Proceedings of the Seminar on United Nations for a Better World Held on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of United Nations Sponsored by Kengal Hanumanthaiya Foundation Bangalore June 26th - 28th 7995 SESSION-4: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOR HUMAN WELFARE BIODIVERSITY = CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Raghaveiidra Gadagkar Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore- 12 and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore-64. T h e most reliable guess of scientists is that the universe, as we know it today, began as a great explosion of truly cosmic proportions about 25 billion years ago. Before this explosion, all matter of the universe is believed to have existed as a highly condensed "cosmic egg''. This explosion, some what moderately termed the "big bang" is expected to have sent the matter in the "cosmic egg" flying out into the universe to form countless numbers of stars. Many such groups of stars constitute a galaxy and galaxies are known to be clustered into groups. Our own so-called cluster of galaxies called the "local group" consists of some 24 galaxies one of which is the Milky way. The milky way itself consists of over a hundred billion stars one of which deserves s p e d attention - this is what we call the Sun. The sun, being one of tliese billions of stars, has 9 planets revolving a r o u n d it. The third s u c h planet, counted by distance from the sun is the earth, an approximately spherical body with a diameter of 12,754 kms and a surface area of over 510 million sq.kms. AS far as we know our earth is the only planet among the many hundreds of billions that must be around, to possess that remarkable entity called Life. The earth was born about 4.6 billion years ago and by complex chemical reactions, a primitive form of life is thought to have originated on earth about 3.6 billion years ago. The living entities, being capable of dividing and changing, set off a chain of events we now refer to as biological evolution. For nearly 3 out of these 3.6 billion years, life remained as microscopic blobs of protoplasm in the ocean. But about 600 million years ago living organisms became larger and more diverse and came to possess hard skeletal structures that leave behind impressions on rocks. These so-called fossils permit us a glimpse of the drama of life played on earth during the past 600 million years or so. The major scenes in this drama were the evolution of plants and animals that could live on land instead of water about 400 million years ago, the arrival- of , insects and reptiles about 300 million years ago, of birds and mammals about 200 million years ago and flowering plants about 150 million years ago (Figure 1). This gradual and relatively smooth evolution of progressively more complex forms of life received a major jolt about 2 million years ago with the origin of a rather special lineage of primates referred to as the genus Homo. About 40,000 years ago a single species of this line called Homo sapiens had arrived on earth with all the qualities of ’ modem man as we know him today. Perhaps the most distinctive qualities of Homo s~pienswere their intelligence and t h e i r ability to manipulate their environment. These qualities permitted Homo sapiens to gain unprecedented mastery over their environment. The most important element of their mastery w a s t h e ability to control a n d manipulate other forms of life. Quite naturally Homo sapiens perfected the art of cultivating species of plants and animals that were useful to them agriculture and animal husbandry are modern terms that describe these arts. Never before had one form of life gained such mastery over its physical and biological environments. Not only did Homo sapiens control other forms of life but it also manipulated its physical environment to such an extent that for the first time a species of living organism c u t loose from t h e constraints of biological evolution and produced five billion individuals. The same qualities of Homo sapiens t h a t permitted space exploration and a visit to the moon also permit u s to reflect on our past, present and future. This ability to reflect is perhaps o u r greatest saviour. The euphoria associated with mastery of the universe, with the ability to increase our own life expectancy, to genetically engineer other forms of life, to sequence the human genome, to contemplate setting up colonies of human being on other planets, unfortunately led u s to neglect the state of our own planet - a state caused by our own activities. In the last 25 years or so however, there h a s beem a r a t h e r s u d d e n realization that we have damaged our planet beyond recognition and perhaps beyond repair. We have destroyed its life-support systems that had evolved before us over billion of years. We have burnt fossil fuels and cut down forests on s u c h a large scale that the temperature of the earth has increased perceptibly. The planet earth cannot support our efforts to grow food, provide shelter, not to speak of consumer goods, to a human population that is growing in numbers and in its demands at the present rate. This chilling realization has perhaps begun to dawn on a reasonable number of us today. An even more chilling realization is however on its way. Not many of us realize that we are destroying, perhaps by the dozens every day, our fellow living creatures that have evolved like u s over billions of years. Man’s activity on earth is rendering extinct these magnificent forms of life at a rate never before seen. This wealth of life is known by the term that has recently become fashionable biodiversity. Biodiversity is on its way to becoming a house-hold word and has already entered the vocabulary of our politicians and administrators. But few of us realize that even scientists know very little about this biodiversity that we would now like to save. What is this biodiversity after all. We do know a few things about biodiversity. We know that biodiversity is spectacular. The earth abounds in myriad forms of living organisms. Today it is customary to recogniscb five- kingcloiiis of living organisms: (1) Protista (that consists of 011 earth - our own fellow creatures with bacteria a n d blue-green algae), (2) whom we share our entire past? m e n Monera (that consists of advanced ignoring the fact that many species are algae), (3) Fungi. (4) Plants and (5) going extinct every day, it is not an easy A.nimals. Living organisms are found task to record, describe or even count almost every where - the deep sea, ~ l e the number of species. Life forms are so diverse that many years of specialized polar caps, the hot springs, not to training is required to be able to mention the tropical rain forests. They recognize and describe them. Even such range in size fi-om viruses which may be training drill render one literate oiily in not more than a millionth of a meter in the realm of one small group of living She t0 the African elephant that weighs organisms. Small numbers of scientists, 6.5 tones and stands over three meters often unheard of and unsung have been tall. the blue whale which may be over painstakingly naming and describing 30 meters long or the red wood tree that living organisms for about 200 years. is over as 100 meters tall. They may Indian tcwonomists have so far named swim in water, fly in the air, crawl on and described some eighty t h r e e land or burrow under the soil, They may thousand species (Figure 4) while reproduce once every 20 minutes as taxonomists t h e world over have some bacteria are capable of doing or described about 1.8 million species once in 20 years as some mammals do. (Figure 5).From these numbers the total One especially surprising fact about number of species of living organisms biodiversity is its apparent was being estimated, until recently, a t "lopsidedness". An overwhelming about 5-10 million. Then came a major proportion of the animal biomass in jolt. Scientists from the Smithsonian tropical forests is contributed by insects Institution, especially T.L. Erwin realized (Figure 2) and among the insects by that most insects studied so far were social insects such as ants and termites from the forest floor. The forest canopy was essentially unexplored. This last (Figure 3). In a Brazilian tropical forest biotic frontier, the tropical forest canopy for example, it has been estimated that has now been carefully explored by the biomass of ants is approximately 4 using a new and more powerful method. times that of all vertebrates (i.e.. This involves killing all insects and other a m p h i b i a n s , reptiles, birds and forms of life inhabiting selected trees by mammals) p u t together. Few of u s covering t h e trees with a fog of realize the "insignificant" role of higher insecticide. To everyone's surprise animals such as vertebrates compared hundreds of species of insects entirely to ants and other insects in tropical new to science were discovered dn the forest ecosystems. canopies of j u s t a few trees in Panama. All this is fine but pray - how nlanY Such richness and newness of tropical Mnds of living organism are there on forest canopy arthropod fauna has been earth? Unfortunately that's asking to0 confirmed by other scientists such as much, Seems a bit embarrassing does it Nigel Stork of the British Museum of not - we. know about distant galaxies Katural History using similar methods and have a reasonable guess of the in Borneo. All t h i s suggests t h e number of stars in the universe but possibility that the number of species of cannot ever guess the number of species insects on earth is really much larger than supposed earlier. One estimate puts the expected number at 30 million for arthropods alone Fable I f . Thus our estimate of the number o$ species of living organisms on earth varies from 5 million to over 30 million - not a very precise estimate indeed. painstaKing work by highly trained biologists. More difficult, it will require foresight and imagination on the part of science a d m i n i s t r a t o r s a n d the realization t h a t t h i s a worthwhile exercise, deserving of all our support, financial and otherwise. Conserving biodiversity is perhaps our most challenging t a s k ahead. As Harvard University biologist Edward 0. Wilson has said. ‘The worst thing that can happen - will happen - is not energy depletion. economic collapse, limited nuclear war, or conquest by a totalitariaii government. As terrible as these catastrophes would be for us, they c a n be repaired within a few generations. The one process ongoing, that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of species diversity by the destructjon of natural habitats. This is the folly our descendants are least likely to forgive us.” But we can hardly expect the political will, the hard work and the social participaeon needed to conserve biodiversity if there doesn’t exist even a reasonable catalogue of biodiversity, let alone documented uses of different species. But estimating biodiversity is perhaps an even greater challenge. I t will r e q u i r e millions of m a n days of Clearly we need an urgent debate among scientists as well as policy makers about the significance of the findings that insects constitute such an overwhelming proportion of animal biomass and animd species and even more about the possibility that the total number of species of life forms may be of the order of 30 million. How should educated, enlightened citizens of the world respond to these rather shocking fiiidings? Should we r e a d j u s t o u r priorities. Is there any point at all in t ~ o n o m i continuing s~ to describe new species at the present slow rate? Should we forget about 30 million arthropod species and let them go extinct. Or should we catalogue, describe and try to conserve as many of them as possible. What are the investments in time, effort and money that will be needed. How can we compute costs and benefits of our decisions in these matters? At the very least we need an informed debate. TABLE I ARTHROPOD SPECIES DIVERSITY - THE LOGIC OF THE 30 MILLION ESTIMATE 1. Number of beetle species fogged from 19 L. Seemanniitrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Average host-specificity for beetles is 13.5% - therefore number of beetle species host-specific to L. seemannii. 3. 4. 5. 1 ................ Number of tropical tree species is about 50,000 - therefore number of beetle species host-specific to these . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beetles represent 40% of canopy arthropod species, therefore number of species of tropical canopy arthropods 1,200 163 8,150,000 .............. 20,000,000 Canopy is twice as rich as the ground in species of arthropods, therefore total number of tropical rain forest arthropods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000,000 [Modified from Stork (1988). Data from Erwin (1982)] Evolution Of Life On Earth PALEOZOIC gqEm Millions of years ago cv Conifers Cycads Ferns Club mosses Horse tails Mosses Bacteria, Algae, Lichens 8 Fungi Single celled animals Sponges II Jellyfish & Corals .’ F I al wor m s Brachiopods I Single - shelled molluscs Bivalve molluscs Squid & OCfOPlJS Segmenled worms Spiders & Scorpions Crustaceans Centipedes & Millipedes Insects Echinoderms I -- I I I Fish A mphiblans Re pliles Birds Mammals Total Animal Biomass Ants & (Data from Fittkau and Klinge 1973) Figure 2 . . . , . . .. " Insect Biomass Orthoptera Others Lepidoptera Coleoptera \ \ (Data from Fittkau and Klinge 1973) Figure 3 / SociaWasps A 1 m Q) . d 0 Q) a m w Described World Species lowering plants - 250000 (13.6%) Other Arthropods Other Invertebrates 200000 (1 0.9%) - Non flowering plants - 130000 (7.1%) - Mammals - 4170 $2%) Birds 9018 (0.5%) Reptiles - 5084 (0.3%) Amphibians - 3300 (0.2%) Fishes - 4100 (2.2%) - Insect - 1000000 (54.3%) Data supplied by Marc Collins Figure 5