r ^CmAH S-en/uiea. Li E APE Americans ,Vol. X I X , N o . 1 5 Largest Weekly for Public Employees Tuesday, December 24,1937 dKOO A A request that the cut o f f date whole problem of personal leave, f o r use of personal leave be ex- including a method of getting unitended for at least three months f o r m Interpretation of such leave. was made by the Civil Service E m Conflicting interpretations in ployees Association in a meeting various State agencies has caused with the State Civil Service Com- considerable confusion among emmussloti In Albany. ployees, the Association reports. T h e Association request was Some institutions, for instance, based on reports of increasing con- honor a request to use personal fusion in various state agencies leave without question. Others over interpretation of application have been reported to demand written reasons for using personal of personal leave. Under present Attendance Rules, leave and then granting or not the cut off date f o r using such granting such leave following their Interpretation of these reasons. leave Is Jan. 3, 1958. Such variance in interpretation has caused some employees d i f f i culty in using their leave. For this reason and because of the need for a uniform interpretation of use of personal leave, the Association requested the cut off date to be extended until the matter can be cleared up. Western Conference Greetings N T NOIIVXS ANV^TV lO.LIdVD ii3A'.vaa 0 d WldlVO P r i c e 1 0 CeniB Assn. Seeks Extension Of Personal Leave Use; Cites 'Confused Interpretation' Following a lengthy meeting on the subject, the Commission announced it had taken the request under advisement. W h i l e no decision was announced, the Commission declared that at its January meeting it would take up not only the exten.sion of the cut off date but would also consider the It AHN3H if/on See Page 3 d Payment ot Ketroactive Social Security Coverage A Must, Says Lefkowitz A L B A N Y , Dec. 23 — All public T h e opinion was given to the employees in New Y o r k State who Comptroller in response to his reare given retroactive coverage un- quest to the Attorney General for der Social Security are required construction of 1957 amendments to pay the employees' contribu- to the Retirement and Social Setions f o r such retroactive coverage, curity L a w relating to Federal Old Attorney General Louis J. L e f - Age and Survivors Insurance. kowitz said in an opinion f o r Some Have No Choice warded to State Comptroller A r T h e Attorney General also ruled theur Levitt. I f necessary, the amount of the that state and local public e m retroactive coverage should be ob- ployees who are not members of tained by their employers through any retirement system are repayroll deductions because a pub- quired by Chapter 776 of the Laws lic employer is not authorized to of 1957 to be covered under Social assume and pay an employee's Security as a group, with no individual choice as to whether they contributions for him. Institution Teachers Rate Same Pay, Work Year As In Other Systems, Says CSEA are to be so covered or whether their coverage is to be retroactive. This coverage on a group basis is the only type of coverage permitted by the Federal law for nonmembers of public retirement systems. Also from now on, Social Security coverage is a condition of employment and must be paid. T h e Declaration of Desire for Social Security Coverage executed by a member of the New Y o r k State Employees' Retirement System contains a sufficent authorization for transfer f r o m his retirement annuity account of the sum necessary to pay his retroactive Social Security contributions if he has not paid them in any other way, the Attorney G e n eral said. Payroll Deduction Idea Where an employee is a m e m ber of the Retirement System but has insufficient funds in his annuity savings account to pay the amount due f r o m him for retroactive coverage, the difference may be obtained through payroll deductions, the opinion states. A L B A N Y , Dec. 23 — Proposed all teachers on a uniform work creation of an additional grade year. M r . Powers indicated that for State institutional teachers re- should this mean that the work ceived the support of the Civil year of employees now working 10 Service Employees Association in a months be increased to 11 months, Attorney General Lefkowitz sugmeeting with the State Civil Com- such action could hardly be congested that In all cases the mission here last week. sidered a step toward placing these amounts f o r retroactive coverage A i m of the Association is to get teachers on a par with their pub- be deducted in "reasonable sums Institutional teachers on a par lic school colleagues, or in aiding spread over a number of payroll with teachers in the public school the State's recruitment program. periods." system—both on a salary and a working condition basis. I n presenting arguments to support the proposal the Association pointed out that the 500 teachers working In State institutions have varying work years—some working 10 months and others 11. Both groups receive the same pay, h o w ever. Because of the special skill and devotion to service required f o r institutional teaching, the Association reminded the Commission there is a shortage of such personnel due to the competition f r o m public schools, where the inducements are higher. T o rectify this situation and place institutional teachers on the professional level where they belong, the Association supported the recommendation that a new grade—at least Grade 15—be established to which teachers with master's degrees could be allocated and urged the establishment of a work year comparable to that in the public and private schools. ^Ms/ G^Ju4tma6 tUm Ain^, (2Kd t/(e nimt I n a letter to the Commission, John F . Powers, president of the CSEA, said he understood the Commission was planning to place siM/^itndi, M OMcl MzuA, jOijU tAc4 td- ^0(1. MERRY CHRISTMAS • HAPPY NEW Y E A R IVESTEra: NEW YORK CONFFRENCE Members of the C S E A Western Conference designed this c a r d to send their best wishes to all during the holiday season. Assistants Named For Community Relations A L B A N Y , Dec. 16 — T h e State Public Works Department has named three community relations assistants for district offices In Babylon, Binghamton and Albany. T h e new appointees are Paul H. Elisha of Bayville: Philip J. Coyle of Dryden and Samuel Mariak of Hudson. Metro Employment Salutes Double Birthday A double birthday will be cele- event and announces that G o v e r nor Harrlman, State officials, leaders f r o m the Legislature and tan chapter. Division of EmployAssociation officials have been i n ment, of the Civil Service Employvited to attend. Others wishing to ees Association. join the celebration may do so by On that date, 20 years ago, making reservations not later nearly 500 employees who are still than Jan. 10 through contacting with this Division started their Marie Doyle at 582 Pulton St., Brooklyn. Tickets are $3.25. careers with New Y o r k State. I n T h e event will fall on the 75th recognition of this long and deanniversary of the creation of civil voted service, State Labor C o m - service, as well. missioner Isadore Lubin will prebrated Jan. 16 by the Metropoli- sent these employees with 20-year service pins. I n addition. It will be 20 years, as of Jan. 1, since this Division Vehicle Inspectors Mourn Two Leaders The Public Service Motor started payment of unemployment hicle insurance benefits. Civil Service Employees Inspector's chapter of Vethe Associa- Both events will be toasted at a tion lost two of its most honored cocktail party f r o m 4 to 6 P.M. in members within four days t h l i the Belmont Plaza Hotel In New month. Y o r k City. T h e party will be preHenry J. Lang who served eight ceded by the presentation of pins terms as chapter secretary and at 2 P.M. Grace Nulty is chairman of the treasurer died December 5. On December 8 Joseph J. Lettis, chapter president for seven term* and chairman of the chapter e x ecutive committee for flfteea years, died. to help you g»t a Ughar gtadt ON civil $»rvle* t«$ff may bo Resolutions of sympathy w e r « Exam Study obtained $fare, 97 at Tho Dvano Books Loader Stratf, Book- Now York 7, N, r . Pbono orders aeeoptod. Call Ktkman 2.6010. For list ot iomo current titles soo P a g o 10. adopted by the chapter and delegations attended the services. T h e chapter charter will be draped I n mourning for Mr. Lettis and Mr, Lang. Fourteen Fields of Federal Seryice Currently Open: 129B. CLINICAL SOCIAL paying $7,570 and $8,990; May 13. Apply to the 1 .S. Civil Service Commission, 641 Washington W O R K E R , $4.525-$8,990. Positions 123B. CONSTP.UCTION INStreet, New York 14. N. Y., for nre with the Veterans Administra- SPECTOR. ELECTRICAL EQUIPtion. Closing date for positions MENT INSPECTOR, MECHANIthese jobs: CAL EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT I N SPECTOR. $4,525-$7,570. Jobs are with the Department of the Army in foreign countries. 10-1-4 (57). ENGINEER (all branches), $4,480-$6,115. Jobe are Christmas Greetings We i May extend our host ivith the our infant bless you you idshes blessings of saviour this for a new year CIVIL SBKVICI! LEADER American Le:ullng NewsmagaziD* for Public Eraploycea bright LEADIOR rUBLICATKtNS, INC. •7 Dimiif St.. Npw Vork T, N. * . God. and Christmas abundantly less fortunate for I your his blessed Day mother and generosity Tcleplinne: nP.ekmnn 3-l!OIO Enlercfi as second-claBS matter October 2, 1839. at the post o f l i c e at New York. N Y.. under the Act of March .3. 187!?, Member* of Audit Bureau of Circul.itions. Subaeriptinn Price 11.00 Per Tear Inillvidual copln, lOe R E A D The Leader e v e r j week for Job Opportnliltiee reward to God's with the Bureau of Reclamation in the West, Midwest, and Alaska. 112B. FORESTER, (range management), $4,210 and $4,930. 127B. MEDICAL OFFICER (rotating Intern), $3,100; (psychiatric resident), $3,700-$4,500. Jobs are in St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D. C. 131B. METEOROLOGIST (general), $4,480-$8,990. 121B. OCEANOGRAFHER, $3,670-$ll,610. 130B. P A T E N T EXAMINER, $4,480-$12,900. Jobs are in the Washington, D. c., area. 128. P R O F E S ^ O N A L NURSE, $3,670-$8,990. Closing date for emergency room nurse positions, January 3. 125B. PUBLIC H E A L T H ADVISOR, $4,525-$ll,610; PUBLIC H E A L T H A N A L Y S T , $5,440-$ 11,610. 124B. RESEARCH PSYCHOLO- GIST. $5,440-$ll,610. Jobs are In the Washington, D, C., area. iS2B. SAVINGS AND LOAN E X AMINER, $4,525 and $5,440. Jobs are with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. 119B. STUDENT T R A I N E E (accounting, agricultural economics, biological and plant sciences, entomology, home economics, plant pest control, soil science (research), statistics, agricultural and general), $3,175 and $3,415. Closing date: July 1. 118. STUDENT T R A I N E E (architecture, cartography, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, metallurgy, meteorology, oceanography, physics). $2,960-$3,415. Most jobs are in the Washington, D. C., area. Closing date: May 2. FREE B O O K L E T by U. S. Government on Social Security. Mail only. Leader, 97 Dnane Street, New Yorli 7, N. Y . ones. Catlierine C. Ilal'ele, p r e s i d e n t Dongan Guild | I NOW YOU CAN BUY A NEW G E N E R A L FILTER-FLO ELECTRIC WASHER CENTRAL TELEVISION INC. Announcing fhe Opening of Our New Store wifh the 1958 General Electric 10 Cu-Ft REFRIGERATOR PENNIES WEEKLYAFTER SMALL DOWN PAYMENT gmmm With full width freezer- m Removable, adjustable shelves Magnetic safety door— Model WA-450R Plus many other features • Over 5 0 % more clothes capacity than many automatics! • W a s h e s , rinses and damp dries automatically! MA I IMT CII77I RU LI 111 rU44: Lint is caught In the filternot on your clothes. The washer with the time-tested and home-proved NON-CLOGGING FILTER! FILTER WILL NOT CLOG! No messy traps to clean, no clogged filters to Impede water flow! Why settle for less when a General Electric Filter-Flo Washer costs so little? S e e this budget priced s p e c i a l today! Only A Week a f t e r Down Poyment 2172 3r<l Avenue EN 9-6900 MOVING FILTER d i s t r i b u t e s detergent evenly through wash ^no clothes discoloring lumps! TAKE UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY Why settle for less when a General Electric FILTER-FLO Liberal Trade-U CENTRAL TELEVISION INC. b e t . 118th & 119th S t . New York C i t y EASY-TO-REMOVE F I L T E R I Slips on and off top of activator easily and quickly! 393 E. 149th Street near 3rd Ave. Bronx W Y 3-2112 OPEN FROM 9 • 0 WASHER costs so little? See this budget priced special to-day! WAGNERS HOME APPLIANCE CO. 1225-1229 BEDFORD AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. STerling 9-3300-1-2 •Tirm THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEE By J O H N F. POWERS President Civil S e r v i c e E m p l o y e e s A s s o r i a l i o n Many Original Members On Hand To Celebrate St. Lawrence Birthday Philip Kerker, public relations director of the Civil Service Employees Association was the speaker at a dinner dance celebrating C5EA on Ifs Toes on Legislation the tenth anniversary of the St. I N LESS T H A N A MONTH, the 1958 legislative sesssion will Lawrence chapter recently. Edmund L. Shea of Ogdensburg, convene. This year, due to a change In legislative procedure (per- CSEA regional attorney, acted as mitting bills to be filed before the opening of the session), the toastmaster. Civil Service Employees Association will be able to have most of Present at the celebration in the Its legislative program in the hopper at an early date. Ogdensburg Elks Club, were SenMany long hours usually spent in seeking sponsors for our bills ator Robert McEwen of Ogden.sburg, Vernon A. Tapper, third can be diverted to "lobbying" the measures out of the committee vice president of the Association; and through both houses of the Legislature. J. Ambrose Donnelly, field repreSome of the Association bills have already been filed and are sentative: Prank McCann, presiinthe process of being printed. Those bills which were easiest to dent of A.T.I, chapter; Isaac Perkins, St. Lawrence Public Works draw and had sponsors ready at hand were done first—and thus chapter; Chester Nodine, Cayuga no interpretation of priority or Importance In the association's leg- County; John Graveline, St. Lawislative program should be attached to them. rence State Hospital; Dorothy There is no magical formula which is used in getting a bill Klein, president, Potsdam State Teachers chapter, and Dr. Klein. through the Legislature. Basically, lobbying is a combination of Also present were Samuel Bohard work, a sense of timing, and the solid support of one's constirelly, Oneida County chapter; tuents. Lewis Paddock, St. Lawrence Function of Lobbyist The lobbyist, because of his presence on the scene, can sense the direction in which a bill is going. He is better able to assess the time, value, and degree to which the opinion of his public should be raised to bring about a desired legislative action. There Is no greater force In our society than public opinion. Its effectiveness is demonstrated daily. The advertiser, the publicist, the politician, the government, all recognize this potency, and all try through one means or another to control Its direction. Last year, the Association used this technique with great effectiveness. At the right time and In the right proportions, the strength of its membership was brought to bear on the Issue of state salaries. The cumulative effect of the letters sent and the personal visits to the legislators was marked. Members Plan Main Role The real strength of any organization Is always the individual but It is the e.xpression of the members of the organization through member. The leaders of an organization can only plan and direct, their letters, their visits, their telephone calls, that really demonstrates lis force and strength. Metro Public Service Has Christmas Party The Metropolitan Public Service and the party was particularly enchapter held Its annual Christmas livened by the dancing of Peggy Ganis and Barbara Mascola. party on Thursday afternoon, DeThe chapter wishes to take this cemmber 19, at the Commission opportunity to extend Its thanks offices. and deep appreciation to Herbert Guests present were James Kampf, its vice-president who was Casey, field manager of the Civil responsible for the planning of the Service E m p l o y e e s Associa- Christmas party, and for making it tion's New York office and Paul possible for the members to have a very successful and enjoyable Kyer, editor of the Leader. Members of the chapter who party. Mr. Kampf, who Is also a helped with the arrangements for representative of the Public Servthe party were Mildred Eggler, ice Commission on the AssociaMary Davidoff and Elhel Gallo- tion's board of directors, personiway. The chapter extends Its fies the type of State employee thanks to them for their able as- who gives of himself to the benefit of his fellow employees. Thanks sistance. There was music and dancing Herb — It was a job well done. County Clerk; John Loucks, St. Lawrence County Probation O f f i cer; Charles Bowers, St. Lawrence County District Attorney; Charles Methe, Marcy State; Delores Fussel, Albany; three past presidents of the chapter, Glenn W. Miller of Gouverneur and Mrs Miller, Welthia B. Kip of Canton, and Yale H. Gates of Gouverneur and Mrs. Gates; and Marian C. Murray, present president, and Mr. Murray. The chapter attributes much of the success of Its annlversai-y celebration to the work of Social Chairman Welthia B. Kip and her committee: Virginia Thompson, Mary S. Jellie, Sue Communtzlo, Mary Manning, Mary Roop, Josephine Bartlett, M?bel Kittle. Barbara Chase, Ceylon Allen, and Lewis Paddock. Many Still Active Following are the names of founding members of St. Lawrence chapter who are still active: Carl Baxter, Napolean E. LaDouceur. Benjamin Blrdou, Edgar LaJoie, Don Blackmon, Gerald F. LeClair, Eldrlc J. Boismenu, Mitchell LeMay, Ola Bolton and Marshall D. Lepper. George Bracy, Catherine McCarthy, George Brossoie, Charles J. McCarthy, Carl E. Burns, Charles McGrath. Francis R. Cadieux, Janet E. McLean, George V. Campbell and Lester J. Manger. Martin L. Clohosey, Mary C. Manning, Kermit L. Cole. Lettie O. Malterner. John H. Corcoran. Glenn W . Miller, William Costlgan, George Mills, Kenneth P. Cuthbert and Henry J. Montroy. William O. Cuthbert, Edgar E. Mooney, Fiank O. Dishaw, Grace E. Murray, James E. Doe, Marian C. Murray, Arthur M. Dubrule, Helen J. Powers, Gerald E. Fitzgerald and Genevieve Rasbeck. Leo A. Fortune, Steward E. Ritchie, William Fountain, Kenneth W. Rogers, Maurice J. Gardner, Clyetia. M. Rushman, Yale H. Gates, Simon P. Sargent, Lefe B. Gooshaw and Paul Silver. James Gore. Gerald R. Smith, William T. Graves, Eva S. Southworth, Robert H. 7'atpin, Peter Thomas, Lauriston D. Hazen. Jane Wallace, Walter J. Hollis and Elizabeth P. Whalen. Stanley E. Howlett, Philip L. White, Carson A. James, George M. Wilkins, Leon J. Jones, Florence C. Wood, James E. Kane, Cora Barbour, Welithia B. Kip. Mary Hackett, Albert Payne and Mary C. Paro. Some Orifflnal Officers Serve Several of the original officers are still serving the chapter also. In 1947 the officers were Philip L. White, president; Elmer T. Jenkins, 1st vice president; Frank R. Gilmour, 2nd vice president; E. Stanley Howlett, 3rd vice president; James E. Kane, 4th vice president; Mary Manning, secretary; Jane Wallace, treasurer; Philip L. White, executive representative; Edmund L. Shea, region attorney; and Welthia B. Kip. delegate. 1957 officers are Marian C. Murray, president; Ft^derick Woodruff, Jr.. 1st v'ce president; Mary Manning, 2nd vice president; E. Stanley Howlett, 3rd vice president; Marlene R. Morrow, secretary; Roland Watson, Jr., treasurer; Welthia B. Kip, executive representative; Edmund L. Shea, regional attorney; Dr. Robert T . Rogers, delegate; Yale H. Gates, alternate; and Ceylon Allen, Dr. Robert T. Rogers, Lewis W. Paddock, John M. Loucks, Yale Gates, Leo LeBeau, Charles E. Bowers, Elmer Hewlett, Frances Mulholland, and John J. Faubert, directors. Past presidents of the chapter are Philip L. White, 1947-1951; Glenn W. Miller, 1951-1952; Welthia B. Kip. 1952-1955; and Yale H. Gates, 1955-1956. Member Wins Hifih Award Chapter member Mabel Kittle, public health nurse since 1925. was recently selected to receive the Gouverneur VPW's Good Citizen Award. It was the first time in the nine-year history of the award that it had gone to a woman. The committee selected Miss Kittle for her devotion to the people of the section "far above and beyond" the responsibilities of her profession. The chapter wishes to express sincere sympathy to Mrs. James Amo of Ogdensburg on the death CONSUMER FRAUD GROl^P SET UP BY L E F K O W I T Z ALBANY, Dec. 23 — ALtoiney General Louis J. Lefkowitz has named a sixteen-member advisory committee on consumer frauds. The group will aid the attorney general In cracking down on frauds on the buying public. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY CELEBRATES DECADE OF ACTIVITY of her husband and to Miss Welthia on the death of her father. Lefkowitz Sends Season's Greetings ALBANY, Dec. 23 — Attorney General Louis J. Lefkowitz addressed the following holiday message to all civil service workers: "The holiday season with Us own special spirit and good fellowship is here. To this warmth and merriment I would like to add my sincerest greetings to you. May this season find you happy and filled with contentment, thoughtful at the culmination of another year, satisfied with a job well done. May the New Year be prosperous and healthful and bring realizations of the dreams to which you have aspired." UNCLE WETHBEE'S COLUMN Gift for a Giver i • I t ' s b e e n said t h a t the average mother works a total of 106 hours a week, at 15 different occupations, from cook to accountant. Mothers are such indispensable members of families, husbands should take the best care of them. And an automatic dishwasher is one help that will give any busy mother a real lift. Think of It, husbands! That wonderful helpmate of yours probably spends 500 hours a year at the sink doing stacks of dirty dishes. With an automatic dishwasher, she just pops them in and turns a dial. Her kitchen always looks neat. Her hands stay lovely. And she'll feel more glamorous, too. Christmas is just around the corner. Surprise her with a gift that will keep giving all year long. With a modern dishwasher and dependable Con Edison electricity . . . she'll never wash dishes again, or di-y 'em either. Here are some of the many quests, including some of the original members, who were on hand to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the St. Lawrence County chapter of the Civil Service Employees Association. Seated, from left, are the Rev. Francis White, of St. Mary's Cathedral Parish, Ogdensburg; Sen. Robert McEwen, Welthia B. Kip, chapter reprct sentative: Edmund L Shea, C S E A regional attorney; Mrs. Marian Murray, chapter president, and Vernon Tapper; Standing, are Philip Kerker, C S E A public relations director; Glenn Miller, a past president, and Mrs. Miller; J . Frank Murray: Yale Gates, a past president, and Mrs. G a t e s ; J. A . DoBnelly, C S £ A iieJd representative, and Ted Cord. SM Unci! Wdhlwa tivl Tu Anlolnl on IV MiM.Uuuril..WiiCA IV,CII. 4. 11:11) p. a . | • I • No State Residence Needed In College Series of Tests T h e Stale's search for candidates to fill clerk jobs will begin en Monday, January 6. T h e title of the test is beginning o f f i c e worker, the pay in most instances $2,720 to start, and the top of the grade, attained through annual increments, $3,450, except that a longevity increment can bring pay to $3,596. T h e job is in grade 3, but an appointee could get promoted to grade 4, at $2,850$3,610, seniority increment to »3.762. Many Opening in N Y C Many of the jobs will be filled by the State in its New Y o r k City effices. Eligibles on the present list in the same title may compete in the new test, if they feel they can earn a higher score than they got the last time, and don't expect to be reached for appointment f r o m MEN Rddressograph operator, mimeograph operator, photo-copying machine operator, blueprinter, pharmacy aide, o f f s e t machine operator and like jobs. be held on Saturday, M a r c h 29. No Experience Needed N o training or experience will be required for competing. Both men and women, ages 18 to 70, may apply. Besides the jobs mentioned, many other types will be filled, asked of those who signify special- particularly concerning o f f i c e m a the present list. chine operation. From the clcrk T h e examination will be given tie.s. T h e written test probably will list appointments will be made as for filling jobs in the clerk title and three specialities — file clerk, account clerk, and statistics clerk. T h e grade 3 scale applies to clerk and file clerk jobs. Account clerks and statistics clerks will be appoinnted to grade 4. Promotion Opportunities T h e jobs o f f e r an opportunity for promotion not only to clerical but also administrative positions. T h e application fee will be $2, payable when turning in the filled-out form, and candidates may apply until February 24 for any one or all four options for the one fee. I t is expected that there will be an overall examination for clerk, which all must pass to be eligible for any appointment, and that additional separate questions will be SAVE W h e r e to Apply Apply to the State Civil Service Department, Albany 1, N. Y . ,or at 270 Broadway, New Y o r k City, but not before January 6. Mail a p plications will be accepted. FILTER-FLO NOW YOU CAN BUY A NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER AT A LOW, LOW PRICE SMALL DOWN PAYMENT 350 MONEY Tfiis Xmas give a hat as a gift for someone in your family. Weekly WE HAVE THE DOBBSat HATS $ 6 7 5 Model WA-450R NATIONAL BRAND HATS Latest Colors EVERY SIZE AVAILABLE 1 OH can SAFE MONEY at ABE WASSERMAN 46 BOWERY HOUSE O F HATS • Over 5 0 % more c l o t h e s c a p a c i t y t h a n m a n y a u t o m a t i c s ! • W a s h e s , rinses and damp dries Lint is caught in the f i l t e r not on your clothes. NO LINT FUZZ! WO 4-0215 The washer with the time-tested and home-proved NON-CLOGGING FILTER! Open till 6 every day, Saturdays 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. The discount house for men's habcrdasherj EASY-TO-REMOVE F I L T E R ! S l i p s on and off top of activator easily and quickly! F I L T E R W I L L NOT CLOG! No messy traps to clean, no clogged filters to impede water flow! from $tandard or manual rales including the new family policy Rememb«r! - You buy the BEST PROTECTION available. Your State-Wide policy protects you anywhere in the United States and Canada. FAST, no-red-tape CLAIM SERVICE. Representatives throughout U.S. and Canada. N O M E M B E R S H I P FEES . . . NO ASSESSMENTS . N O W O R R I E S . Licensed by N. Y State Insurance Dept. MAIL AT OHCE Name COMPARE! STATE.WIDE RATES MANHAHAN BROOKLYN BRONX ixamlnotioM e i a t f o t l>IH«4 1*2 A YUR PLATIUSH AVENUE l U 2-06SS J L 13 24 ....ri.^i^ligf!., Phone . . r r r r n . . . Present Insurance Company Ey* lAiwer rale* if you Uva elaewhera. Sama 20% aavinw ou want hither limits or addi ooveref« Ke«p Thisi Ratts-COMPARE! r-Trifr;, .X Diretlftrr .-^.r;;:^;:;^.....'; Pro/estioiuU BROOKI.\N BRONX HEARING AIDS OP MEBIT EYEGLASS & COHDLES3 TYPES FHEK UKAKING TKKTS B UO to 6;30 — Sat. till 3 144 JORALEMON ST. TR 5-3131 Medical Arta Bldg. Boro Hall MANHATTAN MANHATTAN 1 Z31 PENN OPTICAL CO. EYE8 KXAMINED • GI.ASSBS FITTBD Dally . » to a Mon. A Tliuii. to 7;30 SaturiiuY to 2 215 WEST 34tli ST. M OPPOSITE PENN STATION 3 IN, PHONE OR MAIL COUPON State-Wide Insurance Company 152 Wasr42nd St New York 36 N Y • BRyant 9-5080 Mutual Optical Plan, Inc. EYES EXAMINED • GLASSES riTTBO CONTACT LENSES SO l o t * 42iid Street Room 407 MUrray Hill 7-40M FKEE BU.MB DE.MONSTRATION SYLVESTER HEARING AID CENTER Rroni: %488 GKANU CUNCOI'HAB Furdbuin Kaad-Wakiicr BIIIK. H<IUUI .'1(10 fliune I'ViircBi 8-A:i&3, l.tilluiv 'l-AMAO niilts 1-laliii: 11 Court St., Uli U-04;i» SONOTONE DOWNTOWN ALBANY COMPLETE HEARING SERVICB rHEK EXAMINATIONS UEMUMiTHAriO.NS MAIGO HEARING AIDS PARK ROW RA 7-044« QVEENS Date Policy Expires COME Directory BROOKE OPTOMETRISTS A B HEARING AID CENTER $113.76 For Exact Rates On Your Car MOVING F I L T E R d i s t r i b u t e s detergent evenly through wash - n o clothes discoloring lumps! 1737 PITKIN AVENUE Brooklyn. N. Y. EV 5-4400 BROOKLYN ONLY Address City Profesfional Foi $10,000/20,000 Body Injury •lul $S.OUO Property Daman limiU -Raquirad by N«w York State Compulury Insuranoa Law, (or eligible resideiiU ot ^ MADE WELL APPLIANCE Corp. Why s e t t l e for l e s s w h e n a General Electric Filter-Flo W a s h e r c o s t s s o little? S e t this budget priced s p e c i a l today! TO PREFERRED RISK AUTO OWNERS Before You Renew-- automatically! No Obllqotloa OTARION LISTENER OKItllN.AI. KVEGLAIiiH IIEAKINU AID Auilionietiio Hearing Aualynin Fieo llomu llciuuuBtialion witl Tiial OUtiuii ut (iuevu* Ulurlun «C Sntam 1U4-11 81) A v e . Jamaica OL B UIUO All Types of Aids HnoaeTtU Flrlil iiarileilr Citjr lU « MOa Dolly 9 . 5—Sot. 9 • 1—Eve. by Apt. 90 STATE STREET ALBANY. N. Y. T«l. Albany 4-1983 CIVIC The Federal government has answered questions on pension credit lor military service as follows: H O W IS the amount of civil service retirement figured? Employees who never had a Social Secuiily card must have one, before they can be covered by Old Age and Siirvivors' I n - / surance. Application must be made on a special form Issued by the Social Security Administration. T h e filled-out f o r m may be returned to the State or local government Comptroller through one's own personnel office, or mailed, in the case of persons employed in and near New Y o r k City, to the Social Security Administration, Room 400 at 42 Broadway. New York City. Blanks may be obtained also at the Broadway address. In the run of cases a card is received within three days a f ter the filled-in form has been submitted. If an applicant previously had a card, it takes at least a week to get a new one because of the research involved. Employees who intend to be covered by Social Security must get one by December 31, if they don't have one already. ELIGIBLES OF CANDIDATES Model 17P1330-1S5 s q u a r e i n c h e s o f viewable a r e a . New General Electric BIG-SCREEN DR. JOHN T. FLYNN portable T V FOR THE EYESIGHT TEST O F CIVIL SERVICE" REQUIREMENTS Optometrist • BIGGER The DELEHAKTY INSTITUTE JAMAICA: 91-01 MERRICK BLVD., bet. Jamaica & Hillside Aves. By Appt. Only — WA 9-5919 PENNIES WEEKLY AFTER SMALL DOWN PAYMENT PICTURE • SMALLER CABINET • CLEARER RECEPTION WEIGHT ONLY AMERICAN HOME CENTER, Inc. (••mm.) lli*|i:irlni4*Mt uT l^nlxir H(150 82a0 SKNIOK ItOOKKi'iKCKU (l-rom.) Wpntrlit'Hlfr (oHii(y 1. Biinlli". Krank, Wliili; I'lin 87''; 2 Feian. J;inir«. Yolklwii H(, KKW B. MurroH, Ki-aiicrii. Matiuiraiieclc ....77(iJ OM'.! Greetings MANHATTAN: 115 EAST 15 STREET . Phone GR 3-6900 Orthopist 300 Wesf 23rd St.. N.Y.C. S s e it today at Ul.»i-I.r. M i r l l i : i . V i k l w i i Inn . . . Season's FOR PATROLMAN TRANSIT PATROLMAN \Vi»rluii4*ii'K OtiiMMfiiNiitiiiii Itoiiril 1 years of service to arrive at t h « annuity, so adding years of military service to years of civilian service gives a higher multiplication factor. An annuity may never exceed 80 percent ot the "highfive" average salary. Visual Training than before! . A.'WISTWT HM-r.HIN'TKNDKNT OF WOMCN'H l"KIf«>N AMI KKFOIt>1ATOKY (l-riiin ). \v««irirlil Nlnlf Fiirni mill Albion Sliilii Trniiiiiis Hrliiinl. I>i*|ii«rliiii>iit of Labor The two main factors taken Into the "high-five" average salary (the highest average annual basic salary earned during any five consecutive years of service). A certain percentage of the "high-five" average salary is multiplied by IIOBERMAN N E W DIRECTOR OF P E R S O N N E L R E L A T I O N S Personnel Director Joseph Schechter appointed Solomon H o berman as director of personnel relatioas for the City Department of Personnel. Mr. Hoberman f o r three years has been director of the division of training and career development and has been with the New Y o r k City department 17 years. H e is a lecturer in public administration at the Graduate School of Public Administration at N Y U . • LIGHTER STATE J S.ilmollowilT;. M. H , UiollK 8. OI.Miyk, Walloi-. .Allwiijr LEADER Queries Answered On Milifary Pensions How fo Cef Social Seturify Card Quickly r i t I M M'l.li; Pll.ti: ( I.F.ItK SERVICE GIVES Y O U 2 5 % MORE THAN A FIFTH 616 THIRD AVE. BUY NOW AMD SAVB ot 40th St.. N. Y. C. NU 3-3616 Air Savings on Applianeet, Conditioners, Toys, Drugs, GHiwara. Nylons M B O n U l j T What an opportunity to make really substantial savings by stocking up for the big holiday demands just ahead! Full Quarts! Finer taste! The tops io value! You'll b« wise to put in a big supply. And enjoy Philadelphia next time jrou meet friends at your favorite bar! Presto' JliUad elp Ilia ^ ^ T g S i ^ Ul Kisky BLENDED WHISKY 86 PROOF • 65% GRAIN N E U T R A L SPIRITS • C O N T I N E N T A L D I S T I L L I N G CORPORATION, PHILA., PfU PLUGS IN fo cook by controlled heat! DETACHES so pan can be washed under water . . . handle and all! PRESTO ELECTRIC WHITEHALL JEWELERS FRY PANS. T w o convenient sizes, matching design, stick-proof surfaces, staycool feet. Perfect eggs and bacon every time cooked automatically. 9 " $iie $|Q95« two great A L L N E W 11" size $1295* 8HAVEMA8TER8 •Control-Master priced separately lady Sunbwm Deluxt In Fiench Door C i u Only the LADY SUNBEAM ha5 the "compact" shape and t h e new precision M I C R O T W I N shaving iiead designed especially for feminine shaving needs-one side for underarms, the other for legs. Either model in choice of six beautiful colors, for undararma PRESTO ELECTRIC GRIDDLE. S|69S for lag* Lady Sunbtam in PeJaslal Bast CaM Perfect pancakes, hamburgers, sausages right at the table. J u m b o 9 " X 15" size. Slide-out drip tray drains ofl excess grease. ALADY SUNBEAM E. M. J. Products Corp 20 West 20th Street, New York 11, N. Y. WA 4-7277 I, • 1111 i D O Y O U R CHRISTMAS SHOPPINO WHITEHALL 74 W. 23rd STREET next to Nedieks) EARLY JEWELERS OR 5-4755-6-7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ^CaaAH i^AAtlUU # liH^DER. America's largest Weekly lor VESTED R I G H T S CALLED BASIC JUSTICE Public Editor, T h e Leader: Bravo for the editorial on vested rights! Thanlc you so much for giving this worthy aim headline publicity. Employees Member Audit Bureau of Circulations PuUU»hed every Tuesilay LEADER PUBLICATION, hy INC. f 7 Duan* Strtcl, Ntw York 7. N. Y. Ileliman 3-tOIO Puhlinlier Jerry Finkelslein, II. 1. BcrnnnI, Conlrihiiting Paul Kjer, fu/ilor Suiidra Cnroii, .iKniiHant Editor KdiU>r N. H. Hiiger, llii.finest Manager lOc per copy. Subscription Price $2.00 to members of the Civil Scrvice Employees Association, $4.00 to TUESDAY, DECEMBER non-mtmb«rs. 21, I t does not seem fair that a person who has entered civil service should lose the advantage of pension rights only because his service has not been for a long period, or that one who has e n tered comparatively early in life and has given very many years of service is really forced to continue if only to safeguard retirement security. Vested retirement, or 25-yearservice retirement at any age, can offset this discrimination. 1957 CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEE Residence Law Repeal HE T ner i.ssne o f repeal of the iJVons R e s i d e n c e Law p e a r s to be coining to a h e a d . J l a y o r R o b e r t F . has adding Now declared that himself the Personnel personally Council has Director not Joseph in seen to stimulate ap- Wag- favor of fit go along. a speech to Schechter, b e f o r e the Citizens Budget Commission, FINDS .55-YEAR P L A N JUST in repeal, advocates repeal recruitment. T l i e issue h a s r a m i f i c a t i o n s t h a t w i l l h a v e to r e s o l v e d b e f o r e anything a p p r o x i m a t i n g a g r e e m e n t can be reached. Basically it's sound merit system practice to elimi- nate the requirement of three years' continuous N e w City residence immediately preceding Civil Service R e f o r m Association, Thomas R. Watson, executive in a b r i e f director, in The prepared said expertly. Opposition City government, like all other bi'anches of pay «f to adequate the levels, makeshifts stimulate on by examinations others reopened because are tliough kept the Some p a y m a y not be. A p p l i c a t i o n s a r e issued and r e c e i v e d many laudatory, raising i-ecruitment. effect mail, are to too. govern- ment, resorts to e v e r y conceivable device, short of open continuously, of insufficient number of appli- cants, e x a m i n a t i o n s f o r hard-to-fill j o b s are h e l d repeated- ly, fast in examination Btenographer, and typist, hiring and are practiced engineering jobs, and filling recruit- m e n t a i d is e n l i s t e d f r o m d e p a r t m e n t s a n d u n i v e r s i t i e s . I n the long run all alternatives to p r o p e r p a y f a l l short. Policemen and firemen ai'e o p p o s e d to absolute peal of the L y o n s Residence I . a w and think of appointees to and rightly drive for such jobs so, t h a t adequate as pay. The repeal would argument re- out-of-town carpet-baggers. complete They feel, injure their that higher pay Is n e c e s s a r y , t o a t t r a c t C i t y r e s i d e n t s t o j o b s t h a t a r e h a r d to fill at present rates, m i g h t lose w e i g h t if were thrown open to out-of-town e x p e r i e n c e w i t h t h e c o s t o f l i v i n g in N e w Aniendnient There is n o examinations residents w h o York have no City. Proposed opposition among employees groups to a m e n d i n g t h e l a w so that C i t y r e s i d e n c e w o u l d n o t be r e quired Buitable of present employees. T h e place to live within the difficulty of City finding limits on suburbs offer his T h e Council undoubtedly hesitates to repeal the law because of the the only opportunity house, that modest means about a present p a y is s t r e s s e d . A n d i f a m a n w a n t s t o b u y a l i t t l e the permit. opposition of the 1^5,000 policemen I wrote to Albany trying to have tlie matter cleared up, 'but have had no reply. Thanics f o r your assistance in this matter by the I ' i column spread in tiie December 17 issue of T h e Leader, giving the details. A f t e r reading 't twice, the entire matter is now as clear as it was before I read it. WILUAM Group to Study Law On Criminally Insane A L B A N Y , Dcc. 23 — Governor Harriman has announced the appointment of a committee of legal and psychiatric specialists to study the present laws of New York defining the criminally insane. E x haustive examination of the problems stemming from the application of the centui-y-old M c N a u g h ton Rule and the feasibility of amending tlie Rule will be the duty of this committee. Serving on the study committee will be: Dr. David Abraham.sen of 1035 F i f t h Avenue, New Yorlc City, a practicing psychiatrist and consultant in forensic psychiatry to the Department of Mental H y giene. Reverend S. Oley Cutler, S.J., a graduate fellow at the Georgetown University Law Center, working for his degree of Master of Laws. Dr. Richard V. Poster, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Mental Hygiene. Dr. Francis E. Shaw, Director of the Dannemora State Hospital. Edward S. Silver, District A t torney of K i n g s County. Dr. Chri.stopher F. Terrence, Director of the Rochester State Hospital. Judge John Van Voorhis, Associate Judge of the New Y o r k Court of Appeals. Herbert Wechsler, Professor of Law, Columbia University. has p r e v e n t e d o t h e r unions of C i t y e m p l o y e e s f r o m t a k i n g any SOCIAL A s is b e c o m i n g for Repeal m o r e a n d m o r e f r e q u e n t in o u r p l e x society, solution by c o m p r o m i s e is in o r d e r . I t commight b e o n e w h e r e b y t l » l a w is a m e n d e d a l o n g t h e l i n e s p o l i c e men, f i r e m e n and others desire. If the raises are ing, p e r h a p s t h e o p p o s i t i o n •0 that, a f t e r cable. amendment, will subside, e v e n repeal would forthcomdisappear, become H. J. BERNARD Contributing Editor A Glimpse at the Universe on Christmas. 7957 I N T E R E S T IN THE U N I V E R S E is expanding as the result of developments like the sputniks and the ultra-sensitive radio telescope, and is further enhanced now by religious concepts as this is the Christmas season. W h e t h e r the universe Itself is expanding is a subject of controversy even among leading scientists. T h e theory of an expanding universe is that of self-renewal, an Idea that is taking firmer and firmer hold. T h e sun, for instance, is regarded as preserving its source of energy through atom-.<;mashing, and thus being able to replenish as fast as it consumes. I f it can happen in the sun, it can happen in any other star, and in tlie universe in general. W e might have to revise some of our ideas about the law of conservation of energy. I f a machine produces as much as it consumes, w-e have perpetual motion. Perhaps all creation was based on perpetual motion keeping the cosmic system going, even though that exception is denied to mortal man and his machines. Radio Telescope Gives Promise Some aid toward determining whether the universe is expanding or not may be gained through use of the new amplifier developed at Harvard University that increases the sensitivity of the radio telescope a thousand-fold. Radiation f r o m hydrogen clouds in remote galaxies hitherto beyond receiving range may be detected and even measured. T h e antics of the hydrogen atoms result in radiation on a wavelength of 21 centimeters, about 8 l i inches. Since radio waves travel at the speed of light, 186,000 miles a second, the frequency is 1,430 megacycles. Tlie mid-frequency of the commercial broadcast is less than 1 megacycle. From study of the transmissions f r o m the cosmic entities in those distant galaxies may come a clue to the mystery of what is happening to the universe. Does it make any practical difference whether the universe is wearing out or not? T h e question must remain unanswered in the absence of objective proof. But many who might be of the opinion that the universe is losing the battle for continued existence would nevertheless have any fears completely allayed by religious faith. T h e Bible's first sentence is, " I n the beginning God created heaven, and earth." If creation is accepted as having been supernatural, the safeguarding f r o m destruction of that which was created could also be considered supernatural. T h e question of survival has no immediacy. T h e rate of any possible decay of the universe would be loo small to justify anybody in the next many thousands of years to worry on that score. More to It than Mere Earth All of us are primarily interested in the Earth, one of tlie cold stars of the Milky W a y , but it is well to extend our interest, since Earth is much like an organ of the body. W e live on the nou:ishing warmth and light of the Sun as much through the food we eat, for shelter and clothing, and even the air we breathe. But we depend somewhat on the Moon, too, which controls our tides, and has side e f f e c t on our lives, not to forget its aid to public policy by promoting matrimony. Both the Sun and the Moon are affected by other astral bodies. W e really must think in large terms. One W o r l d no longer takes in enough territory. Nothing less than One Universe will do. T h e era of the broadened viewpoint already is upon us. A Moon, 250.000 miles away, and even a Sun 93,000,000 miles away, must no longer frighten our Imagination. This Record W ill Stand T h e cosmic systems that constitute the universe, our own Milky W a y being only one of them, are about 2,000,000 light years apart. A light year is the distance that light travels in one year, and, remember, light travels at a velocity of 186,000 miles a second. Material bodies will never attain velocity anywhere near that. Light waves, as well as radio waves, travel at the highest velocity possible in nature. Even the Sun, Itself, is therefore relatively close at hand. And if it is receding toward the constellation Hercules at 12 miles a second, while rotating on its axis at 175 miles a second, such statistics fall into the domain of small numbers. So far, it has been a most dependable necessity. Like the whole cosmic system itself, the Sun affords no reason to mar our happiness at this Christmas time in 1957. practi- SECURITY Disability Benefits Btand. lie Unaniinous By and f i r e m e n , a n d t h o u s a n d s o f othei-s. D i v i s i o n o f o p i n i o n Coulil BOTTINI all But there are tenable arguments against repeal, The Editor, T h e Leader: I am one of the many State employees who misunderstood the rate of contribution under the new 55-year plan. by about t l i a t c o u l d b e s a i d in f a v o r o f r e p e a l , a n d s a i d it Argiuiicnts York appointment. GOBBLEDYGOOK LOOKING INSIDE THE 1956 AMENDMENTS to receive monthly benefits under the old-age and survivors insurnew type of benefit payable In ance program beginning with July, 1957. I t is estimated that about certain cases of disability. Totally 400,000 will be eligible to receive disabled workers between the ages benefits for that month and that of 50 and 65 who meet specified about 900,000 will be receiving work and disability standards can benefits by 1970. the Social Security Act provide a T o be "disabled" wiihin the meaning of the new law a worker must be unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental Impairment which can be expected to result (Continued on Page 11) Nassau County EligiMe List For Police Sergeant Promotion T h e following c o m p l e t w the N a s s a u County eligible list f o r p r o motion to sergeant, Police Department. T h e names to N o . 160 were published i n the December 10 issue. 161. 102. 10.1. 104. 18,5. ino. lrt7. ins. IflO. 170. 171. Sylvester M . Murray Robert E. Sanc1niil»t John E. Oreenn/'ke! Henry C. F l o w e r Stanley F . Kalinosky Harry L . P i i e r Franein J. Gros T h o m a i R. M a r t i a Daniel J. Healey A l v a R. Berker. ,Tr. Robert L . Wit7.lr 173. 17a. 174. 175. 170. 177. 17S, 17». ISO. 181. 183. C h a i l f t A. K.irnjin Raymond K. Chmicl Edward I.e<'pi Jacqne* H. Serroeo Louifl Sarnnl .Tames H. Cosirrov® James T . Beirne T h o m a s J. P a l m e r Robert W . Fnehrleill W i l l i a m Malii'k Georito S. F e l i c » PRICE I N D E X SETS 183. Louis F o r t e 184. Anthoii)-; J. M i r a v a l 185. Norman IKfl. Gilbert F. Pl.int David 187. Donald 8. Biwehoolt WASHINGTON, 23—The U. S. L a b o r Department reported an increase in the consumer price index of 0.4 percent for m i d - O c t o - 188. Oeorye D. Rnuther ber 1 S » . William brought S. SielsUI l(tO. Oeorgre D. Y o n n t RECORD Dec. to mid-November. the total figure This to record high. Adelman Model 17T Your Choice World's Fastest Selling Portable TV af LOW, LOW SALE PRICES! NOW as low as There's a Model and Picture Size for fveiyone— Select Yours, Take It with You! Modal m — 1 7 * ovtroll diog. DKOiiirtmant. (144 M). in. of vlawobU oraa). Aluminiitd picluro tub*. Sharpoit picturei — indoor* and ogtdoon. Plu>-pow*r (or moximuin psrformanc*. Only 32 lbs, light. In Bsrnuda Bronie or Terra Cotta & Ivory or Sea Green & Mitt Green. Model t 4 T ~ I 4 * overoH measurement. (95 tq. in. of view* able area). Aluminixed pictvr* lube. Sharpest pictures — indoor* and outdoors. In Peacock B i n & Ivory or Bermuda Bronze & Ivory, Only 26 lbs. light. Model ) 7 P — 1 7 ' overoil diag. meoiurement. (155 tq. in, of viewable area), Aiuminized picture lube. Big consoie-liice picture, long rapge reception. Light, balanced weight for eaiy carrying. Built-in antenna. In Beige and Tawny White or Turquoise & Mitt Green or Charcool & Mill Gray. Model 1 4 P — 1 4 ' oveMI diafl. measurement. (108 sq. In. o( viewable area). Aiuminized pictar* lube. Big, eosy-to-wotch picture. Long range reception. Light, balanced weight for easy carrying. Buill-in antenna. In Nassau Brow* & Ivory or Adobe Red and Ivory or Sea & Mist Green. FUU YEAR Also avtlltbli la steel ubinats without saftty window in Terra Cotta t Ivorj^ SERVICE CONTRACT (Optional, 12 months written contract on all parf«, picture tube a n d thop repair at G - E Service Depots located in the metropolitan a r e a . This optional Portable Television Contract, only •14- SEE US FOR LOW, LOW SALE PRICES! DAVE ADELMAN 139 LAWRENCE STREET (ADELMAN BUILDING) BROOKLYN, N. Y. UL 5-5900 a C I V I L PKge Eight S E R V I C E Saying and Loan Jobs are Offered by U. S. T h e U.S. government l.s seeking applicants for the position of savings and loan examiner In grades GS-7, $4,525-$5,335 and GS-9, $5,440-$6,250. Jobs to be filled are with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and are located throughout the United States. applicable to savings and loan associations or banking Institutions and of their operations and practices. • L E A D E R Tuesday, Derembrr 24, In Time of Need, Call M. W. Tebbutf's Sons Over J07 Tears Distinguished funeral of Service Furs OFFICERS SHEEP LINED OVERCOATS $44,95 It l>. 1, Box 0 Kenssrlin-r, !>J. V. .\ll)nny (rJ..1sr.l Trov Knlerprisr nRl.T Canaries, Parakeets, Mynahs, Cockatlels, Monkeys, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Mice. WIGGAND'S PET SHOP, 122 Hudson Avenue, Albany, N. Y . 45866. Suuilay Tour, P i . ' . 'Jil—Tniir to Aneranulale. For ppn'ial ("hristmas deeorations. dinner itt tile famous Hed Hook Hotel $':.U5 For detailed Information and application blanks, write to the Second Regional Office, U.S. Civil aeie'c Service, 641 Washington Street, ^For New York 14, N. Y . Ask for anFURS or QUALITY T h e job is open to men only. nouncement No. 132 I B ) , Applicants must be citizens of the United States and at least 18 years old. There is no upper age limit. U. S. E X A M S Applicants will be accepted until 10-1-3 (57). S T U D E N T T R A I N 111 CLINTON AVENUE further notice. EE (Civil engineering), $3,415. Jobs A savings and loan examiner are with the Bureau of ReclamaAlbony, N. Y, makes examination.s and audits of tion in the West, Midwest, and DAH.V I0-n::)0 Federal and insured State-chart- Alaska. 126B. STUDENT TRAINEE TIM n^D.^v 'Til, «;;io r.M. ered savings and loan associations. (highway engineering), $3,415; He determines the quality of the H I G H W A Y E N G I N E E R (trainee) Institution's assets, the extent of and H I G H W A Y E N G I N E E R , $4,WK llKINt; 1-AKIS T O Y O U rOH A its liabilities, the results and 480. Most jobs are with the Bureau HAPl^Y X K W V K A R . E v e i j o l i o lonialllH about I'l'dt r a r l i ' " " ' l and its awiilcdiy of Public Roads, Department of trends of its operations, and, to a Conlinontal bouquet. And just last wcdt a Commerce. gentleman uC llie Kolirlh Estate conilimited degree, the integrity of acinented on AI.KKF.DO C A V A L I E R I S secounts and records, and ascertains lei'tion^ from tlic violin, to be heard New Yt ai- s Pay at I'l'lit I'aiiii, as nmsc with a whether It is operated in con'•(.•ontinenl:il K a v o f . " Cavalieii luis Dlajeil before the mnwie lovers of many countries, formity with the provisions of its f t is YOI K privil-ee to bear him: and charter, bylaws, and governing vou may ilo t o at I'etit Paris, wliere you .'•an iiarliilie of the kind of food royalty laws and regulations. enjoys witli tniiKT niii^io by a master For GS-7, the applicant mu.st violinist. And to top it otf. ivt-'ve ransai.-lied the wine eidlar f o r those rare old Regulation blue. Fur collar, etc. have had three years of general vintiit-es .We've Ou^t.d the lobwebs from flntrons of I):ilr sauternes, ruby Hureunexperience plus one year of spedies, and Naiioli on ..ociiaus that will warm cialized experience. For GS-9, he the '-o.-kh-s of your hi-rat. No parkins problems, no over'-rowdinK. Make re.servaSlies 48 to 52, and extra longs must have had three years of gentiona Ntnv f o r pleasure you'll never for$49.95 Ret. I ' K T f T I ' A R I S , ICKiil Madison Ave., eral experience plus two years of Albany, N. Y . T i l . 2 TSti4. specialized experience, at least one SAVE $22! SOCIAL S E C U R I T Y news, comyear of which should have pronmcnt, questions, answers appear MARKSONS, ELMIRA, N. Y. vided him with a thorough knowlregularly in The Leader. edge of state and Federal laws Beck P E T . S Si S i ; P P L I E » YANKEE TRAVELER TRAVEL CLUB 176 s t a t e 12 Colvin Alb. 3-2179 Alb. 89 0116 420 Kenwood Delmar 9-2212 | ARTS. FOR RENT Albany t o o k younpep, fi'cl younger. This time be (rood to yourself. Knjoy lift' more, eat out often. L i v e a li!(le, Fo Yfiitkee Traveler. Sunday, 'Dee. 2n — Christmas Special Palrieia 1957 BERKSHIRE Worhpy t'SBO HOTEL, 140 State St. Albany, N. Y . >i block f r o m Capitol; 1 block from State O f f i c e Bldg Weekly rates $14 & up. rnll AHiiiny t-fi-.'.'T Tro.v .AKsennI :i n(lHO Comfort furn 5 rooms ap.irtment. Complete floor, Ineluding heal & utilities, A l bany. 306 Clinton Avenue. Phone 38960. WE'RE GLAD!!! TO WELCOME YOU TO MAYFLOWER - ROVAL COURT A P A R T M E N T S - Furnished, U n furnished, and Rooms. Phone 4 1994 ( A l b a n y ) . THE TJeV^tf CHURCH 72 Mr ^keti a l l sbMlt NOTICE ^TjBANY FEDERATION OP CHURCHES Churches united for Church and Community Service. well ARCO CIVIL SERVICE BOOKS and all tests PLAZA BOOK S H O P 380 Broadway Albany, N. Y. Mail & Phone Orders Filled John J. Hylond Monoger aj^ottffoiel rilKIC SV.MPLKS 1000 Embossed business cards $4.1(6 postpaid. Prompt delivciy. H. S H A K l ' E SEliVICE, 1U3 Hudson Ave., Albany, N. y Now available complete line of nationolly advertised new household furniture ot NOTICE! DISCOUNT PRICES KOK EX.\,MI I.K: Kiirrirk'fl DlNcoiint Trice Hollywood Beds $59.95 'Englander" single size & complete with innerspring mattress, extra heavy tufted headboard, iron frame. Reg. $89.95 Living Room Sets $120.00 2 pieces. Save up to $100 We can offer you these & hundreds of other such values of new national advertised products ot discount prices because of our Low Overhead! No fancy showrooms—no sales organization. Just a big store loaded with genuine furniture bargains. Above So. Hawk Phone 5-5112 Albany, N. Y. 196 Hudson Ave. .1 E F F S € I I E L L foniierly of Berkshire Motors, All/any, unnoiinves his new connection with A I R W A Y m O T O R S , IISC. Chryiler, Plymouth, Imperial Dir. •'way a t 4th. Rensselaer All his many jriends he made at Berkshire ore imii*d to cull vh him at Airway for a BETTER DlAl. with Washers Selling for up to |329.95f N. SEASON'S FILTER-FLO WASHING SYSTEM filleri and >*-cl*an« the w o t d SI it wash*!. Filtar colchct linll Sond «nd till ore fluihtd down Ik* droin, AFTEITSMALL PENNIES DEPOSITWEEKLY AMERICAN HOME CENTER, INC 616 THIRD AVE., at 40tli St., N.Y.C. $avlnq» en Appltanw, Air Condltionert, Toys, Drugs, MU 3-3616 GHiware, Nyloni YOUR Tel. • • • • r' GREETINGS Joseph HAIR STY LIST 1 3 i WASHINGTON A V I . ALBANY. N. Y. 4-1322 j YOU NAME THE TERMS YOU BUY HERE SIGN HERE AND PAY HERE OUR INSPECTION —YOUR PROTECTION AitMOitY DE S O T O PLYMOUTH DEALER Home of Tested Used 926 CENTRAL AVE. m ^ ^ T ^ O p t m Cart E v n . Til 10 P.M 2-3381 r ^ W ^ ' ^ V ^ i HERE PHILCO USE " HEINS HYPER.POWER TELEVISION ,o much better if demanded a • NEW KIND OF SOUND pMua and ^ yi iX BOLET , * « w it» / .< < W t EASY HYPER-POWER PAYMENT MODEL 'Mis$ PLAN 6624-M America" World's First 3-SPEAKER Wide Diffusion TV Sound System! THE EXCLUSIVE PHILCO wwcwwcicininifwcicifimtmittvi • Large Screen Cuetom Deluxe Chassis • Wrap-Around Sound for exciting life-like presence • E x c l u s i v e H T V H l - V o l t a g e (20,000 volts) chassis • Phono-Jack • Exclu•ive Picture Boost Amplifier • New Super fonsing Tuner • N e w Picture Analizer • N e w 3-Position Range Switch • N e w Antenna Tuner • N e w Noise Inverter • UniDial All-in-one T o p Front Controls • Automatio Tuning (Remote Control optional) Dynaglow Channel Markers * Genuine M a h o g a n y Veneer C a b i n e t tOUCH 'N TUNI BUY NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY PHILCO 4 3 ) 0 1 r N I L C O 4 2 1 0 i - H T V c h a u k • New deluxe S p u r Switch • 2-poeition range changer • Built-in V H P . U H F antenna • Simpli T o p Front IHining • fiiggefrt value in I ' V . BUY TODAY! WAIT 9 TO NOTHING FINER 0 PAY! « 0 M ( IN GEI OITAIIS Of AMAZING PHIlCO-Otl.AT.I'AY" PIANI DOWNTOVifN'S LEADINC SHOPPING CENTER HEINS 6l BOLET 68 CORTLANDT STREET, N. Y. C RE 2 - 7 6 0 0 f»g« Ten C I V I L S E R V I C E Tiiesilay, 0«Miltli«r 24, 1957' L E A D E R DR. H A L L HEADS DUTCHESS COLLEGE A L B A N Y , Dec, 23 — Dr. James P. Hall Is president of the new 129B. C L I N I C A L SOCIAL Dutchess Community College at W O R K E R , various grades, startPoughkeepsie. His appointment ing pay $4,525 to $8,990. Require(Continued from Page 6) takes e f f e c t Feb. 1. T h e college is ments vary acording to grade. Jobs are in Veterans AdministraAnd what about space Itself—where does It stop, or doesn't It? one of three new community colleges recently established in the tion Installations throughout the Einstein said that space is unlimited but finite. By unlimited State University system. United States and Puerto Rico. T h e r e Is no closing date for he meant that its quantity Is undetermined and indeterminate, and Grades 7 through 11. Closing date by f i n i t e he denied that the quantity is infinite. Space is i^garded as U M a y 13, f o r Grades 12 and 13. Infinite by other scientists of comparable standing. T h i s difference of opinion compares with the controversy over whether the universe Is building up, dying out, or Just maintaining the status quo. W h e n Einstein made his statement he had already developed and even extended his theory of relativity, which Is based on the concept of curvature of space. Thus Einstein was perfectly consistent in asserting the unlimited nature of space while maintaining space is finite, since curvature can account for complete continuity without determinable end. U. S. Exam Open Looking Inside ff-l810 KaUbliahrd lO-ta HKIH (IRAnR MKMORIALf) 8 P M . Discniint t o CITII H e r v i M Employe W r i t e f o r Frra Yartcelt Calendar Rrlng tlila Ad with you f o r discount* I M CHESTER STREET N r . Fllkin AT*. B'klyn 1 2 , N . I . TRiHTl^^ There's no Gin like Gordon's ni ABRAHAM H. HOLLANDER POTATO CHIPS TASTi m WOHPIRFUL PiffUf T h e sputniics turned the eyes of the world to space. I t was now only natural that interest would be stimulated also in what lies beyond even the orbit level of an artificial earth satellite. Not only was the world's imagination fired, and deserved credit given the Russians, but astronomers, anJ mathematicians in general, began to speculate on whether It would ever be possible to launch an artificial satellite that would parallel the unique behavior of the Earth's only natural satellite, the Moon. Of all the Icnown satellites, the Moon alone rotates on its axis in exactly the same time that it completes one orbit around the Earth, further corroboration, though none is needed, of the mathematical harmony of the mechanism of the universe. If that identity can be duplicated artificially, the next step should be easy—to devise an artificial satellite that, like the Moon, will keep going continuously. NOWl KEEP TRIM at the ST. GEORGE GYM NEW Body Conditioning Apparatus BARBELLS and DUMBBELLS Get into Shape for Weight Lifting Tests I COMPLiTE GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT tow A D M I S S I O N includsi uia of worM-fameut nQlural iQll-walar S w i m m i n g Pool, S u n l a m p i . D i y - H o l a n d S t a a m R o e m t . Suit a n d tawal l u p p l i M . HOTEL d e ^ V C I C POOL C l A W C CT.. I K I Y N • M A t n 4 - 5 0 0 0 1958 GENERAL ELECTRIC 12 CUBIC-FOOT REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER WITH STRAIGHT LINE DESIGN ^ won't slick-out into your kitchen. Front fits flush with base cabinets. E l i m i n a t e hard-to-reach dirt-catching areas around refrig* erator . . . because back and sides fit flush against wall. REVOLVING SHELVES 14.4 PROOF, 100% NEUIRAl SPIRITS DISTIilEO FROM CRAIN GORDON'S DRY GIN CO., 110., LINDEN, N. I. Put all food at your fingertips Foods at the back come right out front! Easy to adjust up or down even when fully loaded. Make all other shelves old fashioned. I . K f i A I . NOTICH SOIL I C X l ' L G U A T I O N S A N D rOUNUATlON INVESTie^TIONS BUONX S T A T E H O S i ' l T i J . POWEUHOUSK. RECEI'TION. OKRIATRICS, M E D I C A L & SUUtHCAL BUILDINGS A N D FUEL T A N S A R E A BRONX COUNTY SpM. N o . SM-114 N O T I I K TO I t i n U K B S Sftftl.'d piopo.^als f o r Ihe above project. »n aocordance w i l h Specifloatioii N o . SM114 will bo reoetved by Henry A . Cohen. Director. Bureau o ( Conlr:ula, Departiiienl at Public Works, H t l i Floor. T h e Governor A l f r e d E. Smilh Stale OIllco Uuiklinif. Alt)any, N . Y. on behalf of the Department of Menial HyKlene. until :(I0 ft'clock iVM.. January i i l 5 8 , when they will t)e ptiblicly opened atul read. TRUE ZERO-DEGREE FREEZER Each proposal nuiat be made lil>on the form and Httbniitled in the envi'lope pruTlded therefor and shall be at"jnipaifieil by i cei'lilicd check niado payable to the Stata of New York. Coninilssioncr of Taxation and Finance, of 5':i. of the •mount of Ihe bid as a Buaranty that Ibc bidder will enter into the contract If it ba awarded to him. T h e specilication number must be written on the front of Ihe anvolope. The blank spaces In Ihe proposal mnsl bo filled in. and no ehanite •hall be made in the phraseology of the proposal. Proposals that carry any omiK•lons. erasures, alterations or adOitione w a y he rejected aa i n f o r m a l . T h e Slate reserves the rleht to reject » n y or all bids. Sliccessful bidder will be ntiuired to tfive a bund conditioned f o r lha f a i t h f u l performance of the contract and 1 sci>arate bond f o r the payment of laborers and materialmen, each bond In t h « «um of 100% of the amount of the oontraet. (orpoi'aliona submitting t>rupoaali shall be aiithorized to do biislncsu In tba State of New Y o r k . Specilicationa oiay ba e-taniined free of charse at the following- olllces; l a ) Bureau of I'onlractt, 141h Floor. T h e Oovernor A l f r e d E. Sinitb State Off i l e Buildinif, Albiiny 1, New Y o l k , ( b ) Mr. M. E. r.oul. District F.ni;ini«'r. New YurU State Dept. of PuMio Works. ;l'.!5 W i s t Main Street, Babylon, 1,011* Island. New Y o r k . U ) Mr. William M. Trainer, Associate Contract Engineer, Dtuiartnicni of Public Woika, •..•70 Broadway, N e w Y o r k City, New York. Soeeill. alions may hi> obtained by callinu at tha olliees of any one of the above and o i a k i n * deposit of $5.00 for each set or by mailinii sllih deposit to the l l u n a u of C o n t r a . t j . Department of Piiblie Works. Tha Oovernor A l f r e d E. Smilh Stats OfBe« Uuildinif. Albany, N . Y . Checks shall b » made payable to llie Department of Piibllc Works. Proposal blanks and en» « l u u e « will be fiiruisbcd without charge. Ditled: December 0, 11)67 Big capacity, 2.1 cu. ft., holds up to 74 pounds. Separately insluated and refrigerated. Easy terms. Libaral trade-in allowance AND LOOK AT THESE PLUS FEATURES Automatic defrosting refrigerator section • Magnetic safety door • Twin vegetable drawers • Butter Iteeper • Egg raciu liold one dozen eggs • Juice can dispenser and ice cream raci( • Available in General Electric Mix or-Match Colors A MADE WELL APPLIANCE CORP. 1737 PItlcin Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. EV 5-4400 i Social Security » (Continued from Pajte 6) In death or to be of long-continued and indefinite duration. A waiting period of six consecutive months of disability is required before benefits may be payable. I n order to qualify for disability benefits a worker must be both f u l l y and currently Insured and iilso must have had 20 quarters of coverage during the 40-quarter A beneficiary who engages in period ending with the quarter In which the disability begins. renumerative work pursuant to a for his rehabilitation These requirements are Intended program to limit the payment of disability carried on under a state-approved (Continued on Page 12) Insurance benefits to p9r.sons who have had a sufficiently long period of coverage under the program to Indicate that they were dependent upon their covered earnings over an extended period before they SPRINGFIELD GARDENS became disabled and who have S21.500 had sufficient recent coverage to "indicate that their withdrawal 2-riliiiMy snllil liriik ililailied home rrHtliriiiK I ft a""' ' /•* r«iiim Htinrlniriitx. I HrKr iiliil. <ias hi'Rt, itHmne BIHI liiHtU of i : \ T E n - R A r i A i . ST. ALBANS Detached Colonial nnpfHlliil.v. nit nxiiin, ilflat'lipd liiiiiir. (Ill lii-al. FinlKluHl linhfinent: iHriir liliit. liilrriiir iifolv ilniirMtld. Kxirni. (LHlorc. Saiiill i'«»li. MOVE RIGHT IN! $9,800 $11,900 Acl Quickly I OTHER 1 AND 2 FAMILIES $390 CASH ^MALCOLM Under "NATIONALS" famous "LAr-AWAY" Flan HOUSES — HOMES - PROPERTIES THE BEST G I F T O F A L L — YOUR O W N LONG ISLAND REALTY^ lll-n.l I'armert Blvil., 8(. Albant TROJAN UNITED CORP. n is/i< all present and I I s past, future clienis, liest U islies for a Merry Clirlslmas and a Happy ISctu LKCiAL S Modern Roemt, Steam Heat, Bosement, Large Plot 114-44 Sutphin Blvd. ^ JAMAICA J O L 9-6700 ^ Open 7 doy» a w«eli CO. One nf Queens' Oldest Heal Estate Firms U 8 20 HILLSIDE AVE. J A M A I C A . N. Y. Open DAILY. SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 9 f o 9 O L 7-6600 4 nf yon Hie dtit! (o nhow oauRe before tli« SunoKale'B Court nf our T'ounly of Nrw York, Kt the Hall of Hfoords in the Conn ty of New York, on the '"Ih day of Januar.v. one thoiiKanfi nine linnth'ed and flftyei^rht, at half-paft o'clock in the forenoon of tliat (l.'ty, nhy the eaid will and tfKtanient and t'o<li4'iI thereto shouM not be admittod to prohaie as a wiH of roal and personal un)|)pr»y. IN TESTIMONY WHEKEOF, have oaosrd the seal of the SiiiTOKKte'fl Tonrt of the «aid Connty of New York to be here{L. S.) UMh) affixed. WITNESS. Honorable .Tottf-ph A. Cox. Surrog:a1e of our fiaid County of New York, at fliitd oounty, the 4th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hnndre<l aiuI fiffy-*ievon, Philip A. Dona)uus Clerk of the Surrosaie'8 Court SEE US FOR OUR LOW LOW PRICE RICHMOND HILL: Price: $19,000 out 16 feet — lets you clean twice th» a r e a of a n y other cleoner. Exclusive telescoping w a n d a n d threaw h e e l e d nozzle. Model 8 4 Complete with Tools No dust bog fo empty , . . throwa w a y bog takes just 10 l e c o n d t fo change. Quiet, full horsepower motor for extra luction. Brand new , . , itlil In factory cartoni. MARKS APPLIANCE CO. 143 Greenwich Street — w o 4-4923 — New York City Price: $12,500 HOLLIS: I family ghiuRle drla.-bed: naraue. laree firtxlOO lot. rnomis. Oaw heat, iliio T) room hri«'k anH«'h»'«l huiUiing. Separate healing unit, good for 2 fuin. »r |)r<if<'!»si»inal. Loa«lR of ILL ST si:i: TO \RIMIK< I.\TK Ofher 1 and 2 family homes. Priced from $9,000 up. Also Business Properties. ALLEN & For EDWARDS Real Esfafe THIS WEEK S S P E C I A L S S. OZONE PK.—Brick and stucco Tudor Home, 6 rooms, oil $15,500 convenient ncigliborliood. Price HOME AND BUSINESS—Semi-attached brick—STATION- E R Y A N D L U N C H C O U N T E R , 3 room apt. In rear, 4 room $11,000 apt. upstairs. R«n(a". or sale. Price Prompt Personal Service — Open Suncfayi and Evenings LOIS J. ALLEN Licensed Real ANDREW EDWARDS U8-18 Liberty Ave Esfafe Brokers Jamaica, N. V. OLympIa 8-2014 * 8-2015 UPSTATE PROPERTY $700 IF TRANSFERRED TO ALBANY Don't mi(<8 looUinir at Ihis ultra mod. hiii-U & frame Ji brm. Kan-lifr in fitHsi Boolion of >liKt)\vii\ illf\ Only 2 hlUn. lo bUH. Li v. rm. 18 X IS) wiJh fiif-pl. J'J-ft. pi'-mre window. Marvelous I'i x kil>-h. dinette in soft-liKht knotty piiir, Kiainl arranyenient, 'v4-ft cnjiitcrB, v'V-ft. . ahiniMs, huiltiu tahle-lop ran}r<> & (ivi'ii, Jmih >.laiiilrsfi steel. Lpe. hall. ,'{ IgP. hrmH. tile bath with vanity. Am>lher rm. fnr iind bath, l.jrr. attif, floorefl. Tall r«-llar. hw oil heat. Heated Kar, l«:e. Jot. .vtotip terraoe. Kxtras in<i. all-piastcred Nvall.«. heaxy 'Z x ]0 A. •-J X eonstni. tion, uniiiiif rn«ran«e, rai.Mtl jIasHtone lire-pl. hearth. Heat rost JflKO yr., int.'l ilomcHtic hoi. wat. ralifnrnia natural pex-floor.e. 1 mi. to Albany. I'iose to fhtirches. Stole not far. Taxes yr. THICK $1K..S(»0. Immediate possession. Transfer «ieales tltis «ale. OHlee open every day, Sundays. WAl.TKR UKLL, BrUr. Altumoiit, N. Y. Tel UNion 1 - H l J l . HOMES n^ar LEG.\L Exclusive double-stretch hose reachet ST. ALBANS: 2 fjimily hri. k iN ta- hrd. 10 1 family Bhinirle dftarhrd. 2 oar jtarrooniH, 5 .'>. M-tni finisln-d bjim-ntent. nR:p, 7 roiUMs, 4 hi'ijro«)n)n. oil l'#'at, oil h'*(. OilH-r I'Mras iti.-hukd. new roof and ah ins Irs. Kxn-jin in«'?uded. ROSKNDALP: Limited Quantity Available LONG ISLAND 192 11 LINDEN BOULEVARD. ST. ALBANS LA 5-0033 new Site Western Ave. Disl. $1 (».SM)0 ^1,600 down. Tel. Albany Never Before Such a Low Price HOME SMITH & S C i S C O Real Estate ^ NOTICK CITATION — I'a.-lOil, 11157 — The P.-o pie llie Stale ol New YovU By the Graie nt Goil Kife »iiil InricDinileiit. To Ml,MAN Nl( HOLS GUAHAM. 4(1 Stoiiey Lane, SllureliHni-l)y-lheSfa. tiimiitx. EiiBliinil, (lie next of kin and lii'ii'8 at law ot WII.LIAiM E. GRAHAM, defeased, li nd lireflinK: Wheira«, FLORENCE GRAHAM, who rptiilfB at East lHlh Street. Boroniih of AlanliatL.n, tlie Cily of New York, has lately applied to the Snn-ogate's t.'oui't of our Counly ot New Yolk to have two en-lain inslninieiits in writinii liearinK ilalm M.ny ynth. I!t6'2 aiul D'ceiuber ITIh, liJft.'J reiipet'fively relaliiiif to both real and personal i)i-oi)ei-ly. duly j>roveil as the last will and tetlanient ot W I I i l A M K. GUAHAM, de^'eaae.l, who was at the time ot his death a resilient ot l.'i.'J East ISIh Streel. Hni'ough of Manhattan, the Counly of New York. THKKKKORE, you snd each NATIONAL Year. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TROJAN 4 HOIlis 8-0707 — 4)708 NO MORTGAGE PROBLEMS LONG ISLAND i extrDN. SPRINGFIELD GARDENS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE from covered work was probably due to their disability. Rchabililallon Enters T h e disability benefits program will be administered in close relationship with the vocational rehabilitation program. Applicants for disability Insurance benefits will be referred to the vocational rehabilitation agency. T h e law contains special provisions designed to keep the disability benefits consistent with the objective of rehabilitation. NOTUE Campus !».(M)0. CASH SrKIN4il IF.I.n GAKI>K.NS — FL room frame, ti car RHrnse, teas $11,500 HOIJ.I^ — 9 fnmlly •(uoco. 4 anri 4. t! onr RaraBe. $16,900 ADOlSI.Kir.H P.VItK — KIIUIIKII Tininr Itrh-k, 7 rooms, ftnislird basement with hnr, nv4 rHlzed giiruKe. 300 Belford D.Harty,Jr. ISllh St Jamiiici Fl 1-1950 I.KIIAI Mtl'KK tirATIlIN P .^51fl. 1057. TllH I'KOri.lC OK T H E STATIC OP NKW YORK liy Uie Gluce ol Guil ivce anil liulclitjulcnl. TO Mis. SANDOR WINTI'R, hnr,I IHMA GMiGVAN, also known as IRMA WINTliU. llpcr-Sheva Siclini, HH Hr./'Z IhikI Hie next ol liin and li'ivB "t liiw iil I l.l'-K (iARGVAN, also known aa OSCAR IC. t^AltYAN, also known as OSCER E. GAR-AN, Ucenaafil. scnil RrePliiiB: •\VUEUEAS; 111-. liNlianl Iloiozrlli r, «lie rvsiata al :!01 Kast 17lh S l m l . Ni w Yoi k City, anil HowaiU B. rliniT, who i.Mili n at Park Avuniie. tlio fiiy ol w York, lias lali.'ly auiillfd lo Ihe Siirrotali'a < ciirt oJ our fonnty ot New Yoik to liave a >irlain insli'linipnt- in wiiliiiu licwini,' i;alii May ;iid, 11),57 relaliiir to liotli iimI anil piTsonal proijci'ly, chily iinivrd aa ilif k.at will and tcslainent of KLKK ARliVAN, hlno known as OSOIOR E. GARCYA.N. lilao known aa OSCAR E. AR AN, .ti'icim. d, who »aa at the lime ot his draih a nmlmt o( 451) East S4th SII-HPI, New Yolk t .iy. tli« CoMtuy lit New Y'otk. T11E11I;E0RK, yon and e.T.'li of vo.i ave riled lo allow (.-allse hrfore the SimoKalf's Coiii't of our Connly of N' w \ oi k, al Room 6111 in the Hull ot Itirinds in ihe Comity of Ni'W York, on Die Mill i^ay of .Ijiiinary, OMB llioiisatid n'lie hiiinlrid ^lnd titly-i i«lit, at half paM Mi o . lo k in Ihi' tonnoon of llial day. why the m il will Hml tralamenl ahoiild not lie ailniatnl lo iirohalo US a 4 ill of n-al and pi rsonal |iroperiy. IN TKSTIMONY WHEREOF, we have eauBi'd llle seal of llie Siiri-iitrjili a Cuin-t of tile naid Ciiniily of Ni.-w Yuik lo be lu-reunlo affixid- iseal) WIT.NIOSS, Hiinoralile S. SAMIKl. Dl FAl.l.'O, SliiTogate of our miil i.f Ki'W Y'oi'k, at Biiiil I'outily, llie .M,d ilay of IJeeembor in Ihe yeai* of our l.-ird one Jliou* ftanil nine hlindriit and lifiyM-vin. I'Hll.ll' A. nO.NAHl E, l ink ot the Surrogate s Coiiit. IMOIUKR, KLISE W.—CITATION.—The IVoplo of Ihe Stale »>I New York, Hy I lie Grat-e of f!od Kree and Independent. To John C. Warner, Jr.. Anne Warner Hoff, Wina Dorothy K. Warner, H-len Heer Kohn. MIB. Adi'laide (irannatt, Mrn. CtniHtaiice I*. K. Hoover. Dr. (Jilfoitl B. I'in• •liot, Mrs. Mary Pineluit Me.ver, Antonette Eno l'in«hot llratllee. (Jilfortl Tinehot 2nd, Carol.vii Warm r D^ puy, Mary Thrall Powers, Ha.vmond S. Thrall, Minor\a T. Mi Kaijr, Jane T. W< ar. Fram-ea lllman, Curtis W. 'J'hi-ull. Ct.ia Liim AiiderMon, thf> next of kin and lieii-H at law of Elise W. I'oirler, deceased, tsend greeti>i»r: Whereas, Sherwood B. Bosworth, t\ho resides al Murray Street, Westpurl, Conneetieut, anti Kalph A. (iamble, who rcHideH at Aibee Ctnirl. I.ar-hmont. New York, huvo lately applietl to the Snri-ofcate 8 Court of our County t.f N« w Vtuk to have a eertain instrumeMl in xxritiig; bearitiK (hile January 30, IH t.'t relating to both r< al and pc-r«onal properly, duly proved an the lant will and testament of Klist» W. l't)iiier, deirahetl, who was at the time of h«r death a rebident of the County of New Yolk. Tl» ere fore, you aixl e8<h of you are eited to bhow eauHo betore the Suirotraie B Court of our County of New Yt)ik. at the Hall of IlecortlH in Ihe County of New York, on the d:iy of Januaty. one thoutiand nine hundred and ti fty-ei^ ht, at hall-paHt ten 0'<-l0'k In ihe loreiiotin of that day. why the fi.iii) will and teKt;imeiii hlioitid not be Uihnitled to probate UH a will of real and pei-HOual property. In lestmicmy wheicof, we liave oatiBod file seal of tht> Suri'oi:iiie'u Coip-t of the •aitl 1 uUiily of Nrw York to be hereuiiKi alli.xed, Witni-ss, Honorable S. Snmiul Di Faleo, {L. S ] Surro|:;ite of our baul Counly of Ni w York, al kaid • ounty, the l l t h day of D<..nibir in the Q U E S T I O N S on olvll servic® year of our I.ord one tlMutsand and Soi'LiI Security answered. nine hundred hihI titty-M-ven. Address Editor, The l-eader, 87 I ' l m . l P A NONAVIL'K Clerk uf the buiroi'ulc « Court. Duitne Street. New York 7, N. Y. Page C I V I L Twelve wvAL imriwcTioN IIOUSEIIOLn C I V I L S m t V I C K K X A M S — I I S . cillliTal enir All I t s . and clonicntary BMbipim tiy eorlinrd exncrleiiccil toachcr. O L 7-B85I llhU' PIA!SOS fTANTKI) WOMKN, Knrn part-time m o i i c j a l home. •(idi'CMiMii! cnvclDiic« l y t p i n i oi luiieliandi fur ailvi-rtlsert Mall $1 tor Intlniclion Mandal IBllliij how ( M n e y b a c k gliarao tei > Slnrlin;; Valvp Co.. Corona N T DKI.IVICIt TO T H E All Makes — EXAM Kasy — ORGAISS Save at I I K O W N S l>l.\N(» H A I t T , In City'i largest plano-orcnn «tore 125 lii.iiioa and orsann. 1047 Central Ave.. Alliany. N 7 I'hone 8 8852 "ItPniRter e d " Ciano Si-rvi.e Upper N V. Statr'ci otdy discount piano Htore SAV& Open It lo 0 T Y P K W K I T K R S l{^;^T^;D F o r Civil Servicc Exams WK NECESSITIES H R M T C UK. m , « S AT I ' l t i d c s v o u c.\N A i r i m n Purnitnro. api)lian(T8. K l f l s rlotlilnff. H e si real «.iTliiita. Municipal Emplo.vcca Service. (loom 4':s, 15 Park R o w CO 7 5.1110 IIOOM Terms MIMl;nuUAI'HS. ADnlNO MACHINKS INIiatNATIONAi. TYI'KWIilTKK CO f 0/-.I t : . R E 4-71I00 Z4.U Is. OOlh 9 t . 0 p c n till 0:30 pm ' IVVKT T I M K I N C O M K SiMiploinent y o u r preaRut Income with c x l r a » 5 ( l 00 PIT wit. or more. Pleanant w o r k . our tinin y o u r o w n . w o r k I i o m hoinr •ei tcct Tor hiinsband-wife ti-iini. Call :i 7 4ni) or w r i t e : Sales M s r . , 2 West BBth, N . Y . , N . Y . Typswriteri Addinq Machines Addreising Macliines Mimeoqraphs f Guarttnli'<.(l Q U E S T I O N S on civil service and Social Security answered. Address Editor, Tiie Leader. 97 Duane Street. New York 7. N. V. Also f l e n l a l * . l;i-|iain ALL LANGUAGES TYPEWRITER CO. 119 W . 23rd .ST., N K W V O K K I , N . fllelBCn ;i-80SU «. t^OREIGN C A R S ^ r e Y o i i Slill I -iviiig w i l a T O C I M P A Over 40 Miles • OOlmvHperAnier.Gal. ACE S I M C A $1595 llklyira] Oulv I Immed. nHlvery Over«eaH llpliverlea Arranged A v a i l u h l e with Aniomatic OtMiIrr " TranHmltHlon 41101 K I n e i H'wiiy t'l- 2-40i;i< _ Hiiii'i'ft I • at Oiialily Alrcran ^ECONOMICALLY M nil flit civil Servlre E Z E Y you niailc up for all llicsc stciiingless ^ PRICED^ ^ DE LUXE FEATURES AT A LOW PRICE "Second Honeymoon" Ser\ice-forEight. A delu.ttf chest containing a COMPACT S I Z E . . . BIG CONVENIENCE 42-piecc set in your choice of 7 lovely MOTORS^ patterns from 122? 2nd AVE. (64 St.l < TE 8-3100 A A A A A A A ^ Let IIS show you our "SliCOND AUTOMOBILES CHECK THESE FEATURES: special nONKViMOON" SERVICE-FOR-F.I(;irr l.N ^irloom5terlin5 58 OLDS •Tfadc-iimrks ol Oneida Ltd. BRAND NEW FULL WIDTH FREEZER CHEST fehMFI6 ftE&Li For Civil Service Employee! KIVK V.I KXKtl'TIVK CAKS A V A I I . A I I I r. A T TRKMF.MIOIW OIHCOl .ST>4. Also a good selection of QUALITY ( USED HOUSTON CARS OLDS. INC. I/ 270 Lafayette St. cor. Priace Dl 9-3820 '57 MERGURYS DIAL DEFROST 'TTTi •4 TERRIFIC DISPLAY—ALL MODELS & COLORS in STOCK ^ also Used Car Closeoufs '6.1 l l F S i m i r l r e f l l t e epe, p o w e r T.r. 01.IIS " 8 S " S f d a i i hydra 'nn I ' d l i l l ::-dr tSeduu, Mcrt'umalle and many OHMTK EZEY J ^ ^ ^ MOTORS^ \lilhoii/.pd l.iilioln-.Mert'ury l l r u l e r . ^ t.l 1229 2nd Ave. (64 St.l TH 8-;!0« j Not iiluitriilcd : Mansion Mi>use* Keigiiing Bcauiy * Gold & Silver Shop SAMUEL C. SCHECHTER'S 5 BEEKMAN STREET Mew York BA 7-9044 Open lAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FACTORY REP DEMONSTRATORS $1000 REDUCTION "L" MOTORS Aiillinrir.cd Doilge-Plynuiolh Dealer llriiitilway « n 5 l h St., N. V. 0. \VA 8-7800 NEMITH'S BMW ISETTA SALE! Drastic Reduction on New '51 Dodges-Plymouths BRIDGE MOTORS, Inc. 1531 Jerome Ave., Bx. 1172 St.l CY 4-1200 I Iiiiii'rilliira, \Va;:on4, Si-daiiH LAMBRETTA MTR. SCOOTER TRIUMPH TR3 RENAULTS Diuipliinrii and It'V JAGUARS .1.1 SHI.iih, .^lark ; r « . MORRIS ( oiiverlilile. HEADQUARTERS FOR USED C A R S We carry many f/ne Used Cars ranging from {99 to $2199. J A C K S O N MOTORS C O . Aiilkorliieil UeSoto P l y m o i i t h itealera 01-10 NOICTIII'^KN B O U I . K V A K U TW »-n70 i lh„,r GOLIATH '2-lloor, Citiiverlihli'M, Wagiiiia HILLMANS PORSCHE 4 (tiivei'lilile, Uagon, XKIAO !!-l)uor Kpee«lttler, Cutipe SUNBEAMS FIATS MGA aiiillipia, V^alionll, Nrdans iCoail..il(-r. 4 uupcM JAGUAR ECLUSIVE DISTRIIU TOR FOR 19 COUNTRIES All Models on Hand LATHAM, N. Y. REMOVABIE ADJUSTABLE DOOR SHELVES SOU. FT. REFRIGERATOR :iuo and floo DS 19 C I T R O E N LEFTOVER GENERAL ELECTRIC MODEL LB-81R WOULD WIDE SALON ALPHA ROMEO Koadst.r AUSTIN HEALEYS liuadsler AUSTIN ASS Man. BORGWARDS Sliilioii \\at;ons and 3-l>oiirs itt* ^^ IM Mnw -s- $350 A WEEK AFTER SMALL DEPOSIT 1 ' 'M GENERAL ELECTRIC the War Biulo of 1942. Isn't it time \0llMiii/wl l.lnpohl-Mercury Dealrl •AAAAAAJ I W O R K for the State and my job was recently covered under Social Security. I also have an outside job, .so my total earnings from both joiis are over $4,200. Must I pay the Social Security tax at both places? V.O.R,. M Y B R O T H E R d i e d .several weeks ago and left .surviving a son eight years old who.se mother died when he was born. I would liice to adopt him as I have no children of my own. Would my adoption of this cliild a f f e c t any Social Security he could get? P. E. No. Adoption of a child terminates benefits only If the child is adopted by .someone other than a step-parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt. Yes, deductions will be iriade by both employees on your salary up to the $4,200 maximum for I H A V E B E E N a stenographer each. However, ai, the tim? you file with New York City and just came your Federal income tax return into Social Security. I am 65 you can apply for a refund of the years old and will retire next year. taxes paid on all wages over the I have a sister who is 61 and never er first $4,200. worked, has no Social Security and who is dependent on tne. I A M A FIREM.AN and on my have been told she could get a days off I work for my son. Is he srnall benefit from Social Security. •supposed to take the Social S e J. B. T a x Goes Up t I^ittle curity tax from what ii? pays me? Your sister would not be able to A distinctive feature of tiie dis- C.J. draw benefits based on your Soability provision is the separate No, employment by a .son or cial Security coverage. T h e only years? Come and see our lavish Car F.mplojcet Questions Answered curity and the State Wide I n surance Plan, can I withdraw my Retirement Fund and stop further contributions to same? W.F.O. No. The other wonian was yoid Yoii — MBZEYfrTVU 4 SAAB-933 Swi-dcn'n (Continued from Paiite 11) vocational reiiabilitation plan will, up to a year after he engages in such a ptogram, not be considered as able to engage in .substantial gainful activity .solely by reason of the set-vices rendered under this rehabilitation program. A rehabilitant will thus ha/e a year to test his earning capacity without losing his disability benefits. On the other hand, disability benefits will not be paid to anyone who, without good cause, refuses rehabilitation services whicii have been made available to him under a State-approved vocational rehabilitation plan. For the purpose of guarding against a pyramiding of certain benefits that tuay be p a y able to an individual under various public programs on account of disability, the disability benefit under old-age and survivors insurance is reduced by the amount of any other Federal benefit or woricmen's compensation benefit that is based on the individual's disability. income, is Imposed to finance the disability insurance program. T h i s additional tax will be deposited in the newly crcated Federal di.9ability insurance tru.st fund. Disability benefits and t h » costs of administering tiie disability benefits progratti will be paid f r o m this fund. 1957 financing system. Beginning with daughter or a .spouse is excluded ones who could draw on your ac1957, an additional tax of la of from coverage under Social S e - count would be a dependent husone percent on wages ( ' i each curity, band, children under 18, or defrom the employee i, and ^a of pendent parents. one percent on self-employment N O W T H A T I have Social Se- | (Continued on Faffe 15) T I I K I l t K N C I I FAIMII.V-Sr/.I': ( Alt. TOI- II.I'. I N ITS t l . A S S •TTTT Sea It first ^riiK TiicMlay, December 21, L R A D E II Social Security Shoppers Service Guide mm m r v T C E • Full width chiller tray; extra deep; 16 lbs. additional short term freezer storage • Full width vegetable drawer-holds Vi bushel • Magnetic safety door-opens easily, closes automatically • Butter compartment and two egg racks • Aluminum shelves AMERICAN HOME CENTER, INC 616 Third Ave., a t 40tli Street, N. Y. C . MU 3-3616 A&B HOME APPLIANCE Offers You Revolving, Adjustable True Zero-Degree Full Width Shelves! Freezer 1958 GENERAL ELECTRIC 11CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR SO MANY DELUXE F E A T U R E S . . . SO LITTLE MONEY AS L O W AS $150 PER WEEK After Small Down Payment Liberal trade-in allowance on your old ' refrigerator regardless of make Enjoy the convenience of REVOLVING, ADJUSTABLE SHELVES Plus Famous General Electrit More than 4.000,000 General Electric Refrigerators have been in use 10 years or longer. ASK ABOUT GENERAL ELECTRIC S 5 YEAR PROTECTION PLAN. Dependability Put «ll food at your fingertips. Foods at the back come right out front. Easy to adjust up or down even when fully loaded. Makes all other shelves old fashioned. HOME APPLIANCES and BUILT-IN CENTER 1608 C O N E Y I S L A N D A V E . (bet. A v e s . L & M) BROOKLYN FOR OUR BEST DEAL ON n c O O R A A ANY APPLIANCE C A L L U t O-OOUU PLANNING A NEW KITCHEN? T A K E A D V A N T A G E O F A & B's FREE CUSTOM KITCHEN PLANNING SERVICE Call for Detoils RANGES * REFRIGERATORS * FREEZERS * BUILT-INS * CLOTHES and TELEVISION, ETC. AinriVITIKS o r E M P f ^ V K K S New York City " M r . New York City Chapter" Is retiring. On Thursday, January 23, 1958, the chapter's executive committee will meet jointly with the Department of Public Works to honor Joseph J. Byrnes, treasurer of the chapter, who is retli^ lug from .state service. Mr. Byrnes has been treasurer for the past 16 years and has served the stale for 25 years. Prior to entering slate service, Joe Byrnes was an elevator constructor for a number of years, helping to install elevators in many of the tallest buildings in New York City. Although Mr. Byrnes Is retiring from state employment, he will continue to sorve state employees lU the office of the N Y C Chapter, l ^ o m 905, 80 Centre Street, New Vork. He has been offered a parttime job in the chapter office and I ^ s accepted. He will be " a t home" t.here after the first of the year. In appreciation of the 22 years that Mr. Byrnes has devoted to Die chapter his many friends wish him many more years of good l\talth and prosperity and good li ck in his retirement. Pilgrim State Pilgram State Hospital held its annual employees' C h r i s t m a s party in the hospital recreation hall December 18 from 1 to 5 P.M. Kazmier K . Firth, chief supervising nurse of the Edgewood Division. headed the party committee, assisted by Mildred Currier, Mae E. Dearling, Argie Erdman, Helen Hedges, Lawrence McDonald, Mary Jane Preston, Otto Semon, and Marian Tribe. Rev. Thomas S. Forker, Roman Catholic chaplain of the hospital, opened the program with the Invocation. The employees and their families were welcomed to the party by Dr. Harry J, Worthing, hospital director, who then presented 25-year pins to 31 hospital employees. They were Albert J. Benedis. Roy Burns, Phillip Carrlgan, Mayme Crowe, Charles DanIsch, Joseph Dlehl, Argie Erdman, Peter Goldstein, Donald J, Hahn, Edward Hahn, Frank Hahn, Hei-bert Herbold, Gertrude Inglis, Thomas Kennedy, William Fuori, Sr. and Walter Nelson, Also receiving 25-year pins were Dorothy Kuhlmann". John Kessler, Douglas Lennon, Austin Lockerman, Cletha Maxwell, Thomas McAleavey, Julia O'Gorman, Thomas Organ, John Quinn, Edmund Schultz, Anna Sheridan, R.N.: Mae Uttal, Roland G Vaughan, M.D,; Carl Walty, and George T . Hoover. Dr. Worthing also took the opportunity to introduce the eight hospital employees who retired during 1957. They are John Bensen, Irene Carrigan, Mabel Carrigan, Leo Liberty. Ethel Stowe, Anna White, Earl V. Stowe, and Joseph DeCastro. A brief memorial service was conducted by the Rev. Harold E. Anderson, Protestant chaplain of the hospital, for the 23 hospital employees who died during the year. After the.se ceremonies the employees and attendants were served refreshments prepared by the food service personnel of the hospital under the direction ot Pood Service Manager Otto Semon. The employees' orchestra under the direction of Marian Tribe provided music for dancing and Mr. Benecase played Canta Claus, The recreation hall was filled to capacity and observers reported an abundance of holiday spirit among the employees of the "world's largest hospital." Ben Sherman, regional representative of the Civil Service Employees Association, was a guest at the party. On Thursday evening, December 19, Dr. and Mrs. Worthing played host to the staff of the hospital and their families at a party also held In tiie recreation hall. Brooldyn State The Brooklyn State Hospital Chapter of the CSEA w i s h e s everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, The full dance of the Employee's Association was a great suocess. Tiie co-chairmen, Barbara Sweet and Henry Girouard, thank all those who contributed to mak- IN STATE ing the affair such a well attended one. First prize was won by Ben Monahan; second prize, L i l lian Hammond; and third prize, Mary Bussing. W e are very happy to know that Vincent Gebbia, a former psychiatric aide award winner, has an exhibition of his paintings at the Arts Gallery in New York City. Keep up the good work, Vincent. We hope that all the employees and their friends will contact their local representatives in the State Legislature concerning a salary Increase and a 40-hour work week for every employee. It is with regret that we announct the recent demise of Fred T . Ross, head engineer at the hospital for many years. Mr. Ross will be missed by his many friends and co-workers as he was one of the most concientious and cooperative employees in the institution. Our deep sympathy to Mrs. Ross and family. Sincere sympathy to Matthew Lo.scalzo on the death of his f a ther: to Mrs. Lillie Scalzo on the death of her father; to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gormley on the death of Mr. Gormley's mother in Ireland; Mrs. Marlon Antrum on the recent demise of her father; John Stenerson and family on the death of his aunt. The Brooklyn S t a t e Hospital Nurses' Alumni recently had their annual Chri.stmas party for the student nurses. The affair was a great success and everyone had a good time. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dwyer on their recent tax exemption—a baby boy. The f a ther is doing well. The next meeting of the Brooklyn S t a t e Hospital Psychiatric Forum will be held at the hospital auditorium on January 9th at 8:30 P.M. The speaker will be Dr. Clara Thompson, President of the William Alanson While Institute, and her topic will be MotherDaughter Relationships. T h e following employees are making a good recovery in the sick bay: John Magurl, Glenna Wells, Bernlce Jouan, Charles Gallagher. Manliattan Slate The next chapter meeting will be held at the assembly hall. Wednesday, January 8, 1953, at 4:30 P.M. Important matters are on the agenda and all employees are urged to attend. Although justly proud of the CSEA achievement this year, president Jennie Allen Shields cautions against complacency at this time. She further pledges an allout effort toward the realization of a 40-hour week with a substantial increase in take home pay. A speedy recovery is wished for the following: Agnes Cleary, Flora Parker, Emma Peterson, Betty O'Dorothy, Mrs. Clarke, Daniel Maher, Thomas Stiers and W i l liam Wallace. Your chapter officers wish all a very Merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year. Graig Colony Marilyn Gonzales Is reported recovering nicely after major surgery at the Dansviile Memorial Hospital in Dansviile, New York. Mrs. Gonzales is a psychiatric aide at the Schuyler Division of Craig Colony Hospital at Sonyea and is a prominent member of the Civil Service Employees Association and the New York State Mental H y giene Association. She is the wife of Rafael E. Gonzales, well-known Latin American entertainer and also a member of both associations. He is a male nurse at tiie Loomis Division of Craig Colony Hospital. Mrs. Gonzales' many friends wi.sh her renewed good health. BINGHAMTON HOSPITAL HONORS STENO Dr. Ulysses Schutzer, director, commended Camilla Fifzgerald, principal stenographer, at a party held at Binghamton State Hospital, in honor of her completion of 50 years of continuous service. Among the guests w a s Dr. Kenneth Keill, director of Willard State Hospital and former stafF member of Binghamton. The employees and stafF of the hospital presented Miss Fitzgerald with a television set, money, and other gifts. From left, Dr. Schutzer, Miss Fitzgerald, Mary Murphy, Cathleen Rickerd, Florence Drew, and the Rev. Walter Read, hospital chaplain. ACTIVITIES <>F KHIPLOYERK deserving graduate from the school of Nursing so that he or she may continue their medical studies. Patricia Lundberg. Gunnard Nelson, Veto Ferro, Harold Kumpf, and Chairman Victor Cohen served on the festival committee and produced an almost magical transformation. The Assembly Hall was a night club for the evening with dancing silhouettes, musical notes, autumn leaves, and top hats decorating the walls. Crepe paper streamers interspersed with colored lights and balloons were draped from the walls to a revolving chandelier of cut glass mirrors in the center of the room. T h e mirrors of the chandelier reflected and multiplied the glittering wall ornaments. Tables were arranged for 350 people and every place was taken. Each table was covered with a different colered cloth. Harmonizing candles flickered from leafshaped candelabra. Tubby Wallace's orchestra fui^ nished music for dancing. Entertainment was provided by professional entertainers Including a comedian, a vocalist, a ventriloquist, and a dancer-acrobat. In keeping with the night club atmosphere, there were hat check girls, waitresses, a cigarette girl, and a photographer who took group pictures. The hospital, which was once noted for its many fine employee dances and parties, lost much of its social life with the coming of the war and the rapid turnover in employees that accompanied it. These functions have been sadly missed and wiien Dr. I. Murray Rossman, hospital director, instituted employee family picnics several summers ago they proved very popular. So much .so in fact that enthusiasm was born for a fall or winter event which would recreate the old atmosphere of merriment and at the same time benefit the fund established in honor of the hospital's beloved "Mac." The festival was highly successful in both of Its objectives and, to quote one hospital employee, "was one of the nicest affairs the hospital has ever had." Gowanda State Oneonta Probably the most exciting event in recent history for Gowanda Hospital employees was the highly successful Full Festival given in the Assembly Hail of the hospital November 30. The festival was not only an enjoyable occasion for the employees, but one at which revelry was virtuous; ^11 funds raised went to the Dr, William J. McCanty Memorial Fund. The interest from this fund Is used each year to award a schuluriilup to the most The December monthly meeting of the Oneonta Chapter of the Civil Service Employees Association was held on December I I , at the New York State Health Department Office, 250 Main Street, Oneonta. New York. Marlon W a kin, president, presided. During the business meeting, institutional problems were discussed and plans made in order that an attempt might be made to have them solved In the near future. I t was also decided tiiat T H R O U G H O U T an attempt would be made to secure a speaker on classification of jobs for the February meeting. I t was also announced that at the January meeting a report of the Nominating Committee would be made. Following the business meeting, the annual Christmas Party was held with the exchange of gifts. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Gladys Hotaling and Mrs. Marion Blrdsall, The date of the next meeting Is pending on the dale that the speaker can be present. It will be held on January 15th or January 27th. llAt. Morris N E W Y O R K !!«TATE law, Mrs. Raymond Eaton, and children who had been spending three months with them to their home. Ra.vmond Eaton who had spent a fifteen-day furlough with his parents, wife, and children returned to his base In Iceland. While on furlough, Raymond participated In the National Rlfla Matches at Perry, Ohio. Mrs. Helen Stamp, who accompanied her son and family to their new home in Charlotte, West Vlrginia, has returned to her duties In the Nursing Department, J * Greedmoor On December 11th, 14 of our members here at Creedmoor were presented with 25-year service Judy Mann, daughter of Mr. pins at a gala dinner In the staff and Mrs. Lawrence Mann and a dining room. Dinner music was senior at Nunda Central School, furnished by Irving Fiedler and was crowned Music Queen at the the Creedmoor Hospital Band. The annual Livingston County Inter Invocation was given by Father High Ball in Mt. Morris Central Arnold, chaplain of the hospital, School. Mrs. Mann is on the nursfollowed by an address by Dr. ing staff at Mt. Morris Hospital. Buckman, director of Kings Park Festive Christmas parlies have Stale Hospital. Dr. Buckman, been held by several departments formerly on the staff at Creedin the last few weeks. moor, spoke of the advancement Saturday, December 14, the in the treatment of patients and Nursing Department travelled to recalled some of the happenings the Sportsman Club at Lakeville, while he was here on the staff. New York, for dinner followed by Dr. H. A. LaBurt, director, then round and square dancing. presented pins to Ruth Blckel, On Saturday, December 21, the Mary Brlnkerhoff. Lois Chrlstofmembers of CSEA held their party fer.son, Timothy Cregg, Theodore and exchanged gifts at the N a - Ericson, Anthony Flaherty, Edtional Hotel in Cuylervllle, ward Flemming, Lillian GreenT h e Housekeeping Department berg, Charles Hogel, James Lancelebrated with a dinner party a t ' gan, Haden McGraw, John Moore. the La Delfa Hotel In Mt. Morris. Violet Palmer, and Julia StelnTuesday, December 17. Also at the baker. The Rev. Lars J. Silverness. La Delfa was the Laundry Depart- Protestant chaplain, finished the ceremony with the Benediction. ment dinner December 18. Among the earlle.st to catch the The presentation was followed Holiday spirit was the Dietary De- by a dance held in the Amusement partment which held its Christ- Hall and sponsored by the 25 year mas dinner December 5 at the club. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent O'ConGenesee River Hotel in Mt. Morris. nor and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flynn Among the members in the news who recently appeared on the Ed this month is Leona Knapp, who Sullivan show entertained with is resigning her position at the songs and dance. Pat Mulcahy Laundry to live near her daughter sang a few songs and It was a wonderful time for all. in Florida. On December 13th a dinner was While on vacation Anna Farrel witnessed the ordination of her given to Jerry Campion, president of the Creedmoor chapter. Mr. nephew. Mary Hanby, Jean Weldon, Jolin Campion Is leaving Creedmoor for Forbes, Emily Wilcox, Shirley another job and Ray Sansone will Montemarano, William Barrett, lake his place as .iresldent of the Gus Gill, and Harry Smith were chapter. Dr. LaBurt spoke at the recent vacationers, and DeWayne dinner. He expressed his regret at Wicks and family leave December losing Jerry and praised the work 20 for a two-week vacation in he had accomplished for the assoBirmingham, Iowa, with relatives. ciation. Also at the dinner were Mildred Groves is driving a new Mr. Joseph Anderson, business o f Plymouth these days and Louis ficer; Ray Sansone; Joseph Bucaria; Helen Foran; Helen PeterContlnena a new De Soto. Welcome back to Florence Hal- son; John MacKenie; John Murlaver who has returned to her phy; Julia Steinbaker; Margaret duties after being absent several Hansen; Arthur Heindrlch; and weeks with a broken wrist. Anna Ed. Sottong. Morris has also been on the sick Correction: We wish to correct list. a mistake that appeared in last Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Eaton drove week's column. It stated that Mr. to Fayettevllle, North Carolina, Anderson's mother died. It should recently, taking their daughter-in- have read Mrs, Anderson's mother. I Social Securify Questions (Continued from Page 12) 1 D O SOME outside work be•Ides my Job with New Y o r k City. 1 don't think my employer reports m y earnings. How can I find out? J. C. V . for the last several years. Check it with your own record. I f It Is not correct contact your local o f f i c e and an Investigation will be made to see why your wages were not reported. Answered Yes. A change In the law makes it possible f o r you to get wi4ow's benefits If your husband worked at least a year and one-half under Social Security. Contact your local Social Security O f f i c e for further information Immediately. Ask your local Social Security I A M A W I D O W Just turned 62 O f f i c e f o r a post card Form O A R and I never worked under Social 7004, complete It and mail It to Security. M y husband died In Baltimore, M d . Y o u will get a 1949. A t that time the Social Securecord of your earnings by years rity people told me he hadn't < l^qtiivnlcncy) worked long enough to be insured • FOR PERSONAL SATISFACTION and so I wouldn't be entitled to I . R. S. E M P L O Y E E S • FOR JOB PROMOTION any benefits. Would It pay f o r me R E W A R D E D FOR IDEAS • FOR ADDITIONAL EDUCATION to apply again? C. C. F . A l f r e d W . Fleming, N e w Y o r k ' Regional Commissioner of the I n START ANYTIME ternal Revenue Service, anSchool & SHb Clerk Exams nounced that incentive awards 1958, Men and Women totaling $630 were made to nine Rcir. 18-46: S>lb. lO-fiO, Social 8no. employees of the Service. T h e re$;)fl50-$4850; $17.50 day, SS7.50 WPPU Send for Booklet CSE cipients a r e : Session 1. Sat. Drc. 2Hth, 10:301 PM Bpcedwritinir InatitHle $150—Philomena R . Tuccl and 68 W. St. N. Y. C. Rni 2, Slid Fl. YMCA EVENING S C H O O L Brooklyn itroiip will bo organized L y l e Marshall IS West R»rd St., New York 23, N. I . shortly, 7 Lafayette Ave., 2nd Floor $100—Sadie Appeldorf and W i n Preparation for written. No. Ol DIek Tel! RNdlratt 2-81II Mimeo. Steno. 4 Type. Oral. i f r e d A. R y a n $75—Nathaniel Boyle DAVID J . KAPPELL, M.A. $25—Mary Lochard OKKC.O & rlT.M.\N 82-IH Mott Ave.. Far Uookawaj-, X. I . $10—Anne Glasser, Paul G o l d FA 7-14H!> FREE B O O K L E T by U. S. Govman, and Herbert C. Revett. Instrnotor School Recoriln and ernment on Social Secnrlty. Mail Accounts at Broolilj^n Col'lepe George Antonino and A l f r e d E. Excellent results lfl45-10r)4 Exam» only. Leader, 97 Duane Street, Walters, Jr. received letters of (13lh SUCCESSFUL YEAR) New York 7. N. Y. commendation. Do You Need A High School Diploma? $40—Total Cost—$40 TRY THE " Y " PLAN EligiMes City Exam Coming May 10 for SI PKK\ISOK (IF KKIMIII K.SINO ACCOr.NTS. (rroni), CENTRAL OKKK K, DEI'AHTMENT OF MKNTAI. HYlilENE 1. Ralt'riy, PiMil. Alliany 10035 Pcvlin, niiymoml. Ciplonie l)!l"0 a. Elsni r. Kniil. Alli.iny .. U110 SKMIIK TYPIST (rniMi.) Division of the Buclfi I. E.vecullve Depart IlivlNliMt »r the Itniliiet, Kxeciillve Di'piirtment J. Patricia, I. E . Allinny nilB 'J. Ilulson, Lucille. Alli.iny mi:t() INTENSIVE COURSE COMPLETE PREPARATION Oivcn by LINCOLN OKENS Class meets Sat. 9:15-12:15 beffinninff Jan. 11 Write or rlione for Inrormation EVENING & SATURDAY COURSES DEGREE > and CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS ACCOUNTANT Eaitern School AL 4-5029 133 2nd Ave., N. Y. 3 lot 8(h St.) Pica?e write ine free at>oMt the Accountant coursB. Nanio . , ., AddrcM . , Boro .. . . Chemical • Commercial Art Construction • Advertising Production Electrical •Accountint • Hotel Mechanical'Petroleum • Retail Medical lab • Industrial Distribution INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER WITHIN 3 WEEKS* English • Social Science • Math LEARN SPRING TERM: B«glnt Feb. 3 REGISTER: Jan. 27.7$-29, 6-« P.M. KI.OI KNT ( AT VI.dii I) .Minlnuiin Career Coiiil'.ellnK Availalile Icen ~ OF APPLIED ARTS & SCIENCES .300 PEARL ST., B'KITN 1 • TR S-4634 TO OPERATE PRINTING PRESSES 1250 MULTSLITH* and OFFSET New York City COMMUNITY COLLEGE . r z . . LI MANY JOBS WITH HIGH SALARIES AVAILABLE We will Not Accept You L'nleea We Can Teacii You. PAY AS VOli l.lvVUN AT NO ICXTliA ( «!ST For FKEE Booiilet write to Drill. H Vi M iirrcn SI eor ( hainber* V. V. N. Y. C. A C C T EXAM Porf. IRVING J. CHAYKIN C. P. A. \ *iyi-MrM-M-M I Love my \ Win conduct a review course for the above exam beginning Wednesday, January 8, 1958 at 6:15 P.M. at 1481 Broadway (at 42nd St.) N. Y . City, WESNNGHOASE FOR AND Electrifi"Blanket^ INFORMATION REGISTRATION CALL LO 3-7088 ENGINEERING EXAMS Jr. & .VKiit. riTll, Meeh. Klec. Knicr. Civil, !\lech, Elee. KiiKric-DraflMnmii Awst. .\rclil(e«-t, .Sii|>t. Const. Elec. Iii8|>. MATHEMATICS & PHYSICS civil .Serv. Arith. AlK. (ifo. Triif. Calc, L MONDELL INSTITUTE «.)0 W. list SI. (I-S Ave.) WI 7-!!0()7 411 Vrs. preiiarins Tlioiisnndfl Civil Service, Teehnieal & EiiBr. Kxams. ALL SlIBWAVS STOP AT OlIK DOORS Sadim Brown Says: ADULTS! Young People & All Veterans with our highly tpeclollicd Courtei (listed below) you will be trained to fit Into any of the leading Industrie!. at Collegiate joii get what joii pay for. Anil Morel BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Jr. Accounting • Hookkeeplnf EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAL stenography • Tilling • Keal Estate Insurance*Public SpeakhiK*Advertising BaleDinanslilp • Rerrculier Courtfi DAY A EVENING • CO-ED ALSO COACIilXO CO! RSES FOR HIGH SCHOOL ^'^Iiploma COLLEGIATE 601 Murtlson Avenue, N. Y.«PL 8-187» At n-^nd Street PATROLMAN - TRANSIT PATROLMAN SANITATIONMAN AND OTHER CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATION MENTAL AND PHYSICAL CLASSES PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION romplele, Reirnlalion-.Slze<i ObBtacle Course, Including Hl|;li tVall • Small Groups # Individual IiiNtructlon • Full .Membership rrlvllegea • Free I^ledlcal Examination PIIVSHAL CLASSES Brooklyn Central SlecjjIrissS'good for4hewhole,femily L A ^ • f V I W A A MENTAL & PHYSICAI CLASSICS Bronx Union YMCA 470 E. 161 St.. ME 5-7800 55 Hanson Place, ST 3-7000 Where L.I.H.U. 4; All Subways Meet Branchci of the Y.M.C.A. of Greater New York YOU C A N FINISH HIGH S C H O O L " I set the control a few minutes before I jtunp into bed . . . t"hen Blip between pre-warmed sheets." AT HOME IN SPARE TIME and study for a diploma or equivalency certificate. If you have left School, write for FREE BOOKLET — Tells You How! (Must be 17 or over). " I ' m never too w a r m ; ; , never too cold. M y bed stays evenly warm all night long . ; . automatically." " I sleep and rest better because th« lightweight Westinghouse Electric Blanket eliminates piles of heavy covers." "They're available with Single or Dual Controls in luxurious colors o f Rose, Blue or Green." L y AMKKH AN M'HUOL, Dept. U Al'.lT i;iO West 4'iiid St., New York .•)«, N. Y. Bend me ]«nt free BU-pagc High School Booklet See HEINS & BOLET For Your LOW. LOW. PRICES buseJ • IT'S SCHOOL DIRECTORY CIVIL 8EBRVICE U.S civil Service Tests 1 Tvaiiiiog until appointed. Meu-Wonien, 18 up Start »'.J24-1S377 month. Experience often unnecessary. FREE 3n-page book shows iohs, ealarl««, requirements, cample tests, bouelits. Prepare NOW. WHITE: rrankllii tiutltat*. Dept. P-17, Kocheeter, .><. Y. Business gcbuols DOWNfUWN S LEADING SHOPPING CENitk H E I N S 6L B O L E T 68 Cortlandt Stree. N. Y. C . RE 2-7600 MONHUB SCHOOL OF BCSINBBS. iB.M Keypunch- Switchboard; Typlnc Comptoaetr:Uictaphune: Klcctnu 'iVpini;: AccountinK: tiusiuess Administrutiun; Veteru Training, De.y ami Evening Classes. PREPAKE FOH CITY, STATE « FEDERAL TES'i*. East 177 St. East Trcmont Ave., Bronx. K1 2-6U00. Secretarial OKAKES, IA4 NASSAD STKKKT, N.Y.C. Secretarial Accounting. Drafting. Jourualliat. Day-Night. Write fur Catalog. UE 3'4H4U. GENEVA RfHOOL OF BUSINKNS, 2201 B'way (8!ind St.); Secretarial to Bnallsk Spanish. Fiencb: Typewriting. Bookkecpiug, Cuaiptouietrj. 8U 7-3234 Ideas From All Over W/n Money and Re€ognition Ideas Klnderhook, a Clerk In the E x a m f r o m State employees continue to inations Division of the Civil S e r v ice Department. Mr. Van Buren's receive approval f o r suggestion suggestion concerned a revision of iiwards, Edward D. Igoe, Chairman a Civil Service f o r m which will or the New Y o r k State Employees' accomplish ea.sler matching of a Merit Award Board, announced. candidate's forms. Time- and money-saving Awards have b e e n recently Certificates Given granted to the following employees Certificates of Merit were f o r their initiative and Interest in the operations of their various awarded to: agencies. Mrs. Ruth A. Beals, a Senior $25 was awarded to Aline V. Stenographer in the Education Aldrich, 130 Mariner Street, B u f - Department's Board of Examiners Professional Engineers and falo. an Unemployment Insurance of Claims Clerk in the Labor Depart- Land Surveyors, Albany. ment's Division of Employment. Miss Aldrich proposed a revision of a Division of Employment f o r m which will result In a load leveling at local employment offices. $25 was presented to W a l t e r G . Oreone, R. D. No. 2, Vorheesville, • Senior Account Clerk in the E m p l o m e n t Division of the Labor Department. Mr. Greene's proposal concerning 'nactive flag Curds Involved in Petitions In Bankruptcy has, according to reports: "Saved considerable time in oomputations, filing and posting Operations, In addition to the elimination of many erroneous Interest Calculations." ! Ehminatcs Many Errors $25 went to Mrs. Sarah Pierre, 31 North Emerald Lane, Amlty^ vllte, a Clerk In the Division of Employment of the Department of Labor. Mrs. Pierre suggested a revision of a Division of Employment form concerning Employer's Report of Contributions. This suggestion has eliminated many errors and has resulted in a saving of a considerable number of m a n hours each year. $25 was received by Robert W . W a r d . 311 West Main Street, Elbridge, a Trooper in the Executive Department's Division of State Police. Mr. W a r d proposed the use of i new f o r m concerning Inspeotions of Farm Labor Camps. His duggestlon has resulted In a savings In. the amount of forms needed and In addition a saving in the > mount of time prevlou.sly used In completing the old forms. Donald V. Bowen, 417 Bement Avenue, Staten Island, an U n e m ployment Insurance Claims E x aminer in the Employment D i v i sion of the Labor Department. Mrs. Florence C. Winter, 1573 Central Avenue, Albany, a Senior Stenographer In the Department of Taxation and Finance's A d m i n istrative Division. Nassau chapter, Civil Service Employees Association, is happy to report a new offspring. A unit was founded at the Nassau County Department of Health recently and the Infant chapter's first act was to thank Dr. Robert P. Korns, assistant commissioner. New Y o r k State Department of Health, f o r his able discussion of " T h e Human Factors in M o t o r Vehicle Accidents," highlight of the chapter's first meeting. that all State employees are eligiDuring a short business meetble to submit their Ideas for i m - ing presided over by President provements In the various f u n c - McCullough, It was decided that tions of any of the State's opera- regular meetings would be held tions. five times a year on the second Wednesday of alternate months f r o m September through M a y . T h e president emphasized that the membership was representative of the entire department and that It T h e second a n n u a l holiday was her objective as well as that danca for the officers and em- of the Board of Directors that ployees of the Wassalc State each member, regardless of title, School and their families is being should have an equal voice In deplanned for Friday evening, D e - termining the policies and procember 27 f r o m 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. gram of the unit. Wossaic State Plans Holiday Dance Tha following employees are members of the decorating, lighting, food and general committees: Mrs. Margaret Cook, Mrs. Laura Renisburger, Mrs. Elsa Schwank, Mrs. Doris Roberts, Mrs. K a t h e r ine Cooper, Mrs. Helen Beck, M r . Donald Beliefeuille, M r . Carl Sabo, Mr. William Shaffer, Mr. R a y mond S u111 v a n , Mr, T h o m a s Ahern, M r . William Peters and the members of the Recreation D e $10 went to Mrs. Beatrice L . partment. All officers and employees and Sirkorsky, 65 Amsterdam Avenue, Menands, a Senior Stenographer the members of their families are lu the Labor Department's Dlvi- cordially Invited to attend this f i o n of Employment. Mrs. Sikor- party. No a d m i s s i o n will be sky's proposed revision of a Dlvl- ciiarged. jloii of Employment form will aava clerical time In tiie handling "Looklnf Inside," L|E A D E|K|'8 Of draft clearances. we«kl)r foluina ot analysis and #10 was presented to George R. forei-ast, by H. J. Bernard. Head Yau Buren, Jr., Chatham Street, it recularly. MENTAL HYGIENE MEMO By A. J. C O C C A R O A Christmas Story Christmas is the time of the year when wishes are many and dreams do come true. Our employees have many dreams on this day. Standing silently by I heard one worker wish that his employer would Improve h l « benefits somewhat. W e should have free life Insurance, f r e e hospitalization Insurance, free pension plan and a bonus at Christmas equivalent to 10% of our annual salary. T w o f i f t e e n minute breaks a Chapter members appreciated day with free coffee, tea or milk. A part of the dream included a both Dr. Korn's "assistance at the summer camp at one of N . Y . State's finest lakes where employees b i r t h " and the keen awareness of and their families could attend for $10 a week. A t 25 years of service a large bouquet of roses Is placed on his professional and social responsibilities which he showed In helping desk and he is presented with one of the finest gold wrist watches to make the first meeting a suc- made In this world of ours. T o go with this dream, the employee is given an additional $500 cess. bonus check and he is given a five-week vacation with pay. A n ausIrving Piaumenbaum, Nassau picious occasion promotes consldreable department gifts as well. A f t e r Chapter president, installed the 25 years' service, there is no docking of pay. I f you are lata or get officers and welcomed the 110 sick, you continue to draw your full pay. members of the new unit. Installed An established 25-year club provides you with additional benefit* were Grace McCullough, Nursing highlighted by an annual expense-free dinner and dance and enterDivision, president; Charles A n tainment at a leading N . Y . hotel. derson, Sanitation Division, vice Y o u say our State employee has a fine Imagination this day. But president: Ethel Heney, O f f i c e D i vision, secretary; and Genevieve this Christmas story has come true, not for me nor for you. I t is a true story of the benefits received by all employees f r o m Washburn, Laboratory Division, financial secretary. T h e Board of the lowest to the highest In one of our leading N . Y . banking firms. T h e State might look at this employer today and prepare to make Directors Is made up of Hester Hatch and Lillian Hornbostel, L a - similar benefits come our way. Merry Christmas to all. T h e savings gained f r o m these and other adopted suggestions are in excess of one and one-half m i l lion dollars, resulting In benefits boratory Division; Murlef W l l to both the taxpayers and the sug- loughby and June Geissler, Nursgesters. ing Division; Anne Proebster and Increased participation in the Helen Baukney, O f f i c e Division; Suggestion Program Is urged by and Frank Robblns and Lawrence Chairman Igoe who points out Zalno, Sanitation Division. This social event Is sponsored by the administration of the W a s salc State School and the local Chapter of the Civil Service E m ployees Association. T h e Community League for Retarded Children, the organization of parents of the patients of the Wassalc State School, Is providing the funds f o r 1 Others Win. Too the music. Dancing to the tunes $10 was gi anted to Allan A . of the LaPaice Brothers eightBoudreau. 3 Hutton Street, M e n - piece orchestra of Poughkeepsle »uds, a Senior Account Clerk In will be tha feature of the party. A buffet lunch will be served the Labor Department's Division committee of Employment. M r . Boudreau by tha refreshment fuggested the furnishing of loose during the Intermlsion. Entertainsheets of a Division of Employ- ment during this Interval will be ment form to replace the pad provided by a group of Hungarianf o r m style that was previously speaking employees and a group employees u « d . Thl.i suggestion has resulted of Latvian - speaking In a simpler and less tlme-con- who will sing Christmas music in »uming process In the use of this their native tongues. A community carol sing by all who attend will form. $10 was awarded to Miss Eliza- conclude the program f r o m 11:00 beth Longleway, 197 South M a i n P.M. to midnight. Avenue, Albany, a Personnel T e c h nician in the Classification and Compensation Division of the Civil Service Department. Miss Longleway propo.sed a new f o r m to be tent conccrning notification to local Civil Service Commissions to usa a copy of the last examination announcement. This suggestion has eliminated the time previously apent In drafting and typing a new tentative announcement. Nassau Chapter Has Another 'Offspring' Note: T h e above benefits are provided for all employees of the Bankers Trust Company, 16 W a l l Street, New York, N. Y . Visitors From Seren Lands Study In State Agencies A L B A N Y , Dec. 23 — Nine administrators f r o m seven different countries will spend five weeks as "trainees" in State agencies beginning Jan. 6, Governor H a r r i man has announced. T h e special program Is being sponsored by the International Cooperation Administration and will be coordinated by tiie State D i v i sion of the Budget. teen agencies. T h e visiting trainees are specializing In management analysis and will be assigned to administrative planning offices in nine different agencies. T h e y will p a r ticipate as staff members In the day-to-day work of these agencies. Prior to arrival in Albany, they will have completed I.C.A. courses in public administration in W a s h ington, D. C. Governor Harriman said the I.C.A. had requested that New Refreshments were served to From Iraq to Thailand Y o r k participate in the program the seventy members during a soFollowing is a list of the train"because of the emphasis on m a n cial hour following the program. ees, their positions in their native agement Improvement in this state T h e refreshment committee was countries and their assignments in and the development of adminiscomposed of Mrs. Miner, chali^ State government: trative planning offices in f o u r m a n ; Mrs. Freeth, Mrs. Heney, Omar Al-Aidrossi, head superand Miss Willoughby. Fourteen intendent of personnel and adminmembers d o n a t e d cakes. Miss istration ministry of development Elaine M o t t baked a " B i r t h D a y " of Iraq, who will work In the State cake for the brand new unit and Civil Service Department. the cake cutting was accompanied Severo P. Asuncion, a senior by a chorus of " H a p n y Birthday." Aline M. Needle, Ogdenburg's management analyst f o r the bud- Nurse To Begin 25th Year Supervisory Stores Clerks Hold Meeting only public health nurse, Is starting her 25th year of municipal service this month. Miss Needle, who graduated A meeting was held In Albany f r o m A. Barton Hepburn Hospital Dec. 7th by the supervisory stores School of Nursing In 1926, was clerks f r o m tha Department of appointed one of four nurses under the W.P.A. program for bedMental Hygiene. T h e chaii-man of the meeting side nursing in Ogdensburg on D e was John O'Brien, and there were cember 9, 1933. representatives f r o m several men^ I n 1939 she completed studies tal hospitals throughout the state at Syracuse University to qualify In attendance. as a public health nurse. Since T h e status of an appeal f o r re- January 1, 1954, when Margaret allocation of the position of prin- D. Westbrook, former Ogdensburg cipal stores clerk was discussed in city public health nurse, retired, detail, and the principal stores she has been the only public clerks who attended the meeting health nurse In Ogdensburg. get commission, o f f i c e of the President In the Philippines, who has been assigned to the New Y o r k Budget Division. Miss Maria E. P. Baptlsta, administrative librarian in department of public service, Brazil, who will work In Education Department. Fernando Lazarus Cerrato, accountant with the health cooperative service, Honduras, who will be assigned to the State Health Department. Miss Carmen Mas W h i t e , assistant chief of department of Imports and commercial treaties, Peru, who will work In the State University. indicated that they had enlisted the interests of several institution directors who had submitted letters in support of higher allocation of this position. Severino M . Plamenco, assistant to chief of programming and budget office, Philippines, who will b » connected with tha Stata Publia Works Department. DR. N E U M A N N A P P O I N T E D T O M A N H A T T A N STATE B O A R D A L B A N Y , Dec. 16 — Governor Harriman has announced the recess appointment of Dr. Julius O . Neumann of New Y o r k City as a member of the Board of Visitors of Manhattan State Hospital to succeed William McK. Braybrooks, who has resigned. Paterno C. Torresyap, management analyst In o f f i c e of the President, Philippines, w h o will work in the State T a x Department. Jose Vasquez Camacho, manageAmong her many duties are monthly Immunization clinics for ment analyst in organization and protection against diptheria, te- methods, Costa Rica, who has been tanus, whooping cough, and small- assigned to the State Workmen's pox; chest and orthopedic clinics Compensation Board, and Salk vaccine clinics f o r polio Prabhand Virodhal, Job analyst prevention. She is also responsible In personnel, Thailand, who will for keeping records of Ogdensburg work in the State Employment vital statistics. Divl3ion, Miss Needle has a varied, busy schedule Mondays through F r i days, when she Is at the city health o f f i c e f r o m 8:30 a.m.. P r o m 1 to 2 p.m. she makes an average Henry Galpin, the research an- of three house calls a day. Most alyst f r o m the Civil Service E m - of her rounds are made on foot, ployees Association, acted in an although she occasionally takes a taxi In bad weather. vlsory capacity. 4