Document 13989735

Objective 1.3 Lesson D
DNA Structure
and Function
Should we
consider food
a friend or a
130.363 2J,
6B, 6D, 6E
DNA Replication
DNA replication is a critical concept whose understanding is required for any
future explorations of genetic engineering, cloning and transformation. This
topic can sometimes be difficult for students because it involves so many
Student will:
 Describe the form and function of the double helix.
 Understand the functions of the proteins responsible for DNA
replication, including helicase, SSB protein, primase, DNA polymerase,
and DNA ligase.
 Understand why the leading strand is synthesized continuously, and
the lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously.
Key Points
 Refer to Power Point 1.4 DNA Replication
 View Podcast 1.4 DNA Replication
Obj 2 6A, 6B,
Prior Student
of DNA
120 minutes
Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
1. Students view Podcast 1.4 DNA Replication.
2. Students complete DNA Replication Student Resources.
3. Students create a concept map to show relationship between DNA
structure and DNA replication.
 Instruct students to use Podcast 1.3 (DNA structure) and Podcast
1.4 (DNA Replication) as a source of vocabulary words and
concepts that must be included in the concept map.
 There are several free online concept map creators. Search the
Internet for “free concept map programs”. Your campus computers
may also have software available to students, such as Inspiration.
4. Students peer grade concept maps using “Concept Map Rubric”.
5. Allow students to make recommended changes to concept map based
on feedback.
 Completion of Podcast 1.4 Student Resources.
 Concept Map Rubric
 Podcast 1.4 DNA Replication
 DNA Replication Student Resources
Accommodations for Learning Differences
 Visit the Special Populations section of the CTE Career and Technical
Education Website:
National and State Education Standards
Science Standards
Texas College and Career Readiness Standards
I. A2, C1, D1, D2, E1, E2
IV. E1
Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
DNA Replication-Student Resources
For Podcast 1.4 DNA Replication
I. Why do cells have to regenerate?
II. Define DNA replication.
III. Label the following on the diagram below: helicase, DNA polymerase, leading
strand, lagging strand, and ligase
Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Take Away Questions
1. During cell division, DNA molecules are replicated in a semiconservative manner.
What happens to the original DNA molecule during semiconservative replication?
2. Why is an RNA primer necessary during replication?
3. View the DNA replication process at
Diagram the process of semiconservative replication of DNA by drawing a replication
fork and indicating important enzymes, proteins, and other components involved in the
process. Provide a one-sentence description of the function of each component.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Concept Map Rubric
Concepts and Terminology
3 points
Shows an understanding of the topic’s concepts and principles and uses
appropriate terminology and notations.
2 points
Makes some mistakes in terminology or shows a few misunderstandings of
1 point
Makes many mistakes in terminology and shows a lack of understanding of many
0 points
Shows no understanding of the topic’s concepts and principles.
Knowledge of the Relationships among Concepts
3 points
Identifies all the important concepts and shows an understanding of the
relationships among them.
2 points
Identifies important concepts but makes some incorrect connections.
1 point
Makes many incorrect connections.
0 points
Fails to use any appropriate concepts or appropriate connections.
Ability to Communicate through Concept Maps
3 points
Constructs an appropriate and complete concept map and includes examples;
places concepts in an appropriate hierarchy and places linking words on all
connections; produces a concept map that is easy to interpret.
2 points
Places almost all concepts in an appropriate hierarchy and assigns linking words
to most connections; produces a concept map that is easy to interpret.
1 point
Places only a few concepts in an appropriate hierarchy or uses only a few linking
words; produces a concept map that is difficult to interpret.
0 points
Produces a final product that is not a concept map.
Name :_______________________________________________Total Points: ___________
Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.