
Nelson Names
New Members
O f State Faculty
Twenty-eight new members have
joined t h e State College faculty,
this fall, nine of whom a r e filling
new positions.
Paul G. Bulger, formerly head of
t h e S t u d e n t Employment Bureau,
h a s returned from
the United
S t a t e s Army and T e a c h e r s College,
Columbia Uniersity, to a new position as Coordinator of Field Services a n d Public Relations. Mr. Bulger will be responsible for a d m i s sions a n d placements. Mr. Harper
P . Beaty, from Lasata, Texas, h a s
been appointed to the Education
D e p a r t m e n t , in a new position.
Frosh Fill Lower Draper
In Old Erin's Green
W e a r i n g of T h e Green. Erin Go
B r a g h a n d Hail to T h e Loyal Sons
of I r e l a n d !
W i t h spirited
Class of '51 takes over the colors of
the Class of '47. B r a n d i s h i n g their
b r i g h t green "little boy c a p s " a n d
ribbons, t h e frosh, although somew h a t confused a n d dazed, a r e m a k ing their m a r k on the S t a t e College
G a y e r t h a n the emblems of last
year's freshman class, these new
spots of color m a r k the wearer be
yond question and gives cause to
varied c o m m e n t s from upperclassmen. F r o m the sneering sophomores
they hear, "just wait"; t h e everloving J u n i o r s promise, "We're behind you" a n d the long-suffering
Seniors s a y : "Go to It, kids."
For the first time the freshmen
are wearing an Eaton style cap, a n d
it is the popular opinion t h a t this
c h a n g e from beanies is much for
the better.
It's a g r e a t tradition a n d the
green-decked frosh are doing their
part in upholding it.
Upperclassmen. Newman Club
Will Welcome Class Of '51
St udent Council To Play Host
Nelson Slated
Tomorrow Night A t Reception
To Address '57 Receptions for the Class of '51 are scheduled for the main
of the week end. Tonight Newman Club is sponsoring1
- In 1st Assembly aevents
reception at Newman Hall at 8:00 P.M. while S.C.A. mem-
T h e first assembly of the year bers will be welcomed at the church of their denominations
will open this morning witli t h e in the city of Albany. An All-College Reception has been
traditional singing of the Alma planned by Student Council to be held in the Commons tomorMater a n d an official welcome to row night at 8:00 P.M. at which all classes will be present.
tlie student body from Alice P r i n Newman Reception
dle. President of Student Associa- — — — — — — — — — — - —
Mrs. Laura F . Campaigne h a s
J o h n Brophy, '49, c h a i r m a n for
tion. Myskania and Student Counaccepted a position in the College
the reception a t Newman Hall t o cil members will then be IntroduLibrary formerly held by Miss Alice
night h a s a n n o u n c e d his c o m m i t ced and Milton G. Nelson, Dean
M. Kirkpatrick. In the Biology D e tees as follows: Margaret S e a m a n ,
and Acting President, will give his
p a r t m e n t , Mi.s.s R u t h Haynes Card
'49, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Marian
Fura n n u a l address to the incoming
will fill a new position. J a m e s E.
long, '49, Reception Committee, a n d
freshmen class.
Cochrane, formerly a member of
Alice Reilley, '50, Refreshments.
this faculty, will act as SuperviUnited Nations W c k will be celeFollowing Miss Prindl's welcome
S. C. A.
sor ol English in the Milne School.
to the new freshman class, each brated at S t a t e n e x t week under the
S.C.A. members will meet in front
member of Myskania, the college c h a i r m a n s h i p of Marion Hancock, of Draper a t 7:30 tonight a n d t h e y
Mrs. Mary R. Couse will act as
honorary society, will rise and be '48, according to Stanley Abrams, will s t a r t from t h r e in their r e assistant to Miss Mable E. J a c k m a n
introduced to the assembly. S t u - '48, Speaker of F o r u m . As a fol- spective groups. Receptions for these
in the Milne School Library. From
denl Council, which consists of low up to this activity, F o r u m is groups will be held at the E m m a n u t h e University of Virginia, Stewart
four members irom each of the four going to have Mr. J a m e s Altlrich, el Church a n d the Madison Avenue
Denslow has joined S t a t e College
classes will be introduced. Miss F r i n - field representative of the Ameri- Church for the Baptists. All Episas Assistant Professor of Modern
de will then announce the class can Association for the United N a - copalians will attend St, Andrews
Languages. Dolores DiRubbo h a s
guardians who will assist the re- tions, as guest speaker at a special Church and the L u t h e r a n R e c e p joined the Spanish
spective classes during the coming meeting in the Lounge Thursday. tion will take place at t h e F r i e n d while G r a h a m Duncan a g r a d u a t e
I n t e r - G r o u p Council will play semester. They are Ann May a n d October 9.
ship house. Methodists will be welof S t a l e College, r e t u r n e d as a host to several teacher
Miss Hancock h a s planned a p r o - comed at the Trinity Church a n d
men ber oi the English Depart.;.ient from New York, Vermont, New J e r - John Dooley for the Class of '48,
Stanley Abrams and Helen Kisiel
F n m New York UPiver.-'. .', Mai.- sey, a n d Michigan at a conference lor I lie Class of '49, Gloria Gilbert gram consisting of exhibits, pos- Die Presbyterian
grid H. Ellcnbogen h. „ a-i pled a on i n t e r g r o u p relations to be held and Alice Williams for the Class of ters, and a distribution of litera- members will attend the First P r e s ture throughout the college build- byterian Church.
position in the Social SiAe'.les De- at S t a t e College November 7-8. T h e '50. and William Baldwin and Wil- ings.
T h e purpose of the program is
All-College Reception
pnrtment as Assist a it. Professor. theme that will be stressed t h r o u g h - nia Dielil lor the Class of ol.
to make the student body aware of
C a t h e r i n e Donnelly, '49, g e n e r a l
Theodore H. Fossieck, from li'i'ii.os, out t h e conference will be "Ways
Dean Nelson, who has been Act- t h e motto of the occasion: "There's c h a i r m a n of (he All-College R e c e p will act as Assistant Professor in of Working with People", ami Joyce
tion has announced her c o m m i t G u i d a n c e and School Administration Simon. '4!). general c h a i r m a n , lias ing President since President J o h n U in the United Nations."
Aldrieh is touring the colleges in tees as follows:
Randolph S. G a r d n e r lias been a p - expressed her personal aim as "push M. Sayles resigned last year, will
pointed Assistant Professor and S u - lethargic belief into action."
extend his annual official welcome this area to build up an apprecia- Stanley Abrams, Marion Mieras,
tion for the aims and workings of Francis Mullin. Class of '48; R e pervisor in Mathematics, while Mary
Tlie program lor the weekend, to Hie freshmen.
the U. N. He was present when Sec- freshments, Gloria Gilbert, '48, R o b E. Gravelle will also act as a S u - according lo the plans that have
retary of S t a t e Marshall addressed ertson Baker, '49; Decorations, Alice
pervisor in Mathematics.
been m a d e t h u s for. will include
the American Association for the Williams, '48, Joseph
Dorothy E. Lee has been appoin- a general discussion of tactics to
U. N.
Robert Kittredge, Class of '49, a n d
ted to the Commerce Department, promote t h e theme of the conferThe administratiot
has requesSoapbox, the official publication Richard F e a t h e r s , '50; A r r a n g e and Mildred Kirshenblum to the ence and will be lead by Robert
that ihe followin rule.' be ob- of Forum, will be out, Wednesday in ments, Francis Mullin, '48, William
Department of Spanish. Mrs. Anna
the lower hall of Draper, as last Lyons, '50; Chaperones, J a m e s B r o E. Love, formerly of the Nurses Also there will be a round table dis- served in [he P. O.:
No i moking
year, the policy of the editors will phy, '49; Vic. Music, Richard F e a t h T r a i n i n g School of Cumberland, cussion of which Mrs. Garcia BowCommission
be to print material presented by ers, '50.
Maryland will serve in the Depart- mai , of the S t a l e
No •atlng
a g a i n s t Discrimination, will be the
Tlie reception line for t h e Allstudents.
Articles of approximately
ment of Hygiene.
No coats or books en or in desks
leading speaker.
'200 words in length on topics of College Reception will consist of
Mrs. Rebecca J. Lukens, from St. Two films, "A Belter
current interest are needed and Francis Mullin, Robert Wilcox, a n d
Olal College, Northiit-Id, Minnesota,
New- .'"tut*I urge: the student contributions should be put in the Anthony Procilo, Presidents of t h e
lias been appointed to a position in
(Continucd on Pane 1), Column -H
body to abide bv thesi regulations. Forum mailbox.
the Department of English, and Mrs.
classes respectively and t h e officers
Cecilia Fox McGinnls will act as
of Student Association who a r e
Supervisor of English in the Milne
Alice Prlndlc, President, Robert. K i t School. Robert E. Mason, coming Spiders, Midnight Dips, Boating, Songs A d d To First Impressions
tredge, Vice-President, and Rose
here from Indiana Central College,
Mary Willsey, Secretary.
h a s joined the Psychology Depart- Frosh Women Receive O f
State College A t Burden Lake Camp
Faculty chaperones for tomorrow
ment. Elmer C. Mathews will serve
night will be Dr. J. Alan Hicks,
in the Milne School English DeNever hove a hunch of upperweekend "had been super with Professor of Guidance. Dr. R a l p h
p a r t m e n t and in the Appointment classmen a n d frosh had a better
plenty lo do, plenty to eat, plenty Clausen, head of the Biology D e Bureau.
time t h a n did I he gang thai invaol everything. . .so she didn't miss partment, Dr. Ralph Kenney, A s Karl A. B. Peterson of East Or- ded the wilds of C a m p Van Schoonif." Jackie Mann, a g r a d u a t e of sistant Professor of Guidance, D r .
ange. New Jersey lias accepted a haven Burden Lake at the a n n Milne High iincidentally, we have Edward Cooper, Assistant Professor
position in the Music D e p a r t m e n t ual W o m e n ' s Frosh C a m p last weekthree of Iheini said, "I don't know of Commerce, and Miss Mary Molir,
and Paul B. Peftit from Cornell end.
about I he other years but I've nev- Instructor of English.
er had a more wonderful time in
University h a s been appointed to the
Under t h e direction of Elolse
life. . . .the freshman class
College English D e p a r t m e n t . Harry Worth, ''H, the three jam-packed
should feel like they've been really Freshmen Handbooks
S. Price and Murray 13. Setdler hold days s t a r t e d off with a bang as the
welcomed." From H a s t i n g s - O n - t h e positions in the Social Studies De- frosh became acquainted with Miss
Huclson comes Cecelia Battisfi who In The Guide Office
F u t t e r e r a n d h e r specially,
thinks Frosh Camp is a very good
Edward P. Shaw from
Miami Twelve-Pound hook," and watched
J e a n Pulver, '49, Ed. of the F r o s h
way of getting people acquainted Handbook, has announced t h a t all
University, Oxford, Ohio, is P r o - the pictorial story of life at S l a t e
and also gives the frosh some idea freshmen who ha.'e not received
fessor oi Romance Languages. Dr. College in the movie, "Tomorrow's
of what they're going into.
Louise M. Tone coming from lthica Teachers." Followed by dancing and
handbooks or class ribbons should
Ton! Frassa of Schenectady thinks ask for them at the Student G u i d e
College is a member of the Physi- eats. . .the food was good, incidentally.
the spirit of Stale is just wonder- desk which Is located in the outer
cal Education Department. Lou B.
also the vim, vigor, and vi- room of the Dean of Women's ofUtter, New York, will teach in the as they settled down to sleep. . .
.especially of the upper- fice. T h e editor also asks that a n y
Milne Art Department while Ruth
noise of singing and other activiclassmen. . . .claims she never spent freshmen who have received duplili, Woolschagei' has become a mem
ties I nun I he waterfront. . yes,
a belter weekend. . .And Nickie Fox, cate copies in mail which arrived
ber ol the Commerce Department
you guessed 11, the upperclasslilell.
from Albany High was impressed after they left home, return t h e m
in Milne.
Up bright and early S a t u r d a y
with tlie extreme friendliness of to the Guide office.
morning. . .couldn't get away from
Each year the Handbook is p u b Sophomores Requested lho.se s u m m e r waitress jobs. .we
T h e frosh really showed they h a d lished for the benefit of the s t u ale a hearty breakfast and were
talent In the show Saturday night dents entering the college. It Is fiwhen so many volunteered to help nanced by the Student Association
To Tryout For N E W S ready lor t h e big day. Twink's welcome address swept the frosh off
that 17 different numbers had to and presented by the Junior class,
Tile S t a l e College News can not their leel a s they sal up and look
be eliminated. . . .and the style This year the book includes a new
without notice of t h e sparkplug' ol Si udent owners oi l i e several losl articles show by the counsellors. . .oh, those map of the college and nearby viany reporters to gather the news. Association . . . heard around I he . . lleslin, Willsey and the camp dresses of Bistolf's . . and the coun- cinity which was drawn by O a t h store. . . .competition between the sellor's skit. . .Well, Dell was Sadie rlne Donnelly, '49. Also for the first
So far the number of tr.vouis from room. "Unit little girl?"
the Class of '!)(). has been very small.
Of course there were the bridge red, yellow and blue. . the blue hoppenheinicr the green freshman time in several years, the cover of
Sophomores who are Interested In games, canoes. . .tipped ones in- being victorious. . . .everything to . . . .need I say more? V
the book represents the colors of
either the sports or editorial staffs eluded. . .the hllu wlth Lucy Lytic welcome the Class of '51.
F r o m tlie Oaky Doaky to t h e the class.
are asked to sign up in the hall . . .soflball with Dlehl. swimming
All Marjie
Wojtal of Albany Drnpo Llndy, from upperclassmen
T h e Information is printed In t h e
outside of the P. O. from noon on with Tllden once more in charge could sa.v when asked how she e n - to the frosh, It was Just ° n e won- handbook to aid tho students to
today. No experience is necessary ol the waterfront, . .singing, sun- Joyed Frosh Camp was, "I had a derful weekend when friendliness become thoroughly acquainted with
but tryuuts must show genuine In- burns. . .spiders In the lower cabin wonderful time" and Oinny Nor- was the only thing t h a t m a t t e r e d the rules, practices, a n d traditions
terest a n d willingness to work.
Dell fnu'iticitlly looking for the ton of Forest Kills thought the to anyone.
of the college.
Forum Schedules
U. N. Celebration
IGC Announces
Mew P.O. Ruled
F R I D A Y , SEPT, 19,
An Appeal . . .
is a student owned
and operated paper published weekly to keep the
students informed of college activities. It is printed
according to accepted journalistic standards and
all sources of news are covered as adequately as
Before the year starts and too many assemblies
The Common-Stater is given the widest latitude as
author of this column, although his viewpoints do
cooperation from heads of organizations.
All copy must be in Wednesday night at the
latest and since no member of the NEWS staff
possesses psychic powers, all information must be
correct when handed to our reporters, if the story
is to be correct when it appears in the paper on
Friday. We are proud of our All-American rating
and want to keep it high, but we must have cooperation in getting the news accurately and on
To put out a good paper we must also have a
Cnpyn'irht. 10115 hy Ennui r e Inc. PI A ff Michigan Avenue, Chicago 11, III.
good staff. Now we need Sophomores. The Sophomores on the staff make up the reporters and in
November, six will be chosen as Sophomore Desk
Editors. No exceptional talents are necessary and
Board members will teach all tryouts our style of
writing and presentation. Sophomores may sign
up in front of the P. 0. today and start working Those of us who lie nestled smoke came from his smiling lips.
against the scholarly bosom of
right away.
"Shrdlu, fine fella. Dresses well.
9<kot% JbelUfkt
Time alters many things and the News Office
is no exception. The P. 0 . has always been the
smoky refuge of weary students—just the right
place for a quick smoke, a hand of bridge between
classes or a bite of lunch on busy days but when
the Co-op moved in, some of ot.r privileges moved
The administration has requested that a few
changes be made and the N E W S Board has agreed
to cooperate in seeing that these requests are carried out. Besides the minor rulings that there is
to be no bridge playing or lunch eating and that
coats and other possessions are not to be thrown
on our desks and tables, there is to be a major
ruling which states: " N o Smoking in the P.O."
The administration feels that the new rulings are
best for all concerned and the News Board must
see to it that these regulations are carried out.
We are not trying to assert our authority or
announce to the world that "today we are wheels",
but are trying to carry out the wishes of the administration. We, too, are governed by these same
regulations. The News Board has pledged its cooperation and asks for the cooperation of the student body in keeping that pledge.
We have always urged students to frequent the
P.O. for much of our news comes from chance
remarks dropped during the course of conversation,
since the
this intimacy with the student body if it is to maintain its high standing, we ask the students to continue this practice. However, all those who frequent the P. (). must abide by the rules set down.
We ask your cooperation in making our task of
enforcing these rules an easy one.
Established May 1916
By the Class oM918
September 19, 1947
No. 1
Colli>Kluti> Digest
The unilertfniduntu newspaper til' the New York Siuie Col
lege fur Teachers; piilillHtmil every Friday of the college
your by the N'KWS Hoard for the Student Association.
P h o n e s : May, 3-DM8; Coleman, -' Dial; Zhinl, :i llfi.'iH; Clark,
Hoohford, K-0287.
Mom bora of the news staff may lie
reached Tiles., mill Wed. from 7 to 11 :.'HI I' M. Ill .'1 (MOT.
The News Board
All eoiiiiniinlcalloiih Klioald be addressed to the editor anil
as such uiproBulons do not necessarily reflect lis view
must be signed,
Names will be withheld upon refiuesl
The STATE COM.IOUK NEWS assumes no resnoualbllUy
for opinions expressed In Its columns or communications
those of
get underway with, ''Contrary to the STATE COLLEGE N E W S — " , we shall make our annual plea for
No Smoking
Greetings to those of you familiar with the offerings from the tripe-writer of the Com-Stat and an
outstretched paw to the freshmen. We had a chance
to look over the hardier members of '51 at Frosh
Camp and predict, that the Sophs will have their
hands full in trying to keep the Greenics on the
straight and narrow.
Although butter, milk, meat, grain, and related foodstuffs went up during the summer, skirts kept the
balance by coming down. Prom a casual scientific
observation of gams about the campus we arrive
at the conclusion that the majority of the co-eds did
not fall for designers' attempts to create a new market. This speaks well for both the intelligence and
figures of our future teachers.
The Co-Op once again comes through with news
good enough for many lines. P O inhabitants were
aghast, early this week when they discovered that
the Co-Op had expanded from the summer heal. To
neat new bookstore, all we can say is thai our
Minerva speak with
unbounded That's very important, remember our
pride when we say our college is it. Always gets a fine effect with loss is your gain.
a friendly place. It's just a little his bifocals. The upper part is tintAn edict causing much murmuring among the troops
place, but toe call it our Alma Ma- ed peach, and the lower part is done is the $25 per semester limit on G I accounts. We
ter. Foremost in the ranks of those in cream.
Peaches and cream, estimate that the average account last semester
who welcome the freshmen
are don'tcha see. Grand fella, Shrdlu. was about $30, which is going to leave many in the
the genial upper classmen, NO gen- Now what's your problem? That's hole. We'll have some more definite info on this
erous with their time and energy. what I'm here for, you know."
situation in a couple of weeks, and possibly news of
The Student Guides are like the
revision of that quarter hundred figure. Too rushed
poor—we have them with us itlto check fully now.
xoays. But there is another group a class from Mr. Aufvnln, and I'd
here at State, a devoted group w>>o . . . " His ankle, cleverly tinted in MISCELLANEOUS T I D B I T S
devotedly devote of their experience Sun Bronze makeup, slid from the
As of Wednesday afternoon, a total of 249 vets had
and wisdom to the neophytes of edge of the ivory desk, and he shout- registered, of which a scant 22 were frosh. Registrapedagogics. Our author, a delight- ed,
tion figures read 1290, which i.s the highest in the
ed idiot, pays homage to the faculty
"That old fool!
Last history of the college. Beaches also registered a bouncadvisor—unsung, unloved, unusual. Christmas I gave him a beige Bu- ing baby boy Saturday, and the Blacks!one cigars
The ebony and opal door closed lova to match his wife's green were fine, Dick.
softly behind me, and as the mu- Gruen. Instead of wearing it with
New York State now and previous to this semessical hinges plnyed the last strains a strap made of ancient Roman
of "Gaudeamus Igitur", I received coins, he gets one of these pepper- ter receiving $175 tuition for each vet enrolled. All
mint stripe bat-skin obs." Prom a students quartered without difficulty this year. Some
my welcome.
lavender velvet handkerchief case
"Come in, son. Sit clown, make lie drew a square of parachute silk non-vets at St. Mary's Residence Council's new list
yourself at home. Great weather, and mopped an indignant brow. of rules good for some chuckles. Soapbox again lookwhat? Just right for my tropical "Stay away from him, my boy. Not ing for contributions m current political footballs.
Forum had radio tim 1 lined up for a half-hour proworsteds with the butterfly-wing only are his harmonies atrocious,
patch pockets," he boomed, as he but he has never accepted my view- gram very week, but admin, refused to turn on the
drew a Kelly-green cigar from a point on the New Fall Silhouette. green light. Several kid brothers and kid sisters of
upperclassmen found on frosh roles. Must be they
butterfly-wing patch pocket.
Do you realize I hat he is still wear"My name is First Mistake," I be- ing shirts made of that stainless are satisfied enough. Hope M1AA gets frosh pointsystem cards working right away. A good idea and
gan quaveringly.
steel superweave?"
on e that we hope doesn't get lost in the confusion.
"Glad to hear it, my boy. Now
"And would it be possible for me Some news next week on the Commons Committee
how can I help you? Just ask me
appointed after several special meetings of student
any question at all. That's what to switch my oral English . . . "
body late last semester.
"Floral English lad, please."
I'm here for. How did you make
"Yessir. Could I switch it to 12:35, INTO FOR VETS
out with registration? Always loathed it, myself. The juxtaposition of because . . . "
Don Sager, new training officer lor State, promises
the chartreuse treasurer's card and
"I.s it 12:35 already? Damn! I still
the fuschia enrollment card upset have on my apricot silk morning to give the troops a better time than was had last
semester. Several new relases of interest. First, and
me frightfully."
saddest, is that checks will not arrive before ' Nov"Well, my schedule has a class Well, excuse me, sorry you have to ember, and will be for September and October. Miss
with Dr. Shrdlu . . " At the men- go so soon. Stop in again, won't you? Malseed, sec. to Dean of Women, Invites applications
tion of that name, a puff of pink That's what I'm here for."
for part time jobs, of which a few are now available.
Accrued leave for vets enrolled full lime which
caused some difficulty last semester will be handled
differently this year. June checks will automatically
include 15 days of accrued leave, unless the veteran
informs the VA in writing thai he does not want
to take it. This letter must reach the VA by May
14, 1948, Accrued leave i.s deducted from entitlement
time, so if you don't want lo claim leave time, either
To the Editor:
to pay the hospital bill or insur- inform Mr. Sager or write to the VA.
Since I've returned to school this ance premium
whichever you
semester, I've been answering one elect) we mailed you the material
Another item i.s that only PL 1C students must conquestion for my friends, "What i.s tills summer. Briefly, that is an tact the training officer. This monthly. PL 346 boys
this insurance business you've writ- account of our activities to date.
need not go through that tedious routine of last
ten us about this summer?"
The policy itself has been ex- semester. Mr. Sager will be available for informaIs the realization that Student plained, as fully as I know how, in tion however.
Council, and Student Association the letter you received this sumshould come to the conclusion that mer. At 7:30 this Wednesday eveour present infirmary fund i.s en- ning, September 24, we are having
tirely inadequate to meet an emer- an open discussion of this policy at College
gency situation so surprising? May- a Student Council meeting in the
be to many of you, these summer Lounge. All students are invited to
letters came as something of a attend, and we will try to clear up FRIDAY, September If)
shock. I can assure you that as far any misunderstanding at that time. 3:30 P.M.-New Sophomores sign up in the P.O. for
as I and the committee are conOn October 3. it will be brought
the NEWS Staff.
cerned, tlie mailing of these letters up in Assembly, and at that time,
was Just another step in our at- the Vice-President of the United 8 00 P.M.—Student Receptions by Churches of Altempt to bring the matter before States Life Insurance Company will
Student Association,
be present to answer questions.
"Why did we not bring It up in
I ask you to remember that you
assembly?" you ask. This was not are not a wealthy .student—if you SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20
done simply Ijecau.se we ran out of are, you art! the exception. Ask
assemblies before the year '4fi-'47 yourself this question, "Can I af- 8:00 P.M.—All-College Welcome Party for Freshmen
ended, and although the committee ford a major illness?" If the answer
had been in operation for the better i.s "yes," then I urge you to voice a
part of the second semester, we loud "NAY" when the proposed WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ?A
coud not find whnt we considered a plan i.s voted on in assembly. II 3:30 P.M. Special Forum Meeting in Room i l l ,
desirable policy until after Movlng- the answer is in the negative—
Up day. At that time we were still think it over.
trying to pass the Budget, and we
At tills time I would like to thank
didn't succeed In passing it until my hometown friend, Edwin Mori- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25
the very last assembly,
arty, class of 1951, for offering to
Because It Is desirable to put a help me mall the 1138 letters you 3:30 P.M.—Commuter's Club Tea for Freshmen.
plan like this in effect early in the received this summer.
semester, and because we wanted
you to talk this over with your
parents (who would probably have
Chairman Insurance Comm, 8:00 P.M.—President's Reception to Freshmen.
Freshman Camp Opens
'47-'AS State Colle9e Y ear
Amidst bursts of applause and a
flying cloud of oil fumes, sixty-six
male members of State's class of '51
took off early last Friday afternoon
'or the school's first Frosh camp for
men since 1941. After bussing it uneventfully for about 18 miles down
the scenic Hudson Valley, the convoy pulled into Camp Hawley on
Kinderhook Lake, scene of the forty-eight hour bivouac.
Lack of Water No Detriment
Eager to expose his life-guard tan,
Counsellor Harry Mills masterfully
guided his frosh charges to the water. Songster Harry was more than
edified to learn a little later that
the beach was on the other side
of the camp. After about a half
hour of waxing enthusiastic about
the camp's athletic facilities, someone decided it would be a fine idea
fco locate the key to the trunk containing the school athletic equipment and to open same. This done,
footballs, softballs and volleyballs
began to darken the sky. Unfortunately however, the vegetation on the
alleged softball field also darkened
the sky, to the extent of encroaching upon the activities of the players, causing a sharp decline in and
eventual abandonment of this particular sporting endeavor.
At the evening meal, the class of
'51 showed that it, really had the
stuff. Although in a slate of near
exhaustion after an afternoon of
heroic physical exertion, just about
every last man among the freshmen made the one hundred yards
from the administration building to
the mess hall in ten seconds flat
when chow was announced. After
this hearty refueling, renewed enthusiasm flared in the athletic vein
until Okl Sol blacked out.
Short Cots—Long Legs
After a few songs and much more
merriment, all betook themselves
to I he mess hall for coffee, except dial il was cocoa and. with
the closing of I he evening's program, some people went to bed.
Most people, however, didn't. Many
went swimming. Some tall ones,
like Prank Haas and Counsellor
Earle Jones, went lo bed also, bu:
they didn't sleep. The cols are only
six feet long. Your author notes
this fact because he didn't sleep
either. Still others haunted the administration
Dr. Andrews' aspirations to a good
night's slumber.
Saturday's daylight activities were
on the whole about the same as but
more extensive than Friday's. The
day was featured by the noon-time
address of Dr. Nelson. Among other
practical hints regarding their conduct while at college, Dr. Nelson
cautioned the fre.Uimen against
necking on the campus. Several
other faculty members who visited
camp were also introduced at this
After the evening meal the boys
were treated to one and a half
hours of good movies, with the able
and ever congenial Dr. Floyd Hendrickson in the projection room. Refreshments followed, ending the
day's official activities.
Sunday Reveals Solidarity
Sunday brought religious services,
a good attempt at more athletics,
and a lot of aching backs. At noon,
the cuisine rose to the peak of its
uchivement. This was timely, as all
concerned needed a rich fuel mixture for even the slight work of
packing and departure, pooped as
they were.
At two P.M., precisely as scheduled, camp broke up and the busses
sped back to Albany. They brought
back a new group of people.
They had left Albany on Friday
as odd individuals or twosomes, uncertain as to the future. Now they
were one big group, and although
their future was still uncertain, with
their new solidarity it couldn't scare
H. F. Honikel & Son
l a T A S L K H B D I80B
A L B A N Y . N. Y.
To Welcome
Dust off the hockey sticks, get
those footballs inflated, stuff your
ears with chewing' gum and get
ready for the class of '51! Judging
from a pine tree position of the
Frosh Camps the Green Gremlins
jj of '51 are going to be tough nuts
for the Blue Jays to crack. The
Frosh have much spirit, initiative
and mucho, mucho strong lungs.
At the Womens Frosh Camp three
teams were organized to arouse
competitive spirit. Points were given
for each activity for first, second
and third places and the team with
the greatest number of points at
the end of the week end were acclaimed the victors. Congrats to the
clever concocters of this mean
"—and they rested too/"
Frosh Display
Sport Talent
Patterned After Webster
Just for the benefit of the frosh
we would like to define some of the
terms that will be used occasionally
on Sports Page and may lend difficulty, such as WAA, MAA, baseball, hockey, etc.
MAA — Mens Athletic Association.
See SIDELINES for further info.
Open practices — Sport practices
open to all . . . including frosh.
Camp Johnston—Slate's camp located in Chatham about 30 mi.
from Albany.
Additional information may be
obtained by sending a self addressed
envelope plus $64.70 to the Commissioner of Parks.
After spending three jam-packed
days at Burden Lake with the peppiest bunch of frosh imaginable, we
have come to a unanimous decision
. . . the Class of '51 is really something!
From all indications. W A A i.s
noing 10 have "beacoup" recruits. WAA
No sooner had the busses arrived
All women on campus belong to
ill Camp Van Schoonhoven than the WAA, Women's Athletic Assoc,
frosh. 131 strong, dove into the upon payment of their student tax,
water. 11 anyone is interested in that is. Currently being featured in
learning diving techniques, we sug- the presidents chair is Wilma Diehl.
gest you contact Camp Director Mary Quinn i.s vice-president: JuaEloise Worth. '48. Her efficiency in nita Evans, treasurer;
jack-knifing was most commend- Seamen, Office Manager.
able . . especially since the board
was cracked < before we women ar- WAA Council i.s composed of two
rived, naturally! 1 Hats off in the representatives elected by each class
swimming department, go to Pat and the previously named officers
Tilden, '48, who served as Water- plus the members of Honor Council.
front Director. Thanks to Pat, no Honor Council i.s the highest honor
casualties were reported. The frosh that can be awarded to anyone by
The white jacket,' Honor
displayed I heir skills in a swimming WAA.
contest. Looks like '50 i.s going to Council badge, is awarded to the
end of the Junior year to the girls
have some stiff competition.
who have done I he most for WAA.
This year jackets were given to WilBoating Experience
ma Diehl, Mary Quinn, and PaHave you noticed the calluses on tricia Tilden.
many of the women's hands? Don't
Awards are given at the end of
believe those hard summer jobs did
il. Just to prove how efficient the the year at the WAA banquet to
counsellors were, one took a frosh all who have gained crdit for four
out to teach her to canoe. Soon the sports during the season. At the
canoe was drifting downstream and end of I he first year class numerals
neither the bewildered frosh nor are awarded. T-shirts for the secthe upperclassman knew how to ond, WAA keys the third year
direct the canoe out of the current. and in the fourth year a mlniatur
Dean Stokes, who was watching the of the recipients favorite sport is
boaters, became aware of their pre- given.
dicament and soon Tilden had a
All activities are pw.stcd on the
row boat at their disposal. Two WAA Bulletin Board which is lomuch happier canoers rowed back. cated in the lower hall of Draper,
1 Take a bow, Evans. 1
outside of the girls' locker rooms.
The tennis courts were busy with
frosh who braved the heat to smash
the balls across the court. Some have a talent for dancing. One of
even attempted soft ball but the them can even do a solo lindy.
game was called on account of rain That's something! Do try it some
time. State may soon be invaded
iprespirafion, that ls.i
A hiking expedition was organized by a new dance. It's called the
under I he direction of Lucy Lytic, "Hockey Pockey" and comes straight
'49. From frosh reports, it was most from Canada. For further informasuccessful although the group has tion, contact, Ruth Seelbach or Alice
decided to buy Lucy a compass for Williams, Seniors.
Christmas. It helps prevent people Personal Opinion
from getting lost they tell us!
Collectively speaking, it was a
Funny Business
wonderful week-end, despite a few
We expect to see tlie Commons inconviences. We're glad we went
filled to capacity from now on to camp and glad the Class of '51
• that's a joke, son>, for those frosh i.s here.
Class Of '51
Women's Athletic Association will
welcome the class of '51 at a "Frosh
Play Day" on October 4 on the Dorm
Field from 2-5 p.m. Mickey Seaman,
chairman, has promised a gala time
not only for the freshmen, but also
for the upper-class athletes. Food,
fun, frolic, games, and entertainment are scheduled for the afternoon. WAA has invited all those
who wish to play softball, badminton, volleyball or JUST EAT.
Tea and Ilayridc Planned
Wilma Diehl, president of WAA,
announced that at the end of October, WAA has arranged its annual
hayride while on November 6, it has
also scheduled a tea for the faculty
and students.
.Fall Sports Start Today
Hockey season will officially open
this afternoon when sticks cross
at the Dorm Field at 3:30. Bev Sittig '49 and Ruth Matteson '50, cocaptains, who have just returned
from hockey camp have announced
that all practices will take place
on the Dorm Field every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday from 3:305:30. Everyone, especially frosh, will
be welcomed as hockey i.s the first
rivalry sport.
Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 volleyball
and archery will be played on the
Dorm Field. Henkel and Hotaling,
sophomores, will be in charge of
volleyball, while Winkler and Mason, Juniors, will supervise archery.
Joslin '49, and McCuen, '50 will
arrange hours for Tennis at Washingon Park as will Lytic, who is in
charge of the Intercollegiate Outing Club.
Watch the WAA bulletin Board
for further announcements'
Rel eases
Fall Sports Plans
In a statement, to the News tills
week John Dooley,
president of
MAA, officially welcomed the new
members of the Men's Association.
MAA has extensive plans for '47'48 and has a full slate on tap for
I he sports seasons.
MAA announced that a new athletic point system has been drawn
up by a committee. The plan has
gone to I he council for discussion
and ratification. The purpose of the
point award system i.s to foster interest in both the intramural and
varsity programs and to encourage
a larger percentage of the men to
participate in the programs. Both
individual and group awards will be
made at the end of the school year.
MAA also announced that the fall
sports program will get under way
as soon as the leagues are organized.
Football will lead-off the program
with a six-man "double-touch" league. Bob Sorenson '50 is intra-mural
manager of football. Following the
football season soccer will occupy
the sports limelight. A crosscountry
team is being tentatively planned.
There will be golf for lovers of the
fairway sport, with a golf tournament scheduled as a conclusion to
the season. Tennis will follow with
a net tournament also on tap.
Archery, and trap shooting round
out the fall sports agenda.
Tuck away those swim trunks with
the things you did last summer, kiddles, fall is here and fall means, besides school reopening, the World
Series, football, basketball, hockey,
and stuff like that there. Set aside
a few of these breezy autumn days,
put the books on the shelf and come
on out.
This piece is written in hopes of
enlightening our new friends, namely the frosh, transfers and any men
students who are here at State for
the first time. By way of greetings
we welcome all the newcomers to
State with a suggestion that they
try and make 47-48 the biggest
sports year yet at State by 100%
participation in the men's sports
Back to the Indians
Slowly but surely the sports rjage
is recovering from the famine of
men's sports news it suffered when
Uncle Sam send out those "requests"
to see the world. The women editors carried on admirably, ttnd are
to be commended for the splendid
manner in which carried on in writing an interesting sports sheet in
the absence of a varsity sports program But once more the men of
State have the say as to just what
they want on their sports pages.
Let's hear what you want in sports
coverage. Drop us a note and let
us know how we can improve YOUR
sports page.
Men's Athletic Association
The Men's Athletic Association,
commonly known as MAA is an organization of all the men students
of State. It's purpose is to foster,
promote and administer the men's
athletic program, both intra-mural
and varsity. This year we have an
energetic president in John Dooley,
'48 who will administer the organization after having served as public itey manager last year. Other officers are Walt Schick, '48, vicepresident; John Morley '49, secretary; and Ben Jackson '50, financial secretary. This year's MAA is
operating under a new constitution,
revised and rewritten last year.
MAA is shooting for 1007r participation in at least one sport. So once
again, fellows, sign up for at least
one sport when the sign-up sheets
are posted outside the men's locker
Dots and Dashes
Those heated arguments you hear
in the locker are die-hard Card fans
trying to convince the Brooklyn following that the Gas-House Gang
still have a chance to dump the
Poulos trying to decide
who to start against Branca in the
Series opener . . . Gipp lining up
his Potter "varsity" . . . Zanchelli
and Jackson passing the pigskin in
ninety degree heat on Page . . .
everyone wondering if Sy Fersh will
be as sharp pegging the pigskin
after joining the ranks of the benedicts . . . Evans popping in to say
"watch the Giants next year" . . .
"Coach" Skolnick drilling his "Gent"
prospects on Dorm field . . . McNamara wondering what put the
skids on the Cubs . . . Mills telling
of his lifeguarding experiences this
summer . . . Siena drilling for its
first yar of varsity football . . . .
Thayer eager for the football season
to start . . . some joker suggesting
we call this corner "Brophy's Baloney" . . . maybe he has a thought
there . . . no matter how thin you
slice it, it's still . . . sports news!
Where all the Students Meet
TTTF ftlmlfam km Mbmm. H.Y
PHONE 5-1913
cut- rtualt,)
4 lo»»
W A A Play Day
Swimming A n d Boating
Lead Sports Program
F R I D A Y , SEPT, 19, 1 S 4 7
Luncheon Served Daily
FRIDAY, SEPT. 19, 1947
be speaker in assembly on Friday, Add Members To Committee
November 7. Among other speakers who will be featured throughAlice Prlndle, President of Stuout the conference are Dr. Lloyd
Association, has announced
Allen Cook who will speak on "Ways
of Working with People" and Dr.that Jean Pulver and Robert Hardt,
Robert S. Fisk of Milne who will Juniors, have been appointed to r e (Continued from Page 1, Column 2J speak on the responsibility of the
place Elizabeth Margo and William
and "Races of Mankind" will be educator.
Marsland, Class of '47, on the comshown and Gerhard Weinberg, '48, The interim Committee consists
will be in charge of a program on of Gerhard Weinberg, '48, Robert mittee that was formed last year
Hardt, Jsanette Skavina, Gifford to investigate the voting system of
problems of organization.
Father George B. Ford of the Cor- Wingate, Leonard Koblenz and Bet- State College.
pus Christi Church, New York, will sy Franks, Juniors.
Koreans Appreciate Attempts IGC Announces
At Education," Says Dr. Morris Conference Plans
This year the freshmen again saw
the smiling face of Dr. Elizabeth help of reports made by the memMorris, head of the Education De- bers of the Armed Forces, twenty
partment, who has returned to State educators were sent to Japan at
College after a year's sabbatical General MacArthur's request.
leave. This year was well spent by Dr. Morris encountered many unDr. Morris In making a tour of usual problems in Japan; co-eduduty to Japan and Korea, under cation, changing and improving the
the Civil Affairs division of thecurriculum, and fitting the curriculum to the soci eytiits sr .veote
War Department.
culum to the society it is to serve.
Dr. Morris, in making a tour of She stressed especially, the necesJapan and Korea, worked with the sity of making schools for the Japofficers of General MacArthur's anese, not just imitations of the
staff, and with the leading educa- American school system.
tors, discussing the problems conThe Japanese displayed a very
nected with the program of r e -cooperative attitude in working with
educating the Japanese and Kothe committee, according to Dr.
reans. More specifically, it was Dr. Morris. "In Korea, we found a fine
Morris' job to discuss the practical appreciation as soon as they felt
problems of teaching education in sure of us," she stated. "We found
the Far East. As a result of the
it very interesting to see many orirecommendations made in 1946 by ental similarities between the JapDr. Stoddard's commission, who had anese and Koreans, but also, very
gathered information on the condi- marked national similarities."
tion of the schools there, with the According to Dr. Morris, the Japanese are under the Occupation
Forces of the American Military
Government, while the Koreans are
similar to a protectorate, now. The
Koreans, who have been under Japanese dominion, are eager to be
free, but still need "oversight and
protection." Describing them as a
proud people, in many respects,
similar to the Americans, Dr. Morris effectively clarified the differences between the Japanese and
To Organize Project the Koreans.
doming right at you . . .
Professors Turn To Murder
Religious Clubs
Plan Weekend In
For Class of 51
the college atmosphere, and the
the best cigarette
you ever got your
hands on."
The phone rang In the Westbrook plot,
Wednesday night; t h e murdered, and professors murderSCA, Hillel To Stage residence
NEWS reporter a t the other end of ing.
Mr. Westbrook chose a murder
"Frosh Frolic"; Newman the wire wanted a last minute in- mystery
because, he says, "That
Schedules Tea, Smoker terview with Perry Dickie West- type book is easier to write, has a
Faculty To Receive
Freshmen A t Pierce
Nelson, Stokes
To Head Line
brook, Instructor in English, for better reading market, and is more
Student Christian Asso. and Hll- whom Phoenix Press in New York rewarding financially."
Also h e
lei will sponsor a Frosh Frolic in n i t v r «p P n ti v nnblished thp thrillthinks a detective story
Student Guides Finish
C l t y 1€Ce Uy
l blislled
the auditorium Saturday at 8 P. M„
P '
t h e thrill J s a 3 l n t e r e s t l n g to w r i t e a s t o r e a d _
Program A t Reception
according to Joyce Simon and S mystery - detective,
Happy T h e p l o t | M r westbrook added, and i
Catherine Grant, Juniors, co-chair- Deathday."
the complete detailed outline of 1
The annual President's Reception,
men. Newman Club's President,
. . . .
, , . .. u v clues and chapters did not evolve I
will be held tonight in the Ingle
Asked wllen n e started
Eleanor Holbig, '48, has announced
the booK, a s h e w r o t e lt> b u t c o n s t i t u t e d the |
Room of Pierce Hall from 8:00 to
10:00 P.M. student guides axe to
that the organization will have a Mr. Westbrook paused and said, hardest part of his work and was
take their freshmen to the receptea for freshmen Sunday from 3 - "Wait a minute, I'll ask my wife." ell planned before the writing betion.
5:30 P. M. in Newman Hall and a H e started the book, it developed, San.
This reception is held in order to
smoker for the men from 7-10:00 t n r e e y e a r s a g 0 a n d finished it six T l l e following review of "Happy
provide an opportunity for the
P. M. also at Newman Hall.
months later. Teaching in summer Deathday" appeared in the New
Yor,i Tirn
freshman class to meet the memGerald Dunn, '51, acting as mas- school in Maine at the time, it is
e s Book Review section
'48, President
of Hillel e a s y to understand the origin of September 21, 1947:
bers of the College faculty. Headter of
will introduce
and Marion Mieras, '48, President
ing the receiving line will be Dr.
-•• " ' "of,
University library's closing. Friends
SCA, who will give short welcome
Milton G. Nelson, Dean and Actwere
to dim
as thenoted
signal scholar,
for the
of Tom
speeches. The freshmen will do
ing President of the College, and
were assembled there to celebrate
their share in the auditorium by
Mrs. Nelson; Dr. Ellen C. Stokes,
his birthday with a surprise party.
staging a display of their talents:
Dean of Women; Dr. Robert FredAlso a t the library but hard at
Jacqueline Mann will play selecerick, Director of Teacher Trainwork over some Chaucerian reing, and Mis. Frederick; and Dr.
tions on her guitar; Nicky Fox is
Harry Hastings, head of the English
scheduled .,,to do
, a ,,
Capitol District colleges will com search,
., , plodded on
_ until,.the
, .
Department, and Mrs. Hastings.
Thome will play the piano; Herby p e t e i n a Drama Festival a t Russell l a s t P osslt »le moment. The lights
Other members of t h e faculty will
Skidmore and her harmony group g a g e Little Theater on October 25 dimmed, his friends sang "Happy
also be present together with their
are also on the program; Lois Hoi- 1 9 4 7 afternoon and evening. Miss Birthday" — then the lights went
husbands and wives.
land and Joan Whitcraft will do Agnes E Futterer, Assistant Pro- oni'^ I n the moment of darkness,
Welcome Faculty
T o n l w a s fatallv
vocal solos; and Lois Prescott >vill fessor 0f' English will direct State
stabbed, yet he
year there will be twentyentertain with a dance.
College students ' against those of managed
to gasp out a fragment
f T1
To Serve Refreshments
eight new members of the faculty;
n i
e nsselaer PolytechUnion,
Polytech ° " }f Canterbury Tales." Among
the reception will serve as a means
Following this there will be a n l c I n s t i t u t e , Skidmore and Russell the colleagues that surrounded Tom
by which they may meet the older
snake dance which will start in the S a g e T n i s w i l [ D e t n e f i r s t . p a r t i _ asc lhe
psymembers of the faculty as well as
auditorium and be led outside to C i p a tion of State College in thea n l do l °£y
teacher, police researcher
the students.
the gym where hocky-pocky, other a n n u a i c i r a m a ' festivals held bv
Administration psygames, dancing, and refreshments canttol District colleges
chiatrist. With the fragment of
Dr. Nelson will officially welcome
will be featured.
Middle English as the only clue,
the students, taking over this poslMr
Newman Club will hold its first
Paul Barselau, Graduate student Cutting delves into a plot where
' Elmer E. Mathews, who did t ion for the first time from Dr. John
meeting Thursday, October 9, at at State College and Dramatic and draft-dodging, forgery and murder graduate work at State College in sM.
Sayles, retired President of
Newman Hall. Father Collins will Art Association member, will play traipse hand in hand. Suffice to 1941, has been recently appointed S ta a tlee s nCollege.
Since 1938 Dr.
a s
be guest speaker. Newman officers the lead in the "foreign farce" be- say, he gets his man, but not be- fun.time director of the Student
acted as President of
for the year '47-'48 are: President, ing presented by State College in fore he runs afoul of suspicious _ .
. _,
. the College, having resigned hi*
Miss Holbig, Vice-President, John the festival. Supporting actors are wives and divulges some of the stock employment auieau. His onice is p0 sition in March, 1947, due to a
Brophy, '49, Treasurer, Mary Cal- Warren Reich, '50, Ellen Fay, '49, tricks of police psychologists. Cred- now controlled by the State Co- heart ailment,
andra, '50, Secretary, Alice Reilly, Gloria Jaffer, '48, and John Lube, ible, It all makes for an evening's ordinator, Mr. Paul G, Bulger.
To End Guide Program
'50. Dr. Mary G. Goggin, Instructor '49. Dramatic and Art Council will good reading.—JACK GLICK.
. , , , . .
This reception will complete t h s
in Latin, will be advisor and Father work on setting, lights and costumes.
Mr. Mathews plans to reorganize student Guide program, under the
E. C. Smith will assume the duties state College student body will have
and build up the bureau as much as direction of Co-Chairmen Catherine
of chaplain.
a preview dress rehearsal at assempossible. In past times the bureau Grant
and Robert
Kittridge, Junr
Th e
Announce Committees
bly on October 24.
was run on a part time basis, and ii°
, f P f 0 ™ - whose purpose
s f;
Committees for the Frosh Frolic
J , x. , .
to assist the freshmen in adjustt u
are: entertainment, Lila Lee, '50; The Russell Sage Drama Council,
therefore could not handle student i n g t o l l f e a t s t a t e CoUege, has
games, Ruth Seelbach and Alice noted for its radio and stage work,
placements as efficiently as might made possible tours of the buildWilliams, Seniors; refreshments, is sponsoring this drama tournahave been desired. To eliminate Bings,
opened Frosh Camp, held at
Charlotte Goldstein, '48, and Jean ment. The
best one-act
, , plays
•„ , from
Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women, confusion In placing graduates ofm l "'den Lake, and generally proBowen, '50; decorations. Marjorie each college's repertoire will be per„,
1 oiNhe admission °ted good feeling between the
t dd
Fusmer, '49, and Lorice Shain, '50; formed to acquaint students with l h e f r e s h m a n c l a s s l n t o d a y , s a s _ department and the employment class of '51 and the rest of State
chaporones, Jean Munro, '49,
one anotneis work.
sembly. Myskania will introduce a bureau have been fused into one College. Student guides who will
motion proposing the use of $100 unit controlled by Mr. Bulger. Ac- n o t D e a b l e to attend the reception
from the Student Association sur- cording to the new plnn the bureau should obtain a substitute. All
to fix and buy furniture for will select members of the incom- guides should know their freshScience Department Opens New Laboratory plus
the Myskania headquarters.
ing freshman class and the same m a n ' 8 f a c l 'lty adviser, and if they
Student Council
Will Consider
insurance Plan
At Third Assembly
When asked if she was glad to be
back at State College, Dr. Morris
Discussion of the proposed new replied, "It's very nice to see all my
insurance plan for State College friends, here. It's nice to have clean
students will come up at the first buildings, books, and tools to work
pupils that are warm, sufmeeting of Student Council, this with
Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. in theficiently clothed and well fed. No
Lounge. The plan will be brought students are more eager for edubefore the student body, during the cation In America than they are in
Japan and Korea, however. The
third assembly, Octobr 3.
This plan, originally submitted to sacrifices they make lor an educathe students during the summer tion are tremendous."
months by mail, was brought to the
attention of the investigating committee appointed by Student Council last spring, after Moving-Up
Day. According to Richard Smith,
Grad, this prevented any action by the student body before the
summer vacation. Mr. Smith and
Donald Lansky, '49, were appointed originally, to investigate insur"Or do you really want to teach"
ance policies that would provide . . . State does offer other out-lets,
more adequate coverage, than the you know. If in doubt, just conpresent Infirmary fund.
sult Miss Futterer, Assistant ProMr. Smith stated that in their fessor of English, and she will gladinvestigation, no policy seemed to ly tell you about her "proof" from
suit the needs of the students, until the Class of '47.
this United States Life Insurance
It seems that State College prepolicy, just released, was brought to sented "The Man Who Came To
their attention by Mr. James Wil- Dinner" last spring, featuring Harson.
old Gould as the leading man and
The policy in question, if accept- Lois Fillman in the supporting cast.
ed by ninety per cent of the student As a result of an excellent performbody, would cover up to $500 of ance, these two Seniors were awardhospital and doctor fees for theed scholarships to play in .summer
holder. The cost of the policy is stock at the Plymouth Festival, Ply$20 per year, an increase of $17mouth, Massachusetts. The school
over the cost of the infirmary fund. was divided into two sections, both
However, the coverage obtained convening at a different time, so
through the Infirmary fund extends that the prospective actors did not
only to $15.
meet again while in stock.
The committee now in charge of
However, as luck had it, the first
the plan for a new insurance policy,
includes Richard Smith, Grad., play presented at both sessions was
chairman; Donald Lansky and none other than "The Man Who
Robertson Baker, Juniors, and An-Came To Dinner." Since our heroes
thony Prochillo and Richard Feath- were regular veterans at this production they both gave superb perers, Sophomores.
formances, that were well remembered by the right people.
At this point, luck stepped in
Ped Announces Times again.
One of these "right people"
returned to Boston, where he startFor Yearbook Pictures ed
work on our now famous "Man
Who Came To Dinner." However,
Adrlenne Iorlo, '48, Photography lie was unsatisfied with two of his
Editor of the Pedagogue, has an-performers, so he sent lor I ois Fillnounced that those eligible for pictures In the Ped (Seniors, members man and Harold Gould to replace
of Signum Laudis, Myskania, Kappa them. Needless to say. both of our
Phi Kappa, Pi Omega Pi, Pi Gamma State stars accepted, were .surprisMu, fraternities and sororities) are ed to see each other in Boston, and
to sign for appointments on thedelighted at the coincidence.
sheet provided on the bulletin board
Although Miss Futterer has heard
in the lower hull of Draper opposite nothing Irom Harold Gould, she is
the women's locker room.
sure thai, both of her ex-students
The times are as follows: Monday, turned in a good performance once
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday of next more, and she is proud lo announce
Week and the week of September that Miss Fillman lias been hired
29 0:00 A.M. to 12 noon, 1:00-3:00 to play in Boston winter stock this
P.M., 4:00-5:30 P.M., 6:30-8:00 P.M. year
at the Hague Studios, 811 Madison
Avenue between Quail and Ontario Student Guide Office Open
Streets. These are the only times
OulhiTlii Grant, '49, has anwhen pictures will be taken and
there will be » 25c fine for lateness nounced thai th Student Guide ofor failure to appear according to fice wll be open all during this week
Miss lorio.
In the Dean of Women's outer office.
Women are to wear white V- Any freshmen who nod help are
necked blouses and men are to appear clean-shaven in white shirts, urged to come In, where representatives will be on hand,
neckties, and suit coats.
State College News
State to Attend
Drama Festival
State Graduates
Star In Boston
Appointed }
New SEB Head;
Announces Plans
Frosh To Hear
Stokes Address
For Use of Students In Physical Chemistry
Student Council, at its Wednes- ^ Z ^ S S Z ?
g - "
' $?i S ^ f f f U S
M f S S p i r S e L f n a W y
book exchange committee conslstDr. Oscar E. Lunford, Professor
Light refreshments will be served.
, , , , , , . ,
, ing ol Betty Ann Gibson and Marie misdirected responsibility.
of Chemistry, has announced the
Members of Myskania will also be
For many oi their experiments, iP eL1i . n a n d e z ' juniar<,
,r,.nH,,nin .h.H.nii h » . ir, inci«»
nancu.4, duniois, ,co-cnaumcn,
m h l t fall
acquisition of
oi a
a new
new chemistry
uiio uwtry lab
mu- Uh„
" „ ,u""'"„' , a?
* u chis
" " "Mr.
• » •Mathews plans present to greet the class of 1951.
u ! g r a d u B l e students have to leave ; ; r ; „ , T " I
Seniors and Myskania members are: Stanley
oratory in Room 250-A in Huested ,•,„.* n „ , , | n m . n t ,.,.,. n n r , M , p i.. „ „ . Barbara Houck, 49, Joan Farrell to have a meeting with order to ac- Abrams, Gloria Gilbert, Ann May,
S Ph m0reS
Kail. The laboratory is to be used J Z j f f l T u p
\ £ v students K l ! f f i i S S ? *
° °
' °
^ ^
^ ft ' benefits of Helen Kisiel, Marlon Mieras, Alice
lor graduate
' , , . , , H .„ R n m p ,.. h _,•,.„„ m i ( . l l l i f l andInter-Collegiate
Dottle Mann, 51.
them with
and1 particularly
Bureau. Prlndle, John Dooley, Elolso Worth,
' - " - m . ,.c inmm i whll« t h e v ware
Inter-Coltoglate Council of State the Student E m p l o y i n g a u , w u . rrmuw, uo«n uooiey, xrnom worm,
physical 'chemistry ' class.
The room which was formerly worklni and made work"for the
College plans an April M r . Mathews is also completing ar- Wilma Diehl, Ruth Seelbach, Alice
Com- rangements
Graduato students
11am Baldwin.
used as u study room for the grad- graduates'
more be.
difficult than It speaker.
» ? £ ' « " *The w
* h an assembly
all register
Seniors with
and Williams,
Rita Shapiro and Wllnormally should
uate students has been supplied
n.'w boriitorv is much
deludes A l l c c Williams, '48, the Bureau stating whether they
with new equipment Including cab- smaller
I-he new
is chem
much o h a l m a i , i Catherine Donnelly, '49, desire to take advantage of the _ . ,
than the
other two
tables, work lstry labs but will only have to ac and Rose Mary Willsey, '50.
Bureau's aid or not, in order that D e b a t e C o u n c i l S l a t e s
benches, hood and water bath, All commodate about ten graduato stu
A committee in charge of rivalry m ore complete rocords may be had
the water, gas and air fixtures aro dents
was appointed. Francis MulUn, for future reference, This will not Q j s c U S S I O n O n S l d r t S
chrome plated. The lab Is now with ihn npu/ lnhnrnrnrv lhe P rcsl <lent class of '48, is chairman, entail any obligation upon the stuAccording to Rita Shapiro,
ready for use, all equipment having g r a d i L f m a y ^ o r k ^ r c o m p a r a - a n d *ob^ W l l c o x ' P r e s l d e n t c l a s s * * and Is especially desirable In
been received except the looks for
the cupboards and drawers. These
are expected before next Homester
when most of the experimental
tiipyiijlie 1947, boom * Mum TOIAOQO C»
work hi physical chemistry Is done.
Last year new linoleum was laid
and the room painted while the ,„
,.„ _ „ , - . L . n m m , „ nonvani.
equipment was installed this sum- cut
will i nfaculty
a k e l t moie
to both
and students.
I'm sure everyone will be more satin past years, there has been no , Bf , , U h w o r k l n o o n d ltlons under
uboratory set aside or the use of u
the graduate students but enrollment In the undergraduate ohemistry courses was small enough to en- B | „ » n « i # . « r c F « r A n n o v
able the graduates to share the un- E l « « U K l c e r s rot A n n e x
dergraduate labs.
Elections held a t Sayles Hall AnHowever," In" the last few years, nex have resulted in the following
the enrollment ln the science officers for the year 1947-48: Presicourses has increased to such an ex- dent, Anthony Prochilo, '50; Social
tent that It becamo inconvenient Chairman, Dale Sullivan, '48; secreand oftentimes burdensome for both tary, Gerald D u n n , ' 5 1 ; and Treasgroups to work together.
wer, Robert Kaiser, '49.
respect it is hoped
hift by former Treasurer that the Bureau will be able to give skirts,"
Stanley Abrams, '48, and Mary
C o n n J f i R o s n n 0 | a n d f o m e r S o n g mm,(, sei,vlceH tQ t h o s U l d o n t t h a n
Leader, Joan Gebo.
Odak, '40; and Abraham Trop, '50,
ever before.
The committee in charge of aswill tako the negative while J o Ann
sembly programs has James Brophy,
Joslln, '49 and Sophomores George
'49, as chairman, with fellow workChristy and Arthur Root will hold
ers, Stanley Abrams, '48, and Prothe affirmative.
chillo., ,
Miss Mary E. Cobb, college 11- . Miss Shapiro explained that t h s
A student-faculty committee ap- brarlan, has announced that the Rebate will serve as a modeltothe
pointed Includes aeraldlne Cooper- p ^ college library will be open freshmen so that they will know
man, '50, chairman, Gloria Gilbert, c n Monday and Wednesday nights otthe type of contest that is expeoted
'48, and William Lyons, '50.
fvom 7 .o : 3 o p , m „ starting Monday.
them In rivalry,
Joseph Zancholll, '49, is chairman
The State College Debate Council
of the Constitution Committee, with
It has also been decided that the has also sent questionnaires to
co-workers, Robertson Baker, '49, Saturday library hours will be from twenty colleges concerning plans
and Richard Feathers, '60.
9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
for intercollegiate debates.