Lecture 6 Log into Linux client or into csserver directly webspace

Lecture 6
Log into Linux client or into csserver directly
Change to subdirectory cs350/pizza in
cp ~hwang/cs350/lecture06/*.* .
Load pizza-v2.html, pizza-v2.css, and
pizza-v2.js into a text editor
Browse to
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Example of pulldown menu and multi-selection
Finish CSS
References: CSW3, JSW3, JSRF
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
CSS Properties
Other common styling properties:
display for controlling layout
Default depends on element. E.g. <span> is inline, <p>
is block
float for arranging elements relative to each other
Default is none, element is rendered as placed in the text.
Also left, right. Usually used with <div>.
clear for making elements start after floating elements
Default is none, elements may float on both sides. Also
left, right, both
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Interaction with CSS
There are a few types of interaction that can be
specified by CSS rules
nav ul li:hover {
cursor: pointer;
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Reference: JSDM
The HTML DOM (Document Object Model) is a
standard object model and programming
interface for HTML. It defines:
The HTML elements as objects
The properties of all HTML elements
The methods to access all HTML elements
The events for all HTML elements
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The HTML DOM describes a document as a
hierarchy of element objects.
Nested elements are children of parent element.
Attributes (including style) are children of an
Text inside elements are children that are text
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
HTML DOM Example
<title>My title
<a href="#">My link
<h1>My header</h1>
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
JavaScript is an untyped, object-oriented
scripting language with syntax similar to C++
and Java
Although general purpose programs can be
written using JavaScript, it mostly is used to
provide client-side dynamic behavior by
manipulate the HTML DOM of a webpage.
Variables are declared, but not typed
var navItem;
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
JavaScript and HTML DOM
document is the document object. There are
also defined browser objects, e.g. window.
In addition to children elements, nodes have
properties. E.g.,
parentNode, childNodes (an array)
innerHTML, the text of a node that can be used to
insert elements by using the tags in the assigned
string (only after the page is loaded completely)
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Getting References
Lots of different ways to get references to
nodes, here are a few:
.getElementsByTagName ("tag"), an array
.getElementsByClassName("class"), an array
.getElementsById ("id"), a node
Attributes are accessed/set
.getAttribute("attr"), null or empty string if not set
.setAttribute("attr", "newvalue")
.hasAttribute("attr"), bool
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Attributes as Properties
Standard attributes may be accessed as
var id = element.id;
Styling can be accessed as properties of the
style attribute property
var width = element.style.width;
Attributes with hyphens convert to camel case
var bkcolor = element.style.backgroundColor;
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Script Tag
Scripts are enclosed in the <script> tag
The code can be in-line
// HTML comments are not legal in scripts
var year = document.getElementById("endyear");
var dt = new Date(); // today's date
year.innerHTML = dt.getFullYear();
Or in an external file (usually just functions)
<script src="pizza-v2.js"></script>
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Script Execution
Scripts are executed when <script> is
encountered in the HTML text.
Scripts in <head> usually are used for things
that done when the document loads
Must be careful that scripts in <body> are after
the creation of the object that is being
manipulated. General recommendation that
body scripts go at the end of file for rendering
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Event Handling
Most scripts are executed in response to an
event. Need to connect handler to its event.
Old style, attribute of element tag is a string that
is executed. Usually a function call.
<form onclick="return checkForm(this);" ... >
Modern style, set an event property. Makes
handler a method of object and defines this.
window.onload = function () { ... }
tabs[i].onclick = displayPage;
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Example: Tabbed Behavior
To get tabbed behavior, first give each <nav>
list item (tab) and each <section> an id that
can be used to compute their relationship
tabnav_# for each tab, 1-4
tabpage_# for each tab, 1-4
Define a function in the head section to be run
when the page is loaded into the window
Sets the attributes of the default current tab (first page)
Hides all but the first page
Connects the click handler to each tab
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Example: Tabbed Behavior
HTML5 added non-presentation attributes. Any
attribute with name starting with "data-" is
allowed and ignored in rendering.
data-current is used in the parent of the tabs
(<ul>) to keep track of which tab is open
displayPage function in pizza-v2.js
make the current tab/page go away
make the new tab/page appear
done by changing the color properties of the tabs
and the display property of the sections
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
jQuery is a framework that makes manipulating
documents easier.
It also defines methods for numerous, common
patterns such element fade in/out, element
slides, and simple animation. There also are
lots of plug-ins.
W3School has a nice tutorial.
Either download jQuery file to local host, or use
URL from a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
such as Google or Microsoft.
September 16, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction