Lesson Plan Multimedia Presentations: Application BIM 1 Business Management & Administration

Multimedia Presentations: Application
Business Management & Administration
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
The student applies presentation management technology by being able to select a method (mode) of
presenting information, create a presentation, and then give the presentation.
Specific Objectives
The student is expected to identify guidelines for using graphics, fonts, and special effects in presentations.
The student is expected to analyze effectiveness of multimedia presentations.
Formal Presentation-The act of presenting in a formal manner.
Informal Presentation-The act of presenting in an informal manner.
Informational Presentation-A presentation created to inform (without opinion).
Persuasive Presentation-A presentation crated to persuade (with opinion).
Instructional Presentation-A presentation created to provide instruction.
Target Audience-A specific group of people within the target market at which a product or the marketing
message is aimed.
Peripherals-A device that is connected to a host computer, but not an integral part of it.
Logistics-The management of the flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption in
order to meet requirements…such as materials, equipment, staff, etc.
Hardware-The collection of physical elements that comprise a computer system.
Software-aka computer programs…the non-tangible component of computers.
Transitions-How one slide/frame moves from one to the next slide/frame.
Animations-How text and graphics appears on a slide/frame.
WordArt-A text-styling utility that allows users to create stylized text with various effects like textures, outlines,
shadows, etc.
Shapes-Objects that can be placed into a presentation in order to customize a presentation.
Mode-Means of transportation.
Screenshot-An image created by copying part or all of the display on a computer screen at a particular moment.
Video-The visual elements of a television broadcast.
Audio-The audio (sound) elements of a television broadcast.
Proportion-Proper relation between things or parts.
Introduction Slide-Typically the first screen displayed in a presentation.
Final Slide-The final slide in a presentation that can provide a summary, a recommendation, or a listing of
sources used.
Citing-To quote or refer to.
Reference-To furnish or compile a list of references.
Intellectual Property-The ownership of ideas and control over the tangible or virtual representation of those
Copyright-The exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work,
whether printed, audio, video, etc.
Infringement-To violate or break a law, agreement, etc.
Rubric-A set of rules of conduct or procedure.
Hyperlinking-to link computer screens from a primary screen to a secondary screen or object.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately 20 minutes to cover information and
200-350 minutes to gather content, format, review/edit, present, evaluate, and then review after
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities
may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.114. (c) Knowledge and Skills
The student develops contracts appropriate for virtual business office services provided. The
student is expected to:
(a) Identify guidelines for using graphics, fonts, and special effects in presentations
(b) Analyze the effectiveness of multimedia presentations
(c) Apply these guidelines and skills to a project.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
English-English IV
110.34(b)(1). Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it
when reading and writing.
110.34(b)(17). Students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language
when speaking and writing. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
110.34(b)(18) Students will write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation
conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to correctly and consistently use conventions
of punctuation and capitalization.
110.34(b)(19) Students are expected to spell correctly, including using various resources to determine
and check correct spellings.
110.34(b)(12) Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds
work together to impact meaning.
110.34(b)(22) Students clarify research questions and evaluate and synthesize collected information.
110.34(b) (23) Students organize and present their ideas and information according to the purpose and
research and their audience.
Occupational Correlation (O*Net – www.onetonline.org/):
Job Title: Sustainability Specialists
O*Net Number: 13-1199.05
Reported Job Titles: Champion of Sustainable Design, Chief Specialist, Senior Sustainability
Tasks: Create or maintain plans or other documents related to sustainability projects.
Develop reports or presentations to communicate the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives.
Identify or procure resources to implement sustainability programs or projects.
Soft Skills: Written Comprehension and Expression, Deductive and Inductive Reasoning, and Oral
Comprehension and Expression
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified
to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website.
 Review and familiarize yourself with the terminology, any and all website links, and any
resource materials required
 Have materials and websites ready to go prior to the start of the lesson
 www.dictionary.com
 http://counseling.fsu.edu/outreach-and-presentations/presentation-topics.shtml
 http://www.pc.maricopa.edu/departments/library/guides/InterpersonalCommunication.p
 www.prezi.com
Instructional Aids
Lesson 6.2 Presentation
Multimedia Presentation Samples
Instructor Computer/Projection Unit
Online Websites listed in the References Section
The main purpose of this lesson is to help students apply what they learned in Lesson 6.1 by putting
together an informational multi-media presentation on a subject of their choice
Say Now that you have learned the basics and terminology of what goes into making a multi-media
presenation, now is the time for you to put it into practice.
Say For this lesson, you will be given a list of topics and guidelines in putting together your presentation. At
the end of the lesson, you will have successfully put together and presented a multimedia presentation.
Say You will be allowed to choose any software you would like to set up and present. Some options may
include Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Photo Story, Microsoft Movie Maker, IMovie, Prezi, etc.
Say I have a list of topics you can choose from for your presentation, or you can come up with your own topic
that needs to be approved by me.
Say I have some examples to show you what is possible with creating a multimedia presentation.
Note: There are both final copy and editable copies of presentations included with this lesson: 2 are student
created movie maker presentations, 1 is a teacher crated movie maker presentation, and 1 is a student created
Prezi. The link for the Prezi is
http://prezi.com/5rnt31gcbmvn/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share. ) There are two
copies of each of the Movie Maker presentations…an editable version and a final copy version. Both of these
programs will allow you to create slides using Power Point and import them.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Vocabulary/Personal Word Walls
II. Introduction (Say)
During the 1st week of school,
students will have created personal,
possibly electronic, Word Walls.. The
method and location will be
established by you, the teacher.
Specifics are listed in both this
document and in the presentation.
III. Timeline, Requirements, Template
and Grading Rubric for Presentations
Go over the project timeline and Go
over the project timeline (provided),
requirements (provided), suggested
template (provided), and grading
rubric (provided) with students.
Share with students a sample of a
finished project (provided).
IV. Content Gathering
Students will work on gathering
content for their presentations.
V. Formatting
Students will format their
VI. Review and Edit
Students will use the grading rubric
and to review and edit (if necessary)
their project.
VII. Submission and Presentation
Students will submit their final
projects. Presenting their projects
can be mandatory or optional
(teacher discretion).
VIII. Review and Q & A
Once graded, Q&A for the students.
VII. Extensions
Students can be given a reflection
tool (provided) to identify areas of
strengths and improvement for all
aspects of the project, and provide
helpful suggestion to the teacher on
how to improve upon the project for
future reference.
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Multiple Intelligences Guide
Review of Project Timeline, Requirements, Template, Grading Rubric, and Sample
As the teacher, you will go over all of these with the students. Samples have been provided and can be modified to fit
your needs.
Content Gathering, Formatting, Review and Editing
Students will be given a select number of days to gather content for their presentations (suggestion=2 days).
Once they have gathered and set up their information, they will then be given time to format their presentations
(suggestion=2 days), and then be given time to review/compare/edit the requirements/grading rubric with the
projects (suggestion=1 day).
Students will be given a deadline to submit their projects to be graded.
Review and Q&A
Once graded, students will be given an overview of how the project turned out for the class. This is where you can
showcase certain presentations. They will be given the opportunity to edit and resubmit, if necessary. You also have the
opportunity to have them reflect on their project.
Informal Assessment
Daily checks on the progression of the project.
Project Content Gathering (research)
Project Content Setup (typing in the information)
Project Format
Project Presentation
Formal Assessment
A cumulative score of all informal assessments
Break students up into groups and have them do some research and report on alternative software programs and websites that help
people make electronic presentations:
Microsoft Movie Maker
Slide Rocket
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Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Creating a Multimedia Presentation
Grading Rubric
Yes No Score out of 10 Was the presentation suitable for the audience? Was your presentation easy to view/read? Was your presentation organized? Did you capture the audience attention at any point? Did you appropriately use graphics/fonts/and special effects? Did you keep it simple, yet informative? Did you cover all of the required information? Was it error free? Can any key points be remembered by the audience? Did you effectively communicate your point? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Step 6
Creating a Multimedia Presentation
Timeline and Responsibility Chart
Grading/ Q&A/
Step 5
Teacher and
Step 4
mode will
you use to
Step 3
If partnered,
who will be
and who will
Step 2
Partner or
Step 1
Teacher and
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.