BYLAWS EL PAS0 COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN IN THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ARTICLE I. Name The name of this organization shall be the El Paso County Community College District Association of Women in the Community College (AWCC). ARTICLE 11. Purpose The purpose of this organization is to: encourage educational advancement for women; support women in leadership roles; develop communications among women; promote and offer local workshops for women to disseminate information on courses, programs and services for professional women; provide service to the community. ARTICLE 111. Membership SECTION 1. Active membership is open to any person employed by or enrolled in El Paso Community College (EPCC) or who supports the purposes of the association. SECTION 2. Membership shall become effective upon payment of AWCC annual dues. The amount for dues shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and voted on by the membership. SECTION 3. The association is constituted of at least five (5) current members in good standing. SECTION 4. Each individual member shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of this association and shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to vote of the membership. A majority vote shall prevail. ARTICLE IV. Officers SECTION 1. The officers of this association, each of whom must be a member in good standing, shall be President, President-Elect, Campus Vice Presidents representing each campus, Membership Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. SECTION 2. The President, President-Elect, Vice Presidents, and Secretary shall be elected and serve for a term of one year or until their successors have been duly elected. The Treasurer shall be elected and serve for a term of two years or until the successor has been duly elected. SECTION 3. The President, President-Elect, Vice Presidents, and Secretary shall be elected annually and the Treasurer bi-annually. Elections will occur in April. A nominating committee appointed by the President will present a ballot to the membership. All association members are eligible to vote. The current term of the new officers will begin June 1. SECTION 4. In the event the office of President becomes vacant, the President-Elect shall succeed to the office. If a vacancy occurs in any other office, the President shall have the power to make an appointment to fill the remaining term. SECTION 5. The duties of the officers of the organization shall be as follows: A. The President shall: (1) serve as the presiding officer of the organization; (2) act as the representative of the organization to the public; (3) make appointments if necessary to fill vacancies; (4) call special Executive Committee meetings when necessary; (5) appoint a Newsletter Editor; (6) appoint committees as necessary. B. The President-Elect shall assist the President and shall (1) preside in the absence of the president; (2) serve as the chairperson of specially created committees; (3) serve as chairperson of the annual service project, as appropriate. C. The Vice Presidents shall assist the president and shall: (1) disseminate information on respective campuses; (2) act as recruitment representatives for their campus; (3) perform other duties as assigned by the president. D. The Membership Vice President shall: (1) maintain and verify the current list of membership; (2) recruit new members; (3) take responsibility for all communication regarding membership E. The Secretary shall: (1) record and distribute the minutes for all meetings in a timely manner; (2) F. send notification of meetings and activities. The Treasurer shall: (1) be responsible for monthly financial reports; (2) be responsible for monies received. ARTICLE V. Fiscal Year SECTION 1. The fiscal year of this association shall be September 1St through August 31St. ARTICLE VI. Committees SECTION 1. Executive Committee The elected officers are the members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee has authority to conduct all executive and administrative functions of the association. Elective and referendum matters must go the association as a whole. SECTION 2. Standing Committee The President appoints the members of Standing Committees. All committees are responsible to the President. SECTION 3. Ad Hoc Committees Ad Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee as necessary. ARTICLE VII. Meetings and Activities The chapter shall conduct at least two (2) meetings or activities per year. Guests may be included in activities. ARTICLE VIII. Reports Minutes, Treasurer Reports and Membership Reports are recorded monthly. The President may request additional reports on activities as deemed necessary. ARTICLE IX. Parliamentarv Authority These bylaws shall govern the affairs of this association, and ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER (current edition), shall govern proceedings in all cases not provided for in the bylaws. ARTICLE X. Amendments Bylaws may be changed by vote of a simple majority of association members in attendance at a meeting. A two-week notification of amendments or changes to the association bylaws will be given to the membership.