Document 14064051

Football Squads
P«f« Morehetfo
Football Raet Cloit
Football is only one week old
h e r e at State, b u t after a glimpse
of all eight squads in action, we
find t h a t n o one team is outstanding.
T h e r e is n o squad which outclasses
all other loop m e m b e r s as was
t h e case in past years.
Club, last year's champions, w a s t h e
class of t h e league then.
were h a r d pressed in only a few
games to go undefeated for t h e
season. T h e same c a n b e said of
KDR in previous campaigns.
T h e i942 race, however, promises
to be as close a fight for t h e c h a m pionship as t h e recent St. L o u i s Brooklyn pennant chase in the
National League.
According to last w e e k s play
Potter Club a n d Dorm " A " ( T r o jans) appear as strong contenders
tor t h e I n t r a m u r a l Cup.
Club h a s a flock of good experienced
players a n d a r e tops defensively.
They have a well balanced squad,
b u t they seem deficient in s o m e thing just as important—and that
is spirit.
(Remember the World
S e r i e s ? ) . P e r h a p s the 6-6 tie with
K D R last week h a s aroused the
Potter lads from their lethargy.
Trojans Heavy
T h e Trojans have weight to their
distinct advantage a n d so far they
h a v e p u t it to good use. They h a v e
good r u n n i n g a n d blocking, a l though they a r e weak on the p a s sing. It will be quite a battle when
the Trojans meet Potter C l u b and
the w i n n e r of this contest will
have a lot to say about the c h a m pionship.
KDR, with their n e w shift, is
the d a r k horse of the league. Their
chief w o r r y is material as t h e r e
a r e n o capable substitutes to r e place the starting six. Kappa Beta
and S L S will be battling it out
for the other first division spot.
K B looks very weak on the offense
being able to connect with only
short passes, while missing pitifully
on r u n n i n g a n d long passes. S L S
has a fairly good attack but is
charged with some loose playing.
Both teams are only average on the
Dorm " B " , the Finks, a n d the
Ramblers a r e the three weak sisters of the league. All three squads
lack experienced players. However,
they are pushovers for no team
in the league as they are fighting
all the time and may cause upsets.
As a surprise to many was the
play of the Finks. Rated as h o p e lessly out-classed, they have put u p
good battles before bowing to d e feat in their two contests so far.
Incidently, the longest r u n of the
campaign was made by a Fink, A r t
Olivet, when he scampered the
length of the field to a touchdown
in the K B game.
Rule Changes
A few changes have been made
on the rules governing the I n t r a m u r a l League. A play is stopped
w h e n a n opposing player touches
the ball carrier simultaneously with
two hands any place on the back,
above the legs and below the
The other change is
t h a t in order to stop the ball c a r rier, the opponents m u s t touch him
in the designated space and not
push or block him out of bounds.
Penalty for breaking this last rule
is a first down for the offensive
team at the point of the infraction.
* * *
This week we would like to pay
t r i b u t e to a first class frosh—a man
sporting the name of Dan Gillun.
Dan plays football with the Dorm
" B " squad. He is not an outstanding
star, but only an average playeryet h e receives o u r vote as the
moBt spirited player that we have
been privileged to see.
When a youth, he was a victim of
infantile paralysis, which caused the
shortening of his left leg by a few
handicap D a n Is very active in
sports. Besides football, h e plays
basketball a n d Softball a n d is a
very enthusiastic bowler.
If this
is the symbol of t h e spirit that
lie* i n t h e c l a w of '46, the S o p h o -
moraa had better beware.
W e a k In Attack/
Strong In Defense
Trojans Are Undefeated
To Take League Lead
B y Stan Glpp
The i n t r a m u r a l touch
league opened on schedule a n d all
games h a v e b e e n played a s p l a n n e d .
The games w e r e featured b y w e a k
offensives, strong defenses, a n d low
At the present, Dorm " A " , p o p ularly k n o w n as t h e Trojans, p o s sess a top position in t h e l e a g u e b y
virtue of two wins w i t h o u t a loss.
Several others h a v e not y e t been
defeated b u t r a n k below t h e T r o jans i n points on a t w o for a win,
one for a tie basis.
In T h u r s d a y ' s openers, t h e f e a t u r e
game between K D R a n d E E P e n d e d
in a 6-6 stalemate. T h e excellent
pass defense t h r o w n u p by K D R
and P o t t e r ' s w e a k defensive r e s u l t e d
in this early upset. Bob L e o n a r d
intercepted a pass to score for K D R
from twenty-five y a r d s out. F o r
three q u a r t e r s E E P fought d e s p e r ately, finally scoring as Evans h u r d led center.
Both teams failed to
score the e x t r a point.
Trojans T o p R a m b l e r s
The Trojans defeated t h e R a m b lers 14-0 in a one-sided contest
on the other gridiron.
they failed to capitilize o n t h e
breaks the Dorm boys had by far
the better team.
On Tuesday K a p p a Beta w a s
forced to the limit to defeat t h e
Finks in w h a t was supposed to
have been a b r e a t h e r . K B r e c o v ered a fumbled p u n t and scored
immediately. T h e surprisingly fast
Finks tied up the game on a goal
to goal r u n by Olivet, w i t h the
aid of some beautiful down-field
blocking by C a r p e n t e r . This g a m e
Standings Wednesday
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 3
1 1
also h a d all t h e appearances of an
upset tie until the last q u a r t e r ,
when K B scored a safety a n d t h e n
clinched the g a m e on a t o u c h d o w n
pass to A r t Flax.
S L S defeated t h e inexperienced
Shieks, Dorm " B " , by a twelve to
nothing score. However, the score
would have been much more d e cisive were it not for frequent
SLS offside a n d other penalties.
Weight a n d experience seemed to be
the factor which stopped the Dorm
team despite the efforts of y o u n g
Dick Chillemi.
Fatal F o u r t h
Again on Tuesday the F i n k s p r o duced the major attraction a l t h o u g h
they again lost in the last q u a r t e r .
The heavy Trojan team was held to
a safety until the last q u a r t e r w h e n
the smart q u a r t e r b a c k i n g of captain
Fay Welch, the elusive r u n n i n g of
Joe Tassoni, a n d the huge frame
of Mike G a n a k u s set up two t o u c h downs.
KDR won their first contest on
Tuesday, defeating the R a m b l e r s
T h e r e was no d o u b t about
the victor at any point in the game,
although Max B r a u n of the R a m b lers worried
KDR considerably.
Leonard and Beyer, received n u merous Verrey passes for both long
gains and touchdowns.
If the scores and play of these
first games a r e at all indicative of
the future games, the championship
will be w e l l - e a r n e d and the c h a m p ions well-named.
Yesterday afternoon the K a p p a
Beta team downed the S L S a g g r e g a tion by a score of 14-7. The w i n n e r s
took an early lead by scoring two
touchdowns on passes in the first
half. SLS rallied in the final q u a r ter and tallied on an intercepted
pass—Dave Griffin going over t h e
goal line.
In the other g a m e Potter C l u b r a n
and passed at will to score a n easy
38-0 victory over an outclassed b u t
fighting Dorm " B " team.
Know How to T/e Knottt
Watch Froth Gym Danes
"Hep, two, three, four, come o n
touch those toes!" yells Coach
Hatfield to t h e laboring frosh g y m
"One," c o u n t s t h e Coach—and
we look u p o n t h e most amazing
mass of h u m a n i t y . In this corner
we see t h r e e s e r e n e looking i n dividuals doing d e e p k n e e bends.
Over to o u r r i g h t is a rugged i n dividualist doing w h a t a p p e a r s to
be a Russian Tango.
By the time t h e count reaches
three, t h e poor bewildered frosh
have become so hopelessly e n tangled that most of t h e m a r e l i v ing e x a m p l e s of a Boy Scout p r a c tice session on, knots.
The purpose, t h e y say, is to d e velop those h i t h e r - t o u n k n o w n
sets of muscles.
Will they be
successful? Well
W A A Prosram
Hits Full Stride
Hockey, Swimming
Archery, Riding Popular
WAA hockey d a y s h a v e been
changed to Tuesday, Wednesday a n d
Friday. So few people r e p o r t e d for
practice on Monday that the c h a n g e
had to b e m a d e . Games a r e played
at 3:30 in front of Page Hall on t h e
above days. T e n h o u r s of s u p e r vised play a r e necessary for credit.
Many girls a r e out for this sport a n d
at each session n e w teams a r e
chosen. D u e to transportation difficulties, it is r u m o r e d that t h e r e will
be no hockey conferences this year.
Swimming, u n d e r the captaincy of
Pat Latimer, will start soon at P u b lic Bath No. 3 on T h u r s d a y nights.
As usual, the time will be 7:30 and
the cost will be ten cents.
s u m m e r P a t w a s s e n t by W A A to
a school w h e r e s h e received h e r
Red Cross Lifesaving
and will teach Life-Saving this year.
Mary Sanderson will have charge of
the regular swimming. It is hoped
that m a n y girls will take advantage
of this opportunity to learn lifesaving.
Freshmen Squad
Tennis Tourney
Matches to Begin To Start
P l a n s for the W A A tennis tourney
h a v e been completed. Fifteen girls
have entered the contest.
matches a r e scheduled for the first
r o u n d . These m u s t be played and
the results must be submitted to the
captains, Giavelli a n d Domann, b e fore October 14, Not a single match
has been played yet d u e in p a r t to
the inclement w e a t h e r which h a s
kept t h e Washington P a r k courts
in a boggy condition.
The t w o contests of major interest
in t h e first r o u n d a r e those between
Nora Giavelli a n d Helen Hennessy,
and Flo Garfall a n d K a y Devine.
T h e w i n n e r s of these t w o matches
play each other in t h e second round.
Thus, if both Nora a n d Flo win their
games, t h e two finalists of last
year's t o u r n e y will again meet.
The fifteen girls w h o a r e playing
in the tourney a r e P a t Latimer,
Joan Smith, Mary Domann, Nora
Giavelli, Eileen Shoup, Helen H e n nessy, Flo Garfall, K a y Devine,
Dotty Huyck, Leah Tischler, Arline
Polsky, Winifred Luikoski, S u n n a
Cooper, Josephine Simon a n d Alma
Domann and Giavelli a r e hoping
for fair weather so that the t o u r n a m e n t m a y be completed before the
p a r k courts a r e closed for t h e s e a son.
All contestants should play
their matches as rapidly as possible,
T h e entire basketball s e t - u p at
State, as h a s been previously a n nounced is to be changed this year.
Instead of a V a r s i t y - F r o s h a r a n g e m e n t as of former years, a VarsityJ u n i o r Varsity system is to be e m ployed.
All frosh interested are u r g e d
to attend t h e first meetings. High
school experience, while helpful, is
not essential. Nothing very s t r e n u ous is planned for the first few days.
Calisthenics a n d general loosening
up of the frosh is to b e the first
activity. In this Coach Hatfield is
to be helped by s t u d e n t assistant
The schedule of the J. V. team
has not yet been announced, b u t is
expected to follow more or less
closely that of last year's frosh
G E O R G E 1). J E O N E Y , P r o p .
D I A L 5-1913
Try Our Businessman's Lunch
198-200 Central Avenue
Mondays, Wednesdays and F r i days at 3:30 Betty Clough a n d Helen
Bushnell are in c o m m a n d of archery.
The fall season e n d s a t T h a n k s giving. All those desiring credit in
a fall sport m u s t h a v e their h o u r s
completed by then.
Frosh Tennis Tourney
Proceeding Slowly
Another week h a s passed and still
the Frosh tennis t o u r n a m e n t has
failed to start rolling.
All first
round matches were scheduled to b e
played by Monday, September 28;
second round matches by T h u r s d a y ,
October 1st; third r o u n d matches by
Saturday, October 3rd; and the finals
were to have been played Tuesday,
October 6th.
As yet, only four matches have
been played. Walt Block defeated
Les deWeerdt, Mark Blunt topped
Block 7-5, 4-6, 8-0; Dick Chillemi
bested Irv Finger 6-2, 6-0, and Bob
Ferber beat Lazer 6-0, 6 - 1 .
Harry Kensky, director of the
is definitely
disappointed in the progress so far. He
urges all players to get in touch with
their opponents and arrange to play
off their matches.
Freshmen Make
Class Nominations
In Orientation
Election Day to Be
Oct. 26 in Commons
Nominations for officers of the
Class of '46 were held last Monday
d u r i n g the weekly Orientation m e e t ing. F'ive men and four women were
nominated for the Presidency.
In the last two years in spite of
their fewer n u m b e r s , there have
been a majority of men entering the
presidential campaign. T h e women,
however, wary of male domination,
liave successfully pooled their votes
to elect women presidents. Pat C a r roll was elected Frosh President for
'44 by a slim margin, the first feminine executive in ten years. The
Class of '45 elected Flo Garfall in the
first revote by an overwhelming
According to the a n n u a l custom,
voting for Freshman officers will be
held in the Commons by secret b a l lot, with Myskanla supervising. The
date set is October 26, before which
every candidate and voter must have
paid his class dues.
Nominations can still be made by
contacting any m e m b e r of Myskanla.
When the NEWS went to press, the
following candidates had been nominated:
President: Stanley Abrams, Richard Chelleni, J e a n Ferris, Beth H a r per, Donald Kircher, Robert Merrill,
Sylvia Propper, Lynn Wolff, and
Dale Wood.
Vice-President: Natalie Bullock,
Esther Cochrane, Vera Haflin, Rosanne Hayden, Robert E. Lee, W i n i fred Luikoski, J o h n Riccardo, Helen
Slack, Terrence S m y l h e ,
Secretary: Martin Bortnick, Isabelle Mall'oy, Eloise C r u m p , G e o r gette Lovecky, Muriel Navy, William
Pawlucki, Eleanor O'Brien,
Treasurer: George Dolitlle, Faith
Franklin, Ada Fried, Rosalind G i n s berg, Harriet Greenberg,
Howarth, Roberta Jobson, Joyce Mc(Continued on paye .', column I >
Drive Scheduled
For Campus Chest
"Coca-Cola is the answer to thirst
that adds refreshment. Your own
experience tells you just what to
expect. Ice-cold Coke has the happy knack of making thirst a minor
matter...refreshment your foremost feeling.
"And your own experience will
prove this fact: The only thing like
Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola itself."
2 2 2 C E N T R A L AVE.
22(1 North Allen SI.
Albany, N. Y.
State College News
Coach G. E. Hatfield has issued
first call for all frosh interested in
this season. P r e l i m i n a r y training is
to begin early n e x t week. Coach
Hatfield is calling out the frosh
earlier t h a n the upperclassmen in
order to get some idea of the
quantity a n d quality of the b a s k e t ball material contained in the freshm a n class. T h e frosh a r e especially
important this year as they a r e
eligible for positions on the varsity.
On November 2, the C a m p u s Chest
will inaugurate its second annual
drive. Sol Greenberg, '43, will be in
charge of the committee which includes the President and V i c e - P r e s i dent of Student Association, the
Presidents of Student Christian A s sociation, Newman Club, and Hillel
Society, and Miss Sara T. Deianey,
Dean of Women. The drive will be
brought to a close on Armistice Day,
November 12.
Last year, the lour h u n d r e d dollars which was collected from s t u dents was divided between the Keel
Cross, World Student Service Fund,
USO, Naval Relief and tuberculosis
and paralysis funds.
from the curent campaign will be
given to the same organizations and
any other worthy cause which might
arise. Fifty dollars already has been
donated lo the NEWS, to be used for
sending copies of the paper lo u n dergraduates and g r a d u a t e s now in
the armed forces.
For the current campaign, each
and every student will be approached by the solicitors. T h e Campus
Chest drive takes place only once a
year, consequently students are not
asked for contributions several times
during tin- year for various "causes."
Each one is expected to oiler at
least fifty cents. Said Sol G r e e n berg, "Although we hope to get 100',
of fifty-cent contributions, the d e creased enrollment and more vital
cause should prompt as many as possible lo give a little more."
Any Junior or Sophomore who
desires to act as solicitor should contact Greenberg.
Hardesty, Crumm Elected;
Revoting Monday For WAA
Results of the past week's v o t ing for class officers have been
completed with one exception.
Georgia Hardesty emerged v i c torious over Hannelora Schoen
for the J u n i o r Class Secretary.
Miss H a r d e s t y will replace K a y
Doran w h o was originally elected
to that position but left school.
the Sophomores,
C r u m m defeated Gordon Baskin
to become treasurer.
She will
replace Collin Barnetl who is now
in the Marines.
As a result
of the tie between Leah Tischler
and Mary Sanderson for r e p r e sentative to WAA, it will be
necessary to have revoting once
This will take place in
the Commons on Monday b e tween one and four in the afternoon. The winner will take the
place of Mary Now who is at
present an officer of WAA.
Hickey President
O f Pi Gamma M u
More Members Likely
From Present Seniors
Kita Mickey, '43, was elected P r e s ident of Pi G a m m a Mu, national S o cial Studies honorary fraternity, at
a recent meeting of the group. Lucy
Massimilian was elected Vice-President; Mae Whiting, Secretary. Betty
Bailey is the new treasurer; Harley
Dingman is program director. M e m bers of Pi G a m m a Mu are selected
each year, by the outgoing seniors,
from those m e m b e r s of the Social
Studies Department who have shown
great interest in their field, and who
are outstanding in scholarship as
well as in personality. Only seniors
may be m e m b e r s of the fraternity.
Rita Hickey, President, has a n nounced that, d u e to a change in the
national constitution allowing the
chapter to have a total of fifteen
members, it may be possible that
additional members will be chosen
from this year's Senior Class. Two
of the m e m b e r s of Pi Gamma Mu
chosen last Moving Up Day, Thomas
Feenoy, and George Kunz, have been
inducted into the armed services of
the United States.
Among its varied activities, this
Social Studies society plans to c o n tact sophomores who are interested
in majoring or minoring in Social
Studies. The Pi Gamma Mu m e m bers will act as advisors in helping
these sophomores select their p r o gram and related subjects. The Pi
Gamma Mu members also try to
foster and to arouse interest in S o cial Studies around State.
Jean enounces
Honor Students
Total Drops from 135
To 120 O n Present List
Duffy to Crown Successor
A t Campus Day Ceremony
Frosh to Play Sophs
For First Rivalry Points
120 names appear on the 1941-42
Dean's List released by Dr. Milton
G. Nelson. The n u m b e r includes 42
seniors, 40 juniors, and 38 sophomores. Last year 135 gained m e n tir n, of which 44 men and 91
wonidn. This year's list includes 20
boys and 100 girls.
Class of 1943: Beatrice Bailey,
Robert Bartman, Alice Benzel, Owen
Bombard, Carolyn Burrows, Gloria
Gammarola, F, Jennie Churchill,
Barbara Clark, G e r t r u d e Damm,
Helen Dann, Ellen Delfs, J u n e D i x son, Norma Enea, Morris Gerber,
Julia Gorman, Walter Grzywacz,
Marjorie Halstead, Laura Hughes,
Dorothy Huyck, Shirley Jennings,
Barbara Kerlin, Thelma Levinson,
J e a n McAllister, Elizabeth Marston,
Kathleen Martin, Lucy Massimilian,
Shirley Mosher, Ruth O'Neill, S h i r ley Ott, J. Elizabeth Peabody, Michael Perrelta, Mary Radywonska,
Regina Roth, R. Muriel Scovell, J u n e
Semple, Ruth Shanley, Margaret
Sinclair, David Slavin, Sylvia Teftl,
Ethelmay Tozier, Mae Whiting, and
Janet Wood.
Class of 19441 Eunice Baird, Paul
Cohen, Gilbert Curbin, Lois Dann,
Josephine DeCustanzo, J o h n DeNike,
Dolores DiRubbo, Ettore Gradoni,
Lillian Gross, Ethel Helterline, J o seph Higgins, J o a n Hoffman, Patricia
Latimer, Helen MacDonald, Evelyn
McGowan, Vivian Marion, Winifred
Morris, Evelyn P u t n a m , Hannelore
Schoen, J e a n n e l t e Shay, Dorothea
Simmons, Bernard Skolsky, C a t h e r ine M. Smith, J a n e t L. Smith, Ada
Snyder, Alan Stone, Mary S l u d e baker, Margaret
Townsend, Warren Walker, Angela
Wierzbowski, Nancy Wilcox, Mildred
WiroslofT, and Harry Wurlz.
( l a s s of 1945: Sonya Balshan, Clara
Crouse, Catherine Bitlerman, Aleen
Coddington, Marian E. Davis, Margaret Dee, Ann Deuschbcin, .Janet
Donahue, John
Dooley, Marilyn
Eber, Grace Fielder, Ruth Fine, Anne
Fritz, Duleie Gale, Lucille Ganley,
Florence Garfall, J u n e Genier, S t a n ley Gipp, Virginia Greenman, C a r o line Hasbrouck, Eleanor Hayeslip,
Raymond Howard, Pearl Isken, Sylvia Johnson, Martha Joyce, Estelle
Kontoleon, Anita Leone, Betty P a l mateer, Helen Romanowsky, Dolores
Ropke, Donald Sayles, Grace Shults,
Phyllis Snyder, Helen Stuart, Marie
Trapasso, Josephine Valente, G e r trude Yanowitz, and Dante Zaccagnini.
MoreDance, Stroll, Da nee Some
Plans, Plus Variations
By le Kenny
in a few words about the last lootWhat does a fellow consider a perball game, the latest AD play, the
fect evening? Strolling in the moonnewest couple on the campus, or
light with a lovely lady, or tomabout nothing factual at all. Glat< mining the Jersey Bounce on a
mour will shine, for this will be the
smooth wide dance
Is it
first 11142 occasion for State College
laughing with a hundred other
girls lo show llieir latest formal
couples from the college crowd, or
bending under a spoonful of butterWaleh every color in the rainbow
scotch sundae, tile a lute?
glide by and you'll see thai beauty
They will all be yours, lad.-,, for
still reigns at NYSCT, war or no
next Friday night at All-Stale Dance.
Pete Marchclla, Senior class p u b Intermission oilers the opportunlicity direetoi, quotes ilie weatherity for a lale snack shared with
man when he says, "The sky will be
your date at a nearby rendevous.
crawling with stars to compensate
Culm your hepped nerves with a
for last year's showers." He adds,
coke or something .stronger if you
"The boardwalk from dorm to dorm
You should be able lo
makes a very romantic lover's lane,"
afford one bollle of Champagne
Jitterbugs the floors ol Sayles and
remember the price of admission is
Pierce' Halls will be yours for the
only $1.05 per couple.
swinging while the orchestras of
Two interesting items are the
Charlie Randall and Joe Medtzer
vocalists who will serenade against
beat out the r h y t h m of your favorite
a background composed of all class
tunes. Music in two definite styles
with a breath of the cool evening
Well, fellows, does this contain
air between.
all the essentials for a perfect e v e You'll
meet everybody
You'll pause between dances to east
Lois llaflcy, '43, Pageant Chairman
Debate Counci
ncreases Squad
From competitive t r y - o u t s last
Tuesday afternoon, five new m e m bers of varsity Debate Squad were
They are: Anita Leone,
Mary D. Alden, Edna Marsh, S u n n a
Cooper, and Gordon Baskin, sophomores.
Each competitor made a t w o minute speech on the subject,
"Should men of 18 be drafted?"
Either side of the question could be
Members of
Council served as judges.
Those members of last years's
varsity squad who will also serve
this year are Murial Scovell, Shirley
Wurz, and Bernard Skolsky. P r e s i dent of Debate Council, Marie Soule,
wishes thai any others of the former
squad who to continue this
year would please get in touch with
her immediately,
T r y - o u t s for freshman
squad will be held Tuesday at
3:30 in Room 20. There will also
be continued varsity t r y - o u t s at a
date to be announced later.
This year debate activities arc
somewhat hampered by the lack of
transportation facilities.
Many of
the longer trips to other colleges will
necessarily be cancelled. However,
Miss Soule announces that other
events will be substituted, and d e baters may be assured of a full and
active year.
D & A W i l l Present
Nils Hogner, Artist
Nils llogner, artist and illustrator, will be the guest speaker for
the first fall presentation of D and
A, il was announced last Wednesday,
Using his paintings to illustrate his
lecture, llogner will speak at an
afternoon tea in the lounge Monday, November II at 3:30. Several
of his belter known canvases will
be on display there a few days
llogner and his wife have collaborated on several books.
has done the writing and he the
illustrating in a children's series
and an ailull travel set group. They
are personal friends of Dr. Watt
At a meeting of D and A last
Wednesday the following committee
was appointed lo aid with the plans,
luvilalions, Martha Sprenger; a r rangements,
publicity, J e a n e t t e Shay; refreshments, Trece Anoy.
At the same meeting Trece Aney
was elected combined treasurer of
D and A and AD in order that
there might be greater convenience
in the manipulation of funds,
Until two Sophomores pages have
heralded t h e e n t r a n c e of the C a m pus Queen in P a g e Hall a u d i t o r i u m
tomorrow at 8 P, M., h e r identity
will remain a secret. Queen Duff,
'42, will come from Fonda w h e r e
she is teaching, to crown h e r s u c cessor.
Lois Hafley, '43, c h a i r m a n of t h e
pageant, h a s outlined the ceremony.
After the bugle a n n o u n c e m e n t of
the pages, the twenty-first C a m p u s
Queen will enter, attended by two
members from each of the four
classes. S h e will also have a t r a i n boy, Robert Roy of the Albany
Home for Children. The group will
proceed to the stage where Marion
Duffy will relinquish her crown to
the newly chosen Queen ( ? ) , and
her a t t e n d a n t s will sit on the large
throne at t h e side of the stage
Sophomore and freshman skits. The r e tiring queen, h e r attendants, a n d six
ushers ( t w o women chosen from
each of the Senior, J u n i o r , and
freshman classes) will see the skits
from the audience.
Skil Casts
Harold Goldstein, '45, is directing the Sophomore skit; Ned T i m pane and Eleanor Smith, freshmen,
are in c h a r g e of '46's entertainment.
Those taking part in the Sophomore
skit are Sonya
Dooley, Elaine Drooz, Stanley Gipp,
J e a n n e Fillman, Ruth Fine, Ray
Howard, K a y Moran, Edna Marsh,
Curtis PfafT, Ernest Mennillo, Betty
Sweeney, Dan Regan, Joseph T a s soni, Leah Tischler and J. Michael
In the frosh skit are Martin
Bortnick, Michael G a n a k a s , Rosanne
Hayden, E u g e n e Herrington, Wilbur Seidell', G e n e v i e v e Stiles, A n cterina
Robert Wilcox a n d Dale Wood.
Rivalry Events Planned
While no rivalry points will be
awarded to the class presenting t h e
better skit, athletic events this
afternoon and tomorrow will offer
a total of seven points.
The men's pushball game will be
held in front of Page Hall at 4:30
P, M. Two points will be a w a r d e d
the winners.
Three obstacle races will be r u n
by the women tomorrow in the field
in front of Page Hall at 2:30 P. M.
One point in rivalry is attached to
each race.
Two s i x - m a n teams
will compete in the S o p h o m o r e freshman touch football game at
3 P. M., on the field. The winning
team will e a r n two points.
Winifred J u n e s , '43, President of
WAA, has charge of the rivalry
(Continued on page ', column 1)
SLS W i l l Entertain
Frosh at Party Tonight
For its first rush party of the year,
Sigma Lambda Sigma will offer the
freshmen an "old clothes" vie party,
with a Coney Island funf'est as its
theme. This affair will continue the
rush parties begun last week.
Those who attend will find that
the house has been made over into
a Coney Island fun house. The n a ture of the various "hazards" wlfl
remain a secret until tonight, a l though il is k n o w n that in order to
enter, one must crawl through u
barrel placed at the buck door, A
great variety of e n t e r t a i n m e n t , p r o vided by both upperclassmen und
freshmen will s u p p l e m e n t the d a n c ing.
With the best in n a m e bands from
coast lo coast "giving out," and of
course, refreshments, Social Director Gordon Hastings, '43, promises
"an evening of fun and frolic with
surprises lor all."
Dr. Ralph Baker, Instructor of
Social Studies, will uct us chaperone.
Established May, 1916
by the Class of 1918
Friday, October 16,1942
No. 5
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The undergraduate newspaper of t h e New York State College for Teachers published every Friday of t h e college
year by t h e NEWS Board for the S t u d e n t Association.
Phones: Office, 5-9373; Slavln, 2-9726; Burrows, 2-2752
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The News Board
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All communications should be addressed to the editor
and must be signed. Names will be withheld upon request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed In Its columns or communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect Its
This Hour Is Ours
Time does not stand still. Even 8:10 classes
end sometime, and college days are a very brief
chapter in our lives. We who are college students at a period that marks a changing era have
been brought sharply to this realization. Again
it is time that will tell whether or not it has been
brought to us with great enough clarity.
With the last few months, lime has written a
startling finish to one period of eternity, and lias
begun another. The passing weeks, I inning into
years, will determine the character of this new
period, in which we are the pioneers. Time will
tell, but we are the ones who will guide the hand
that writes. And we cannot delay in assuming
the roles lor which we are cast.
We have the outline, we have the materials.
The present' is now, lor time does not stand still.
And in this present, the world is not the one
we knew yesterday. In this present, untold numbers are relinquishing hourly their inalienable
right lo live as men with other men.
Nothing we will give can be loo great, lor
others will give more. Bui nothing we will give
can he too little, il it is given with every shred
of sincerity and effort of which we are capable.
The spirit with which we endow the present will
he revitalized in the years thai are yet to come.
Ii is our task io create thai spirit, so thai those
coming after us ma) re-< reate ii.
Not lor us, perhaps, the death and the glory.
Nor, perhaps, the darkness and the ultimate
light. But, lor us, the labor, lor us, the service,
for us, the hope. Ami for us—the future.
Who Bids?
Another year. .Another Irtish election,
a new group enters State College politics.
Some candidates may he backed hy organized
inter-class groups; cithers may be sell-nominated,
Bui all run for the ollice thai seems inosi attractive, and all vote freely.
This is the only election in which voting will he uninfluenced by
fraternity and sorority affiliations the only election in which voters have only friendship lies
as a basis lor theii balloting. <>iI ihcothei hand,
the results ol the elections will he a definite
influence in determining jusi who will affiliate
himself wiili which fraternity or what sorority.
The victors themselves will enter the spotlight,
and with little effort, remain there. Some ol
the uon-oflicc holders nun theii lalenl to other
fiehls in their bid foi fame; others are couieni
to siudy nullum the diversion ol the spotlight.
Most of the freshmen will make no deliberate
decisions, but before ihey realize ii ihey will find
(hat they have a definite position in the game of
Wilo bids?
The Curtain Rises
-Betty TaylorLast Tuesday evening Advanced
The comedy carried itself as all
Dramatics, u n d e r the guiding hand
comedies should.
T h e full lights
of Miss F u t t e r e r , presented their
and lighted whimsical set were
first program of the season.
definitely right for the gay, bright
cast of the tragedy directed by Jim
mood of
McFeeley was made up of three
praise must go to Miss Hampel and
college-stage veterans: Art S o d e r Barselou for their excellent control
lind, Hal Ashworth, and
during their a r g u m e n t a t i v e climax.
T h e comedy directed
Their timing was perfect, their
by Trece Aney carried an equally
effect right.
Loucks' m a k e u p , of
able cast consisting of Bob Loucks,
course, was u n f o r t u n a t e .
Lois Hampel and Paul Barselou.
Under the special note column
Undoubtedly these two plays were
comes the e n t e r t a i n m e n t between
the best s t u d e n t - d i r e c t e d performplays. E d w a r d K r u p p played the
ances that have appeared in Page
piano and well, but the surprise
Hall for at least two years. Orchids
aplenty to Miss Aney and McFeeley
of the evening was a feminine s e x for their capable handling of the
tet. Will they take the place of the
evenings entertainment.
Four men of S t a t e now in the wide,
wide world? A n d why not!!
The set for the tragedy, with its
unique backdrop and u n u s u a l lightYes, last Tuesday evening was a
ing, was unusually good and d e gala opening night for A. D. Both
serves honorable mention.
Ashplays were rough in spots, but it
worth and Miss S t u d e b a k e r were
must be r e m e m b e r e d that this was
excellent, as always, but the four
merely a beginning, a first step.
bells of the evening go to Art S o And, we might add, a step worth
derlind for his last, and, in this
listening to. Keep up the good work,
critic's opinion, best performance of
A, D.
You have a s t a n d a r d to
his State College career.
maintain and a goal to be surpassed.
^ t
Australians advancing on the Island of Now Guinea are finding no
J a p forces opposing them. General
MacArthur reports that allied troops
have crossed the Owen Stanley
Mountain Range in their attempt to
drive the J a p s back from Port
It seems that the J a p s
have withdrawn their forces from
the Island of New Guinea, and have
shifted them to the Solomon Islands
because the Navy reports that J a p
naval vessels shelled American positions on Guadalcanal Island and
landed invasion
States' submarines and warships indicted severe losses on the J a p ships,
This appears that the Japs mean
business this time in their attempt
to recapture the Solomons.
American forces have not made contact with the .laps on the island as yet.
At Pearl Harbor, Admiral Nimitz,
C o m m a n d e r - i n - C h i e f of the Pacific
Fleet, wlio had just returned from
a lour of United Slates bases in the
southwest Pacific, said that A m e r i can forces could lie expected to consolidate their holdings in the Solomons and continue the Pacific offensive begun there. The J a p s are t r y ing to prove him a false prophet.
Congress is considering the dial I
bill lor IK and I!) year old youths
Secretary Stimson and General Mar
shall testified before the House Mili
tary Affairs Committee that the lull) draft is vital. Revealing for the
first time that the size of the army
in 1843 will be 7,500,000 men, Secretary Stimson and General Marshall
said that younger men are needed
to provide tough unci well trained
front line forces to meet the best
troops the enemy can produce. They
also disclosed that the Army now
stands at ubout 4,230,000 men.
Moscow reports that the Red
Army is holding the G e r m a n s on
both the Stalingrad and Caucasus
fronts and has m a d e some slight advances northwest of Stalingrad and
in a sector to the south, Hitler has
evidently given up trying to lake
Stalingrad before winter. The G e r man troops are digging in at their
present positions, and General Franz
Haider, Chief of the Gorman G e n eral Stall', has diverted supplies from
other fronts so that G e r m a n troops
in Russia will not suffer as Ihey did
last winter.
The Axis has r e s u m e d its all-out
air raids on the island of Malta. The
island's anti-aircraft defenses have
taken a heavy toll of the raiders.
Heavy Axis attacks on Malta usually
have preceded a G e r m a n drive in
Africa. The purpose of the raids is
lo bottle up allied aircraft so they
cannot bomb Axis convoys in the
Mediterranean bringing supplies to
Ileinrich Uimmler, head of the
German Gestapo, is conferring with
Mussolini in Home.
Reports thai
filtered out of the Axis c a m p Indicated thai G e r m a n y had grown increasingly suspicions of her junior
partner's attitude toward the United
Slates. Attorney General Biddle's
recent announcement that after October lifl the 000,000 Italian in the
U, S. would no longer be under restrictions as enemy aliens, has made
the Germans suspicious of Italians.
. b y Herb L e n e k e r J u s t remember
didn't fall, it rotted,
. . .
You may have heard that, d u e to schedule conflicts
and the fact that he has only 30 h o u r s in his working
day, Dr. Rienow is resigning from War Activities
Council. This just ain't so, for the "Blonde Bomber"
of the poly sci d e p a r t m e n t is, was, and will be very
much in evidence in the WAC.
This is good news, for any organization can profit
by the p r u d e n t l y aggressive clear thinking of such a
person, who, while closely co-operating in worthwhile
activities, will never sink to the stupor of a "yes man."
In the need for such individuals, War Activities C o u n cil is certainly no exception, . . .
FRANK HARDMEYER, previously reported missing,
is in a G e r m a n prison camp. . . . The bullets just don't
come big enough . . . ask any who k n e w him. . . .
DENNY PEEPER, glamour boy of the oft-lamented
"old guard," w a n d e r e d about State this week, looking
for what he termed the "vanishing Americans." . . . Is
non-com with the new guard at Miami Beach, Air
Force . . . GEORGE KUNZ writes that d u r i n g earlier
training he was required to hold himself at arm's length
by the hair of his head . . . sounds difficult . . . Now
taking advanced work in Missouri, . . .
As of this Wed., LEN FRIEDLANDER'S uniform
is weighted down by a gold bar on each shoulder . . .
One of the Fort Benning boys . . . "State's training
ought to help all our grads" (and that ain't all) "to
become officers. Teaching is emphasized here." DAN
BUCCI, P F C Spence Field, Ga., is crazy about army
life. . . . Recently got himself engaged to the "Queen
of the South," so no wonder things look rosy. . . .
When last h e a r d from, the inimitable J O H N G A R DEPHE was at Fort Monmouth with the signal regiment. . . .
BOB GLEASON, he of the wavy hair & green
jacket, left last T h u r s d a y for his free camping t r i p . . . .
NICK MURPHY will soon take a world cruise . . . Also
provided by our rich Uncle . . . WILL MULLER, playboy of '43 who brought the "Lindy" to State, is in an
aviation-radio school at Jacksonville, Fla., "learning
the ins and outs of radio, gunnery, and naval life in
general. . . ." Wing leader, in charge of 66 men . . .
Plenty of women around—some of them r e s p e c t a b l e . . . .
By now it is common knowledge that those of the
long black robes will allow no change in the rivalry
set up whereby the filthy lucre can be a deciding factor in the a w a r d i n g of coveted points.
It is true that the editorial last week got the plan
as presented all balled up, but this was the identical
way it was understood by many. . . . Backers of the
plan laughed at this misinterpretation, but the laughter
was not catching, . . .
Enthusiasts in WAC claim that the correct plan is to
have teams from each rivalry class compete in the sale
of War Stamps, but their machinery for the set up of
this is highly complicated, in an impractical sort of a
way, and would still allow the class with the most
purchasing power to bring home the bacon.
This idea of commercialism, whether a theoretic
quibble or a practical actuality, is extremely r e p u g nant. . . .
Let the War S t a m p Table, sponsored by WAC, tak"
care of the sale of war stamps, for things have come to
a pretty pass if people have to bo goaded into buying
these interest bearing defenders of democracy by some
super-zealous class patriot interested in getting rivalry
points. . . .
WAC is doing an excellent job—let's get that straight
right now—but when they miss the boat, as was done
with this idea, then they open themselves for criticism,
for a majority of State students do not worship sacred
cows, nor do they believe thai "the king can do no
wrong. . . ."
Let those heading hell-bent for hysteria accuse us
of impeding the war effort if they so desire.
The W e e k l y Bulletin
Any students who have
not yel volunteered lor
participation In war activities may do HO betwoen U
unci 4 P. M. In the Rotunda
of Drapor Hall today. Personal interviews by members of War Council may
hi' obtain, tl In order Hint
volunteers may uarefully
cliooKu their activities.
U.I.-STATI; n.wci:
• Ids costing #1 HI' will no
on salo In lower Draper
Hall Monday. Tlioy will be
available all weak,
Sophomores women who
wish to holp win rivalry
points should sl|4h up today for the obstacle! niciH,
Fla (larlall
Freshmen may try out
for debate squad Tuesday
at 11:30 P. M. In Room SO.
Anyone wishing to 117 out
.•.hniild prepare a two-minute speech on the topic,
"Resolved: That mem ulghtcion yours of ago should bu
drafted for service in the
U. a. Army."
la—Freshman-sophomore rivalry
game in front of Pane
Hall, 4:30 P. M.
Oct. 17 — G'umpUH Day
Women's obstacle races,
'.3:11(1 P, M., and men's
touch football giuno, ;l
P, M., In front of Pago
Hall. Coronation pugoant,
Puge Hall auditorium, tf
P. M. Dunclmj in the
Commons, I) P. M
Oct. is—Wren Hail "At
Home" for Baylos Hall, .1
IJ. M.
Oct. 30—-NEWS Cub Classes
for freshmen In Room
111, Hi noon.
Oct. no—Freshman Debate
Squad tryouts, Room 20.
:i:H0 P. M.
Oct. HO — Classical c l u b
muutlnu, In the Lounije,
3:30 P, M,
Oct. at—Hiilel inuBtiiiH in
the Lounge, 3:3tJ P, M.
Oct. 81—SOA annual outing. Hot dog roast behind women's dorm. 11 p.
M Dancing In the lliglu
Room will follow.
Oct. aa Newman Club hot
dog roast at Newman
Hull, 4 P. M. Dancing
will follow,
Oct. as- Aii-Hiuti! semiformal, U P, M. to 1 A. M
Dancing in Pierce and
Muyles Hulls.
Bulger Will Address
Assembly Today
Governor Lehman Blonde, Brunette or Brownette,
Gubs Schedule
To Give Address Which Type Will Wear the Crown? Plans for Year
" by Gordon Buskin
Members of International Relation
A t Convocation
Club are planning to assist War
plus brains will reign and w h e n the
Like a mother forced to pick out
Educators to Convene
A t Chancellors Hall
The 78th convocation of the University of the State of New York,
together with the inauguration of
Dr. George D. Stoddard as President
of the University and Commissioner
of Education will take place this
afternoon and this evening at C h a n cellors Hall at the State Education
Building. The theme of the convocation is Echiccitto?i in a Day of
At this afternoon's session, which
begins at 2:30 P. M., there will be
several musical selections by the
Orchestra of the Ithaca
Schools and baritone solos by Stuart
Gracey. Various men in the educational field will greet the new Commossioner. The Honorable William
J. Wallin, Vice-Chancellor of the
University, will preside this afternoon.
The Honorable Thomas J. Mangan, Chancellor of the University,
will preside at this evening's session.
There will be an address by the
Honorable Herbert H. Lehman, Governor of the State of New York, after
which the Honorable William J.
Wallin will present the President of
the University and Commissioner of
Education. The Honorable George
D. Stoddard will then give his inaugural address.
The program will be completed by
the conferring of honorary degrees.
No tickets to this event are issued.
Students may attend either in the
afternoon or evening.
Canteibury Club Elects
Helen Elgin President
C a n t e r b u r y Club has elected new
officers, because A u d r e y Benfield
'43, President, did not return lo
State College.
The new officers
are as follows: Helen Elgin '44,
President; Vera Willard '44, vicepresident; Marion Davis '45, secretary; Helen Rhodes '45, treasurer;
and Marjorie Breunig '44, publicity
The meeting was held
at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
Charles Finlay on Western Avenue.
At the next meeting, on November
8, a r r a n g e m e n t s will be made for a
bridge party to be held November
13, at St. A n d r e w s Episcopal Church
Hall. At this time there will be
guest speakers and also an admission
of twenty-five cents will be charged,
' 4 6 Nominations
fContinued from page /, co/nniii / ;
Donald, Elizabeth ,J. McGrath, Irene
Polsky, Wilbcr Schiof, Hubert Wilcox.
WAA Representative:
Dunn, Eileen Slump, Mary Seymour,
Jean Turner, Roberta Van Auken.
Flora Conca, Isabelle Fear, Janet tiros, Rosaline
Haydcn, Everson Kinn, Alice McGowan, Helen Slack, Arlene Stepp,
Betty Williams, Lynn Wollf, Jean
1VIAA Representative: Martin Borlnick, Richard Chollimi, Walter C u m mlngs, Dan Gillen, John Riccardo,
Terronce Smythe, Robert Sullivan,
Richard Tontarskl.
WAA Manager:
Same nominations as WAA Representative. Nominees will choose for which ollice
they wish lo run.
SonglciuU'r: Peggy Casey, Flora
Conca, Rosalind Ginsberg, Mary Lou
Haynes, Edward
O'Connor, Charles Reichart, A r t h u r
Russell, Agnes Young.
Representative to Finance Hoard:
Doris Jenks, Sonja Kaclish, Hubert
E. Lee, Phyllis O'Connor, Genevieve
Smitlily, Marian Spink, Dale Sullivan, Roger Wall, Rosemary Weslte,
Publicity Chairman: Tom Boylan,
Biviano, Margaret
Clara Hill, Everson Kinn, Elizabeth
LeFaro, Sylvia Propper, Marie Scuclder, Ned Timpano.
Duffy to Crown
(Continued from /nine /, column ' )
Tomorrow will mark the twontythircl annual C a m p u s Day.
first similar celebration was held
in 1!)20 and was devoted lo a day
of competitive sporl. A basket
lunch, a campus sing, and dancing
followed. The lirst C a m p u s Queen
was chosen in 11)22 to preside over
the third annual C a m p u s Day,
her most appealing child, we went
into the Commons to cast our ballot.
Yes, the dye is cast—we have a l ready voted and we still don't know
who will be the C a m p u s Queen of
There are five nominees, and as
we looked from one to the other in
an effort to determine our choice, il
became more and more difficult. We
kept reversing ourselves in an h o n est effort to pick only one.
Some of us prefer brunettes. If
enough of us did, the vote would
have to be split between Betty
Barden and Dorothy Cox. The girl
with the brown hair, sometimes r e ferred to as a brownette, Emily
Blasiar, is a type in herself! The
fourth and fifth girls, Shirley Eastman and Mildred Mattice combine
that well-known quality of the fair
hair and the blue eyes.
Bui when Marion Dully, comely
winner of the title of Campus Queen
last year, places the jeweled crown
upon the head of the 1942 C a m p u s
Queen tomorrow evening, you can
be assured thai the winner will not
be just a pretty girl without personality, charm, and leadership. Beauty
queen is chosen she will be to a l most every extent the t r u e queen of
the campus.
Following the precedent of the
last two years, three of the nominees,
Betty Barden, Emily Blasiar, and
Mildred Mattice are on Myskania.
The other two candidates, Shirley
Eastman and Dorothy Cox have
been active in many extra class affairs. Vivacious Dorothy Cox has
been expending much vitality as one
of the college cheer leaders. SCA
has had the good fortune to secure
Shirley Eastman for work on n u merous of its committees.
The first C a m p u s Queen sat
upon the throne
in 1922, a l though the idea originated in 1921.
This year's coronation will mark the
twentieth time State will witness the
crowning of the new queen.
Supporters of each of the five
candidates refused to make predictions, although one chimed in, "If
the results of the last two years are
an indication of the winner, Mildred
Mattice will have the advantage."
In 1940 and in 1941, the J u n i o r Prom
Queens added to their victories by
winning the Campus Queen crown.
Soup's On! Ready
United Nations
Theme of Dance
-The Wolverines
"He's mine"—"No, he's mine!"
And another redskin bit the
dust! Don't be alarmed—it's
only exchange dinner!
Kappa Delta, Psi Gamma,
Kappa Delta Rho, and Sigma
Lambda Sigma have already
interchanged. Pierce Hall and
Sayles have planned and started
.i series of dinners. Men (that
is what the little book said)
are traded for women to enjoy
('.' I a meal.
Al Pierce, the wolves who
signed up to come, are greeted
by smiling faces and a barrage
of "gimme him's." After dinner,
last week, the lucky t w e n t y six
Sayles, were escorted t h r o u g h out the men's dorm. (Special to
the men who come to Pierce, do
not expect the same. C o n v e n tion just won't take it.)
week there will be an open
house at Pierce.
Newman, S C A Plan
Traditional Fall Outing
Both Newman Club and Student
Christian Association are planning
to hold their annual fall outings
next week. Newman Club is h a v ing a hot clog roast T h u r s d a y from
•I P. M. lo 11 P. M„ at, Newman
Hall. Cider, doughnuts, and potato
salad will be served and later there
will be dancing in the Hall, Lucille
Gorg '45, the general chairman,
has stated that it will cosl t h i r t y five cents per person. Everyone is
welcome and anyone expecting to
attend must sign up on the Newman
Club bulletin board,
The SCA outing will be held
Wednesday in the dorm field at
Ii P, M. Alter the hot dog roast,
there will be a social hour in the
Ingle room of Pierce Hall. Members
nf SCA will be charged
cents and n o n - m e m b e r s Iwonlyllve cents. Herb Brock '44, Social
Director, has chosen the following
committees; Food, Shirley Eastman,
'43; Publicity, Eunice Baird, ' I I ;
chairman, A n n e Fritz, '45; and
Shirley Jennings, '43; Entertainment,
Mary Sanderson, '45; A r r a n g e m e n t s
and Cleanup, Bob Merritt, chairman,
Dale Wood, Marshall Akerman, and
Walt Block, freshmen.
This morning in assembly, Mr.
Paul Bulger of t h e S t u d e n t E m p l o y ment B u r e a u will r e q u e s t all State
students who h a v e friends w h o h a v e
finished school and h a v e not found
teaching positions to ask t h e m to get
in touch with SEB. T h e lack of
qualified teachers is so great, that
even married women will be w e l comed.
If a State g r a d u a t e has
married, and her h u s b a n d is in the
army, or if she would like to teach
anyhow, she will be urged to contact
Miss Kelly or Mr. Bulger at once.
Men with 4 - F or 1-B ratings a r e
asked to notify Mr. Bulger if they
are free, even though they may only
be able to teach for a short time.
Teachers of all subjects a r e needed.
Placements m a d e d u r i n g the last
week are: Mildred E. Hallock, '40,
Science, Port Washington; Kenneth
Ford, graduate student, '42, Math,
Eldred; Lois Krause, '38, Commerce,
Monticello; Caroline Skinner, g r a d uate student, '42, English, H u r l y ville; Ratchell Friezierer, graduate
student, '42, Commerce, Schenectady.
SEB is the Placement B u r e a u
for Stale College. Its record for
placing State g r a d u a t e s in teaching
positions is excellent compared with
the records of other College P l a c e ment Agencies.
Council in its new program by c o m piling individual research reports.
These compilations will be in the
form of topics given to each member,
A r t h u r Cornwall, President, says
they are planning a new system
whereby members will give 15minute lectures on the material they
have gathered, In accordance also
with the war program, every m e m ber will join the Foreign Policy A s sociation,
Meetings are regularly held every
2nd and 4th Thursday. For m e m bers who are not able to attend
regular meetings, luncheon meetings
are held every 1st and 3rd Thursday.
The program for the luncheon m e e t ing to be held next T h u r s d a y is a
debate on the second front.
Classical Club and Chemistry Club
are both holding their first meetings
next Tuesday. Scientists will hear
Miss Gertrude Dieken speak on
Plastics and Fabrics. Two movies,
"Facts About Fabrics" and "New
Worlds Through Chemistry" will be
shown. Classical Club is planning
discussion on the value of the classics in schools.
John G. Myers
Forum Will Use Funds
To Aid War Effort
Informality, gayety, and laughter, will be the backdrop for the
United Nations' dance scheduled in
the gymnasium for October 30.
A political rally had formerly
been planned at this time, bul
since election nighl was not available, Forum has invited the three
religious organizations to collaborate on a dance to help raise money
for War Activities Council, Campus
Chest, and other worthwhile o r g a n izations.
The theme of the dance will be
constantly kept in view, since r e freshmenls
will be labelled
represent the favorite foods of the
various United Nations. As Shirley
Wurz, '43, confided, "There will be
'vodka' in the barrel instead of
Flags of
countries will decorate the g y m n a sium,
The purpose of this dance is to
give the students of State College
the opportunity to have a good
lime while simultaneously assisting
in the war effort.
Music will be furnished by the
"vie," jubilant
voices, and
shuffling of shoes. Dancing will last
I'roni i) P. M., to mid-night.
Herbert Lonckor, '43, representing Forum is General Chairman.
Assisting him are Herbert Brock,
representing S.C.A.;
Gorg, '45, of Newman Club; and Sol
Greenberg, '43, of Hiilel Society.
The entire college is invited.
Leneker says, "There should be
a good turn-out at the dance in
view ol its worthwhile cause."
P O P Elects Officers
Pi Omega Pi, honorary commercial fraternity, has elected Its executive council consisting of President,
Ellen Dells, Vice-President,
Flax, and Treasurer, Marie Hart.
Alma Jewell, President of Commerce
Club, was also voted a member.
The first project for the year will
be a follow-up of commerce g r a d u ates of the past two years. The lirst
business meeting will be held Monday.
In o Friendly, Comfortable
Plus T ax
l;or beauty
For warmth
wool, wiili lilt)'/! reused wool.
Yuan); ' M a i n s .Slinp
the fabric is 100% virgin
shades ol biege or blue
airs inn at Quail
with rich
Nci'iiml Minn
to \*>
In lovely
Dorm A Ties KB For Lead;
Disputed Game Ends 6-6
Potter Club Scores 7-6 Over SLS in Tight Battle,
KDR and SLS Removed from Undefeated Ranks
While the Finks W i n by Defeating the Ramblers
Pete Marcheiia
K B's Passing
The most important development
in the football league during the
p a s t ' w e e k has been the rise of the
K a p p a Beta team from just another
league m e m b e r to a contender for
the championship.
The reason for KB's fast climbing
u p w a r d s in the league race is their
deft passing attack. Using short flat
passes, in most cases, K B has had
amazing success by the aerial route.
With Joe Levin doing most of the
pitching and any of the other five
players receiving, these boys have
been able to combine accuracy with
deception to complete at least 70",',
of their flat passes. It will take more
than some carefully laidout plans to
stop their short passes. So far the
Finks, SLS, and KDR have failed.
The r u n n i n g form of Sol Stolbof
in this week's contests has s t r e n g t h ened the title hopes of KB, v/ho as
yet have not shown much of a
ground attack.
Rule Change
I n t r a m u r a l Council has found it
necessary to a m e n d one of the football rules. The new rule reads that
if a player of the defensive team
tacMes the ball carrier, the defensive
II ba t c n a l h e d ten yards
from the point of Infraction and the
offensive team will be awarded a
first clown.
As the rule stood before this week,
only a first down was awarded to
the offensive team. However, in a
n u m b e r of instances ball carriers
have been tackled after they had
ran the ball for a first, down. In
this way the offenders had been able
to escape penalty as the referee had
no alternative. It was a wise and
just move to make, even though the
season's schedule is about half c o m pleted.
* * *
The frosh tennis tournament is
progressing very slowly this year.
Individual contestants are not playing their matches on schedule. We
have been fortunate this fall to be
favored with playing weather. H o w ever, this may not continue.
What do you say, frosh?
about doing something about it?
Basketball has already found its
way into State College as frosh b a s keteers answered the call this week
for practice in preparation for the
coming season. Only a few have r e ported as yet. However, more are
expected next week when practice
sessions will be held every afternoon,
Friday excepted.
It is too early,
though, at this stage to make any
predictions as to possible hoopster
material contained In the class of '46.
Frosh Net Tourney
Nearing Completion
The Frosh tournament has a p p a r ently been aroused from its lethargy.
More matches were played last week
than in all the preceding weeks of
the tourney.
Bob Ferber, who defeated Marry
Lazer, 6-0, 6-1, to gain the second
round, trounced Jim Howarth on
Tuesday by a score of 6-2, 6-0. This
victory advances Ferber to the final
round. Howarth gained the second
round by virtue of a default from
Jim Harder.
In the other match,
Bob Merritt, after a slow start, won
over Jim Miners by a score of 3-6,
6-1, 8-6.
Mark Blunt and Dick Chilleni
must meet to determine who shall
play in the semi-finals. The winner
of the Mart Bortniek-Murph Paul
match will vie with Boh Merritt tu
fill ill the other semi-final bracket.
As yet, neither Borlniek or Paul
h a v e played a match.
H a r r y Kensky, chairman of the
tourney, was well pleased with this
week's play, and is very hopeful of
having the (inula played within t h e
coming week,
by J o h n Sussina
Scoring on "borrowed" time on
the last play of the game, D o r m
"A" tied K B 6-6 yesterday afternoon, and moved into a tie with
the latter for the league lead.
On the play, which K B declares
would not have occured if time
had not been stopped, Welch s h i p ped a short pass to C u m m i n g s
down the middle.
i., •
K B s score came early in t h e
c i
„ .,„„.,u X.t „ ,.!,„..(
first q u a r t e r as a result oi a snort
t _ T . •„ . A,.* ci
pass from Levin to A r t Flax.
n ....
In the other game, a
Rambler squad held a powerful
SLS sextet even for three q u a r t e r s ,
and then proceeded to toss the g a m e
away when Caple blocked a kick.
The passing combination of Hippick
to Guarino clicked from five yards
out for the score.
Maintaining its pace of at least
two touchdowns per game, a b e a u t l fully passing KB team downed SLS
by 14-7, and KDR by 19-0. A 20y a r d pass by Joe Levin to A r t Flax
scored the first touchdown against
SLS in the first quarter, and a n o t h e r
pass, this thrown by L. Flax, set the
stage for a 15-yard romp to p a y - d i r t
by Stolbof in the second q u a r t e r .
Both extra points were made good
on passes from Levin to A. Flax.
In the third period SLS roared
back to within striking distance of a
tie or victory on the wings of an i n i„rce,.ted j.ass and run by Dave
Griffin from mid-field. However, the
entire fourth q u a r t e r was played
around the mid-field stripe, w h e r e
the final play ended.
Standings t o D a t e
*™J a n s
*". l k . s
S n u?
for t h e
vvas batted
Scoro to the ground.
Throe plays after the r e t u r n kick°fl'. Max Braun, Rambler, ran to his
" S h t and threw to Ray Howard
r u n n i n g all alone down the left s i d e line. Howard gathered it in on the
20 and sped across untouched.
run for the extra poinl was stopped,
and the score remained 6-6. T h e r e after, though the Finks threatened,
they could not score until the closing
seconds. Having taken a Fink punt
on their own six the Ramblers tried
three plays which lost a few yards.
The fourth-down kick by B r a u n was
blocked by Jim D u n n i n g and the
Finks took over on the Rambler
three. On the second play Olivet
rifled a pass down the middle toDunning for the winning score. The
extra point try failed and the game
ended on the next kick-off.
i **
rrOSrl LOUft A s p i r a n t s
Holding unbeaten KDR to only
one first down, and moving ahead on
sharp Stolbof passes, KB scored once
in the second period and twice in the
last quarter, the last touchdown
coming on a pass interception arid
run covering the length of the field
by Stolbof, to conquer KDR, 19-0.
Levin clicked with. A. Flax with a
five-yard bullet pass for the t o u c h down in the first quarter, and Leo
Flax ran over from the three after
two pass plays had failed for the
second score. Stolbof's interception
was the last play of the game.
Dorm Beats Dorm
Dorm "A" kept its slate clean and
its goal-line still uncrossed as it
mowed down Dorm " B " by 19-0.
Both toams took to the air early but
the first score came in the second
period as Tassoni flipped to C u m mings on the very first play of the
quarter. Half-way through the same
period Tassoni again connected, this
time with Smythe, for another sixpolnter. The third quarter was a
nightmare of interceptions, six of
the ten in the game coming then.
Play was concentrated around midHeld. The final period was a few
minutes old when Tassoni, behind
excollont blocking scored on a run
from mid-field. Dorm "A" was again
threatening at the final gun.
Bouncing back from its 6-6 tie
with KDR in its first game, Potter
Club rolled over Dorm "II," a twotime loser this week, by a 38-0 score.
Held the first quarter, EEP got up
steam in the second, scoring twice,
hit full stride in the third, pushing
across li) points, and coasted in on
one touchdown in the final quarter.
Heed broke the ice in the second
period on a scoot around right end.
After that, with Gipp, Evans, and
Sussina pitching, and Combs, Young,
W e s t e r n anil Q u a i l
15c a Game for School l,i'll|;iic
From 0:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M.
On to the field of spirited battle
the proud m e m b e r s of the freshman
and sophomore will m a r c h to uphold
the honor of their classes, each
striving, each straining to m a k e his
an effort long r e m e m b e r e d .
As both sides go to the pole to
await the opening g u n an evil and
desperate look is found in m a n y an
eye. To your right you can see a
solid "Crimson Tide," bent
avenging last year's showing and
keeping the present g r o u p of g r e e n horns in the old corral. On the left
is a formation of "Blue Devils," inexperienced, yet g a m e and always
fighting — as the u n d e r d o g does —
with everything to win and nothing
to lose.
? ? ? \
half-time, 6-0.
Potter Scores
T h , . e e p l n y s a f t e r t h e s e c o n d half
Evans faded to mid-field
a n d threw to Sussina r u n n i n g along
the right sideline, connecting with
the latter just as he crossed the goal
try, Evans shot a sharp flat
p a s s t o Lynch in the right corner of
t n e end-zone, putting Potter ahead,
to Potter's s i x 7.6,
y a r d i i n e i n t h e third q u a r t e r , and,
Hippick's 40-yard r e t u r n
marched to the Potter
0f a
three in the fourth. Both times E E P
| l e i d fm. d o w n s a n d took possession
0 f t i l e t, a u
Capitalizing on a blocked kick in
the final quarter, the speedy Finks,
formerly known as the Thomas
Moore boys, scored a touchdown five
seconds from the end of the game to
down the hard-fighting, now t h r i c e beaten Ramblers, 12-6. S t a r t i n g with
a t h i r t y - y a r d run by "Red" O'Leary
shortly after the start of the second
; the Finks, aided by a fifteeny a r d holding penalty, moved to the
Rambler six-yard line, from which
point Olivet threw to S c h u m a c k c r
f o r t h e sco, e
by J o h n Oooley
The hour for great men has a r rived at last!
Hansen, and Kullman catching, P o t ter scored at will,
In its second game this week, P o t ter had a rougher time of it, barely
nosing out SLS, 7-6.
Its offense
completely stymied most of the afternoon, and shoved back on its
heels by inspired S L S team, P o t ter depended on the right a r m of
"Red' Evans for its touchdown and
' o t the winning e x t r a point.
Midway in the second q u a r t e r , H i p J
. ,
. , , ,
,, '
P l c 1 ^ a g 0 0 " back all afternoon,
'„. ' , °,, .
, '
Hipped a flat pass to G u a n n o who
,,y ,
, ., ' n ..
o u t - r a c e d the Potter secondary to
tne goaj |ine
T h e r u n lor the extl.a
'45, '46 Begin
Rivalry Games;
Pushball Today
H o l r l PrArt'irt?
' I O , a ' r d " I C e
Active preparations for the much
discussed basketball season got u n dor way last Tuesday with six Frosh
answering Coach
Nothing was done at this first s e s slot) except for enrollment and a few
minutes last practice to accustom
them to the count. Another practice
was held yesterday, with several
more Frosh reporting.
Daily workouts are to he held afternooiis in the Page Hall gym, Monday through Thursday.
very strenuous is planned at first,
calisthenics and hall handling being
stressed. Freshmen who miss these
«urly drills will he at a great d i s advantage, so all who are Interested
are urged to report immediately,
Five upperchissmen have been a p pointed to assist Coach Hatfield in
whipping the Frosh into first class
baskeleers. These live are Harry
Bora, Bob Combs, Frank Hansen,
Will Marsland and Rich Young, all of
whom are varsity basketball lollermen.
"iffi College Jeweler"
KM Central Ave., Albany. N, Y.
The men of the two classes will
open the program this afternoon at
4:30 on Page Field, w h e n they line
up their choice " b o n e - c r u s h e r s " for
a mauling game of pushball. Buck
Hippick, captain of the '45'ers, p r e dicted a clean and efficient sweep of
rivalry and said, "We'll start the
bandwagon rolling in pushball." O p posing his charges will be Marty
Bortnick and his "rambling amblers"
who have plenty in weight and
brawn, but lack in the " k n o w - h o w "
department. As a matter of policy,
a special section will be set aside for
visiting med s t u d e n t s and eager
first-aiders so that they may get into
action soon after the opening whistle.
The "Crimson Tide" will plan to
continue their feud at 3:30 when
"Smiling" John Sussina's s i x - m a n
cleanup squad roars into high gear
against Dick Chilleni's "men of the
year" in touch football. From the
opening kick-off to the final play
this game promises to be one of the
best, with new formations
razzle-dazzle ball handling promised
by both sides. The soph captain d e clared his stand in these words—
"One of our boys bet we'd wjn by 5
touchdowns and we're not letting
him down."
T h e freshmen have
adopted the motto "Our gang will
write their history as they march!"
The women's obstacle races will
follow this event. "Ginger" Shoup
will lead the frosh to the white line
and Nora Giavelli—State's choice for
the role of Tarzan's mate, will set the
pace for the soph team.
In the evening both classes
conclude their efforts with skits
new corn will be cut from the
cob while the "actors" laugh and
audience groans.
Girl's Tennis Tourney
Completes Initial Round
The WAA tennis t o u r n a m e n t has
gotten u n d e r way.
matches have been played in the
first round. Latimer defeated Smith,
6-1, 6-2; Simon was victorious over
Cooper, 6-2, 6-0; Garfall beat Devine, 6-2, 6-1; Lulkoski was d e feated by Polski, 6-1, 6-1; Giavelli
won over Hennessey, 3-2, 6-2, 6-3;
Schoup beat Domann; Beckerle drew
a bye.
In the one match of the second
Beckerle, 6-0, 6-0,
Giavelli is
therefore, the only one to be ready
for her third match.
She would
have played Garfall at this stage,
hut to make the tournament more
interesting, the players have been
Now that these matches are over,
it is hoped that the t o u r n a m e n t will
he played off soon.
A stitch in time saves nine is an
old proverb. We've a feeling that
apologies are going to b e due from
us in a week or so. This being the
case, we might as well m a k e them
Two weeks ago, we spoke
some bitter words a b o u t the slow
starting of the WAA tennis tourney.
"Never will it be finished, cold
weather will come a n d the tourney
will remain uncompleted." We don't
for a m o m e n t imagine that either
Nora Giavelli or Mary Domann,
captains, worried or lost any sleep
because of our gloomy prediction.
But they're doing a fine job with the
t o u r n a m e n t now. Unless the snow
comes long before schedule, the
t o u r n a m e n t should be completed and
the trophy presented to the winner
again this year. It is too early to
predict the victor but Flo Garfall
and Nora Giavelli, finalists last year,
have both won their first matches.
Sport of Die Week
In accordance with our promise
of giving you the inside information
on a different sport each week, we
now discuss the s t r e n u o u s sport of
hockey. There's only one way to
really know a sport and that is to
play it. It was a cold day and damp,
one of those days when it's more fun
to think about sports than to play
them, so we sent the two sophomore
m e m b e r s of the woman's sports staff
out to discover what it's like to play
hockey. But they were weak, not
made of the stern stuff that sent the
senior members out to climb on
horses and gallop through the w o o d land paths of The Ranch.
went, they saw, and they did not
play. "Gosh," said on, "they all had
sticks! It looked rough, the other
agreed, very rough. We decided we
were more valuable as writers w i t h out broken arms. So we sat on the
sidelines and watched. It looked like
fun and no one was hurt, at least not
And they certainly
did look healthy."
So now you
know what we know about hockey.
Kit H e r d m a n says that it's a grand
game. A n d who a r e w e to disagree?
Play hockey Mondays, Wednesdays
and T h u r s d a y s at 3:30 on the Dorm
Camping Out
New to the frosh—but dear to the
hearts of many upperclassmen—is
WAA's Camp Johnston located in
the C h a t h a m hills. Do you like to
wear old clothes, go for long hikes
in the open country and eat delicious
food? All these pleasures and many
others can be enjoyed any w e e k - e n d
at the camp. No men will be there
—just peace and quiet and long
talks before a blazing fire. If you're
not the athletic type, you can spend
the time in a comfortable bunk with
a good book, watching y o u r more
hardy friends wear themselves out
on long hikes. Camp life is fun so
notice of a w e e k - e n d .
Or gather
watch the WAA bulletin board for
together six of your pals and tell
Win J o n e s that you'd like to visit
the camp.
Mei.nllio On I. M . Council
The recently organized Finks football team has appointed Ernie Mennillo, '45, as its representative to
I n t r a m u r a l Council. Mennillo will
also act as captain on the football
field. The squad is composed mostly
of members of last year's Thomas
Moore Squad. This team has not
heretofore been represented on the
Intramural Council because of the
fact that it did not participate in all
Intramural sports.
DIAL S-1 *> 13
Try Our Businessman's Lunch
198-200 Central Avenue
State College News
It Could
Sixty Per Cent
Students Register
For War Work
First A i d and Air Raid
Courses Most in Demand
According to a report of the War
Activities Council, more than 60
per cent of the students enrolled
have volunteered to aid in the war
effort. To date 531 students have
signed u p .
Of the 27 activities offered, the
Elementary First Aid course r e ceived the most entrants, a total
n u m b e r of 141. The Advanced First
Aid Class will be conducted for 35
T h e second most popular course
was Air Raid Practice with an e n rollment of 88. All students responsible for air raid procedure in group
houses and college buildings are r e quired to take this course. Another
air raid course emphasizing comm u n i t y problems received only 15
Eighty-six women signed up to
knit and to act as knitting instructors.
Another handiwork service,
sewing, received 54 women applicants. Besides making garments for
the Red Cross, students who sign up
for sewing may use the course as a
" m a k e over" lab for old clothes.
This feature has been added in an
effort to encourage conservation of
material. K a t h e r i n e Cousins, '43, is
in charge of this activity; a c o - c h a i r man will be selected at a later date.
Typing and office work registration totals 79 and 65, respectively.
S t u d e n t s who signed up for office
work helped during the week in organizing and filing the volunteers'
Only four men signed up to act
as hospital
orderlies, | while 74
women enrolled as nurses' assistants.
These services offer minimum wages
of 30 cents per hour.
women have begun this activity in
Albany Hospital.
Other courses and services and
their registration figures are as follows: S t a m p Booth, 58; Nursery
School Assistants, 56; Blood Donors,
54; Home Nursing, 49; Interceptor
Command, 41; Radio Acting, 31;
Clipping Bureau, 30; Research, 26;
Plane Spotting, 26; Nutrition, 19;
Poster Making, 19; Physical Fitness,
16; Radio Script Writing, 14; S u r gical Dressings, 8; Model Plane Making, 4; Nutrition Booth, 4; and Salvage, 1.
.ampus Chest
Will Start Drive
An appeal is being made to State
College students for generous contributions to Campus Chest.
drive will last from November 2 u n til Armistice Day, November 11.
Each student is expected to give at
least fifty cents because they will not
he approached at any other time
during the year.
The contributions from the current campaign
will be divided
among the Red Cross, World S t u dent Service Fund, USO, Naval R e lief, and tuberculosis and paralysis
funds, The fifty dollars pledged to
the NEWS is already being used to
send the paper to undergraduates
and g r a d u a t e s now in the armed
Sol Greenberg, '43, Chairman of
the Campus Chest Committee, said,
"We hope that every student will
contribute as generously as possible
because of the decreased enrollment
and the present urgent situation."
Last year the committee collected
four h u n d r e d dollars. It is hoped
that tills year's drive will net as
much or more because of the added
Volunteers are needed to solicit
every student. Any Sophomore or
J u n i o r who desires to help the committee should see Greenberg sometime thjs afternoon.
'Soap Box' Editors Formulate
Revised Editorial Policy
A revised editorial policy p r o viding for the publishing of all a r ticles submitted by the students,
has been formulated by the editors
of the Sonp Box, official organ of
the War Activities Council and
In an effort to encourage s t u dents to express their opinions,
w h a t e v e r they may be, concerning
national and international affairs,
the editors will publish all o p i n ions as they are written. T h e only
right reserved is that of c o r r e c t ing English in an effort to preserve
g r a m m a r and style.
S t u d e n t s who desire to contribute regularly should a r r a n g e
to join the Soap Box's editorial
Faculty members having talents
in specific subjects relative to contemporary events are urged to
submit articles.
Pierce and Sayles Halls Scene
Of All-State Dance Tonight
Sororities Plan
Parties Tomorrow
Four Classes Participate;
Two Bands to Entertain
Tonight will usher in a temporary
intellectual blackout as State College
goes glamorous in honor of the A l l State hop.
Two orchestras have
been engaged from 9 P. M. to 1 A.
M. to sound out the mood for the
evening's gala festivities. The bands
are those of Joe Metzger, w h o
played recently at Siena, and Charlie
Rendall, well-known to all State
College swing fans. The bands will
i e a t u r e two vocalists.
A large crowd is anticipated to
add color to State's first big social
event. Everyone from the lowliest
frosh to the grand old seniors will
be there, for this is a four-class
dance, intended for every State s t u dent. The All-State was an i n n o v a tion introduced last year to replace
the fall Senior dance. It was a s u c cess both socially and
Forum Members
Schedule Meeting
Students W i l l Discuss
New Conscription Bill
The next regular meeting of
Foum will take place Wednesday
afternoon at 3:30 in the Lounge.
Shirley Wurz, Speaker of F o r u m ,
will preside.
Along with the discussion of the
new draft bill, members will be
asked w h e t h e r or not they believe
the passage of the new conscription
act should also give the 18 and 19
year olds the right to vote. Verna
Snyder, '43, will then explain the
model county assembly at which the
various Albany youth movements
will be represented.
Rhona Ryan, '44, and Thelma
Levinson, '43, will discuss the Soap
Box and tell Forum members how
they can assist in in its publication.
At the end of the meeting, those
m e m b e r s desiring extra credit in
their social studies courses, will be
given the opportunity to fill out
cards. F o r u m Board members will
supervise this plan, marking the
member according to his record of
attendance and initiative.
H e r b e r t Leneker, '43, C h a i r m a n
of the United Nations Dance, a n nounces that it has been postponed.
Forum offers again this year the
Reader's Digest at fifteen cents a
copy. All interested please contact
Lucy Massimilian, '43.
College 'Directory7 Needs
Frosh to Fill Vacancies
"Freshmen are still welcome to
volunteer for work on the 1942 State
College Director;/," stated Rolf Toopfer, '43, Editor-in-Chief, in an a p peal to fill vacancies on the editorial
and advertising staffs.
A list of names, addresses, and
telephone n u m b e r s of students has
been compiled from the records in
the registrar's office and is now in
the hands of the printers, Galley
proofs will be posted in the lower
hall of Draper in order that students
may make corrections and a d d i tions. T h e Directory is expected to
be completed for distribution before
Thanksgiving vacation.
The names and lust known addresses of Stale graduatees and u n derclassmen who are in the armed
forces will also be included in this
year's issue.
Vacation Schedule Revised
Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean, lias
announced that the date of the
Thanksgiving vacation as scheduled
in the college catalogue for N o v e m ber 18 has been revised. Conforming with the proclamation issued by
Governor Lehman returning T h a n k s giving to the last Thursday in N o vember, college students will leave
classes at 12 noon on November 25.
Classes will be resumed al 8:10 N o vember 30 unless students
further advised.
Courtesy Timos'I/nion
Mildred IMattice, '43, who was crowned Campus Queen of 1942
in the Campus Day ceremonies last Saturday evening.
Sophs Win Campus Day Rivalry;
'Duff' Beq ueaths Crown to 'Millie
War Economy Evident
Sayles and Pierce Halls have been
chosen as the home grounds for the
dance. In the interests of economy
lor national defense, class banners
will be used for decorative purposes
instead of the customary more c o m plicated entanglements.
With economy as a keynote, bids
have been placed at the low price of
$1.65, a price no one can take e x c e p tion to especially since the dance is
semi-formal and tuxedos do not
comprise a problem.
The chaperones are: Dr. and Mrs.
L. C. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. D. V.
Smith, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Clausen,
and Mr. and Mrs. James Gemmel.
Sororities Plan Dances
Tomorrow night several sororities
are entertaining at informal parties
in honor of All-State w e e k - e n d .
Kappa Delta is having a vie party,
Psi Gamma a Hallowe'en festival
and Alpha Epsilon Phi a Football
Rally, complete with cheering s e c tion, line markers and goal posts.
I>y Anita Feinslein
The silence in the auditorium was
Ganakas—there's a man for you
profound and unusual. Then the
The other sororities have planned
wolverines—it really takes s o m e lights grew dim and the two S o p h o parties for future dates. Beta Zeta
thing to help lose a football game
has scheduled a Scavenger H u n t for
more pages, Lucille Stitt and Lois
and act in a skit like that all in one
Hallowe'en, October 31. N o v e m b e r
Drury, appeared on the stage. They
7 Gamma Kappa Phi is having an
sounded their trumpets and the 1943
The judges, Dr. Caroline Lester,
informal vie party and Phi Delta will
Campus Queen entered
celebrate its annual Founders Day
strains of Pomp and Circumstance.
J a m e s W. Childers, Assistant P r o by entertaining the alumnae at a
The suspense of the past weeks
fessor of Spanish, and Dr. Watt
Spoil Dance. Chi Sigma Theta has
ended when it was found that MilStewart, Professor of History.
scheduled an Armistice Day Dance
dred Mattiee was the choice of the
The girls who acted as ushers
for November 10.
student 'body. A spontaneous roar
were Shirley Mosher, and Patricia
of approval broke the silence as
Gibson, Seniors, J a n e Southwick and
Queen "Millie" led the way to the
Marion Sovik, Juniors, Ruth Elgie
stage where last year's
and Marie Scudder, freshmen,
Marion Dully, waited for her.
As for rivalry, the frosh took over
Dressed in black, Queen "Duff"
the Class of '45 by the score of 15-0,
removed the crown from her own
in pushball. It's the first time in
dark head and placed it on the
years that the frosh won the first
blonde head of 1943's pride. Queen
pushball game; even the mighty
Student Christian Association will
Marion waited with her attendants,
Class of '44 didn't do that.
sponsor its annual State College
Dorothy Cox and Emily Dlasiar,
Sunday al the First Presbyterian
But then came the football game
Seniors, until Queen "Millie" and
Church on Slate and Willett Streets
and the Sophs came out on lop to
her attendants, Shirley Eastman and
on Sunday, October 25 at 11 A. M.
avenge themselves with a score of
Elizabeth Harden, Seniors, Patricia
Doctor Howard Lane Rubendall,
27-(i. What a game!
.'! The Sophs
Latimer and Mildred WiroslolT, J u pastor of the Church, will deliver
had both Braun and brains, added to
niors, Marjorie Curran and Mary
the morning address.
Sussina and G i p p - why the comEllen Munson, Sophomores, and
bination seemed unbeatable, to the
As in previous years. State College
Shirley Ford and Elizabeth M c freshmen anyhow.
There were a
students will compose the main part
Gralh, freshmen, were seated, and
great many penalties against the
of the program. As a representative of
then descended into the audience
Sophs, but the passing and blocking
Student Christian Association, Emily
where they watched the proceedof the "Crimson Tide" overcame
Blasiar, '43, President, will discuss
ings from the first row.
these disadvantages. Oh yes, before
the pari wl jh SCA plays in State
After Don Vanas' announcement
we forget, that somersault of Joe
College student activities. T h e u s h about blackouts, the Class of 1945
Tassoni's was an example of how
ers will also be selected from State
presented a skit.
(That's their
far the Sophs will go to will rivalry
College students, SCA chorus, u n phraseology, so let's keep it. The
Ibis year.
der the leadership of Earle Snow,
authors insist it had a plot- maybe
Insofar as Campus Day goes, the
'44, in co-operation with the P r e s b y the Frosh stole it or something;
Sophs are ahead by one point. There
terian choir, will furnish part of the
anyone see a plot lying on an empty
are still many points left.
musical program.
The morning
seat in the auditorium? One thing
"Crimson Tide" fully expects to
scripture lesson will be read b y Dr.
we'd like to know, Sophs, " W h e r e
come out on top, but the "Blue
J o h n M. Sayles, President of the
did you get all (he Flit g u n s ? " We'd
Devils" have shown a lot more
College and elder of the church.
like to use them,
spirit (ban '45, and spirit is what
Flowers on the altar will be placed
The frosh skit—that bullet—"Oh,
"brings home the bacon." So go to
by Mrs. Abram Brubaeher in m e Mother, why didn't you ever teach
it all of you, and the best class will
mory of Dr. Brubaeher, formerly
us to dance like t h a t ? " And Mike
surely win!
President of the College.
SCA to Sponsor
College Sunday