We the People Add your name and a country of ancestry

We the People
Add your name and a country of ancestry
As we celebrate our 25th anniversary year, we are asking everyone who attends or supports the
International Spring Festival to add their name and to select one country of their ancestry (or who you
identify with) to our scroll to celebrate the rich cultural heritages of the members of the community.
Our goal is to collect 5,000 signatures and to send this message of hope and unity to the White House.
The mission of the International Spring Festival is to celebrate the diversity of the area in a fun way
while sharing knowledge through art, music, food, and educational activities. We are founded on our
belief that cultural understanding strengthens our competitive position in an increasingly diverse globe.
Through one on one interactions and community outreach we will make our community stronger and
our lives richer.
Please join us and support our message of unity. Our goal is to reach 5,000 signatures and then send
our scroll to the White House to show how people from different backgrounds, religions, cultures, and
political views can come together with a single message of unity. Please take a moment and go to
www.wesupportISF.com and add your name to the website to support our efforts. We are
commemorating our 25th anniversary for the International Spring Festival, which is founded on our
belief that cultural understanding strengthens our communities and enriches our lives. This year our
festival will be on April 16th from 11-5 at North Penn High School and we hope you join us for fun, food
and entertainment from around the world.
Thank you,
International Spring Festival Publicity Committee