Research R.port 276 Agency and Autonomy: A Formal Framework Michael Luck and Mark d'Inverno RR276 With the recent rapid growth of interest in Multi-Agent Svstems, both in artificial intelligence and software engineering has come an asscrciated difficulty concerning basic terms and concepts. In particular, the tem-rs agency and autortotry- are used with increasing freciuency to denote different notions with different connotations. In this paper we lay the foundations for a principled theory of agency and autonomy, and specify the relationship between thenr. Using the Z speciftcation language, we describe a three-tiered hierarchy comprising objects, agents and autonomous agents where agents are viewed as objects uith goals, and autonomous agents are agents with mot i v a tio n.s. Depaflrnent of Computer Science University of Warwick Covenrry CV4 7 AL United Kingdom December 1994 .\gen('\- alrti Atttot tott tv: A Forrntrl Fr:rtncwot'li Mark d'Inverno Michael Luck Dept. of Corrtputel Scieucc v of \\Ialu'icii Covcntl1', CV4 7AL Unitecl Kingrlom L]-nivt:r'si t l]l' mikeluck@dcs . narwick. 'l'ar +44 1203 523193 frax +44 1203 52il7Il ac . uk Sr;hool of Courprttel S<'iertce L-nir-t,rsitr- of \\, r:stmirrst t'r' Neu' Cavendish Stlcet. Louclorr LIrritecl Kingclorn I,ltl'r, di-nverm@westminster. ac ' uk 'I'rr +4,1 171 911 5000 Abstract in NrlrrlriAgcnt Slslt'rrls, l>otlr irr ;r11 ificial irrtelcsl, glontlt of \\,i1lr thc recctrr laltitl au associ:ttt'cl tlifEcrrll,y cottcctnittg lrasi' cottrt: lias iltt:lligelcc ancl softn'a.r't'eugiueclirrg (L!Jen.:lJ atrcl atllr.,ttotl?y ilfe rrst'tl rr'illr i,, tlrr: tt't'ttts parlicrrlar. tt:r'r1s 11cl copcepls. Irr cotitrot;t1iotls. ltt tlris llapcl' <liffcrent rl'ith ious nol <liffelcnt cr.ttrsilg fl'ecluerrcl to clenolc alttottotlt.r'. atttl :l)cci[-\ tll(' atttl agt'ltcl of thcrit't' rvc la-l' llte forrlclati6us fo1 a ltlinciltlctl t'e rlt'sct'ilrt'ii lhlec-1it'r't'tl larrguagc, Z spec.ificat,iort tht lelationslrip llctrvee.1 tlrerl. l'sing :l8,culs;rl' \l('\\'P(l ils lr']tere agcllts atttottotilotls ancl Iierarclil' comptising olt.lects, agents irtr.,/lloliotts. u-i1 li itgellts are agt'lt1s olt.jects rvil lt .qoal.s. ancl arrtonorrrorrs Introduction 1.1 Backglound A1t1L,1glL thelc has lreel sultstarLtial ltroglc'ss irL artificial irLtclligcrttt' for'lIIillI\-\'('lr1\. Ir'sr':r]{ ll ()1 f. t1L" tcrrric<l t11 lecrrs t-rn soh-ing lllolrlcrus u,ithout legalcl to 1111\'r'ea1 t'xtclrLal t'rLvilorLrt,('lIt sigrLi{i(rrLt u'lLilt' nrtiol 61 a rcasorLirtg o,r1ent.. hL ollLcl ri'olrls. the prriblerrrs artrl tht'il solutittns. *,ert'liuriteci in that tirev rvere clivorce<1 fi'orrr leal situations. X'{oIe lccentll'. ho$eY.L. tlL. irupoLtalcrg of these linitations has been lccogrtised. One conscrluell.(o is the titlticl glorvtlt of intelest i1 tlLe clcsigl ancl constnr.ction of o.qent,s as s\-stelfls exhibiting iltclligcnt l-iehaviorir" Corrcelrts cf ct4ents and ogency alc- ilr:r'easinglv being usecl in a I'al]!lo of al'eas of at'tificial i'tclligcrrce (AI) anrl cornputer scienct:. However, thttse nrltiolls al'e olten tliffelerLt. cvt'rL rvithin thc samg subficlcl. aucl tlLe lac1i of a colllrnon unclerstan<liug can stifle furtlLt'r les''at, lL a'<1 cltrr.qloprrrelt. In rlistributed AI. aqents are oftelr ta,lien to lte the sal[('as o,rt,futrnrtY)\ts t'eler-attcc rlr' ,"r1e:r-tts, alcl the trvo tclrns ale usc'cl irrter<:hangcablr'. rvithout lega,r'tl to tlLeiI sig'ifica'ce. The iliffercuce betu,cr:n tht:se rt:la,ted but distinct notiorLs is lioth irLLliortarlt ;rrrrl useful irr consiclering aspects of intelligclce. In tlris paper. we autonomA arrd agency, and explicate the relationship lietween theru' \Vq 1rgne t[at autouomy is rlistirLct anrl is a,clLievecl by nt'cttiurtt'in'g a,ge:ncy' Out conr:eLn is to clevelop a, folnal model of agency and a,utonomy that can be useil both as the llasis ol arL irlplelreltatiol, a1d also as a precise but general fraruework for furtlLel tt'sealr:lL. 1.2 Benevolence and Autonomy In tra<litioual nrtttlels of goal arloption. goals ar'c lloarlcast liv onc. agellt. arrrl at6'tct1 lxothel agents ar:colcling to their orvrr reler-ant colrlrctcrLcc [18] . This asslrlues that agcrrts :rlc ah't'at1r'clcsigned rvitlt comrttoll oL 1to11-('onflictirLg goals that allo1, nutlal trs.rstarL.c rrr satislving adrlitional goa1s. NegotiatiotL its to lLorv tlLcse a<lriitiorLal goals a1e sltisficrl tr.''ica11, talics the forni of urele goal notlc aliot'trtiou. Thus irn irgcnt sirnplv has to t'6prr.uurr,;r t. its goal to arrotlrcl a,gclt. ancl cooPeratiorL ri'i11 e1rs11o. TlLis corLcept of ltt:rtr ttctlrtt,t otlr:rt,t.s III) s'ho corlPt:rate rvith othcl agents n'lLetter.-c'r'anc1 rvhelever possiltlc. ser.crslr'corLstr.airLs tlrt, I'it'lLrLtlss of llclLavirtru that t:art be a<'hieve<l b'u'autouorrrous agents. ltv viltue of its sir,lrlisti<. arr<l liilrite<1 r'iet' of tlte rvor'1r1. -{rL autonomous agelrt nra,v cxhiltit betLeyolerrt 5r'har-i'*r'. l'rt a 1ltlrel1'artcl exclusively irene'u.cilcnt agcnt is not autonornons [-tr] . Coopc'r.atiorL n-i1l 6<.<.1r. Jlql11:1'p11 trvo agcnts onh'rvherL it is considelcrl arlr'antagcous to eac:h. Arrt6nor'ors a9(,1Lts are th11s self-itrtclestecl a.gertts. In this vieu,. autcirr()ltlor1s bencvolerLt bt:har-iorrr is possi|1r,. lltt alist's ottlr- tltlortgh thc self irlterests oi arL agerLt. -{ goal (rvhethcl viuri.crl as 'sclfisl' 6r. 'alttuistic') rvi11 ahvavs be adoptecl so as to satisfv a self-intelcsteri rnotivation [1]. As stirtctl abovc. the tcrrtrs o.qertt. arLrl (ulcrL(:'!J are rrscrl tc-r <lenotc cliff'elc'rLt ,',,11 r'pts. Clir-t'1 tlt<l larL,qc of atcas itt u'hitrlL the tclrtrs alc appiic<1. tlLis lack of corLscnsrls olcL rlt,lrrLirLr is rL'rsrrr'lrlisirrg. -{s Shoharu [13] points out. the rLurnber ofclivelse uscs ol the tcruL o.r1r:rtt ;ryt's6 trtarLY tltat it is almost ntcaningiess s'it1Lout 1'ei('1cnce to a palticrrlal notirtrL of agcrLthotirl. Irt a t'ccclt collt'<'tiou clf papols. {bl cxaurple'. scvclal diflcrerrt viel.s crnclgc. For Srriith 1171 att itgcrLt is a "pelsistt'rLt softrvalc eutitv clc.clicatctl to a specific p111 pos('.' St'llict' lll] talics agcrtts to llc "cotrtpiltcl'p1'oglams that simtrlatc a hrrrrLiin lelatiolslLip lrv rloirrc sorui.'thirLg rlLat ;titothc'r 1)o1'son coul<l cio fot vtiu." \Iolt: loosr'1r.-. Rieckcn [10] r'efels to "intr.gratr:cl rcasorLins P1'o(css('s as agcuts. OtlLt'r's avoicl thc issuc tontplctr,h'. urLtl 1<.ar-c the irrtr.r'lrlctittiorL ol thcir. agellts to ther lt'itt1cL. It is t't'coglisctl. hon'evt'r'. that tlLr,'r'r'is llo uglcelrr('1rt ()1r n-iur r it i-. rhlrt . ruukcs sornethirLg an ag('1rt. 1.3 Agency, Autonomy and For.malitv Il rvt'alc to corLfi'ont tlie lrlobletrts tlLat arisr'h'orn this lac1i ol aslt'crnent ancl rlcfilitiorL" tlLcrL tlLt' trsc of folrrralisrtts is alllllopriatc -since. it a11ori,s urL;rnrlriguorrs ricsr:r'iptioris o1 r'olrliL'-l sr-. tt'rus. Folmal specificatiorL larLguages llot onlr-plovirle ir lrlealrs lbl urLarnbigllorls spccilir:atiorL lnrt also prot-ide prclof svstertrs ancl sets of plool obligations rvhich cra,lile thc crrrr:tnrt tiorr of rcliable ancl robust rnorlels. Tvpica,11v. such langri;rges are basccl on set thcoly an<1 filst olclc'r logic. Itt thc ctrtLerLt rvoLk. tc have acloptocl thc specifi<:atiorL language Z 119) {irr trvo 1])ajtl1 l'casol]s. Filst, it plovi<1es motlulalitv arLrl aJrstra< tion ancl is sufficienth' txplcssilr.' trr a11olv a consistent. unifiecl ar<1 stmcturerl a,ccount of a <:ornputcl system ancl its assot.iate<l opelatirtrLs. Srtch stntctnrerl specifications enal)lo the clcs<:ripti<trr ol svstems at cliff'elcrrt lr'v cls of abstlaction, rvith systern coruplexitv being added at succcssivelv lorvel le'vels. Sccorr<I. rvc vicrv oul t:rttelprise as that of brrildirLg pl'oglirlrrs. Z sr:hcruas ale palticrrlarlv srritable irL squaring the derna,rrtls of forrnal modellirrg with thc neecl for irripiernerLtation bv allorving tlansition betr.vccn specification arrd progralrr. Thus our allllroaclL to forrnal specification is pragmatic rvc need tcl be formal to be prccise about the concepts we discrrss, yet wc w?int to rcrnain dire<:tly connet:ted to issues of implcrnenta,tion. Z provirlcs just those qullitics that ale neeclcd, and is incrcasingly being used for specii'ying frameworks and systetris in AI (e.g. Figure 1: The Entitr- Hic'r'archr [7. 5, 3]) 2 Initial Concepts 2.1 Introduction It rvas staterl car'licr tliat thclc is a la<:li of conscusrls o\-c1 thc rncitrting of tlLc tcnti itgt'rlt. arrrl that thet'e are rrral]y <liverse notions of agencr-. hL this section. lrtc irttlotllrt t' tt'ttLls ;tttrl colr.epts that rvill be nserl to exlilicate oul nnrk'Lstancling of o.rten,ts al.<I o'gle:rtc1y. an<1 |r'or-itlt' lorrrral clcfinitiols that ar.e usccl stiitsc.c|reltlr'itr <k'r'cl-ilrirLg thc colI(('pt of rt'tr,tttrt'rttrtt1. 6f agclcv liest r.clatcs to that o1 Shohant [13 ri,ho talies art tt,gr:rr't, Itt llt' tttLr- t'rLtitr' Orrr 'ieri' rncrLtal statc calr lte asclilrecl. -{c<'or'<lirLo t. Shtlharu. sur:h mcrLtal st;ttt'tri1L:isls to *,hir:h f of lorup6letrts srrr.h as lrelicls. r'apaltilitits attrl t'otttrttirtrLents. llut thct<'is rLo trrLi'1rt{' { {)l 1i'( selet.tion of thenr. This is sensiblc. attl rve too rLr uot clenrtrrrrl tlLat alL agctLts rLcct'ssirlilr- ILitVi' tlLe sa'r. set 6t lrcrLtal <:olrponents. hLtlec11. n'r' Lc< o.qnise thc liruitatiotLs assrlciilt,'tl $-itlL ass.'rirrg arr <'onrplisirrg hour<lg(.1r('or1s ag('1rts. ancl tonsc<FrcrLtlr' iilthrrlt'irr this is rlisr.r.rssi.,l lLcter'6ge1r:ous agcnts l'it1L valr-ing capabilirics. \\-e r1o. lLtx\.evt't'. sllt'<i1r'$'1Lat rrrinirna,lly rerlttiTed of arL entitv fol it to bc consiclelt'cl arL agcrlt. The clefilitiol of agetlcy tliat follorvs is intended to strltsurtte existing collcopts i'r" fl'l :tr possible. It r,vill be iruilt up a,nr1 exterLderl ovel the colrlse of the pa,pel, ancl rvill itru'ol-''e sc'vcral i'tc'.rccliat. concepts. hr shor.t, we pl'opose a thlce.-ticl hicralt'lLv of entitics tontPrisilrg that a1l c.t6jr:cts, oqerrt,s al.d autc.tno?nous agerlf.s. Thc basic icleii urLderlving this hierillchv is li'orv' e'titics ale o5j1.cts. Of this sct of obiects, sonr(' a1'c agerLts. iirLd of thtrse agerlts solllo sr'r'tiotLr aLe arlronol1o1s agelts. This is slLol,n as a \Icrrn <liaglanr in Figu.r'e 1. The follorvirLg clefine rvhat is rccyritecl lbr erach of thc entities iu tlLe irieralr:hv' Beib'e we call ruove to a, clefirritiorr of any of therse eutitit's. wo nlrlst first cle{irre sorrc Plimitives. Tlrc first of thesc ts zt.n ol:tion rvhicli is strorglv lel:itecl to the rtutiort of rt"tlen',:y. Definition: At acti,nrt is il cliscretc evcnt rvhich changes the state of the environmcnt' It is cc1tai1ly ltossilile tlLat a,ctiorLs trray rrot bc atouric. but for the' pur'poses of orrl trrocltrf it is asslmecl that tire property of atouricitv holds for actions rvithorrt any loss of gelera'lity' Tltc st't'orrrl lrriuritive that uee<ls cleiining is trrL attribu,te. Attliltutes ale sirnplr. featurcs 61 tlLt'ri'or'l<I. ancl;tt't't1Lc only clLalactcristics rvhich are manifest. Tlit:v nceil not Ic pclccivt,tl bv itrtv pitt'tir:ulal tlrtitr'. ltut lnrst bc potentiallv perceivabie i1 arL otlliscignt strLsc. (Tp, ruotiorL ol a ir.atrrlr'1Lclc allorvs anvthing to bc includerl.) Defirrition -\r is a pcrceil-ab1e feature. Lsirrg tlLt'rLotiorLs of actiorLs and ilttribrttcs. rve proviclc. <lefinitions of agcrrcr.' arLcl autolriiur'. Irt ortlc'r'ttt r1o scl. rvc nttrst clistinguish a,gents and autonclurous agents froru otlLcr c.rrtitic's. \\i, call tht'st' other crLtitic.s ol.,7cr:/.s. a,n(l (liscuss them lielori. a,t,tr"ihrir: 2.2 Object Specification At ti basit le'vel. al object ciirt ire dcfirLc.d in tr:r'rns of its abilitic.s :rrLrl its a,ttr.illrtes. A1 olr jc.<t. in tlLis sctlse. is.just a'thirLg'ol entin'u'ith no fulther defining r:hala<rtelistics. This proviclcs us rvith thc ltasic builclirLg blocli to ilevclop oul rLotion of agerr<'v. Definitiorr: At ob.'jr:r:t. compfiscs a set of actiorrs ancl a set of attlibltes. In Z. lrt'lolc'coustltrctiuc:t spccilicatiorr. u:e ruust filsr rlcfirLt'tvl)es. Hcr.t vn'r'rlefirLc tlLl spt 6i' rull lr< tioris arLrl tlLc set o1 a11 attliltutcs: |Ar:t'il tr t. At.t ribu"t r :) Nttu,itstateschelnacalllic<'ottstr.rctc<1 tlLat<lcfinesarLoltjc.r't. ZsclLcrrraslLavetrl,opar.ts: tlLr. i declarative. palt rvhi<:h tlctlales r.trliabies ancl theil t\-pes. an<1 thc lt.,n,cr. predicate. pirlt s,ltich t't'latcs ancl torLstlaius titosc valiablcs. Thc tvpe tif an.v schenra r:an bc colsi<lc,r.r,tl its tlLr'<'altt'sian proclrtct of the tr'pes of eaclt of its valiables" riithout anl-rrotior ol orclcr.. 1r1t ( ()lril Iiiitr,',i l,r 1lI,'rlir';rr,'.. st'lLcrtta ltt'1txv TlLc has otLlv a declalativc pa1't contairLirLg tu'o varialtlcs. Eit'sl . r:rryto,lileof is tlLc sct rrl actiorLs ttl tlrc oiric<'t. al<1 is sonrt tirtrt's rcfr.r'r'r'11 to as tlLt' rttrrt,ltr:tt:rtr:r: t.,1 tlLc olr.jcct. 111)1)cf Sr'<.tlttt1.rt'',i,lltt'te:,cist1Lr'sr'to1,1i'ittttt'<.t.()1l.jertsal'c.t1Lcl'r'tbr.t.t1r'frrr.c1llr.t1Lil alrilitv ill tcr'1IIs of theil itt'tions. arLtl tlieil corLfigulatiorL (in a bloarl scrLsc.) irL tclurs o1 thi'ir irttliltrrtt's. Tlit'<onfigutittiorL ol arL olr.jcct irLr'lutlcs lefi'r'cnces to tire borlr'of tht,rilr.jcct arrrl its positiori. irrrrl is sirnilal to tlic uotiorL usecl liv Gootlu-irL [5] . Ob.jt t:t. capo"ltlt:of F Ar:tirtrt o"ttribut.e:s F Att.ribu,te Atttilnrtt's ale rnauilcst aud arc poteutiallv ar:cessilik' by arL obseLvur'. The capal-rilitics ol arr objc<:t in lernrs ol a<:tions. lty corrtrast, zrLc Dot neccssarilv oltservablc. Fot cx;ttttplr:. corLsitlcl a I'obot rvitirout a porvel' supplv. Sinct: thc lobot iLas rLo lrorvcr. its <'altabilitics alc se'vc'r't:1',-lirnited arLcl incluric jrrst those u'hich lely orL its plLr.sical 1)r'('scrr(('. str<th as supporting things, weighing things dorvn, and so on. The attributes of thr: robot sptrcilv that it is 1tlue, that it is rrpriglLt, that it is large, and cithcl such fcatrrles. As a second cxiirnplc, cotlsidcr a coffec cup. Its capa.bilities state that it can support things and tlLat it clrt corttain licpid, for exarrrplc, rvhile its a.ttributcs state that it is stable. rvhit,: and nr.a,de o1 china,. (These exarnplcs will bc developed further to distinguish bcrtween agcnts ancl arrtorrornons agcnts. ) A1 o|.it:ct rnust bc situaterl in a,n environmcnt. Wc take an euvilortrnt:nt sirnpiv to lle a sct <tf attr.ibutcs that clesr:ribes a,ll of the featules of the wor'1c1 and ali of the cntitics (objeqt'. :rll('nts or ?lllronolnous agunts) in the rvorld. (Thereis a cilctrlarity hert'rvhich rvill bc discussed 1atcr.) ErtuirctrL,rrt ent P Attribute, \\ie rrrust a,],so spt:cifv al action selection fir.uction. rviriclL deterrrrines the next a,ctions of an olric<'t i1 an crrvilorrrnent. For exarnlllc. if a piece of pal)er is placecl on top of otrr rtlllttt, tlLert \\'(. (':ur strv th:r.t tlLe lobot wiII .ru.pltorl tht: pa.pct'. Or', if tea is potrred iuto the coffee cup. tlictL tlrc r:rr1r wtll r:orttain the t<:a. In ltcith of these cases) it is the ttl','iLounrt:ttt that cletelnlirLcs tlLc, lext action of the objc<tt througlL thc lilacemclt of the papel artcl the pttuliug of tire tca. TlLc actiorrs are thus Ttassirte actions. In tlrc Ob,iectAct schema below, the cleiinitions from thc,ct scherua ale incltr.<1ct1. arLtl thcrL tlLe actirrrL-selection function, ob,ju:tactic.tns, is defined as a totalfunction frorrt Erutirottrn't:rt't t<t P Act,iorr,. That is, given any elviroument it rr'ill tetuttt a (possiblr-emptr')sct of actions. TIlt' asscltiol in tlLe prcdicate part of thc schernii constrains the'next :rctions ttl be taiien (givt'rr lrv alrlrlfirrg objectar:t.fons) to be rvithin the oltject's colnpetclrce. It catt lic lead pt'ct'ist'1r' as: giv(,lr anv t:rLviLonntelt. applving to that t'ttvilotLtttt'trt ritill L('t11lli a s('t a< tions ri ltich is a subsct of thc a,gents calta.bilitics. ()1 Ob;ie:r:tAct Ob'ierl. rtltject,o,r:tiorts '. Ert,pirot-ntx:rtt, - P Acti'oIL V e:rnt '. Enuirontnertt o (ritiect.o'r:ti,orr"s e,rt'u) \\i' cern also rlcc:lale art irlstancc C crqxt'bleoJ of art t'nvilotLrrtettt: Ett,rr rt t,ui,r'ot rrt x:r t,t. r'.rt,ui,rvnunnrrt : Et r,ui,r'or r,rn,e:t +I t,t I Norv. rvc ca1 clefile the sta,te of an ob.jcct in its ettvilorttnent. hL tho Ob;iectStutt: scltentit. rhc. infrrr.rrratiorL from tbe Enu alx| ObjectAct schemas is iucludecl. a,1ong rvith /ristorrT rvlLiclt re.prescnts the sccluence of (sets of ) actions rvhich tire object has perforrrreci. Each of thcse scts of actirins must comprise only those actions of rvhich the ob.jcr:t is ca,pable. rvhich is statetl irL tlLe sr:lLcrrra. plcclicate as: any sct in thc lallge of tiris scquence rttust ltc a strbsct oI cupableof Tlre prcrlicate is meaningful because sequences are clcfiuecl it Z to bc fiurctious froru thc sc't of rLatrrliil rprmbers to the r:ornponcrrts of the seqllcltce. zittcl so thc langc of a sccprencc is.just tlL<' sct corrtaininq the elemcnts of the seql1elc.e. Thc attliliutes of the object are a,lso coustrainccl to bc a suirset of tlLose attlilrrrtes irL tht' slvirorrntent. This is because the ob.jcct is part of the ettvilottttrt'rtt ancl its a,ttlil-rutes urust tirerefore also be attributes of the environlnent. To ai<l sclrenra. reaclability, we calr also a,tlcl r'etlundant or reco'uerable inforrnation to the sclLc'rua. For exarrrple, tire variable, willdo, specifics the next actions that the agent will do. wiric.h is r.e{lrrclant silce it is recoverable in exactly the way it is spccified. It is detcrnrined l-iy applvirLg - t lr.: ct b.j ect ur:tiotts lirlr: tiorr to the r;rruiron ntrnt.. This rccovelaJrle itLforrna tion is sepalatc'cl tlLc rcst of thc s<:hcur:r bv use of a, 1l'orrr small space. hL rvhat folloq,s. we uso this corr..-cntiorL to a<lcl such aclclitional infolnration to a schuma."tt Ertu Obier:tAr:t history : seq (F Ar:tiorr,) 'u'illtlr,, : F Actiort V a.s : ran ltzstltry tnilkl,, = r rzs C capabler,,f olt.l, r'ltu:l iotr.< t:n tti t'()?L'tuc?tt Thesc clr:firLitiotts lLale an inlLclclnt cit'culalitr'. horvevcr'. Objccts ale situa,terl iu errr-ilr.,rLurtlrts. btrt cnvilonmettts are.just sets of attributes dclivcrl fronr the entities (ol objccts) irr tlLc crtvilorttnent. Thc attt'ibutes of thc crLr.'iroumcrrt rnust thclcfore iirclurle thosc ol tht'o1r jt'r.t itscif. This is a trst'ful abstla.ction rncr:hanisnr that sc.r'r.'cs to reclucc thc <'oruplc-titv ol thc u,orlri until w(' richel illblntation. E"'clvtitittg in the c'rtr-ilorLrtrt'nt is leplescrrrtt'11 sirnplr.ilr tcr'lns ol attliltutcs. Ii tlLc cur-ilorLlrcrrt is itlg'trvs acccssiltlr'. therr u,c rLt'ctl ortl-u'note tltosc attliltutcs that ulc"r-arrt to tlLc tlrsk at itarrti. arld ( a1I liurit tht' infolmation florv. \\'it1L lcsouli c' bourrrls. sur'11 lcsirictiorLs alc critir ir1. it is rtct'cs.it1'\'to ilccL'ss irLlirlrnatioti aborit thc. enlilonrrrerLt. rr't'irrstirrLtiatc olt.ioct rttotlt'ls (rtl s<iterttas) u'ith l'eievalit itttt'ibutes. art<l ignole thc lcrnainrler'. TlLus u'r'rlistiugrrish olr.jccts fit-rur thc ctLvilourLt'rLt (br.'t'lustcling attlil-rutcs. for crarrrplt..) clrLlr-n'1Lt'rL it i:1ls('1111. \\'hetter.-c't TlLis rtotittrL ol irLstarrf iatiort is tlLt: lrasis of this flarncg,r,r'li" 1i-rl tlLlorrglL srtct cssivc irLsr;rrLfi.rf iorL s't'irL<r't'itst'tltc courirlc'xitl ol r'rLtitics tr-r introrlur'1, 11{'\\'(o1r(('1)ts. \Iotcolcr'. it i: ir rrofiorr tlLat is cflirt tir-c irL rrsirrg attetttiorL orL lr'lc-u'arrt asirr'< ts. arLrl lirltitirLg f hc urrtritrrLl iil r'ftirlt nt'ct1cd to lirrLctiorL ( irt)al)1\- irL lcal-u'cir'lc1 -if nations. 2.3 Object Operations thc rvav in rvlLir'h its next a<'tiorLs aLc. sr'lc< tccl. \r.xt rve'tlesclibc horv tlLr'pclfolmance of tlLcsc actions affects thc enr..ilorLtncut irr x'hiclL tlLc o1r.jr-ct is sitttaterl. To <1o tltis. rve need to irLtrorluce operation schemas. Opclation schernas irL Z clesclibc tlLc rclationshiir betwec.rL trvo statesl the stater bclole the opr:ration. ald the stirtc aftcr thc opt'r'a,tiort. -\fter-statr: valia,blcs are clistilguislLt'11 ri'ith daslLcs. Filst. rve'rvhich valiablcs of a state renr?ri1r rurr:hanged altcr a set of actions. TlLc LOb;jr:r:tStale schema statcs tlLa,t rvhen att Objer:tSlolr: r:hanges (throrrgh pcr'lblrnirLg actiurrs). its <'orupctcrrr:c cloes rLot <:1Langc. an<1 its action selection fiurctiorr rlor.s not clLarLge. (T1Lc -\ is tlLc narning r:onventi<trL tcl dcscribc il chzrnge of state. ) So {ar. w(r hav() <1cs< r'ibccl au object arL<1 6 LObiectSt.ate Olljr:ctStat,e ObjectSto"te' ': ctrp1bleof objec.tu.r:tion,st - objecto,ctiorts capnbleof htterv"ctirtn,ts sintplr'rvhat happens rvhcn a,ctions are pelforrned in att environtllcrrt. Tht' effccts of arL interaction on the environrnent aLe cictc'rmineci bv applving tlte e.ffe:ct.irttr:rrtr:tirtrt' fu.nctiou in the axionr clefinitiorL ltelorv to thc cuLLent ettvironnteut a,nc1 thtr a'ctions talicn. TlLis tr,xion rlefinitioiL is a gkrltal r'at'iable anrl is conseqttontlr.' alrvays itt scope. \\ie rcclttil't' onlv ole lulction to clesclibe al1 irrteractious, sincc att actiol ri'ill result iu thc s:rtne t'lLattge to illI envircinmettt rvhethcl talieu liv au object. agent ol autollolrrous agent. At e.ffectirr.tetv"ctir,tn : Enui,tvnnr'ent '--- F Action' -+- Ert'tti'ron,nt'r:rtt \Alhen an otrit'ct intelacts iu its envirorlncllt a,n<l perfolrus an actiou. l;oth thc statc of tlLc olr.ject ancl tlLc c'nvironment clLange.. replescrrted h Objer:t.EnuItt,te:ro.ct..ltv -\;fStalr:. (Rt' rlc.nrlreL t,bat Obier:tSt,o,t.r: ilclrrrlcs Emt.) The histolr- r'at'iallle is rtll<1atec1 llv cutlr';rf ,'trrrtirLq t[c c1r'r11t sct of ar:tions to tlLe entl of thc seclrcrtce. arL<l thc ttcu'enviloltttrerLt is givcrt 1lrapplving r:.f;t'r:ctirft,etn"r:t,iortI,o thc olcl euvirontttertt an<1 tlLc'ctrtlettt a<'tious. TlLc Iast lint'statt's tlrat tlre actiolts l,r'1Lich follos' tlLc crrllerLt actiotls at'c lbutt<1 1tr.'apph.'ilg,rtri.s to tltl rrt rv crLviLonnr<:rtt. O b.i e ct. E I r r,u rt,tr : r' r t, r:t. \,c: Itist.ot'r1' - ltist,onl' \'utill'rl'o) - t:.f;fer:t.i,rL,tt:rrt,r:t'irtrr, entti,r'olrtn,r:rtt.t u,i,l,l,rl,r / : r tb.'j r;c:t.o,i:t, rs r:r r,uirct|Lt t ert'uilvrt'rnert,t. tt'il.l,rl'o rc: r tt.' Thc t.lLat.actclizilg Ii'atrrlcs alr. tlLc set of attiorLs u'hitlL tratL lr<'pc'r'Iitltur,'t1 irY t1L,' ,,1 ,.1", f ;rlLr1 the iittlillrtes of tlLe olr jcct. TlLis is not sufficicnt for agcrLcr.-. arL<1 rr'itltout lultlLcr'<lt'tail or' specialization. is iriatiecpate fol a <lefinititlrr of agelrc\-. 3 Agency 3.1 Introduction Thcre' arc lrla11\' clictiorLarv cicfinitions for :rrL a,gellt. A leccrtt paper llr' \\tloldritlge iirrtl ol Jeuriilgs [20] quotes thc defirLition of an agcnt a,s "olle who, or that lvhich' t:xtrLts l)o\vel' u'otrc given as r,vhich is of a,gent seusc sec.oncl thc omitted thcy Horvcver'. proclrrccs a1 r:ffec.t."l who acts for a1other..." This is inportant, for it is uot the acting alone tltat clcfiues agell(Y, brrt the acting for oT' sonlething that is clef.ning. Intleecl, \\boldridge arLcl 'ItrrLrLirrgs a,clinowiedge the difficulties ir a purely a,ction-bascd alalysis of agencv. r'lhe Concise OrJord Dictionnry of Current English (7th edttion), Oxford University I)ress Ttl trllcic'lstarlcl ltcttcl rvltitt actr.ut11r.'colstitrrtes trn agetrt, r:onsiclel th<: exarllrle of a coffc.c cu'. A t'u1i is arL oltjt'<:t. \Vc carr regar<l it as an agr:nt anrl asclibe to it rucntal statc. b1t it selr.<,s no trscfttl 1)l1lposc ttt r1o so rvithout corrsirleling thc r:ilcutnstalrccs. A cup is an agent z/it is contairlirrg a liquitl iinrl it is cloing so to sornc enrl. Lr othcl rvo1cls. if I fili a c1p *'ith cofft,r,. thcrL tlLe cttlt is nlv ag('nt it sc'r'r't's 1lr\-1)111'l)os(.. -\lterrLativelv. thc <:1p s-o*1<i alsr 5<: a' agt'ttt if it rvas itla,cetl upsicle <kxlrr on a, stach of piipels anri usecl as a papel'\\.eight. It rvorrll nrttlta art agctLt if it rvas jrrst sitting on a tablc. $:ithorlt scrr\'l1rg ally pllr'l)ose to a1]\. agent. I1r this casc it rvorrltl lle arL cilt.ject. \ote tlt:rt rver <io rot recprilc arL cltitv to lte i1tqllige't fo. it to lrc au agcnt. TlLus agents a,re jttst ob.jects rvitlt ct:rtain <lispositious. Thev rnav alrvar-s be agents,11r'tlrlr1tltlv l'ct'cLt to llcing objc<'ts in ccltain cir'<:utttstances. This rvill bc exltlorecl fitlthcr 1atsr. Fo1 thc rttorttent rittt rvill corLceutlatc on the rratule of the disposition tha,t charactcrizes au aeelLr. An olt.ject is an agcrtt if it scrves a rrsefirl pl11'poscr cithel to a <lifferr:nt agent. or. to itsclf. irr rvlLi<h < irse. the agr:nt is o.tft,orlc.ntxttt,s. This lattcl r:ase is discussecl ftrrthcr' 1ater.. Specificalh.. art agtrnt is sornt:thiug that'a,dopts'ot'satisfics a goal or sct of goais (often of ancither.). Tllrs i1 I rvartt to store coffcc in a c111). then tlLe cup is rnl agent fol storing cof[t.e. It ]r1s lrcqrr r"ibr:rl or has o,doptetl rrrr-goa1 to have tlLc coff'cc storr:11. An aecnt is thus clefinocl irr r.t,littiorL to its goa1s. \\ie talic a tlatlitiou:r1 r'icrv ol goals as rl,:scrilraltle r:rrvircirrnrcntal states. Definition:- -\ goo.l is a statc of aflails to bt'achic.vcrl in tlLt'crLvilorLrut,rLt. Definition: -\t rtqr:rtt. is art instnrLtiatiorr ol arL objc.< t togethcr u,ith arL associatc'tl go:r1 r.,r'sor o1 3.2 Agent Specification Br'1olr'\1'e call t1cfine lt sr'hcma lirr a,qcncv. rrc tlLat rlcsclilic a state of affairs irr tiLc Grrt,l, - goals to 1tc jrrst a sct ol attlilrrrtt,s F Attt'ilnr,tr: Tltc stlLcutit fol At1, nlrst cl,'fine grot'1r1: ztrt agcrLt is sirnplr- that of an olt.jct't but u'it1L tlLc adriitiori o{ gclals. tLt. Ob;jet:t. goo"ls : P Gctal ooals I \\ Tlrrrs arr irgt:rLt has ot ts ascribr:r/ a set ol goals rvhich it retairLs o\:eL ir,ny irLsta,rLtia,tion (or lifc tirno). Orrc objcct ura,r'give rise to clifferertt irLsta,ntiations o{'agcnts. An agc.rLt is instantiatc<1 Ir'crrrr arr object irr lesporLsc to a,nother a,gcnt. Thus agerrr'.v ts tt'urtsienl, ancl arr ob.jc<'t rvhich ltecorncs iln a,gerLt a.t sotttc tiruc rnav subscqriently rcvelt to being tin objcr:t. Rt'turuiug tcl thc ctlp cxalnple, rve ltar.e an a,gcnt rvith the sarne attributes and acticlrrs as tlre cnp ob.ject, but now it cnn be ascribed the goal my goal of storinq m,y coffee. Not, everyolle will kuorv that it is a,rt tt,gent il this rvay, hos-er.el. If, for cxarnplc. I am il ii cafe alcl tlLcre is a hal{:fuil cup of lemon-tea on r}ry t:r.ble, there are sevcral views tlLat can be tzrlicn. It carL bc rcgarclecl by the rvaitcr as a,n a,gcrLt for me, storing rny tea, or it can be rcgzrrrierl as an ol)jec.t selvilrg iro pl1t'pose if the rvaiter thinks it is not urittt:. The view of tht: <:up as art olt.iect ol agent is relevant tcl rvhctther thc staitcr rvill reurot'e the cup or leave it at fire talllc. Ngtc t[at we al('not sliggeiting that the cup actrtalir-possesscs a goal,.just that thcre is a goal tlriit il i: sirl irfr irLg. CotLsiclcr. also tlLe 1'ol)ot exaluple. arrrl supl)ose non, that the lollot has a, porvel suppil'. If tlLt' lobcit has rLo gon,1. then it cantrot use its actua,tols irt attv seusible lvav llut orrlr'. per'haps. iu a 1arLc1o1r rvay, 11d must lte ccxrsiclcrccl an ob.ject. AltetrrLa,tir-eh'. if the roliot has sclruc goitl or set 9f gcllls. rv[i<:h a]lol'it to eruploy its a,ctu.ators iu sorne dilectetl waY, sucl] as picking trlr 1ctlpl or calrving a table, ol liveting a pancl onto a hull, then it is trrt agent. The goai nctlrl rLot |t: explicitly leplesented. but can irrstearl be implicit in the harcl'"vale 01' software clcsigrr of the roltot. It is mclelv nccessarv for thele to be a goal of somi'kinc1. (\\ie also a11orv goals i1 iigents to bt: r'eplacccl bv higher'1cvel ruotivations. trr.rt iliscuss tlLirt lattll iu thc contoxt clf autonorrrv. ) Thcse exarlplcs highlight thc lange of ltehaviorrr that is availaltle frortt agt-'rLts. Thc t'offec culr is pirssive arrrl hils goals in4roscdupon a.nd o.scribe:rlto it. rvhilc the lobot is t:apa1llc <lf activclr' lralilnrla.ting the cnvironnrent bv perfonning a,cticirts clcsiguecl to satisfv its goa1s. \\i: 16rv i1t1oci1<:r' ltelccption. -{rL agcut irt itrt envilollltt('nt nrav havc a set tlf llelccllts ar-ai1altl<,'. Thesg are tlic possilile atl,rilrutcs that arL agerLt corrlcl pclt'eivc sub.ject tti its cairalriliti<'s atr<} cnrl:nt state. Hou'e'u'et'. due to iinritt:d 1'esol1rces. a1l agent rvill uot nolntallr'bc illrlc to litlccive all thosc tittlibutes possible. arLd bases a<tion ol n subset. u.lLich s't'call t\a rr,r:trLtt,l, at all. Iu tlLt' ( its{' {rl ;r { r11). 1)qt.ce1)ts of atL agerrt. Sorrrc agclrts rvi11 uot ltc iiblc to 1)(11'ccivc 1br cxanirlt:. thc set of possiblc pct'<:e1tts rvi1l lrc c'1r]1)t\'. artcl const:clrtcrrtlt' tlLc st't of actttitl pclcepts riill also 1tc cm1it,v. Thc loltot. horvt'r,et'. rtral har-e scr.-elal sollsoLs uthi<'lr alltls'it trl pelr'r.ive. Tlms it i< 11,t ;r lo,lr1i1nlrr,'rLt of arL agcrLt tliar it is alllc ttl per<cive. For.clirlitr.ol expositic,rl. s'e. rlcfirLe a V'ieut to bc tlLe pelcc'ptiort rtf att Ertrti,rvrnn'r:tt't. ltY arL agcrLt. ;rrLrl n'lLit'h is just a sct of attlilltrtt's. Vi,r:u -: P At.t.r'rlttft.r: It is also ilrpr-it't1rLt t() lrotq tlLat it is orLlr, nrt'urLingful irL otu rrroclcl to t'onsitlc'r'1rt'r'tr'Itttal llrilitils irL tlrr'('()ut('xt 9f g<ia1s (ol rriotivations u'hii'h gir-t' r'ist'to goals). T1Lus. $'}tt'tt t'tltt sirlt'r'irLg o|.jccts u,lLirh lLitvr. tLo golls. per'<t'ptttal alrilities iilt'ttot lclcr-itttt. O1r.j''' tt 1":lr,1Lrl clile.ctlv to theil trrLtl nrrilie no use ol pelcepts e'r'en if tILer-arlc availallle'. \\i'sa! tlrat percclltual <:apaltilities ale irt,eTt. ttt the corLtext of olljec.ts. Irr thc. sclrerna for a,gcnt pcrception. Agr:rttPerr:ejtts. \\'e acicl fitrther detail to tlLe tle{initi.n of agellcy. a1cl so i1cluc1e the schcna Agent. An ageut lLas a set of percciviug actiorrs s'hi<h ale a srrlrsct of t1e capabilitit:s of :irr agent. The firnt'trotr- c(lrLperceitrc, clcterrnirLt:s tlre attlillrtcs that ar.e pote1tia.llv avnila,ble to an agcrrt through its pelceptiou caira,bilities. \\ihtlr aPPlit'tl. its algrrnt:nts a1e th(,(ul'rotrt envilottttrcttt arLcl tlttt agerLt's t:apabilities. The secort<1 pt'ctf i<'atc lirre st:ites that those <'apa.bilities rvill bc plet:ise1v the sct of pelceptua,l capabilities. FirLallr'. tlrt: furL<'tio 1.^ urill7.,;ioc. clesr:r'iltes thosc attliliutes lr'hich are actuallv pt:rceivctl bv an agcrLt and rvill always be a,pplic<l to its goiils. 9 Aqr:ntPr:rcept.s Agerft Tterr:r:i,uirr.q o,ct.iorts : P Ar:tior t rttrtpe,rrr:iue '. Ertuirortrn,erlt, P Action ut'illltr:r'c:eiue : P Goa,L Ermirctrrnterft - p e,r r: e:iu'ir ry o, ct,i rtr rc C cup ab - I r t- Erutirrtrnn,errl Vir:tn nf Y r:nnr : Enrtironnt,etft; o.s : P Actirn o os € dom lut"rryterr:eute errLl) dom utill'perr:r:iue : {rloo,ls} * as = 1tr:r.ceiui,rtga,r:tiorts Dilct:tlr" corlesPonclirLg to thc goal or goals ol an agr:ut. is arL acti61-sgler:tio' llurr.ti.rL. 11, 1it'rlrlerLt ort tlLtl goals. cttLlertt envirotttncnt arL<1 tht: actual irclr:eptio1s. This is s'r,cifit,rl i' Aqett't.Act' belorv, in tlLc sallIC wav as ObiectAcl pleviciuslv. the lclatccl preriicatc c'*srrri',f tlirt tiic fitl1t:tio1] L(ltur1ls a set of actiorLs tvitlLin thc agcrrt's conrpctence. Nott: also tlat ii tlLt,r.t, a1(r llo Pcl'ceptions, then tlLc action se'lection function is tlcperLclelt orrlv ri1 tlLc otryit,rrrrrr.,rrt. as it is lr'itb ob.ier:trt,r:t,iorts in Objer:tAr:t. AgerLtAct. Aqr:rr,t rt.qerft,o,r:t,i,orts : F Gc,al - V'ieu - En,u,itttntlr:tlt - F Ar:t,,irnL VrTs:FGorLl:u'. l'ieut:r:rLt,:Ernti,r'rrt'rrtr:tttci'rtrJr:rrtul:tirtrugsuttnt)Cr:o4ttLbLeol dom \\i'a1srr o.r1 erfio"r:tiort.q clefirLc - {goa,ls)1 tlit'statc itf an aeerLt. This inclrrdcs tu,r.r r.'aliables. I)()ssI)et,,r:r:pl,<. tlcsr.rilrirLg t1tr,rsr'1li'rr:c-pts1lclssi1l1t'irrt]te'<.tll'r'ettttlrL'u.iLclrtrrr<lt1t.it1|(1rl"r:tlt,rl"I7lrllr: art' tltt' ('1r1'1('1It (at'trral) p('r('('1)ts o1 t1Lc agcrLt irL tlLr' < ullcrLt cnvilorLrucrLt. TlLcsc r-it1illrl1s ltt.r't'il1t.lt1atr'rlrlsirig1|1t.' tl|l.'jt:t:t,tl,r:t,,'tltrLthc tht' Aqt:rr'tAr-'l sr'hetnit. Since goals alr'1ixc.c1. r'hanqt's to tlLc,rLlpr:r'r,e:7tts <'f tlLc aqclt afli'r.t rltr' ltrrtt tittrLalitv of thc agi-nt u'ltcrt ccnrrlrared to thc lrase olr jc< t fi'orrL rvhich it is crlati'r1. Aqr:r'r,tStute: AgerftPercepts AqerftAct Ob.jectStote: pcts.<1terc:epts : Ertuirornn,ent ar:t,rr"o.lpercepts '. Vieut u.ctrut lperr:e:pts C possqtercr:1tt,s po-ssperr:e|tts : curLpLrcein,: r',,rtti.r.,,trLrrLt nt. pe:r.c:eiuirtrlrt"ctiorm o"ctttct"lytercepts : uillpercr:iu e q oals pct s sytercepts o bj ect.o" r:tior LS - og (r Ltoct,ions g oa,ls actr r"o,lperr:ep t.s = t )) .+ (posspe,rrx:pts : \ j) a(JeTltactions goo"ls actu"o"lperce:pts enttirr,tnrne,rtt (pe.rr:e,iu'irxloction,s uillrlo : 10 3.3 Agent Operations As rvith ob.jec.ts, rve clcfine l'hich of ther agelrt state valia.blcs retna.irt rrncltangecl aftel a st:t of actions has been pt:rforutc<1 bv that agcrlt. If ant' of tltcstr lat'i;rlties el'el <1i11 charLgc. a diff'clr:nt iigcnt strlterua rvorrlcl hiivc' to llc inst altiatecl. LAgentState Agerr.tSto,te AgentSto,te' crtpuble,r,,f qoo"l.s' - ': cap1bleof gr,,als 7terceitting o"ctiort st r:u,rryterceiry e' : : pr:r'ceiuirtq o'ctiorts crlnpe,rr:e:nte u,illlr,rc,'iue' - wiLLp, o"g ert,t.rLct,inrt,,q' : t t,rJ r'ceh,t ertta,ctioTL-c rLrxv sllccifr- lLrxv arL agent intcracts u.ith its envir'orrtnt'lt. ,{s a lc'strlt of itlt irrtt'r';tt tiolt. t1e c1'u-ilolrrrent charLges arrcl agent state chauges s'ith cr:rtain valial,rles trrtaflc<:t't'<l as tlcfirlcrl n \ArlrtttStrt"te. TlLc histolv arLrl enr-ilonntent ale alfcrecl irL eractlr'thc sarntl \\'tl| ils \\';ls \\t' tles<:r.ilrerl i1 the ecSrivalent Object. schenta. ancl the firLal lbur plcclicatcs of Agr:'n,t.Ert.uItftt:t'tt,r:t 1r'e rc<1rr1r1a1t. ilrt shorv e.xltlicith'hou'tlte sr:httma t-alialtlt:s arc upclatecl' Ag r:n,t.Ert \ u In,t,r;ro"ct. Aqr:rLtSto,t.e: -,ctrtl' \wi,lldrt) wtll,rl,r.' t.'i o t,i,r t't r e r ru i,t r t t n t t' - t:.ff pr,' - r:(ntpe:'il:ei,ur: c,:rt'uirr-tn'rt*:lLt' pr:'rc:e:iuirtrlrtt:t'irttt'c rtr:t.rt,u,l,2xtr:epts' - tuilLpr:rrt:'iur: rlrtttl,s 7.,t-,ssytrt'r:epts' ob.'jrr:t.o,ctiorLSt - (I(l(:tLt,rt,cti,rtrts rltxt'ls rt"t:ttto'lpc:r't:r1tts' tnill,rl,rt' : rtrle.rr,t,a,r:t,iort.s 11cta,l,s o,ct,u,rtlpr:m:r:ptst r:nuirrtrltnr:rt,t' /t,i,st.t,,t"y' r t e: t 4 Autonomy e c: r: o, r : r t, as Motivated AgencY 4.L Introduction S. far u,e ha.,.e clcvelopccl a cle{inition of agencv. Horvevcr. thc definitiol lelies upon thc cxistelc:e of other ilgents rvlLich provide goals tha.t ale adopte<i in ol<lel to ilstatttiatc illl agclrt. I. o1clc1 to grouncl thc chain of goai adoption. tci escapc rvhat could be arL infiilitc also to ltring ont the rLotiorL of rtrtt,ctrtortr,g. tve irttlo<I:uce ttt'ttti'rtrt'tiort'. Gloultlilg the hierarchies of goal acloption clcmands that rvc havt: some agcrLts rvhich can gcrLe'ate their ow1 goals. Tliese agents aye autctnon?o?r-q agellts siucc tlLey ale riot clellcrLdt:ilt rrL tlLe goa,ls of othcrs. Autorromou.s agents 1)osscss goals whiclr at(' (len,('r(ltetl fro:nt $titlLirt ratlrer tlta1. s"4optr:d ftom othel agents. TlLese goals arc gelerated front rn'cttittrt"tiorrs, rvhicir ca1 bc t:o1si{ered to lte higher-level norL-clerivativc goals rvlLich t:harar:terizc tht: lLattrre ot I' ancl 11 tlLt'agcrrt. N{otivations arc. lLolvevcr. qualitati',.clv cliflirlcnt i1l t[2t t|cv at'c not clcsc'ilialt1, statc's of afla,irs iu the cnvitonrtrcrLt. Fcir'cxarnple. r:onsirlcl tlLc rncltir-atirn, rpr:r:rL. Tlis <l'r,s rlot sllt'<ifv a statc'ol affairs to bc a,chievtrtl. nol is it clescribablt'in tclnrs of tht'elLvir.rrLur.rrt. lxlt it (if oth<'r'rrrotivations pcrrnit) givc. rise to the gerreratiorL of a goiil to lrauli. ^ TlLc clistirrr:tiort ltctrvet:rL the rnotivation of greerl arrrl tlLc goal of loltlting a lralli is'.5 t' *,itlL thc folrucl pl'ovi<lirlg tl I'easoll to c1o tiie la,ttcr. arLcl the la,ttcr sitccifvilg rvirat llust l)o (lou(,. tuar.' Definitionl. A rn,ot,i,uotirnL, is any clcsirc or'plcfercrrce that <'an lcacl to thc gerLeration arL<l a<loPtiolL of goals artcl u'hic1t affer<:ts thc: outcolrc ol the lt:asonirrg o1 |elLaviorrral tash iutt'rrtlr,<l to sa.tisfi' thosc goals. (This rh'arvs orL 4.2 Autonornous Agent Specification thc <iefiuitiorL usecl lir- Krurrla [6].) A rn'ot,irtrt"t.c:rl tt'qetfi, is thtts a,l agent tltat prrlsues its ou,rL a,gerLcla fol leasolilg a1t1'r in accor'<lance tvith its irLternal motiva,tion. Since rnoti',.ations grouncl the goal scrL.r.atiorr regl'oss. rve claiul that it is nrotivatiorr tlLat is the clitica,l factol in alrtoltolrrr'. ,\rr otr,ttrn,ortr,otts o,r1e:'nt. rutrst rLc<'cssarilr. bc a rttotiuatetl agelrt. Definition:. Att o'rr'tott'oItlo'tls a,gentts an instantiation of irlr agcrrt togctlLcl rvith 1rL ass6r.i1tr'<1 sct clf nrotir..atiols. \\rc can tlo\\r sPecill- ilrl itlltollorlrous agcut. Filst ute rLcline thc set of all rnotivatiorrs us ir lrlsc l\-i ) (': lMotiuatirnt,) ArL ittttortoll)o11s itg('1lt is <lcfirtccl as,illI agent n'ith urotivatioris arrtl sorrLt'1rott'rLtilrl rrLt'irrrs ol lrttlLit'u-iottt itL tct'nts of tlLt'crLr..i1'orLurcrLt anrl thesi'ntotivirtious. Itr othcr u.or.r1s. tIi' bt'lLaviorrl t.'l t1Lc iig-t'rtt is <lctclrnirLctl bv botlL cxtr.r'rL;r1 arrrl irrtt'r'na1 factols. TlLis is rlrrirlit;r tivt'h.'<lifti'r't'rtt 1t'ottt illt agclIt rvitlL goals lrecausc rnotir-lrtions ir1('nolr t1r'r'ir-atir.-<'arLrl gor.i'rrLcrl cvllrrating lrr-itrtt'r'rtal irLattt'ssilrL'rttlt's. rvhilt'goals ale tlr'r'ivativt'arLrl lclatc rlilcctlv to rrrotir';rtiorrs. A t t,t,rtr r, o r r t o'r L,c A q e-r t t. Aqr:rt r n, r t t,i,t t r t.t'h t r t. s : P M o t:i'u r t"t i o rt, rttot:iltu,t,iltrr,s f \) ilhrstlatiorL of tltesc i<1cas. note th:rt the cup ('ilnnot 1ir. corrsi<lererl arrtorLomous bi't'arrs<'it cartrtot ge11e1'ate its orvn goals. The lobcit. horvcvc.r'. is poterrtiallr' a.utonoutous irL tlLc sr.nst't1Lat it rna.y ltave a rtrcclLanisrn fol internal gonl generation rleperLcling orL its erLvironrrierrt. Srrpposc tlte lolt<-rt lt:ts tttntil'a,tions of at:lLicvernent, lnrngel arL<l self,plt.serlvation. ri'lLulc achicr.r:rrrcnt is <lcfinccl irL tt'lms ol fixing tt'res orLto a ca,L o1r a prorluction 1inc. hu.ngcl is clcfincrl irL tcr.nLs ol maint:rirLing lrorvcr' levels, arrd self-preserva,tion is cleJinerl in tclms of iivoicling svstenr ltrtta.lidorvrrs. hL norntal opera,tiorr, thc robot r,vill gcneratc goa,1s to a,ttach tyles to car.s throtrgh a series o1'subgoals. If its power levcls are low, however. it mav replar:e the goal of attaching t-vrcs v'ith a uervh'generatccl goal of rccha,rging its battelics. A third possil-rilitr- is tlLat irL satisfying its achicveulent urotivation, it works fol too long a,ncl is in tlanger of over,ht:ating. In this casc, thc robot can genel'atc a goal of pausing for an appropliate pcrioil irr or.<lel tcr hL t2 avoid arrv rlama,ge tci its comlronents. Such a loltot is atttonttrnous be<:ause its gclals arc llot inposecl. but ale gettclatecl iu rcsponse to its etlvil'olllllcllt. Altouonrous agents also pelccivc. ltut urotir.'a.tiorrs. as t'cl1 as goals, filter relevant asllct ts of tlre erryilolruent. In thc schema belori'. the functiou. ott"tltrLtil,llxtr:r:iue is theu a 1llol'e torttltk'x vrrrsiorr of arL agent's utillpe:r'r:r:iur:.b:uI thcv ale rc'laterl anci ntrst lte sirtce a1l al1tollorllolls agerLt is still al ageut a,s shot'n irL the sclLcrna. Horver-t'r, that ri'hi<:lt an autollolllous itg('1It is cu"T.utbLe: of per'<:civing at anv timc is indepcrLclent of its nrotivations. Irtclee<l. it ri'ill ahi-at's lie ilclepcndent of goals arLrl rnotiva.tions. antl thelc'is consc<peutly rio crltrir-alt'tLt itr<r'cltst' irt frrrrcr iorralit :' ro (.anl)ci'reirr A t r"tctr nn A ut. o r r, Ag erft P erce:pt,.s r,ctu.s A rt t rt o r t s q e n t, AgerftPercept.s u"ttt.ctutilLpt:r'ceiue: : P u il lp e m do e - tt, o ur il, lp r c e iu o" t a"r r: r t"t, Motirto}ioll il ow r : e iu r: r' r lLt s'[t " - \ r n ct t r : P Gcto"l r tt ct t,iu rt'ti t.t rt o.t.i ct n's ct r t - Enuirorr,nt ert,t - Vieut s j The lext scirt:rna clcfirLcs thc at'tion-sclectiott firnctiotL aucl irLt'luclt-'s tltt'lltevitttrs s<lLt'ttla tlcfi' rLitiorrs l,ot' Agr:rttAcl anrl,sAqr:tfi,. TlLc actiorL selectic-rrr iulctitlrL lol arL ilutollollLtills agent is 1-rloclucerl at c\-et'\'instarLce ltr- the motivatious of tlic age'rtt. art<l is alt'at-s ;llt<1 orih' ervcl applictl to thc rnotivatiorls of thc atlttlrtotnolrs agellt. T AA l t ft. o r t o r r,t r tr t rn ct ctnt,o u,s t t,s A q erft, A r :t. A rl r:n,t. Arlr:rr,t,Act, rrri.oo,cti ort s : P M rtt.iprt,t,i.rtrt. - L : dom u,tfioo,r:t:i,orLs o" q r: r ft, o, r:t,it t r t,s - P GoaI \ rttot:nro,t.u trts (t,'t r,t, o r t, r: t.'i r,t r r" s rtt j o t r - [1('11t Ert,ui,nnr,rrrcn,t. - P A('t.i,ot] t't,il t r t s arL ir11to1t()lrro11s irsolrt \ert. ri'e rlcfirLp the statc of - irL;,tt t.rLr-iLotLrucrLt. arLtl irLthlti0 tht' Arlr:rtSt,o,t,e:. Arttr,,sAqert,t.Pet'ccpls arLcl Atrltnutrrt,tttr,sAge:rttAr:t. schcruits. Au"t, ct n o t n o u,s A g A rft o rt, o r rt o t A tr,t, ort c; t" s A e:r t t S t o"t q e,n,t. nz o rt s A q e P r: e r'ce, p t s rtt A r:t, AgetttSto,te utillrlo 4.3 : urftoo.ctirln"s rrtcttiuttt,ir;ns gouls octrto'lpe:r'cept,s r:nrt'irortrrt'r:rfi, Autonornous Agent Operations As rvith objects and:r,gents. rvc rlefine rvhich of the vali:rbles that charactcrize thc atltottorttotts irgent state rem:rirr unchangeci afte'r'a sct of actiorLs has lteen ptrlforrtietl bv tlLat agclt. 12 I r, \ Autorutr A rr,t. Arft q e: ctrt rn t t,or n A q u r r. orno rr: e r: iu in r - ' r:u"1xtblr:of p A q erft S trt te t r"s uA o ('tLltl)(l\'(:i t'(' = u.r tt t,tool:t,ior o ut'il lp r: r t r.c Lt S tat/ cepz,bleof g t t" r : t.i r t r t tt,t rt t. S t u"t r : s' -'yx: ('tLn \a i1, c,' l = u"r t' t r : iu irt q u, cti rn t s lLT ( it'( ( = o.r tt, o tt iL lp e: r r t : iu e r,tt x t,t:ticttls Norv tvc specilv tlLe operatiorL of arL arrtonornorrs agclrt per'lirlming its next sct of actigrrs irr its ctrlleut etLvilonmettt. Notice that t,hilc no explicit rncntion is nrarle ol anv chanse irr lllotivatiolls, thev rrtav cltaugc irL le'sponsc to charrges irr the environncnt. If thuv ckr chalgt'. tlLcrr tltc ageut functtcttts'u,illpr:r'ceiur; tr:n<l o,ge-rtt,l,r:t.'irtn.* rvill also charLge. Fulthcr. nrotir-atiorLs 1IIa.\'gellcl'att'rLc'rv attcl diffet'c'ttt goals fol tlLe agent to purs11e. hL any of <.ascs. t|c charactelizirLg fc'atules of an agerlt ar'c iu flux so tirat an alltotlolrrolrs agcnt <'an itc legalriqrl as a corttilLuallv t'c irrstantiatctl rtorL-attttxlornoLls agcrrt. hL this se1lsc. autollolrrotls il?(,trrs a1C Pel'1IIil1I('1If aS t)1,1,,rs,',1 Io 11;rlLsir'1Lf 1r(J1l illltol}olriollS agclLtS (rvhich tnA\'l.c\.('1't t0 ltciilg ob jccts ). A r t,t. o rt ct rr r, o r A q rt i. E r tu I r i, t,s r :r r t, c t. \Ert,u \ A r r,t. o r r, o r r t rn ltist,rtrtlt - r,," A rl r: r tt. S t r t"t. r : hist.ot'r1 - r:ttu'i,r'rttrnt,r:tLt' ui,l,l,1tr:rcr:'|ur:t - - (rLtilld,ct) r:.l.ftt:ti,tt,t,uut:t,irttt, r:tnt'i'r'ort,ttt,t:tt.t LL,'iLLrlrt rLtrtrtuti,l,l,perr:t:iut: rn,ot.,i,uo,t.iort,sl o,r1r:rt,trt,cti.rtrr,st - ptt,<,s1tt:t't:t:pt..s' -- u,'tLtoe,r:t,'i,orLs trr,ot.i,'ttrt,t.'iort.q' ry11',, t.'t t.uit u/t.trr,r,tt.t' pt:r't'r.ittinqtt,r:t:ktrl.q u,r:t,rr,rLl,1tr:rr:r:pt.*' -'ut'ilhr:r'r:r:i,ur:'r1rxt"Ls'po,"."pr:rr:r:pt..s/ ob.jer:trt,r:tittrL,</= urlr:rft,rt,r:t,ir,nt,stqrtrt,/,s/o,,u,Lpr:r'r:t:7tts/ willrlri - 5 D u"rttttu"r:tirtrrs rn,ot.'i.put.,iir,.c/ rlou,ls' o"t:t.rtrLltr:r,t:t:pt,s/ crruirotr.rt ;.:rtt,' iscussion TlLclc cxists a sruall lrorh'of rr'or'li tlLat prol'icles a sinilal r.icrv tcl that plcscntcrl lLelc. Fol that r:h,u,ract.eri,zc autonourolls s'r-stctns to sutlt<,r ''t1t:grcc". relatirLg to such factols as tvpe ancl nurnlrcr ol qoa1s. coruplcxitr.. irttclat'tiort, r'obttstrLcss. nttcl so on. Oril urork. in t'ontrast. takcs an a,bsolutc stancl o1r irutolr trrrtv irt tlLat it citlrtlr'exists ol clocs rrot. X,Iolcor-t'r'" :ve de.firte: rvhat is lrcccssiu\- lirl a sr.stcru to ltc autonornotrs in vet'r'prct'ist: tr:trns. and wc rlistinguislL cleallv betrveerL ob.jectrLcss. agorr(\. itrL<1 a,tttcirLorttr-. OrLtr palticula,r' corlSeqllcnce of thc cliffelerLcc in viervs is that rvc allol a rocli, fol exanple, to bc r:onsiclcrr:rl an a,gent i/it is bcing used for sornc l)llrpose. such a,s a harurncL fol tett-pegs. Covt'igat'u arLcl Linclsay cleuy tlrt'ro<:k thc'qua,lity of autorrornr'Iecausc'it is not goal-c1it'ecto(l. brrt ignclrer thc possibility of agenc\-. skipping ovcr arl inrportant palt of our exa,rrt1rlc, Covligat'n anrl Lintlsav [2] clcs< r'ibe a set o1 1x'opelties fra,mework. 14 TlLe notion of ntotil,trtion is not nerv, an<l has been usecl t:lsetvht:rt:. Sirtlon. for cxaruple. ta'kcs urotiva,tion to be "that rithich controls attentiol at anv given time," And c'xlllortrs tht-' rcliition of ntotiva,tiori to infblmaticirL-plocessirrg bclLaviotrr. btrt fi'orn a, tlogrLitivt: pe|s1lt'ttilr' [1-l] Morc recerLtlv. Slornan [16. 15] has elabolatecl orL Sirrron's tt'otk, shorvirtg ltorv motivations aLe 1t'|eva1t to crruotions antl tlLe cler-clopnrcnt of a (:{jtt}putational thtrolv of ruiu<1. OtlLtlls . 1secl ltotir.'atio1 a1r1 r'<l rrotiorLs in developing comltutationai alchitectules for atr to1ol1o11s lqelrrs s1clL as tlte rnctt,iur:sof Ncl'rnarL a,u<l Long [9] . and lltc,u:rtrsof X{offat and Fliicla . \\.hat is rLes, about tlLt: ctrllent t'olk is the role of rrrotivation irr tlefinirLg autortorrtt'. layc [8] 6 Conclusions tlLe pt'r:r'io1s sectirtns. nt: havc constntctcd a foltna,l specification rvlti<'h icle'rLtific's arLd cha12<tterizcs those eltitic.s that alt: callcti agerrts artci atrtonoulous a,gorts. TlLe rvolii is rLot blsecl ot1 alry existilg classilications or notions lieca,ttse thcle is llo cons('llsns. Reccrtt 1)a1)crs 4t:fi1e agents irr rvil<ll_v cliffrrrent rvavs if at all. and this nralies it extlt:rnely <lifHcrrlt to llc cxlllicit altstrt t[cil 1atu1e arLrl flrLt'tionalitv. The taxonorllv gi\-e11 ht're selves scvr:r'al 1)111'Pos(]s: Iu plccise tlcfinitiorts fcll ollj<'r'rs. agents arLcl alrtorttlttlcrtls as.lLts tlL;rt a1191' a lrctter ulrlet'stanrling ol t1te'furtctiorLalitv of diffelent svstcrlrs. r Ir 11'oyicles r:lt,a1 arLc1 o It explicates thost'lactols thirt alr'rlcccssar\'lbt'agencv ancl atrtonorllr'. is srifficir:rLtlv altstlact to covol't1Lo garrtut of agcrtts. harthvale anrl softri-iirt'. irrtollig<'rLt ancl unilteiligeut. etc. It It allcx1s 11r'thcr.|,r'cls of specificatiorL to lrc' atlrlt'd to tle'sclibc'llalticrtlaI ascrLt tlcsiurLs an<1 architt'ct111'('s. thrct' <'s ol erLtitrr, olt.'it,r:t,s. tt,r1t:rtl,s rttttl rtttt,r.trL(nrt,tt,Lr,s rLrlr ttt.s. Thc tlistinctions bc'trr'ec'tI tlIelII ar(' :i1II1)1c lrtrt stl,tLg l,tL'1 ' 1":tt ' TlLc f1alrervor'li plovicle's arL irupoltaut lrasis lirl lr'Ii:r'r'rrce. \\tc'carL clas"ifv lrotlL lLtltu;,tt ir tL'l altificial agelrts c<|ra11r' $'eii. ClonsirlcI tlLc lr'latiorLslLiP of ;r llrogIalIllll('1't() a 1)1'oglrlrtt. PIt' g'arrrs a1c a1s-ar-s tlcsiglcrl to satislr'goals. lmt tht'se'goals ale liilelv cxPlir:it ol'itlrli'1tl lri' i1clepe1clcntl1. of the prograrnrrrel. The ploglarns lack goal-gcrLeliiting motir''ittiorLs. 'ro<lifiecl liut ca1 bc ascliltecl gcials. In this lcspe<'t. tht'1,'arc agerlts. Proglarnrlrtlrs tvpicallv tlcvelolr progr-ans at.colclirLg to sevela,l rnotivations whiclL clctelmirLe horv the pt'ogl'aln is r:onstluctcrl. Tir'e iirLcl cffg1t lnst 6c |alznLcerl against cost. casc of usc. sinrplicity. functiorLalitv arLtl otlLcr' facto's. proglarrplels colsiclcl thcse factols il dcte.r'rninirLg thc ilesign of plogratrrs art<1 irt tltt' goal or.goals of pr.ogr'?r1lls. Progla,ururels can <:lLangc thc of p-,.'ogra,rus lrv utodilr'iug ccidc if <lesilccl. arLcl carL rnorlii'v tlLeir orvn goals to strit cilt'rrnrstitnt:es. hL this I'cs1)c('t. 1)l'ogf illlllII('1 s Irr srrrrrrrrlr.J-" \\-(\ ha'u-c <lefirLt't1 arrrl slrccifi<'<l al'c a11to1Io11I011s ?igcrnts. Tire clifferelct' beti,r,,ce1 thesr: kinrls of pt'ogral]ts :rs agents antl urri:h Lcceut use rlf tlttl telrnr is that t[e relatiolship ltettveen thc user (or p1'og1'autlller') and the pt'ogranl has llecorntr explicit. Softrva,rc agonts assist usels. Thev adopt tlic goals of thc users in tire tasks that they pe1fo11r.. \\rlLethel ol rLot they arc. ?rutollonous cit'pert<ls otr thc abilitv of thc ageilts tt't flrrctiol inclepcncleltiy of those users, ald to modifv their goals iu relatiol t<l cilc.trursta'nces' Tlis paper ha,s rna,ilt: explicit the relationships tha,t havc previously been iurplicit actoss the 15 lloalcl in the vrist t'ange of rvorli on agencv ancl autorrourv. orr rvhich to build. an<1 provicies a stlotlg for''ral Sasc Ottt'as1rt'ct rlot it<ltilessecl httle. horvever. is exar:tlv ltotn goals alc gelclatecl fi'orrr lrotir.-atiorLs. TlLis is a clifficrrlt issrtc'. but tvclr'li is ptciglessirLg orL c1c'r.'e.lopirLg goal-gclelatiorL r1.c1.uisrrrs" irr<'lrrclirlg tlffot'ts rlesclibc<1 in tht: r'elatc<1 rvor'li scctiorr abor-e. 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