NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Administrative Regulations

Administrative Regulations
Reference: Board Policy #4400
Professional and Support Staff
Pregnancy Counseling
All employees acting within the scope of their employment and contractors authorized to enter
district premises for the purpose of interaction with North Penn School District students shall not
become involved in obtaining an abortion for any North Penn student.
For the purpose of this regulation, involvement in obtaining an abortion shall include, and this
regulation therefore prohibits:
scheduling an appointment;
providing transportation to an appointment;
providing funding; and
taking any active role in procuring an abortion.
To ensure that students make informed decisions regarding pregnancy issues, employees and
district contractors (as defined above) shall:
disseminate a district-approved resource list;
discuss options with any student without advocating any position with respect to reproductive
Employees and contractors who interact with North Penn students are hereby directed to
encourage parental involvement in all student decisions regarding pregnancy. However, any
employee or contractor who is advised by a student of a pregnancy shall respect the student’s right
to privacy and confidentiality as required by state and federal law. Employees or contractors who
violate this regulation will be disciplined as permitted under applicable employment contracts or
collective bargaining agreements.
Reviewed: March 2001
Revised: December 11, 2008
ADM. REG. 4400
12/11/08 srk