35. Assimilation of High Resolution MODIS Snow Cover Data into the LIS Noah and SAC-HT/SNOW17 Models over the Continental United States (CONUS) Author: Jiarui DONG (NOAA/NCEP/EMC & IMSG), Mike EK (NOAA/NCEP/EMC) Affiliation: NOAA/NCEP/EMC In the western United States, over half of the water supply is derived from mountain snowmelt. In many mid latitude and high altitude regions, the snow delays runoff and provides water in the spring and summer when it is needed most. Therefore, accurate knowledge of snowpack properties is important for short-term weather forecasts, climate change prediction, and hydrologic forecasting. As both the model predictions and passive microwave snow water equivalent (SWE) observations contain large errors due to land surface complexities and temporally frequent snowmelt processes in the western United States, the 500-m daily MODIS snow cover area (SCA) product has been used in this study as an important constraint on snowpack processes in land surface and hydrological models. The uncertainty in the MODIS SCA product has been assessed over some selected regions, and quality control will be applied to the MODIS SCA product before it is assimilated into the SNOW17 model. In this study, we assimilate the MODIS derived snow cover fraction (SCF) into the LIS Noah land surface and SAC-HT/SNOW17 hydrological models operating on the HRAP (Hydrologic Rainfall Analysis Project) grid at 4.7625-km resolution over the test regions and potential over the entire CONUS. To avoid cloud contamination, we update the snow cover fraction at pixels which feature less than 50% cloud coverage. Because the change in snow cover fraction makes no change to the amount of SWE in the SNOW17 module, we have developed a new scheme to account for the effect of a change in snow cover fraction to total SWE. We select the traditional bisection method to study this inverse problem, and perform a series of tests to assess the assimilation algorithm performance. Multi-year model simulations with and without MODIS SCF assimilation are presented, and evaluated with in-situ SWE observations and stream flow records.