Page 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 13, 1939 Wilfred Allard, While in Europe, Witnesses Wartime Preparations by Sally Young (This is the second part of a story of the summer European travels of Wilfred Allard, who was in Italy when the recent crisis arose and broke.) At Cannes, he saw> the famous Battle of Flowers; in*Nice, he attended an outdoor performance of "Prometheus Chained" in the Roman Arena and witnessed the Fete des Provinces Francaises. His first journey to Italy was a pleasant one. Genoa, Pisa of the famed Leaning Tower, Naples, Capri, Pompeii and Rome were highspots of his Italian visit. During his three day's stay in Rome, he viewed an outdoor performance of "Aida", in the ruins of the Caracalla Baths, which was attended by 20,000 people. The Conte de Bavoia, Italian liner, was leaving Naples during his visit; three days later, as he returned to France, he again saw the ship, which had been called back to Italian waters by Mussolini. When the crisis came, Allard was in Florence, Italy, where very little about the crisis was known. The American consul told all Americans to leave as quickly as possible, since no one knew when Italy might join the Germans in the hostilities. From Florence he proceeded to Nice, to Grenoble and back to Paris, where he was located when the war was declared. The wartime Paris was very calm and quiet. Public notices to the civilian population gave information about procedure in case of an air raid; all news was censored. All skylights and headlights were painted blue; all lights were a dim blue; traffic signals were removed; windows were reinforced with Scotch tape to prevent breakage in a bombardment. Bags of sand were placed about, reinforcing all beautiful bits of sculpture in l'Opera, le Louvre and other homes of art. Cellar windows were boarded to keep gas from entering air shelters, and all night life ceased abruptly for a period of time. The movies, the Folies Bergere and the Bal Tabarin were still closed in early September. People could be found, eating in cafes, with gas masks slung over their shoulders. (Concluded next week) Assembly To Feature First Rivalry Debate (Continued from page 1, column 1) The program this year includes the regular panel discussions, formal debates and round table discussions in which three or four colleges participate. Those selected to fill the berths on the varsity roster are Sadie Flax and Geraldine Ewing, seniors; Cyril Kilb, Catherine O'Bryan and Alma Knowles, juniors; Edwin Holstein, David Kreher, Lothar Schultze, Glen Walrath, Selma Leis, Ira Hlrsch, Harry Passow, Fred Ferris, Betty Cummings, Lauretta Servatius, Dorothea Devlns, Jeannette Ryerson, Thomas Augustine and Vincent Miller, sophomores. Reporter Finds Minds In State Of Suspension (Continued from page 1, column 2) anyone who assumes an intelligent and cooperative attitude, but an experienced senior penetrated the haze of theories of the value of the system and explored its practical working. He believed that it would result in dirtier politics than now exist. An example well illustrated his point. Rho Dammit Rho and Kappa Kegga Beer, two sororities, who find it to their advantage to work together, discover, on publication of results for revotes, that each has a candidate who carries a n excellent chance of winning, if she can receive backing from another organization. Therefore, each will switch their votes to the others' candidates, thus securng for each a winner. Under the present method, he pointed out, this would not be possible. State college reacts to the amendments as any civic group does to its public questions. Some favor the whole, some favor part; others oppose the whole or part, but most don't care. Z-443 STATE STUDENTS . . . Eat and Save at the . . . IDEAL RESTAURANT 1 Central Ave., Cor. Lark Students Direct Extra-Class Program for Coming Y e a r Student Body To Hear Dean Moreland Today A talk by Miss Helen Hall Moreland, dean of students, and a further discussion of the proposed amendments to the constitution are the features of today's assembly. Miss Moreland will speak to the student body about the changes in the set-up of her offices, one of which is now the headquarters for the PTEB and the NYA. The amendment before the student association is in two parts: one, a proposal to change the method of revotes; and two, the compulsory publication of all numerical results of all elections. These parts are open for discussion. Students are urged to state their views before the assembly before the final voting today. Lloyd Kelly, president of the Student association, will make several announcements vital to Campus day, which is tomorrow. The Milne clubs for practical instruction in hobbies are now entering their third week of pupil activity. Miss Margaret Hayes, assistant professor of guidance, who is assisted by Leslie Wiley, graduate, has released names of the sponsors of the twenty-nine clubs, together with a statement of their purpose and of future ambitions. Registrants in courses Education 115, Education 129, and Junior Education 10, who have some specialized abilities, direct the classes which include a field from athletics and music to cooking and chemistry. "At the present time the clubs are extra-curricular, but since they offer a chance for the pupil to find his natural talents and interests, it would be very proper and advantageous to include them in the regular school course," Wiley stated. The sponsors for the senior cluBs The first formal dance of the are: Mr. Wilfred Allard, super- year, the Senior Hop, will take visor of French, Kenneth Haser, place at the traditional Ten Eyck '40, and Bruce Gordon, graduate, i Hotel ballroom Friday evening, NoFrench; Miss Mary Conklin, super- vember 3, from 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock. visor of English, dramatics; Dr. Len Fennell will provide the musical Carleton Moose, assistant professor accompaniment. and supervisor of science, Jean Fennell's Blnghamton band has Godfrey, '42, and John Adam, '41, orchestra; Miss Katherine Wheel- earned a return engagement being, assistant professor and super- cause of the enthusiasm with which visor of English, and Dr. Thomas he was received at last year's Senior Candlyn, assistant professor of mu- Ball. sic, glee; Dr. Margaret Betz, inBids will be on sale next week structor of chemistry, and Richard in the rotunda of Draper hall. ProDooley, '40, chemistry; Mr. Harlan crastinators may get bids at the Raymond, assistant professor of j door. Unique in this year's hop will industrial ar's, Miss Grace Martin, be the reduction in bid price. Cusinstructor ; art. David Hayslip, tomarily $3.00, the bid will be $2.50. '42, and William Cameron, '41, arts According to Joseph Cappiello, genand crafts; Miss Carol Emerich, eral chairman of the dance, the re'40, and Cecil Marino, graduate, duction is aimed at drawing a photography; Joseph Brooks, grad- larger crowd to the affair. "Conuate, athletics; Katherine Roosa, sequently," Cappiello stated, "the graduate, subdebs. formal will not be expensive, yet The directors of the junior clubs will be far from a cheap dance." (Continued on page i, column 5) (Continued on page 6, column 1) Seniors to Offer Hop at Ten Eyck Numerous clubs of the college are now planning their social activities for the coming year. Meetings and revision committees have scheduled such innovations as a complete study of Italian folklore by the Italian club and a trip to New York city by the Classical club. Hikes are featured by the other clubs, as are discussions and constitutional revisions. The Italian club will conduct a meeting on Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock In the Lounge of Richardson hall. John Caramia, '40, president, announces that the program will feature Dr. Harold W. Thompson, professor of English, as guest speaker on the subject of Italian folklore. Dr. Thomas G. Bergin, professor of romance languages, will also attend the meeting. The Classical club has a prospective year in view as they initiate this year with the hopes of making a trip to New York city in the near future to see the classical exhibit in the American Museum of Art. Allard Sails on Conte De Savoia After Hectic Dash Across Europe Obey Monitors! LIGHT UP Gogarty, Irish Writer Will Speak Wednesday (Continued from page 1, column 5) his friends. "I Followed St. Patrick" Is an account of his experiences in retracing the missionary Journles througii Ireland made uy the country's patron saint in Christianizing the land. In his most recent book "Tumbling In the Hay" he relates his adventures as a medical student at Trinity College. Ushers will be D and A council members and freshman tryouts. Those ushering are: Ruby Stewart, Jane Wilson, seniors; Vivian Livingston, Mary Miller, Juniors; Betty Simmons, Kay Richards, sophomores; Lois Hafley, Betty Marston, Muriel Scovel, Mildred Mattlce, Alice Reese and Shirley Eastman, freshmen. Students will be admitted to hear Dr. Gogarty by presenting their student tax ticket at the door. STATE COLLEGE FOR T E A C H E R S , A L B A N Y , N . Y., FRIDAY, OCTOBKR 20, Milne High Clubs Enter Third Week Of Hobby Activity Education State Clubs Prepare 1939 Fall Program In order to facilitate rapid passage to and from classes, college students are requested to obey instructions of Milne high traffic monitors. State College News . . . that's always a signal for more smoking pleasure An around you, you'll see that friendly white package . . . that means more and more smokers everywhere are agreed that Chesterfields are milder and better-tasting . . . for everything you want in a cigarette, CUESTHRFIELD WINS CofTtlghe 19)9, IJOGMT ft Mreu TOBACCO Co. Ttyyfak, MILLIONS by Sally Young tickets sold for the Conte de Bavoia, (Thin is the last part of a story which was sailing from Genoa. This of Uie summer European travels of was possible only because the comWilfred Allard, who was in Italy munications were broken between when the recent crisis arose and the Parisian and Genoan offices, broke.) since the boat was already more Most men had enlisted for the than filled to capacity. war, and it was a common sight, Two hectic days of red tape In if one was lucky enough to get Paris—the special permission of the a taxlcab (three-fourths of which police commissioner to leave France have been requisitioned), to find —permission from the Swiss legaa woman driver. Wives took over tion to go through Switzerland to their husbands' businesses, or else reenter Italy—the checking of all the stores closed. cables and telegrams by the chief The poilus, who were leaving for of police—and his troubles were the front, would celebrate the last partly over I The Orient express day of liberty in every way possible. from Paris to Istamboul, going Mothers smiled bravely as they said through Milan and Genoa, brought goodbye to their sons a t the sta- him to his ship. Tho Italian liner tion; when the trains pulled out officials at first refused to honor of night, they broke down complete- his vouchers, but later gavu him room in an impromptu bunk. ly. The American consul at Paris Until 11:00 o'clock the night betold all Americans to leuve there fore the boat sailed, Allard was unand proceed directly to the port! certain of passage. At, noon, Sepfrom which they were to sail for tember 15, lie left on tho Conic de the United States. In Llsieux, a city | Bavoia, which stopped at Naples, w a r lu Havre, It was found that the I(fame throng)) the Mediterranean Normundie had not yet loft New | sea, and made an uneventful crossYork. Allard was present during ing, save for the observation of three air raid alarms, Suddenly, in one submarine of unknown nationthe middle of tho night, the siren ality. blew, awakening tho guests, who Allard arrived in New York on hurried to tho shelter in the hotel September 23. He had spent a wine cellar, to remain there until glorious summer's travel hi Europe, ono long blast indicated the con- but he was glad to be back on clusion of tho raid. Reconnoitorlng American soil, planes wore observed, but no bombs He said; "I hope the war is of woro dropped. short duration. Europe has so much Finally, Allard returned to Paris to offer the American traveler. to try to make arrangements for You come back a better citizen for returning home, Purely by chance having seen what is going on over he obtained one of the last three there." 1939 VOL. X X I V , N o . 5 Campus Queen Crowning to Highlight Activities of Nineteenth Campus Day Faculty Sack Race, Clash With Colgate, Circus Feature Attractions In Former Campus Days "Oh, please, dear Minerva," prays this harassed, headlined, deadlined reporter, "an annex sandwich for a lead! Do you know who's Campus Queen?" "No, no, no!" "Have you heard about the s t a g g e r i n g stupendous soph stunt?" "No, no, no!" A fine thing! Campus day and no scoop I Speaking of Campus day, when did it originate? Why? What was Campus day like in the good old daze? Reviews of the march of time: Aha—look at this—a big, bold black headline in the November 7, 1921 issue of the NEWS heralding Campus day as a college tradition because of its successful innovation a year before. Fond memories of a faculty sack race, a basket lunch picnic, and somersault racing. Then time goosesteps on. In 1922 the first Campus Queen was crowned with a coronet of autumn leaves. In 1923 the program took the form of a circus in the gym with the class stunts molded to fit the theme. But Campus day in 1924 was to make history, for on this day the gallant gridiron warriors of State fought^-hang on to your hats, boys, fought Colgate (frosh) in a bruising, battling game. Mudder pin a roze on us. (Ed. Note—the score was Colgate 33, State 0. We wuz robbed. We shoulda stayed in the library.) For some reason fieldball replaced football, and the GAA girls sold lollypops to the wildlycheering spectators in the grandstand. Maybe it was the fieldball—or the lollypops—or the GAA girls, but at any rate Campus day became so popular and the attendance so overwhelming that in the years from 1928 to 1930 it was necessary to Issue tickets of admission to the coronation and stunts. In 1935 control of the activities of Campus day passed from Myskania to Student council. But while the council is in charge of arrangements, it is Myskania who jealously guards the secret of the queen's identity, as well as that of her attendants. Myskania Announces Advanced Dramatics Freshmen Officers To Present New Plays Class Elects Thomas Feeney As Leader of Activities Two One-Act Plays Will Feature Comic and Tragic Themes Thomas Feeney and Shirley Eastman, elected as president and vicepresident respectively, will lead the class of 1943 through its first year at State. Nominations were conducted at a freshman meeting on September 27, under the supervision of Jane Wilson and Otto Howe, members of Myskania, senior campus leadership society, and freshmen guardians. The voting and revotes took place in the balcony of the commons. Assisting Feeney and Miss Mattlce are the following: revotes, secretary; Robert Walter, treasurer; Dorothy Cox, songleader; Lois Hafley and June Melville, cheerleaders; Elsie Roth, manager for WAA; Robert Leonard, representative to MA A; and Marian Adams, reporter, The Advanced Dramatics class will present the first plays of the year Tuesday night in Page hall auditorium under the direction of Lydla Bond and Douglas Dillenbeck, Juniors. Both plays are one-act presentations, a comedy and tragic fantasy. Miss Bond is in charge of the comedy. In the cast are Marilyn Groff, Shirley Van Valkenburgh and Mary Miller, Juniors. Mr. Dillenbeck is the director of the other play, a tragic fantasy. The cast for this play Includes Jack Vavasour and Peter Fulvlo, sophomores. Elementary dramatics is now considering arrangements for three one-act plays, to be produced this semester. State College Maidens Capture Bold Intruder "Come on, girls, are we men or mice?" With that cry four girls dove at an o b j e c t in their locker room, and one ran away screaming. When the dust of the battle cleared, Ethel Haltorman, '42, exhibited the prize—a weewee mouse. His orientation into State college came quickly. He was Immediately presented to Dean Nelson, who, caught momentarily off guard, greeted Mr. Mouse as a prospective freshman, Ho made a favorable impression, however, for the Dean christened him "Felix" and formally admitted him to State. After taking his entrance exams, he was allowed to run ubout the library tables where much excitement was stirred up. Next came a trip to tho Dean of Students' office where Mrs. Casey hit high "O" and took to the customary refuge. Mr. Hardy received him in his usual cordial manner and subtly suggested that ho be kept in a cage in the activities office. At present Mr, Mouse may be found "at homo" In the Cooper house. Rivalry Pushball Contest Will Climax Afternoon Sports Program ADES TO C R O W N QUEEN Class Stunts a n d Dancing In Gym to Terminate Day's Activities The nineteenth annual State college Campus day program will begin at 1:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon with a softball game between the seniors and the faculty. The crowning of the eighteenth campus queen will open the evening program. Rivalry stunts and a dance in the gymnasium of Page hall will conclude the activities of the day. The afternoon program will include a girls' hockey game and rivalry races, a student-faculty softball game with the activities terminated by a rivalry pushball contest between the freshmen and the sophomores. Afternoon Activities At 1:00 o'clock, the senior softball team, captained by John Shearer, '40, will meet a faculty team. A girls' hockey game will fellow. Marjorie Baird, '40, president of WAA, will supervise the contest In which the sophomores and seniors will meet a team consisting of the juniors and the freshmen, The girls' rivalry races will begin a t 3:00 o'clock. The three events are an obstacle race, sack race, and relay race with one rivalry point being awarded to the class winning each event. The teams will be managed by Marion Duffy, '42, and Lois Hafley, '43. Men's Pushball Contest The men's pushball contest is the last event of the afternoon and is scheduled to be played at 4:00 o'clock. Henry Brauner, '42, and Thomas Brierton, '43, are the managers for the rival teams. The game will be played In two periods of five minutes each with three rivalry points being awarded to the winner. Frank Kluge '40. president of MAA, is general supervisor of men's sports with Willard Frament, '40, Harold Duffy, John Bakay, and Roy McCreary, Juniors, acting as Judges. Coronation of Queen The evening activities will com(Continued on page S, column 6) Dr. Gogarty, Offstage, Explains Ireland's Attitude Toward War by William nominee • 'Good at man's slaying, Speaking in a rapid Irish brogue, Merry In tho ale house, Dr. Oliver St. John Gogarty dropMasters of tho song.' ped some of the gems for which he That is tho feeling of the Irish." is famous to a NUWH reporter in At this point tho doctor asked a hurried back-stage interview. tho reporter not to place too much Before stepping to tho stttgo of emphasis on tho war. "Pontics Page hall, he commented upon tho and war," he explained, "aro the war, Irish literature, and the United complete antithesis of wit and culture. I profor talking about lighter, States. richer things." To a question on Ireland's posiIn response to a question on tno tion in tho present world catas- greatest figure in tho Irish litortrophe, Gogarty stated, "Ireland ary renaissance, Gogarty retorted, bus now -12,000 soldiers in tho Brit- "The greatest man in Irish literish army, waiting to embark to tho ature? Not just Irish literature front In France. Of course this but world literature. Why, William Butler Yeats is tho man. He's boon enlistment is unofficial." tho loading figure lu tho last ten To tho reporter's interruption, years. Ills winning tho Nobol prise hinting that Ireland is pro-British, emphasizes this." Gogarty replied, "No, I wouldn't Gogarty called Now York the say thut at all. Ireland is not "J definitely pro-British. The Irish grandest city in tho world. aro nevor definite about anything, profor New York to any city in the Right now tho young-bloods say world including Dublin. Why? The thoy want to soo tho fun over in town is a poem. It is a veritable Franco. It's the traditional Irish fairyland." He maintained that the love for a fight that is behind their noiso did not disturb hlra a bit, "Why, it soothes the temper, doesn't joining tho British army," arouse it." He recalled an old thirteenth cenAt this moment he was called tury Irish tune which sums up the upon the stage to present his adIrish personality and attitude dress. He left with the words, "Hope toward life. I see you some day in Dublin." STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 20, 1939 l-rige 2 1 wa m Associated GoUe6iate Press Bat ten! i ma) ail fad ri, I spoi his viev "Aii la : 20,0 Ital dur: as l saw ed i soli] \i in I abo Am to 1 no i the Pro: Nlo Par the % and civil tion an i All paii blue Sti N now for revl sucl stud Ital city are are revi Tl mee o'clc hall ann< feat pro! spei folk prol will Tl tlve this a tr futu in tl Gty? gtplamaf The Critic STATE COLLEGE NEWS E s t a b l i s h e d by t h e Class of 1918 Member Campus and Commons Distributor of Golle6iateDi6est Tlii; iiniU'i'frriHluaic Newspaper of New York Slulr College for Teachers Published every Krldny of the college year by the News Hoard representing I lie Student Association Telephones: Offico, 3-0373; Howe. 2-4314; Kowalsky, 2-121,'i; Young, ".-1053; Gabriel, 3-9588 Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. postoffice Commentstater(THE C0MMENT8TATER is given the ividest latitude as author of this column, though the viewpoints expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the STATE COLLEGE N E W S J Y e a r s m a y come a n d years m a y go, b u t o u r glorious t r a d i t i o n a l C a m p u s d a y goes on forever— we hope. W e m a k e it w h a t it is. F o r u s , It is a d a y RCPNISINTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI9INO BT of surprise—fun—and class spirit. F o r you, frosh, it National Advertising Service, Inc. will be a n e w experience—your first C a m p u s day, College Publisher! Representative God bless it. (May t h e w e a t h e r m a n be most kind!) 4 2 0 MADISON A V E . N E W YORK. N. Y. I t will be a d a y w h e n t h e frosh-soph rivalry . CHICAGO • BOSTON * Los • SAN FRANCISCO m a k e s its first niche. Push-ball will bring before the eyes of t h e college, t h e brawn ( ? ? ) of t h e comp e t i n g t e a m s — m e n a n d women, for it's a d a y when LEONARD E , KOWALSKY Editor-in-Chief OTTO J . HOWE Co-Editor-in-Chief the w e a k e r sex vies in prowess In their own q u a i n t Managing Editor SALLY E . YOUNG Associate Editor little way, BEATRICE DOWER S T E P H E N KITRAK Associate Editor \ But it's t h e evening t h a t we v e t e r a n s love best Associate Editor J O H N MURRAY cf all—fun, suspense a n d pride. I t will be t h e first News Editor SAUL GREENWALD time this y e a r when t h e r e will be s t a n d i n g room BETTY CLARK Sports Editor only in P a g e hall auditorium, if you know w h a t i MARY GADRIBI Business Manager K E N N E T H HASEH Advertising Manager mean. It is a n i g h t w h e n each class, for t h e first time, competes for h o n o r s in stunts. B u t above all this fun a n d frolic prevails t h e deep mystery of t h e identity of t h e Queen. W h o will it be?? W h e n t h e first Theoretically and ideally, the STATE COLLKGK chords of " P o m p a n d Circumstance" a r e played a n d NEWS should represent a cross-section picture of the the door opens slowly, you can h e a r t h e s n a p p i n g views and opinions of the student body; actually, it of vocal chords, such is t h e terrific c r a n i n g of necks. does not. Rather, it reflects the beliefs of the NEWS And do those sorors keep their fingers crossed o r do board in their attempt to interpret and express t h e y ? ? B u t this is one time when t h e men a r o u n d here a r e conscientious about things—or people, a n d student opinion. At this time we wish to say that this does m a k e a little difference. 'Nuff said. we feel this system is entirely inadequate for the Yes, it's a beautiful night; It's colorful; it's a n accurate determination of current student thought, a w e - i n s p i r i n g p a g e a n t ; it's unforgettable. So please and that the remedy lies with each individual mem- don't go h o m e t h i s weekend, frosh; you've never seen a n y t h i n g like it, a n d i t ' s free. Don't miss t h e m o s t ber of the association. exciting d a y a n d t h e most thrilling night of y o u r colElsewhere on this page is a column given over lege days. * * * * * to the publication of communications received from THE NEWS BOARD Your Forum in Print various readers of the NEWS. This department was created to allow for the expression of attitudes and opinions of the various members of the association. It is through this column, then, that the interested person can cooperate with the NEWS in its task of tapping the well of student thought. Write us your opinion on any i s s u e that interests you; feel free to take advantage of this privilege to see your own thoughts in p r i n t ; make yourself heard. Of course, all communications cannot be printed, as that depends upon the nature of the article and the space available. Last week in assembly, Mr. Kelly urged every student association member to stand on his feet and express his opinion on any issue, whenever the opportunity occurred. We do likewise for the NEWS. Make use of this forum in print! Now for t h e more materialistic. Are we all agreed on t h e fact t h a t o u r c o m m o n s is t h e most popular h a v e n in t h e S t a t e college?? And do we all agree t h a t it is most crowded a t noon w h e n d a n c i n g Is t h e special on t h e m e n u ? Some of us like to d a n c e ; o t h e r s like to j u s t s i t t h e r e a n d listen t o some nice(??) music. Now, we're getting to t h e point. Do you like variety In music ? W e c a n ' t be " i n t h e mood" every day. In case you h a v e n ' t guessed it, we're r e f e r r i n g to records, which cost money. Now, w e were wondering, seeing t h e r e is a n overwhelming n u m b e r of women in this place, w h a t Is w r o n g in their contributing a few pence to t h e little tin box for such a worthy a n d f a r - r e a c h i n g cause? » * « * * Get to bed early t'nite, kids. T h e r e ' s a big d a y coming tomorrow. So let's go, State and m a k e it tho most lovable C a m p u s d a y ever. Communications Cooperative Buying pa leg ol> trj — Go IC'oi his rick' enoa Jour the Man! rece: he r cal Uj men Th<j Jam insi Sim; moa ton,* tlce, maq Dr. htud "Reduce the cost of living and I'll move into a group house." For several years, expressions such as these have been heard around the campus and nothing has been done for the complainants. We have a situation here which is rarely found in other colleges. It is: each individual group house purchasing its own needs from whatever source it desires. Why not purchase the needs from a single source, and save money by taking advantage of the larger discount that would be offered to a cooperative association? The tentative plan would be as follows: the sororities and fraternities (and other group houses) would agree to buy from one distributor, for example, a grocery distributor. Each week the groups would send to a single source (the cooperative manager) its order for the entire week, The cooperative manager would then bring together the type of goods that each of the groups wishes to purchase by giving the wholesale distributor a single compact order. However, at the same time, will be sent the various individual orders which will be filled by the distributors and sent to the various houses. Discounts would be allowed on the bulk order. The bulk bill would be sent to the cooperative manager who, in turn, would collect the proportionate share of each group, and remit to the distributor. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 20, 1939 Tin* NKWH iiHNiiilliHi no n'Hpoiixlliimit'N for c o m m a iilciitioiiH p r i n t e d In t h U column. All oummilnlmiMuRH m u s t hour Iho Hijrnltturo of tho a u t h o r which will bo withhold upon ri>i|iJi'Hl. T o t h e Editor of t h e N E W S : Last week thoru a p p e a r e d in the NKWH a n article, entitled " F r a t s a n d Figures." We, of I n t o r f r a t e r nlty council, believe t h a t the NKWH could have used the space to better a d v a n t a g e . Although wo realize t h a t this article did not necessarily reflect t h e viewpoint of the STATU COLLBUB NKWH, wo wish to take exception to t h e opinions expressed. T h e following are our objections; 1. T h e word " F r a t s " is considered, a m o n g fraternity men, a s a n abuse of good taste. 2. O n o - h u n d r e d a n d fifty fraternity men form a small minority of t h e student body. Therefore, your social r e f o r m s should a t t e m p t to seek t h o g r e a t e s t good for t h e greatest number of people. 3. T h e fraternities of State college receive n o aid from tho S t u d e n t Board of Flnanoe, a r e n o t regulated by tho student association, a n d a r e not u n d e r t h e jurisdiction of the dean of student's office, Therefore tho activities of tho fraternities, of S t a t e college a r e the personal business of t h e m e m b e r s and not of t h e s t u d e n t body a t large. 4. Before writing criticism of this nature, we believe t h a t t h e a u t h o r should Investigate t h e a u thenticity of tho information used; especially sineo t h e authoress Is not affiliated with t h e o r ganizations concerned. 5. Any information concerning tho business of fraternities may be obtained a t any time from Inlerfraternity council, the representative of tho f r a t e r n i t y m e n of the college. (i. We havo n o desire to sponsor a system such ua the one used by Intorsororlty council. 7. W e refer those interested ill t h e rushing system to be used this year to a forthcoming issue of • t h e STATE COLLBQB NEWS. INTEREKATEUNITY COUNCIL. L a s t W e d n e s d a y n i g h t S t a t e colL a s t week we were c r o w d e d off lege h a d t h e h o n o r of h e a r i n g t h e this page—there j u s t w a s n ' t a n y g r e a t e s t poet, s t a t e s m a n , doctor, room for talk ,it seemed—so this a n d w i t n o w living in I r e l a n i , week we're d e t e r m i n e d to catch Oliver St. J o h n G o g a r t y . up on last time. People h a v e been His speech w a s a scenic t r i p complaining about t h e p u n - i s h m e n t they've been t a k i n g from this t h r o u g h t h e literary history of I r e H e expounded t h e m o d e r n column, a n d have given u s to b e - land. lieve t h a t they d o n ' t like to have theory t h a t t h e Irish l i t e r a t u r e in to look too h a r d for hidden m e a n - all its descriptive b e a u t y h a s existings a n d such. H e n c e : t h e n e w ed in w r i t t e n form for over t w o policy is to bare t h e t r u t h , if you thousand years, a n d d u r i n g t h a t can bear it with u s . period h a s h a d a n u m b e r of r e Much r h e u m a t i s m a n d bad colds births or renaissances since t h e have been h a n g i n g over from t h e coming of Christ, Many of t h e noted l e a d e r s in t h e K D R picnic last S u n d a y . Indian ladder is quite a place, quite a Renaissance of t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n . place! B u t people should w a i t u n - t u r y were personal friends of M r . til it's d a r k for some t h i n g s we're Gogarty — J a m e s Joyce, G e o r g e too discreet to m e n t i o n . Al-ice Moore, William B u t l e r Yeats, L a d y more in keeping with conventions Gregory Padric Colum. All these then—but we won't have a n y m a r - people figured in t h e founding of o t t a us on this subject. Some- the Abbey T h e a t e r , except Joyce, body's bound to g e t it in t h e neck. who, by t h e way, h a s been Mr. GoAnd while we're still on t h e pic- g a r t y ' s enemy since Joyce publishYou know it w a s in nic, can arfyone explain s o m e of ed Ulysses, the c o m b i n a t i o n s we s a w t h e r e ? I t this book t h a t h e immortalized Gos i m m o n s t h a t one of t h e boys is garty by c h a r a c t e r i z i n g h i m a s t h a t developing a F e r d i n a n d c o m p l e x - young, radical Jesuit, Buck Mullihe likes to sit u n d e r a cork tree gan. and j u s t snell t h e flowers. A n d we Mr. Gogarty seems to idolize Wilwonder if a very good friend of his liam Butler Yeats, as one of t h e m e n is going to be ( m c ) k e a n on con- most capable of r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e t i n u i n g h i s interest in a certain true feeling of t h e sod people, on c h a p ( m a n ) . We won't l o ( u i ) s e sight the printed page. Yeats, h e said, of t h e m a n y w a y . T h e miller of was deeply affected by early Celtic the f r e s h m a n class is s u r e k e e p i n g writings. H e gave to t h e people the wheels t u r n i n g , b u t w h a t will of Ireland a n appreciation of t h e the outcome b e a ? He seemed to "Heroic time." He built up a Gaelic be all s t a u n c h a n d s t e w a r t o n S u n - moral; h e built u p t h e i m a g i n a t i o n d a y — m a y b e h e ' s giving u p h i s of the Irish people. dower-y r i g h t s . P e r h a p s t h e most i n t i m a t e friend And while we were s p e a k i n g of t h a t Mr. Gogarty h a s is George F e r d i n a n d a while back, we were Moore, who lives just across t h e reminded t h a t someone, p r e t t y O- garden. Yet, when asked to d e s Kay, h a s t a k e n u p t h e c a t t l e bus- cribe him, Mr. Gogarty said, " H e iness—she's especially fond of hol- is one of m y dearest friends. H e ' s steins. Wil-san, ed-dybody would brilliant. He's a cad." Such a combe. p l i m e n t a r y s t a t e m e n t is capable of G r e a t work being furnace boy, Gogarty, a n d Gogarty alone. we hear. Interesting work. in T h e Irish poet s t a r t e d u s on a fact, t h e r e s a t a y l ( o r ) going a r o u n d trip a r o u n d Ireland from " T e n n i s t h a t one boy is i n t e r e s t e d in m o r e R a q u e t B a y " ( B a y of I r e l a n d ) to t h a n one phase of h i s job—it s Killarney, t h e Garden of I r e l a n d . either a case of g e t t i n g r i c h ( a r d ) But t h e vision he painted w a s so quick, or w e a r i n g h i s r u b b e r s w h e n brief t h a t it merely serves to c r e a t e it (lor)aines. (Lousy p u n s , b u t an Interest in his g r e a t e s t w o r k , we j u s t h a d to g e t this i n ) . Around Ireland with 8t. Patrick. At P o t t e r club t h e o t h e r n i t e we T h i s book h a s been applauded t h e noticed t h a t one c h a p - p e l l be very sensational force In t h e n e w Gaelic hospitable If given t h e c h a n c e — revival. his m o t t o is t h e more t h e o m e a r If you w a n t to know Gogarty, (a)ier. the poet, read t h e Wild Apple Tree. You j u s t can't be s u r e of any- Mr. G o g a r t y gave a wonderful thing anymore. T h e r e w a s one speech for t h e intelligentsia of J u n i o r t h a t seemed a lone wolf— the audience, b u t it w a s wholly u n we even betty wouldn't d a t e this suited to t h e college students. I t year—but after al-den we didn't is a pity he could n o t be h e a r d b e know t h a t t h i n g would be s h a r p - yond t h e orchestra. Next time, (le) F r i d a y nite. Mr. Gogarty, talk to all your a u T h e r e wasn't a n y holding of royal dience. + + + court this weekend—we were r a t h er disappointed—it did seem a s F o r those who like to listen to if t h e d u k e a n d the king(sley) good music after a n evening of m i g h t g e t together. And s p e a k i n g work a n d study, t h e r e is t h e proof royalty, have you laid your bets gram, "Music You W a n t W h e n You already on C a m p u s queen—it's fun W a n t It," every night except S a t to be fooled, b u t it's m o r e fun to urday over W G Y a t 11:30 o'clock. know. So, until t o m o r r o w nite, It is a p r o g r a m of classical w o r k s , when you'll all be in t h e know - recorded by t h e world's finest a r long live t h e q u e e n ! tists. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN 7Vi j.s bulletin will be the medium fur all announcements 'fan official nature, students and faculty arc requested to look lo the bulletin for information. Notices for the bulletin must be in the NEWH mailbox not later than 5:00 o'clock on the Wednesday of each publication week. Absentee Voting All absentee ballots of persons whose n a m e s being with A-L will be signed by the T r e a s u r e r between 2:00 a n d 3:00 o'clock every d a y . Those whose names being with M-Z should see t h e R e g i s t r a r a t the same time. C. J. DEYO, T r e a s u r e r . Student Employment Bureau All people who registered before this year should como to tho S t u dent Employment bureau office iMiliio 121 Ai and add c u r r e n t Information to their folders. There will be no additional fee required. PAUL ci. BULGER, Secretary, Service F r a t e r n i t y There will be a meeting of the Sorvlce fraternity today a t noon in room 2()(i at which meeting plans for guiding a n d aiding t h e visiting college professors next week will be discussed. All members a r e requested lo attend. RICHARD P L A I T , President. Tart Time Employment T h e P a r t - T i m e Employment bureau at present h a s on file listings of jobs which carry room a n d board compensation in return for service around private homes. Definite notice should he given to t h e P T E B office as soon as possible by those seeking this type of p a r t - t i m e work, in order t h a t records may take a c count of t h e number of s t u d e n t s available for these a n d future listings. Those desiring further i n formation concerning such work should apply a t t h e PTEB office. EDGAR P E R R E T Z , MARY JANE McNAMARA, Directors. Social Calendar Ocl. 21 -Assembly, talk by Miss Moreland, 11:10 o'clock. Oct. 21—Alumni Residence halls "Vic" parly, 11:00 o'clock. Oct, 21 -Newman Club open house, 11:00 o'clock. Oct, 22 Campus Day. S e n i o r - F a c ulty softball game, 1:00 o'clock. Girls' Hockey game, 2:00 o'clock. Girls' Rivalry races, 3:00 o'clock. Men's pushball game, 4:00 o'clock. Crowning of C a m p u s queen, 8:00 o'clock. Rivalry s t u n t s , 8:15 o'clock. D a n a ! in gymnasium, 0:30 o'clock. Oct. 22 -Truck meet witli Delhi, 2:00 o'clock. Oct. 24- -Advanced D r a m a t i c s plays, 8:15 o'clock. Oct, 2 6 - Religious commission m e e t ing, Lounge, 3:30 o'clock. Oct. 28 -Classical club quiz, Lounge, 8:00 o'clock. Page 3 Five Candidates Vie for Honor of Ruling College on Campus Day Identity of Campus Queen To Remain Secret Till Tomororw Night 18TH CORONATION ffi§Mi$ Queen Will Lead Pageantry in Tradition-Steeped Ceremonial Rites Once more speculation r u n s h i g h as t h e b r e a t h - t a k i n g m o m e n t w h e n this year's queen will be crowned draws near. Although C a m p u s day originated in 1921, t h e first queen held c o u r t i n 1922 when it w a s provided t h a t t h e students should select t h e most p o p ular girl of t h e senior class. Queens have often been selected in t h e past not only for personal beauty and c h a r m b u t for popularity a n d participation in extra-curricular a c tivities as well. T h i s is borne o u t by t h e fact t h a t all but two c a n d i dates a r e m e m b e r s of Myskania. Competition S h a r p Queen for a d a y ! ! O n e of these five will c o n t i n u e t h e dynasty of C a m p u s queens. We're proud of our candidates, a n d each is a different type of beauty with h e r own sprinkling of personality, h e r o w n dash of color, a n d a big slice of charm. T h e r u n n i n g is going to be close, a n d it all depends o n whether you like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry Ice-cream. Of course you u n d e r s t a n d t h a t pulchritude is only one of t h e several factors i n volved in t h e selection. Five C a n d i d a t e s Well, let's take inventory; will it be— —pert, vivacious, streamlined B o b by Arndt—with hair on t h e T i t i a n side, as busy a s a beaver as p r e s i d e n t of Residence council a n d still m a n a g i n g to keep " t a b s " on things? —blond, blue-eyed Dottle P r i t chard—tall, graceful, charming, r e served, a n d to be found leisurely playing a fourth a t bridge or d a n c ing with some smoothie? —striking, b r u n e t t e , Rita Sullivan whose freckled, dimpled Irish face is as becoming in a gym suit as it is in a d a r i n g formal, who. incidentally, loves " h e r m i t " jokes? —Mary Trainor whose sweet friendly c o u n t e n a n c e is one of t h e bright spots of State—as president of SCA a n d one of t h e best songleaders ever — a n d teller of very pointless jokes? —cute, petite J a n e Wilson, last year's Junior Prom Queen—not blonde nor b r u n e t t e , nor r e d - h e a d ed ithough interested in some) a n d possessor of one of t h e most Individual giggles? Specululioii r u n s high among the s t u d e n t body a s to which of t h e above seniors will ascend the throne as State college's eighteenth Campus Of course t h e r e is always specuQueen. They are, lop row left to righ t: Dorothy I'riUhurd, Mary Trainor, Mary Ariult. Bottom row: J a n e S. Wilson a n d Rita Sullivan. lation as to w h a t color hair graces the brow of t h e n e x t ruler. Do gentlemen prefer blondes, brunettes, Marriage Study Shows brownettes, or r e d - h e a d s ? T h e r e sult of past elections have revealed Way to Marital Bliss them impartial b u t with a slight leaning towards t h e fair-haired miss, Special—in fact—extra specOf present c a n d i d a t e s we huve three ial for men only I W h a t m a k e s by Howard Anderson blondes, one b r u n e t t e , a n d one a good wife? How do you pick Any s t u d e n t c a n appreciate Dr. nounced t h e students who h a d brownette. By t h e law of averages your loving spouse? T h e s t u d e n t s of Stale college Brubacher's value as a n educator been selected, because of their aca- one might say a blonde would be Dr. Leonard Cottrell of Cor- , a n d friend of t h e s t u d e n t body, but demic ability a n d leadership, to are in favor of r e t a i n i n g t h e presthe best bet b u t o n e can't tell really nell und Professor E r n e s t B u r ent a r m s e m b a r g o plus a "cash how many c a n e n u m e r a t e t h e ln- compose t h e council. what t h e preferred stock Is this year. Dr. Brubacher, In 1022, spoke to gess of t h e University of Chicago and carry'' p r o g r a m , according lo i novations a n d improvements which the student assembly In order t h a t have a n s w e r e d m a n y of your the N e u t r a l i t y poll conducted by he Introduced? some kind of regulation might be marital questions in their study the F o r u m of Politics, Monday a n d During the twenty-five years ne formulated to govern t h e freshmen of t h e m a r r i e d lives of 528 Tuesday. However, t h e forum itwas president, S t a t e college i n - and sophomores, because of t h e couples. Their findings a r e conself weni on record, ul its meeting creased its enrollment from 670 serious d a m a g e committed during t r a r y to many c a m p u s beliefs, Tuesday, a s favoring t h e repeal of Students in 1014 to 1,384 In 1937- inter-class rivalry. As a result, M y s Here's a list of qualities every the embargo p l u ^ adoption of t h e 38, Lhe high point of Its history. kanla announced specific rules m a r r y i n g boy should c o n s i d e r : "cash a n d c a r r y " plan. However, it is n o t t h e numbers, which, although often revised, have iContinued from page 1, column 5/ 1. T h e r e is u m u r k e d relationTho propositions a s presented In bin t h e quality of t h e m a t r i c u l a n t s come down to us. mence at 8:00 o'clock In t h e a u ship between h a n d l i n g family the poll were as follows: which is most noteworthy. T h e In 1929, Page a n d Richardson ditorium of Page hall with t h e corfinances a n d m a r r i e d h a p p i n e s s , gradual raising of e n t r a n c e requirel. I favor t h e Administration hulls, a n d Milne High school were onation of t h e C a m p u s Queen by Hence, a wife should be m o n e y m e n t s h a s brought forward better P l l t m a n Neutrality bill, which r e opened for use after t h e State leg- Christine Ades, last year's queen. minded, but not a s p e n d t h r i f t . applicants In each succeeding year. peals t h e a r m s e m b a r g o and places islature hud spent $850,000. This As usual, t h e identity of t h e queen 2. All t h e " s t e a d i e s " a r e in all commerce with belligerents u n As president, his first act wus to sum, which was a n Issue during will be kept sceret until t h e crownluck, for c o u r t s h i p s of t h r e e to der a "cash and c a r r y " basis. reorganize the faculty on a col- the gubernatorial campaign of ing. Tlie queen will be chosen from live y e a r s a r e most likely to 2 I favor keeping the present lege basis. This h a s undoubtetlly 1926, provided t h e most modern the five seniors nominoted by t h e endure after m a r r i a g e . Neutrality act unchanged. been un essential factor in our de- practice-teaching unit In the E m - students a n d voted upon In t h e last 3. Girls who h a v e worked be;i I favor extending the present velopment to a n o u t s t a n d i n g teach- pire state. Although Dr. J o h n M. election: Mary A r n d t , Dorothy P r l t fore m a r r i a g e m a k e m u c h bole m b a r g o to Include all the " r a w e r - t r a i n i n g institution in the nation, Sayles, acting president of t h e col- charcl, Rita Sullivan, Mary T r a i n o r , ter a d j u s t m e n t after m a r r i a g e . m a t e r i a l s " of war. His next o u t s t a n d i n g contribu- lege, was Instrumental In t h e e s - and J a n e Wilson. T h e one receiving •1. Beware of girls with only tion w a s t h e establishment of a tablishment of t h e women's d o r m - I lie majority of voles will be queen •I 1 favor keeping the existing one living p a r e n t , for, If t h e S t u d e n t Army T r a i n i n g corps to itory on Ontario street, Dr. Bru- with t h e two placing second a n d a r m s e m b a r g o , plus placing all m o t h e r of either h u s b a n d or prepare t h e male enrollees for a c - bacher lent moral impetus lo t h e third acting a s a t t e n d a n t s , T w o commerce with belligerents on a wife is u widow, t h e d a n g e r of tive participation in military life. drive for betterment of housing fa- members of each of t h e other t h r e e "cash a n d carry" basis. mother-in-law trouble is more classes will also a c t as a t t e n d a n t s . F r o m this group, S t a t e m e n went cilities. Tho tabulated results showed a probable. Rivalry s t u n t s a n d a d a n c e In forward to serve wllh students from preference for tile fourth proposal He never neglected t h e social life 5. Family income seems to all / merican universities. Willi a n affirmative vote of 220 of his students, since h e realized the gymnasium of Page hall will have less influence t h a n is prevIn step with t h e times of making the need of future teachers to b e - conclude t h e p r o g r a m for t h e d a y . against a negative vole of 121. T h e alently thought. However, t h e r e government democratic, Dr. Bru- come socially competent, Soon after Virginia Mitchell a n d R u t h D o n s t u d e n t s ' second choice, number should be mutual agreement of bacher initialed l h e movement of his arrival o n t h e c a m p u s in 1914, nelly, seniors, a r e general supervisors one, received u 213 to 182 vote, the budgeting of t h a t money. giving t h e student body Its own he personally aided t h e founding of t h e skits. T h e skit directors a r e while both two a n d three received And of special interest is t h a t governing body, s t u d e n t council, of G a m m a c h a p t e r of K a p p a Delta Eleanor d r o l l , '40, J e a n e t t e Evans, more negative votes. N u m b e r two school t e a c h e r s a r e very fit for During t h e assembly o n April 18, Rho fraternity, of which h e became '41, Ira Hlrsh, '42, a n d B a r b a r a obtained 187 negative and 171 afmurriuge. Kerlin, '43. 1917. t h e faculty committee a n - an honorary member. firmative votes. State Students Favor Embargo Late Dr. Brubacher Reorganized Faculty, Social System at State Crowning of Queen To Climax Activities STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 20, 1939 STATE COIXE0S NEWS, OCTOBER 20, 1939 Page* 4 Residence Halls Athlete, To Sponsor Party Girls Establish N e w Custom by Issuing Invitations for Admittance Gardener, Psychologist (This is the first in a aeries of articles designed to acquaint the student body with the faculty in a more informal relation.) by Herman Kleine Dr. J. Allen Hicks, professor of guidance, comes to us from Iowa— "and proud of it." His formal schooling consisted of four years at Grinnell, with graduate work at Columbia and the University of Iowa, where he received his doctorate. Following his success in the field of child psychology, Dr. Hicks was awarded a research fellowship from the Rockefeller Foundation to the University of Iowa, He served for five years as superintendent of public schools in Iowa and was promoted to the position of executive secretary of the National Committee on Child Development. At the same time, he acted as psychologist at the Washington Child Research center and facutly member at George Washington university. (What a man!) Dr. Hicks first taught in 1931 at Hicks grinned in answer to the State in the cupacity of grant pro- question "was a wife." fessor from the Spellman Rocke However he assures us, he benefeller Foundation. In the past eight | fitted a little besides that. Sports years, his friendly smile has become j —football, baseball and basketball well-known throughout the college. and debating were his extra-cur"All I got out of college," Dr. ricular interests. But he was not ! — Dr. Hicks SCA to Sponsor Guest Speakers overfond of football because training rules kept him from seeing his girl as often as he would have liked. Present rumors indicate that Dr. Hicks is a "shark" at ping-pong. Gardening is one of his two chief hobbies; collecting biographies, the other. In his extensive book-collection he owns many valuable old biographies. Dr. Hicks' educational philosophy may be summed up in his own words: "The schools should be concerned with the devolpment of whole personalities. Emotional, social and moral aspects of development are frequently neglected because of over-emphasis upon the intellectual aspects of learning. Children are still sacrificed upon the ancient altar of grade and subject matter standards. Education is far more than knowledge." Despite the presence of two children ill his own homo on whom to practice his theories, Dr. Hicks claims it's not all smooth going even for a psychologist. On one occasion, daughter Marjorie made her father quite exasperated. Yet, hardly had he opened his mouth for some good old-fashioned indignation, when Marjorie waved a finger and reminded him gently, "Remember Dad you're a child psychologist." The Alumni Residence halls will conduct their first official "vie" party for State men from 8:00 to 12:00 o'clock, tonight in the Ingle room. Admission is to be by invitations which have been sent to the various group and fraternity houses. Any man who is connected with neither a group nor a fraternity house may obtain an invitation from Lucy King, '40. Chairman of the affair is Dorothy Peak, '41. Heads of the various committees assisting her are: entertainment, Madalyn Beers, '41; arrangements, Cornelia Carey, '42; refreshments, Jane Williams, '42; invitations, Lucy King, '40; and clean-up, Mary Irving, '42. At a revote last Tuesday, the students of the Alumni Residence halls elected Emily Blassiar, '43, as secretary for the coming year. Officers chosen last spring are; president, Marion Kingsley, '40; vice-president, Beatrice Dower, '41; and treasurer, Jane Williams, '42. Miss Kingsley has appointed the following committees for the coming year: library, Dorothy Hill, Evelyn Patchin, juniors; literary, Lucy King, '40, Pauline Bronstein, '42, Doris Sutton, 'to; games, Madalyn Beers, Shirley fooker, juniors, Ruth by Shirley Siegel <®> Class of 1943 Tops Others Dee, '43; "vie," Madeline Hunt, 'The British are either the brav- Britain was prepared lor a war. In Purchase of Tickets Carol Kniffen, juniors, Jean Tracy, est or the most foolish people I T h e people they met in the country were '43; social, Beatrice Dower, Doro- know." •: vacationists like themselves, A recent report of the Finance thy Berkowitz, Shirley Tooker, juWith no intentions of libel, Mi?s ! °tit to get the most pleasure from board reveals that to date the stuniors; Katherine Peterson, Mary Thelma Eaton, Milne High jschpol \ Wlv holidays. Susan Wing, sophomores; Dorothy librarian, made that decision at the | "On the other hand.'' she adrnit- dent tax sales record reaches the Roth, Carolyn Burrows, Ruth Jud- end of a seven-week bicycle tour , ted, "two of the boys who stayed in total of 897, as compared to 970 payments last year al this lime. son, freshmen. of the British Isles last summer. I youth hostels with us were leaving Once again a freshman class tops Student counsellors are: first floor, The quasl-compliment refers to in a few days to join the Territor- all others in the number of stuGrace Cullen,'40; second floor, Mary ! t h u ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ B m M , l a l s ( c 0 „. e s p 0 nding to our National Trainor, Lucy King, seniors. Fran handle the speedy, light-weight j Guard.) But at that time, an out- dent tickets purchased, 235. Its ccs Wood, '41; third floor. Carol little cycles Miss Eaton and a com- sider couldn't really tell a world record is the more remarkable in that its membership has been cut Golden, Barbara Ferree. Beatrice to 2.10 students. Juniors and spohDower, juniors; North hall, Madalyn panion used during their cross- ! war was just a month away." country traveling. From London and their inspecomores are tied for second place Beers, '41; South hall. Mildred HalSailing in June for her first visit tion of all the cathedrals they conwith a purchase of 22,r> tickets each. lock, '40; Pierce hall, Janet Ellis, '40; Western hall, Lillian Gallimore, to England, Miss Eaton began her tacteel, the two travelers went to They are followed by the seniors tour in Cornwall. She claims It I Holland and continued their cycling, with IBS tax cards and the mis'40. took three weeks to learn to ride the | "It's most singular to learn the cellaneous students with 12. Dutch are a nation of cyclists— innovation this year, requiring "The darn things have no gears, everybody rides the great, heavy theAnfreshmen lo pay four years' dues bicycles that are Dutch-made, and but have hand brakes on the handleU|, on n tor,nB - ,httS p r o m l ' T / T bar. And fast? They can reach 50 furthermore, there are no speed f,u L, TJ?n l1 s t egulntion was institute. instituted '^Ulation was I miles an hour and often do," she laws in Holland. Autos race along last year by the student association. : in divided lanes at the highest speed An appeal for help has been sent' recalled "You'vi: heard that it rains in they can muster, ii seems, with no To dale. 229 freshmen have paid to Miss Arlene Preston, instructor of their dues. The freshman treasury French, by Mine, Gaidier-Bily, the England? Well, it does. And one regard for life or safety." now has $1,839. mother of a State college alumna. experience I remember well wa.s After a lew days they returned Those persons of the student body Who is directing a Red Cross sta- coasting clown a slippery three-mile to England and resumed their tour tion in Brittany. Her work is de- hill in a pouring rain at over 40 north to Scotland. They inspected w n 0 n a v e failed to purchase student voted chiefly to the women, chil- miles an hour. However, I hear it's Kenilworth and Linlithgow castles, tax tickets are earnestly requested dren and old folks who have been quite common to see such things over finding the latter more interesting to do so immediately, since payment forced to evacuate the regions of | there. than historical Kenilworth, which l o f student tax is required if one southern and eastern France. "We stayed at youth hostels lies in unreslored ruins. wishes to be recommended by the The appeal voiced in the follow- throughout the country, from Corn- 1 Their plans for sailing home were ! em Ployment bureau for future posiIng letter is far more poignant than wall to Scotland. Some of them changed at this time. The two. tlons. An announcement will ue any repetition can be | were pretty bad and some of them travelers had planned to leave Glas- | m a c l L ' '« today's assembly concerning To Miss Preston, were quite modern—meaning they gow about August 25 on the At he-1 arrangements for paying .student University of Albany, N. Y. had a balh-tub. There was one nia. Because of the great number l a x The committee of the Red old wind-mill at that of passengers already listed by j Members ol the Student Board of Cross of Lamballe, by the inter- had been converted into a hosle the Athenia, they chose to leave a j Finance Include Robert Martin and! vention of Madame GaidierPicturesque, but modern too of week earlier on another ship. j Stanley Kullman. seniors; Daniel: Bily and of Mme. Gaidier-Stro- course, we did have to use ti»' "We just missed out on a per- Bucci and Constandino Paris, ju ka, appeals to the generosity stream below the mill for our wash sonal encounter with the new war nlors; and Benson Tybrlng, '42. of Miss Preston and of her basin, but then we could observe it seemed," Miss Eaton laughed friends. the rustic bridge overhead which [She reached home a day or so beThe committee of Lamballe wus a later model of one St. Swlth- fore the war bogan with time Eat a t John's Lunch organized only a few years ago, In is reported to have built many enough to pay a visit lo her family Dinners 38o and Up because of the horrible disaster centuries ago, j n Missouri tliat threatens its country, has Delicious Sandwiches and "Cornwall was one of the most "But I am glad," she concluded to face new and Imperative du- unusual sections we visited. There "That I had a chance to see the Sundaes ties, urgent and crushing de- we saw the old Druid ruins and old worl the way it i.s today, just 7:30 A.M. — 11:00 P.M. mands upon its modest budget. found them even more fascinating. this on< Opp. the High School Knowing the real friendship than Stonehonge, which sve camu to - - ----that unites our two countries, later." especially in these cruol Hours, Weaving their way through the K i - l i i n i l i - l l Tur Iti'iuilrlnu the committee of the Red Cross Interior, they passed the outskirts of Lamballe, through its devoted of Wales, cycled up to London and I.HilliV I'lilliirliii; workers, appeals to the gener- parked their machines for a fourA H|J!M'lnltj ous hearts of its American sis- day stay. There they made the acters. SAM H E R K O W I T S quaintance ol a young girl who hud barely escaped a railroad terminal i l I \\ UK III IIMI tl II , \ \ c , \ 1111111 > , N Most respectfully, explosion. They readied thai staWelcome the Student? of A, Dayet, Secretary. Collection bowls will be placed in tion a day later. the (Utiletie la .tlbanx room 10, Richardson hall, and in Asked about war signs In London, the Co-op, The entire collection will ihe librarian remarked there was LA MAISO.X Mi A XCAISH be cabled to France, tomorrow, •>')\ Slate Sin-ci (Kntrancf I little evidence early In August that Tax Sales Fall Short Milne Librarian Misses Athenia Of 1938-39 Returns On Return From European Trip sign Red Cross Foreign Asks American Aid HIOtfLIGHT THIS WEEK MaeCiREGOK SWEATERS Values $3.95 to $5.00 — NOW ¥3.1>5 " W H A T ' S NEW — W E S H O W ' ' an I Invi'j will opi'ii on (kin licr 22 II Restaurant fv.itur intf Hume ('ooking. Meal Tickets at five dollars Will be available to EVERYBODY covering fmi course breakfasts Hatter* •MEN'S &BH:SHOP and full course dinners for the Haberdashers S1EISON IIAft'S U7 So. Pearl St. ADAM HATS %'?A Central Ave. « entire week (seven days). Free ticket raffled weekly—meals also available al low prices, P.S, We do not charge for extra coffee or butter, \\Y hope \(iu will liiul it ioinaiiriii mul sensible Lu make Whitney's your shopping IteiulipiiUTers this season. W l . W i l l , I IK (il.M) To SKKVK Y O U . Duffield, State Secretary, Will Lead Discussion on Deeper Living There will be a meeting of the Religious commission of Student Christian association on Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock in the Lounge of Richardson hall. The guest speaker will be Miss Kay Duffield, state secretary of the Student Christian association. Miss Duffield will lead the discussion, a continuation of the faculty-student panel of last week, on the subject of "Resources of a Deeper Living." On Friday, the student assembly will be honored by a visit from Paul Harris of Washington, D. C . sponsored by the Social Action commission of SCA. Mr. Harris, who is a popular speaker at Silver Bay. will address the Student association on the subject of peace. At 3:30 o'clock in the Lounge of Richardson hall, a general meeting of the Student Christian association will be conducted. Mr. Harris, who has recently returned from Europe, will lead the open-forum discussion on the present crisis. This meeting is a free-for-all for everyone to air his views on the recent world-wide situations. The general chairmen of the meeting are Mary Jane McNamara. and Robert Cogger, seniors. Hobby Clubs To Enter Third Week's Work 'Continued from page /, column I) arc: Dr. Moose and Paul Sapolsky, '40, .science; Virginia McDermot't, '41, beginning dramatics; Miss May Filllngham, instructor in home economics, and Janet Weitzer, '42, boy's cooking; Mr. Raymond, Miss Martin, Audrey Connor, '40, and Charlotte Ritchie, '41, arts and crafts; Dr. Thomas Kinsella, instructor of commerce, and Margaret Hanlon, graduate typing, Norma Wells, '40, Frances Becker, '40, Joseph Withey, '41, and Eugene Agnello, '41, beginning dancing; Raymond Carroll, '40, boys' sports; Alma Knowles, '41, advanced dramatics; Mr. Warren Donsmore, supervisor of English, Otlo Howe, '40, and Helen Blake, '40, newspaper; Miss Anna Barsan, assistant instructor of home economics, Lillian Rivkind, '40, and Lorraine Smith, '40, subdebs; Robert Gorman, graduate, games; Dr. Moose and Godfrey, junior orchestra; Robert Anibal, '40, photography; Dolores Galonian, '42, and Joseph Roland, graduate, advanced dancing. c. P. LOWRY w.itchmaker and Jeweler 171 Centra 1 Ave. Cohoes (VlaiiiifiK iurino Co. DRESSES and COATS Cohoes, N. Y. Retail Salesrooms 4 3 MOHAWK S T R E E T O p e n — M o n d a y a n d Satu r d a y 9 : 0 0 A. M. to 6 : 0 0 P. M. T u e s d a y , W e d n e s day, Thursday and Friday 9 : 0 0 A. M, to 8 : 3 0 P . M. Clark's Sparks — B. c. Page 5 State's Runners to Engage KDR, Albanians Delhi Squad for Sixth Time TopIn Footballers League Play Well-balanced Aggregation to Represent Purple and Gold; Bruising C H - K D R Tilt Leads Delhi Loses Corey, Twice Victor Over State; S e c o n d W e e k of P l a y ; Teachers Believe Course Favorable Kappa Beta Upset In the locker room the other day, harrier limping in from The second week of play in the aa panting strenuous reconnaissance of the intramural football league saw the byways Washington park was pre-season favorites step into their heard toofmutter: places at the top of the heap. KDR "Sometimes I wonder: what's the supplanted KB as leading team with two lmpresive wins while the strong use?" Though carefully censored, put inAlbanians maintained their pace by continuing as the only other un- to grammatical (?) English, and defeated team although having one stripped of the pungent fumes of less game in the win column than linament which bathed its original the leaders. KB, victim of an upset utterance, this gem nevertheless at the hands of Robin hall on Mon- portrays something which we'd like day, toppled from its high position Lo expand upon. Would you, dear reader, relish into third place and may very likely a twenty minute trot through the go lower. wilds of Washington park and the The week's outstanding contests back streets of Albany to be greetup through Wednesday's games saw ed at the finish by a handful of KDR defeat College house, 19-0; drooling; neighborhood urchins? the Albanians down Avalon-SpenWe've elected to turn our harcer, 7-6; and KDR overcome the rier's random remark Into an arfrosh 24-0. gument for added student Interest Easily the feature game of the week in cross-country. A run is by no was the KDR-College house game means a long, drawn-out affair— Wednesday. It was a bone-bruising, and—it is nice to hear someone rough, hard game in which KDR's cheering and see someone familiar heavily favored team was bottled when you're hitting the stretch. up in their own territory for three For the benefit of those whose periods. On the other side, College house, through Barney Tuttle's interest has already been whetted, great running and a blocked kick, the aforementioned "stretch" will threatened several times, but could be along Englewood place, leading organizations-aping the NEWS, et not score. The break of the game into Washington park from Robin al.) Considering ways and means came in the middle of the last half street. for revision are Louise Hessney, when KDR blocked a College house Tomorrow's meet will be the test Betty Clark, Madalyn Beers, Fran kick and recovered In the end zone for a triumvirate of freshmen reRlanl, Lois Hafley, Elsie Roth, Dot Two of these have high for a score. Then in the closing cruits. Maclsaac and Susan Wing. school running experience behind minutes of the game, played in Since fall season ends November semi-darkness, KDR struck sudden- them. to*.-**/' • , .•" , ' -*>, 18, the winter handbook will be Cooke, Albanian and CBA boy, ly to score twice on Oksala's "sleepWjmJmmk iJ^>a appearing shortly—compiled and er," and on a pass to Howie Ander- boasts both cross-country and track edited by Feme Grenier, Eleanor year's meet, which turned son. The second tally came after work for the Academy. He capGrounds, Betty Knowlton, and Ruth show conclusively that the boys outLast disastrously for State, was run the recovery of a College house tained the CBA harriers. Hansen are running quite a bit better than Pearson. Brief advance news from The tinderdog College at Troy High lent support to a numoff at Delhi. As manager Fran- fumble. last year's squad. In the time trials that publication indicates that winhouse team put up a great fight, ber of sports including track, soccello so aptly phrased it, "It seemrun off last Tuesday afternoon, Lou ter sports will consist of basketball, to be all uphill. In fact, the hill and if their play Wednesday is any cer, and jayvee football. Denlke's bowling, swimming, skating, skiing, Francello finished first, timed at ed was so steep at the first, that sev- criterion, they have a real outfit high school sport at Saugerties was 19:18, Frank Hansen followed him tobagganing, ping-pong and—mayeral ended up by walking." for the other teams to cope with. soccer. be—-badminton and modern dancing with a time of 18:58, and Manley The runners Intramural council has requested course through Washington The second game, played in Tues- that (aha, competing with freshman crossed the line in third place in park is we clarify some misconception* much better since there is 20:29. In last year's final trial dancing classes!) that have arisen since the beginrun before the Delhi meet, the first only one real hill. The home stretch Revival ning of the touch-football season. Standings Wednesday man finished in 19:34, which Is is located on the road which leads In spite of year's abortive quite a bit slower than Francello's from State street into the park, The first issue concerns the vital Night attempt to arrange a three way time. distinction between a touch back and right across from the college. play-day, sporfs festival or what W L a safety—a distinction over which The next meet will be run with The season's prospects have been have you between State, Bkidmore Kappa Delta Rho 3 0 even some of the officials have been Morrisville at Morrlsville on Ocbrightened considerably by the showand Russell Sage, this year's CounAlbanians 2 0 at odds in recent games. When the tober 28. cil is forging ahead with a do-or-die ing of the new talent. Cooke and Kappa Beta 2 1 defensive team intercepts a pass in spirit, trying to stage a similar Freshmen 1 1 its own end zone, a safety has not event sometime during the '39-'l,0 Potter Club 1 1 been effected and no points should The official ruling season. For some mysterious reaRobin Hall 1 1 be awarded. son these schools are loathe to play Avalon-Spencer 1 2 calls for a touchback with the ball around with State women—but keep College House 0 2 being brought out to the twenty ycr fingers crossed'••- maybe everySigma Lambda Sigma .... 0 3 yard line. by Carl Marotto body will get together eventually. Another point of dispute is the ing for blood and laid siege to the "Did you hear what a nervy Activities office where they carried Return of the Mohawks matter of a three-man line for the day's frigid weather, saw a preoffensive team. Such a line Is comaway Kusak in a manner rivaling Hockey plans for this season In- freshmun said- - ?" "Just wait 'till we get that wise the abduction of Helen of Troy. An viously "hot and cold" Avalon- pulsory under the rules. clude a visit to one day's play of Spencer team blow very hot as It Congrats to Intramural council hour later he returned in a pair held the Albanians to a 7-6 score. the Eastern Division Conference for sophomore - ." On the eve of Campus day we of lounging pajamas graciously Although playing without its main- for its paid official system which the Mohawk Hockey association— our dear friends, the Mohawks, who find that the feeling Is already run- loaned by the Psl Gammas. Gar- stay, the injured Al Bulmer, Ava- is working to perfection—an excellast year sponsored a conference in ning high between the blue and dephe was captured passing the lon drew first blood and then held lent example of the "money talks" adage. But—doesn't it seem an awwhich the local schools participated, the green underclassmen. With girl's dorm and taken for a tour well throughout the game, finally ful odd way to insure the smooth are this year planning a series of both sides confident of victory in downtown where he finally ended yielding by the margin of that all- operation of a program that, after exhibition games to demonstrate the opening day's organized ri- up at the corner of State and Pearl important extra point. ail, i.s supposed to be based on popfine points to neophyte hockey valry contests there is, neverthe- minus a freshly-pressed pair of | ular interest? Although he was appre- i The third game saw a KDR outplayers. less, an undercurrent of apprehen- pants. hended by the law, his explanation fit that was not to be denied consiveness among the participants as proved sufficient and he was allow- vert every "break" into a score as they await the first move in the ed to proceed homeward. There- they piled up three touchdowns in direction of off-the-campus unor- upon weird haircuts, war paint, and the late stages of the game to score ganized rivalry. For the benefit kidnappings followed in rapid suc- over the Frosh, 24-0. Despite the of the freshmen let us review somo cession. Even the girls entered in- iscore, the '43ers put up a great fight, trailing by only C-0 going of the highlights of last year's ac- to the spirit of the fracas with the ' into the end of the third quarter. Hafley Leads Other Players result that Dower, Wilson, Devins, tivity when the class of '42 saw red State's chessmen opened their inWith First Two Victories They displayed a well-rounded game tercollegiate season last Friday with and the '41'ers were blue in the Ryerson, and Petit were uncere- featured by the play of "Butch" moniously admitted to the showers i Feigenbaun, Tom Feeney, and a one-sided 0-1 triumph over RPI face and then some. The girls' tennis tournament, or lake for Impromptu duckings.! Lynch. The outstanding bit of ac- which is in full swing, has reached in a match conducted in the Lounge Tho sophomores carried off thu The war raged unabated until the tion of this game was Fairbank's the second round and has two more of Richardson hall. The victory puts the Teachers one up in the honors of organized rivalry with a college president felt it incumbent long run for a touchdown on a rounds to go. rivalry with the arch-rivals from score of 30'«-17'/j. The frosh lost to step In and threaten the class "bootlegger" play which was the Lois Hafley, '43, lias advanced the Troy. For the "Engineers," if was the mascot hunt, the banners, ath- presidents with expulsion. prettiest bit of deception seen thus farthest at this writing. She took her first match against Betty Barfar this season. an inauspicious opening for their letic contests and finally their good Talks with tho freshmen reveal den, '43, with a score of 6-0, 0-0, newly-formed chess team. How- dispositions. that they are actually looking forLesser games saw Robin hall upand her second with Dorothy Cox, ever, without detracting from State's Then it happened amidst the ward to the forthcoming combats set KB 12-7, and Potter club beat 43, to the tune of 6-1, 6-0, Dorothy victory, a large measure of RPI's blare of bugles in an assembly sesan amazing degree of confl- | SLS 8-0. KB was toppled from Its defeated Lonl Wurth, '42, in the loss must be attributed to inexperi- sion, the sophomore president was with deuce. Thomas Feeney, frosh lead- I league leadership by the surprising first round by a score of 6-1, 6-2. ence. presented to the student association or, said that thu frosh were ready Robin hall team on Monday. The participants and results of For Stale, Art Fox, Steve Shaw, in the conventional robes to take everything in stride. Paul I winners displayed a one-man run- theThe other first round matches were John lioose, Roy Sommers, Hank dressed of a new-born babe! Sophomore re- Mcrrltl, soph president, said that ning attack In Dill Busacker and as follows: Sylvia Tefft, '43, took Kralz, and Doug Murphy were all taliation came swiftly the same af- tho sophomores are assuming a pol- scored twice in the last quarter to victorious. Fox's victory came over ternoon when Joe LarUo, frosh icy of "watchful waiting." Van 101-erase a seven point deficit. KB her match with Muriel Scovell, '43, RPI's Captain Boorsfcin. The only president, Imitated a submarine lis and Robert Walter felt it would showed no sustained offense and by a score of 6-1, 6-1; Madeline loss for the home team came on (when submerged) in Washington lie indiscreet for any sophomore to scored only after a fumble of a punt Hunt, '41, defeated Eleanor Rothe, the No. I) board where Jim Glllen Park. Bernard Perlman, "the manbo caught out alone at night. On by Robin hall. Brauner and Bod- '43, 6-1, 6-0; Armlda Casllne, "43, trimmed Lillian Westfall, '43, by a was defeated by Hurill. the violin," was surprised be- the other hand ISivlon Williams, '42, ner were KB standouts. 0-1, 6-1 score, and Betty Marston, Impending plans of the group with asserted that it would be unsafe neath the windows of the Dean's call for extensive ladder play dur- office where he found it necessary for less than five frosh to bo seen The oilier game saw Potter down '43, captured her match with Olive ing the next few weeks with sever- to use his sullcoati for trousers. in the vicinity of Washington park. SLS in a ragged contest by a score Myers, '42, with a score of 6-1, 6-2. of 8-6, a safety proving lo be the There are about twenty-five girls al changes expected. In the mean- Jordan's "fuller brush" received the With these bold statements be- winning margin. "Red" Dickson out for tennis this season seeking time, November's schedule is be- professional touch of the sopho- fore us wo look once again to Min- starred for Poller while "Shorty" their ten hours credit. Tennis classing planned with prospective operva for a prediction of State's tra- Thomas' fine running kept SLS hi es are held Tuesday and Thursday ponents being Colgate, Union, Rut- mores. the game. By tins time the frosh were yell- ditional Campus day activities. from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock, gers and Brooklyn college. Weekend Jottings Hit of first Camp Johnston weekend: "Susanna" Beers' hilarious a p preciation of the camp theme song (for the weekend)—"There was an old man. . . ." Booby prize was awarded to Janet MacDonald's onion-flavored butterscotch pudding. The most harrowing sensation of the weekend was that experienced by the whole gang, when, after leaving camp in applepie order, they turned around to see a volcano of smoke pouring from the chimney! Explanation: materials for new fire laid in red hot fireplace . . . well, it takes a long time to learn everything. Nominations for a tin medal as the best sleepdisturbers extant: Knowlton and Leggctt (as a TEAM!) Proceeds of Council Meetings The award system, revised two years ago, is again being considered for alterations. Gripes this time seem lo be concentrated upon the non-existent wearing qualities of the seal-engraved skins now awarded. Tentative substitution Is a key (tish, such petty jealousy between With several weeRs: of intense training under their belts, State's cross-country runners will stack up against the Delhi harriers tomorrow afternoon over the Washington park course. The meet, which will start at 2:00 o'clock will be the sixth meeting between these two teams. The Teachers have not fared so well throughout the series, having won two meets and lost four. Since Delhi has a squad of unknown quality, the outcome of tomorrow's race is doubtful. However, Corey, who finished first in '37 and '38, will not be running this year, inasmuch as he graduated last June. The State squad during the past two weeks has gone through two sets of time trials. These trials Hansen will definitely be great assets to the squad since they are running close behind Francello. With these three men all timing within ten seconds of each other there won't be much room for opposition to sneak in and place between them. In simpler words, if one of the three should place first, the other two stand a good chance of being among the first four finishers. Gene Agnello has made a rapid recovery and ran the trial run in good time. Gene strained the tendons in both heels, but they have mended and he will run tomorrow. Manley has also recovered from his cold and was timed in 20:29 for the trial run. It will be a wellbalanced team which will carry the purple and gold in tomorrow's meet. wei : v Soph -Frosh Tension Increases As Campus Day Rivalry Nears Chess Team Defeats RPI in First Match 6-1 Tennis Tournament Enters Second Round Pay 6 Annual Senior Dance To Feature Fennel! STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 20, 1939 LAST YEAR'S QUEEN State College Mourns Passing Of Close Friend and Benefactor La Maison Francaise To Serve Ma's Meals "My mother told me to eat by Sylvia Greenblatt at the restaurant in La Maison Besides acting as Santa Claus at Francaise!" September 15, just passed, marked This exclamation whisked along both an opening and an ending. Dorm parties, Captain Walker himThe doors were opening for an- self gave, until 1936, several large with the tantalizing smells which poured forth from the Dove other year at State college. They parties in the garden of his resistreet entrance to the new eating closed at the same time upon the dence, for seniors, graduates and faculty. Dean Moreland recalled place in the French house. M. life of a grand man—Captain Wila vivid picture of gay times at those Millet, State graduate of '39, liam J. Walker—one of Albany's functions—with song and refreshopened the establishment to proleading characters, one of State's ment for all. vide home cooking for all stumost gracious benefactors. The Captain gave help, too, in dents who like their food the Interesting— exciting — colorful — cases where individual students were way ma cooks it. all describe both the person and his concerned. was State college The p l e a s a n t atmosphere life. Prom the start, Captain Walk- forgotten atNor very last. He should entice all who try once er was singled out by his size. "The left us in histhe will a cash sum of —and who won't—to return biggest man in Albany"—as one There was also left an ad- again. "Why won't anyone make person described him. Yet, what $1,000. $50,000, but this amount it his regular dining room?", might have been a handicap be- ditional is subject to a number of condi- Kennie Haser, '40, wants to came a character of Captain Walk- tions. know. er's life, for he was the favorite Whatever the case, we of State Santa Claus at various nurseries, But. men of State, don't imagorphanages and at affairs of groups college owe a debt of gratitude to ine yourself sitting next to a that man—not only for the more and organizations. And Dorm resicomely State lass, for the girls dents of a few years back will rec- material aids he gave but also for of the French house eat by themognize him, too, as the jovial St. the memory of a vivid personality, selves. It's a business proposition. Nick at the Dorm Christmas party. genuinely interested in our welfare. (Continried from page 1, column BJ Once again the hop will be at the Ten Eyck hotel. This had been the traditional ballroom, prior to two years ago, when the dance was transferred to the Aurania club. However last year, it returned to the Ten Eyck. Chairmen of the committees for the affair are as follows: music, Marion Klngsley; arrangements, Harriet Sprague; programs, Janet Thomas; chaperones, Rose deCotis; invitations and bids, Kenneth Haser; flowers and taxis, Miriam Shapiro. Chaperones for the Hop will be Mr. Paul Bulger, personnel director, and Mrs. Bulger; Mr. Louis Jones, instructor in English, and Mrs. Jones; and Dr. Thomas Kinsella, supervisor of commerce, and Mrs. Kinsella. Christine Adcs, Campus Queen of N e w m a n Hall Members During the World War, in the the class of '39, who will crown the Elect Gabriel A s Head queen in tomorrow night's cere- capacity of a YMCA secretary, he Mary Gabriel, '40, has been elect- monies. ed president of Newman hall for the ensuing year. The officers who George Rice, '32 T o B e will assist her are: vice-president, On Penn State Faculty Elga-Clare Schiavi, '40; secretary, Mildred Swain, '42; treasurer, Mary George P. Rice, '32, former ediKrengloskie, '42; reporter, Norma tor-in-chief of the STATU COLDiLaura, '42; junior representative, LEGE NEWS, will serve in the EngRosemary McCarthy; and freshman lish department of Penn State this representative, Mary McCann. year. He was formerly assistant inMiss Schiavi, who is social di- structor of public speaking at Correctress, has announced that there nell. will be an open house for all State j After graduation from State, he men tonight between 8:00 and 12:00 [ taught in Albany High school and o'clock. did graduate work at State college. made many friends among the French people, friendships which he maintained throughout the rest of his life. Politics did not escape his attention here. In 1937, he ran for mayor on the Republican ticket but was defeated by the present Mayor Thatcher. State college students, however, know Captain Walker best for the interest he took in this institution. State was the almu mater of his mother. His daughter, too, is fa- | miliar to many here. Geo. I). Jeoncy. Prop Dial 5-1913 Boulevard Cafeteria and 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE Crill ALBANY, N. Y. ( .hesterfielcls RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos brings out the best features of each An the fine American and Turkish tobaccos in Chesterfield's famous blend are known for some particular smoking quality... r and the way Chesterfield combines these fine tobaccos is why you get a milder, better-tasting smoke with a more pleasing aroma. That is why, when you try them we believe you 'II say... or your pleasure, T/teRiqfit (Jom&inafion ' „. of the world's best X, cigarette tobaccos &£;::-;:;';-v::.^;v.^^ copyn'Klii |fi}8, UCCITI * Mvm J'OMCIOCO, State College News Z-443 STATE COI.LKGK FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N.Y., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, News Reporter Meets Comedian Hop at Ten Eyck In Backstage Interview at Hall To Feature Swing Of Len Fennell VOL. XXIV, No. 6 1939 PEACE SPEAKER SCA Will Sponsor Harris in Speech Before Assembly by Virginia Polhemus < "What do you think of teachers?", gestures and postures which have I asked, with the intention of for- become familiar to all who see his getting the answer if it weren't too performances on stage or screen. complimentary. Much to my sur- The equally familiar habit he has prise, Edward Everett Horton an- of reiterating phrases such as "Yes, Cappiello Will Direct Event; swered, "I think very highly of yes, oh yes, I remember," has apHowe to Offer Amendment them. Why, in fact, I even intend- parently become part of his everyDancers to Enjoy Music To Agne's Resolutions day conversation, and he employed ed to be one." And so he had, since it constantly. Everything he said T i l l 2:00 o'clock On Voting System it developed that he had attended and did was emphasized by his faThe year's first formal dance, the the Teachers college of Columbia cial expressions, which were everPaul Harris, a Quaker, will disSenior Hop, is scheduled for next university, and had specialized in changing. It was entertainment itcuss the European crisis in assembthe combination of English, history Friday night at the Ten Eyck hotel, self just to watch him talk. ly this morning, after which StuOne never knows, where it was conducted last year. and German. dent association will consider the In response to the question condoes one? Music for dancing will be supplied proposed Agne voting amendments. cerning how he started in the theaTaking advantage of the fact that from 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock by Len Student Christian association is I knew someone whom Horton knew, ter, Horton said, "It just happened, Fennell and his band. sponsoring the speaker, a former and my family objected to it." In Fennell and his band played last I gained admittance backstage. college he took such courses as demember of the National Council While his many friends trooped in year at the Senior Ball and he was for Prevention of War. His topic bating, dramatics, English and orato congratulate him and extend well received by all who attended. He will be "Democracy—And a World tory just because he was interested their best wishes, I had a chance has been featured for five years at ''aul Harris, who will address the of Change." the "George F. Pavilion" in John- to watch Horton. He was halfway in them. Now when he looks back, he student assembly this morning at has decided that such subjects are Last,.Friday the new voting sysson City, where all the nation's through the process of removing the 11:10 o'clock. tem, presented by Myskania in the leading bands have been heard. greasepaint so essential to the stage. prerequisites for the average actor. spring, was adopted by the student His style of playing includes ar- Dressed in a bathrobe, he was sitting He used to see plays quite often, body. Today the Agne voting amendState Thespians Plan rangements, b o t h "sweet and at his mirror surrounded by all the while still in school, and used to ments will again be on the agenda. swing." Vocalizing with the band paraphernalia associated with ac- imagine himself playing the same parts. Thus was his interest arousCooper Barn Warming They read as follows: are Audrey Beddoe and Tamer tors. While talking, Horton used the ed. Aswad. Bids this year are $2.50. A. Be it resolved that Myskania Slate's advanced thespians will "Desire to act and taking one's clomp the Page hall boards Tues- publicly post for at least three days Joseph Cappiello, general chairVaudeville Not Dead - • time in getting to the top," are the day night in benefit perform- the complete numerical results of man of the event, is assisted by two most important factors Horton ances for the Stagecraflers. The all class and Student association committees whose chairmen are as News Board Ultimatum advised future thespians to consid- plays will begin promptly at 8:15 elections, and the numerical results follows: music, Marion Kingsley; er. "When I was about nine, I o'clock. of all revotes incidental to such arrangements, Harriet Sprague; The NEWS Board announces programs, Janet Thomas; invita- the following requirement for all wanted to be a baker," he said. "I Admission to the plays will be elections, with the exception that tions, Kenneth Haser; and chaperaspirants to the position of soph- used to go down the street and by silver collection, all proceeds final results which would normally watch the baker for hours, fascinatones, Rose DeCotis. omore desk editor: going to the Stagecraft class. not be announced prior to Moving"Candidates must prove beyond ed, When I was ten I had forgot- These funds will be used to ren- up day, shall be posted in the preThe chaperones will be Louis all shadow of doubt that they ten the desire. But if anyone wants ovate, and more important heat, scribed manner by noon of the MonJones, instructor in English, and immediately following MovingMrs. Jones; Dr. Thomas Kinsella, will uphold the dramatic tradi- to be an actor, he must have a lastthe barn on the Fenimore Cooper day up day. instructor and supervisor of comtion which has ever permeated ing desire and be willing to put in estate which is to be used as a a lot of time." merce, and Mrs. Kinsella; and Paul the Activities office." stagecraft workshop. B. That candidates for class and The dressing room Horton was Bulger, personnel director, and Mrs. All candidates will be given an The first play will be a tragedy Student association offices be seBulger. opportunity to display their the- using while at Harmanus Bleecker of social significance, directed lected lor revotes in the following Walter Harper, president of the spian ability by presenting dram- hall Monday and Tuesday for by Hy Meltz. Mr. Meltz will manner: class of 1940, said in regard to the atic tid-bits on the Statesman "Springtime for Henry," is the very attempt the hitherto unpreceFrom a list of candidates arrangreduction in the price of the bid stage, Wednesday evening, 10:00- same one which he used when he dented feat of introducing eleven ed from top to bottom in the deand the selection of Len Fennell 11:00 o'clock. Admission by ticket first played stock in Albany in 1916. actors in a one-act play. The scending order of their numerical When asked what he thought of for music, "It would be a bargain only. Smoking will be permitted second presentation is an Irish vote, the smallest number of canthe hills of Albany, Horton replied, comedy, directed by Betty Hardie. didates having in their total vote at twice the price." in the balcony. "I don't mind them a bit—in taxis." Preliminary plans are already bea clear majority of all votes cast, ing drawn up for the senior fall shall be selected from the top of banquet. This banquet is an anIhe list for revotes. nual affair and is now scheduled for Otto Howe, '40, co-editor of the the Tuesday before Thanksgiving STATE COLLEGE NEWS, will offer recess. the following amendment to the The senior class has also appointWhile speculative buzzing con- above resolutions. It will eliminate ed a committee headed by Rita cerning the identity of the queen certain objections to them. It reads Sullivan to investigate the possibilcreated an atmosphere of mystery as follows: ity of purchasing a plaque in memand excitement, a throng of sub"Numerical results of all elections ory of the lale Dr. Brubacher. It jects gathered in Page hall, then is hoped thai one may be erected the two pages, Kay Wilson and shall be withheld until after final After the similar to the one just inside the Ethel Appleton, sophomores, step- voting on all offices. front doors to Page hall auditorium ped to the front of the stage. As final elections the numerical recommemorating Richmond Henry soon as the last notes of the bugles sults of the original election, and Kirtland. had faded away, the solemn, sonor- all revotes incidental to it, shall ous strains of Pomp and Circum- be posted." Lloyd Kelly, '40, president of Stustance floated over the hushed auI dience. The marshal swung open dent association, disclosed that j the doors, The audience rose as Student council is preparing a masone man to greet the new queen. ' ter copy of the association's constiPetite, dark-haired Jane Wilson, , tution, amendments and legislative ! acts. All the minutes of the last radiating happiness, entered. Queen Jane I, gowned in the | fifteen years are being scrutinized traditional white, and carrying a i in the compilation which will be Stewart J. Smith, '40, president bouquet of red roses led her at- | placed in the library so that one and of Chi chapter of Kappa Phi Kaptending court of: Rita Sullivan and all can consult it. pa, announces that the annual fall Mary Trainor, seniors, in yellow; banquet will be held this evening Miriam Newell and Lona Powell, in the Green room of the Wellingjuniors, in pink; Ruth Keeler and ton hotel at 0:30 o'clock. The guest Mildred Swain, sophomores, in blue; speaker for the event will be Mr. Ruth Dee and Mildred Mattice, George E. Hutcherson, Director of freshmen, in green, down the aisles Guidance for the Slate ol New of the auditorium. The attendants York. Mr. Hutcherson will be inremained on the steps of the stage, troduced by Dr. John M. Sayles, , as the new queen, carrying herself president of the college. Dean MilMr. Paul Harris, of Washington, regally, crossed to the center. Then ton G. Nelson and Dr. Arthur K tlic velvet curtains parted, and last D. C , will participate in a discusBeik, who has been faculty advisor year's queen, Chris Ades, attended sion sponsored by the Social Acfor the past twelve years, will be by Bobby Arndt and Dottie Prit- tion commission of the Student present. Mr Smith will be toastchnrd. seniors, came forward to re- Christian association at 3:30 o'clock master. ceive the new queen. As Jane kneel- , this afternoon in the Lounge. "StuLast night twenty-four new memed before her, Chris removed the dents and Social Action," with specbers wen- initiated into the fratercrown from her own pretty brown i ial emphasis on the present war crinity. They are: Frank Augustine. head and placed it carefully, firmly sis, will be the subject of dlscusWilliam Barrett Normun DeNeef, on Jane's. ! siou. Louis Francello. Earle Hewitt, William Keith. William McCracken, The new queen rose, and follow"Club x," the org&nte&tloi} for (Jordan Poaltiu and Wilbur Valley, ed by her court took her place on commuters and the "work-your-wayseniors: Hubert Ague John Bukny, tlie royal throne. through-college crowd" will meet William Brophy, Daniel Bucci, ArNeed we be introduced further to Tuesday at 12:00 o'clock in the nold Ellerin, William Haller, James ; our new Queen? This year, besides I Lounge. A special program has been Maloney, Delfio Muncuso, John j being Campus Queen, Miss Wilson I planned in which members of the Murray, (Jeorge Noonun, Harold | is president of Dramatics and Art I faculty and students will partlciDuffey, Clarence Olsen, Constancouncil, a member of Myskania, ac- | pate in a panel discussion. dino Paris, Charles Quinn, Joseph 1 tive in debate, and one of the most Marriage commission will meet Schwartz and James Snover, jupopular girls in her class. Wednesday in the Lounge a t 3.30 niors. And so another colorful Campus o'clock. Dr. J. Allen Hicks of the ' day lias passed Willi fond memories education department will lead the In thi! near future printed booklot stunts, (first place won by the discussion on the subject, "What Is lets on the principles of education j freshmen!) and a beautiful brunette Emotional Maturity and How Do will be distributed to the student body. (fhimi 3uiir 3 moto by Times UntonJ I queen,, You Get I t ? " Students Acclaim Jane Wilson Campus Queen Kappa Phi Kappa To Have Banquet Harris Will Lead SCA Discussion