International Political Ideologies Course Political Science I Unit III Impact of Globalization on Political Ideology Essential Question Why are international political ideologies important, and how do they affect American society? TEKS §130.183(c) (3)(C)(D) Prior Student Learning None Estimated Time 3 to 4 hours Rationale This lesson introduces students to international political ideologies and career opportunities within the field of international politics. As the “world becomes smaller,” it is increasingly important to understand politics from a global perspective. Objectives The students will be able to: 1. Compare the types of states that make up the international political system 2. Differentiate between strong states and weak states in the international political system 3. Understand the core ideologies within the international political system 4. Understand why countries have differing political ideologies 5. Analyze careers that are available within the international political field 6. Predict what national or global trends could stimulate the formation of a new ideology; and 7. Synthesize and discuss an original political ideology Engage Have students write a reflection about their ideas of a “regime change” and what that looks like in countries world-wide. (Note: this activity may be extended into a class discussion.) Use the Writing Rubric for assessment. Key Points I. What is a state and what are the three types of states that make up the international political system? A. State 1. State – a political body in which all individuals and institutions make public policy, regardless of whether they are in the government a) Political scientists often refer to countries as “states” rather than “nations” because “states” is a broader concept that focuses more on political aspects (1) Nation – a group of people with a common identity that may be strengthened by a common language, history, race, or culture b) Using the term “state” allows us to expand our understanding of how certain factors can affect the political life in a country (1) The effect of the Mexican Drug Cartels on the Mexican government (2) How Russia continues to experience the effects of the former oligarch system 2. A government refers to a particular set of institutions and people whose power is authorized by formal documents 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. a) A government’s power is usually mandated by a constitution that allows the government to pass laws, issue regulations, and control force b) In many cases around the world, a nation’s government holds very little power within the country and can be far less influential than other factors involved 3. Political scientists sometime use the term “regime” to refer to institutions a) Regime – an institution and practice that endures from government to government, such as the constitutional order in a democracy (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p.539) (1) Regime change is often a part of the political agenda in half the countries around the world (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 8) (2) In the US, a transfer of power from the Democrats to the Republicans can be considered “regime change” B. Types of States 1. Industrialized Democracies a) Possess most of the world’s resources b) Have other characteristics in common, such as (1) A sustaining powerful state (2) A popular political institution (3) A high standard of living c) Have strong restraints on the use of power, which are typically dictated by a constitution or a piece of legislation d) Permit citizens to hold significant power (1) Citizens create public opinion within society (2) Citizens participate in competitive elections that elect leaders 2. Communist States (current or former) a) Are/were extremely strong b) Have a government that controls everything (1) Education (2) Press (3) Economy c) Have total control over their societies: are totalitarian (1) The Soviet Union’s failure to adopt political ideologies that allowed its citizens economic and social freedoms contributed to its demise (2) More recently, China has relaxed its economic restraints while maintaining strong political control 3. States of the Global South a) Are considered Less Developed Countries (LDCs) (1) The term Global South does not apply to states such as Australia or New Zealand because they are not considered an LCD b) Face more challenges than the other two types of states 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. c) (1) Very few or no functioning courts (2) No bureaucracy Many of these states have experienced one or more of the following (1) Military coup, which is a swift overthrow of a country’s government by a military group (2) Political upheaval, which often causes a change in political power II. How do strong states differ from weak states? A. Strong States 1. Take on more global responsibilities than weaker states 2. Are usually more effective than weaker states when fulfilling global responsibilities 3. Often have shared characteristics, such as a) Wealth b) Widespread acceptance of the regime in power c) The governing body effectively works together to create legislation B. Weak States 1. Often have a strong government that is weakened because of the oppression of its citizens a) Citizens eventually grow weary of the struggling economic conditions and the oppressive social conditions b) This is common in many communist states (i.e. the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989) 2. Often have shared characteristics, such as a) Poverty-stricken b) Unstable governmental structure c) Oppressed citizens C. The state classification roughly coincides with the amount of power a state has 1. Industrialized democracies are often considered strong states because a) They control most of the world’s wealth and resources b) They have stable governmental systems that allow for the effective exchange of ideas and power 2. Communist states can be considered weaker states because a) They only have access to the resources that are produced within their own state b) They lack the social and economic innovations that help maintain order within societies 3. The Global South states lack power because they are commonly poverty-stricken and in need of resources III. What are the political ideologies within these state systems? A. Political culture – “is the basic values and assumptions that people 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. have towards authority, the political system, and other overarching themes in political life” (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 538) 1. Varies from country to country based on the country’s political system 2. Often revolves around the people’s identity, which is usually defined by factors such as a) Race b) Language c) Ethnicity d) Religious affiliation 3. Can cause controversy and division among citizens within the society B. Political Participation – “is an opportunity for citizens to take part in their country’s government, such as voting in competitive elections, joining interest groups, and engaging in protests” (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p.538) 1. Countries provide their citizens with a means for participating in the political process 2. Established democracies usually provide the most forms of political participation a) For example, US citizens are protected by constitutional rights that allow them to protest against government actions (1) The constitutional amendment that protects citizens during peaceful protest is the First Amendment of the US Constitution b) Voting in the US is the most common form of political participation 3. Totalitarian regimes rarely provide their citizens with opportunities to participate in the political process a) The only forms of political participation permitted are those deemed acceptable by the government b) Governmental power is almost always passed down within the ruling political party (1) In some cases the power is passed down within the ruling family (i.e. Cuba and North Korea) c) Recently, many countries in the Middle East have experienced citizen-driven protests against political oppression, some of which were successful in overthrowing regimes (1) For example, Egyptian’s overthrew Hosni Mubarak’s regime, and Libyan’s deposed the regime of Mummar Gadhafi d) Some countries in the Middle East are transitioning slowly away from totalitarian regimes to governments with expanded social and economic rights for citizens C. Public Policy – “the decisions that are made by a state that define what it will do” (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 538) 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 1. All states make public policy that a) Shapes the political process b) Regulates the rights of citizens (i.e. legal drinking age) 2. States sometimes regulate their mandated policies ineffectively a) States are often corrupt and steal government resources to fund the regime b) Typically industrialized democracies have a more stable policy-making system and work to battle corruption c) States in the Global South continually battle government corruption (1) For example, many African countries are plagued by corruption IV. Why do countries have differing political ideologies? A. Imperialism – the policy of colonizing other countries–literally establishing empires 1. Began in the late fifteenth century and lasted until the end of the nineteenth century a) Occurred in countries all over the world and was mainly a result of the colonization of the Americas, Africa, and Asia by European countries b) Continues to affect the world of politics today c) Redrew political boundaries, which often put conflicting groups of people in the same jurisdiction 2. Imposed several cultural aspects onto the citizens of the newly drawn boundaries, including a) Religious values b) Forms of government 3. Often created new governments that were drastically different from the conquered governmental system in place, which caused many problems between imperialists and indigenous peoples B. Totalitarianism – a regime in which the state has total power (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 540) 1. These regimes are considered to be the most vicious of the regimes because very little power is given to the citizens 2. The political tension and violence of the twentieth century have had tremendous impacts on society C. Globalization – “how international economic, social, cultural, and technological forces are affecting events inside individual countries” (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 535) 1. Is one of the most current and controversial topics in political science because it deals with the rapid shrinking of social, economic, and political life 2. Advances in communication, travel, and information technology have made it easier for people to work with and against each other, for example a) Al-Qaeda’s expansive network throughout most of the Middle 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. East 3. Is considered both beneficial and harmful 4. Has expanded the reach of social movements (i.e. Women’s rights and LGBT issues) a) Paris, France recently elected an openly gay mayor b) Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban for wanting to receive an education, received global attention V. What are some organizations within the field of international politics? A. The United Nations (UN) – an international peacekeeping organization that helps countries resolve conflicts 1. Has 193 member countries 2. Has various roles and responsibilities a) United Nations Secretariat – carries out the day-to-day operations of the UN, which include (1) Administering the policies and programs set forth by the UN (2) Mediating international disputes (3) Surveying socio-economic trends b) Translator – translates all spoken meetings and documents into the UN’s six official languages (1) English (2) Spanish (3) French (4) Russian (5) Chinese (6) Arabic 3. Requires education and experience a) 4-year Bachelor’s degree is the minimum level required b) Advanced degree from an accredited university is often required c) Work experience (i.e. police, military, or medical) is required for certain positions B. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – the bureaucratic agency within the US that protects the country from international threats 1. Is a “clandestine service,” or a service based on secrecy 2. Deploys spies throughout the world (a.k.a. “in the field”) to monitor groups that are considered threats to the US a) Governmental regimes b) Terrorist organizations c) International drug cartels 3. Monitors bank transactions, Internet searches, and phone calls that are related to suspected threats Activities 1. Global Newscast – Have students research the state of Syria and its use 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. of chemicals weapons on Syrian citizens. After researching this issue, divide the class into groups of five. Assign each group one of the following countries: Syria, United States, Russia, Iran, and Great Britain. Have the groups develop a news story from the point of view of their assigned country. The news story should include facts from the students’ research about the Syrian government and about how their assigned country responded to the events in Syria. Have the students make a video recording of their news story. If video technology is unavailable use an alternative approach, such as performing the newscast for the class, using computer-based presentation software, or writing a front-page article for a newspaper. Use the Group Evaluation Rubric and the Presentation Rubric for assessment. 2. The Age of Globalization Inventory – Have the students create a space at home for seven labeled groups (one group for each continent). Then have the students analyze the items in their bedrooms, determine the continent where each item was manufactured, and place the item into the appropriate group. After the students have finished grouping the items, have them photograph and analyze the pile, then determine the continent that manufactures most of the items in their bedrooms. Then have the students select an item from the pile and identify the country where the item was manufactured. Have the students research the selected country’s political culture and standard of living, and the reason why goods are manufactured in that country. Have the students turn in the photograph and a short paper describing their research findings. Use the Individual Work Rubric or the Writing Rubric for assessment. 3. Guess Who? – Have each student select a country that is a member of the United Nations (UN) and research the country’s political ideology, leaders and issues, and the country’s involvement in the UN. Have students present their research to the class without identifying the country’s name. Let the class guess the name of the country. (Note: In order to scaffold this activity, provide an abbreviated list of the UN member countries or a list of the UN countries selected by the students.) Use the Presentation Rubric for assessment. 4. Political Ideology X – Facilitate a class discussion activity that utilizes the students’ knowledge about global trends and political ideologies gained in the previous activities. As a class, brainstorm and list the characteristics of the various ideologies that the students feel are beneficial. Then, as a class, combine the characteristics into an original political ideology. Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment. Assessments International Political Ideologies Quiz and Key Discussion Rubric Group Evaluation Rubric 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Individual Work Rubric Presentation Rubric Writing Rubric Materials International Political Ideologies computer-based presentation International Political Ideologies Key Terms Video equipment or other presentation materials Resources Almond, G., Dalton, R., Powell, B., & Strom, K. (2008). Comparative Politics Today. (9 ed.). New York City: Pearson Longman. Hauss, C., & Haussman, M. (2013). Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges (8 ed.). Boston: Wadsworth Cengage. Accommodations for Learning Differences For reinforcement, students will create a T-Chart in which they compare and contrast the difference between “strong states” and “weak states.” Use the Individual Work Rubric for assessment. For enrichment, students will write a 2-3 page research paper about the political effects of social media in Middle Eastern states. Use the Writing Rubric for assessment. State Education Standards Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education §130.183. Political Science I (One to Two Credits). (3) The student analyzes belief systems that claim to improve society. The student is expected to: (C) predict what national or global trends could stimulate the formation of a new ideology; and (D) synthesize and discuss an original political ideology. College and Career Readiness Standards Social Studies Standards III. Interdependence of Global Communities A. Spatial understanding of global, regional, national, and local communities 1. Distinguish spatial patterns of human communities that exist between or within contemporary political boundaries. 2. Connect regional or local developments to global ones. 3. Analyze how and why diverse communities interact and become dependent on each other. B. Global analysis 1. Apply social studies methodologies to compare societies and cultures. 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. International Political Ideologies Key Terms Globalization – “how international economic, social, cultural, and technological forces are affecting events inside individual countries” (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 535) Imperialism – the policy of colonizing other countries–literally establishing empires Nation – a group of people with a common identity that may be strengthened by a common language, history, race, or culture Political culture – “the basic values and assumptions that people have towards authority, the political system, and other overarching themes in political life” (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 538) Political participation – “an opportunity for citizens to take part in their country’s government, such as voting in competitive elections, joining interest groups, and engaging in protests” (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p.538) Public policy – “the decisions that are made by a state that define what it will do” (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 538). Regime – an institution and practice that endures from government to government, such as the constitutional order in a democracy (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p.539) State – a political body in which all individuals and institutions make public policy, regardless of whether they are in the government Totalitarianism – a regime in which the state has total power (Hauss & Haussman, 2013, p. 540) 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Name________________________________ Date__________________________ International Political Ideologies Quiz 1. _____Which of the following is not a characteristic of an industrialized democracy? A. Have a very small amount of the world’s resources B. Have a popular political institution C. Have a high standard of living D. Have a sustaining powerful state 2. _____A state can be defined as which of the following? A. An institution and practice that endures from government to government B. An extremely strong state in which the government controls all of the means of production C. A political body in which all individuals and institutions (governmental and nongovernmental) make public policy D. A political body that is governed by a constitution 3. _____Which of the following statements is an example of a regime change? A. President George W. Bush’s transfer of power to President Barack Obama in 2008 B. The capture of Osama Bin Laden in 2011 C. The rise of the Tea Party in 2010 D. The War on Terror that began in 2003 4. _____Which of the following examples is a form of political participation? A. Voting in a presidential election B. Joining an interest group C. Participating in a protest D. All of the above 5. _____Public policy can be best defined as which of the following? A. Policies that restrain citizens from engaging in politics B. Decisions made by a state that define the state’s actions C. Method for government to regulate its citizens D. Widespread acceptance for the party in power 6. _____Which of the following international organizations is considered a peacekeeping organization that helps to resolve international conflicts? A. The United Nations (UN) B. The European Union (EU) C. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) D. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 7. _____Globalization is a controversial topic in political science because of which of the following? A. Harmful political regimes are gaining power in developed countries B. The U.S. dollar is becoming weak among other international currencies C. The rapid shrinking of social, economic, and political life around the world D. Political parties are losing popularity in most countries throughout the world 8. _____Which of the following states typically has an unstable governmental structure? A. Strong states B. Weak states C. Both strong states and weak states D. Neither strong states nor weak states 9. _____Which form of government has the most access to political participation? A. Communism B. Totalitarianism C. Imperialism D. Democracy 10. _____Political culture can be best defined as which of the following? A. A political body in which individuals and institutions make public policy B. Cultural, linguistic, and religious identities that bring people together C. Political practices that endure from government to government D. Basic values and assumptions that people have toward authority, the political system, and other themes in political life 11. _____Beginning in the 15th century, imperialism was primarily dominated by countries from which of the following continents? A. Europe B. Asia C. Africa D. North America 12. _____The countries considered a part of the Global South face many challenges because of which of the following? A. Their courts are overwhelmed with criminal cases B. Their bureaucracies do not budget for spending on public goods and services C. They are considered “less-developed countries” D. They have little to no military system 13. _____According to political scientists, states are often divided into three classifications. Which of the following classifications is NOT recognized by political scientists? A. Industrialized democracies B. Current/former communist states C. Less developed governmental systems D. The Global South 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 14. _____Which of the following documents gives a government power to pass laws, issue regulations, and control force? A. A Bill of Rights B. A Constitution C. A Charter D. A Resolution 15. _____Which of the following is the most common form of political participation in the US? A. Watching a presidential debate on television B. Donating to a political campaign C. Registering voters D. Voting in an election 16. _____Globalization can be best defined as which of the following? A. Imposing cultural values on the citizens of a newly drawn political boundary B. International economic, social, cultural, and technological forces that affect events inside individual countries C. International assistance provided to countries that lack proper resources for survival D. Expanding social and economic freedoms to citizens within a country 17. _____Which of the following is a reason that Communist states are considered weaker states? A. They only produce non-renewable resources B. Resources are only made available to government officials C. They have oppressed citizens D. They lack social and economic innovations 18. _____Which of the following factors does not affect the political culture in a state? A. Occupation B. Race C. Ethnicity D. Religious affiliation 19. _____Which of the following statements describes the concept of Globalization? A. Al-Qaeda’s terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 B. The transportation of dairy products from Wisconsin to Texas C. General Motors manufacturing cars in Tennessee D. The rise of the Tea Party in the 2010 Congressional election 20. _____Regime can be best defined as which of the following? A. A political body that makes public policy B. An institution and practice that endures from government-to-government C. A particular set of institutions and people who are authorized power based on formal documents D. A political body that has total control over the citizens in its society 12 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. International Political Ideologies Quiz Key 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. B 13 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Name_______________________________ Date________________ Group Evaluation Group 1 Did the group take the assignment seriously? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Yes 10 Could you tell what the group was trying to portray? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 10 Was the group portrayal creative? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Yes 10 9 Yes 10 7 Did the group include the correct elements? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 Would you like to see this group demonstrate its talent for you in the future? No Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score_______ Group 2 Did the group take the assignment seriously? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Could you tell what the group was trying to portray? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Was the group portrayal creative? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Did the group include the correct elements? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 Yes 10 9 Yes 10 9 Yes 10 9 Yes 10 Would you like to see this group demonstrate its talent for you in the future? No Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score_______ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Group 3 Did the group take the assignment seriously? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Yes 10 Could you tell what the group was trying to portray? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 10 Was the group portrayal creative? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Yes 10 8 9 Yes 10 7 Did the group include the correct elements? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Would you like to see this group demonstrate its talent for you in the future? No Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score_______ Group 4 Did the group take the assignment seriously? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Yes 10 Could you tell what the group was trying to portray? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 10 Was the group portrayal creative? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Yes 10 8 9 Yes 10 7 Did the group include the correct elements? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Would you like to see this group demonstrate its talent for you in the future? No Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score_______ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Group 5 Did the group take the assignment seriously? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Yes 10 Could you tell what the group was trying to portray? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 10 Was the group portrayal creative? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Yes 10 8 9 Yes 10 7 Did the group include the correct elements? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Would you like to see this group demonstrate its talent for you in the future? No Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score_______ Group 6 Did the group take the assignment seriously? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Yes 10 Could you tell what the group was trying to portray? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 10 Was the group portrayal creative? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Yes 10 8 9 Yes 10 7 Did the group include the correct elements? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Would you like to see this group demonstrate its talent for you in the future? No Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score_______ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Name_______________________________________ Date_______________________________ Discussion Rubric Objectives 4 pts. Excellent 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Participates in group discussion Encourages others to join the conversation Keeps the discussion progressing to achieve goals Shares thoughts actively while offering helpful recommendations to others Gives credit to others for their ideas Respects the opinions of others Involves others by asking questions or requesting input Expresses thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively Total Points (32 pts.) Comments: 17 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Name______________________________________ Date_______________________________________ Individual Work Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Follows directions Student completed the work as directed, following the directions given, in order and to the level of quality indicated Time management Student used time wisely and remained on task 100% of the time Organization Student kept notes and materials in a neat, legible, and organized manner. Information was readily retrieved Evidence of learning Student documented information in his or her own words and can accurately answer questions related to the information retrieved *Research/Gathering information (if relevant) Student used a variety of methods and sources to gather information. Student took notes while gathering information Total Points (20 pts.) Comments: 18 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Presentation Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Topic/Content Topic discussed completely and in-depth Includes properly cited sources (if used) Creativity/Neatness Integrates a variety of multimedia effects to create a professional presentation (transition and graphics) or appropriate visual aid used Title slide, table of contents, bibliography are included, using acceptable format Mechanics Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct Image and font size are legible to the entire audience Oral Presentation Communicates with enthusiasm and eye contact Voice delivery and projection are dynamic and audible Audience Interaction Presentation holds audience’s attention and relates a clear message Clearly and effectively communicates the content throughout the presentation Total Points (20 pts.) Comments: 19 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Writing Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. The writing has all required parts from introduction to conclusion in smooth transition. The writing is interesting, supportive, and complete. The writing demonstrates that the writer comprehends the writing process. Accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation The content of paragraphs emphasizes appropriate points. The writer shows an understanding of sentence structure, paragraphing, and punctuation. All sources and references are clearly and accurately documented. Total Points (28 pts.) Comments: 20 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.