Subcommittee Work Plan for HLC Chapter 1: Overview of the University  October, 2008­May 1, 2009  Oct. 13

Subcommittee Work Plan for HLC Chapter 1: Overview of the University October, 2008­May 1, 2009 Oct. 13: Committee decided to divide work as follows 1) Overview and profile of the University. Who: Adrienne Appler, Catherine Griffin and Barbara Cutter. 2) History of UNI and accreditation history. Who: Gerry Peterson, Catherine Griffin and Barbara Cutter. 3) Description and evaluation of the self­study process. Who: Barbara Cutter. 4) Explanation of how the whole self­study is organized (Barbara will do this after the entire self study is drafted). Oct. 13­Nov. 14: Each of the 3 subgroups identifies the information (i.e. detailed outline) they wish to cover in their subsection of the chapter, and determines what types of evidence they will need to address each area. Nov. 14: Subgroups share finding, and asks for input from rest of group. Nov 17: Committee decides on final requests for evidence/data. Nov. 18: Barbara forwards all requests to data coordinators. Jan. 14: Committee obtains all necessary evidence for each core component. Who: Barbara follows up if evidence is missing. Jan. 15­March 1: Subgroups interpret evidence and draft their section of the chapter. Who: same division of labor as Oct 13. March 1: Subgroups submit their drafts to Barbara for editing, combining into one chapter. March 1­April 1: Barbara edits draft chapter. April 1: Barbara submits draft chapter to entire committee for review and final revisions. April 15: Committee submits all comments to Barbara for revision. April 15­May 1: Barbara makes final revisions. May 1: Barbara submits draft chapter to HLC steering committee.