From: AAAI Technical Report FS-94-05. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Faculty The Artificial of Computer Science Intelligence Course at the in the Polytechnic University Asunci6n G6mez Knowledge SymmsLabontmy StanfordUniversity 701 WelchRoad, Building C Palo Alto, CA,94304, USA Tel: (415) 723-1867 Fax: (415) 725-5850 Em~:gome~@hpp.mnford‘edu Abstract piper preNnuthe experience of teaching an Artificial Intelligencecounteat the Facultyof Computer Science in the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain.3]re objectiveof this couneis to introducethe to this field, to l~parethemto conUibute to the evohnion of the technology,andto qualifythemto solve problemsin the real worldusing Artificial Intelligence technology. The curriculum of the Artificial Intelligencecourse,whichis integratedinto the Artificial Intelligence Department’sprogram, allowsmto educatethe studentsin this seine mi~the monoBrapluc teacMngmethod. 1. Introduction Thetransfer of knowledgeand technologybetween universities and compmfies has becomea key factor in the progress of the most developedcountries. Rightnow,in the Patificial Intelligence(ADfield in Spain, A/technologyis in a process of transition fromthe universities andresearchlabcratori~to the marketplace. In this transition, universitiesandthe knowledgetaught in them, play a very important role. Sometimes, the quality of business appfications is the direct outcomeof our teaching inaice,. "Fnis paper mmmarizes in section Twothe state of AI in Spain. Section Three describes the basic concepts that the program covers, and the interactions of the AI courses with the whole curricula of the Faculty of ComputerScience. Section Four shows howthe instruction of the Artificial Intelligence course at the Faculty of ComputerScience at the PolytechnicUniversity of Mmhidis perfom~using the monographicteaching method.Section Five includes an evaluationof the success of the monographk method.FinAlly, section Six analyses its advantagesand howthis method improvesthe students’ capabilities to use AI to solve problemsin the real world. of Madrid Natalia Juristo Facultad de Infonn~ca UniversidadPoli~m/cade ~mpus de Montegancedo m 28660Boadilla clel Monte Madrid,Spain Tel: (34-1) 336-6922 Fax: (34-1) 336-7412 Email: 2. TheState of Artificial Intelligence in Spain Thefirst step in solving a problemis to makeclear its existence.In this sense, if wewuntto transfer AI technology from universities and research laboratories to the marketplace, it is necessaryto analyse its evolution over the time. Thatmeans:to learn fromthe past to knowthe previoussuccesses anderrors, to identify the strengths and weaknesses that AI has r/ght now, and to project where AI should go and why. This approachwill give us a realistic perspective about howhealthy AI is nowin Spain. If we know our weaknessesin the universities, in the research laboratories, in the companies, and the commumcationproblems amongthem, and if we comparethe Spanishsi,,~on with the international circumstances, then we can gather enough information to carry out a multidisciplinary approachto treat these weaknesses.In this way,the university, as the engine of the transfer of knowledge andthe pioneerof newresearchlines, c4m play the mainrole in fltis set of private andpublic interactions among iustimtious. The following summarizesthe most important points in a recent study (Juristo, Mat~,& Pazos 1994) about the past, present and future of knowledgeengineering in Spain (the survey also presentsa descriptionof the past, lnesent andfuture ofA~in general). Themosti mport~terrors in the past werethat: 80%of the productsdevelopedwere prototypes, 63%of the failures were due to a bad task selections, and the remainder was due to a wrongexpert evaluationand/or the use of ad hoc methodologiesfor knowledgeacquisition and expert systemsdevelopment. b) At this moment, the Faculty of Computer Science carries out two complementary approachesto transfer AI technologyfromthe laboratories to the marketplace. Thefirst one focusesour efforts in the selection of the task and the developmentof a sound methodology with an associated life cycle. Thesecondone, knownas CETFICO(Center of Technology Transfer in Knowledge Engineering),wasset up with the aims of: technological exploration; identification andclassification; research and education;technologytransfer and transition, involving technologymaturation; technology disseminationandtechnologyinsertion. In the samesurvey, Stink showsthe relationships betweenthe numberof undergraduatesin Computer Science programsin different schools (from 12 to 2,700) and different AI-related courses (from I 800). In the 1993/1994academicyear in the School of Computer Scienceat the PolytechnicUniversitity of Madrid, there were 2,500 students in the undergraduate program, 400 of them took the Artificial Intelligence course, and 300 the Knowledge Engineeringand Expert Systemscourse. The Artificial Intelligence course coventhree hours per week over nine months. The two objectives of this courseare: to guaranteea solid instruction in the foundationsof AI, and to apply the conceptslearned to solve problemsin the real world. Its prerequisites are: Mathematics,Logic, Prognmmfing, and Statistics. Thecurriculumof the Artificial Intelligence course is divided in the followingDidacticUnits: c) Thefuture can not be predicted,but weexpecta fall integration betweenSoftwareEngineering and KnowledgeEngineering products in the marketplace in SpAin_ 3. Artificial Intelligence Courses The Faculty of ComputerScience’s curricula is comd~tentandcoherentwith the computingcurricula proposed by ACMand IEEE in 1991 (ACMHEEECS 1991). The whole curricula cover not only undergraduatebut m advancedand deepcurricula in diffment computerscience areas for graduates in computerscience and other disciplines. In its undergraduate curricula, the Artificial Intelligence courseis the first AI coursethat an undergraduate student c4mtake in this area in the fourth (of six years) of the ComputerScience undergraduate curricula. Tiffs courseis oneof the 14 coursesthat the Artificial Intelligence Departmentof the ComputerScience Faculty often to undergraduate students. In a teaching AI survey, D. Strok (Strok 1992) says: "On average, each School offers two undergr~,-~and tluee graduateAI-relatedcourses", and "while most Schools don’t require an undergr~_ _,_,,,,. AI course,as manyas tlnee qumten of computerscience majorstake it as an elective". In comparison, the Faculty of ComputerScience’s curriculaoften: Unit L Unit IL Unit HI. Unit IV. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Lisp Formulation and Modelization of problemsin AI Search: blind search, heuristic sea~h and advenmy se~ Knowledge Planning Unit V. Unit VI. Unit VH. Unit VHI. Natural Language and Automatic Translation The relationships with other undergraduateAI coune~ age: a) After this course, the student must take the mandatory course named Knowledge Engineeringand Expert Systems. It deals with methodologies to build expert systems and uncemiutymsnageme~ a) Twomandatory courses called Artificial b) 1~e students maychoosesomeof the following Intelligence and KnowledgeEngineering and Expert Systems, five optional courses, and mmy m to undergrKlu~ ~ndents. optional coursesin their fifth and sixth year. For the fifth year:. Computational Perception, Models and Simulation and Computational Theory. For the sixth year: Complexity of Algorithmsand AlgorithmicLogic. b) For graduate students, the graduate curricula offer a MSccourse in Knowledge Engineering (G6mez-P6rez &Juristo 1993) and 14 courses for Fa.D. m~dents.Thesecourses provide adeep and advanced analysis in AI areas like: KnowledgeEngineering, Methodologies for KBS,Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Robotics, KnowledgeSharing, Fuzzy Logic, Logic Programming, Neural Netwodr.s,and Lemnino. 4. The Monographic Method Althoughthere is muchliterature about different teachingmethodsfor different goals, environments, and subjects, the ideal teaching methodis not yet known.In the courseof ArtCicialIntelligencein the 82 Faculty of ComputerScience at the Polytechnic University of Madrid,westarted four years ago an optional method called the MonographicMethod (Pazos 1988). The Monographic Method (MM) divides the Artificial Intelligence course into modulescalled DidacticUniu. This teaching method is consistent with Bloom’s Taxonomy(Bloom 1956) about educational goals. This methodis an active learning methodfor students becausethey play the mainrole in it, workinghard to apply AI concepts in problemswhich resemble real world applications. The methodis performedalong the followingsteps: . home.This task implies the decompositionof the probleminto subpmblems,modularization of tasks, howthe theory that they havestudied at homecan be applied to solve the practical monographicwork, and so on. . Generaloverviewof the didactic unit, its place in the Artificial Intelligencefield, andthe kind of problems that can be solved with the techniques coveredby the unit. Thelecturer providesto the studentsthe basic andnecessary knowledgeof the didactic unit in a clear, cohepmt, open to discussion, and extendible MasterLesson. The masterlesson explains the basic techniques in each didactic unit, the conceptual differences between them, and provides references to extend the knowledge acq~ in class, l~e students will apply the conceptslearned in class and by themselvesin the resolution of problemswhichresemblereal world problems. Each master lesson should coverthe followingfive subjects: 4.1 Focus the attention of students on the relevantpoints. 4.2 Connect the monographicwork with the knowledgestudied in class and at homeby themselves. 4.3 Solve some theoretical questions. . I.I Goals. 1.2 Presentationand expositionof the contents in an ordered way, mixingtheoretical and and conclusions of the addressed 1.3 Summary aspects. . and practical Whenthe monographic work is done, the groups summarizethe worksperformedin the previous steps by the lecturer, the works accomplished in groups, in class, and at home. This step is carried out followingthe following script: 5.1 The lecturer reviews in a few minutesthe activities to be solved in the monographic work, whythey wereproposed,the goals to be reachedand whichof themare going to be analyzedanddiscussedin class. practice knowledge. . Wheneach group has discussed and analysed the problem, the discussion and analyses involve the entire group. During this step, some groups explain during the class their partial conclusionsandthe lecturer presents a partial summaryof the useful results. Interactions betweengroupsare useful to show and comparedifferent approachesto solve the sameproblem.Theobjectivesof this step are: 1.4 Refenmces to be censulted. 5.2 Each group, itself, will agree howto explain the activities proposed by the lecturer. 1.5 Thelecturer proposes a Monographic work relatedwiththe subjectof the didacticnnlt~ A monographicworkcovers practical, and sometimestheoretical, aspects that allow the student to learn in deepthe techniques covered by the didactic unit using the refelenc~ ~ 5.3 The lecturer selects randomlysomegroups and, for each group, a spokesperson is randomlychosen. The spokespsrson will explain howhis/her group has perfonned eachoneof the activities. 5.4 Thelecturer mmnnarizes the advantagesand limitationsof the different approaches. student, in an individual and active way, learns by himtelf or herself when(s)he starts the monographicwork using the reconnnended refermces.Thesereferences include classic and recognized papers and books, and sometimes newlines of research in the area coveredby the didacticumit. StepsTwoto Five are repeatedfor each didactic un~in the Artificial Intelligencecourse. . Afterthis study, studentsgatherin smallgroups of tinge or four in order to analyzeanddiscuss the questionsindividuallystudiedand solvedat 83 Whenallthedidactic units hasbeentaught, each student performsan individually written examabout the wholetheoretical course. If the results are favorable the methodends and the student passes successfully the Artificial Intelligencecourse. S. Evaluation of the Monographic Teaching Method The monographicmethod(MM)has been applied both the Artificial Intelligent (AI) courseand the Knowledge Engineering and Expert System (KE&ES)course. In the AI course, during 1993 there wereabout 400 students, while in the KE&ES coursethere were300. For the evaluation (Juristo 1993) of the method weused two similar experiments. Onefor the AI course, and the other for the KE&ES course. We perfonued theexperiments withtwodifferentcourses to msme that: a) Theresults of the experimentfor the AI course weregenerated becauseof the method,and not because of any special attribute of the AI subject. werethe samefor b) Theresults of the experimmt both courses,andthereforeccmect. T’dl herewehavedescribed the premisesof our experiment.To carry out an exper/ment,besides the inemisesweneed: first to establish the hypothesis wewantto verify; then, the empirical checkingor contrastof the hypothesis.In our case: a) Weapplied the statistic inference (Freeman, 1970)to carry out the experiment. consists in dividing the students b) Theexlmitmm of the AI coursein four groupsof 100students each. In two of them weteach following the monographic method. In the two others we teach through the old traditional teaching method.For the KE&~ coun~we created three groupsof 100 students each. In only one group we followed the monographicmethod.In the two others weapplied the old method. c) Thenull hypothesis(H0)stands that the results of the experiment will be the same for the groups applying the monographicmethodtlum for the othen. 4 Tuealternative hypothesis(HI), whichis the onewewentto verify, says that the results will showa difference betweenthe groupsusing the MM and the others. e) Tobe exigents,weaskedfor a significancelevel of 0.01 (it is usually enoughwith 0.05 ~ts significancelevel for experiments).NOTE: It is not possible to stablish an exact limit to the questionwhenthe probabilityof a result is low enoughto reject the null hypothesis. However, traditionally, a result is considered rare or uncommon whenit rams out five of 100 times. That is, whenthe result has a probability of 0.05. WhenH0 is rejected because it has a probab’dityof 0.05 or more,it is said that the result is significative at the level 0.05, and, therefore,0.05is the significancelevel. To analyze the results of the experiment, we perform two tests on the marks obtained by the studentsin the different groups.Theresults of the tests were: Bythe parametrictest, the marksobtained by the students in the MM groups(2 for AI, 1 for KE&ES) were 2.5 points/10 points higher than in the other groups. Thedifference amongthe marks in the MM groups was 0.3points/10points. b) Usingthe non-parametrictest of X2 the results were even better. For the X2 test with three degreesof freedomand0.01 sienificance level, the critical point is 11.3. Thevalueobtainedin our case for the X2 test applied betweenany MM group and auy traditional group was more than twicethe critical point. Thevalueobtained for the X2 test betweenthe monographic groups or betweenthe traditional groupswasalwaysno significative. Therefore,there exist significant differences betweenthe results obtainedusing the MM and those got using the traditional method. c) The line (curve, function) representing the marksobtained by all the students, using the traditional methodwasslanting (bias) towards the fails, while using the MM was slanting over the highest marks. The meaningof these results is that the MMis more efficient regardingthe successof the students, than the traditional evaluation through exams,in more than 600%.That is, the evaluations of the MM are passed six times morestudents than the examsof the traditional method. Fmally,wewouldlike to point out that according to our information, most of the american universities use teaching-learningmethodshalf-way the MM and the traditional spanish methods,being closer to the MM.Whilein Europe,the methodsare also half-waybut uemerthe traditional. Monograpldc future, make easier their adaptation to the continuouschangesof this area. Me~od Marks:O to 5 5to7 7to9 9to10 10 42 31 17 Remand Frecue~y 1~ AI Group 10 2n~ AI Group 12 1st KE&ESGroep 9 43 44 40 30 29 32 17 15 19 Expecud Frecuency . Students apply A/technology to solve specific and constrained problems in the real world. Consequently, they have the ability to detect what kind of problems can be solved using AI technology. They are also more qualified than before to work as a team in companies that require AI by itself or AI applied to Software Engineering products. Acknowledgments Tradlflolai Method Marks:Oto 5 Fzpected Frecmm~ Remarked grecu4mcy 3th #th. 2nd. 3th. 45 AI Group 43 AI Ghroep 46 KE&KS Greep 50 KE&ES Group 41 5to7 7to9 9 to lO 33 16 6 Thanks to the "Minigterio de Educacion y Ciencia" in Spain for the grant to be at the Knowledge SystemsLaboratory in Stanford University. References 35 33 36 32 17 15 11 19 5 6 3 8 ACM/IEEE-CS. 1991. Report of the ACM/IEE~ CS Joint Curriculum Task Force. Computing Curricula 1991. Bloom, B. 1956. Taxonomia of Educational Objectives: Handbook: Cognitive Domain. D. Mckay. NewYork. 6. Conclusions Freeman, H. 1970. Introduccion a la Inferencia Estadistica . Trillas. Mejico. "llte experienceacquuedin the last four years allows us to conclude that although some points can be improved, the results achieved by the students who optienally chose the Artificial Intelligence course using the monographic method is more than satisfacto W."Ihe most important characteristic that the monographic method provides is that it combinestwo opposite teaching slrale~es. G6mez-l~rez. A., and Juristo, N. 1993. Integrated Curricula for a MScin KnowledgeEngineering and for a MScin Software Engineering. In Proceedings of the International Computing Congress. Hyderabab.India. 309-319. The first strategy starts when the lecturer describes techniques and how these techniques can be applied to solve several kinds of problems. Juristo, N. 1993. Evaluaci6n del Metodo Monogr~ico. Informe Intemo. Facultad de lnform(ttica. Universidad Polit~cnica de Madrid. The second strategy starts when the lecturer proposes to the students a practical, and a few times theoretical, monographicwork. At this time, rite student has to look for newtechniques that attempt to solve the problemposed. Juristo, N.; Mat6, J.L.; and Pazos, 1. 1994. Knowledge Engineering in Spain: Research, Development and Demostrtion (R&D2) through time. In J. Liebowitz. WorldwideExpert Systems: Activities andTrends. PergmnenPress. I~ advantages of the combination of thesetwo slrategiesare: Pazos, J. 1988. Proyecto Docente para Concursara Catedrdtico de Universidad. Fa~ltsd de lnf~a de la Universidad Po~ca de Madrid. Madrid. , o . 2. Mad~Spa~ Spain. Each student is motivated during the whole learning process. In the monographicmethod, students play the mainrole. Strok, D. 1992. TeachingArtificial Intelligence: An Expert Survey. IEEE Expert. April 59-61. The students are qualified to follow the evolution of the technology further into the 85