AN EFFICIENT I'HH 'IKClINlQUE FOR S P L I T PHASE INDUCTION HOTOR OPERATION USING DUAL VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTERS K. Gopakumar Scientific Officer CEDT V .T . Rqngana than Assoc. Professor Dept. of Elect.Engg. S . R . Bhat Asst. Professor CEDT Indjan Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012, INDIA ABSTRACT Split phase induction motor operation from dual PWM voltage source inverters offers the advantage of reduced voltage rating for the inverter devices. In addition, a total of 4 9 different locations are possible for the resultant stator voltage space phasor. The outermost locations form a twelve sided polygon. By space phasor PWM generation based on the vertices of the twelve sided polygon, a higher range of fundamental motor voltage is possible in the modulation range, up to 0.643 VD , where VEC is the DC link voltage for an equivalen$ 3 phase inverter, as compared to 0.577 VDc for the three phase motor. This is brought about by the presence of 5th and 7th harmonics in the average poler voltage waveform. These harmonics get eliminated in the air gap mmf because of the winding disposition. However, they cause stator Currents to flow and these currents are limited Only by the stator leakage impedance. At low speeds, these currents can be very high. In this paper a PWM strategy is proposed for a split phase induction motor drive, wherein at IOW speeds each of the inverters is operated with conventional three phase space phasor modulation, thereby avoiding 5th and 7th harmonics in the motor voltage. At the higher end of the speed range a voltage space phasor modulation based on the twelve sided polygonal vertices is used, so that the benefit of a higher speed in the modulation range is retained. A technique for achieving the transition to that range without current transients is proposed. The scheme is verified through computer simulation, using a space phasor based model of the split phase motor. Details of a practical control circuit for voltage space phasor based PWM pulse generation are presented and the results from an experimental drive are highlighted. 1. S P L I T PHASE I M D R I V E [Fig. 11 are independent of each other a total Of 4 9 different voltage space phasor locations result for the split phase drive ( ~ i g .2 ) . The switching states of t h e i n v e r t e r f o r e a c h voltage s p a c e phaSor location, are indicated in Fig. 3. The voltage space phasors f r o m the i n d i v i d u a l l i n v e r t e r s f o r m a B .A INTRODUCTION When the phase belts of a 3 phase induction motor are split into two equal halves, a split phase induction motor results with two sets of stator coils with their axes separated by thirty electrical degrees. Such a machine can be operated from dual. voltage source inverters (Fig. 1 ) . The voltage ratinas for the inverter devices are, in this case, C / I 'C c 4.35 (4#4') FIG.2 I N T E R I O R SPACE PHASOR COMBINATIONS One possible PWM technique is to operate each of the i n v e r t e r s i n d e p e n d e n t l y w i t h s p a c e phasor modulation [2]. Each inverter will then generate the vertices of the corresponding hexagon. The resultant space phasor of motor voltage is then obtained by vector addition of the space phasors generated by the individual inverters. If the same voltage reference is given to both the PWM generators, then the two individual voltage space phasors will be separated by 30 electrical degrees. However, if the reference for the lagging phase group ( A ' B ' C ' - Fig. 1) is delayed by 30 electrical degrees, the individual voltage space phasors will be in the same direction and will add directly. By this means, a maximum value of 0.89655 VDc can be achieved for the resultant voltage space phasor. This corresponds to an equivalent three phase peak fundamental phase voltage of 0.5977 V c, as compared to 0.577 V D for a conventional 3 ptase drive [1,2]. Since ea& inverter is operated with conventional three phase space phasor based PWH, using the hexagonal vertices, the average pole voltage waveforms contain only the third harmonic in addition to the fundamental. In the absence of neutral, the third harmonic voltages do not result in any current flow t1.21. An alternative PWM technique is possible for the split-phase machine based on the vertices of the 12sided polygon [Fig. 31. In this method PWW patterns for the two inverters are generated by switching between the vertices of each of the 12 sectors of the polygon as appropriate [l]. The maximum resultant voltage space phascr that can be generated by this method is 0.9659 VDc. This corresponds t o an equivalent three phase peak fundamental phase voltage of 0.643 V for the motor. The extra boot in voltage is Dostained because of the introduction of the 5th, 7th, 17th. 19th, etc. harmonic components in the average pole voltage waveform [ l ] . The stator mmfs due to these components cancel out in the air g a p , b e c a u s e of the winding d i s p o s i t i o n , and therefore will not contribute to torque ripple. However, the corresponding components are present in the stator currents and their amplitude is only limited by the stator impedances. Therefore if the PWM technique is used down to the low speed range, the current stress on the inverter devices at low frequencies may be objectionable. In this paper a PWM strategy is proposed for the split phase drive, wherein the first technique described above (using the hexagonal vertices) is used in the low speed range and the technique based on the 12 sided polygon is used in the high speed range. By this means the advantage of higher motor voltage in the modulation range is retained while avoiding high currents at low frequencies. Section 2 and 3 give the principle of P W M g e n e r a t i o n f o r t h e a b o v e mentioned technique. Section 4 describes the hardware details of the PWM pattern generation. This includes the circuit for s m o o t h t r a n s i t i o n b e t w e e n t h e two techniques. S e c t i o n 5 p r e s e n t s the s i m u l a t i o n a s well a s experimental results. The simulation is based on space phasor equations of the machine, the details of which are given in Section-6. t FIG.4 583 SAMPLED REFERENCE VECTOR I N A SECTOR 2. GENERATIO$ OE' CIRCULAR TRAJECTORY FOR TNE VOLTAGE SPACE Pli.ZLOit U S i N G IIEXAGONAL VERTlCES A r e f e r e n c e s p a c e phasor with a c o n s t a n t amplj.tude along a circular trajectory can be approximated, in a sector, by switching between the vertices of the corresponding sector and the zero vector state (Fig. 4 ) [1,2]. Fig. 4 shows a sampled reference vector (V_ ) in a sector; Y1 and y2 are the start and end vertfces. for a sector. The sampled vector 41 during T, (T,-sampling period) is generated by switchng between y1 (for a period T1) and (for a period T2) and the zero vector (for the remaining period To) such that the volt seconds produced by the Y2 and the zero vector along the axis-a and axisb (Fig. 4 ) will be equal to the volt seconds produced by the V vector along 'a' and 'b' axes [1,2,3]. The switchi;; states appropriate for all the sectors are shown in Fig.3. The equations for T1, T2 and To are as shown in eq.(l) [l] T, = sampling period (3) OSWtC30' VAO (AVERAGE) 30 5 Ut C 90" VA AVERAGEz%SIN(Wtt 43- v2 vl, FIG.5 T1 = -k T, sin (60 - a) - THREE PHASE MOTOR 13 The averaqe pole voltage variation for phase A using the 12 sided polygonal vertices is shown in Fig. 6 111. A harmonic analysis of the pole voltage waveforms shows that apart from fundammtal (V x cos15 x 2/3), it contains harmonics of the ordrr t'th, 7th, 17th, 19th, 29th, etc. [l]. Since these harmonics will not contribute to the air-gap mmf due to the split phase motor configuration, the current produced by these harmonic voltages are limited by the stator impedance only. In the proposed scheme, the 12 sided polygonal vertices are used only in the upper frequency range (i.e. from 0.8965 VDc t o 0.9659 V D c ) ; the harmonic current amplitudes due to these harmonics are limited when compared to a scheme [l], where the 12 sided polygonal vertices are used for t h e e n t i r e f r e q u e n c y range. T h u s by using t h e hexagonal structure for the lower frequency range and the 1 2 sided p o l y g o n a l v e r t i c e s in the upper f r e q u e n c y r a n g e for the voltage s p a c e phasor generation, an efficient PWM strategy results. 1. T2 = - I: T, s i n a 13 where 0 k I0.866 T, = sampling period. The average pole voltage variation for phase-A in a sector-1 can be computed using the following equation [21 vA0 (average) = 'r ~ -t2T~ + 2 To T~ - AVERAGE POLE VOLTAGE V A R I A T I O N 'DC -I ~- 2 2 cos 15 x - 12) TS Here the zero state interval To is divided equally between the two zero states ( + + + I and ( - - - ) and is located at the start and end of a sampling period [3]. Eqn. ( 1 ) can be substituted in eqn. (2) for v a r i o u s s e c t o r s and the a v e r a g e p o l e voltage variation can be determined and is shown in Fig. 5 [21. H e r e the average p o l e v o l t a g e v a r i a t i o n consists of 3 fundamental [(2/3) (VDC/2cos15) x cos 30) and a third harmonic component. Since the third harmonic will cancel out in a three phase system without neutral, a sinusoidal average variation for the motor phase voltage can be obtained using the hexagonal vertices for the voltage space phasor for the individual inverters. In the proposed scheme the two individual inverters are switched with a 30' phase shift, s o that the scalar addition of the resultant voltage space phasors is possible. So with this, the maximum amplitude of the resultant voltage s p a c e phasor for a c i r c u l a r t r a j e c t o r y is [(VDc/(2cos15)) x cos301 x 2 = 0.8965 VDc. 3 . VOLTAGE SPACE PEASOR GENERATION U S I N G 1 2 - S I D E D POLYGON VERTICES [11 As in the case of hexagonal vertices for the voltage space phasor, the periods TI, T2 and To for the 12 sided polygonal vertices can also be computed and is shown in Eqn. ( 3 ) [l]. T1 = 2 kTs sin (30-a) T2 = 2 kT, sin a T = T - (T t T2) O o ( k 7 0.96&9 c V I FIG.6 AVERAGE POLE VOLTAGE V A R I A T T O N - S P L I T PHASE MOTOR 4. PWlI PATTERN GENERATION A simple V/f control is used for the present scheme and is shc?wn in Fig. 7. The speed reference signal gives the control signal for the output voltage and 9iitput frequency. The speed reference signal is converted into a 6 bit ADC output (V,) and The is connected to the higher address of EPROII-1. VCO output is passed through a divide by twelve counter, the lower 4 bits of which address (a) the next lower address of the EPROM-1. The lowest 5 bits of EPROM-1 are addressed by a 5 bit up-down counter (This divides a sampling interval T in to 32 parts) with a frequency of 64 kHz. EPR0I.I-9 stores the time intervals T1, T2 and To for each Ts interval (500 psec) with a resolution of 32 samples per sampling interval Ts. These are computed using eqn. ( 3 ) (for the 12 s i p d polygonal vertices) f o r 16 different a values ( 2 and 6 4 (26) different xS values in a sector. It can be seen that the time duration for T1, T2 and To are the same for all 12 sectors for the same a and This requires an EPROm with 1 5 address lines or 32K memory. In EPROM-1, the (for Yl duration for T0/2 (initial zero state), state), T2 (for 4 state) and T0/2 (for 7inal zero state) are stored as bit patterns 00, 01, 10 and 11 respectively for a particular a and E, in a sector [1,3]. In EPROM-2 the switching patterns are stored according to each of 12 sectors for each of the above bit patterns. EPROM-2 is addressed by the output of EPROM-I and the sector information from the counter. The output of EPROM-2 is used for the inverter gating signals. FROM SPEEO REFERENCE I Vs DATA 6BIE MS8. A/O vco vs. J BliS SECTOR a P W M PATTERNS USING HEXAGONAL VERTICES Since the hexagonal structure is used for the lower frequency range (up to an output maximum circular voltage space phasor amplitude of 0 . 8 9 6 5 VDc) only 5 bits are used for the reference vector E,. For the hexagonal vertices the span of ‘ a ’ in a sector is 6 0 ’ . So 5 bits are used for the a span and 3 bits are used for the sector (6-sector). This e n s u r e s the equal d i v i s i o n o f a s p a n for the hexagonal as well as the 12 sided polygonal space phasor structure. For the hexagonal structure the address of EPROM-3 (periods T1, T2 and To for the ABC phase group) for the a position is incremented by 30’ by the phase shifter in Fig. 7 . EPROM-4 stores the inverter switching pattern for the ABC phase group. In EPROM-5 the switching periods for the A’B’C’ phase group are stored and EPROM-6 gives the switching pattern f o r the A‘B‘C‘ phase group. The switching intervals T1,T and To for the hexagonal vertices are stored as in tie case of 12 sided polygonal structure using the eqn. (1). From Fig. 7 , it can be seen that the same speed reference signal addresses the EPROMS for the 1 2 sided polygonal voltage-space phasor operation as well as the hexagonal structure. The switching pattern for the hexagonal structure is used up to a certain frequency range, i . e . , upto 40 Hz, above which (up t o 5 0 tiz) the 12 sided polygonal structure is used. This is decided by t h e final selector block of Fig. 7 . Uhen the speed exceeds a threshold l e v e l (example 4 0 Hz) the selector immediately notices this using a comparator and it waits for the next immediate zero states for all the inverters to switch over to the 12 sided polygonal structure. 5. 6 BITS L A d I t I (A’8C.I FIG.7 PWM PATTERN GENERATION BXPBRIHENTAL VERIFICATION An experimental model of the proposed scheme is tested with a 2.5 KW split-phase motor. fig. 8a shows the motor phase currents of the split-phase group A and A ‘ . The sinusoidal nature of the current is because the hexagonal structure is used for the voltage space phasor PWH generation. The computer simulation of the same is shown in Fig. 8b in TUTSIM [21. The theoretical model developed for the motor is explained in a lat,er section. The experimental setup is driven using the 12 sided polygonal vectors for the voltage space phasor FWM generation. Fig. 9a shows the motor phase current and its harmonic spectrum under no load operation. Fig. Ya shows the presence of 5th and 7th harmonic currents i n t h e motor phase. As these currents will n o t contribute to the air-gap flux, the impedance seen by these harmonic currents are due to the stator impedance only. H e n c e the larger a m p l i t u d e s for these harmonics at lower speeds. The computer simulation of this is shown in Fig. 9b. FIG.8a PHASE-A AND A ’ CURRENTS - EXPERIMENTAL RESULT ( P W M U S I N G HEXAGONAL V E R T I C E S ) 585 The motor configuration is simulated for the hexagonal structure as well as 12 sided polygoiial structure and the transition between these two stages under no load operation is shown in Fig. 10. The system is operated under no load with simple V/f control without any speed feedback. It can be noted that there is a slight oscillation in the speed. This can be corrected with a simple feedback loop. Fig. 11 shows the transition under full load. Thus with a simple speed feedback loop, the split phase motor under voltage space phasor PWM operation can be implemented for the full frequency range without any current and torque transients. Thus this scheme H:Hz V:MRG 2 . OOKHz 0.00 FIG.8b PHASE-A AND A ' ( S I M U L A T E D RESULTS - CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES PWM U S I N G HEXAGONAL VERTICES) offers much bettei performance regarding voltage range as compared to conventional 3-phase scheme, still being in pulse width modulation. 6. S P L I T PHASE HOTOR M O D E L COORDINATES 1 FIG.9a I N S P A C E PIIASOR PHASE-A 12-SIDED CURRENT SPECTRUM - PWM U S I N G POLYGONAL V E R T I C E S In this section an equivalent motor model for the split phase induction motor is derived. The voltages and currents for the split phase groups are derived in space phasor form. The voltage and current equations for each phase group is derived with respect to its own reference axis; the reference axes for each are phase shifted by 30' (Fig. 12). For the rotor equation the conventional three-phase axis is used. TUTSUIM Stator-2 (ABC-phase group) is1 eJ30~ (5) Rotor - defined with respect to rotor axis Eqn. (6) can be written in terms of the rotor c u r r e n t referred to the lhxee-phase (Fig. 1 2 ) stationary axes as : FIG.9b 12 PHASE-A CURRENT SIMULATED S I D E D POLYGONAL V E R T I C E S USING where R, - six-phase stator resistance per phase ;ss - six-phase stator self inductance per phase - rotor resistance per phase LRR - rotor self inductance per phase L - rotor t o six-phase stator mutual inductance (HR-olz)Lss i s the mutual i n d u c t a n c e c o u p l i n g coefficient term between the six-phase stator group including the leakage coupling coefficient. E - Rotor axis position with respect to 3 phase axis. FIG.10 T h e s e e q u a t i o n s a r e used for the s i m u l a t i o n s presented in the paper. From the above equations the steady state equivalent circuit can be obtained and is shown in Fig. 13. -- L T R A N S I T I O N FROM HEXAGONAL V E R T I C E S TO 1 2 S I D E D POLYGONAL V E R T I C E S AT 4 0 H Z (UNDER NO LOAD O P E R A T I O N 1 586 &ED AX'S \L REFERENCE A X I S \ ' \ I FIG.ll I I I I I I CONVENTIONAL , / 3 - PHASE AXIS l-i A' B Y 1 E '. I 1 REFERENCE AXIS FOR A B C PHASE GROUP I T R A N S I T I O N UNDER F U L L LOAD FIG.12 SPACE PHASOR REFERENCE A X I S ( T R A N S I T I O N FROM HEXAGONAL STRUCTURE TO 1 2 S I D E D POLYGONAL STRUCTURE AT 4 0 H z ) 7. CONCLUSION An efficj.ent voltage space phasor based PWM strategy for the split phase motor is developed. This scheme offers a wide speed range within the modulation range, more than that of a conventional scheme. T h e n e c e s s a r y P V M s c h e m e developed i s explained. An appropriate model for the split phase mootor i s developed and used i n the computer simulation. REFERENCES K. Gopakumar, et al., 'Split phase induction motor operation from PWM voltage source inverter'. IEEE, IAS Conf. Sept. 1991. H.W. V a n d e r B r o e c k , et al., ' A n a l y s i s and realisation of a pulse width modulator based on voltage space phasors', IEEE Trans. IA, Vol. I A 2 4 , No. 1, Jan-Feb. 1988. Holtz, J., et al., 'High speed drive system with ultrasonic MOSFET PHI( inverter and single-chip microprocessor control', IEEE TRans. IA, Vol. I A 2 3 , No. 6, Nov.-2ec. 1987. c j 15 VSlC LSS RS = = RX LXX LSR C l 2 = = = = 0.4H 1 . 7 3 ohm 1 . 2 7 2 ohm 1.4927 H 0.746 H 0.00425 415 VsZe Rr FIG.13 SPACE PHASOR BASED E Q U I V A L E N T C I R C U I T FOR S P L I T PHASE MOTOR 587