w tate College News Vx NEW YORK XJI. VOL. 22 NO. STATE COLLEGE F O R TEACHERS A L I M N V , N. V, PitroAY, MAKCII 2, 192S PLAYERS CUSS OF '30 HEADS BROOKLYN OPPOSE STATE HERE TOMORROW NIGHT HONOR ROLL OF 106 lly The 2 9 Sophomores Have Honors; 8 Make High Honors On Semester List finis roll fur last receiving a close ors, for semester, the with and I he j u n i o r third The place, high as announced Denbtlrgh, each honor today I n Miss registrar, and f night, j of B r a n c h of New York in the hut regular should Stale with ( , . I.a Verne a very make the lineup ( 'aplain ('arr, and I l i rney. will he Kdua Kucxyuski forwards; (irilnu s< vi n wins lred n l two points will points two game past ought to the three comedv. I his is I lie tutelage and la'-rh.'n'.' Klh'.'i' .\l;insiiin, I l>K I I Melius, Ksllier T I \luine, Martiiiret I "rhin',' K \'lil.irr,i'' M.iiK Nancy .sanlshmv. Knlli Smith, Humllit Spiny,!, Jnliii Spmule, Klizahei Ka'i.iell,' Mt'ri.-iiii tiuni'.i'ig.'(ii'lhi-ri llainineisley, K.uh. fourth season ul' Coach the team fourth season '2.H, season. that under has placed ; schedule. ' game, ! last If t ihe I Bakci it in every game will game Ciiinlcv, l--l.ii Hills, Alice lllltchisi.il, l.i STATE AGAIN MEETS PHARMACY MERMEN TUESDAY, MARCH 14 VbX: He'le,,.-. J.alislcv. Mllillril Micncci, .\l.uv I ' n h . i . Kli/aheil. S|.n.isue, UaiKlalph SyriiiK, Kuil.ill Terpenhiji. Kalli.\. V MII Sickle, rii-niii-i WHIN, i ollege lilcsdav, KIIIII March i Vim.i! SOi'lIOMOKKS II.-IKI-V. I.'iicy llaniller, Ki.se lli«liy, Mania. J"lm JuMi Kelly, Kililli L.ittl, • - . Kim, K,,l,iiis,,n. I . ' Sn.ller, I'.velyt free dei water si all, Man S i m i l e s . \ • I Kl Ski Mai swim tion, points; rclav camis I'm Kobeil I I In sec the | „ . liny thirty iree slvle, form and place counts points place counts rclav will swim, I oiler, I, all, In K'lilheilord be ;i| will he all I.e.. team I ills! rilctt.r I will lie i inceineiil ir chief I Douglas, '28; I I I Iii i will be ol in.i.le s,,|,| in lolk song- Moi.ii.e fudge ihr I It.Ik Co u n l e t , '2') .mil red i , . - , - audit..liuiii di will - ih. following dancing in ireshnit ills The is there gy iiina.-iuiii he gelleial Mice ihe Ihe pla\.s, lb, will t i.lilUHIIees will where h, , , -en,,I t'hail 111,11 Walsh, '.id. ' ihe I, le The chairmen ol appoinled this wet I, are: Moole, dc|)arlincnl, ihe ii h folk songs Corniley, '2ti; posleis ushers Helen licket the and two .11 piiblu ation is inalics, cuuilerce, be \oled ., I I,,n I'amei- fr hneh-li, Kc.ne la I MMI'S Lion bo.inl K, ll.w, M-ioii '2,S. piesideiil , il, i,„|.n ..I I n n i s , , , , , i n t ii'u \piil I'..i Mat Ii I Delay, , n a i l , , hi, ll I t.k ha,I heeii sorority h,i|| ||,,„ | u r l w.n. o r i g i u a l h being mi resetted convention by a several of Kelchaui, '.ill; and the publicity Margaret Some will charge of is in Maynar.l, '2°. I en Merle oi ring ihe were be ready new samples mailed class mi Monday, a c c o r d i n g i ii ii II it .i 11, .n win it i civ i d ir,an oi ihe I.. ( i . B a l l o u r of the yesterday and for examination by the to a coin ('. B. (,'ood Company. llolvokc | i,,r i ; , ni next if by a look place program speaker Winchell on with by the of national and Attends Florence ititfiitl.il in The Ihe Massachusetts depart- conference supervisors, Boston. conducted Winchell, national nines in F. economics a hot u.re last meetings Parker house of iuslilule tech- nology , on .piarlcrlv R. university , \ c o n c l u d i n g address ihe home weekend thai Siiper\-isoi - of be '(Hatch. partments ' ' ' the sophotuore ^."« March ' ! u ' s , , l a .' V „ u l l l l h l " " " ' ' n. Bn.ei 23, Myskama I lie w inner 11 1 up oi home m high economics de- schools all over the were the speakers. the dill'ereiil phases P..n Home Junior High They of lies took "Problems teaching Schools", the topic in of the lo l l ' e s,,,,| i,al „, In a nidges' hundred Attend teachers Conference f u r teacher I hirly ' ' - -"I'll" live points | alleiided Haulers and vocational education | | , j , w'eek. and In j l'i,'le-or ,ong head ruled e sing, U decision ol Inieui b'li.rciice ihe home and Miss tru. lo, in ol | w o delegates stale region • ol the federation ac songs j Massachusetts, each Mvskania , I,,.. three the meetings, i s . ! s ni ihe inn ih a l l a n l i c to its r i v a l , ol than eei lor I h e nine ne.d in,i be o r i g i n a l , Hi ai 1 -nig original Us m m class, More attended rivalry. ela s w i l l t ollege 1 to ; ol the Conlcsi l the m i l n i , , - - ill, class '! ' " " J " , '•'" "' '" ' - " i r , e. w i l l be aw.artled bach in.ii ,, Scliu made head .id TI»- ires „ „ , has ;„•,•„„,, ,„, ' ";"ll""K«- Kli/abeth I I, i U i m i e r , uiuscial Professor Dartnioiilli requested th, In hei i session Miss '2't fronk Svbii. s James Yale pn .iniuence. selections i r , , m Moiilhlv, and M i n i i a of schools. I country Keent , Sidnev , b.sephiue I ,, . ' al I a l p , , , ! . Il,,rcnce Port , ,.. ' . " . ' • \\. Salem, Winchell, ecounuiics depart- \ , M,,v l - i l l i n g h a m , i n - I, 11. .in in ,- economics, Stale were (ollege GREEN WILL REPORT r l|l;:;!;'1; -'^;:i,.:.-.,.!.,,,r; mLL PRESENT PLAYS TODAY ON NATIONAL 1 1 ,;,'.'",:;'• i,: ,;:,":',,,) \\\::!J;:;2 HERE TUESDAY AT s-.n STUDENT CONVENTION ' '<"' J " > , I he men v.u I I I dehale team will n,l me, I i h , . I n i t e r il I'ltt.shuig captain I ol i Hie \ \ ediies,hit lb'- I wo one . , , I p l a v , ' i with of men's sent learn dt. oulv a debate oi I he t,,si i n , hi. I, •> h IB,race Hills, '2«, M ve's, I he " , I «•'"• n " ' • ^''"i»Klaw. ' ,S '' " " ' K ">'' 1 " x ' ' • " • DISCONTINUES I I h e couise in COURSE halucation 10, given R. I I . K i n l a n d . the December". college. professor after ,.i l.m.obi, blies Nebraska, lod.it. bachcr, are (aie-ls president leaders ol ti i l l be present Ihelii I. Hie of America in I...Hi normal schools, assemblies, one in each begin assembly. promptly and 11:35 o'clock. should is a very Nu- assem- ihe college, w h o ul both will make his n| ,,t | I,, A, \{ B r l , . of stale speaking 11 . . . l o c k one ii '.in, w i l l Federaliou be p n sect al Every- oil time since imp..riant meeting," Hutli Lane, '2N, president of student asso- ciation, said today. |hjs tear, said. In i l l al Student "Assembly I w i l l be discontinued of I,i,til, on the t .invention l .,i by I'roiessor t 'nion se, -2'i, N a n c , M o r K l l of education, \ \ ohi.r Hag n | l I " " l l ' " " " ' "yA''~U " l l " ' l l > , dire, led by M i l d u t l ( ,.ibi I, '2X I h e , ' , n l includes K hiii.uiuel class at Williams, nine. are now being mad wilh bv L i m i t ..ml I,,,I,leu,, he presented The lir.sl, a can .luring vacation will Dramatics nighl i- diie, led '.X il \ . I t a l i c , ,I I in sd.iv had been com a challenge last Negotiation.for was the ex. e p l i o i i Ihe dt bale". "Pittsburg aiuiouuce,! the 15 'Mi Lnivclsily debate L.uler aiiaii.geiiienls I'll 11 d lime leaui, ||,e could college's "All Wolu.a I he contest he,,,us,' I'ill.sbuiK junior was education. '2,N; Mar\ ("'. Mill, a discussion evening at 7:30 o'clock splendid Boston were c o n t r i b u t e d In included Speaks morning , Hireling. Martin, l o r n . f o r the on W e d - a speech. final '2,S; H u l l Cornilcy. Angell public 1'biirsday for tin '2'/, and Louise Mat.Mullen, Inbutioiis I,,m. , , | K',,'||erda,n llilic S lenburgh I a I in al h'.lilli ,n celled SAMPLE KINGS MAILED Rabic '.itt. '1>>, has Moutn Inter I he , haiige was dm l u ih.- I . n national The '28; M. K. Aiierhach '2'i. ami M a r j o r i e , lower , , i i i i . . m i , , , I lh.,1 tl.it< -,i 21 ol I'loience Dorothy ,n A. of educa- and returned president delivered a poetry to Angell, U. O t i s , '.11 ; Dor Florence bxrhnuges rce ' handed i Ihe. '2'J: Flizabcth llainmerskw \.,ll,t .1 he - , „ i o, the in. Hit math i'"u before the ui.ilheuiai it , I Kathcrine Professor professor was held on the relation of high educa- M . \ \ alls Woodford, Drowskv, ||,•,,•!, ihe bug been from elnh will Pierce. Thursday nint, I'm- "If. '2'J; Kay n o i , ' 2 H , and t an.ly Biiinmcr, selling; bauds dancing Marjorie Mm,mi Dt.iolhv R m h Wheel,., k. '2'): music of K. I'ruse selections head ,,f the eilu fr McMullen. will 1 idaiiue.l On ;!v,';,::;::;''.";.i':;,' ,:::;:,:.li,i ,;:,,:;:l,;,1; -•3o-'3i SING PLANNED ""A™. II,,I. i,. :,„u,„: FOR SOIREE AFTERNOON Franklin; '2X. w i l l llli a i l l l - ago. Refifshnielits Walts, INTERSORORITY BALL IS SET FOR APRIL 27 STATE AND PITTSBURG CANCEL MEN'S DEBATE Ruth i n l . i I a n , i n , in t w o days loday. Helen M. W a n . - , (irace Rose I,, an d i r e c t o r of education, and the convention attended College just Dorothy contributing Mi,. \ \ lish deparluieut, threi I'lizaheth Ileiirieltc braiicois . iI..aaiiim n .. | ; i l r U l " l l " " Springni, , lormerly is. . ""/ ', w i l l , . ^ ' ,' . . . . | M a i g . u i I I'l.onean. '2/ ; \I,H \ tiabili sa a ii u u ii .. ll a ay y .. March 1/ I'lencl, bete on S March 1/ • >- , , „ , u . , , , . , , , . S | , , w e l | , „". he the ollice M . Say lev lialdwiiisville; K, -. . appear said issue are: '2N; I \ a I i\ ; I,,i Home war. . i c c n l i i i g Sewn have been placed Captain , , | the . w i i n . FRENCH CLUB TO HAVEt ,'",' f TWO PLAYS MARCH 17 : .Ine.lioii cents. eation dcpartnieiil. >> d, re, led by I ' l l , , ! I will vacation." Those last 's have olilained leaching h.r nest lessor John today t ollege linker, ulucalion. liosilious Manager '2'), said ,.1 the Stale Icen se l o r the win- Franklin; '2K; I ' s i h e r Reserved SPECIAL SOIREE uLI0N/ i w.„ ; x„,i,n - \ 7 ; , r ^ " T,,;;,,.;/";; TO APPEAR MARCH 23 l^uZl K'llll, Thele live issue of the Slate editor-in-chief, and general I I ' . m p o r i ; Matw plays blaster the committee cents, next Quarterly 18 SENIORS OBTAIN TEACHING POSITIONS, SAYLES ANNOUNCES breast 2? y a r d in,i,,. blench musical associa- olhy I'hellleplace. linn; Margaret Oil.ill, Athletic has announced. will admission, for distance, mi Monday phvsie.,1 Hide. charge I place, one point : r. .iii- Male I'o.n h III Third Act", are now on sale, scats 3 on v.u',1 stroke, Shilliiigiaw, u,n| I..,„i-, i hail, \ | \ Inein.y. M \ l , Malum. H.i Mill,,. V.lella M..i i.-miv. eh n't , , , , , , , h. la I'm,,, i I.in,, vard 25 l-'iisl n,, sec,,ml given s\\ iiu for "The of the (bids' "The nierinen Hath for distance, swimming. \ l e , l i . '.'li. Hioli Hon liuiim, Kihili Sieelr. Kuili Honor lliirk-r, Klaii Hi inly. 11,an ItitlliT. Duris I'.illins, .Nni'i C m , Kli/ala Delaney, I HI I n , , , . I I , In, _'. slvle, plunge three ner, HOIWI Minn. I.e., Ilaiiiuni, Ki.l.en lliiliilllcr, Dar.ith: l i,iii|,l„ll. I'llc.n.i, lime, Kuili I-..I III.UK K. Jane at ; 25 m i d si,|,. stroke, relay N. include \ .'i,| slrok,. hack will college K. of the Professor Dr. M. (1. N e l s o n , assistant tion a\cnuc. Iw i n 5H l l y i i i t . Kayini.inl furnish, Knllleiini' KiiiM-lla, Tli.nnas Siarr. Victor t'line, 1'llyllis Wealhenvax, Ksiher W.iliiiT, l.i.nis /il eiillliil. Ksll el mermen the I'hnriliact Anna I lirsl G.A.A. TO GIVE COMEDY QUARTERLY TO APPEAR ONE NIGHT, MARCH 24 BEFORE VACATION TIME in Slate against Dean I'ritchard, school. James Ticket.- Professor head nesday. .•llhany /iVriim,/ A'Vf.'.t comedy ami p r i n c i p a l of school, professor.,,!' Col- I career. A . R. Brubacher. W i n c h , II, Caroline library ! K. Beik, on the of his Slate High F. .assistant tomorrow's Jf.MOKS Ciilc, Dunitliy , the : be Ihe f o r l y - n i n e t h and basketball super- M. Sayles, head of the lep.'irlment Milne . Manila K. C r i f l i n , j he gi Is into of Education ! home economics department, is also ihe ITaucis the department John I Florence a successful This were convention o f the N a t i o n a l educali j the the 1 each of They ai <• I'resident point Rutherford has boasted record lege Honor llaxtur, Kvi-lyn Heck with, Cilmlys Calkins, Kvangclin Dailinuii, I meeting members the annual March 2-1. To- push hundred at Boston Professor SIIHU-, .M /liuli Honor ( z n i l e s , Kmily Kuril. Ill-Ill hi by llulniyil, Anne Aiigeriiini, Kalliei lleeljc. Helm llrnilt, Durulhy role hun- margin. Merle male ninety-three by t h e ' o p p o s i t i o n . scored scoring l.alic, Until Two W o l f e , '28, play intendence reads scored and one hundred morrow's Honor Roll, First Semester, 1927-28 SKNIOKS season PRESENT Several of the faculty Coll", and K l e i n , and t w o losses: seventy Stale Kdith Van so far this TEACHERS Teaching In Junior High School Discussed By Teachers Of Home Economics in (,. A. A. musical 'I he record tied Instructors Are A t M e e t i n g Of National Association In Boston 1200 hav< n't guards. lion students, , lUiksUulei", write close. In start center, are as f o l l o w s : High lion„r Cniiway, (irilnidi- will tomorrow Yorkers leaui, The FACULTY MEMBERS ATTEND CONVENTION gymnasium. \'ew fairly ready having -'5. and honor College strong class is 27 receiving Gold t o he a successful season, College game r and freshman City 'I he 2') students T h e senior honors, second with and seems wdien it meets the B r o o k l y n State Seniors Place Second With 2 7 ; Three From Senior Class Get High Honors The sophomore class leads the I what basketball JUNIORS, F R E S H M E N T I E HAS LEADING ROLE IN G. A. A. COMEDY ROY V. SL'I.I.IVAN Purple to 10 cents per copy, $2.25 per year This course ing process" systematic zenship. outlining is known with thinking It a as " i h e t h i n k - general is a logical study aim of as an aid t o c i t i - af current analysis and problems. DR. BRUBACHER SPEAKS Dr. Abrain H Brubacher spoke on "Responsibilities of Y o u t h " at the F i r s t Presbyterian church service Sunday. 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MARCH 2, 1928 State College News ESTABLISHED BY T H E C L A S S OK 1918 The Undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers T H E N E W S BOARD VIRGINIA E. H I G G I N S Editor-in-Chief 550 Washington Avenue, West 2096-J KATHEHINE SAXTON Business Manager Delta Omega House, 55 So. T.ake Ave., West 2425-W W I L L I A M M. F R E N C H Managing Editor Kappa Delta ttho House, 480 Morris St., West 4314 ELIZABETH PHETTEPLACE Associate Managing Editor Syddum Hall, 227 Ontario St., West 2096-W Published every Friday in the college year by the Editorial Hoard representing the Student Association, Subscriptions, $2.25 per year, single copies, ten cents. Delivered anywhere in the United States. Entered as second class matter at postoffice, Albany, N. Y. The News does not necessarily endorse sentiments expressed in contributions. No communications will be printed unless the writers' names are left with the Editor-in-Chief of the News. Anonymity will be preserved if so desired. "ALL-AMERICAN" AND " P A C E M A K E R " AWARDS, C. I. P . A., 1927 SECOND PRIZE AS " A M E R I C A ' S BEST TEACHERS N E W S P A P E R , " C. S. P . A., 1927 COLLEGE PRINTED BY MILLS ART PRESS. 394.196 Broadway—Main 2287 Albany, N. Y . March 2, 1928 Vol. X I I , N o . 22 rrom I The Story of Buddha and Buddhism. The Story of Confucius. By Brian B r o w n . $5. T w o volumes. Philadelphia: David M c K a y C o m p a n y . D u r i n g t h e present period of a t t e m p t s at world fellowship a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g , we of the W e s t might do well to study the contributions of Eastern religions lo world civilization. T h e two pre-eminent religions ol" the East are Buddhism and Confucianism, In these two volumes, Mr. Brown points out m a n y similarities of credo in the various religions, including Christianity. T h e books give in a clear form the known facts about the lives of the t w o early philosophers, and contain their sayings taken from the holy b o o k s of the Buddhists and Confucianists. T h e r e a r e m a n y quotations from the "I'itakas", which has been t e r m e d the "Buddhist's Bible", and from Confucius' " A n a l e c t s " and " T h e Great Learning". T h e first chapter of the Confucius volume is especially interesting, as it pictures the philosopher in his early life, and shows the adversities that he met and overcame. F r o m grain mart inspector, he progressed to become teacher, traveler, premier of a Chinese state, and crystalizer ol" a religion. SPORT J-EIR! • INDIVIDUAL HONOR OK STATE'S? What a lot of excitement a sport column can make! Because a certain writer holds a certain viewpoint which he deems it wise to express in his own individually signed column, the whole school is at arms. If Coach Baker and our manager of basketball are dragging the name of old State to the very dust of disgrace by a series of arrangements and a general system of "monkey business" which brings for them individual honor at the expense of the self respect of our Purple and Cold quintet, something is radically wrong. However, if these men are absolutely separating any personal element from the arrangements- and 1 think they are—and are pulling only for the good of the team, they should be commended. There is an old idea prevalent that no matter what you do, and no matter how hard you try to do for another's good, you are sure to "get in dutch". The coach could probably vouch for thai. It seems almost impossible that a man who has built a team so strong as ours, from the material available, who has spent his very self in the coaching and training of his n a m , giving them all he had, should wish to withdraw t h a from the real tests and combats of truly stiff games where they could show their calibre and bring themselves and their school glory and honor. Certainly this year's schedule featuring three heavy games and games in which the coach knew we were running a very high chance of breaking our large record of wins, proves to us that the coach is absolutely 0 . K. Since, in the pasl, he has proven his wisdom and good judgment, can we not have faith enough in his foresight to know that he is doing only that which is the best for Stale? "COACH BAKER FASHIONED TEAM WITH CAPABLE GUIDANCE," SAYS STUDENT Some students seem to have misu n d e r s t o o d the comment appearing in this column last week. This column doesn't recommend a basketball schedule filled with t e a m s of D a r t m o u t h calibre, b u t w h a t we w o u l d like to see is t h e disappearance of these Normal school t e a m s from o u r schedule a n d t h e appearance of such teams a s R. P . I., Union, Hamilton, Williams a n d St. L a w r e n c e . Looking back over t h e basketball schedule, h o w m a n y g a m e s did you enjoy? H o w m a n y g a m e s do you mention without apologizing for t h e opposition? P e r s o n a l l y we can mention just three, D a r t m o u t h , St. B o n a v e n t u r e and Providence. W h o enjoyed seeing t h e P l a t t s b u r g h or St. Michaels t e a m s blundering around on the floor, helpless before t h e Purple and Gold first team? FEW GOOD ATHLETES PLUS GOOD COACH RESPONSIBLE FOR VICTORIES the STATE CIII.I.KOI-: N'KWS .after the r e a d - ing at C h a n c e l l o r ' s hall Friday night. Alter a slight pause, she said that she would be delighted t o talk to a College girl for a few minutes about her favorite t o p i c — a c t o r s and actresses. "Should a prospective a c t r e s s take a dramatics course in preparation for her career? It all depends on y o u , " she said. "I >r on your c h r o m o s o m e s , those mysterious little particles which determine o u r heredity. \ good actress is born and not made. If von are lo be an actress, von will he o n e ; and if you are not lo be o n e , all the dramatics courses in the world will not make vou one. "I think acting begins in your bones," was Miss Matthisoii'.s way of phrasing it. "If it is in one, it conies out verv earlv . I began to act when I was about live vcars old. A little later, niv b r o t h e r s and I bad a dramatic club and produced o u r own plavs." Her eves sparkled as she re called tin plavs and lite club. " A n d of c o i n , e I have alvvavs recited, vou EDITOR OF TIIK N E W S : Are such learns as Dartmouth, Pratt. Providence, St. Boiiaventure. Alfred and St. Stephens "set-ups"? N o ! and with one or two exceptions they are teams that represent a great many more men than does the Purple and Cold, drawn from 120 men. Does this look as if the management were working for a string of victories? State happens to he able to make a good showing against these teams this year because she has at the present a fewgood athletes who entered two and three years ago. This fact plus a good coach have made us well known on the court. It is highly probable, unless something is done to bring more men to State, in a few years we will be winning from the present so-called "set-ups" bv a verv few points if at all. Since we can foresee what is coming why should we enter into relations with local colleges having twelve or thirteen hundred enrolled students when in a year or two these relations would have to be broken. Our games with Providence and St. Boiiaventure are not annual contests, but a game with R. P. I. or Union would have to be an annual affair by public demand. Our refusal to accept a game the second year would he seized upon by the local news sheets and volt know from experience what would //'<• don'l object lo lli,- use of snbsli lutes; but ice do obi, el lo seeing these substitutes I'biy the greater portion of the (/ames when we here paid our money lo see a good ball game. The basketball outlook for next year is bright, in our opinion, us the team loses but l:eo regulars, Coff and (iriffin. Captain Kucsyn- k n o w . "Many good a c t o r s a,id actresses \sld and Carr will be back al forward, Kath' llerney al guard and Klein al either have taken d r a m a t i c courses. eriue I oruell and C e o r g e Arliss a r e guard ar center. among lliein. H.wr von read George \rliss's ' l ' | , from B l o o m c s b u r y ' ? His T h e best thing in the Providence g a m e was to see Tony playing the kind of game that be is capable of. l i e played one peach of a game, not the best of h i , career; but the best lie has shown this year. own. He gave play's', written by himself and his t r o u p e , ill a cellar. "Kill there a r e so many things an actress must learn that it is verv help fid il -lie has someone to tell her all lln points ol technique. I low to use Joe H e r n e y must be a fair guard her voire lor instance, that's verv iiu at that. Lipinski, of St. Bonavenporlaut." H e r o w n beautiful modu! t u r e , beat Cornell almost singlelated ton, - pointed the moral lo her handed but couldn't do a thing statt iiienl. against Joe. Allen of Providence "And lo m a n a g e her bodv. especiallv and Troy, w a s captain and high follow. her face," - she paused emphalicallv If we really feel that we want to play bigger teams there i1 scorer of the eastern outfit last "she mustn't blink her eves when "she year a n d he collected four points is one way il can honorably be done and it's not by razzing dioiihln'l do ii " die coach and manager. It is by bringing more men to I last week against Joe. N o t so b a d ! "Do you think a college education State College. What group of people are belter able to do this than our alumnae and what group should be more I Jack Humphries look ,, lot of punish- is helpful | ( , an actress or a plav wright'-" the reporter eagerlv asked | mail in last week's uamc loo. . tiler the interested ? The coach is all right: the manager is all right, (live , name he had lo rest a minute or tie, 'I lliink," e said positively, "a them a few more men with athletic ability ami they will I before he could unuouuee the score. c o l l i ge , duc-ii is helpful iii a n \ line produce a team that will show as creditably in the future ot w o r k I i On the whole, the Providence •i- had one myself. I as this year's team has against the teams we want to play. \ g a m e was quite interesting. I hie H u n I was fifteen bill Then let's get busy with the alumnae and talk Stale Col I di'dn'l stop i <•<liu-ati.ui then. Thai didn't find many dull t tents in lege to men who will he of value to the College as student, Weill l i g h t o i l . she laughed as though and athletes. (let two or three men a year of the T o m , I thai forty-live minutes of play. the idea oi , the T h e game tomorrow ends llerney, Klein, CofT, Carr, ami Griffin Ivpe. Cc! ibis tvpe i haps i'h.,1 ,, because P u r p l e and Gold basketball season. of man in the classes of '32 and 'CI anil then talk bigger she is 'now 'a State should win by a comfortable icher. games. " \ s ior its margin from the invaders from the pillg one to get a job, (Signed) I (h-n't k n o w . metropolis. Griffin and Golf will be he said, " l o b s a r e so KKKIJKKICK W. CHI MIL h a u l t o g e l 11, playing their last game as mem-lavs. Bm | do think b e r s of a State College varsity I- invaluable ill a m basketball team. "COACH VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES; IS N O T PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE" l o THE I'.IIITOK : The two articles last week, one appearing in the N'KWS and the other apparently copied in the Knickerbocker Press, censuring Coach Baker- for h i . handling of the basketball team, should not. I believe, go unrefined. Speaking from the point of view of an undergraduate student, and not in a m ivaj connected with the athletic activities, 1 do not believe that the coach is in an) way responsible, hut rather tin victim of circumstances. Tin fact that Stale has played a number <>t opponents to whom they were manifestly .superior constitute* no logical reason for criticizing the coach. The truth of the matter is that Coach Baker has developed an exceptionally line squad, in fact a w r y superior one, to what one would expect to find from the size of our man power here. But the coach iorsecs quite plainly that this type of team is hit: trattsitor) and from the nature of things it can last at best, hut one year more. Crantcd then, that this >ear ami perhaps next, we have a team well qualified to match -loll with representative men colleges; what will the condition be when this team has passed on and none can lake its place? It would he necessary to discontinue relations with the more famous of ml leges and resume our interrupted relations with those colleges with whom our n u n enrollment is more evenly matched. And this of course would not be particularly easy or perhaps a possible thing to do I in mil) natural course to pursue, therefore, i- to continue along the same lines that we have. I'er tally, I believe that most ol the games have been interesting and not ai all boring to tie spectators as the writer of last week'- ailicle suggests. Coach Baker has done ninth lor Stalt College. Ever) tiling which he does is done because lie believes that course lo be the best possible one 'I he students ol lb.- College are justly very proud ol their basketball team .aid appre ciate the fact that the) could compete with teams of higher calibre, but they al-o aup.-eciate the coach's, position anil are, I think, in sympathy with his course, anil in the final analysis, it doesn't mailer whether w play great colleges or smaller ones. All that really counts is that we know that we have a great team and "vvhetlici they cover them selves with glory or not" does not enter into it; all thai matters is that they are State's basketball men and we are back of them whether they win or lose, and iucidently we believe in our coach. (Signed) UNl'likCKAIl, By E d i t h M . L a w r e n c e , *30 Evidently- a little fatigued from her reading of Maeterlinck's "Sister Beatrice", Edith Wynne Matlhison closed her eyes for a moment before consenting to see a representative of b^JLj FACULTY AT CONVENTION And now our faculty members and college administrators are proving their faith in the value of conventions by their attendance at Boston during the last week. W e take pride in knowing that our College authorities are alive and awake and are taking part in activities of a national character. There a r e those schools which are so narrow and conservative as to fairly shudder at the thought of a closed class room, made so by the attendance of a faculty member at a convention or conference. Little do they realize the benefits, in the way of new attitudes and methods of teaching, reaped from such an activity. Fortunately State is not one of these! And the greatest part of it all is that State College in sending so many delegates was so largely represented. "ACTING BEGINS IN # ONE'S BONES," SAW EDITH W. MATTHISON SPRAYS SIMILARITIES IN RELIGIOUS CREDOS SHOWN IN BRIAN BROWN'S VOLUME I o i tit-: I'.IIITOK : One day last week, Coach Baker deemed il unwise to schedule a Certain game tor next year's basketball season Within a few days, that small and certain!) unimportant matter has assumed such large proportions that it has heeii llaretl in at least three Capitol District newspaper-., and, according to one reporter, it has "gone over L'uited Press." Il seems a little hit too had ih.it we are unable lo straighten out our pcttv i.111Ii 1 \ differences at home without enlisting the sympathy I aid of lite dear public. An article written In a student oi State College in the "Sunday Telegram" cites the fact that at one linn- we plaved such teams as Colgate, St. Lawrence, e t c , and that since Baker's arrival llie.se games have been dropped. It might be well lor the writer m that article to recall ili.it the team to which he made reference was limit ar I ueh men as Maris Harry and Staulev Fitzgerald. B a r n he came one of the outstanding Injures in the profess ,,l basketball world. With me that calibre lor material i! was reasonable n. schedule strong teams t oiisidi - leant Imlav. loe I leruev is lb, i.uh man on the team who had .wen high s,l I experience 'which •i ned lo anvlhhig. Tom Kuc/viiski, Howie Coll .md I .on Klein never played in high school. I .or anil plawd with verv -.mail town teams. I oach Baku has taken material like that and fashioned a team which is g i nough to have made a line record ami to heal ..,,,„• uallv strong outfits \\ e crrtainh d it suffer I•> lonttast wiih teams representing oilier institutions i |- ,,wn el.is. Even mure deplorable than die above situation i- tin- ia,t that there are individuals among us. called icportcis, who are quite willing lo print anvihiug in the newspapers, with liscriiniuatioii whatsoever, al so much pel column 'I In v do not seem to understand thai it is a g n a l deal u n c i and wiser lo keep certain things mil ol print I ;,-t veto one of die.se individual* did s ,- similar "i ejioi ling" ' and it appears lo me dial tin result, ,,f that partictilai bit ol work should have taught the wnlei the value of liner and more discriminating reporting. Il is too late lo undo the nii,,hicl which h a , been done; hul the least that the studenl bod) can do is to ignoie the " s t u b " which has been written and to assure Coach Bakei dial il believes in him and m hi, experienced, capable and vv Cc guidance ol our teams. BI:K.\.\|(|) A I I'.HIIAI il, '2'). Custom of Wearing Suspenders Revived, And How! White; Red, Yellow, Purple Predominate \ revival oi lie am m i l and often ndi, tiled custom ol wealing >u -|,,-i,d.-t s has heen d i s o v < red in Slat, Coll, g< a m o n g the men -111,1,111 'I he number ol nmvi i t s i,, the n, w vv hi , a i , di,qualified for all u-e , \ ecpl , , n dark, loggv nights. I)nc oi | | „ . , , „ , , | u n a n s w e r a b l e ,,b ie. •'»'* '•""'«•' J"--pl. Saw-.,,. '.il, who -av - II, Ie, I, like a l a i n , , ! II be vviais -i.-p,aid, I- A hell, on independent y h- declare thai m a - - lb, olhel b.mil. , -pe, iallv a i I big, i clortii is not on,- ol I licit object, » i,• I H l i , , a l l .11 w i t h b l . l s s 1,11, k l , I bev are , iilirelv indill'ci elil to p , „ n. cv.-h is , . n , . hi,,, ih,,, ,. , ,,,u ilile , olivet , ol the hell wear, i s to ho.v lli, II ranks I an. lh<) dci hue Bright , oh.i - and mm v dc themselves w ilhng lo -nil, r the tale duiiiuiat, on th, , ,,|l, ge a eccentrics rather ih.in Ion-go lln- lien ..,,; \nerh.i, h, '_"', p,,s ,,-sI I' v,n among those who ,| „,.,: 1 galh.iises are main wl elil, vv, ie in i certain dun, iilti, i.,i win, h 1 ihev c.i I no -ohilion liabe Is.q, bill, '.ill. bewail- III, abseil, , ol |h, old lime while billion hsliiie- ,, . I I el il trolls, i Kaplan -av - that lli, lv pair win, Ii Ii, has ihus lit t, ,| out ve a ,oii-i,l, laid, hole ill i l l , n ,,,! \\ I,,,,, , , , | N, I ,1 p m p h man I, n, ih, ,|., I,in , i..,- I ,,ni- k l , m'- -I l.ir l.h ,., ,!,,,,, M, d and sdv I II, „• ,|, ,| ,. lM |, i- In ill i, I ,,,,| |,| , ,, ,,,1,1 , ,, |,,, ,,, ,| > ,,i il , -hoiihlei • \ ,„„ ,,, N ,,,,!„ , i , 1 , , ,, , won,..,, BASKETBALL SCHEDULE talc Maxwell 1 III fill hm Pel hel f,l heb Ma 17 1.1 .'1 1 II IS 24 . .i . I ' l a l l -hllrg Totals Averages VJ47-2H Mi l.\ .11 M lioiiavulllle .. \1 .. ••' ""l»i I Providetic, lliooklvn Branch i t i ifi 2\ --I Michaels II' Ilth _'l .. . lo •Li lo In In l-l il \. \ [",[[' Percenlagi 778 72 M)J .in I'M '1 1 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MARCH 2, 1928 HASN'T CAPTURED Mrs. Emma Merrill, '52, Expresses Loyalty COMPULSORY CHAPEL MRS. LEAGH TALKS '31SOPH'S BANNER YET; To State At 95 In Letter To Oliver Kipp UNITES STUDENTS, DR. HERE ON MARCH 16 HUNT TO BE IN MAY BRUBACHER'S OPINION Mr. The f r e s h m a n class has n o t y e t o b tained the sophomore banner Frominent L e a g u e C h a i r m a n To Address Assembly For Voters U n i t to Louis J. Wolner, the s o p h o m o r e The m a s c o t Mrs. Henry League of W o m e n the student 16. hody M r s . Leach of week ( m i l l i a r d L e a c h , of N e w Y o r k , c h a i r m a n oi t h e N e w Y o r k the F o r u m . extraordinary " S h e is a w o m a n o f and charm hunt in May. w i l l be ( h e s e c o n d The s o p h o m o r e s buildings or on the campus, to a c o m m u n i c a t i o n March by is w i f e o f t h e e d i t o r ability class. will B. K i p p , P r e s i d e n t o f the the delights o f m y g r a d u a t i o n . I c h e r i s h club, received t h e f o l l o w - several g r o u p p h o t o g r a p h s o f m y asso" T h e great value o f c o m p u l s o r y a s f r o m M r s . S h e r h u r n S. M e r - ciates, then t a k e n , a l i v e to me t h e r e b y . s e m b l y is i n g e t t i n g t h e student body t o i n g letter r i l l , '52, s h o r t l y b e f o r e h e r d e a t h . the sophomore gives five class towards and (5) sent class. points the This t o the event winning inter-class Your o f a parlor suggestion for your c l u b meets m y idea o f a place o f her d e a t h . and 1 enclose herein a g i f t to a i d i n the The letter follows: Milwaukee, W i s . according to Myskania Mrs. M e r r i l l w a s 95 years o l d at t h e t i m e o f hide the idol s o m e w h e r e in t h e College Slate Voters w i l l address in assembly, according '.ill, p r e s i d e n t o f Oliver Half-Century 3355 G r a n d A v e n u e . Mr. Oliver B. K i p p , President o f H a l f rest Club. Dear S i r : itself," Doctor A . R. B r u b a c h e r p o i n t e d o u t In a j o i n t assembly "The only w a y t o get facts Friday. before all development o f t h e plan i f already c o m - the students is by c o m p u l s o r y assembly," menced, o r to set i t on foot i f n o t . he said. Kindly accept t h e expression o f my love, l o y a l t y , a n d best wishes f o r t h e a c - Century see complishment now o f the in prospect wonderful o f fulfillment rivalry f o r t h e present system o f c o m - plans p u l s o r y assembly installed o n l y a f t e r t h e f o r the v o l u n t a r y attendance p l a n f a i l e d . H o u s e cleaning t i m e n e a r l y a l w a y s e x - expansion o f the home conveniences and is a n e s p e c i a l l y effective platform poses surprises, even i n w e l l - o r d e r e d c o m f o r t s o f m y dear A l m a M a t e r . houses, m i n e , this y e a r has been n o e x speaker," according t o Anne Sterling, T h e s o p h o m o r e class has c h a l l e n g e d M a y the c o m i n g Commencement D a y ception. I n l o o k i n g over m y letters and '20, c h a i r m a n o f t h e N e w V o t e r s u n i t t h e f r e s h m a n class t o a s i n g . papers o f last s u m m e r , w h e n 1 was ton he the most j o y o u s , a n d best attended of t h e L e a g u e o f W o m e n V o t e r s a t Myskania will determine whether or i l l f o r a season, and not able t o attend o f a l l . State College. not a s i n g w i l l be i n c l u d e d i n t h e i n t e r in person t o m y m a i l , 1 came across m y W i t h g r e e t i n g f o r a l l , I remain, M r s . I . e a i b p r e s i d e d at t h e c o n v e l i - I iss r i v a l r y . " A l u m n i Q u a r t e r l y o f J u l ' - 1925", con A f a i t h f u l alumnus, l i o n o f t h e league at t h e T e n K y c k j E l l e n F r e e m a n M e r r i l l , '52. tabling the photograph o f the alumni 18411-1852. hotel in December. "After meeting g r o u p that y o n so k i n d l y sent m e ; that ( M r s . S h e r h u r n S. M e r r i l l ) several college g i r l s he w a s p . i r l i c u was an agreeable s u r p r i s e ; hut m y chaDelehanty Wards Off Billet-Doux T h a t M r s . M e r r i l l s |,,ve and d e v o t i o n Lilly interested in the o r g a n i z a t i o n o l g r i n was great that 1 had so failed t o f o r her .Alma M a t e r was as great at the a unit h e r e , " Miss S t e r l i n g said. For All Newman Hall Yearlings express m y a p p r e c i a t i o n , as m y e a r l ) time o f her death as it was when she education i n these m a t t e r s o f social etiT h e unit will hold its next meeting 1 V I KM A M . I.OM, was attending College, and she was quette was Hi>l neglected. March I T a l w a y s a c t i v e in t h e f u r t h e r a n c e of any T h e r e a 'e 50 f r o s h at S t a ' e w h o " A p r o g r a m f o r t h e rest o f t h e \ ear I g r e a t l y a d m i r e the " l o t i t e ensemble" plan w h i c h led t o the betterment o f t o Hunk H i s t o r y 1. itl'elit g o i ig w i l l c o m p r i s e a study o f t h e legislao f the g r o u p ; a line g a t h e r i n g o f repre- State College, was the comment m u l e t e e. e x e c u t i v e a n d j u d i c i a l d e p a r t m e n t s K v e n W e Inesdav night f r o m X to 9 ! seiitative teachi rs f r o m the c o l l e g e . by Miss A n n a ICIoi.se Pierce, dean o f .,1' the stale g o v e r n m e n t . Regular o'clock at N e w m a n h a l l , the studious Y o u w i l l understand the spirit that women. m e e t i n g s \ s i l l lie h e l d o n c e a m o n t h : and lazv 1 stell to the w o r d s o f U ' i l p r o m p t s me to send y o u a p h o t o g r a p h f o r r e p o r t s a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n o l m a bam 1. De( h.iiitv, '_'(i, ex -quiz teacher that has recently been t a k e n f o r m y It-rial. I lireel contact and o b s e r v a t i o n oi l l i s t o n _'. Delehanty Completely ANNOUNCES NEW BOOKS f a m i l y and especial friends to m a r k my of parts of the government u ill f o r m C o w r s the m a m ' i|Uestions heaped on Miss IK-len T . F a y , manager o f the ''5th birthday. This birthday explains t h e g r e a t e r part o l t h e w o r k . " Miss o v i r u i r k i d f r e s h m e n . N e w m a n hall w h y I cannot share the pleasures o f at- '( o < ) p " , announces a special line o f opens its inrtals t o a l l l o w l v I r o s h , S t e r l i n g said. looks this week w h i c h includes " D i s r a e l i ' tendance upon these Commencement seeking k l iv, l e d g e ! n Andre Maui-ois. D a v s ; but I then l i v e i n c r , in m e m o r y , contest. H e gave t h e above as S t a t e C o l l e g e ' s reason After Doctor Brubacher had outlined t h e purposes o f a w e e k l y assembly, a n d g i v e n his ideas on t h e subject, he asked f o r c o n s t r u c t i v e c r i t i c i s m f r o m the floor. Suggestions were made, ( 1 ) that t h e assembly he made m o r e i n t e r e s t i n g b y the presentation o f p r o g r a m s i n w h i c h either w e l l k n o w n a r t i s t s , o r school talent, o r b o t h , w o u l d appear. ( 2 ) t h a t t h e r e be mil)- one m o n t h l y assembly, ( 3 ) that t h e 3 upper classes meet t o - g e t h e r , a n d t h e f r e s h m e n meet alone, w e e k l y . N o action was taken student body. Friday by the NEWS CLUB TO HEAR THOMAS WEDNESDAY I r w i n Thomas o f N e w York, Albany legislative correspondent f o r t h e N e w Y o r k F v e n i n g W o r l d , w i l l speak a t a meeting o f N e w s club W e d n e s d a y evening at H o'clock. T h i s m e e t i n g , held i n r o o m 111, w i l l he open t o the public. A t t e n d a n c e o f cubs is r e q u i r e d . CO-OP STAFF TO HAVE GRAB BAG MARCH 5, 6 CLASS SEES PLOWMAN A g r a b - b a g is being a r r a u g , ..„• EXHIBIT HIS ETCHINGS C o - o p staff and w i l l be opened t o stu C e o r g e T . I ' l o w m a n , v i s i t e d t h e line dents at ten cents a " g r a b " on T u c v l a ) a r t s V class F e b r u a r y 23 a n d s h o w e d and Wednesday, M a r c h 5 and (>. I'll his. p o r t f o l i o o f e t c h i n g s w h i c h are hag w i l l be divided i n t o special depart being exhibited in the H i s t o r i c a l and incuts f o r students o f c o m m e r c e , stu M i s s A r t institute. Mr. Plowman's etching dents o f L a t i n , etc., according I [| | K o f S t a l e C o l l e g e c h a p e l w a s o n sale Helen T . Fay, manager. There at least a h u n d r e d articles some w,o„ .r,t|l, here iu-1 b e f o r e C h r i s t i n a s . as much as t w o d o l l a r s i n the has; S t a t i ' lery compacts, p k n i n g c a r d - am lithe, n Celtics are listed. MISS FOOTE REPLACES MAUDE MALCOLM MISS MAUDE WELCOMES 8 MEMBERS Kappa I lella welcomes into f u l l mem bership. F l o r e n c e K'lckard, '2'<; F.dvlhc Cairns, ,il ; M a r i o n ( hesholm, M ; Helen S instructor n Miss Maude M a l c . l i ias left sel 1 I he F r e n c h d e p a r t She w i l l m i l r e because o f illnes Miss Fleauor Foote tni-ii l l i i w i l l till M i s s M a l c o h II e BIG BARGAIN PRICE in Women's Footwear is $2.85 FEAREY'S TO PLAY AT SOIRiJE " D a w " Meverhol'l In s|ra w i l l l,,r the s,,phoin, He v . i r . r . F r i d a ) \ l . _'.i. a c c o r d i n g to i ,,niel ., \ an K l e e k . , - h a u i n a i i o f t i n inii-iv i . . m i n u t e , he I I . a n nine ^ FEAREY'S all- of I I , c new i n s t r u c t o r is ., douse. Cornell l i u i \ el - n \ a n d Miss France S h e has been ass Helen T . F a \ in the College c m e store. M i s - C o t e resides at H a m i l t o n street. ' "il'u'i, ing w i l l ! 44 N i l . Pearl St. to on, DANKER Galley Slaves 'SAY IT WITH FLOWERS' All.anv, N. Y in anil -12 M a i i k n l.nne (Oriental and (Occidental Klestmu'ant AMERICAN AND CHINESE Open II until 2 A. M. Dancing I0:.5l) t i l l I A . M „ E x c e p t S u n d a y 14 State St Phone Main 7187 COLLEGE CANDY SHOP 2(M Central Avenue (near Robin) TRY OUR TOASTED SANDWICHES C M I, I, I M Piu|i. Today, the electric motors of an American battleship have the energy of a million men, and drive thousands of tons of steel through the water at amazing speed. I V i v u m K m i n u r e for I nilicn MILHAM'S ilaHuT anii $U»mtty JlarUir PERMANENT WAVING SPECIALIST //.,/ S C A L T I F I ' . V I ' M F X T S IIAIK D \ K I N C AN D TI N II M i F . U ' I A I S, K l I A M I ' i II M.N'li, I I A I K Ml I M M M J M . W K T K I M , A N D MAKCKLI.I M i Special Attention Given to Children 1050 M A D I S O N Telephone West 5237 Chained to their seats, cringing under the lash, t h e galley slaves slowly propelled the heavy hull of a R o m a n warship. AVENUE Albany, N. Y. M a n is more t h a n a source of power in civilized countries. Electricity has made him master of power. I n coming years, the measure of your success will depend largely on your ability to m a k e electricity work for you. Competition e v e r y w h e r e grows keener, and electricity cuts costs and does work better wherever it is applied. In industry, transportation, the professions, t h e arts, and in t h e home, you will find General Electric equipment helping m e n and women t o wards better economies and greater accomplishments. 1765DH GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY SCHENECTADY YORK STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MARCH 2, 1928 STATE NOSES OUT PROVIDENCE, 31-30 Coach Under Fire STUDENTS ATTACK EDITOR'S CRITICISM Questions Policy Censure Of Baker Is "A Little Radical," Is Koerner's Statement Kuczynski Leads Attack With 14 Points, Followed By Carr With 7 DR. RISLEY UMPIRES F00BALL CONTEST Coached Football, Track, And Baseball At Denver High School Officiating at the Dartmouth-Cornell By ROY V. SULLIVAN TAYLOR U P H O L D S BAKER football games, and Syracuse-Cornell The Purple and Gold, Friday night, games for the past few years, are not turned back Providence college by a " W e Ought T o Play Worthy the only important interests of Professor single point in an extra period game. Opponents," Is Opinion Aclna VV. Kisley, head of the history deT h e contest was probably the best and Of Griffin partment. hardest fought played on the Teachers' Prof. Risley has officiated at football The "Sprays from the Sport Shower" court. The score was 31-30. games ever since be left college back in column regularly written by Roy V. Sulthe '90, when he played star half-back The State team played an uphill game livan, '29, ;is a student commentary on on the Colgate team. He also served as and showed furious fighting power in athletics, received much fiery criticism by loot'all coach on the Colgate team, as the men students in general because of coming from behind on at least six difwell as coach for the major athletics of last week's "bombastic attack", as one ferent occasions, to finally turn back the football, track, and baseball al the Denperson expressed it. fighting five from the East coast. ver High school when he was connected there. Sullivan expressed the opinion that the The game was by far the fastest and "I find die Dartmoulh-Cornell games basketball management has been wasting hardest fought seen this year on the Colvery interesting," be says, "since these its energies as far as playing on the lege court, and probably in the Albany games always present spectacular plays part of the first team is concerned. area. and bring out minor players into the "What we want," he said in last week's limelight of stardom." Providence, in its last three starts prior STATU CI I.U:.,K XI-.WS. "is a game or two ROY V. SeI.I.iv.\x When asked his opinion whether or to its game in Albany, had bowled over to test the varsity, a hair-raiser. W'e not Slate College accentuates athletics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have not beaten a n a m this year for Prof. Risley, remarked: "As a college, the University of New Hampshire and which we don't feel obliged to apologize." Huston University. Allen, Troy hoy and His opinion in general seemed to he that However, George Taylor, '29, a member 1 do not think there is an excess of aththe scoring threat of the invaders, was the management procures games with of the squad, staunchly upheld the honor letics here at State. The field has not effectively checked by Joe lterney, Liingteams which do not try the ability of the of his coach. "I think," he said, "the been broadened enough and no one man Courtesy Albiiny Eveulng News neglects his education in the strenuous haniton ace who held him to a single varsit) team, but rather give practice to W r i t e - u p I s Unfair COACH RUTHERVORD BAKER way that other college do. Oft times, field. the second team. "There is no criticism is quite mi lair because a bo\ write-up athletics in the larger universities have Griffin Back I n Line-up of the spirit of the seconds," he said. Captain Tony Kuczynski was back in "but the time to train future players is who is not on the team at all attempts developed to a dangerous extent, robbing his best form with a vim, and played an Captain Tony Kuczynski won the game afternoon and not when fins must sit to criticize the action of the coach, the the athlete of all the spirit of play and making the sport all-round hard work. excellent game, lie scored fourteen of for the Purple and Gold with a field. back and be bored." team, and the management. Fvery coach The box score: "I have spent a great deal of time in the Purple and Gold points. Student opinion is both pro and eon puts in his second team, and many a the athletic field," he continued, "hut I Carr also led the State scoring, getting in regard to this statement. Several of PROVIDENCE STATU fn II I thai I enjoy my work as a teacher seven points on t u n fields and three fouls. fli fp tp the nun evidently felt that their opinions coach of larger colleges puis in the see fli fp t|. 2 3 7 Allen, if I 2 4 were not lit to print, for the) absolutely Goff, although outscorcd by his man, Mc- Carr, if olid teams when the score is only a few more. Teaching is tilt big factor in inv K u ' i i - k i . If U ) 5 4 14 Cue, played a good, hard game. refused to give any statement. However, points ahead. Coach Maker has brought life." (ioff. c 1 I 3 Griffin, who returned to the State line- (irlrfiii, IK 4 (I S there were some who were brave enough 1 I) 2 Szydla, rf mir team up to play bigger teams than up after living out for two weeks with Ik-nicy, Ig 1 (1 2 Murphy, IK (C) 2 I) I to express themselves. II I) (i I) 0 0 Mdiuvi-rn, c an injured knee, played a splendid game, Vt histun, if Arvid llurke, '28, says, "It is the al- they ever played in their former history, Klein, c-, IK I I i his forty-seventh straight since his entitude of most of the hoys, I think. not considering such opponents as Clark trance into State. Totals II 9 .11 Totals However, I don't think we ought to get son, Alfred, Brooklyn Polytech, St. lionSUMMARY Krieger, Met ue and Szydla played best overambitioits. I don't believe we can Scire at half lime—State, 17; I' aventure, and Union as 'set-ups.' As for the visitors hut the whole Providence 15. I'uuls committed—State, 12; Provi phi) au> such teams as Dartmouth or team put itself in bad grace with the Cornell, altho' I think we could manage for Sully's criticism of our game with audience by talking back to Humphries, I'lattsburgh, P i t t s b u r g h has as man) R. I'. I. or Union." the referee. Captain Murphy of Albany men as State College, and if State Col Agrees W i t h Sullivan was generously booed. Francis Griffin, '28, said. "1 agree with lege could heat them so easily il cerlainl) Providence took a six point lead in the Sullivan. Cast week I beard people say is a boost for our coach. Coach Baker first half before Slate seemed to get T h e G a m m a Gazette, publication of that they wire bored to death and started. Szydla, Providence guard, opened Tickets for the Girls' Athletic Asso- wouldn't watch it. I think- we ought to works not only to develop the present the scoring when he scored a field as the p I team, but to build up a future team, and ciation's musical comedy " T h e Third play team, that would be wort I state forwards Went down the Moor on Act," directed by Florence Gorinley, poneiits." s therefore justified in using hi, own ')') N O R T H P A E R L S T . an outside ball, incorrectly believing ii '29, will go on sale March I, according Opposite Strand rilt'atre Fdgar Twining, '2N, gives his comment net hods." State's hall. to Florence Potter, '28, president of brusquely, as well as adversely. "It Captain Tony Kuczynski of State G. A. A. t Sully's comment) was rotten. lies scored the first point for the Teachers, Josephine Brown, '29, has been ap- knocking the props out of the whole on a foul. Then trailing by a 1-7 count. for I lie thing that builds the varsit) the second Slate snapped into it and got goiu^ to pointed business m a n a g e r I| pile u|) a 12 7 had within live minutes. comedy, and Mildred Peterson, '29, team, lis all w r y good to have g will have charge of the advertising. gam but the poorer games are no detK.uczyii-ki, ( a i r and Goff scored in "Albany's Finest Drug Store" Rehearsals for the comedy are now riment, lis actual experience on the floor this spurt and the Teachers' passing was Prescriptions Accurately Compounded that gives the see.mils real practice." greatly improved. At this point, Provi- being conducted. T h e comedy will he presented only "Its a little radical," says Herman W e d e l i v e r t o all p a r t s of t h e c i t y PIIONIi MAIN H')S6 dence braced and before the half ended, succeeding in driving up to within two one night. Cast year the comedy "On Koet'ller, '29, "and more or less a perthe Pence" was given two nights. sonal opinion rather than a school opin points of the Hying Purple and Cold five. ion. I lis comments, are mil) good puKlein being substituted for Goff, and Permanent Waving Facial Massage Shampooing bis year or n c \ | w a r for after thai time Winston for Carr were the only changes Marcel W a v i n g Maneuring ISohhing (Mir team prob ihl) won't he so good." in the first half. "I think lir's right." sa\ s Sain l 'ooper, In the second half, Slate opened the '29. "I don't -ee wb) such good material (•coring with a field by Carr after about thirty second- of play. Szydla, the vi Gumma chapter of Kappa Delta Kim as we ha\ e to-d i\ should go to waste. | A N N A K. B R O W N then sank two fields to fraternity, will be published next week, 'fhe probahilit) i - that we won't often I Phone West 4135 3 5 2 State Street, at Lark Albany. N. Y. i veil the at I'J up. | T h e paper will he distributed to ae live and alumni m e m b e r s , to h nary Game Hard Fought Sorry About Criticism The game was a lough liehi for t-;L<-]( members, to national officers and the i Haker, when inlcm'ewi learn. Carr put the Purple and Cold oilier chapters. William M, French, '29, is the editor ahead In sinking a foul, bin the lead o saj amlhinp he) I, ' did not last long ,i- Met lie dropped in ill-chief, and Robert J. Sliillinglaw. '29, rr\ io hud dial Sullivan wul.l is associate editor. a couple fouls. i take ili.it attitude n d ii!\ department. (ioff tied it up with a foul, llerney thru broke through for a two pointer. Slate lead again, MeCite lied il again for Providence. 222 CENTRAL AVENUE Captain Kiuv.jn-.ki scored a field and "JUST A R O U N D THE CORNER ABOVE ROBIN S T R E E T " a foul, old) In h a w Providence More four points and again lake the lead in HOME MADE CANDIES and DELICIOUS ICE CREAM the see-saw scoring. Providence missed AT POPULAR PRICES three c is) shut- in ., row, the ball hang SANDWICHES. COFFEE AND PASTRY iug on the lip of tin basket mil) to drop 125 Central Avenue Open Evenings out. Coin's Klein i ed the c .t v 27 all T h e p r o p e r e x p r e s s i o n of a n y a r t d e m a n d s e x p c i t n e s t i , e s p e c i a l l y in \,\ sinking ., tool H a i r Mobbing, w h i c h e x p l a i n s w h y m o r e ami m o r e w o m e n c o m e to In tin- extra period, each team gave all II had in it . llorl to will. Pr.n idem i .cored first on a foul In Met tie. 'I his one point lead «... short livid, Klein scoring a held 7 Master Barbers P h o n e Main 62H0 133 No. Pearl St. Murphy, \ isiling i iplaiu, Minn! ,i tv,,, 12 Meauticlaiii ()|>|) Clinton S(|tiare poinii r .did then w ith -15 seconds to phi), !»c" II ] 100 Years Dependability James Mix G.A.A. COMEDY TICKETS TO BE SOLD MARCH 1 DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY SeilHtt Clinton Pjarmanj FRATERNITY TO ISSUE GAZETTE NEXT WEEK idcn^tifc Be^olly Parlor KOHN BROS. "A Good Place To Buy" AMES-ASWAD CANDY SHOP, Inc. Permanent Waving P A L L A D 1 N O Finger Waving "PERSONALITY BOBS" ''Dependable Flowers'' lit- Teteyrujjh Flower* lu all 0/the World f; w. FLOW** SHOP STEUBEN STREET Corner James P h o n e Main 3775 D. jc Wcbt 701 i I'urU As Narrow As AAA SHOES As Wide A s EEE Smart Coats - Hats - Dresses I r or Girls a n d Misses jj|mtlniarft @atVtiuia C iym Togs - Too 198 Central Avenue at. kobin Albany, N. Y. Steefel Brothers, Inc. ranch of ihe Boulevard Retstauranl I Ori-1 I 0 Slate S h e e t S T A T E C O L L E G E N E W S , M A R C H 2, 192S '31 To Meet Pharmacy Frosh Here Tonight; COMMISSION PLANS BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT WOLFE ANNOUNCES 7 Yearlings Claim Victory Over Erskins, 16-15 COLLEGE CITIZENSHIP MOURNS 3 DEAD MICE INTERS0R0RITY BALL CAMPAIGN MARCH 5 t h eThed e abt hi o l oo gfyt h rdeeep awr thmi teen t m i cmeo uar nn ds COMMITTEES TODAY H a v i n g n i c l a i least o n e defeat i n By ROY V. SII.I.IV.W T h e dispute a r i s i n g f r o m the basketb a l l g a m e p l a y e d by t h e f r e s h m e n the Erskins Erskins frosh Saturday a 10-10 ball team in which t h e c l a i m a 10-15 v i c t o r y , a n d claim t l u i r la>t t w o g a m e s , t h e f r o s h and night the basket- ss\ine,s i n t o a c t i o n a g a i n against tin- Pharmacy to- college frosh i n the State C o l l e g e g v u i n a s i u i n . lie, p a r a l l e l . - t h e We ( ollege citizenship inaugurated campaign b y campus will eommis- -i''ft n e x l w e e k , if p l a n s m . w c o n t e n t p l a t e d a r e c a r r i e d out l e a u n e t l e W a l d defeat in t h e i r b i l l i g , '-'.H, c h a i r m a n , a m iced t o d a v . • , , ; . . . , , , , . „ .. , • I J a r t n i o t i t l i - I ' e n n . c o n t r o v e r s y o f last 1 d l r l l r l I " " ! ' , . " " | ' ' ' ' < d l c g e c i t i z e n s h i p is o u r week. A s w a s t h e ease i n t h e u n n i e it t o , she e x p l a i n e d . E s p e c i a l a l i e n ' 1 l u '" , " ; h wi." } ) n , h M p l a y e d o n the P h i l a d e l p h i a c u r l , the ; : ; " , " ' , l : , v . , n w i l l he d i r e c t e d - h e -aid i,> Hie ' • ,. , ' , l i n e u p u i i l i < Mi a n d t a p t a m L s o n s ., , . . • , ., , ,.,..,., - . u d r eorridor i „ l l n s l e d h a l l ' a n d the a r g u m e n t l u n g e s on w h e t h e r o r not a 1 '.'.'.' ' - " ' " , " , . ' '', ' '', ' ' ' " " ' ' ., i , , f r e s h m a n player scored a foul point. : •• "'"'-- ' " ' " ' • • I ' w l i e . s M e r n e y ! uanila g ,.| ilem e and order there. C a p t a i n C h a r l e s L y o n s o f the y e a r l d K l e i n w i l l have K i n n e v . M vers, nl sour lockers",, ings scored a technical foul w h i c h the Kaledouev a n d N'ewe.nuli o n Miss W.ildbillig r e n i n - l e d . " W e plan t i e Phannac\ plavers h o f f i c i a l s c o r e r d i d not c r e d i t h i m w i t h , b e n c h . In 1 f r e s h m e n say. T h i s p o i n t W o u l d h a v e b r o k e n even in i h e i i g a m e s t h i s sea llrubmlur' ,-"'o be" alked^'o ' lead. ! g i v e n the frosh a tie and a chance t o and w i l l offer t h e homesters sill I h r o u g h the h a l l s , l o c k e r l o o m - , etc. ' w i n t h e g a m e i n an o v e r t i m e p e r i o d . H o w e v e r , as t h e a l l e g e d e r r o r w a s not a n d an i i t s p e c t i i HI U i l l be m a d e o l i n d i s c o v e r e d u n t i l a l l t h e p l a c e r s had •hvidual lockers". I'he - I n , l e n t bod' left t h e l l o o r . t h e g a m e goes t o t h e has • o - o p i r a t e d v e r y h e l p i i i i , she -aid T h e g a m e i t s e l f w a s r a t h e r slow a n d uninteresting. T h e f r o - h c i i j o w d ., t h r e e p o i n t lead i n t h e l i n a l . p n r l e i but the w i n n e r s closed fa-l and w o n I the g a m e o n held b a - k e l - b v X ' o i r i and Stanley. I . v o n - |,lase.| 'besl l o t h e l o s e r s a n d \ o r r i - . Stanley a n d S i l l l i s a n s t a r r e d f o r the k i s k i n s . >:n a i least A '>>• one ATHLETES SEE "HIT THE DECK" EN MASSEf^ a tropical lish. Mrs. Qncenc I I . E d n a W o l f e , '28, p r e s i d e n t o f K a p p a F a u s t , i n s t r u c t o r i n b i o l o g y , i n a n H e l t a has n a m e d s e v e n c o m m i t t e e s f o r autopsy of them, discovered that Intersorority Ball F r i d a y , A p r i l 27. l l , ( ' " I b i n o s had died f r o m pnetlT h e b a l l w i l l be i n t h e b a l l r o o m o f "'l"''''' " ' " I ,""',.'r, i , , , c r , l a l , c o " ' P l i the T e n E y c k hotel. cations. I he fish, u n u s e d t o t h e o s c i l l a t i o n s of the t h e r m o m e t e r i n The committees follow: refreshthe so-called " t e m p e r a t e " zone, sucm e n t s — D o r i s A r n o l d , '2H, c h a i r m a n ; c o m b e d t o an a t t a c k o f i n f l u e n z a . music M a r i o n S l o a n , "29; flowers a n d '^le dc.arlmeiit is s e r i o u s l y c o n - ' d e n i i g u t s c r t m g a want a d in the p r o g r a m s — J o s e p h i n e B r o w n , ' 2 9 ; favors Xi-ws re.piesling all those interested in the a d v a n c e m e n t o f science t o c o n t r i b u t e live Hits a n d w o r m s fi the s u b s i s t a n c e o f i t s f r o g s , w h i c h ,\ [j ' 'Zu ilmtil'ms ' will ' t f " r S j I i a K o o m 2 0 1 , M r s . I ' a u s l said t o d a v . !K"r:Ci 'T^Cir^Z i7'£^B):::J"T^;2B Craves, '2'); i n v i t a t i o n s and \-U'^'h''W I ",vnl* W « , k c r - ' ^ ; , l , ( 1 *r™**" W i n i f r e d W e s c o l t . '20, Telephone Main 1279 I n o m a -. -he a d d . d. s h o u l d be h a n d e d I , U i l h bill o n , , gam,- r e m a i n i n g o n I ., n u m h e oupii-. c :ni--ion. win he l . a - l „ 1 H..11 - c h . d u b . l b , S l a t . C o l j w i l l p . .| I h e m ,-n l b , p r o p , , h u b , i n eee , i . n i l ~iiu.nl l o o k ., u i g b i o i l i b i s : b, 1 I ' o - i , i-. . •.],,- , ,|U, -led l o | „ seel. 1'w.dvc p l a y e r - w i r e g u , - - l - , , | h a n d e d I . . M a r e a r e l h o i i e l i ' s . 2S. w i n t'lirtlii" hi n u n ' s a l h l e l i e C o u n c i l , i l ,, p e l is in e h . n g e o l p b o i i i g l l i e u i • a n , a m , o l l b , i o n - .,1 c ,| •. " H i t n a n a - , u e a n i p u - , o m m i - i o m - r - .,.-. he I I , , I." \ \ , ih e - d . v evt n i n e . The | , o - | , d o n I he I . m l , t i n i,,..,,,I l o l b , he.ni-e p r i l l \ ' h u b u..-. a n , m e e d lis i a- k d .. r. ;,l t h e l o o t , , | i h , ;,,n: b o i u a s I ' | - , , | l , i . \.<i. !,.,-.] ,|b,,11 I,,.-,,; -be n i d i d FRATERNITY CONDUCT INITIATION MARCH —Evelyn t a x i s — E l e a n o r Snell, '29; decoratiotis- A. G. BLICHFELDT, P h G . (gut-ffirtri. JPntggtgt PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 373 Madison Ave., Cor. Dove Albany, N . Y. ::;';;';':£;ir;,,!-''lV;S2''''£::;:: (oaiuiiia chap K b u w i l l e o n d u i i ii - o u ^iz?r£:r ' ^"^''^ICLASSICAL 1 ,„• rum •;:;"•!•,i;:;';;„;:N"n:;t;;:, •,; INITIATE CLUB WILL I WEDNESDAY t h e p l a n s a r e a r r a n g e m e n t . - l o r a l o r | ( |.. —,. ,,| r l u l i h bled il- plan- ] 111:11 d i n n e r a i a d o w n t o w n h o p m e m b e r s at i The comiuillee ill chare "I"' -I o ' c l o c k W . din -da e v e n t - i - : ( , . l . a V c r n e C a n . '_ !•'. I l e r n e v , _"). a n d H o w , , . , I I . ( , . . l l . \ \:, ' ( '.j., „ " " y p \ ' j ' , p'],.' j L" " t ' j ,','• ' eh'ai'i m a n ' '-' s ! l - ' o l l o w i n g Ihe i n i l i a l i o n I n . k ' i c h a r d 1 '"•• Stale I ollege chapter w a s . , „ , , | „ , , , | ,,, p,,,,,, ,1,.,,-,,-iMienl. w i l l f o u n d e d i n J u n e . I ' M - I l was the [ _ , , , . , , ] , ' | he lueelillg i- imp, a lai.i t h i r d , t h e nlier two being M p h a at I •,,-,-',„ , ' | j M L , p, \|-ni,,ii (, / , - , ''X M i i l d l e b u r y c o l l e g e , a n d Mela at f o r V l i o - e joining .'in: Mice! Dasie-. j |,|, p ; i |; |'a-nian, bdilh I aw r, nee, nell llliiversily. lernitj h a - i n s t a l l e d c h a p l e i - ,,i ( ' o l gate university , the I k i l n c h a p l i r: \ | j | , ... I',, i \ \ l i i n . -, .plo ' : , - PRACTICE ci^ersjiV of^.Vi.:::;r;;; •"n;' "• M II, I I I I \ er-ilN o i M II l i i g a u , A n n Arbor; \ n . I'niwr-il\ ol Indiana. 111. inglon; \ i , ( , d l o College, M a i n e ; U m i c r o i i . f e l l e s b u r g cdl,•_-,-, I eiiu-slsania; Klio. I.aiiisellc u n i s i r s i t s , E a s t , u i . I ' , i n , - ; , b a u i a , a n d a , hap ter at l i t l l l e i l l l i i s e i - i l s . I n d i a n a \ r l l i u r M . O i l m a n . ,,| Si-belie, l a d s . is n a t i o n a l p r e - i , | , - u l , u i h e i r a i e i n i l s 36 STUDENTS VISIT SCIENCE LABORATORIES six luelllb, I oi less ol whl, h will be I I I , 111 lo III go. - I -ll.il belli • all, l loi \li.e, pupil- ,- .a. !h' b, II \\ , do d I alls I I - . , I, Can you d o w h a t o t h e r s h a v e d o n e ? Bo l b , -llli and lb. so I l o all aliiphb, , I In ,ll . p b l - i m ol ll.e haul p.,do i . i l . i . i l . w f r e , | l l e l l , s o l l b , . . i i n . l i s . , , , Mm l-eproilii, iug l b , m i Il d p i o d l l , i l l g l h , m e I, I , C I , l e d b. phono bin, I lii , bib w a - i . . n u n . i t . in b . i n g a b b l o see a n d h i . phono lilm K o l u , I l l l a g c . all a l u m m i - ,,l M a l e . sang. H e is i . , l , ,1 a.- i h e b e s l r a d i o a i m , a m , cr i l l i h e , i . u u l i t b e i n g a n n o u n c e r a n d d i r e c l o i o l \M>\ al Schema lads a n d i h e -lalloii al (lakland, ( aliloinia. If you have intelligence and ambition . . . you can make us pay you well all summer. $50 to $75 per week. $200 to $400 per month. Even more, perhaps. Anil \.hile we give you everything to help you earn, your own spirit is the greatest factor in the measure of your suece-i-i. Our proposal to you is a simple one. i- calls for work on your part . . . and a check to you for your profits every week till summer. But the work ' s f''r ' r o m drudgery and carries with it '' vacation flavor. You travel . . . meet 'lew people, see new places. Your companions are congenial teachers. Your service' is a dignified professional one. The fiouse you represent has a nationwide reputation in its held. Answer that que-,i ism. J Inn you'll know. For if you have the same inrr-llige: ,.e a,id ambition as hundreds of other normal s. liuol mil. in- ami women teachers, why can't you, all summer long, also cam S-iO lo $75 eat Ii week? Beyond thai ; ,re you free to travel this summer? D o you like to sn- iiev, ;,!,,„. ., m.vt ne'.s' people? Does $50, $75 or more each we. k, all njiiimer, appeal lo you as worth while earning? Are Facts about the Flouse of Compton you anxioii'j t , fi,.ve in, ney, to build ;i bank account? Can you (.'.,.ii/)/,m's IIIIMI .mil exclusively uccnlty tlieu „uil l,„lU,,„l, /.ut.ir.J ulimw /lioousss r I.1M1 ll.'.l ill smile while you are working at a rather trying problem? Have JWI H ymrs ,,j it«iilvur.mi|/i-17 I'.an.li „|)i,-..> you ai. I- , • , ' , , , . •:"", "drive" and any individuality? Have you in I' S' -/•'„„,,:., ,.,.•,', s in K.IBI.1,1.1. lt,d<. 'South ,-l|ru,i. Au-t,al<<. /'Inli/.|.iii« 7>./,.„<(s. the eour.-. >' I •' ; "' "ll --be can i'o it so can I"? Would you enjoy „,.J i '..„.. .'„ Membe, N„li,„„.l (I.II.T Buitneu /iun'ua -/!„», m . . ..t.'.is UWI.IWKI tier ).',,r tr.o 'line e.l! I'II'.I: ei- long with li'muds—congenial teacher compaii e '! . . . ' "i, • ' -—should be your re,uly answer, Then se, .1 • ,- o I .•; • Compton's travel-and-make-money This coupon brings the details, Senditt.owl down - p e a k , I. V\ %,i o.V'^V' ; ;'< ' v '*•»•$$!*' ' ; /1 x if.^'T ;/ V; \ P'-; \ fi k a -ie I wo isp, o l ba.d |„ak., a , , now in Use m I I I . l a b o l a l o , , < li.e I l b , Cone S ^M f •;m in e . b d I II, ie oil,, , i , i d i . . . oi aim,on,IIIII ,|,,,pbi.,n, ;il ' Ie l i m n . I, , . W i l l i l b , 1,1 I, , a h l l a l . si, HoI. I. Willi icon! i n , I l i e ,11, b i l l I In i o i a n e l e e l i i . a l p i , I. u p s h n I s, s l b , '$\ )im> To normal school students and women teachers whose school-time f(^;,|x\, earnings sullice for a summer of vacation leisure... this message may i'<'•'?•'•' W% have no appeal. For this oiler deals with earning money in a happy : W*fc i\•' C"^ w a y t ' 1 ' s summer...more money than the classroom can provide. LIBRARY 1 h, m i - U S c l u b visited Ihe l . e i n r a l l h , I n , , oiu p a i n l a b o i a l o i ,,•-. I i i.!..-.. I n t e l , - l i n g t h i n g - v\ei, -, , n. o i i l s a TE enjoy a.projit&ble summer ] ] - | p l o n the f o l l e e e l i b i a r \ before 1 g i u u g an-, „ - - i ; ; u n i , I., - " i - I be ads ice ' ,,, \ | , - \ l i . . - K u k p a i i i c k . m-iru.lor ! in l i b e r , , i c n e - . l o p r a c l u a- I. . „ h e r • I !-, : , -,.u, l b , b i n irs m.is | i n a k , ., d i l l c , , u, e i n t lie oi ig ilia I p l a i i j |'o , , | | n i , an b „ . l . o i ei i h e b o o k - !•• l |, I ,. i \ l i b u H i g h p u p i l - | , , b, lb, pin -i t . - ! • , , I.,I ( in,- ssa- an , s h i l i ihe , s o l u i i o i , iI „ n l r a d i o l u b e - - h i r e l'»l.l i ange f r o m 2 i n , In l o ,i t,-> i i n length. I here m.is c, i h e l i i - l pi! u e,l l o i l a d l o 1, b p b o i i s I " lueeii Scllelie, lads a m i I'm- Ink! in I'll | h w a - l l - e d .,hllal b, i in.i, lion m i l l an U \ l.-i o n alternator I be l a i g e s l P h o l o , Ie, i n , , , II i n l h , ssoihl w a - madni l b , l a b o i a l o i i , T i n - c e l l is -,, d , l n a , t h a i ., Inn v n , p a - s i u g hi iss, , ll it an,I t h e , , m , , i I lighl i - s i i l l n ii , sin, ui-l, ni iucaiide-.eeiil ,onne,led i s i l h n lis ii-iiig ihe pi ,I..ni. , , II u I- , „ , s i b l e I,, , „ • , m a t , Is i n , a ill, ..nd i . I I h e .,i I ,,1 , 1 . : b e l l i h i - , 1 - , . u-, Your opportunity this summer is "greater t(\an ever before. TEACHERS INVESTIGA m,< TldllS Students andTeacherslastlkr Am, Travel - and- earn- S T ; . m , S suae;i-oiieie:'i-T:,: LIBRARIAN SUGGESTS umvc^ly^bUa.'K^kueirunnem;,:: d •161000 plan I'm,In, ml ami ,lii.l nl,nl,-,I mi .1,1 i l l c . l l I . . m i l l i o n s . |),uln id.uly riallv mnl l e . o l o ,:- the public welcome.I gen i l l .ill llllie.-,. BOULEVARD DAIRY CO., Inc. i i I Ibiid S n , ,-i, Albany, N T,.|,-pl,„„c We.sl V. I I N • .c ly ,:, h i I i s o u . P e n n i t i . To e r siitnnK.r-time positions—We train you free While you pr. p; re I ) c m . , , we pay you. Train you at our . xpeiihe uo ih t y.ai can succeed in major measure. Send the coupon f.'n" the facts in detail. Send it today for territories are being set aside right nose. To bent servo your own interests you should have had 2 years oi Normal work or teaching experience. Now . . . mail ihe coupon fur our enure proposal, F . E. C O M F T O N 8C C O M P A N Y Eitabl ilu-J Itiiii i J000 N . Dearborn St., Chicago F. E. C O M P T O N & C O M P A N Y I V p i . t i S , |i)i)i; ,\'. I ) e . n h . , , i i Si., Chicatju Guiillwiiuni I'lea-i.' bend me Ireu, and abaolulslv v.alhout obligaliun on my nan. your summer Vacanon and Muiiey earning Plan, My N a m e Cpllcge or Nortr.fcl Years i l iruuiini;. J uill u w h i i i t f id My ixitineri i - J have had sdiueil eloiiuij. M P ' ' "" ' ' " • ' Ago Ad.liesa years p | leaehtog B*|wiu:n.». Mv STATE COLLEGE JSTEWS, MARCH 2, 1928 NEWS COPIES SENT TO CONTEST HEADS ANNOUNCE PLEDGES AND NEW MEMBERS OF NINE SORORITIES Delta Omega welcomes into DORMITORY LIFE IS TREAT, SAYS GERVIN full PEDAGOGUE 547 PAID OBTAINS PLEDGES, GRIFFIN ANNOUNCES Five hundred forty-seven Pedagogue pledges have been paid up to Tuesday membershipi Dorothy Abrams, l i e t l y " C h a n c e To Broaden C o n t a c t , " Columbia Press A s s o c i a t i o n afternoon, according to Francis E. llurdett, Arclltli Down, Helen HenMerril-Palmer Student To Announce Winner Griffin, '2H, business manager. About derson, Jewel Johnson, (Catherine W r i t e s In Letter March 9 fifty pledges now remain unpaid, Norn's, Betty M. Schrauth, Smith. Ethel CLASS OF 1927 GIVES NEARLY $200 TO FUND The class of 1927 has contributed $189.80 to the fund started in 1919 for an athletic field for State College. T h e iumi now amounts to more than $3,00(1. " I n a few weeks, the finance board will make its report on the athletic field fund.," Professor Clarence A . Hidlcy, chairman of the finance board, announced lodav. This \ear very few extra copies of "The opportunities for meeting i n teresting people and above all the the Pedagogue have been ordered. LACK SYSTEMATIC STUDY social life in I lie dormitories" are the"Besides the regular subscriptions, we University of Minnesota — College two phases of life at the Detroit Merril are ordering about forty complimen- women do mil know how to study. So Palmer school of h e economics, tary copies and only a few extra ones," say ihe members of the physical educaleparlnienl afler interviewing 100 most enjoyed by Esther l.uyster, '28, Beatrice Wright, '28, editor-in-chief, li freshmen women. Systematic studying and Altina Girvin, '2H, who are study- said today. habit- were noticeably lacking among Several of the pledge delinipienling there this semester, according to freshmen living al home. "They spend letters recently received by Professor arc paying on the installment plan. loo much time talking over the telephone The winner w i l l be announced at the Gamma Kappa Phi welcomes into Florence E. Winchcll, head of (he iver design tins is an im- or running lo answer the d •bell."—7Vic convention of the press group, Friday full membership, Emma Hates, Doro- home economics department,' under Usually striking one and is in keeping ('uiiipii.i. and Saturday, March 9 and 10. thy Burclick, F.lsic Duteher, Edna Mac whose auspices the two Stale repre- with the general ibenie ol the public,, COLLEGES I XCHANGE ACTORS Delegates who will represent the Fitzpatrick, Doris Gallup, freshmen; lion, according lo Miss W r i g h t . The sentatives are sent. Because feminine men and masculine State College paper are: Miss Higgins; Dorothy Hartman, '30; and Elizabeth " D o r m i t o r y life is indeed such a name of the owner upon I he c m r will -A'.men are scarce at Amherst College Miss {Catherine E. Saxton, business Katttler, Emily Leek and Keneatta Miller, freshmen. complete the design, So far 127 stu aid Smith College respectively, Ihe two great satisfaction and real treat", Miss manager; Miss Elizabeth LJhctteplacc, (iervill write-. " \ \ e are grouped in ib ills have signed on the bulletin in-1 il lit ii JII> have arranged a successful associate managing editor, and William Chi Sigma Theta welcomes into full means of ro operation. \ \ hen the clraboard for the inscriplions. M. French, managing editor. membership: Mary Dyer, '.10, andsmall units of a dozen or so and n i . r c -oeiety of either school has need Seniors w h,, ha\e in.) r, turned lb, ir " I one of the opposite sex in one of its Broderi'ck, Doris Butler, mingle with g i r b ir rolleee- a.I Both sectional and general meetings Catherine Constance dc Guzman, .Alice Fasoldl. over the I 'nited Stall . lliu-. enjoj ing blanks for their w rite ups in the Led.; play- die other school supplies the charhave been scheduled by Joseph M. Margaret Hickey. Catherine Eee, Clara gogue and Ihose who h a w not yel acter. Success has made itself evident Murphy, secretary of the association, Lyons, Elizabeth Moriarity, brand's opportunities for mam broadening and interesting contacts willi dilTerent had their piclun - taken .,1 the ' Iben and instructor in history at Hunter ( Onion, ('arol Sinnott, freshmen. people and \ iew poiul -". Xo I wo girls college. A n open meeting ol all the Beta Zeta welcomes into full mem Mowed I. this nexl week, M i s , \ \ righl -aid lo delegates has been called for Friday hersbip: Elaine Barber, Marion Dillen day. Ili.it is p o - i l h e h ihe last dale ro together morning at ten o'clock. beck, Marjorie Dunham. Marion Od upon wlii, h Ihe photograph- ma\ be new Irieiidshii he association is national in sco| .•II, Ruth Kelsey, Carolyn Kcllcy taken, -he d e l ; , r e d . ClIOIls and hundrers of newspaper, magazines' Mildred Hall, W'ilma haul, V'ida Frey and news-magazines are entered in the I IViscilhi Hamniersley, Marion Dowries, K r i , „ , HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE TRAINER AT UNIVERSITY . , , , . • ire-limeii, and Katlierme I lannnerslcv. u contest each year. Membership i s | . , ^ Amy R e , k - i i e u . ' I d , is acting AND M i s s ( , , 1 II interesting open for all papers published by THUR., FRI., SAT. teacher trainer at i lit- I 'nivi isil.\ ,.: MAR. 1-2-3 • e II i o -, • i 11 I 'i Alpha Tan welcomes into full i vin " •ntioils, the : kindergartens, primary schools, junior • OVA. WOMAN 10 ANOIIIICIf D, I.,ware al New,ok, i n laware. Willi FLORENCE VIDOR and senior high schools, normal membership: Lillian h'isher. Flizabeth j (he us., m ihe \ , TllfcO VON ELTZ Jacobs,,,,, Elizabeth Kroncnberg, Syl L | l i r | | |. | s , V l . ,,.-., . J. COLE IS HOSTESS schools and teacher college.-.. MON., TUES., WED. via Mulwitz, F.va Schwart and lulia . ' ' .' '. MAR. 5-6-7 Rose Rigouard. e\ Mil, wa- a week lak A,;i, ni •IRI':\Lll DRESSING'' Special meetings at the convention D ^ . ^ f r i . s | „ m . n , The formal initiation ' • '' M" " end gin si ol ( ,ene\ ieve I 'ole, '2'). at with LOIS WILSON will be for faculty advisers of the and bani|uel was held at the New { < Ihe \lpha Rho holl-e. And a .-tnr Cusl Miss (, papers which have faculty advisers or Keumore hotel Sunday evening Ihe ell censors. Since the STATE COI.I.ECE NEWS Phi Delta welcomes into full mem DIRECTION STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERICA liniie for i four months id will has no faculty adviser, it will not be |„.,-,|ii|i: Gladvs Bassett and Marion C~\ MARK f~>. __. _ _ the Detroit ,ol I'llCN represented officially at this meeting. || H .|< S , sophomores: Anna Criukshauk, ,'he delegates may attend, however, | ) „ m t b v James. I'.dith lames. D o r o l l n are stmi\ ing cour >•- u ,1 de-.elo,, as prospective advisers to high school | |<|j, u . ; m ( | Katherinc Kreiiger, fresh- uieiil. homo HI.iking child can publications, j men. Each year the attendance at the j ._. WEEK OF MAR. 5 and nutrition class., i,,r foreign born. WEEK OF MAR. 5 sessions has grown. Founded in 1925, | Alpha Kho welcomes into full mem This work i- a -ubstilille for the secthe association has enlarged its scope | , r r . . | | j | , : Ruth Wesley, '2K; Wihna ond semester's work al Sl.,le I ..liege Richard Barthelraess Monte Blue until it is now national in character, j Adams, '.id: Mildred Cook, Ml); Evelyn ill ihe home ec, mi, - dej ,n tiueut and During its first year, it was ouK l o r . | . ; v a l l S i •}]• M;,\ine Robinson, 'M; Miss l.uvsler and Mi - l i e n in will in schools east of the Mississippi river. h ' a r o l v n Lilzgerald. Ml ; Mabel Squires, a.li receive B.S in horn, e c , [•• Papers from the Philippines and L ^ . | | , . ] , . M |{ o t j S f ' , j | ; : m , | | ) , i m K , ill lu\,c fidiil Slate I 'oil, '.'e. Hawaii are also listed in the enroll- \\\%. t 'ampbell, Ml'. merit. ANNOUNCES MARRIAGE The State College delegates expect ! | . ; , , s i | , , n Ii t -,- L phi welcomes into \lpha l-psilon Lhi aunoumes , ; „ • to leave early hriclay morning, in time pledge membership Marion Roberts. marriage oi Miriam I'oiii.-ra:,.-. , x to arrive in New York for the opening | ) ( i n , i h c a Carman, Mary Stuart. Lor Log.,,, of Beacon session of the congress. railie Ciishnian. '.Margarete h'reitag, 'jo, ,,, I),-, I,,,,,, ALSO OPERATING THE ALBANY Mollie Kaiilin.Hi, '20 and S.".,h N all', e, jtdadvs Newell, Nellie Corlen, Mildred '.ill were glle-ls al the w, ddine. AND REGENT THEATRES Copies of the STATE , COUKUK NEWS Smith, and Marion have been sent to the Columbia ScholI'si Gamma welcomes into full memastic Press association for entrance in bership Lucia Stephens, Alice Bennett, the annual contest sponsored by the Helen Campbell, Josephine I lowland, association, the NEWS board announced Martha I lowland, freshmen; and Elizabeth Rolfc, '2'), Twenty-one alumnae today, members of the sorority were present The newspaper w i l l be entered in the at the formal initiation Sunday afterteachers college-normal school class. noon at the sorority bouse. PROCTOR'S Grand STRAND * SORORITIES HOLD ENTERTAINMENT FOR FRESHMEN j: RTTZ ^Tbe Patept Leatber K i d " Across T b e Atlantic" LELAND CLINTON SQUARE j a ^ i a S S : M-UI' S'.hl% I, "r y u,u ""' lr, """,r"- SATURDAYj Ruth Wheelock, '29, Is Youngest ICighty freshman pledge- were ihe Co-ed With Only Five Birthdays Le 0!? ;> honor gllesls of eight of Stale's VM- I \\ ho i- Slat, '- \ o l l l l g . -1 Co e d II ///• iti- in- rir.u nous i/,•/ K \ on \ orilies in (be gymnasium Nutird.u Riuli k \ \ In , lock. '_";. , laiuis ihe afternoon, I lancing refreshments and bridgi were features of the program honor nd offer ,,iil.\ Ine b i r l l u l a j Keanor Welch, '20, was general chair ' man of the party. \ l s' 1. she w11 b, able lo wile The banners o't ihe eight Greek lei sill, e . e Will II. ve had 21 l.irllulayter organizations on the council wen hung on the walls of ihe g.\ iiiiiasiuiu lo III. 1 N.v LKONK The individual tables ol each soroi i l \ \ He Mi.in 7li.ll |,s Steuben SIcarried oul (he colors of Ihe org.mi/a j lion in floral decorations, u p c i s and minis. Music was furnished In Daw'. Similes' orchestra. The following roniinillces were in charge: arrangements, Marie HaG.o. MO, general chairinan, assisted h\ Roshn Chapman, ' 2 * ; b'lorcii. , Mori ler, '2K; Florence ( ook, •><>; ('alb.I dU STATIC STIIKKT A l-HA.V V. \ . \ . Dul'fey, '29; Alma Dolau. Mil; M a n j Nelson. MO, and S.ir.ih ^ all, .• ' in Mary Martin, MX, wa- i ban nun -a ihe refreshment - i on it, i II, assislants were: Margarel M . . burgh, '28; losephin, Waller, ' 2 " . Doris Mallorv, ' . " ' : Maii.ui h'ox. M'J. "POPULAR PRICED FOOTWEAR Anna Moore, Ml); D o n . t i n Rubin. '.ill and Margarel VVadswoith, Mil The general i hail man ol d. , oial • 54 North Pearl St. Alhanv, N. V ami (lowers was lane Formal.. I. '.til | She was assisted bv Clara \ an Link, ' Hagev, '-'8; Molhe Kauimaii, '2<J. \ l u , ' BAKER lienoil, MO; Klhel ( II,o i , , . '.in, Bealriee M c C a i t h j , Mil, and !• oheii,,, I Waikins, Mil The music C H I N n i l , , , .insisted ol 877 t o 885 Madison A v e . , A l b a n y , N . V. Nellie Fieldman, MM, general , hauniai, Pauline ( r o w ley, '28; \ ml, t pier, , . '28; Ruth G. Moore, '2K; Fleaiior \ ail, Branch Stores: '29; Alice Barber, '.ill; \ irginia Sluill. ., 206 Lurk Si,eel, Albany, N. Y. HHr> Mudiuon Ave., Albany, N. V MO, and Eleanor Stephenson, Mil. 20A Steuben Street, Albany, N. Y. I South Allen Si.. Albany, N. Y. 171 Central Avenue, Albany, N. Y. M 0 Quail Street, Albany, N. Y. FACULTY ENTERTAIN The women faculty members will S2 Fourth Street, Troy, N. Yentertain (lie wWe* of faculty member* from .1 to 5 o'clock Monday in Room "BUY BONNIE BREAD' 161. l/i'Mh: (>F FILM CLASSICS FMLISHF I'lcTlFKS C. H B U C K L E Y , O w n e r NOT VVl'KK NKXT WKKK with lidmund Lowe NEW YORK STATE NATIONAL BANK with Virginia Valli "We Sb;-we efcii Hearts 7 ' with Louise Fa/enda Understand Eyes" John W. Emery, Inc. A. HAGAMAN & CO. EYEGLASSES ".() N. I Van1 Si. Albany, N.Y. OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Nin.lcNis and ( oou/"> ,il l/i, Slide t 'nZ/cay /<n /'ca/iei.s' II ill I'c ui\ en •>/<,', ial ,i(i, iiiimi x yf'II , A „*• P - , .s Mills A r t Press 394-396 Broiulwuy Main 2287 r ^siaJ:,,^^^,