Medieval Governments o Pope Gregory I (590-604) Growing Influence of the Church o Monasticism The Age of ___________ (768-814) (a.k.a., the Carolingian Empire) o the “Father of Europe” o created the largest state in Europe after the fall of western Rome o __________ Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne “______________ _____________” o After his death, Charlemagne’s empire was split into three parts o the empire itself was never truly unified (diverse peoples) Medieval Governments o necessary due to lack of a powerful government (to keep order) o political, military, judicial and other functions of government performed locally ________ and ________ the most important Feudalism o the monarch agreed to grant some nobles ______ (land) and ____________ ________ in exchange for their pledge of ________ o ____ then granted smaller portions of this land to (and provided ________ for) __________ for their pledge of loyalty o _______ (a code of honor) developed within the noble class The Holy Roman Empire o grew out of the Eastern Franks o __________ crowned Emperor (962 AD) 1st German Emperor (the Germanies) o STRENGTH: Note: modern Germany was created in 1871 o WEAKNESSES: Medieval Governments o growth of a __________________: The _______ Dynasty (987-1328 AD) o major problem: the claim of English kings to territories in France o kings could ignore the _____________ (group of law-makers) Medieval England o ______________________, Duke of Normandy, successfully invaded England at the ___________ ____________________________ o William centralized power in feudal system, giving him immense power: o Crisis: during the reign of _________; Henry caught in a struggle over control of the English church with _______________, the Archbishop of Canterbury o by the 13th century efforts to hold on to possessions in France weakened English kings o to fight wars in France, _________ needed _______ Medieval Governments o SIGNFICANCE MAGNA CARTA 1215 AD nobles became accustomed to ______________ (feudalism), and rebelled when ____________ tried to reclaim power their influence was strong enough to (“The Great Charter”) force King John to __________ _________________________ o MAIN IDEAS o EFFECTS it allowed nobles to _________ with the king for ________ __________, though this was not usually the best option men who _____________ had far more rights than women, children, or men without property