e-BUILDER PROJECT INITIATION GUIDELINES Purpose: Provide summary of process to create project in e-Builder. Detailed User Guide is available on SharePoint Facilities e-Builder –C/U Site https://connect.mnscu.edu/sites/ebuildercu/SitePages/Home.aspx. Steps to Create a Project in e-Builder Starting a project in e-Builder involves three roles to enter and upload project data using project templates and workflow processes. Project Manager Responsibilities: 1. Enter the Project into the system a. Add Project and fill in project details b. Apply Templates 1) Template - MNSCU 2) Documents and Permissions 3) Schedule Template 4) Budget Template & upload Project Budget Worksheet c. Add Project Participants 1) Campus staff • Project Manager • CU Finance • CU Authorized Approver • Form & Execution Legal Reviewer • Accounts Payable 2) System Office staff • SO Finance • SO Program Manager • SO Management 3) Vendors if known 2. Approve draft budget 3. Start Budget Initiation (BI) workflow process 4. Start Project Initiation (PI) workflow process a. Determine if money is GO, HEAPR or Revenue funds that need SO direction and click yes or no b. Upload delegation letters 5. When complete, workflow is forwarded to SO Program Manager for action PI.10 1 of 2 12/31/15 SO Program Manager Responsibilities: 1. Review workflow information and confirm that Project Manager has completed all steps 2. Select an action: a. Approve b. Initiator Revise Choose if form has not been filled out appropriately or is missing information and workflow is sent back to Project Manager to revise. After Project Manager has corrected item(s), workflow will be resent for approval 3. When approved, workflow is forwarded to SO Finance for action SO Finance Responsibilities: 1. Review the workflow information 2. Upload Project Information and Reporting Sheet 3. Add comments if needed 4. Select an action: • Approve • Initiator Revise Choose if form has not been filled out appropriately or is missing information and workflow is sent back to Project Manager to revise. After Project Manager has corrected item(s), workflow will be resent for approval 5. When approved, Project Manager is notified process is complete and CU Finance is forwarded Project Information and Reporting Sheet. For more information, contact: ebuildersupport@so.mnscu.edu or e-Builder Help Desk Link PI.10 2 of 2 12/31/15