Document 14063928

Page 4
Sports Night Event
Will be Cay Affair
(Continued from page 1, column 5J
Dolan, Lucy King, and Louise Hessney.
A real match will be offered the
badminton fans by Marion Rockefeller. Whitbeck Ousick and his
partner, city champions, will meet
Al Sloman and Teddy Lipschitz.
Cusick is also the singles champion,
while Al Sloman was runner-up in
last year's tournament. Sloman is
at present the athletic director at
the Y. M. H. A. The match, which
is one of the highlights of the evening, will be preceded by a contest
between the two finalists from each
of the men's and women's tournaments at State. The preliminary
will place two mixed duos on each
end of the floor, a man and woman
on each side.
George Amyot, the floor arrangements committee of the Page hall
district next will make way for the
volley ball fracas which has been
set up by Louise Hessney. This debacle will be in line with the general plan of the evening, consisting
of competition b e t w e e n mixed
groups. On opposing sides of the
net will be three-girl and threeman combinations chosen from Kay
Adams, Mabel Farrell, Marion Lawless, Margaret Hickok, Virginia
Strong, Betty Dodge, Bill Hopke,
Bill Torrens, Al Weiss, Bill Thomas,
Clarence Ols'en, and John Gardephe.
where more or less humorous games
will be played,
The services of two men of undaunted personal fortitude and undinted courage have been obtained
for the affair at a very great price.
The barkers, without whom there
could be no carnival worthy the
name, are Paul Dittman, '38, and
Joe Bosley, '39. Later in the evening, refreshments may be obtained
at a price.
sary of the founding of the club In
Chem Club to Present
April, 1913. The Chemistry club is
Tonight at 7:30 o'clock, in the
"The House of Magic" one of the oldest and best known
German Club Will Meet
Lounge of Richardson hall, the
German club will conduct a Kaffeeklatsch, according to Carl Schoeffler,
'39, president of the club. After the
meeting there will be German Folk
dancing under the direction of Karl
Sense, '39, in which the entire club
will take part. Refreshments will
be served.
On Monday night, April 11, the
Chemistry club will present in Page
hall auditorium, "The House of
Magic," to be given by the General
Electric laboratories, according to
William Mollenkopf, '38, president
of the club.
The program is arranged so that
it coincides with the 25th anniver-
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For the
S t a t e College News
XXII, No. 2i
Assembly Favors
State University
In Lively Meeting
Speaker Friedlander Names
Beatrice Shufelt, '40,
Herb Frankel, fencing instructor,
will present two protegees from the
class which he is conducting. The
two femmes de guerre, Ruth Larson
and Ruth Thompson, will display the
talent they have been grooming.
Stan Kullman and June Palmer
are heading a group of ten Terpsichorean artists of the old school to
offer a program of folk and square
dancing. Stan has promised some
really original "stuff" in the line of
music gathered from no less famous
hill-billies than Mom and Pop Kullman themselves.
After George, of the Amyots, has
cleared the Page subterranean chambers, the crowds will be diverted to
the Commons, which will be completely renovated for the dancing.
Booths will be put around the sides,
and the victrola will furnish continuous dancing. Chris Dershimer
has charge of these arrangements.
Entrance to the Commons will be
at a price. There will be a grabbag of tickets at the door, ranging
in price from one to ten cents. You
pay the price stipulated and the rest
of the entertainment is free, including entrance to the various booths
organizations on the campus.
The club invites all science students of the school and all those
who are interested to attend this
demonstration. It also extends its
invitation to the science teachers in
the public schools of the capital district. Admission to the demonstration is free.
large and small
Cojiyii^ln 1MB, 1-iu.l.n & MviHS I OM< i o < u
A state university where students
of New York state might attend a
liberal arts college, "free of tuition
charge," was pushed one step farther
toward a reality when the Constitutional Assembly voted at its regular
weekly session, Tuesday, to favor the
resolution calling for the "inclusion
In the state constitution of a provision for a state maintained university."
Following was a debate on the
majority report of the hearing committee which opposed the resolution
on the grounds that there was no
need for the proposed institution
because of the policy of state aid
existing at the present time, and
because it is "impracticable on financial grounds." The majority, led
by Virginia Wegener, '39, offered as
a substitute the doubling of the
number and stipend of state scholarships.
Irregardless of the majority arguments, the minority report, offered
by Norman Levy and Edward Trost,
freshmen, was given approval by the
college group. In stating the case for
the state university, Levy said, "Many
high school graduates today, who
should go Into higher education cannot do so merely for financial reasons. In a recent study in New York
State, 44 percent of the high school
students questioned were uncertain
whether they would attend college;
ninety percent of these students listed financial reasons as the deterring
Following discussion of I he resolution, a motion calling for separate,
"article by article," consideration or
all controversial amendments to the
constitution when it is voted on in
the November referendum was introduced. This was proposed to prevent
a recurrence of the fate of the 1915
constitution which was killed because
of several controversial issues contained in the document which was
submitted as a whole for approval,
rather than article-by-article.
Speaker Leonard Friedlander, '39,
announced the appointment of Beatrice Shufelt, '40, as assistant clerk
to Richard Lonsdale, '39.
Newman Club
Annual Retreat
Introspection will be the theme
of the Newman club annual retreat which begins tonight at
7:45 o'clock at the Holy Names
Chapel, corner of Madison avenue and Robin street. The retreat master will be the Rev. T.
H. Kay, professor of religion at
the College of St. Rose.
Victoria Bilzi, '39, chairman of
the committee on religious activities for Newman club, announces that two lectures are planned
for Saturday, at 10:00 and 2:00
o'clock at the Chapel.
The club members will attend
a Mass at the Vincentian Little
Grotto, Ontario and Morris
streets following which they will
conduct a Communion Breakfast
at the Vincentian Cafeteria.
Tickets are on sale for the breakfast at 50 cents per plate.
Sigma Lambda Sigma
To Conduct Initiation
Will Induct Members of Faculty
Into Honorary Membership
On Saturday afternoon at 2:00
o'clock, in the Lounge of Richardson
hall, Sigma Lambda Sigma will conduct its first formal initiation for
eleven pledges.
The men who will be inducted are:
Richard Loucks, '40; Eugene Agnello,
Francis Cassidy, Glenn W. Clark,
Dan Flinn, John Gardephe, Delfio
Mancuso, Howard Merriam, Robert
Patton, Edward Trost, and Joseph
Wlthey, freshmen.
Following the initiation, the fraternity will conduct a formal banquet
at 8:00 o'clock in the Wellington hotel. Al I he banquet the fraternity
will Induct into honorary membership
the following members: Or. Abram
R. Brubachcr, president of the college, and William G. Kennedy, assistant professor of chemistry. Dr.
Rienow, instructor in government, is
their present faculty advisor and
honorary member.
William Mollenkopf, '38, will ue ihe
speaker for the fraternity to welcome
the incoming members. The speaker
lor the new members will be John
Gardephe, '41,
After the banquet the fraternity
will adjourn to the commons of
Hawley hall for dancing.
Art Shaw, Master of Clarinet,
Has Rapid Rise to Musical Fame
by Lcn Kowulsky
i Columbia network. The band was a
Every Saturday night from (1:30 to i sensation overnight.
7:00 o'clock. Ihe coasl-lo-coasl netThe following season Shaw and his
work of the Columbia Broadcasting band were featured at. the French
system p r e s e n t s the rhythmic Casino in New York, and later al
"grooves" of Art Shaw and his New Ihe Adolphus hotel in Dallas, Texas.
Music. Exactly one week from to- I After a successful engagement here,
night from 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock, the he went on tour playing engagements
sophomore class of Slate college will ill many of Ihe prominent mklwestpresent the same swing-master and crn universities. Returning to New
his orchestra al Its Soiree in Ihe Au- York, he appeared at Ihe Paramount
theater where he played to recordrania club.
As master of Ihe "gob stick," the breaking crowds. Leaving Broadway,
clarinet, Shaw's meteoric rise to mu- Shaw soon gained a hosl of new
sical prominence has been a colorful friends in Pittsburgh, where he filled
one. As a youngster, he was excep- jan engagement at the Willows, one
tionally fond of music, so much so of Hie city's largest night clubs, A
that he undertook an intensive study Subsequent tour included engageof Ihe saxophone. Imagine his fam- ' incuts al a number of eastern colily's surprise when he was given his leges and universities, among which
first job playing his sax al the age were New York university, Lafayette,
[Cornell, Harvard, New Hampshire,
HI thirteen,
Williams, and many others.
'The first slep in his professional Howdoin,
Al Hie present lime Shaw Is filling
career came when he obtained u job an
engagement in Boston.
playing Willi Red Nichols and Ills
That Shaw is undoubtedly one of
orchestra. Following this, he traveled In ihe Pacific coast where he was ihe outstanding swing musicians of
featured with Irving Aaronson's or- Ihe country is proven by his recent
chestra. Also al this time he began appearance on the CBS Swing Sesarranging for ihe orchestra and thus sion and by Ihe fact that he broadgained attention for himself In musi- leasts regularly over the national
I networks. His clarinet solos alone
cal circles.
After finishing at the const, Shaw [are ample evidence that he belongs
returned to New York where he en- in the same category as Benny
tered radio work. Playing on many Goodman.
If you want a sample of what
of the major shows he made quite a
name for himself, So .successful was Shaw iloes when he "swings on
ho that he was persuaded to form down," tune in on your radio tomorhis own orchestra. This he did and row night to WOKO, or drop over to
immediately obtained an engagement the Commons Wednesday noon and
at the Lexington hotel In New York hear Shaw's scintillating s w i n g
city where he broadcasted over the emanating from the vie.
Dramatics Class
Plans Annual Play
Coward 'Hayfever' is Choice
With Sinovoy and Kelly
In Starring Roles
$2.00 P E R YEAR, 32 W E E K L Y ISSUES.
Governor Herbert Lehman
Will Address Assembly
The cast for the annual spring
play of the Advanced Dramatics
class was announced this week by
Miss Agnes E. Futterer, assistant
professor of English. The play this
year will be Noel Coward's "Hayfever."
Included in the cast are: Judith
Bliss, Ruth Sinovoy, '39; Sorel Bliss,
Jeanne Chrisler, '39; Simon Bliss,
Kenneth Doran, '39; David Bliss,
Tom Kelly, '37; Myra Arundel, Marion Minst, '39, Edith Cassavant, '39.
Sandy Tyrell, Ray Walters, '39;
Jackie Cory ton, Virginia Hall, '39;
Clara, the maid, Dee Jesse, '39;
Richard Greatham, Jack Nordell, '39.
The stagecraft class will work on
the set for the play as its major
project of the year.
Members of the Advanced class
who will serve on committees are:
house, Gar Arthur, '38, chairman,
Virginia Bolton and Marion Minst,
juniors; advertising, Elizabeth Lockwood, '39, chairman, Edith Cassavant, Dee Jesse, and Ruth Sinovoy,
juniors; props, Catherine Lynch,
chairman, Vera Haas, Jeanne Chrisler and Ray Walters, juniors; costumes and makeup, Virginia Furey
Honorable Herbert II. Lehman,
and Betty Hayford, juniors; and sets,
Charles Walsh, Piter Hart, and governor of New York state, who
will be the guest speaker in today's
Joseph Lcese, juniors.
Spring Social Season
Edgcumbe and Miller
To Open With Soiree
To Attend Discussion
One week from tonighl marks the
opening of Ihe spring social season
when Ihe .sophomore class will conduct Ihe Sophomore Soiree from
10:00 to 2:00 o'clock in the Aurania
club, to the music of Art Shaw and
his New Music. Joseph Cappicllo,
vice-president of the class, will act
as general chairman of the event.
Bids, which have been set at $3.00
per couple, will be on sale daily in
room X until next Friday.
The latest stylos and syncopations
in swing will be supplied by Shaw
who is a national favorite. At the
present time Shaw Is filling an engagement In Boston and will come
to Static directly from there. Shaw
also broadcasts over the CBS coastto-coast network every week from
this spot.
Chaperones for this affair are: Dr.
Robert Frederick, professor of education, and Mrs. Frederick; Mr.
George M. York, professor of commerce, and Mrs. York; Dr. William
S. Salisbury, instructor in social
studies, and Mrs. Salisbury; and
Paul Bulger, secretary of the appointment bureau.
Guests will include: Dr. Abram R.
Brubachor, president of Hie college,
and Mrs. Brubacher; Dr. Milton G.
Nelson, dean of Ihe college, and Mrs.
Nelson; and Miss Helen H. Moreland,
dean of women.
Following are Ihe committees
which will aid Cappiello: music,
Marian Kingsley, chairman, Elinor
Dibble, Irene Semanek, John Eckel,
and Max Sykes; arrangements, Harriet Sprague, chairman, Eleanor
Prat I and John Newstead; publicity,
Uhlan Rivklnd and Stewart Smith,
co-chairmen, Alice Drown, Louis
Francello, Arthur Phlbba, and Paul
Hiipulsky; programs a n d
Eleanor Groll, chairman, Betty Denmark and Doris Parizot; chaperones,
Ruth Donnelly; invitations, Haskell
Rosenberg, chairman, Helen Blake
and Marcia Brown.
Dr. S o u t h Will Be S p e a k e r
Dr. Earl B, South, assistant professor of education, will be one of
the speakers at the ninth spring
meeting of the eastern branch of the
American Psychological association,
which is being conducted at New
York university today r id tomorrow.
Dr, South's topic will be "Significant
Trends in Published Articles in the
Social Studies."
Jean Edgcumbe, p r e s i d e n t of
Young Women's Christian association and, Thehna Miller, president of
Women's Athletic association, seniors, and members of Myskania, will
be representatives of State college
at the annual meeting and dinner of
the Student Christian Movement in
New York state, which Is being conducted tonight' in the Riverside
church, Riverside Drive, New York
The program will begin at 4:30
o'clock with a reception which will
be followed by the meeting and dinner. The guest speaker will be Professor Reinhold Niebuhr who will
discuss, "The Kind of Student Christian Movement We Need."
Miss Edgcumbe will be one of the
student speakers. Her topic will be,
"What Y. Has Done for State College."
Noted Visitor is Interested
In State College Students
And Their Work
Student Revcte on N. S. F. A.
Will Comprise Remainder
of 11:10 Program
Governor Herbert H. Lehman will
address this morning's assembly,
according to the announcement
made by Warren I. Densmore, '38,
president of the student association
and member of Myskania.
In consenting to address this
morning's assembly Governor Lehman was forced to leave innumerable
bills, Including several pertaining to
education, that are awaiting his
Since his visit to State college
several years ago Lehman has maintained an active interest in the college. Shortly after the Constitutional Assembly was formed last fall,
Governor Lehman sent a letter to
Speaker Leonard Friedlander congratulating him with the hope that
the good work would continue until
the new constitution is put before
the general public this fall.
Governor Lehman came into national prominence in 1928 when he
was elected lieutenant governor of
New York state by a plurality vote
of 14,000. Since that time the public
has shown their confidence in his
honesty and ability as an administrator. In 1930 he received a plurality vote of 505,000. In 1932 Lehman
was elected to the governorship of
New York state with the enormous i
plurality vote of 849,000 and was reelected in 1934 by a vote of 808,089.
In 193G he was reelected to the governorship for the third time.
During the presidential campaign
of 1928, Lehman was chairman of
toe Finance Committee of the
Democratic National Committee.
Recently Lehman has achieved
nation-wide prominence, not only as
governor of the state, but through
his participation and activity In
national issues,
After the address by Governor
Lehman there will be revotes on
N. S. F. A. delegates. As a result of
last week's voting, Dunton Tynan
was elected delegate, and there will
be revotes on the names of Christine
Ades and John Edge.
N.S.F.A. Proves Successful Here
And in Other American Colleges
by Da \ id Minsberg
Recently the Slate college student
body elected I wo out of three delegates to all end the Middle Atlantic
Regional conference of the National
Federation of America
which will Hike place at Vassal' college on May 7 and 8, (1938). Richard Lonsdale, '39, who Is the N, S,
F. A. representative at State, will be
the third delegate to the conference.
At this convention representatives
ol 27 schools In seven slates will be
present; Ihe main topics of discussion will bo, "Successful Handling of
the Honor System," "Proportional
Representation al work on the Campus," "The Student Council and the
Campus Peace Program," and several
oilier such topics of genera) and individual interest.
However, to understand the importance of this conference, we must
first obtain an Intelligent knowledge
of the federation and Us purposes,
ideals and activities. What is the
N. S. F. A,? It is, In its own words,
"a service organization for student
councils and students; a clearing
house for Information of value and
interest to students; a forum of expression of student opinion; and a
medium of contact between America
at large, and Ihe American campuses.
What are its ideals? It strives for
a spirit of cooperation among students of the United States; the
development of Initiative in Intelligent discussion of campus, national
and international problems and the
vigorous and effective expression of
that initiative; and the fostering of
universal understanding toward international peace.
When did the N. S. F. A. begin?
It was begun in 1925 after the Student World Court conference at
Princeton University. Today il has
a membership of 125 colleges all over
the country,
The "Weekly Reporter," official
mouthpiece of the N. S. F. A. is in
essence a digest of current thought
in colleges and for Us main purpose
it has the solving of student problems In administration. Recently
it reprinted on editorial on freshman
orientation from the State college
Nmvtf; It expects soon to print an
article on ihe functions of Myskania
at State.
Willi fuller participation in N, S.
F. A., State can expect to become
recognized as a college of Importance
all over the country.
S T A T E COLLEGE N E W S , A P R I L i , 1938
Established by the Class of 1918
The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State
College for Teachers
Published every Friday of the college year by the News
Board representing the Student Association
Telephones: Office, 5-9373;; Wolzok, 2-6752; Smith,
3-1848; Nightingale, 2-4144; Gaylord, 2-4314
Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N, Y,
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Collif PubUtktrt RttrtstnlaHvl
Safety Suggestions
-COMMENTSTATERAs the days grow warmer, the problem of promoting a safety campaign at State college grows more
and more urgent. Many cities have instituted safety
campaigns in the spring and we feel that one nearer
home would be more interesting to the student body.
Your Commentstater, wandering about the campus"
found several conditions that need to be rectified.
The first thing that attracted his attention was
the railing on the Commons balcony. When he a t SOPHIB WOLZOK
Managing Editor tempted to lean against the railing at noon time, it
.Associate Managing Editor sagged under his weight, Suppose that ten or fifEDGAR B . O'HORA
Associate Managing Editor
Associate Managing Editor teen fellows should lean against this weak railing
Business Manager which is held in place by a few weak bolts attached
Manager to the wall and floor. Can you imagine the bruises
Circulation Manager or perhaps broken bones that might result from a
fall from the six foot balcony? Almost every noon
the men lean against this weak support and sooner
or later it will give way under their weight.
We suggest that the railing be repaired a t
Jean Strong
the earliest convenience of the school. Such action
would remove the one hazard which might result In
a bad accident to some of the members of the student
body, perhaps, any day now.
For Aspiring Stagehands
Last Friday in assembly, an accident
occurred which might very well have been
both serious and painful. It seems that
some innocent bystander tampered with
the lights in such a way that not only was
the lighting throughout the performance
obscured but a piece of the apparatus fell
and hit a member of the audience.
Our complaints regarding the matter
are twofold. In the first place, it was pure
luck that the screening fell in such a way
that the student was not seriously hurt. In
the second place, we feel that the people
who are members of the stagecraft class are
expert enough to be able to arrange the
equipment unaided.
We do not wish to dampen the enthusiasm of the aspiring stagehand, but we do
suggest that if he is sufficiently interested
in the drama, he register in the English 13
course, thereby protecting not only valuable stage equipment, but the welfare of
the assembly.
A University of New York?
We note with interest that our own Constitution assembly has gone on record as
favoring the establishing of a tuition-free
university for New York State. A realization of this educational dream would be
ideal, we admit, and yet we are forced to
consider the possible results with apprehension.
Dr. Robert Hutchinson, president of
Chicago university, says that "to deprive
anyone who has an aptitude and a desire
for more education because his parents can
not afford to give him one is to commit an
offense not only against the individual, but
against society." We agree with the sentiment but is the state university the answer
to this problem 7 The tremendous cost of
maintaining a university would necessarily
limit the number of people who could be
admitted. Since scholastic averages are
usually used as a basis for entrance, we
should conclude that the registration would
include the most intelligent students and
not the most needy. It is the same principle
upon which our state scholarships are
based, and wo believe that it Is a faulty
Administrative problems would certainly
result, including obtaining a sufficiently
large appropriation, and the centralization
of those schools already maintained in
whole or in part by the state.
We review the proposal with doubta and
questions, and yet we cannot help but admit
that we favor the plan, and would be among
the first to further its realization.
The next thing that we came upon were the rickety and curving stairs that lead up to the library
from the bottom of Draper hall. During the winter
months several accidents have occurred In which a
few men and women have received scratches and
bruises, resulting from the slippery stairs.
We offer three solutions to the problem. Perhaps
some rubber padding over the steps might prevent
the accidents. Or another hand railing would be a
good help in climbing up and down stairs. Another
suggestion would be to reconstruct an entire new entrance to the library or to block off the -present entrance.
+ * * *
Lastly, we wish to call to the attention of the
administration, the poor lighting facilities in Husted
hall. The chemistry department, especially, Is very
poorly lighted. Students have to squint and crane
their necks in order to see the work on the blackboard. There are many other rooms in the school
which need better lighting facilities. We have one
suggestion to offer and that Is the putting of brighter
lights or a better lighting system In these rooms.
« # * * *
On behalf of the student body we take this opportunity of letting the college and certain students
know about some of the hazards which can be easily
and quickly Improved. Let us close with an apt quotation: "An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of
We're sorry about last week
but the aura of spring swept into
the open window and we opened
the door and went out into the
great outdoors.
But we must write this column
and so we proceed with the belief
that big dances at State college
are on trial. The courtroom will
be the Aurania club; the witnesses, those persons who like to
dance; the facts, the results of
Soiree; the jury, committees for
future formals here; the issue,
big name bands versus small
It seems so odd that just a
little over one year ago this
movement toward bigger bands
commenced when senior hop
featured Harry Reser. Today only a year and a half have passed
and State has witnessed such top
orks as Berigan, Dailey, Coburn,
Hopkins, and Haymes. It is this
tradition to die? Do the stuuents
at State wish to return to the
days when unknowns such as
Valjean and Murphy and all the
rest whom we refuse to mention
because we have either forgotten
or we do not wish to recall,
reigned? Do we want dances
that are attended only because
of the desire to attend our class
We raise these questions
because the financial results of
Prom were not too encouraging
to those Sophs arranging Soiree.
The student body must decide
the question and we are certain
that the outcome of Soiree will
carry great weight with dance
committees in the future.
It's up to you, you have a
privilege to hear one of the
greatest swing aggregations In
the country. You do not need
to take my word for that statement. Listen to what bands
Paul Douglas compares Artie
Shaw's ork to: "Almost without
exception, every good swing outfit in the country is led by a
ranking instrumentalist:—Bunny
Berigan, Artie Shaw, Jimmy
Dorsey, Red Norvo, Adrian Rollini, Duke Ellington, Fats Waller,
Louis Armstrong." This is an
excerpt from the April issue of
Stage and it's not bad company
for our sauve signior of the
slapstick to be associated with.
Downbeat ranks this orchestra as one of the smoothest of
the newest swing groups and
rave about the way they swing
out. The Musicians Poll shows
that Shaw is ranked second only
to Goodman on the licorice stick.
This is a reputation that few
bands coming to State can equal.
If this dance goes in the red as
Prom did, then we fear that we'll
trot around the next few years
to unknown groups of musicians.
Maybe the records in the Commons do not appeal to you and
we feel that these are not the
best selections that the 'vie' committee could have made. If you
really wish an opus of swing
listen to Shaw on his own composition Monsoon.
To say a last word why don't
you dig down into that old sock
and come around and have a
really good time, as well as making good dances possible In the
Podunk Play Pleases
Lousy Lights
Congratulations to Miss Hall for
a capably directed and well-chosen
assembly play. We are sorry that
she could not see the final performance of her own play,
One thing we have assimilated
during our three and some years'
stay at State is a tendency toward
jotting, so let us forego the discursive method and mention our comments in a more common form.
Sets—Good. Hurrah for the disappearance of the "old lady's dress,"
Did we recognize our favorite (?)
gold-fringed lamp?—Lighting—foul!
Advancers should take time out for
light rehearsals.
Having "hailed from the sticks,"
we felt quite at home during the
performance, the characters were so
typical of the old home town. Could
see Miss Lynch hanging over the
back fence for a little chat with
next-door neighbor. She played her
role beautifully, with especially good
mouth expressions,
Miss Sinovoy gave her usual top
performance—never let It be said
that she doesn't make us believe in
Mr. Arthur wasn't convincingly
hen-pecked. He held his interpretation of the character fairly well,
but we wish he had made us feel
with him.
Mr. Walsh gave us the impression
of being a happy-go-lucky twentyfive year old, and brought in too
much of his own personality. Scares
well, 'tho.'
Mr. Leese was a fine caricature of
what we have come to recognize as
the typed "grandpa from them thar
hills," especially in his voice. We
appreciated him, however.
Felicitations to the audience! But
then, an assembly audience is always
appreciative—Tuesday nighters, take
a lesson.
N. B. Here's watching and waiting for the May production!
Spring came last week and fled as
suddenly, leaving that Sabbath picnic as an outing for polar bears.
Murph has been rumored as yelling
at Tab at the Helderberg park
"Thatcher hand or an Icicle on my
neck?" We advise the remainder of
you Indians to wait 'til post-Easter
for your commune with nature.
Jaunts seem to be the order (or
by Sally Young
disorder) of the day because those
Katrlna by Sally Salmlnen, Parrar and Rinehart, Inc.,
three Lake Avenue boys couldn't re1937, 367 pages.
sist the cherry blossoms and wouldn't
(For rent in the no-op)
let a mere 800 miles stand In their
"Katrlna" written by Sally Salmlnen, Is the story
We hear that Crounse's and the
of a Norwegian servant girl who is lured away from
Duchess's theme song these days Is
her home by the thoughts of a beautiful home In a
"Thanks For the Memories." Rebeautiful land, presented on the lips of her sailor
ports have also reached our ears that
sweetheart, who doesn't realize that she has taken
Baker and Groll have formed a
his boasting seriously. When she arrives In Aland,
'visit the sick boy friend movement.'
it Is to find a ramshackle hut minus even the necesIt's great when you can ask for (and
sities of life, instead of the beautiful white house
get) an Invitation to supper.
with balconies and apple orchards full of vari-colorod
Jojo has also taken up versificaapples—and she had left her comfortable home for
tion and rumors have readied our
thlsl Johan, her husband, is a capable seaman but
ears that the King of tne Jumble will
is considered a worthless braggart by the villagers.
display his work in Its coming issue.
Katrlna finds herself hired out to the wealthy farmers,
Van's dole does not permit movies on
for whom she must work, not on an equal basis, but
week nights and doesn't provide for
as a common laborer receiving llttlo or no pay.
good stationery either.
Years pass, years of grim hardship and sorrow for
We wonder why the sudden InterKatrlna. Elnar, her oldest son, is ashamed of his
est of tho Lion bonrd in tho tho
heritage, and becomes a captain at an early age,
Pup—interested in pornographic litchanging his name, but finally returning to her to
erature perhaps. Rog goes on and
marry a girl who almost married his younger brother.
News on the front. Here goes on and we can't keep up with him.
Erik, the next in lino, Is a lovable boy who, through Guests
at Sigma Alpha over the But Haser has the right system—if
his handsomeness, charm, and sociability, Is admitted weekend were Dorothy Kuehn, '35, you
don't believe us ask the St. Rose
to the social circle, only to be lost at sea on his next and Irma Kuehn, "17.
girls. A blush, please?
seafaring voyage. Sandra, the youngest child and
Plii Lambda welcomed Emily Hurlonly daughter, deformed and unwell, dies In Infancy bert, '35, Winifred Hurlbert, '31, and We hear that a man named Natoii
is king at the dorm and wot' to him
and Oustav, her youngest son, loving and loved by Anastasia Parrel, ':i7.
who attempts to interfere.
her, is finally lost to her through the unhappy oulPhyllis Verinllyo, '37, visited Alpha
We wish they would soon start
mlnatlon of his love affair, due to an impulsive and Rho. Delta Omega sure was glad
•selling Soiree bids because there
unavoidable Indiscretion.
to see Elizabeth Hartline, '35,
might to be a few choice morsels
During these years of trials, stie has acquired a
And at Psl Gamma, Helen Murphy, among the couples attending. Kofeeling of "belonging" In Aland, because the bond '37, renewed old friendships,
walsky, the man with tho flash,
between Johan and her has been deepened by their
Mildred Shultes, '30, was the week promises a big surprise with his Almisfortunes, and her tolerance, based on bitter ex- end guest at Beta Zeta; as were bany beauty. No house ride worry
perience, helps her make the test of her life and Betty Morrow, '37, and Elaine Baird, either.
thus help others.
'30, at, Kappa Delta.
And now we come to the end of
It's not a humorous or a pretty story; it is ugly,
Have you noticed three freshmen another column. Wo hope that
bleak reality, and completely different from our ex- proudly wearing P A T ribbons? you'll make lots of mistakes this
periences and environment. It affords a revealing They're Beatrice Marashinsky, Syl- weekend so that our sophomoronlc
picture of grim poverty and actual experiences, and via Greenblutt, and Belle Lashlnsky. assistant can have fun filling his
it certainly gives a new slant on life, minus tile roses Congratulations, girls I!
column. We'll be right behind you
and happy endings, Don't let the title scare you off That's all. Guess I'll trod along going 'icky' ever Shaw.
—it's really worth reading I
the old Hellenic way.
Book of the Week:
Saga of Norse Family
Page 3
Albany No. I Places Twice
W.A.A. to Discuss Indoor Sports Carnival
On All-Intramural
Team New Amendments
Shows Financial Success
Organizations Look Forward
Potter Club, Kappa Beta, 111
To Next Year's Program
e p ,ayer8
Spring Season
on QuLte t
Alraljr Team Tops
N e w Merit A w a r d S y s t e m
Terminating a five week's play
Will B e Primary Issue
and practice in one of the most sucTabulation of the selections for an
I AII f t I AII§O Ct
To Skit
cessful sports events of the year that
All-Intramural Basketball Team by
vUUIl vUlllGdl
Of P r o p o s e d C h a n g e
W. A. A. and M. A. A. have jointly
fifteen men active in intramural
sponsored, the two organizations look
basketball during the past season I n t r a m u r a l B a s k e t b a l l S e a s o n Monday at 3:30 o'clock all active
forward to a bigger and better indoor
disclosed that the Albany No. 1 out- U n d e r P a t s y M i r a n d a , ' 3 8 , members of Women's Athletic assocNot To Skit
sports carnival next year.
fit placed two men on the first team
iation will meet in roi :n 206 of
Finishes Successfully
while Potter Club, Kappa Beta, and
Draper hall to discuss the proposed
Not only was last week's affair a
B. CK. D. R. each had a single represenamendments to the constitution.
social success, but it increased the
We liked the banquet. We liked treasuries of W. A. A. and M. A, A.
Last week the intramural baskettative.
The proposed changes to the conCollege House was well represent- ball season came to a close with an stitution are not intended to change Betty Morrow's emphasizing the by a twenty-five dollar margin.
ed on the second team, filling two uprising that saw third and fourth any practices of the association, but need for a women's coaching course
positions, while Albany No. 2, K. D. place teams knock off the leaders to clarify the wording and to make as a part of the college curriculum. City Champions Give Exhibition
R, and the Troy-Schenectady squad and go into the finals of the playoffs. the actual wording coincide with the A. A. council has long realized this Following a preliminary tilt i n
Wednesday night Potter club defeat- practices which have been set up ac- need, and an investigating committee badminton In which the finalists in
each placed one man.
Paul Schmitz of the Aloany No. 1ed Albany No. 1 by a score of 21-18. cording to the interpretation placed recently petitioned the dean to es- the men's and women's tournaments
Al Sloman and Tec Llpschitz,
aggregation was given first team College House came through In the on the constitution.
tablish such a course as a require- played,
of the Y. M. H. A., played the city
rating by 13 of the selectors and asecond game to demolish the KDR's
champions, Whitbeck Cuseck and
The amendment to the by-laws
second team rating by the other two. 31-25. For Potter club, Rand and
The skit was a surprise. The comFrank Quattrochi, K. D. R„ received Leggett shared the scoring honors, was recommended by the committee mittee for the Pall banquet decided his partner, in a match that brought
an aggregate of 12 first places and while Schmitz was best for the losers. Investigating the present award that the skit proposition was a "ohs" and "ahs" to spectator's lips.
2 second places. Kappa Beta's College House, working as a perfect system. Phyllis Jobson, '38, chair- complete failure. The people parti- Incidentally, because of increasing
George Pearson claimed third rating combination, rolled up a margin by man, was assisted by Dorothy Mac- cipating in the skit were able to be interest shown in badminton, W. A.
honors when he was selected on 8means of fine pass-work, and deadly Lean, '39, and Louise Hessney, '40. present during only a part of the A. and M. A. A. have obtained the
services of Ted Llpschitz to teach it
Proposed changes to the W. A. A.
first teams, one second team, and shots. In the final game Thursday
banquet, and were never able to dereceived honorable mention from one night, College House defeated Pot- Constitution, to be voted on April vote enough time to the preparation here. Sheets have been posted on
the W. A. A, and M. A. A. bulletin
ter club 27-23, and the Albany Up- 25, 26, 27:
of the skit to make it as amusing or
Bernard Gaffney and Prank Kluge perclassmen took KDR into camp
Amend Article 3, section 2 by enjoyable as it should have been. boards for those interested to sign
up. Lipschitz will give lessons every
of Potter Club and Albany No. 1,to the tune of 28-17. Edge and Wasadding (3)—a person automaticThe skit always seemed to be a hasty Monday night between 7:30 and 9:30
respectively, vied for fourth place serman played fine ball for the ally loses right to hold office
and not-too-well-pondered
after- o'clock.
rating honors. Gaffney was award- winners of the former tilt, while
when she ceases to become an
thought. We thought that action of
ed seven first places, live second Gaffney featured for the winners.
active member.
the Pall banquet committee had set Following badminton, the spectaplaces, and one honorable mention. Schmitz again came through for the
admirable precedent, but we were tors were given a treat in the gentle
Amend Article 4 to include the
Kluge's name was submitted on six Albany boys. By virtue of their vicmistaken.
We suggest that future art of tumbling, captained by Bill
office manager as one of the
first teams and seven second teams. tory, College House won the playoffs
committees seriously consider putting Torrens, '39, and aided by Bill Hopke,
officers. Section 1 would read:
"Shamus" O'Brien and Abe Was- among the four leading teams. Howmore attention on the program as a '39, Bill Thomas and Al Weirs, sophThe officers of this association
serman, both representing the Col- ever, Albany, No. 1, by defeating
whole and eliminating the skit com- omores.
shall be: President, Vice-PresiCommons Revelry
lege House crew, easily cinched 7CDR clinched first place in the dent, Secretary, Treasurer, Songpletely.
After the sports events were over,
second team rating with O'Brien league standing and therefore won
Leader, and Office Manager,
the spectators, en masse, went over
being selected on three first team, the championship. Albany No. 1 and a reporter appointed by the
to the Commons where a variety of
eight second teams, and given honor- and KDR had previously been tied
president, members of Honor
interests awaited them. For once
able mention on one selection, and
Council, etc,
the Terpsichorcan art was practically
Wasserman being chosen on six first apiece. The basketball season was
deserted for these diverting pastimes.
teams, two second teams, and given a distinct success, and praise is due the reporter shall sit on Counhonorable mention by one selector. to Patsy Miranda for his fine organiIn one corner "Guess Your
Dr. Brubacher, Deans Nelson and Weight" Ed Reynolds gave the fair
The fifteen men who assisted in zation of and his work with a new
comyoung ladles a once over—yes, and
making these All-Intramural Teams system.
Moreland Are Guests
plete addition:
guessed them correctly (?) Nearby,
possible consisted of a representative
(8) It shall be the duty of
the men who were interested in their
of each of the teams in the circuit,
the office manager:
lung capacity, used their Ingenuity
five men who had officiated in Intra1.
and cleverness in a ping-pong blowmural basketball contests, and the league swings into action. The teams
ing contest.
President of Intramural Council, will represent the group houses just
data for files.
part of its annual Alumnae day.
as they did during the basketball
In another spot the lure of doubPatsy Miranda.
Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president of ling your money was an attraction
season. The schedule is already
Besides Miranda the selectors being arranged and play will begin
(10) It shall be the duty of
the college; Dr. Milton G. Nelson, in a penny throwing contest. Here,
were: Gordon Rand, George Pearson, soon.
the senior, junior, and sophdean of the college; Miss Helen Hall in order to win, winning depended
Frank Quattrochi, Les Gertz, Paul
omore class representatives
Moreland, dean of women; Miss Isa- on one's skill in throwing rings so
The turnout for swimming has
Schmitz, Bill Brophy, Mike Cymbel Johnston, director of physical that they land on top of some loose
1. To keep a check list of the
balek, George Mallinson, and Johnny been very poor so far. Unless there
education were guests.
athletic activities of the memchange. If you liked races, you
O'Brien, all representing their re- is some improvement, this sport will
bers of the class.
Immediately after the banquet could put your money on your favorspective teams; and Duke Hershko- be dropped from the list of activities.
Miss Johnston presented the basket- ite horse,—uh~-I mean turtle. Inwtz, Tommy Ryan, Mike Walko, J. The captains should round up their
the interest of the class.
ball cup to Grace Yorkey, '38, whocidentally, due to the showmanship,
Edmore Melanslon, and George men and cooperate as much as pos(II) I t shall be the duty of
accepted it on behalf of her class auctioneering, salesmanship (and
sible with manager Francello.
Amyot, referees.
the freshman class manager:
team, the winner of the interclass what have you) of Paul Dittman, '38,
The fifteen men who were selected
The ping-pong tournament has
1. To manage all athletic
tournament. After introducing the these rare racing tidbits were sold
on the All-Intramural Teams are remained practically at a standstill
activities of the class unless
various alumnae who were present, to the highest bidders. (The prices
as follows:
because the top bracket has not been otherwise provided for.
Miss Johnston presented the speak- were sky-high, too).
l-'lrsl 'IVuin
arranged. The games will be play2. To keep a check list of
er, Miss Elizabeth Morrow, last year's To Miss Millie Shoreday went a
Kurwiml Iti'i'Miinl (liifl'tiey, Potter Club ed as soon as possible. Pool has
the athletic activities of the
f o r w a r d <!<'<>rK'' IVarHun, K a p p a iiotfl
president of the association.
remarkable door prize—a little chick.
also bogged down lately. The botCenter
I'unl Sclimltss, AJlmny No. 1
members of the class.
Miss Morrow expressed her delight The girls said, "oh how cute" and
(1 miril
li'riiuli Kliiice, Alliini.v No. 1
tom bracket has reached the final
at the great expansion of A. A.'s the boys—well the boys thought the
f r a n k ljuuLIroclil, K. I). It.
round with Ang Chorro as the rethe interest of the class.
program which has occurred this chick was, uh, dandy.
Sri'oiul 'renin
maining finalist. The top round Is
Amend the by-laws to read:
f o r w a r d Alio WIIKHITIIIIIII, L'IIIII'KU House
year. She explained that partici"gumming up the works" at present.
f o r w a r d Sieve I'ai'ls, Albany NIL •_'
3. Awards—
pation In the association's program
.IllllilllV O'llrlell, College lliillse
Incidentally, there is wrestling in
a. There shall be no awards
is extremely valuable to a new
Itnllel'l SlevellK, K. 1). U,
the first and second years. For
,Iaek Murphy, Troy HehenceUily
teacher, who is often required to
third year—leather skin with
l l o n e r i i h l e .Mention
assist with the high school athletic
(lui'iloii Kami. P o l l e r Chili
W. A. A. seal. For fourth year—
programs. Miss Morrow said that
.Iiillll Kilne. College lliillse
tear. So far there haven't been
pro1*111 llrnpliy, All,any No, '_'
enough fellows present to beat the
b. To qualify for the third
vide coaching practice for more than
I,I'M (irriz, Aviilon-Npeiieor
dust out of the mats.
Slioiiy l.i'KiMt, Puller Club
year's award a woman must
ten women each year, as this type of
meet requirements of participaknowledge and training is particuFROM
tion, sportsmanship, and effort
larly needed in high schools.
In any four sports offered each
year for a period of three years.
Tlie four sports counted towards
each year must extend over at
by Charles Franklin
least two seasons. To qualify
experiOne of tile outstanding successes
for the. fourth year award, a
of the intramural season has been
woman must meet the above rethe
developed In a sport which is entirequirements and one additional
ly new to State. The interest shown
year with four sports.
In the bowling tournament backed spared his way to 177 game—good
up by M. A. A. is a commendable enough to place him on fourth place
return to the effort of intramural In high singles for the week.
council to give the men of State the A change in the time when games
sports In which they want to parti- are to be played will be announced
111 ( i l o V < » 8
soon by Prank Rickinan. He hopes
ere t h e Flowers Grow"
F a b r i c s , ISungulino, Doeskin,
A total of seventy-live men are In be able to secure tire alleys on
Bonded M e m b e r <>f F.T.D.A.
seeing action eaeli week In tills one Monday nights so that all games
P i g s k i n , TutoiK' Cape
65 Columbia Jjf. Fdooroto* kaH
sport, alone. This is a great Improve- may be run off one night a week.
Dial 2-3318 O n t a r i o a t Benson St.
inent over last year's support-where To end off the tournament In a
the closest tiling to a tournament fitting roundup, Ricknuui is planning
was the list on the men's bulletin to play off tlie five top teams. An
attempt to guess who these teams are
(Jen. 1), Jouney, Prop
Dial 5-1013
Ed Slinonds Is enjoying his second might be fatal because of the sudCalf, Silk, Patent, Crepe,
successive week as leader in single den death feeling that pervades
Woodbeads, Gabardine
and triple game plnnage. Johnny team positions—witness the rapid
Curaniin has proven a good running fall of tho All Others team from
All In The Newest
nian to Ed by placing in one of the first to sixth place In two weeks.
Spring Shades
first three positions consistently.
ItowllllK I.eiiKiie Sliiniliiii;
\V 1,I'll.
Both men have been consistently Team
I. SI,., l . a i n h i l a Sib'. II .1 .TfiO
batting out 100 or better for the •:.
Pol lor (.'lull
II -1 -,"ll
sake of Avalon.
8, liriiilH
hi 0 .11417
18 8.IlLMI
Ken Holmes, of All Others, Is I. Avalon
. 1 3 8 ,020
another kegler who places quite con- f>.(I. Collojfu
All Qtliui's
8 7 .838
sistently in one of the first three 7. Troy
II I) ,500
II tl.000
positions and close to the 200 mark s. loia ciuli
Kill I
198-200 C E N T R A L AVENUE
7 8 ,407
in his best singles games. Gaffney, 10.II. Allium'
iil C E N T R A L AVE.
i 1(1 .UK)
of Potter club is dark-horsing 11. All
K a p p a Kola
I N 111
W. A. A. Has Banquet
On Annual Sports Day
Bowling is Outstanding
In Intramural Sport Program
Dittman & Peper
lii Bags—
Cafet, eria
and Grill
Page 4
Y.W.C.A. Will Present
Spring Fashion Show
Bureau Announces New
Teaching Placements
Y. W. C. A. Win Discuss
Silrer Bay Conference
Seven seniors a n d seven g r a d u a t e s
h a v e received teaching positions a c Y. W. C. A, will sponsor a Silver
Tomorrow afternoon t h e Young cording to t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of t h e
Bay tea on Wednesday, April 6, a t
W o m e n ' s C h r i s t i a n Association will placement b u r e a u :
p r e s e n t a n "Around - t h e ^ clock
Florence Scheiderich/38, commerce, 3:30 o'clock in t h e afternoon. J u n e
F a s h i o n Show" in t h e Ingle room of English, a n d social studies a t West P a l m e r , '39, is c h a i r m a n of t h e event
t h e Alumni Residence hall from Leyden; Alice Bennett, '38, m a t h e - a n d Elizabeth Appeldoorn, '38, will
3:00 to 5:00 o'clock, according to matics a t B e t h l e h e m Central School; act as hostess. To assist her in
m a n a g i n g t h e affair, Miss P a l m e r
Betty Hayford, '39. c h a i r m a n .
Alice Tedford, '38, library a t ElmsSample styles of t h e latest in ford; Mary Tobin, '38, F r e n c h a n d h a s a p p o i n t e d t h e following c o m m i t tees: invitations, Doris Saunders, '40;
s p r i n g suits, afternoon, evening, and
English a t Altone; Leslie Knox, '38, e n t e r t a i n m e n t , Mary Miller, '41;
d i n n e r dresses a n d accessories are
being brought from t h e New York commerce a t Caroga L a k e ; Alfred decorations, C a t h e r i n e Shafer, '41.
city shops of the P a r k L a n e company T r e h a n o n , '38, science a n d m a t h e T h e r e will be e n t e r t a i n m e n t given
matics a t Norwich; Harold Haynes, for t h e group and, as a n added a t of P a r k Avenue.
traction, t h e r e will be moving picT h e show is being presented to give
G r a d u a t e s placed a r e : Mrs. Lois tures shown of t h e Silver Bay cont h e S t a t e college maidens a preview
of w h a t will be worn in this year's Denny, English a t B e t h l e h e m C e n - ference which was conducted a t
spring p a r a d e . T h e admission will tral School; Wilfred Allard, '35, Silver Bay in t h e Lake George region
F r e n c h a t E a s t H a m p t o n ; Elizabeth of New York S t a t e .
be 20 cents.
After the m a i n p a r t of t h e tea,
T h e committees assisting Miss Skau, '35, m a t h e m a t i c s a n d coma t Webster High School; there will be time set a p a r t for the
Hayford a r e : a r r a n g e m e n t s , Betty merce
Austin, '39; advertising, Christine Aileen Dexter, '35, m a t h e m a t i c s and asking of questions about t h e S t u Dershimer, '38, a n d Dee Jesse, '39; science a t Millbrook; R u t h Fellows, d e n t C h r i s t i a n Movement a n n u a l
tickets, Louise Hessney, '40; e n t e r - commerce a t C a n a j o h a r i e ; Norene conference, t h e accomplishments of
t a i n m e n t , Mary Pomponio, '38; a n d Salsbury, library a t B e t h l e h e m C e n - t h e conference a n d t h e plans for t h e
tral School; J o h n Ryan, '37, com- future. All members are cordially inmodels, Helen Prusik, '39.
vited to a t t e n d .
All students a r e cordially invited, merce a t Alexandria Bay.
R u t h Donnelly, '40, is t h e winner
of t h e contest sponsored by t h e editorial board of t h e Alumni
Quarterly, a c c o r d i n g t o Alfred T r e h a n o n ,
p r e s e n t u n d e r g r a d u a t e editor. E d m u n d Caine, '40, w a s given honorable mention. Miss Donnelly will
serve as u n d e r g r a d u a t e editor of
t h e Quarterly for t h e next two years.
T h e decision of t h e judges was b a s ed upon the essays about S t a t e college which each c o n t e s t a n t s u b m i t ted.
T h e l m a Miller a n d J o h n O'Brien,
seniors, presidents of W. A. A. a n d
M. A. A. respectively, wish to t h a n k
all t h e committees who, t h r o u g h
their careful p l a n n i n g a n d h a r d
work, helped to m a k e t h e carnival
a success. T h e y also wish to t h a n k
all those who a t t e n d e d for their cooperation and financial support. T h e
continued success of the Sports n i g h t
h a s assured its c o n t i n u a n c e as a n
a n n u a l affair for t h e two organizations.
No Soiree!
Is Complete Without a
"TUX" or "TAILS"
See Charlie F r a n k l i n , '39, College Representative
Telephone 4-5011
opp. Postoffice
2nd Floor
Open Evenings by Appointment
JMildripe tobaccos., and
pure cigarette paper
VOL. XXII, No. 22'
Music Council
Will Be Sponsor
Of Gay Operetta
Dr. C a n d l y n Will Direct
Gilbert and Sullivan's
'The Sorcerer'
On T h u r s d a y and Friday nights,
April 28 and 29 respectively, Music
Council will sponsor a presentation
of " T h e Sorcerer," a Gilbert a n d
Sullivan operetta, u n d e r the direction of Dr. T. Frederick H. C a n d lyn, assistant professor of music,
with tlie assistance of Edith Cassavant, '39, in the auditorium of Page
Seek Freshman Banner
Clad in dungarees, sweatshirts
and former, cast-off Easter bonnets, six dusty, grimy but grimly
determined sophomores pertly
pried their way into the hidden
(?) recesses of N E W S office last
Tuesday night. Rivalry is here
again, fair friends!
One marvels a t t h e perseverance of this little band, with a
few flashlights as their guides,
intently searching for t h a t mystical might of the freshman, the
frosh banner. Tlie aggregation,
headed by the m a n u n d e r the
black sombrero, namely, Walt
Simmons, was so i n t e n t upon
their quest t h a t not even K o walsky's red-striped socks escaped their most assiduous investigation.
Sophomores and Residence Halls to Have
Gala Weekend With Spring Formal Dances
Delia Dolan, '39, C h a i r m a n ;
Reid's O r c h e s t r a to Play
Saturday Night
Soiree Chairman
Auraina Club T o Be
of S o i r e e ' s
C a p p i e l l o Is H e a d
T h e a n n u a l Spring F o r m a l of t h e
T o n i g h t from 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock
Alumni Residence halls will take
in the spacious Aurania club, t h e
place in tlie Ingle room of t h e
sophomore class will present its first
Dormitory, on Saturday, April 9,
formal affair, t h e Sophomore Soiree,
from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock. Music will
with the latest in dance r h y t h m s
be furnished by Bob Reid a n d his
being "swung o u t " by Art Shaw,
orchestra as was announced by Mary
"King of the Clarinet," and his New
Ann Pomponio. '38, president of the
Music. Joseph Cappiello, vice-presidormitories and Miss Burgher, social
d e n t of the class, will act as general
c h a i r m a n of the event.
T h e cast is as follows: J o h n WellDelia Dolan, '39, general c h a i r m a n
W h e n asked how he was enington Wells, David K r o m a n , '35;
Decorations will be the traditional
of the event, will be aided by a sojoying the h u n t , Wheatie's husky
Alexis, Charles Matthews, g r a d u a t e ;
class colors, yellow a n d white. T h e
cial committee consisting of: Dee
exponent, Joe McKeon, replied,
Aline, Helen Moore, '38; Constance,
decoration committee promises a
Jesse, '39, Hilah Foote, '39. J a n e t
"There's only one word to d e C h a r l o t t e Libman, 38; the notary,
pleasant surprise in t h e way of decT h o m a s , Betty P a r r o t t , sophomores,
J a m e s Spence, '39; Dr. Daly, Robert
orative creations. T h e class b a n n e r
Muriel Howard, and Elizabeth CotJoe.
Karpen, '40; Sir M a r m a d u k e , J a m e s
will be on display if rivalry is sust e n h a m , freshmen.
enthusiast, Bob Anibal, blandly
Sherwood, '40; Lady Sangazure, I n a
pended for the evening.
T h e assistant committees are the
Young, '38; and Mrs. P a r t l e t t , Elizafollowing: music, Marjorie Baird,
Bids, which are three dollars per
'cause they must have forgotten
beth C o t t e n h a m , '41.
'40, c h a i r m a n , Betty P a r r o t t and
couple will be on sale all day today
to hide it—that's all—!!"
Betty Denmark, sophomores; a r a n d may be purchased a t t h e door.
T h e chorus includes Kay Conklin,
rangements, R u t h Shoemaker, '38,
Chaperones for this affair a r e Dr.
Eleanor DuBois, Mildred Katz, J o s Isabel Tyler, '39, Betty Hiller, Doris
Robert Frederick, professor of educaephine Palatino, Leonard Q u a n t ,
Dygert, J a n e t MacDonald, a n d Mary
tion and Mrs. Frederick; Mr. George
Edward Reynolds, Mary Roe, a n d
M. York, professor of commerce,
J o h n Schonenberg, seniors; K a t h r y n
Frances Wolak, '38, c h a i r m a n , Rosia n d Mrs. York; Dr. William S.
Adams, Helen Bernard, Madeline
Joseph Cappiello, vice-president of Salisbury, instructor in social studies
land Frey a n d Mary R u t h Kimball,
Berg, Myndert Crounse, Paye P o r e the
and Mrs. Salisbury; and Paul Bulger,
m a n . Malvina Grossman, A r t h u r
Smith, '38, c h a i r m a n , H e b n Prusik, general c h a i r m a n of the Sophomore secretary
G a m p e r , and Joseph Roland, j u n Soiree.
Dee Jesse, and Hilah Foote, juniors;
iors; Philomena Ionatti, Stanley
featguests and flowers, Virginia WegeKullman, Charlotte Nielsen, Richard
Guests will include Dr. Abram R.
Piatt, and B a r b a r a Van P a t t e n , ure nominations for S t u d e n t associ- ner, '39, c h a i r m a n , K a t h e r i n e Smith,
Brubacher, president of the college,
sophomores; and Lloyd Clum, Frieda ation for the year 1938-39, according Marion Kingsley, Fay Scheer, Grace
a n d Mrs. Brubacher; Dr. Milton G.
Diamond, Carol Golden, J o h n G a r - to the a n n o u n c e m e n t made by W a r - Cullen, sophomores, K a t h r y n Adams,
Nelson, dean of the college, a n d Mrs.
deplie, Harvie Klaus, Rose Lison, ren I. Densmore, '38. president of t h e
Nelson; a n d Miss Helen Hall Moreerine Hoch, Virginia Davis, a n d
Howard Merriam, Dorothy Mix, Rose | S t u d e n t association.
land, dean of women.
Irene Pogor. freshmen;
refreshPastore, and Merrill W a l r a t h . freshIn the absence of Densmore, J o h n ments, Margaret Smith, '39, chairFollowing are the members of t h e
Edge, '39. vice-president of the S t u - man, Charlotte Crosby, '40, Marion S a y l e s ,
committees which will aid Cappiello:
Council committees a r e : c h a i r m a n , dent association, will preside over MacCousland. Ethel Sollecito, AdeDiscussion T o m o r r o w
music, Marion Kingsley, c h a i r m a n ,
Muriel Goldberg, '38; arrengements, I he meeting.
| line Kadgis, Neva Benson, Roberta
Eleanor Dibble, Irene Semanek, J o h n
For Educators
Dorothy Cain. '38; advertising, Betty
Eckel a n d Max Sykes; a r r a n g e The committee appointed to in- (Wilhelm, and R u t h Pierson, freshThe fourteenth annual round fable
Baker. '39; costumes, Margaret M a t - vestigate the Honor System for S t a t e men; decorations. Florence Pryzments, Harriet Spraguc. c h a i r m a n ,
ti.son, '39; tickets and tryouis, Alice college will make its formal report browska, '40, chairman, Rita SulliEleanor P r a t t and J o h n Newstead;
Brown and Lillian Rivkind, sopho- to the assembly students at that van. Helen Lannen, Louise Smith.
publicity, Lillian Rivkind, and Stewat
mores. Members of the council and lime. T h e committee has compiled Charlotte Nielsen, sophomores, Grace
be conducted for Ihe benefit of a r t Smith, co-chairmen,
freshmen tryoufs will act as ushers. iis report
Louis Francello,
school teachers and a d m i n i s t r a t o r s Brown,
SterlO t h e r committees are as follows: from the questionnaire filled out by
in the capital district. Dr. J. M. Phlbbs, and Paul Sapolsky; prosets, Miss Rivkind, Frances Riani, the students in last Friday's assem- ing. Doris Mauersburger, and F r a n - Sayles, professor of education and g r a m s and bids, Eleanor Groll,
freshmen; cleanup,
and Lona Powell, freshmen; m e a - bly. T h e committee has been in ac- c e s Hoffman
director of training, and Dr. William c h a i r m a n , Betty D e n m a r k and Doris
surements, Miss Maltison, Alice Abe- tive correspondence with N. S. F. A., Ada Parshali, '41, c h a i r m a n , Helen M. French, instructor of education, Parizot; chaperones, R u t h Donnelly;
love, Mary Miller, and Rosemary and direct contact has been made Lasher. Frances Riani, Madeline will be co-chairmen for the event.
un page <;, column
wiih other colleges thai have work- Scesney, Beatrice Dower, and Carol
Brucker, freshmen,
There will be nine round table
ing honor systems. T h e committee Kniifen. freshmen.
conferences during the morning. T h e
has also taken into consideration
Guests will be: Dr. and Mrs. A. R. speakers of the various sections will
suggestions which were made by a
Brubacher, Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Nel- be: administration, " U n d e r l y i n g
faculty committee.
son, and Dean Helen Hall Moreland. Principles of School Organization,"
by Ray P. Snyder, State Education
Seven seniors a n d twelve g r a d D e p a r t m e n t ; commerce, "Aids a n d
Devices for the Teacher of Business uates have received teaching posiSeveral members of the adminisSubjects Who Appreciates the Prob- tions, according lo the a n n o u n c e tration, faculty, and student body
lem of Individual Differences," by A. m e n t made by ihe a p p o i n t m e n t
will a t t e n d educational conference's
L. Cosgrove, School of Business, bureau.
this weekend in New York City.
Russell Sage college; elementary
by Sally Young
T h e seven senior placements a r e :
Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president of
education, "Experimental Program a t Edmund Bromley, science at W a s h tlie college, will address a group of
In the fall of '36, 298 freshmen, together at their first class banquet Social Studies As Advanced by the
ingtonville; Dorothy Cain, English
administrators in an proudly wearing the yellow ribbon m i he cafeteria, with e n t e r t a i n m e n t
Stale Education D e p a r t m e n t , " by Dr. a n d library at Central Islip, M a r y
of the class of 1940, came into D r a p - iii ilie Lounge of Richardson hall Donnal V. Smith, S t a l e college; Dowling, English at Walden; Elizafaculty club of Columbia university
following h.
home economics, "What Price Ade- beth Gooding, English and library
on "Subject Matter Competency in er hall and then filed over to tlie
On Moving-Up day, we proudly quate Diet? Tlie Stiebling S t a n d a r d s at St. Johnsville; K a t h r y n Hobble,
auditorium of Page hall, where tests
.Secondary School Teachers."
look our places as sophomores, in in Action," by Miss Jessie G. Cole, French and social studies at P a l T h e thirteenth a n n u a l conference were given to determine I. Q.'s and
theory il not in fact, and realized State Department of Health,
m y r a : Mildred Nightingale, history
of the E a s t e r n - S t a t e s Association what-have-you. In a daze the beLanguage and library, "Enriching and librarianship at Hadley-Luzof Professional Schools for T e a c h - wildered freshmen ran over S t a t e Una one whole year had already
ers will be conducted in New York college, getting acquainted with the passed, with promises of a n o t h e r Ihe Library," by Mrs. Marion Red- erne; and Marian Shaw, commerce
City this weekend with h e a d q u a r t e r s three r's rules, rooms, and routine. .vein- oi fact, fun, and frolic on lis way Lutz, "Enriching Living for E n - at Remsen central.
T h e twelve graduate placements
way, and with many firmly c e m e n t - riched Teaching," by Dr. Guy E.
at (In- Hotel Pennsylvania. Student
Elections played un i m p o r t a n t purl ed friendships to bind u.s closer to Suavely, executive secretary of the are J a y n e Buckley, '30, English,
representatives will be Warren I.
association of American colleges; d r a m a and public speaking at W a l Densmore, '38, president of student in the first lew weeks, and with Stale.
mathematics, "Some Concepts from den; Elizabeth Chevalier, '37, L a t i n
association and member of Mysk- Wall. Simmons anil Marge Baird as
Hark to ail early start, with Kelly Modern Algebra," by Dr. Caroline A. at SI. Agnes school, Albany;' Ethel
ania, and Herbert E. Di'ooz, '38. our guides, we started the first quarand Sullivan as our chosen leaders Lester, s t a t e college, "Mathematics Ctishnian, '29. English and Latin a t
presidenl of the senior class and ter ol our four-year sojourn in Stale.
we welcomed the frosh with a Durl- in tlie Curriculum of General Edu- Calskill; Ida J a n e Hammond, '37,
member ol Myskania.
Hivalry was begun very soon when ing stunt, bin Minerva soon put, a cation in the Secondary .School," by I commerce at F r a n k f o r t ; Elizabeth
will be one ol seven students In discuss •< itndance m Teacher Educa- our president suddenly decided to stop to our follying iiuwisdonied Dr. M. L. Hurtling. Ohio S t a t e uni- • Hobbie. "iU. French and English a t
versity ; science and indusi rial arts, Greenwich; Clove Leonard, '37, eomtion." and Drooz will be one of six lake a diii in tlie Washington Park minds to difficulties
Soon we decided in renew o| ( | ac- "Dcinonstrulion-leclure on Relation : nicrce al Suugcrties; Elizabeth M a c studenls in discuss "The Teachers I lake, with an audience ol sardonic
T h e impromptu barbering quaintances at an informal dunce, ol Science and Industrial Ails." by Haffie, history at Rhinebeck; RichCollege Curriculum " Dr, A. If. Bru- soph;
bacher, Dr. Milton (!. Nelson, dean by some more enlhusiaslie sophs which was conducted in the Ingle Mr. ti. L. Stasch, Corning Free ard Margison, '30, commerce a t
social studies,
"Some ; Mohawk;
Marian Mclnerny, '34,
ol tlie college, and Dr. William 11. made a Samson out ol Saul, and in loom oi Hi,- Alumni Residence hail, Academy;
Social I English and library tit WasliingtouFrench, instructor in educatii n, will retaliation some ol the sophomore in October. With a n o t h e r member Psouclo-Smoke-Screens
ol our class, Rita Sullivan, becoming Studies Areas," by Dr. George M. i vilie; Irene Ten Eyck, '3(i, English
also ai lend lliis conference).
women saw the showers in Draper
secretary oi the student association, Wiley, associate Commissioner of and library at Milford; Louise T y r hall,
Dr. Ruber I Frederick, professor of
Joe Cappiello was selected as vice- Education; tests and measurements, rell, English and library at Remsen
education and assistant principal of they had on their gym suits! In president, it is under his competent Discussion of C u r r e n t Problems in c e n t r a l ; and Glenn M. Lingerer, '30,
Milne high school, will a t t e n d a con- this fashion, informal rivalry kepi management t h a t the Sophs are Testing," by Dr. Earl B. South, S l a t e science a t Middleburg.
ference at New York university, and pace witli formal activities, of all conducting Soiree tonight. So, c'nion college.
Paul Bulger, head of the appointwill speak on "Junior High School kinds. S t u n t s , sings, banner hunts, m a and swing wii'i Ihe sophs to
T h e following a n n o u n c e m e n t s per- ment bureau, will a t t e n d a meeting
and mascot h u n t saw the frosh come Shaw's r h y t h m I
tain to part of tlie program which of tlie New York S l a t e members of
Dr William H. French will r e t u r n out second best, without even rain
Willi one rivalry sing, pushball,
Friday night from the New York city for an excuse! But mascot h u n t was women's athletics, and the rivalry will lake place during the day; Dr. i h e National Institutional Teacher
meeting to act as c o - c h a i r m a n of fun, altlio' we found only "Dirt In basketball game to our credit t h u s Earl B. South will conduct a display Placement association a t Teachers
tlie fourteenth a n n u a l round table tlie Dark," contrary to popular far, we ure hoping for a t r i u m p h a n t of test materials in Room 2, Rich- college, Columbia, on Sunday, April
ardson hall, from 0:00 to 10:00
discussion to be conducted S a t u r d a y beliefs.
climax on Moving-Up cay, when the o'clock; Miss Eunice A. Perine will 10. Dr, Clarence Linton of Columbia
m o r n i n g a t 10:00 o'clock in tlie varcup is given to—"The W i n n a h — t h e conduct a display of a r t in Room T e a c h e r s ' college will lead a round
table discussion of pk cement p r o b ious rooms about State college.
In the early spring, the frosh got class of 1940!'
208, Draper hall.
Honor Committee
To Report Today
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Copyntflu 1738, Ucairr & MrtKi TOBACCO CO.
e College News
Students Receive
New Placements
History Hikes Swiftly Onward
With Bonnie Sophomore Class