Sussex County Built Environment Benefits of Trails & Pathways For Delawareans…. ~ Creates communities where we enjoy being active ~ Get connected to nature ~ Offers family-oriented experiences ~ Promotes healthy lifestyles ~ Connect us to parks, businesses ~ Connect us to schools, work For tourism … ~ Encourages fuller travel experiences ~ Promotes return visits ~ Good for business 2 Nationally Trail Use Rising 3 Junction & Breakwater Trail User Survey - 2011 ~ State Parks & DE Greenways - trail economic impacts ~ 39% year round residents ~ 61% seasonal residents or visitors ~ Based on responses – trail use generates $209k in hard good and $409k in soft good purchases ~ Supports local businesses 4 Support Healthy Families 5 1st State Trails & Pathways Initiative " Create transportation alternatives " Increase recreational opportunities " Promote active living, healthy lifestyles " Boost economy " Create jobs CREATE A HEALTHY AND SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT 6 Ensure that exercise/physical activity and healthy eating programs and services are high-quality, culturally appropriate, accessible, available and affordable. Improve the physical environment, including public transportation, throughout Delaware to improve opportunities for safe physical activity. Make nutritious foods affordable and available to all Delawareans. Establish and ensure adherence to food and beverage standards in places where Delawareans spend their time. Work with food industry, including food processors, distributors, growers and retailers in the state and region to improve the nutritional quality of commercially available foods and beverages. CREATE A HEALTHY AND SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT 7 Ensure children in schools have access to affordable and healthy foods and beverages. Ensure children have access to physical activity opportunities in schools. Ensure children receive quality health education, nutrition education and physical education in schools. Ensure children in child care have access to healthy foods and beverages and opportunities for physical activity. Ensure children receive quality health education, nutrition education and physical education in child care. CREATE A HEALTH ENVIRONMENT – FIRST STEPS 8 Develop a barrier-free statewide trail system Fully implement Complete Streets policy statewide Develop incentives for communities to include health promotion in comprehensive plans Develop a Healthy Communities Award to recognize communities taking action to improve health THE POWER OF RELATIONSHIPS 9 If you reached out to 2 people and convinced them to be a change agent with you…how many equal encounters would need to happen before 1 million people were champions of change? Place Matters Place determines…… • Health Behavior • Quality of Life • Overall Health Status • Economic Vitality • Intellectual Capital • Sustainability 10 FINANCIAL SENSE 11 An investment of $10 per person per year to increase physical activity and other community health promotion programs could save the U.S. more than $16 billion annually within 5 years. This is a return of $5.60 for every $1 invested. If You Build It Will They Come? 12 The more facilities that were available and destinations that were close by, the more people walked. People who live within walking distance of trails, parks or stores walked more frequently. The power of doing this is leveraged by the proximity of assets. The more assets in a “walkable” space the more people are drawn to it. King, W., Am. J. of Public Health 2003 ACTIVITY-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES MAKES GOOD COMMON $ENSE 13 Accumulating evidence indicates that open space is not an expense but an investment that produces important economic benefits. Open space protection is good for the community's health, stability, beauty, quality of life, and economic benefit. Every $1 investment in parks and trails for physical activity led to $2.94 in direct medical benefit. WALKABLE, BIKEABLE SEAFORD PRESENTED BY REPRESENTATIVE DAN SHORT JOHN HOLLIS RON BREEDING WALKABLE, BIKEABLE SEAFORD 15 How do you create a healthy walk and bike designation place in an existing area that has been the unofficial site? What are the opportunities? WALKABLE, BIKEABLE SEAFORD 16 What are the difficulties? What is the key to success?