Clinic Owner, 15 Patients Charged in Miami PIP Scheme HEADER HERE May 2012


May 2012

Volume 2 - Issue 11

“ Fraud clinics such as this one were the driving force behind muchneeded PIP reforms that passed during the 2012

Legislative Session.”

- CFO Jeff Atwater



Clinic Owner Arrest


Op Crash Clinics


Kidnapping Update

4 PIP Fraud News


Statewide Arrests


Statewide Contacts

Clinic Owner, 15 Patients Charged in Miami PIP Scheme

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater announced the arrest of a licensed massage therapist, a physician’s assistant and 15 massage clinic patients for insurance fraud and grand theft. Judith Gonzalez, 39, owner of Flamingo Health Corp in Miami, allegedly billed Allstate and State Farm nearly $250,000 in fraudulent insurance claims and coached patients on how to commit insurance fraud.

“Fraud clinics such as this one were the driving force behind much-needed PIP reforms that passed during the 2012 Legislative Session,” CFO Atwater said. “My office will remain diligent in putting behind bars those who abuse the system for their own personal gain."

The Florida Department of Financial Services’ Division of Insurance Fraud (DIF) and the

Miami-Dade Police Department Public Corruption Investigations Bureau conducted an undercover investigation that revealed the ongoing insurance fraud scheme. Gonzalez directed undercover officers posing as patients to sign blank treatment forms and later coached them in preparation for any questions they might be asked by their insurance company. Gonzalez billed Allstate more than $17,000 for treatment that the undercover patients did not receive.

Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle is prosecuting the cases and has been an important partner in fighting fraud in Miami-Dade. “Every dollar stolen in insurance scams like these comes out of the pockets of the people of my community and the pockets of the people of Florida,” Rundle said. “I’m proud to have law enforcement partners like Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater and the Division of Insurance Fraud, who are working with us to get these thieves off of our streets.”

Also arrested was physician assistant Hilda de la Pedraja, 69, who has been licensed in

Florida since 1999. Fifteen other patients were also arrested for signing forms for treatments they never received at the clinic. Flamingo Health Corp billed State Farm more than $227,000 for alleged treatment of these patients.

Gonzalez, a licensed massage therapist since 2006, previously owned and operated at least three other clinics in Miami including Fontainebleau Center Corp, Theramed

Service Corp and Westchester Service Corp. DIF is investigating the activity of these other clinics and additional arrests are anticipated.

In addition to the Miami-Dade Police Department, the Division was also assisted by the

U.S. Secret Service during the execution of a search warrant at Flamingo Health

Corp. Both Allstate and State Farm also provided substantial assistance. This case is part of a continuing crackdown by CFO Atwater’s Division of Insurance Fraud and the

National Insurance Crime Bureau in the fight against auto insurance fraud in Florida.

May 2012 Page 2

Operation ‘Crash Clinics’ Takedown in Miami

Eleven subjects were arrested as part of Operation ‘Crash Clinics’ by the City of Miami Police Department last month.

The arrests were the result of an undercover investigation into insurance fraud activity at clinics in Miami, including staged accidents, patient brokering and solicitation.

Police said the clinics were billing insurance companies for injuries that never happened and care that was never provided, but what they didn’t know was that some of these “phony patients” were undercover cops.

The three clinics involved in this case, all in Miami, were Paradise Cosmetic Center Corp (open since October 2008),

Family Therapy Resource (open since July 2005) and Excellent Group Services (open since April 2010). Both Paradise and Family were licensed with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) while Excellent was issued a license exemption.

Excellent Group Services owner Alina Urgelles, 50, Family Therapy Resource owner Osvaldo Garcia, 65, runner

Eduardo Olivarez, 42, and massage therapists Meritania Amaro Montesino, 23, Luis Armando Perez Carmona, 39, and

Andres Blanco, 45, were among those arrested. Blanco has been licensed as a massage therapist since 2005, while both Amaro Montesino and Perez Carmona have been licensed since 2010. Others arrested included clinic employees and patients. A list of defendants arrested by the City of Miami Police Department is on page 8.

“The therapists signs off on giving you massages and therapy for 30 days that you were only there once and then the doctor signs off on it and then the owners bill the insurance companies,” explained Miami Police Chief Manuel Orosa.

“We got to wake up to this because we’re all victims. If you live here in Florida, Florida is like one of the highest states when it comes to what you’re paying in premiums,” said Miami Police Sgt. Luis Taborda.

The City of Miami Police Department crackdown on insurance fraud won’t end here. ‘Operation Crash Clinics’ is ongoing and additional arrests are anticipated.

The Miami Police Department partnered with the U.S. Secret Service, Hialeah Police Department, Miami-Dade County

State Attorney’s Office, Florida Department of Health, National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), State Farm Insurance,

All-State Insurance, Travelers Insurance, MetLife Insurance, United Auto Insurance, and several law enforcement agencies in a joint investigation to conduct this operation.

Check out these stories, by CBS4 at and the Miami Herald article at .

Breaking News - Governor Scott Signs PIP Bill

On May 4 in Jacksonville, Governor Rick Scott signed legislation to reform auto accident fraud in Florida, this year’s number one consumer protection issue. This meaningful legislation will lower the cost of auto insurance premiums for

Florida drivers by limiting fraud in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. Accident fraud would have cost average

Floridians over $1 billion this year if PIP reform was not passed.

“Growing up in a family without a lot of money, I truly understand the value of the hard-earned dollar for Florida families,”

Governor Scott said. “By helping reduce fraudulent auto accident claims, this legislation will benefit the pocketbooks of every Florida family who drives an automobile. I am glad to do my part in keeping the cost of living low in Florida, and I will continue to work to find ways to do so.”

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater released the following statement regarding Gov. Scott’s signing of the bill:

“With the signing of this bill today, Florida will release the chokehold that fraud has on Florida’s insurance consumers. I commend Gov. Scott for signing this important piece of legislation and for his tireless work to ensure that we pass significant reforms to protect our fellow Floridians.

“The road to reform was a long and challenging one. Rep. Jim Boyd (R-Bradenton) and Sen. Joe Negron (R-Stuart) were both vital to the success of these reforms. I congratulate these leaders and the entire Florida Legislature today for recognizing that consumers no longer can afford inaction on PIP. I’m eager to start seeing the positive impacts of this bill in the form of future rate relief for Florida’s consumers.”

The new law aims to reform Florida’s broken personal injury protection (PIP) system by targeting staged accident fraud, strengthening billing practices so appropriate services are provided to those who need care, tightening requirements for clinic ownership and providing rate relief for Florida’s consumers.

The PIP Source Page 3

Clinic Owner Sentenced in Kidnapping Case

The admitted owner of K & A Medical Rehabilitation Center, Yasmani Marquez, 24, was sentenced to five years in state prison for his role in a fraud scheme gone awry. Marquez was arrested in May 2011 along with co-defendant Alberto

Montalvan Rey, 25, for his involvement in the kidnapping of a patient from a clinic in Miami. The patient had been sold to multiple clinics in a scheme devised by the runner to maximize his earnings. Usually, the runners provide the patients, in this case and many others, from staged accidents to a clinic. The clinic will pay the runner and/or the patient and bill the insurance company for treatment not provided or necessary.

As has been happening over the last few years, some runners get greedy and sell their patients to multiple clinics, who are then victimized when they bill for the treatment, along with several other clinics. In this case, Marquez and

Montalvan Rey allegedly held the patient against his will and, according to his testimony, threatened to kill him. The patient in turn pulled out his own firearm and shot the two kidnappers. Marquez was convicted of a lesser offense, false imprisonment.

On April 23, Marquez was sentenced by Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Judge Jose L. Fernandez to five years in state prison. Co-defendant Montalvan Rey is currently set for trail in May.

Some details from this case were first reported here, in the March 2012 PIP Source article “The Dark Side of PIP Fraud.”

In his pre-sentence investigation, Marquez admitted to being the owner of K & A Medical Rehabilitation Center, but that it was not under his name. The clinic, located in Hialeah, was incorporated in March 2011, listing Karina Acosta-Cobas as the sole officer. Acosta-Cobas has been a licensed massage therapist since 2010, and she obtained an exemption from the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).

“Although he was not charged with insurance fraud, he is the primary example of how those committing insurance fraud, formerly a paperwork crime, lead people to do violent crime,” Miami-Dade prosecutor Ana Manrara told the judge.

Read the full story by Miami Herald reporter David Ovalle at

id=339766&type=newswires .

Florida Insurers Expect Efforts to Beat PIP Reforms

Payments to chiropractors and massage therapists for treating injured motorists soared over the past decade, a 251 percent increase in massage claims alone from 2007 to 2010, sending premiums for the no-fault auto insurance that paid for the treatment through the roof. So lawmakers looking to lower premiums for personal injury protection thought they had a quick fix. They voted to ban payments by PIP for massage and limit payments for non-emergency treatment, typically done by chiropractors, to $2,500. The previous max was $10,000.

Major Simon Blank, a 17-year veteran of the Department of Financial Service's fraud unit based in Palm Beach County, said most recent fraud cases started with staged accidents. Then they moved to clinics that specialize in PIP patients and can pull in more than $1 million a year.

"Not a bad business to be in," said Blank, head of operations and investigations for the fraud unit, adding these clinics are unlikely to reform overnight. "We're just kind of keeping our eyes open and ears to the ground and trying to figure out new trends as they're developing."

But the ink on the bill isn't even dry yet, and insurers and consumer groups are already on the lookout for groups trying to scam the system. A Hollywood orthopedic surgeon sent letters to lawyers telling them he could offer immediate examinations to determine whether a patient had an "emergency" condition and refer him for follow-up treatment. A

Tampa company has sent chiropractors a solicitation offering to provide a doctor to certify that a patient has an

"emergency" medical condition. The chiropractor could then bill the insurance company up to the $10,000 coverage limit.

The Florida Chiropractic Association wrote on its website that several members had received similar solicitations from companies offering to send certifying doctors. "[These] schemes violate federal and state fraud and abuse laws," the association warned. Read the full story by Kathleen Haughney at .

May 2012 Page 4

PIP FRAUD – In The News

Acupuncturist Arrested in Collier County Fraud Bust

The Division of Insurance Fraud arrested Sebiha Ozturk, 29, in Collier County on charges of insurance fraud and grand theft last month. Ozturk, owner of Naples Acupuncture and Health Clinic, was charged in two separate cases for filing claims for treatment that she did not provide to two patients. Ozturk, a licensed acupuncturist since 2007, allegedly submitted more than $22,000 in fraudulent claims with Safeco and State Farm in 2011. Under the new PIP law passed by the Florida Legislature, acupuncture will no longer be eligible for PIP benefits in 2013.

Division of Insurance Fraud Honors SIU Investigators

The Division of Insurance Fraud issued certificates of appreciation last month to three well-deserving SIU investigators for their outstanding work and continued cooperation with DIF in the fight against insurance fraud.

Pictured at right are Lt Darrell Wilson, Tampa DIF; Debra Cunningham, SIU

Manager of Nationwide; Julie Hyde, Senior Special Investigator from 21st

Century / Farmers and Lt Carlos Rosario, Tampa DIF. Not pictured is Peter

Van Patten, Special Projects for Nationwide.

Cunningham and Hyde were both very involved in supporting last year’s PIP clinic ordinance passed by the Hillsborough County Commission, and are two of the most knowledgeable talents in the fraud fight in Florida. We congratulate all three and thank them for their outstanding contributions.

CFO Atwater Tours PIP Claims Facility Last Month

Last month, CFO Jeff Atwater had the opportunity to tour a PIP claims facility and talk with many employees whose jobs bring them into contact with fraud, often on a daily basis. CFO Atwater’s meeting with State Farm employees was informative.

On his facebook page, CFO Atwater wrote “I am thankful for the dedication of the employees who are working hard for their fellow Floridians as we await the implementation of much needed PIP reforms.”

You can view the original post and see additional photos at media/set/?set=a.339599199428769.97859.144486438940047&type=1 .

MetLife Donates Vehicles to Miami and Miami Gardens Police Departments

MetLife donated vehicles to Miami and Miami Gardens

Police Departments to aid in the fight insurance fraud.

L to R: MetLife SIU Investigator Luis Romaguera, Miami

Det. Ray Gonzalez, MetLife SIU Supervisor Nancy

Jensen, NICB Sr. Special Agent Ralph Garcia, Miami

Lieutenant Armando Rojas, Miami Detective Emilio

Lopez, MetLife SIU National Director John Sargent.

L to R: Miami Gardens Captain Alfred Lewers, Miami

Gardens Sgt. Christopher Dee, Hayes Wood, Miami

Gardens Det. Lisa Bradshaw, MetLife SIU Supervisor

Nancy Jensen, Miami Gardens Det. Jama Hall, NICB

SSA Tony Fernandez, Miami Gardens Det. Joe Castro,

MetLife SIU National Director John Sargent.

The PIP Source Page 5

Most Wanted: Fugitive

Check out the latest Most Wanted at

How You Can Help Fight Insurance Fraud in Florida

Last year, the Florida Legislature created the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund to which anyone can contribute to the fight against insurance fraud by making a donation, gift or grant. The proceeds will be used by the Division of Insurance

Fraud to hire additional dedicated prosecutors and insurance fraud detectives, as well as fund anti-fraud programs around the state. This is an exciting program that we believe will have a substantial impact on insurance fraud in Florida.

Payments should be made payable to: The Department of Financial Services

(Please write “Code 1201F” on the memo line of your check.)

The mailing address is:

Department of Financial Services

Revenue Processing Section

P.O. Box 6100

Tallahassee FL, 32314-6100

The donor should include correspondence with the check indicating it is a grant or donation for the Division of Insurance

Fraud. The letter should include his / her intent that the grant or donation be deposited to the Insurance Regulatory Trust

Fund and used for anti-fraud efforts. Also include a statement that if the donation is to be used for any other purpose, the funding should be withdrawn.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at the PIP Source and we will get an answer. Thank you for your help.

Join the Fight. Be a part of the Solution. Make a Difference.

May 2012

Statewide PIP Arrests – April 2012

Page 6

Each issue will provide a list of PIP arrests made by the offices throughout the State. Along with each defendant’s name and age, we will include: the type of scheme involved; the fraud dollar amount; clinic name(s); victim insurance company name(s); and the arresting office. If you need additional details on any of these arrests, please contact Capt. Smith.

Geraldo Caroni Gomez, 40 – staged acct 04/03/09 (driver) $28,375 - E & B Rehabilitation Center / Franco’s Medical

Center (Progressive / State Farm) M

Enrique Moreno, 64 – PIP patient - $787 – Vital Care Medical Center (Allstate) W

Magdalas Mortimer, 38 – staged acct 01/07/09 (passenger) $46,781 – Michigan Health & Rehab (Avis/Budget / State

Farm) O

Marilia Etienne-Lubin, 47 – staged acct 01/07/09 (passenger) $46,781 – Michigan Health & Rehab (Avis/Budget / State

Farm) O

Isemona Pierre, 25 – staged acct 01/07/09 (recruiter) $46,781 – Michigan Health & Rehab (Avis/Budget / State Farm) O

Vilnor Perou, 41 – staged acct 01/07/09 (passenger) $46,781 – Michigan Health & Rehab (Avis/Budget / State Farm) O

LaShanda Kaye Pleas, 29 – staged acct 05/01/10 (driver) staged acct 05/27/10 (driver) $30,945 - x (Omni) O

Lucson Dupervil, 27 – fake ins card (Geico) W

Edwin Ramirez Montalvo, 39 – fake ins card (National) W

Shenika Keaton, 18 – staged acct 05/01/10 (passenger) $30,945 - Bedford Medical Chiropractic / Central Florida

Medical & Chiropractic Center / Laurel Rehabilitation Services (Omni) O

Talitha Atkinson, 21 – staged acct 05/01/10 (passenger) $30,945 - Bedford Medical Chiropractic / Central Florida

Medical & Chiropractic Center / Laurel Rehabilitation Services (Omni) O

Andre Washington, 29 – staged acct 05/01/10 (passenger) $30,945 - Bedford Medical Chiropractic / Central Florida

Medical & Chiropractic Center / Laurel Rehabilitation Services (Omni) O

Dora Luisa de Mosquera Hazera, 44 – staged acct 02/16/10 (recruiter) $4,207 – Gulfside Health & Rehab Center, LLC

(Assurance America) T

Eddie Smith, 49 – false statement - $550 - (Progressive) T

Michelle Smith, 49 – false statement - $550 - (Progressive) T

Wilmy Beautelus, 24 – staged acct 01/07/09 (driver) $46,781 – Michigan Health & Rehab (Avis/Budget / State Farm) O

Sebiha Ozturk, 29 – acupuncturist - $17,370 – Naples Acupuncture and Health Clinic (Safeco) F

Sebiha Ozturk, 29 – acupuncturist - $5,465 – Naples Acupuncture and Health Clinic (State Farm) F

Samantha Lopez, 24 – jump-in 02/11/12 - $4,322 – New Horizon Diagnostic Center (United Auto) M

Kimberly Ann Lamela, 25 – clinic employee – Tampa Rehab Center (Farmers / Nationwide) T

Tamara Onea Nelson, 32 – paper acct 12/16/10 (driver) $16,889 – Personal Medical Center (Sentry) T

Judith Gonzalez, 39 – clinic owner - $17,000 – Flamingo Health Corp (Allstate) M

Hilda de la Pedraja, 69 – physician assistant - $17,000 – Flamingo Health Corp (Allstate) M

Marlene Vasquez, 49 – PIP patient - $25,750 – Plantation Rehabilitation Care (Allstate) B

Rigoberto Perez, 55 – PIP patient - $25,856 – Plantation Rehabilitation Care (Allstate) B

Belkis Maria Malgoza, 48 – false statement in support of jump-in - $4,322 – New Horizon Diagnostic Center (United

Auto) M

Code – B (Broward) F (Ft Myers) J (Jacksonville) M (Miami) O (Orlando) P (Pensacola) TL (Tallahassee) T (Tampa/St Pete) W (West Palm Beach)

The PIP Source

Statewide PIP Arrests – April 2012

Page 7

Each issue will provide a list of PIP arrests made by the offices throughout the State. Along with each defendant’s name and age, we will include: the type of scheme involved; the fraud dollar amount; clinic name(s); victim insurance company name(s); and the arresting office. If you need additional details on any of these arrests, please contact Capt. Smith.

Rene Rivera Martinez, 26 - staged acct 1/13/10 (passenger) $4,655 - American Healing Center, LLC (Allstate / Geico) T

Raul Cabrera, 68 - PIP patient - $14,481 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Gilda Maria Mogartoff, 56 - PIP patient - $12,939 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Jorge Mogartoff, 63 - PIP patient - $13,337 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Astrid Lozada, 51 – PIP patient - $15,684 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Gustavo Reinoso, 48 - PIP patient - $14,481 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Solange Virisimo, 20 - PIP patient - $16,271 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Freddy David Hurtado, 31 - PIP patient - $16,524 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Eunice Martinez, 49 - PIP patient - $15,400 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Aymee Vazquez Estacio, 36 - PIP patient - $15,358 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Fernando Cervantes Mendez, 40 - PIP patient - $16,239 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Yenisbel Perez, 27 - PIP patient - $17,070 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Rachel Arias, 28 - PIP patient - $16,435 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Dagoberto Delgado Alfonso, 69 - PIP patient - $13,439 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Romelio A. Pelegrin, 81 - PIP patient - $16,926 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Charles Morris, Jr, 60 - paper acct 12/16/10 (driver) $0 – Best Care Medical (AGIC) T

Guillermo Fuentes, 27 - staged acct 05/18/10 (recruiter) $78,941 - Absolute Health Center Corp / Ache Free Body /

Active Wellness Center / Atlantic Mobile Services / B & A Diagnostic / J & C Imaging / Lianet Rehab Center / Ocean

Medical & Diagnostic Services / Omega Medical Diagnostic / Viva X-Ray Diagnostic Center (21 st Century/ State Farm) M

Heriberto Mojica Roman, 27 – staged acct 09/19/08 (passenger) $84,880 – Lopez & Associates / C & J Chiropractic

(Affirmative / Mercury) M

Thomas J Gallo, 62 – jump-in 07/27/10 - $2,920 - (Allstate) W

Andres Ramos-Lopez, 30 – staged acct 05/19/10 (recruiter) $71,163 – G & O Rehabilitation Center / ORD Medical

Center (Geico / State Farm) M

Lakiesha Trinette Green, 37 – fake ins card (Bristol West / Gainsco) W

Evelio Vazquez Ramos, 68 - PIP patient - $13,076 – Flamingo Health Corp (State Farm) M

Pedro Rafael Miranda, 28 – runner / patient brokering (Metropolitan Casualty) F

Leydel Broche, 40 – staged acct 09/14/10 (recruiter) $82.939 - Omega Medical Center / World of Rehabilitation

Therapy (Geico / State Farm) M

Jessica Dawn Kamer, 33 – staged acct 06/20/11 (recruiter) - Broward Rehab / Sunrise Medical Clinic (Geico /

Progressive) B

Beverly Owens, 57 – staged acct 06/20/11 (recruiter / passenger) - Broward Rehab / Sunrise Medical Clinic (Geico /

Progressive) B

Skippy Exilas, 33 – staged acct 04/23/10 (recruiter) $40,697 - La Salude Medical & Rehab Center (Allstate / Assurance

America / Hallmark) W

Code – B (Broward) F (Ft Myers) J (Jacksonville) M (Miami) O (Orlando) P (Pensacola) TL (Tallahassee) T (Tampa/St Pete) W (West Palm Beach)

May 2012

Statewide PIP Arrests – April 2012

Page 8

Operation Crash Clinics Arrests (Miami Police Department)

Alina Urgelles, 50 – clinic owner – Excellent Group Services

Meritania Amaro Montesino, 23 – massage therapist – Excellent Group Services

Daysel Aguilar, 24 – clinic employee – Excellent Group Services

Eduardo Olivarez, 42 – staged accident (recruiter) – Family Therapy Resource / Paradise Cosmetic Center

Luis Armando Pérez Carmona, 39 – massage therapist – Paradise Cosmetic Center

Sissi Ramos-Orosco, 26 – clinic employee – Paradise Cosmetic Center

Omar Yeras, 64 – jump-in - Family Therapy Resource

Andrés Blanco, 45 – massage therapist - Family Therapy Resource

Osvaldo García, 65 – clinic owner - Family Therapy Resource

Osvaldo García, 22 – clinic owner - Family Therapy Resource

Lorelys Diaz, 23 – clinic employee - Family Therapy Resource

The PIP Source Page 9

Statewide PIP Contacts


Counties: Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf,

Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Liberty,

Madison, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Taylor, Wakulla, Walton,


Tallahassee Field Office - 850.413.3115

Capt. Robert BRONGEL

Pensacola Field Office - 850.453.7802

Lt. Joseph HOLOKAN


Counties: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Citrus, Clay, Columbia,

Dixie, Duval, Flagler, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Levy, Marion,

Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Sumter, Suwannee, Union

Jacksonville Field Office - 904.798.5802

Capt. Brian McCOY

Lt. Kevin JONES


Counties: Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry,

Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Lee, Manatee, Pasco,

Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota

Tampa Field Office - 813.972.8602

Capt. Michael BYRNE

Lt. Carlos ROSARIO

Lt. Darrell WILSON

Fort Myers Field Office - 239.278.7527

Lt. Mark FRITZ

In breaking news, Gov. Scott signed the new PIP reform bill into law in Jacksonville.

This month, we cover the arrests of a clinic owner in Miami along with 15 patients in an undercover bust.

On page two, we cover an undercover investigation by the City of Miami Police into three clinics involving staged accidents and patient brokering.

On page three, we cover the sentencing of a clinic owner for his role in a kidnapping case in which he was convicted of false imprisonment and sentenced to five years in prison.

Please take time on Memorial Day, May 28, to remember and honor those who have fallen in service to our country.


Counties: Brevard, Indian River, Lake, Martin, Okeechobee,

Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Seminole, St. Lucie, Volusia

West Palm Beach Field Office - 561.837.5601

Maj. Simon BLANK

Capt. Glen HUGHES

Lt. Evangelina BROOKS

Orlando Field Office - 407.835.4402




Counties: Broward, Dade, Monroe

Miami Field Office - 305.536.0302

Capt. Steven SMITH

Lt. Violeta SERRANO

Lt. John DYGON

Lt. Stanley JEAN-FELIX

Plantation Field Office - 954.321.2902

Lt. Bill LEE

South Florida Major Medical Fraud Task Force

Supervisory Special Agent Fred Burkhardt 954.329.7427

Central Florida Major Medical Fraud Task Force

Supervisory Special Agent Dennis Russo 863.967.6904

Memorial Day, May 28
