out the advantages for both
the squad itself, in the way of hav- Softball, Tennis, Golf
Ing a line in the budget; and for
Intra-mural softball will get unthe morale of teams and spectators, der way soon. -A twelve-team league
Is planned by Jim Brophy, '49, manare not to be sneezed at.
ai ,(, r
Turning to the pages of former
State, should be able to put an
sophomore editions We find grand
and glorious histories. Classes that experienced team out in golf and
thought they had records. Did you tennis. Very few men were out for
see the Blue-jays trounce the Red these sports however. Interest is
Devils football team? "They nevejr picking up in golf now. Fifteen golfAlK l ers have signed up thus far. Sevfound the touch-down line
fast we learned the only time that oral of list year's tennis regulars
we could win the fight, was when are missing this year so many trythe game was over and the score's oil Is are needed in this sport.
in black and white." So what did
'50 do? Why they won their sports.
Hockey, basketball, ping-pong, a
clean sweep of this year's Campus
Day Field Events, .swimming, bowling, softball, we won 'em all, sooner
or later.
Varsity Keglers
To Close Season
On Monday night, April 5th, the Spring vacation is over and W.
men's intra-mural volleyball league A. A.'s hale and hearty lasses : are
went into action. This year the back in swing. Elly Adams, "50,
faculty has entered a team which and Babe Paterson, '51, managers,
has great potentlonalities. However, announce the formation of a softthey seem to be off to a slow start. ball league. Dorms and sororities
Pitted against Potter Club in their are entered, besides some "pick-up"
first outing the faculty, paced by teams like the '48'ers and the Miss
Harry Grogan, won the first game, Fitts. Coaches will be especially
of a two out of three series, by the watching the Sophs and frosh at
count of 15-8. However, "father practice,
(Mondays, Wednesdays
time',' caught up to such stars as and Fridays—3:30-5:30 arid Satur"Tex" Beaty, "Clem" Hathaway, days— from 10-12) for material for
"Waa Waa" Jones, and "Hoot" Gib- the spring Rivalry softball game.
son. In the next two contests Potter took early leads to win 15-3
Tuesdays and Thursdays will be
and 15-6.
the dates for the greatly variegated
shows of activity. Volleyball and
In the other games the Angels archery will take over the dorm
beat K.D.R. 15-0 and then lost 15- field. Jean Hotaling, '50 and Jean
9. In the rubber game the Angels Sawyer, '51, will manage volleyball,
won a nip and tuck contest by the while Marty Mason and Betty Winkcount of 15-12. To close the eve- ler, both juniors, will bend the bow
nings activities the Ham and Eggers and direct the eye of archery enthusiasts with a willing hand.
took S.L.S. by 15-9 and 15-6.
On Tuesday night the Carpetbaggers forfeited their game to the
Ramblers. The Farmers Amalgamated won two straight from the
men of Sayles Annex, 15-10 and
15-4. In the nightcap the Celtics
beat the Jerks 15-3 and 15-13.
Wednesday night saw Potter win
their second game by defeating the
Angels 15-9 and 15-6. K. B. and
VanDerzee went into action for the
first time. The V. D. boys won the
first 15-1, however K. B. put up a
stiff fight in the second only to
lose 16-14.
To finish the night off K.D.R.
came back in winning form to defeat S.L.S. They won the first, 155; lost the second, 15-9; and copped
Varsity Bowling closes tills com- the final, 15-8.
ing Wednesday with State facing
two opponents, Albany Pharmacy
a l l d A11}
any Law. Both matches will
be rolled at the Playdium, the
match with Law starting at 7:00.
State will bowl against Pharmacy
at 9:00. SfMc was scheduled to face
Law last Wednesday, but the match
was postponed as Law Is now on
At the same time the Page Hall
gym will be the scene of "birdies"
flying as Elsa Moberg, '49, and Rosemary Lessard, '50, mentor the badminton athletes.
In Washington Park, Shirley McCuen, '50, will be overseeing the
participants wrangling for tennis
credit; and last, but not least, all
the Women of the Athletic Association are Invited to join the Hiking Club, under the direction of
Lucy Lytle, '49.
Also, open to all the girls of State
are the facilities of Camp Johnston, "clown river" at Chatham.
Perhaps you've seen the sign up
sheet on the bulletin board; or contact Paula Tichy, '48, or Edle Kelleher, '50, for an open date.
State Is Holding Third
team '« currently in third
place In the Inter-collegiate League,
two games behind league-leading
siena and only one game behind
second place R.P.I. The home team
must sweep nil of their last six
games and Siena drop at least two,
if the Statesmen are to tie for first
or win the championship. Also R.
P. I. must drop at least one of
their last games If State is to stay
in the running.
Odds and limls
The sixteen volleyball teams lire
high for any Intramural Sport thus
far—-Congratulations to Fran Mulllxi. this year's table tennis champion, and runner-up Warren Noble
- The faculty has entered a team
In the Volleyball league mentioned
above, here's hoping they also shoulder a bat.
Here comes I lie orchids department: it's seldom you find yourself
enjoying knocking your brains out
for ot tiers, bill when it's Tlchy,
Broph or Mickey, it's a pleasure.
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It HO A I) W A Y — A M t A N Y
Men's Shoos Illusively
a 17
W. I . D O U Q I A S / S H O I
I'HK COLLiai J I W I I . B R
103 C E N T R A L AVE.
±*% n e
it 1 V E It S T R K 12 T — T H O Y
Men's unit Women's Siloes
ers' colleges; financial problems and
Walsh To Welcome
the handling of finances; assembly
QQCHUU fyoobto&M.
programs; and -a publicity conferConference Delegates
ence at which Paul C. Bulger, Co(Continued from Page1, Column U ordinator of Field Services and PubReno S. Knouse, Professor of Merthe dorms occupied by the dele- lic Relations, will speak, together
chandising, was elected Vice President of the Business Section of the Faculty members of the Science gates. "Tomorrow's Teachers," the with Mr. Harold Henderson, from
New York State Vocational and department will take part in a spe- movie about State, and "Assignment the Knickerbocker News.
Tomorrow" are to be shown at the Attend Banquet
Practical Arts Association at their
meeting in Buffalo last week, March cial science series of talks over Little Theater in Milne, at 10 a. m. A banquet has been scheduled for
WROW Thursday evening at 9:30, Topics to be discussed during the tomorrow evening, though the place
next week. The talks are day are the curricula of state teach- is as yet undecided. Main speaker
Dr. Watt Stewart, Professor of
History, was a guest of Dr. Louis entitled "The Advancement of
Jones at a meeting of the New York Learning," from the work of Francis
State Historical Association held Bacon. Schedule is as follows:
last Friday.
Dr. Charles Andrews, Professor of April 15, Dr. Charles L. Andrews,
Physics and Dr. Carleton Moore, As- Professor of Physics, will talk on
sistant Professor and Supervisor in the contribution o! Joseph Henry
Science, attended the meeting of to American physics; April 22, Dr.
the New York State Section of the Oscar Lanford, Professor of ChemAmerican Physical Society held
istry, will speak on new developApril 3, at Hamilton College.
"Memphis Down in Dixie," auth- ments in radiant heating; April 29,
ored by Dr. Shields Mcllwaine, Pro- Mr. Bernard Ellison, Instructor in
fessor of English, has just been re- Biology, will talk on a subject to
leased by the E. P. Dutton Co. Concurrent with this selection Scrib- be announced, In t h e Held of Biners Sons have just announced the ology.
publication of a novel written by
Mrs. Leona Rienow, wife of Dr. Demonstrations Highlight
Robert Rienow, Assistant Professor
of Political Science. The latter book College A i r - A g e Meet
is entitled, "The Bewitched CavThe Dean and Acting President,
Dr. Robert W. Frederick, Director M. G. Nelson announces that an
of Training, and Mr. Paul G. Bul- Air-Age Conference will b e held at
ger, Coordinator of Field Serlvces the New York State College for
and Public Relations at State Col- Teachers on April 20, 21, and 22.
lege, will attend Guidance Day at This is sponsored by the New York
the Monticello High School on Fri- State College for Teachers and the
Link Aviation Company of Bingday, April 9.
Dr. James Childers, Professor of hamton, New York. There will be
Spanish, attended a meeting of the daily and evening meetings. Mr.
Castleton Discussion Group last Fri- Paul Dittman and Mr. Lloyd Kelly
day at which he presented a dis- of the Education Division of the
course on American aid to China. Link Aviation Company will do
Mrs, Marjorle DiCaprio has been demonstration teaching. The Link
appointed Supervisor of English at Pilot Trainer will be used for demMilne High School to replace Mrs. onstration purposes, and new classCecilia McGinnis. She will super- room material of the Air-iAge will
be displayed.
vise grades 8 and 10.
Faculty To Talk
will be Mrs, Janice Tunningley, one
of the founders of the Association,
formerly president of the student
organization at Geneseo State
Teachers' College. Afterwards the
students will attend the Sophomore
Big-4, for which tickets were donated by the class.
Tentative plans have been made
for a sum-up meeting on Sunday if
it is considered necessary by the
' • "
State College
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1948
Pierce Schedules Milne Spring Concert Promises StudentsToDiSGUSS Budget,
Annual Formal
Oriental Music, Square Dancing ^ g N o m i n a t e O f f i c e r s
Jonquil Jump
You've all heard about Milne's is the first time that this has even
Spring Concert—if not why did you been staged in Albany. He has enWhitney, Cook Direct cut assembly last week? However, titled his prodigy, "Vale of Shang- Class Of '57 Aims Sky-High;Slate Speeches
that is beside the point; the point ri-La", and just as the title suggests, State's Affairs Looking Up
Plans For Decoration
being that from the sampling we the theme will be oriental. The deYep, things are certainly
had last Friday it promises to be tails are not for publication, but
For Next Week
In Theme O f Spring
looking up around State these
a production worth attending.
here is a teaser. When the curtains
days. Part of the reason is that
Pierce Hall will sponsor its anJust in case you're not convinced, are opened the Milnettes and a colspring is in the air, of course,
Meetings To Continue
nual semi-formal dance, "The Jon- here is a hint of what you'll hear oratura soprano will be on stage
but the other part might be atquil Jump," Saturday, April 16, if you take the tip. The program providing the back-ground music,
Monday, If Necessary
tributed to the fact that Spring
from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m., in the is divided into four parts . . . each while a pallet group dances to "Song
Rhapsody is in the making.
Ingle Room. Helen Cook and Wil- original and very different, accord- of India." There's more to the scene,
For Budget Discussion
ma Whitney, Juniors, have been ing to Dr. Roy York, Milne's di- but that's to be seen.
The NEWS realizes that it's
appointed co-chairmen.
will begin this morning
not making any profound staterector.
The finale will be staged against
To carry out the jonquil theme, The following scene is Dr. York's
ment by printing the above fact, at 11:05 a.m. since discussion of the
decorations will include a canopy pride and joy. Acording to him, it a modernistic back-drop. At this
because the results of the frosh's budget and nominations for Stutime the Milnettes will sing a
of green and yellow crepe paper in
work is already obvious . . . es- dent Association officers are exgroup
the center of the room and an arch
pecially in lower Huested and
pected to fill the scheduled hour.
three others by the Male Ensemble.
of real jonquils over the door.
Hawley. Here the Class of '51 is Alice Walsh, President of Student
All of this will be topped by the carrying out their spring theme Association, has announced that if
Streamers of corresponding colors
two groups singing together. The
will also adorn the Ingle Room and
as far as possible.
the budget is not completed today,
conclusion will feature "Oh What a
the adjoining hall. The dance proadditional assembly meetings will
Atmosphere is being blended
Beautiful Morning", "Country Style"
gram to be presented at the door
into the fresh tan paint by the be held starting Monday at noon.
will be yellow and in the form of
(in tuxes, incidentally) and the
use of traditional festive obStudent Association budget will be
a jonquil.
well received "Battle Hymn of the
jects . . . butterflies and bees presented by Rodney Felder '49, AudRepublic."
The dance Is free to all the resiand flowers among other things. itor of Student Board of Finance.
dents of Pierce Hall, while the cost
Music fills the air as quietly as In discussing the budget, amendPlans announced this week by
to outsiders is $1.50 a couple. In religious clubs Include: a conferpossible and descriptive words ments may be made after the readpast years, this formal has been ence at Hobart College, a meeting dedicated to Dr. Robert Fredericks,
are pasted there to add to the ing of each section and also at the
traditionally closed to all except and a Communion breakfast sched- who founded the Milne music dedaze. A column decked with
end of the entire budget, but after
those living at Pierce.
life-like roses completes this one section is finished discussion,
uled by Newman Club; a speaker
picture of a spring wonderland. may not return to that item until
Gordon Jones and his eleven- sponsored at a Tri City meeting by
piece orchestra will furnish the IVCP; a Capitol District Student
All of this is to be followed by
the entire budget is finished. Stumusic for the dance.
Christian Movement Banquet slatmore, according to Jean Sanddents may speak only twice on any
Other committee chairmen are as ed for Saturday by SCA. In addiburg, publicity director, so quit one question.
follows: Decorations, Erna Burns tion, SCA has announced plans for
cutting classes, kids; the freshNominate SA Officers
'48; Programs, Audrey Hartmann nomination of officers, and Newmen have cooked up a homeNominations for officers of Stu'50; Tickets, Margaret Hosklng '50; man lias released nominations almade spring fever for you.
dent Association will be made this
Chaperones, Shirley Williams '48; ready made for next year's officers.
According to an announcement
Refreshments, Jane Knapp '49;
morning; campaign speeches will be
The Central Province of Newman made by John Jennings '49, ChairClean-up, Jean Ineson '49.
given in next week's assembly proClub Confederation will hold a con- man of Inter-Group Council, tickets / /
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bulger, Mr. ference at Hobart College this for the Playhouse production, "The
and Mrs. Harper Beaty and Mr. and week end, extending from today un- Glass Menagerie", to be held on
Campaign speeches for class offiMrs. Arthur Jones will chaperone til Sunday. The following people May 11, will go on sale today in
cers will be given a t class meetings
the event.
from Slate will attend: Eleanor Lower Draper.
Thursday noon, and will be voted
Two o'clock hours are extended Holbig '48, Shirley easier '50, Paul
upon in next week's assembly also.
This production is being made
to those attending the dance.
King and John Lehr, freshmen.
AH candidates for the office of
The Saturday program will in- the Atterbury Players in conjuncclass president or student council
clude student panel discussions, a
will be required to take an examinabanquet at Club 86, talks by college tion with Inter-Group Council. Mr.
The State College NEWS has been tion testing their knowledge of the
chaperones, and a dance at the
awarded the All-American rating
Association constitution
many students attend the perform- for the first semester by the Asso- Student
Civic center.
either Tuesday or Wednesday. Canance.
There will be a Newman C1U:J
didates for the office of President,
meeting Wednesday it 7.30 p. m., other performances may bo spon- Is the only honor rating higher Vice-President or Secretary will
than All-American. This is the take constitutional exams Wedneswith benediction. A report on the
conference will be followed by a
Student tickets are on sale for third time the NEWS has received day or Thursday.
general business meeting.
75 cents and guest seats are $1.80 this rating.
Nominations and withdrawals for
Demonstration of the School Link
A Communion breakfast Is being and $2.20. If a student wishes to
In scoring of the paper, out of a officers of Student Association will
Trainer, a new functional classroom planned by Newman for May 2.
Leaching aid, will highlight the AirEveryone who wishes to go must bring an outside guest the price possible 1005 credits, the NEWS be closed Tuesday at 4:30 p.m., while
Age Education Clinic to be held In sign up on the Newman bulletin remains the same for guest tickets received 925, being strongest in nominations and withdrawals for
but, enables the student to a guest; coverage of news and weakest In class officers close today at 4:30
the Stale College Lounge Tuesday board before April 20.
seal. Students can also purchase timely feature material.
through Thursday. A schedule for
Nominations for 1948-1949 are as
The NEWS was founded thirty
the Center has been drawn up follows: President, Jack Brophy 49; their tickets on the installment plan.
years ago by a committee from the
which Includes lecture-demonstra- Vice-President, Sally Glaconia, Alice
Class of 1918. Alfred E. Dedlcke
tions for the Science methods, the Rcilly, Donald Hoyt, Sophomores; Freshmen Plan Party
served as first editor and each new
Social Studies Methods, and the Secretary, Elizabeth Cahlll '51;
editor has tried to better the stanMathematics Method students of Treasurer, Mary Randall '50, andIn Commons May Day
dards set by his predecessor, The
the college. Milne school students Elizabeth dishing and Robert UrnA freshman party will be spon- NEWS was established as a weekly
are scheduled to participate In some holt,/, freshmen.
sored by the freshman class in the bulletin t-> "bring each extreme of
of the courses.
The Student Christian Associa- Commons on May 1, from 8 until our student, life into direct touch
Students Urged to Attend
tion nominating committee will 11:30 p.m. Freshmen and their with the other."
Seniors and graduate .students are meet this noon to prepare a slate
During the first year of its ex- The Jewish Passover season will
especially urged to attend the open of officers for 11)48-1949. Nomina- guests will dance to records and
meetings of the Clinic. The open tions may also be made from today play cards. Entertalnmont, Includ- istence, the NEWS, then consist- be opened at Stale with the celefin- bration of the traditional Passover
sect ion of the .schedule will be posted until Wednesday at. 3:30 p, in. The ing specially acts, will be provided, ing of a four column page, was
mi the bulletin board In Draper nominations should be -put In the and refreshments will be served. anced by subscriptions, r * was Seder In the Lounge at 3:30 p.m.,
opposite the Registrar's office Mon- SCA mall box. Next Friday's NEWS The decoration of the Commons will placed on a student budget In the under the sponsorship of Hillel.
Spring of 1917.
Stanley Abrams '48, will officiate,
day. The 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. hour will curry the list, of nominations, carry out, a May Day theme.
according to Iram Rosen '48, presiIs definitely open to college students, and elections will take place the
dent of Hillel.
and college and Milne faculty for week of April 20.
ii .short course on the Air Ago CenThe annual celebration Is held hi
Thursday at 7:30 p. m., SCA will
have a general mooting. The topic
remembrance of the deliverance of
the Jews from Egyptian slavery. At
The School Link Trainer, a of discussion will be "Religion and
the Seder feast each of the foods
ground-bound "airplane", contains Higher Education." In addition, the
eaten has a significant and hisall controls and Instruments found Sliver Bay Conference will be distorical meaning. The Matzoh, or
In modern light planes, and can cussed.
At, the Trl-Clty Inter-Varsity
Elect Ions for next year's class Lytic, Dorothy Mldgley, .Elsa Mo- unleavened bread, Is eaten to repitch, bank and turn in response
to movements of slick and rudder Christian Fellowship meeting on officers will be held In assembly berg, Beverly Sit tig; W.A.A. Man- mind the Hebrew of the "bread of
April 17, at 8:00 p, m. In the HPI next, Friday. Nominations will be ager, Juanila Evans, Oolettn Fltz- affliction", of the wretchedness of
The purpose of the Air Center is Clubhouse Ballroom, Dr. J. Lau- open until 4:30 p.m. today. The fol- morris, Lucy Lytic, Margaret Sea- the Hebrews during their enslavelo provide In one room nil the Im- rence Kulp will discuss the topic, lowing people have been nominated man, Beverly Slttlg; Student Coun- ment In Egypt, and of the haute
from their respective classes as the cil, Robertson Baker, .lames Brophy, In which they left Egypt.
plements which a teacher needs to "Science, Falsely So Culled."
Catherine Donnelly, Ann Gourley, To Serve Traditional KOIMIS
NEWS goes lo press:
present aviation Interestingly and
Intelligently. The School Link is Juniors Requested To Sign
The maror, or bitter herbs, is a
Class »f Kill): President, Robert- Marie Clrleco, Jean Hoffman, Barmanufactured by Link Aviation, For Hats, Canes, Armbands
son Baker, James Brophy, Thomas bara Bouck, Jean Ineson, Joseph reminder of the bitterness of the lot
Keefe, Robert Kilticdge, Jean McInc., Blnghamtan, New York,
According to an announcement by Llskor, Millard Smith, Hubert Wil- Cube, Jean Munro, Jean Pulver, of the Hebrews under Egyptian
bondage. The roasted egg symbolcox,
Robert Wilcox, President of the
Mary J. Perls, Morton Thayer.
izes the free-will festival offering.
Report Sak-swork Available
Junior Class, all Juniors are re- Rodney Felder, Elizabeth Gibson,
Class of 11)50: President, Heinz Wine also is placed on the table,
Joan Me.Oiibo, Agnes Mclntyre;
A number of openings are nowquested to sign up on the bulletin Treasurer, Robert Kaiser. Cheer- Engel, Richard Feathers, Robert four cups of it being drunk during
available for Saturday store work,
leader, Mary Cheatham, Patricia Freyer, Ettrle Jones, Anthony Pro- the evening In connection with the
according to Mr. it. S. Knouse, Pro- and ribbons for Movlng-Up Day. Hammtinn. Publicity Director, Stel- ehllo, Harold Vaughn; Vice-Presi- passage In Exodus whero the r e Since
fessor of Merchandising,
la Bogdanskl, Marjorle
Fusmer. dent, Robert Freyer, Doris Price, demption of Israel Is announced in
Professor Knouse states that those names appearing on the list in Hongleiuler, Louise Dutoher, Mar- Lyle Walsh; Secretary, Jeanne Bow- lour different phrases.
these Jobs will pay u salary of the next two weeks will receive them. garet Franks, Audrey Jerue, Har- en, Dorothy Conwuy, Catherine
Faculty members and students of
It was also announced that class
seventy cents per hour and anyone
old Mills, Marjorle Smith; W.A.A. Noonan, Barbara Smith, RuUi all faiths have been Invited to parrings
interested may eontuct him in room
(Continued on Page i, Column V take in this annual celebration,
Representative, Juunlta Kvuns, Lucy
Movlng-Up Day.
305, Draper.
Religious Clubs
To Elect Leaders,
Plan Meetings
IGC commences
Sale Of Tickets
Florist & Greenhouse
Corner of
DJAL 4-1125
NEWS' Rates
All-A mencan
For Third Time
"State" Representatives
Air-Age Clinic
Will Demonstrate
Link Trainer Aid
Special Attention to Sororities and Fraternities—
Hillel To Open
Jewish Passover i
With Seder Feast
Students Select '48 Candidates
For Class Officers Next Tuesday
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