Lesson Plan Course Title: Engineering Design and Presentation Session Title: Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Part 2 Performance Objective: Upon completion of this lesson the students will be able to apply all of the knowledge and skills they have learned to create a prototype that meets the criteria given in the Engineering Design Process/Problem Solving Grading Rubric; and will create many different methods of communicating their ideas and present their research and results based on the criteria in the Engineering Design Notebook Checklist/Rubric and the “BLOG”ineering Design Process Website Rubric to the satisfaction of the teacher. Specific Objectives: The students will be able to: solve a design problem that has a positive impact on society or the environment research, design, and create a product that is marketable explain the steps to create your prototype create the technical drawings per the check list and examples given organize paperwork into a three ring binder notebook per rubric create a “BLOG”ineering website per the rubric given demonstrate the ability to work effectively as a team member working on a team project Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. Engineering Design and Presentation: 130.365(c)(1)(D)(E)(H)(J) …demonstrate the principles of teamwork related to engineering and technology …identify and use appropriate work habits …demonstrate respect for diversity in the workplace …demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills using a variety of software applications and media 130.365(c)(2)(B)(C) …use teamwork to solve problems …serve as a team leader and a team member and demonstrate appropriate attitudes while participating in team projects 130.365(c)(3)(A)(B)(C)(D) …use time-management techniques to develop and maintain work schedules and meet deadlines …complete work according to established criteria …participate in the organization and operation of a real or simulated engineering project …develop a plan for production of an individual product Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 1 130.365(c)(5)(A)(B)(F)(I)(J) …sketch single- and multi-view projections …prepare orthographic and pictorial views …construct true length of lines and true size of planes by the revolution method …prepare and revise annotated multi-dimensional production drawings in computer-aided drafting and design to industry standards …demonstrate knowledge of effective file structure and management 130.365(c)(6)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F) …think critically, identify the system constraints, and make fact-based decisions …use rational thinking to develop or improve a product …apply decision-making strategies when developing solutions …use an engineering notebook to record prototypes, corrections, and / or mistakes in the design process …use an engineering notebook to record the final design, construction, and manipulation of finished projects 130.365(c)(7)(A)(D) …use a variety of technologies to design components …use multiple software applications for concept presentations 130.365(c)(8)(B)(C)(D)(E) …identify areas where quality, reliability, and safety can be designed into a product …improve a product design to meet a specified need …produce engineering drawings to industry standards …describe potential patents and the patenting process Interdisciplinary Correlations: English Language Arts and Reading, English IV: 110.34(b)(1)(A)(B)(C)(E) …determine the meaning of technical academic English words in multiple content areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes; …analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to draw conclusions about the nuance in word meanings; …use the relationship between words encountered in analogies to determine their meanings (e.g., synonyms/antonyms, connotation/denotation); …use general and specialized dictionaries, thesauri, histories of language, books of quotations, and other related references (printed or electronic) as needed. 110.34(b)(10)(A)(B) …evaluate the merits of an argument, action, or policy by analyzing the relationships (e.g., implication, necessity, sufficiency) among evidence, inferences, assumptions, and claims in text; and …draw conclusions about the credibility of persuasive text by examining its implicit and stated assumptions about an issue as conveyed by the specific use of language. 110.34(b)(13)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E) …plan a first draft by selecting the correct genre for conveying the intended meaning to multiple audiences, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea; Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 2 …structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive way (e.g., using outlines, note taking, graphic organizers, lists) and develop drafts in timed and open-ended situations that include transitions and the rhetorical devices to convey meaning; …revise drafts to clarify meaning and achieve specific rhetorical purposes, consistency of tone, and logical organization by rearranging the words, sentences, and paragraphs to employ tropes (e.g., metaphors, similes, analogies, hyperbole, understatement, rhetorical questions, irony), schemes (e.g., parallelism, antithesis, inverted word order, repetition, reversed structures), and by adding transitional words and phrases; …edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling; and …revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences. 110.34(b)(15)(A)(B)(D) …write an analytical essay of sufficient length that includes: (i) effective introductory and concluding paragraphs and a variety of sentence structures; (ii) rhetorical devices, and transitions between paragraphs; (iii) a clear thesis statement or controlling idea; (iv) a clear organizational schema for conveying ideas; (v) relevant and substantial evidence and well-chosen details; (vi) information on all relevant perspectives and consideration of the validity, reliability, and relevance of primary and secondary sources; and (vii) an analysis of views and information that contradict the thesis statement and the evidence presented for it; …write procedural and work-related documents (e.g., résumés, proposals, college applications, operation manuals) that include: (i) a clearly stated purpose combined with a well-supported viewpoint on the topic; (ii) appropriate formatting structures (e.g., headings, graphics, white space); (iii) relevant questions that engage readers and address their potential problems and misunderstandings; (iv) accurate technical information in accessible language; and (v) appropriate organizational structures supported by facts and details (documented if appropriate); …produce a multimedia presentation (e.g., documentary, class newspaper, docudrama, infomercial, visual or textual parodies, theatrical production) with graphics, images, and sound that appeals to a specific audience and synthesizes information from multiple points of view. 110.34(b)(16)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G) …a clear thesis or position based on logical reasons with various forms of support (e.g., hard evidence, reason, common sense, cultural assumptions); …accurate and honest representation of divergent views (i.e., in the author's own words and not out of context); …an organizing structure appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context; …information on the complete range of relevant perspectives; …demonstrated consideration of the validity and reliability of all primary and secondary sources used; …language attentively crafted to move a disinterested or opposed audience, using specific rhetorical devices to back up assertions (e.g., appeals to logic, emotions, ethical beliefs); and …an awareness and anticipation of audience response that is reflected in different levels of formality, style, and tone. 110.34(b)(17)(A)(B) ...use and understand the function of different types of clauses and phrases (e.g., adjectival, noun, adverbial clauses and phrases); and ...use a variety of correctly structured sentences (e.g., compound, complex, compound-complex). Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 3 110.34(b)(18) - Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. 110.34(b)(19) - Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. 110.34(b)(20)(A)(B) ...brainstorm, consult with others, decide upon a topic, and formulate a major research question to address the major research topic; and ...formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic. 110.34(b)(21)(A)(B)(C) ...follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding overreliance on one source; ...systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; and ...paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources. 110.34(b)(23)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E) ...provides an analysis that supports and develops personal opinions, as opposed to simply restating existing information; ...uses a variety of formats and rhetorical strategies to argue for the thesis; ...develops an argument that incorporates the complexities of and discrepancies in information from multiple sources and perspectives while anticipating and refuting counter-arguments; ...uses a style manual (e.g., Modern Language Association, Chicago Manual of Style) to document sources and format written materials; and ...is of sufficient length and complexity to address the topic. 110.34(b)(26) - Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Geometry: 111.34(b)(1)(A) ...develop an awareness of the structure of a mathematical system, connecting definitions, postulates, logical reasoning, and theorems; 111.34(b)(2)(A)(B) ...use constructions to explore attributes of geometric figures and to make conjectures about geometric relationships; ...make conjectures about angles, lines, polygons, circles, and three-dimensional figures and determine the validity of the conjectures, choosing from a variety of approaches such as coordinate, transformational, or axiomatic. 111.34(b)(4) - Geometric structure. 111.34(b)(6)(A)(B)(C) ...describe and draw the intersection of a given plane with various three-dimensional geometric figures; ...use nets to represent and construct three-dimensional geometric figures; and Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 4 ...use orthographic and isometric views of three-dimensional geometric figures to represent and construct three-dimensional geometric figures and solve problems. 111.34(b)(7)(A)(B)(C) ...use one- and two-dimensional coordinate systems to represent points, lines, rays, line segments, and figures; ...use slopes and equations of lines to investigate geometric relationships, including parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and special segments of triangles and other polygons; and ...derive and use formulas involving length, slope, and midpoint. Physics: 112.39(c)(1)(A)(B) ...demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations; and ...demonstrate an understanding of the use and conservation of resources and the proper disposal or recycling of materials. 112.39(c)(2)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)(J)(K)(L) ...know the definition of science and understand that it has limitations, as specified in subsection(b)(2) of this section; ...know that scientific hypotheses are tentative and testable statements that must be capable of being supported or not supported by observational evidence. Hypotheses of durable explanatory power which have been tested over a wide variety of conditions are incorporated into theories; ...know that scientific theories are based on natural and physical phenomena and are capable of being tested by multiple independent researchers. Unlike hypotheses, scientific theories are well-established and highly-reliable explanations, but may be subject to change as new areas of science and new technologies are developed; ...distinguish between scientific hypotheses and scientific theories; ...design and implement investigative procedures, including making observations, asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, identifying variables, selecting appropriate equipment and technology, and evaluating numerical answers for reasonableness; ...demonstrate the use of course apparatus, equipment, techniques, and procedures, including multimeters (current, voltage, resistance), triple beam balances, batteries, clamps, dynamics demonstration equipment, collision apparatus, data acquisition probes, discharge tubes with power supply (H, He, Ne, Ar), hand-held visual spectroscopes, hot plates, slotted and hooked lab masses, bar magnets, horseshoe magnets, plane mirrors, convex lenses, pendulum support, power supply, ring clamps, ring stands, stopwatches, trajectory apparatus, tuning forks, carbon paper, graph paper, magnetic compasses, polarized film, prisms, protractors, resistors, friction blocks, mini lamps (bulbs) and sockets, electrostatics kits, 90-degree rod clamps, metric rulers, spring scales, knife blade switches, Celsius thermometers, meter sticks, scientific calculators, graphing technology, computers, cathode ray tubes with horseshoe magnets, ballistic carts or equivalent, resonance tubes, spools of nylon thread or string, containers of iron filings, rolls of white craft paper, copper wire, Periodic Table, electromagnetic spectrum charts, slinky springs, wave motion ropes, and laser pointers; ...use a wide variety of additional course apparatus, equipment, techniques, materials, and procedures as appropriate such as ripple tank with wave generator, wave motion rope, micrometer, caliper, radiation monitor, computer, ballistic pendulum, electroscope, inclined plane, optics bench, optics kit, pulley with table clamp, resonance tube, ring stand screen, four inch ring, stroboscope, graduated cylinders, and ticker timer; ...make measurements with accuracy and precision and record data using scientific notation and International System (SI) units; ...identify and quantify causes and effects of uncertainties in measured data; ...organize and evaluate data and make inferences from data, including the use of tables, charts, and graphs; Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 5 ...communicate valid conclusions supported by the data through various methods such as lab reports, labeled drawings, graphic organizers, journals, summaries, oral reports, and technology-based reports; and ...express and manipulate relationships among physical variables quantitatively, including the use of graphs, charts, and equations. 112.39(c)(3)(A)(B)(C)(F) ...in all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking by the student; ...communicate and apply scientific information extracted from various sources such as current events, news reports, published journal articles, and marketing materials; ...draw inferences based on data related to promotional materials for products and services; ...express and interpret relationships symbolically in accordance with accepted theories to make predictions and solve problems mathematically, including problems requiring proportional reasoning and graphical vector addition. Teacher Preparation: You will need 1 copy of each of the handouts listed in Materials Needed below, and a three ring binder (recommend 1”-2”). Have pencil, eraser, and map pencils available for students who don’t have any. You need to have an example of a notebook to show, or an example of how to organize one, and an example of a “BLOG”ineering Design Process Website. References: Refer to the Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Part 2 PowerPoint presentation. NOTE: Some teachers feel more comfortable ASSIGNING the problem. If you do, then just “Google” this and use what you feel fits best. A good website is: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/engineering-designprocess/engineering-design-problem-statement.shtml. However, you will be amazed at what the students come up with if you give them more flexibility and thus they have more ownership and this usually results in better quality products. Instructional Aids: 1. Word, PowerPoint (or equivalent software) 2. Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Part 2 PowerPoint presentation. Materials Needed: 1. One (1) handout for each team of: A. The Engineering Design Process B. The Engineering Design Process/Problem Solving Grading Rubric C. “BLOG”ineering Design Process Website Rubric D. Engineering Design Notebook Checklist/Rubric 2. A three ring binder for each team 3. Writing utensil for students who don’t have any Equipment Needed: 1. Computer with internet access Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 6 2. Printer 3. Data projector for PowerPoint Learner Preparation: Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Part 1 Introduction Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): NOTE: The class discussion is meant to be Socratic in nature and not true/false, or this is the only correct answer. Encourage your students to explain WHY they think the way they do! There is NO wrong answer if they can explain the WHY! SAY: You will now begin the actual design process. SHOW: The Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Part 2 PowerPoint presentation, Engineering Design Notebook Checklist/Rubric and “BLOG”ineering Design Process Website Rubric. ASK: Does anyone want to share what they have picked as their product problem to solve or improve upon? ASK: Why do you think we do the final technical drawings in a CAD program and not by hand? SAY: This will be an ongoing project until the very end when you present the final product and that’s ok and to be expected. Make sure you show/keep examples of all the designs you come up with in your notebook and on the “BLOG”ineering website. The final examples of your designs will go into both notebook and website and be used in your presentation. ASK: Why does your team need to keep a notebook and a “BLOG”ineering website for your product? SHOW: How to setup website and example. SHOW: Notebook example of what is expected. (If this is first time you are doing this lesson you may not have one. That’s ok, but have an example that shows how to organize it at least.) SAY: This too will be an ongoing project until the very end when you present the final product and that’s ok and to be expected. Make sure you show/keep examples of all the designs you come up with in your notebook and “BLOG”ineering website. The final will go into both notebook and website and be used in your presentation. SAY: Now it’s time for you to go to work. Good luck and have fun! NOTE: Remember the “Three before me” rule but check team’s progression daily so that they keep on task. If they set up the Team Contract correctly they should self-monitor and adjust but it’s always a good idea for the teacher to monitor to make sure they are improving daily. Outline Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages in conjunction with the following outline. MI Outline Notes to Instructor See the following outline for Part 2: Week 2 and 3: Design Process, Research, “BLOG”ineering, and Technical Drawings • Day 1-2 (3 if needed MAX) = Begin the Design Process Week 1: Brainstorming, Engineering Design Process and Teamwork Week 2 and 3: Research, “BLOG”ineering, and Technical Drawings Week 4 and 5: Construct the Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 7 • Day 3-10 = Create your teams’ free “BLOG”ineering website per the rubric given. • Day 3-10 = Use a CAD program such as Inventor or Solidworks to create your prototype technical drawings electronically BEFORE you build it. You can change these as needed due to changes made when you build the prototype. NOTE: “BLOG”ineering website and technical drawings are part of the ongoing project and won’t actually be completed until the very end and should be used in that final presentation. I. Begin the actual Design Process. prototype and create all of the media for presenting their product Week 6: Presentations and prepare for final exam As soon as students have a working idea for their product, allow them to start to build the prototype. Be forewarned this process can end up being only 1 week long, to 3 weeks long. Make sure they spend at least 1 week and a MAX of 3 weeks in this. Days 1-2: Show the Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Part 2 PowerPoint presentation. Allow students to discuss what it means to them. This is where they come up with what they will be creating to solve the problem given II. Distribute handouts and three ring binders A. Each team gets one (1) handout of: i. The Engineering Design Process ii. The Engineering Design Process/Problem Solving Grading Rubric iii. “BLOG”ineering Design Process Website Rubric iv. Engineering Design Notebook Checklist/Rubric B. Each team gets a three ring binder Give each team their handouts and notebook. I advise keeping them in class in a designated place so they don’t get lost. (Slides 1-15) III. Does anyone want to share what they have picked as their product problem to solve or improve upon? Allow students to discuss these. IV. Why do you think we do the final technical drawings in a CAD program and not by hand? A. Make sure you show/keep examples of all Show students the check list examples given in the Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 8 the designs you come up with in your notebook and “BLOG”ineering website. B. The final technical drawings will go into both and be used in your presentation. Part 2 PPT presentation. (Slides 10-14) This will be ongoing until the very end when students present the final product and that’s ok and to be expected. V. Why does your team need to keep a notebook and a “BLOG”ineering website for your product? Show students the examples and rubric given in the Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Part 2 PPT presentation. (Slide 9) VI. How to setup website and example. Show students how to create the website, and an example of one. Try to let the kids use their own creativity. You may suggest they use the free Google.Sites or Wix.com. VII. Notebook example of what is expected. A. Make sure you show/keep examples of all the designs you come up with in your notebook and “BLOG”ineering website. B. The final technical drawings will go into both website and notebook and be used in your presentation. Distribute their notebooks and show examples. If this is first time you are doing this lesson, you may not have an example notebook to show. That’s ok; but you need to have an example that shows how to organize one. This too will be ongoing until the very end when you present the final product and that’s ok and to be expected. You want them to do the work, not you. They need to apply everything they should have learned to date. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 9 Just monitor their work and do not automatically “bail them out” with what you feel is the correct or best answers. VIII. Time to get to work! A. Refer back to PPTS, handouts, and rubrics B. Remember “Three before me” rule - before teacher will answer questions: i. Ask three (3) team members what you are supposed to do ii. All four (4) teams ask teacher the same question at once iii. Then teacher will answer the question Remind students of the “Three before me” rule but check team’s progression daily so that they keep on task. If they set up the Team Contract correctly they should selfmonitor and adjust but it’s always a good idea for the teacher to monitor to make sure they are improving daily. You want them to do the work, not you. They need to apply everything they should have learned to date. (Slide 15) The Engineering Design Process Rubric can be used as progress check or at the end when they present the final product Copy and paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column. Verbal Linguistic Logical Mathematical Visual Spatial Musical Rhythmic Bodily Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Naturalist Existentialist Application Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Monitor periodically to make sure that the teams are creating their own product technical drawings, notebook, and “BLOG”ineering website per examples, checklist, and rubrics. Remember the “Three before me” rule but check team’s progression daily so that they keep on task. If they set up the Team Contract correctly they should self-monitor and adjust but it’s always a good idea for the teacher to monitor to make sure they are improving daily. Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): 1. Technical Drawings 2. Notebook Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 10 3. “BLOG”ineering website Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): 1. Have you come up with a design solution to the problem you selected? 2. Are you creating your technical drawings per the checklist/rubric and examples given? 3. Are you creating a “BLOG”ineering website per the rubric given? 4. Why do you think we do the final technical drawings in a CAD program and not by hand? 5. Why does your team need to keep a notebook and a “BLOG”ineering website for your product? 6. Are you showing/keeping examples of all the designs you come up with in your notebook and “BLOG”ineering website. 7. How is the design process working for your team? (If not working, sit down with the team and help guide them into figuring out what to do. Teacher should mediate and not just tell them what to do.) Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): Check team’s progression daily so that they keep on task. If they set up the Team Contract correctly they should self-monitor and adjust but it’s always a good idea for the teacher to monitor to make sure they are improving daily. You want them to do the work not you. They need to apply everything they should have learned to date. Just monitor their work and do not automatically “bail them out” with what you feel is the correct or best answers. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): 1. Technical Drawings (Engineering Design Notebook Checklist/Rubric) = “Major grade” 2. Notebook = “Major grade” 3. “BLOG”ineering Design Process Website Rubric = “Major grade” Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): Students who need a challenge cannot just look up potential patents, but actually take steps to get their product patented. http://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/howtopat.htm Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 11 Team Members Names: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Class: _________________________________________ Teacher: _______________________________________ The Engineering Design Process Step #1 = Identify the problem _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Step #2= Identify Criteria and Constraints Time Frame = ______________________________________________________ Tools that can be used = _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Material(s) that can be used = ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Step #3 = Brainstorm Possible Solutions *Thumbnail sketches Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 12 Step #4 = Generate Ideas *Thumbnail sketches Best Idea #1 Best Idea #2 Best Idea #3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 13 Step #5= Explore Possibilities Discussion highlights: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ My Designs Pros My Designs Cons Step #6 = Select an Approach “Which design are you going to use and why?” _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 14 Sketch of it: Step #7 = Build a Model or Prototype to solve the problem given (step #1) based off the Criteria and Constraints given (Step #2) based off the Best Idea you had (Step #6). Step #8 = Refine the Design So what worked in your prototype? What didn’t work in your prototype? What did your classmates think about your prototype? What can you change to make it better? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 15 Sketch what changes you are going to make and refine your prototype for the final test. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 16 Team Member(s) Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Engineering Design Process / Problem Solving Grading Rubric Score: ________________ out of 100 points Project Title = _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPECTATIONS EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS MEETS EXPECTATIONS ALMOST MEETS EXPECTATIONS BELOW EXPECTATIONS 20‐15 PTS 14‐10 PTS 9‐5 PTS 4‐1 PTS Does not demonstrate Attempts to demonstrate Understands the Skillfully demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates understanding understanding of problem’s of problem’s elements through understanding of problem’s understanding of problem’s problem and a variety of strategies, such as elements, but several elements are elements. elements through a variety of devises a plan inaccurate and/or incomplete. summarizing the problem in strategies. Does not select an own words, listing all relevant information, identifying missing Attempts to select an appropriate Selects an appropriate content‐ appropriate content specific information, etc. specific problem‐solving strategy problem‐solving strategy. content specific problem‐solving that will lead to a logical solution strategy; but strategy is inaccurate Selects at least one appropriate or inappropriate for problem, and/or quality product. Progression/sequence is not content‐specific problem‐ logical or major omissions which will not lead to a logical solving strategy that will lead Creates a logical progression/ exist, which prohibit solution and/or quality product. sequence of information, which successful completion of to a logical solution and/or allows an audience who is procedure. Creates a progression/sequence. quality product. Some steps or omissions may cause unfamiliar with this topic to audience confusion in completing Creates a logical progression/ successfully complete the sequence of information, which the procedure. procedure with ease. allows an audience who is unfamiliar with this topic to successfully complete the procedure with minimal confusion Implements a plan Skillfully fulfills all discipline‐ Fulfills all discipline‐specific and Attempts to fulfill all discipline‐ Does not fulfill several Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 17 specific and task requirements. Skillfully implements the plan of action and content specific strategy in order to solve a problem. Demonstrates insightful and logical reasoning throughout the problem‐solving process to reach accurate and effective solutions. Checks work throughout implementation, revising work as needed Reflects on Results Skillfully justifies the solution and/or quality product by interpreting data and/or results. Appropriately cites all required information with no errors (when appropriate). Insightfully reflects upon problems, mistakes, or misunderstandings encountered during the problem‐solving process. task requirements. Effectively and accurately implements the plan of action and content‐specific strategy in order to solve a problem. Demonstrates logical reasoning throughout the problem‐ solving process to reach accurate and effective solutions with minor errors. Checks work throughout Implementation, revising work as needed. specific and task requirements, but one element may be inaccurate or incomplete. Attempts to implement the plan of action and/or content‐specific strategy, but errors result in inaccurate solutions. Demonstrates some logical reasoning, but several errors result in inaccurate and/or ineffective solutions. Inconsistently checks work throughout implementation or does not revise work as needed. Effectively justifies the solution Attempts to fulfill all discipline‐ and/or quality product by specific and task requirements, but interpreting data and/or one element may be inaccurate or results. incomplete. Attempts to implement the plan of Appropriately cites required information with minor errors action and/or content‐specific strategy, but errors result in (when appropriate). inaccurate solutions. Reflects upon problems, mistakes, or misunderstandings Demonstrates some logical encountered during the reasoning, but several errors result problem‐solving process. in inaccurate and/or ineffective solutions. Inconsistently checks work throughout implementation or does not revise work as needed. discipline‐specific and task requirements. Does not implement plan of action and/or content‐ specific strategy. Demonstrates little to no logical reasoning. Does not check work and does not revise work as needed. Does not justify solution and/or product. Does not interpret data and/or results. Does not cite sources of information (when appropriate). Does not reflect upon problems, mistakes, or misunderstandings. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 18 Creates an organizing structure Uses an organizational structure that enhances the response. Skillfully represents data and/or results in an effective manner, using technology when appropriate. Demonstrates understanding of written language conventions (when appropriate) Demonstrates consistent control of grammar, usage, punctuation, sentence construction, and spelling. Uses an organizational structure that allows for a progression of ideas to develop. Represents data and/or results in an effective manner, using technology when appropriate. Demonstrates control of usage, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, and spelling. Occasional errors do not usually interfere with meaning. Uses an organizational structure that causes confusion. Ineffectively represents data and/or results. There is little evidence of organization. Does not represent data and/or results. Demonstrates some control of usage, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, and spelling. Errors do interfere with meaning. Demonstrates little control of usage, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, and spelling. Numerous errors interfere with meaning. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 19 20 Team Members Names: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Class: _________________________________________ Teacher: _______________________________________ “BLOG”ineering Design Process Website Rubric EXPECTATION / CRITERIA EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS 6‐5 PTS MEETS BELOW EXPECTATIONS EXPECTATIONS 4‐3 PTS 2‐1 PTS Has Title of the Project and all Team Members Names Photo of the team with the final prototype Has Design Brief that explains the: Context: Clear statement of the engineering design problem to be solved Task/Jobs: List of who had what task or job and explain what they did in those jobs Requirements/Rules: You’re going to be applying all of the knowledge and skills you have learned about Engineering Design. It must solve some kind of design problem that has a POSITIVE impact on society or the environment. You will be researching, designing, and creating a product of your choosing. This product must be marketable (people will want to buy it). • You will work in teams of three (3). • All research and paperwork must be in a 1” 3 ring binder and have all of the paperwork organized per the check list and grading rubric. • Product prototype must be made out of 3‐10 different types of material. • Prototype and display board must fit into a space no bigger than: 3’‐0” Wide, 1’‐3” Deep, and 4’‐0” High. Research: All proof of research you did, all handouts, data, research paper, etc., scanned in as needed or PDF of electronic. Steps: Explain the steps you took to create your prototype. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 21 Product: Explain what you expected your prototype to do or the problem it should be solving. Week 1 Reflection (one completed by each team member): Explain what you have/not been able to get accomplished this week. What are you planning on working on next week? Week 2 Reflection (one completed by each team member): Explain what you have/not been able to get accomplished this week. What are you planning on working on next week? Week 3 Reflection (one completed by each team member): Explain what you have/not been able to get accomplished this week. What are you planning on working on next week? Week 4 Reflection (one completed by each team member): Explain what you have/not been able to get accomplished this week. What are you planning on working on next week? Photos of your Prototype as you built it ALL Technical Drawings as PDFs or JPEGs Infomercial Video Marketing Brochure/Flyer Power PT or Prezi presentation Points Earned TOTAL Score out of 100 Student Comments: Teacher Comments: Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 22 Team Members Names: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Class: _________________________________________ Teacher: _______________________________________ Engineering Design Notebook Checklist/Rubric Order and Criteria PTS PTS Comments Possible Earned Cover Page: Your Product, Photo of Prototype, Team 3 Members Names, Date(s), School, Teacher (1PG) Teams signed and witnessed Teamwork Agreement 2 AND This Rubric Table of Contents and “Tabs” used to mark each of the 5 sections (1+ PG) Has Design Brief that explains the: (1+ PG) 5 Context: Clear statement of the engineering design problem to be solved 5 Task/Jobs: List of who had what task or job and explain what they did in those jobs Requirements/Rules: You’re going to be applying all 5 of the knowledge and skills you have learned about Engineering Design. You must solve some kind of design problem that has a POSITIVE impact on society or the environment. You will be researching, designing, and creating a product of your choosing. This product must be marketable (people will want to buy it). • You will work in teams of three (3). • All research and paperwork must be in a 1” 3 ring binder and have all of the paperwork organized per the check list and grading rubric. • Product prototype must be made out of 3-10 different types of material. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 23 • Prototype and display board must fit into a space no bigger than: 3’-0” Wide, 1’-3” Deep, and 4’-0” High. Research: All proof of research you did, all handouts, data, research paper, etc., scanned in as needed or PDF of electronic. Steps: Explain the steps you took to create your prototype. Product: Explain what you expected your prototype to do or the problem it should be solving. All research printed out (2+ PG) 5 5 5 5 All Hand Outs 5 Technical Drawings (1+ PG) 10 Any math or science facts/data you may have found (1 PG) Print out of each team member’s weekly reflections. (1+ PG) Marketing Brochure or Flyer (1+ PG) 5 Evaluation of your prototype and how you think it will affect society and/or the environment (1+ PG) Bibliography/References/Resources (1+ PG) 5 ALL Graded Rubrics 5 DVD of Infomercial & Presentation 5 Everything is in a sheet protector 5 5 5 5 Points Earned TOTAL Over All Score (Comments continued on next page.) Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 24 Engineering Design Notebook Checklist/Rubric Student Comments: Teacher Comments: Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.