Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Computer Maintenance
Session Title: Entrepreneurship
Lesson Duration: 50 minutes
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will further understand what entrepreneurship
entails and how to start a business.
Specific Objectives:
 Identify the characteristics of successful small business owners.
 Identify what you should know about starting your own business.
 Identify the risks of starting your own company.
 Identify the rewards of business ownership.
 Differentiate between the various kinds of businesses.
 Identify the resources to help with starting a small business.
 Identify the components of a business plan.
 Create the components of a business plan
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
The student demonstrates the necessary skills for career development, employability, and
successful completion of course outcomes. The student is expected to:
(C) employ effective reading and writing skills;
(D) employ effective verbal and nonverbal communication skill;
(E) solve problems and think critically;
(F) demonstrate leadership skills and function effectively as a team member;
The student identifies various employment opportunities in the information technology field. The
student is expected to:
(A) identify job opportunities and accompanying job duties and tasks;
(B) research careers of personal interest along with the education, job skills, and experience
required to achieve personal career goals; and
(C) examine the role of certifications, resumés, and portfolios in the information technology
Career Connections Instructional Modules Unit II-3
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Instructional Aids:
1. Entrepreneurship PowerPoint Presentation
2. Entrepreneurship PowerPoint Presentation – Organizer
3. Entrepreneurship Quiz
4. Entrepreneurship Quiz Key
5. Entrepreneurship Activity 1
6. Entrepreneurship Business Plan Handout
7. Entrepreneurship Case Study
Materials Needed:
1. Copies of the Activity Assignments, 1 for each student
2. Copies of Business Plan Handout; Organizer; Activity; and Case Study
Equipment Needed:
1. Projection system to play the PowerPoint presentation
Students should read the appropriate curriculum material for entrepreneurship, depending on
the text or curriculum being used for this course. This lesson can be taught with only the
PowerPoint presentation, and the equipment outlined above.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
• SAY: An Entrepreneurship is the organizing, managing, and operating of a
small business.
• ASK: Does anyone dream of someday having their own business?
• ASK: Does anyone know anybody who has their own business?
• SAY: Starting your own business is hard work but the payoff is worth it.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
Identify the characteristics of successful small
business owners (PPT slides 2-6)
II. Identify what you should know about starting
your own business (PPT slides 7-12)
III. Identify the risks of starting your own company
(PPT slides 13-14)
Note: Instructors can use
the PowerPoint slides,
handouts, and note pages in
conjunction with the following
outline. Hand out the
organizer before the
presentation to help students
with note-taking.
IV. Identify the rewards of business ownership
(PPT slide 15)
IV. Differentiate between the various kinds of
businesses (PPT slides 16-17)
V. Identify resources to help with starting a small
business (PPT slides 18-19)
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
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VI. Identify the components of a business plan
Note: Distribute and discuss
the Business Plan Handout
VII. Create the components of a business plan
Note: Distribute and discuss
the Entrepreneurship Activity
1 document. Students
answer these questions to
discover if they have the type
of personality it takes to be a
business owner.
Note: Divide the students
into teams and distribute the
Entrepreneurship Case Study
document, one per team.
The teams will complete the
Case Study document by
creating a business plan.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
1. Distribute and discuss the Entrepreneurship Business Plan Handout. Review
examples of business plans and have students identify elements within the
business plans, based on the definitions contained in the handout.
2. Distribute Entrepreneurship Activity 1. Have the students complete the selfassessment individually, and then discuss responses. Organize the students to
form “business teams” of 4-5 students based on the results of the assessment
instrument (i.e., students should be grouped heterogeneously so that each group
has a variety of strengths).
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Distribute the Entrepreneurship Case Study. Have “business teams” work to solve
the case study. Report solutions to the entire class.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Checking for understanding (Q & A Session)
Q: What is entrepreneurship?
A: Entrepreneurship is the organizing, managing, and operating of a small
Q: What are some personality traits one should have if he or she wants to start a
A: A need for achievement
• A need for independence
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• Self-confidence
• A high level of activity
• Courage, curiosity, and creativity
Q: Should you know something about the business before starting one? Why or
why not?
A: Yes. You need to have the knowledge about the business you are starting so
you can be successful.
Q: Is there a risk in starting a business?
A: Yes, financially and personally.
Q: What are the rewards for starting a business?
A: Making more money and feeling good about yourself.
Q: What are some examples of businesses that provide a service?
A: Computer service, auto repair, cleaning
Q: What are some examples of businesses that produce a product?
A: Clothing, custom jewelry, home furnishings, bakery
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Monitor student progress during independent practice and provide independent reteach/redirection as needed.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Distribute the Entrepreneurship Quiz and Quiz Key.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
 Students can work to develop their own business plans.
 Students can take a field trip to see small businesses in the computer
maintenance field.
 A small business owner can be invited in to speak with students about the
advantages and disadvantages of owning their own businesses.
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Teaching Strategies
Personal Development
Lecture, discussion, journal
writing, cooperative learning,
word origins
Reading, highlighting, outlining,
teaching others, reciting information
Problem-solving, number
games, critical thinking,
classifying and organizing,
Socratic questioning
Mind-mapping, reflective
time, graphic organizers,
color-coding systems,
drawings, designs, video,
DVD, charts, maps
Use music, compose songs
or raps, use musical
language or metaphors
Organizing material logically, explaining
things sequentially, finding patterns,
developing systems, outlining, charting,
graphing, analyzing information
Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing
with color, mental imagery (drawing in
the mind’s eye)
Use manipulatives, hand
signals, pantomime, real life
situations, puzzles and board
games, activities, roleplaying, action problems
Reflective teaching,
interviews, reflective listening,
KWL charts
Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming,
cross-cultural interactions
Natural objects as
manipulatives and as a
background for learning
Socratic questions, real life
situations, global
Creating rhythms out of words, creating
rhythms with instruments, playing an
instrument, putting words to existing
Moving while learning, pacing while
reciting, acting out scripts of material,
designing games, moving fingers under
words while reading
Reflecting on personal meaning of
information, studying in quiet settings,
imagining experiments, visualizing
information, journaling
Studying in a group, discussing
information, using flash cards with
other, teaching others
Connecting with nature, forming study
groups with like-minded people
Considering the personal relationship to
the larger context
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Computer Maintenance
Entrepreneurship - Quiz 1
Career Connections Instruction Module Unit II-3
One of the personality traits an entrepreneur needs is self-confidence.
Entrepreneurs have little need to control their own destiny.
3. Learning to accept the outcome of your actions is the by-product of being an
As an entrepreneur, you can use your own ideas.
Location has little to do with the success of a business.
6. Establishing good credit policies is important in operating a business.
If the business is yours, you can spend all the money you want out of the business
8. There are no government regulations for new businesses.
9. If you hire employees, it is important to set up employment policies.
10. If you and your partner are good friends, there is no need to set up a partnership
11. In most cases, you will have to invest all of your personal savings to start a new
12. Twenty-five percent of all new businesses fail within the first two years of operation.
13. There is little risk involved in starting a new business.
14. The only reward you will have if your business is a success is the money you make.
15. There are many types of businesses; some provide services, others provide
16. It is important that you thoroughly research the business before you start it.
17. Professionals are ready to help you in areas you may not know about.
18. You will have to do all your package designing and marketing yourself.
19. Entrepreneurship means to organize, manage and sell products for delivery.
20. Many people are not satisfied with big business.
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Computer Maintenance
Entrepreneurship - Quiz 1 Key
Career Connections Instruction Module Unit II-3
1. One of the personality traits an entrepreneur needs is self-confidence.
2. Entrepreneurs have little need to control their own destiny.
3. Learning to accept the outcome of your actions is the by-product of being an
4. As an entrepreneur, you can use your own ideas.
5. Location has little to do with the success of a business.
6. Establishing good credit polices is important in operating a business.
7. If the business is yours, you can spend all the money you want out of the business
8. There are no government regulations for new businesses.
9. If you hire employees, it is important to set up employment policies.
10. If you and your partner are good friends, there is no need to set up a partnership
11. In most cases, you will have to invest all of your personal savings to start a new
12. Twenty-five percent of all new businesses fail within the first two years of operation.
13. There is little risk involved in starting a new business.
14. The only reward you will have if your business is a success is the money you make.
15. There are many types of businesses; some provide services, others provide
16. It is important that you thoroughly research the business before you start it.
17. Professionals are ready to help you in areas you may not know about.
18. You will have to do all your package designing and marketing yourself.
19. Entrepreneurship means to organize, manage and sell products for delivery.
20. Many people are not satisfied with big business.
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Entrepreneurship PowerPoint Outline
 Identify the characteristics of successful small business owners.
 Identify what you should know about starting your own business.
 Identify the risks of starting your own company.
 Identify the rewards of business ownership.
 Differentiate between the various kinds of businesses.
 Identify the resources to help with starting a small business.
 Identify the components of a business plan.
• Create the components of a business plan.
What is Entrepreneurship?
A. Entrepreneurship is the _________________________ ,
________________________ , and _____________________ of a small
II. Who should start a business?
A. If you have a personality where you feel the following:
A need for _______________
A need for _______________
A high level of _______________
_______________, curiosity, and _______________
B. Or if you are someone who wants to control his or her own _______________,
then you qualify as someone who should start a business.
III. Why should you start a company?
A. Starting a company might be a way to make more ____________ than you would
working for someone else.
B. It would be a chance to do something _______________.
C. You could use your _________ ideas.
D. You could be __________________ in your profession.
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
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E. It would allow you to help _______________ by providing new
F. You might like being your own _______________.
G. You would answer only to _________________.
H. You could set your own _____________.
It would give you the chance to ___________________ if you have the ability to
do something on your own.
J. A Gallup Poll found that ___ out of ____ high school students are strongly
interested in _________________ and operating a _______________ someday.
IV. What should you know about starting your own business?
A. You should know something about the _________________.
B. You need to know the amount of _________________ it will take to start your
C. You should be aware of the _________________ of a good business
D. You will need to have a way to _________________ your _________________.
E. You should not invest too much of your money in a way that it cannot be quickly
changed to __________.
F. You will need to have good _________________ policies.
G. You will need to _________________ the amount of money you take out of the
H. You must carefully make plans for _________________ your business.
V. 11 Steps for starting a new business
A. Write a business plan including every _________________ of your new
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
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B. Establish a _________________ account with a commercial
C. Decide if you need a business _________________.
D. Draw up a _________________ agreement if you have a partner.
E. Obtain a business _________________ if needed.
F. Study the _________________ that apply to the type of business you wish to
1. _________________ regulations
• _________________
• Health _________________
• _________________ trade
2. _________________ regulations
• _________________
• _________________
3. _________________ or City Regulations
• _________________
• Inspection _________________
• Permits
• Licenses
G. Obtain _________________ to cover your business.
H. Obtain information about _________________.
Set up a _________________ -keeping system.
J. Decide if you will need to hire _________________.
K. Set up employee _________________.
L. Decide on _________________ required.
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
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M. Inform the _________________ about your business by _________________.
VI. What risks are involved?
A. Financial risk
1. You will probably have to invest all of your _________________savings.
2. Over _______ of all bankruptcies in business involve businesses with
less than _________________in liabilities.
B. Failure risk
1. _____ of all new businesses fail within the first ____ years of operation.
2. ____ of all new businesses fail within ____ years.
C. Risk to your career
1. If you are currently employed in one _________________, you will, at
some point, quit your job to start a business.
2. If your business does not succeed, it may be difficult to
_________________ to your old job.
D. Personal Risk
1. You must spend time _________________ from your family.
2. You will have less time for _________________ activities.
VII. What kind of rewards can you expect?
A. If your business is a _________________, you may be able to make more
_________________ than you could have working for someone else.
B. It is a way to feel _________________ about yourself from having used your
own _________________ and having been a success doing it.
What kind of business should you start?
A. Businesses that provide service:
_____________________ repair.
2. Dry _________________
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3. _________________
4. _________________
5. _________________ service
B. Businesses that produce a product:
1. _________________
2. Custom _________________
3. Home _________________
4. _________________
IX. Resources to help you start a business
A. You do not need to know everything _________________.
B. _________________ are ready to help you in areas you may not know enough
C. The ______ has many ways to _________________ products.
D. Many companies are willing to design _________________ and
_________________ your product the way you want.
E. People with __________ are available to help you.
F. Many people are not _________________ with big business.
G. People change ___________ often.
H. People are willing to _________________ in order to find work.
Many people will work for a _________________ of your business instead of
being paid _________________.
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
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Computer Maintenance
Activity 1: Am I an Entrepreneur?
Career Connections Instruction Module Unit II-3
Directions: Under each question, check the answer that says what you feel or comes closest
to it. Be honest with yourself.
Are you a self-starter?
_____ I do things on my own. Nobody has to tell me to get going.
_____ If someone gets me started, I keep going.
_____ Easy does it. I don’t put myself in a hurry until I have to.
How do you feel about other people?
_____ I like people. I can get along with just about anybody.
_____ I have plenty of friends; I don’t need anyone else.
_____ Most people bother me.
Can you take/handle responsibility?
_____ I like to take charge of things and see them through.
_____ I’ll take over if I have to, but I’d rather someone else be responsible.
_____ There’s always some eager beaver around waiting to show how smart he/she is.
I say, “Let ‘em”.
Can you lead others?
_____ I can get most people to go along when I start something.
_____ I can give orders if someone tells me what we should do.
_____ I let someone else get things moving. Then I go along if I feel like it.
How good of an organizer are you?
_____ I like to have a plan before I start. I’m usually the one to get things lined up when
friends want to do something.
_____ I do all right unless things get messed up. Then I disappear.
_____ I get ready and then something comes along and stops the plan. So, I just take
things as the y come.
How good of a worker are you?
_____ I can keep going as long as I am needed. I don’t mind working for something I
_____ I’ll work hard for a while, but when I’ve had enough, that’s it!
_____ I can’t see that hard work gets me anywhere.
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
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Can you make decisions?
_____ I can make up my mind in a hurry if necessary. It usually turns out okay.
_____ I can, if I have plenty of time. If I have to make up my mind too fast, I think later
that I should have decided the other way.
_____ I don’t like to be the one who decides things. I’d probably ruin it.
Can people trust what you say?
_____ Yes, they can. I don’t say things I don’t mean.
_____ I try to be honest most of the time, but sometimes I just say what is easiest.
_____ What does it matter if the other person doesn’t know the difference.
Can you stick with it?
_____ If I make my mind up to do something, I don’t let anything stop me.
_____ I usually finish what I start—if it doesn’t get fouled up.
_____ If it doesn’t go well right away, I stop. Why beat my brains out?
How good is your health?
_____ I never get run down!
_____ I have enough energy for most things I want to do.
_____ I run out of energy sooner than most of my friends seem to.
Now, count the checks you made.
_____ How many checks are beside the first answer to each question?
_____ How many checks are beside the second answer to each question?
_____ How many checks are beside the third answer to each question?
If most of your checks are beside the first answer, you probably have what it takes to run a
business. If not, you’re likely to have more trouble than you can handle by yourself. Better find a
partner who is strong on the points in which you are weak. If many checks are beside the third
answer, entrepreneurship is probably not for you.
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
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Business Team Members:
Case Study:
You and your partners have decided to start up a small business in the computer
maintenance field. As a group, determine the following (record your responses in the
space provided on this sheet – you may also use the back of the sheet):
1. The specific computer area(s) in which you will provide goods and/or services.
2. The name of your small business.
3. A description of your small business.
4. A summary of the strengths of your partners.
5. The organizational structure of the business.
6. Identify at least 5 resources that you can go to for help in creating your business
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
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Computer Maintenance
Handout: Writing a Business Plan
Career Connections Instruction Module Unit II-3
One of the steps to starting a new business is obtaining a business loan if needed. Before a
lending institution will loan new business money, the lender will want to know that the
entrepreneur has planned and researched his or her business well.
The following is a list of basic parts of a business plan:
1. Description of the business. Will you manufacture a product or perform a service? How
and where will your product be manufactured and package? Or, what materials will you
need to perform the service you intend to deliver: How did you decide on this product or
service? Have you researched how your product or service has developed?
2. The market of your business. Who will your customers be? What other businesses are
currently providing the product or service you are proposing? Why should customers use
your product or service instead of the competitions? How will you price your product or
3. Advertising your business. How will you advertise your business? How does your
advertising plan ensure that you are reaching your targeted customers? Do you plan to do
any kind of public relations work in the community? If so, what?
4. The location of the business. Where will your business be located? What advantages
does this location have? What are the costs of the lease, rent, or purchase of property at
this location?
5. Equipment and materials. What equipment and/or materials will you need for your office,
production area, or service delivery?
6. Owner information. What skills and experience do you have that will help you operate your
new business? Do you have plans for further training? Do you have sources of information
for those times when you need advice?
7. Financial plan. A financial plan includes:
A projected cash flow statement,
A projected profit and loss statement,
A balance sheet,
Start-up expenses, and
Your personal profit and loss statement.
This information takes a lot of time and research to develop, but the lending institution will want
to be able to see that the groundwork has been laid for the business to be successful and
produce enough profits to repay the loan.
IT: Computer Maintenance: Entrepreneurship Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.