NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 49-14 ==================================================================== SUBJECT: Board Policies MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: September 2014 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Education/Community/Policy Committee RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of new Board Policy #4148 - Benefits Eligibility ==================================================================== BACKGROUND: In a continuing effort to identify the need for new policies as well as review and amend previously adopted Board Policies, the Education/Community/Policy Committee reviewed one (1) new policy in August 2014. This policy, which is being presented for the Board’s review and approval process, is: Board Policy #4148 – Benefits Eligibility DATE PREPARED: 8/6/14 gs /9/12/14-mpk NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 4148(a) PERSONNEL Support Staff Benefits Eligibility Definitions “Benefits” – medical insurance, prescription drug insurance, group life insurance, supplemental life insurance, short term disability insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance and flexible spending accounts. “New part-time employee” – an employee hired on or after November 1, 2014, who works, on average, less than thirty (30) hours per week. “Grand-fathered part-time employee” – an employee hired prior to November 1, 2014, who works between 500 and 899 hours per year. “New full-time employee” – an employee hired on or after November 1, 2014, who works, on average, thirty (30) hours or more per week. “Grand-fathered full-time employee” – an employee hired prior to November 1, 2014, who works, on average, twenty-five (25) hours or more per week. “Part-time benefits” – benefits provided to grand-fathered part-time employees with an employer contribution of 50% of the single coverage rate for the designated core medical plan. “Full-time benefits” – benefits provided to new full-time and grand-fathered full-time employees with an employer contribution as determined by the employer or collective bargaining agreement for the designated core medical plan and any other applicable insurance coverages. CONTINUED 4148(b) Benefit Eligibility Benefits for employees shall be determined in accordance with Board policy or resolution, the terms of an applicable collective bargaining agreement or individual contract, Federal law or State law. Effective November 1, 2014, newly hired employees must work, on average, a total of thirty (30) hours or more per week in order to be eligible for benefits. Employees hired on or after November 1, 2014, working an average of less than thirty (30) hours per week are not eligible for benefits described in the definitions section above. Grand-fathered full-time employees shall continue to be eligible for full-time benefits provided that they continue to work, on average, twenty-five (25) hours or more per week. Should the hours of the grand-fathered full-time employee drop below an average of twenty-five (25) hours per week, then the employee shall only be eligible for part-time benefits if the employee works 500 or more hours per year. A grand-fathered part-time employee, whose status changes, must meet the definition of a new full-time employee in order to be eligible for full-time benefits. Policy: Adopted: NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 54-14 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Hatfield Elementary School Renovations – Erosion and Sedimentation Change Order MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October/2014 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of Add Change Order # GC-2 for Lobar, Inc. for the Hatfield Renovations Project, at a change of contract amount of $0.00 for changes to the erosion and sedimentation requirements, as listed. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: The following Change Order was found necessary and is recommended for approval for the Hatfield Elementary Renovation Project: Lobar, Inc. Change Order # GC-2 $0.00 Change Order GC-2 is a zero dollar change order utilizing material allowances for changes to the erosion and sedimentation requirements. Revisions as documented by CMC Engineering, Inc. to the Civil Erosion and Sediment Control Drawings C106, C115, C116, C117 and C119 to accommodate additional Montgomery County Conservation District NPDES Review requirements and MCFPC landscaping requirements. Scope includes labor, material and equipment for modification of inlet protection, silt fence and change to silt sacks as reflected in Lobar, Inc. Change Request 0001 dated 7/22/2014 in the amount of $13,766.07. Deletion Material Allowances to offset COR 01 as follows: G6 Brick Re-Anchor Veneers $6,600 G6 remaining: $0 G8 Brick Repointing $7,166.07 G8 remaining: $6,833.93 Total Material Allowances Used for Change Order No. GC-2: Total General Contractor Material Allowance Balance: $13,766.07 $68,040.13 The Administration has reviewed and recommends approval of this change order. Original contract amount: Previously approved change orders: Amount of this change order: Revised contract amount: Lobar, Inc. $7,441,000.00 $ 3,469.20 $ 0.00 $7,444,469.20 G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2014 Agendas\October 16, 2014\Informational Sheets\IS_Hatfield_Reno_Lobar_ES_CO_2104Oct16 54-14.docx/tws NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 55-14 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Gwynedd Square Basketball Group – Facilities Use Proposal MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2014 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval to allow the Gwynedd Square Basketball Group use the Gwynedd Square gymnasium to play basketball through the 2014/2015 school year in accordance with School Board Policy 1330. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: Policy 1330, Use of Facilities and Equipment, establishes the process and procedures how outside groups are able to use or rent North Penn facilities. This policy establishes seven (7) different classes of use definitions. These classes range from district sponsored groups, local governmental groups, nonprofit groups, for profit commercial groups and a class for all other groups. The class for all other groups, Class 7, does not outline fees and requires that the Board of School Directors to approve the use and establish the fee for the group. We have been requested to bring forth to the Board a request from a group of residents to use the Gwynedd Square gymnasium on Monday and Wednesday evenings (when available) at a rate of $25.00 per evening for the period starting November through June. The group has provided a liability insurance policy quote and is willing to provide a certificate of insurance and a list of all persons partaking in the facility use. The district will require that North Penn School District be named as an additional insured. The Administration and the Support Services Committee have reviewed and recommended approval of this request. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2014 Agendas\October 16, 2014\Informational Sheets\IS_GSBasketball_FacilityUse_proposal_Oct2014 5514.docx/tws NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 56-14___ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Agreement with the Architect for the Secured Entrance Project MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2014 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: In order to formalize our agreement with Bonnett Associates Incorporated (Architect) and the North Penn School District (Owner) for the Secured Entrances Project, a Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect (AIA Document B104/2007) has been drafted. The draft agreement shows the Secured Entrance project at a fee of 7.6% of construction cost plus reimbursable expenses. It is the recommendation of the administration that the subject agreement between Owner and Architect be approved. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect with Bonnett Associates Incorporated, for the Secured Entrance Project as listed. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2014 Agendas\October 16, 2014\Informational Sheets\IS_Agreement_Bonnett_SecuredEntrances 56-14.docx/tws NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 57-14 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Energy (Natural Gas and Electricity) Transaction Confirmation MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2014 INITIATED BY: Tom Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend ratification of the electricity and natural gas transactions with Direct Energy Business for electricity and natural gas services for all current North Penn School District accounts, as listed. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: On September 11, 2014 electricity and natural gas were locked with Direct Energy Business for the quantities and months listed below: Electricity Procurement 100% of the electricity for winter 2015 – January 2015 to March 2015 at $0.06728/kWh 50% of the electricity for summer 2015 – April 2015 to October 2015 at $0.06513/kWh Natural Gas Procurement 100% of the natural gas for winter 2015 – January to March 2015 at $4.02/MMBTU. A copy of the electricity and natural gas transaction confirmations are attached. The Administration and the Support Services Committee have reviewed and recommend ratification of these transactions. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2014 Agendas\October 16, 2014\Informational Sheets\IS_NatGas_Power_DE_2014Oct 57-14.docx/tws NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: __58-14____ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Extra Duty Clubs and Positions - Additions - 2014-15 MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2014 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Education/Community/Policy Committee RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of establishing a Robotics Club that is open to all secondary students in the North Penn School District. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: A district-wide organization is being proposed for the purpose of inspiring students’ interests in science and technology. This organization would reestablish a Robotics club and would be available for membership to students in middle school and high school. Organization recommended for official status: Robotics Club This district-wide organization would provide students in middle school and high school the opportunity to pursue their interest in science and technology through a robotics program. The organization would be affiliated with the FIRST – For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology – Organization, an international youth organization that conducts the FIRST Robotics Competition, FIRST LEGO League, Junior FIRST LEGO League, and FIRST Tech Challenge competitions. Through this program, students would be able to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to design and construct a competitive robot. Teams would participate in the FIRST Robotics Competition sponsored by the FIRST Organization. It is recommended that the Robotics Club be granted official status and to add the associated new extra duty position in Group 2 with an approximate stipend of $2,014. [1 position] DATE PREPARED: 10/1/14 H: extra duty/information sheet/ 10-1-14/mpk NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: ___59-14___ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: 2014-15 ASSIGNMENTS - EXTRA DUTY MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2014 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Board Leadership RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of additions and changes to extra duty assignments for the 2014-15 school year. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: GROUP EXPERIENCE SALARY 4 2 A A $3,695.00 $2,014.00 3 3(½) 3(½) A A G $3,024.00 $1,512.00 $2,169.00 FROM: Richard Swanker, Assistant Coach – Girls’ Winter Track TO: Brandon Turner, Assistant Coach – Girls’ Winter Track 3 A $3,024.00 FROM: Todd Gibson, Assistant Coach – Boys’ Water Polo TO: Jeff Faikish, Assistant Coach – Boys’ Water Polo (pro-rated stipend) 3 D $2,876.04 FROM: Todd Gibson, Ski and Board Club TO: Rebecca Glick-Luby, Ski and Board Club 2 A $2,014.00 FROM: Marjorie Diegue, African American Club TO: Dannette Strader, African American Club 2 A $2,014.00 FROM: Brendan Larkin, Assistant Coach – Football 7/8 TO: Justin Liss, Assistant Coach – Football 7/8 2 A $2,014.00 FROM: Patrick Brett, Student Exchange Advisor TO: Andrew Baker, Student Exchange Advisor 2 A $2,014.00 Rebe Williams, Band Front Instructor 2 G $3,322.00 RECOMMENDATIONS NPHS PB, PD, PF Patrick Brett, Assistant Coach - Boys Basketball Justin Hall, Robotics Club Jennifer Hewson, Color Guard Instructor Kayleigh Blutgen, Color Guard Instructor Eric Kitchenman, Color Guard Instructor CHANGES NPHS RECISSION PF DATE PREPARED: 10/7/2014 INTRAMURALS NPHS Gwyn-Nor Hatfield Kulp Montgomery Penndale UNITS EXPERIENCE STIPEND Debra Buckner, Fall Show Co-Director & Choreographer James Overholtzer, Fall Show Light Designer Ken Gerges, Fall Show Asst. Tech Director Sally Kauffman, Fall Show House Manager & Ticket Assistant Sally Kauffman ,House Manager Spring Musical Judy McGuriman, Ticket Manager Fall Show Judy McGuriman, Ticket Manager Spring Musical 5 3 3 6+ 6+ 6+ $1,165.00 $ 699.00 $ 699.00 2.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 2 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ 557.50 557.50 334.50 557.50 Kathy Henderson, Jump Rope Club Kim Cusano, Safety Patrol Debbie Williams, Safety Patrol Annette Sailer, Student Council Julie Szuchan, Student Council Debbie Williams, Math 24 Club Jon Winkle, Math 24 Club Kathy Henderson, March Madness 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.5 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 116.50 174.75 174.75 174.75 174.75 233.00 233.00 349.50 Jennifer Ball, March Madness Barbara McNamara, Safety Patrol Kimberly Bainbridge, Student Council Sunny Blansett, Math 24 Sharon Milks, TV Club Casey Scullin, TV Club Kimberly Bainbridge, Girls Friendship Game 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0 0 2 4 1 1 0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 210.00 210.00 223.00 228.00 105.00 105.00 210.00 Jennifer Lyon, Student Council Lisa Connolly, Student Council Stephanie Blaney, Dance Club Karen Saldutti, Yearbook Cathy Pierce, Knitting Club Rosa Apple, Math 24 Club Brad Carroll, Intramural Basketball Mike McNerney, Robotics Club Kristen Meitzler, Softball 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 3 3 6+ 6+ 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 116.50 116.50 116.50 116.50 111.50 111.50 116.50 116.50 111.50 Marisa Green, Student Council Brynn Gustie, Student Council Toby Sterling, Student Council Jessica Klein, Reading Olympics Jeff Eshleman, March Madness Jeff Eshleman, Safety Patrol Lisa Morelli, Math 24 Sue Raggazino, Math 24 0.75 0.5 0.75 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 1 3 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 167.25 105.00 167.25 233.00 116.50 116.50 116.50 116.50 Matthew Wendell, Ski & Snowboard Club Joseph DiSiro, Ski & Snowboard Club Dan Grunmeier, Weightlifting Club Laura Connors, Cross Country 5.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 6+ 3 1 4 $ 1,165.00 $ 446.00 $ 420.00 $ 912.00 INTRAMURALS UNITS EXPERIENCE STIPEND Pennfield David Orehowsky, Bucks-Mont Honors Band David DiValentino, Bucks-Mont Honors Band Amy Duberville, Ski Club Susan Young, Ski Club John Galuchie, Ski Club Jennifer Dillon, Reading Olympics Elaine Miller, Reading Olympics Jerry Kerzmann, Cross-Country Club Nanette Velayos, Art Club Jaime Standen, Volleyball Alex Hoffman, Volleyball Alex Hoffman, Chess Club Alex Hoffman, Comic Book Club Rena Clayton, Thespians Club Kari Anderson, Comic Book Club Nannette Velayos, Mural Painting Club 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6+ 6+ 2 5 4 6+ 1 4 2 2 1 1 0 6+ 0 0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 233.00 233.00 446.00 228.00 228.00 233.00 210.00 456.00 223.00 223.00 210.00 420.00 210.00 233.00 210.00 210.00 Oak Park Amy Walter, Enact Jennifer Sweeney, Enact Tina Zisk, Reading Olympics Jennifer Loving, Reading Olympics 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 6+ 6+ 4 1 $ $ $ $ 466.00 349.50 456.00 315.00 Pennbrook Jesse Clancy, Volunteer Corp Katie Kuhner, Volunteer Corp Renee DiDomizio, Art Club Anne Pearcey, Art Club Nicole Pickersgill, Ski & Board Club Jessica Koffel, Ski & Board Club Tim Schindele, Photography Club Carol Ward, Talent Show Tim Schindele, Talent Show Shari Cassel, Reading Olympics Running Club, Jesse Clancy Scott McGowan, Talent Show Jen Seiler, Dance Team Cheryl Doyle, Baking Club Louann Moos, Baking Club Amanda Christmen, Dance Team Matt Olinick, Ultimate Frisbee Nick Lorenzo, TV Club Matt Olinick, Games Club Denise Helsel, Adventure Club Nicole Pickersgill, Adventure Club Chris Lucas, March Madness Dennis Cligget, Volleyball Club Josh Krall, Dodgeball Club 2.5 2.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6+ 3 6+ 6+ 6+ 1 1 6+ 4 6+ 4 0 3 0 0 1 1 3 2 6+ 1 1 1 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 582.50 557.50 233.00 233.00 582.50 210.00 210.00 233.00 228.00 466.00 456.00 210.00 223.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 223.00 223.00 223.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00