From: AAAI Technical Report SS-00-03. Compilation copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. An Agent-based Knowledge Management Framework Martin S. Lacher and Michael Koch Technische Universit~t Mtinchen Arcisstr. 21 80290 Mtinchen Germany {lacher,kochm} Abstract Wepropose a theoretical reference frameworkfor a Knowledge Management (KM)Information Technology (IT) systemin organizations.Wetake a holistic perspective on KMand derive the required features for the frameworkfrom KM-relatedresearch in psychology, business management and computerscience. We proposeclassifications of organizationalknowledge and knowledge entities (sets of people)either withinan organization or associated with it. Theframework comprises the derivedfeatures for the derivedknowledge classes and knowledge entities. Wemotivatewhyagent technology is suitable for implementation of the framework.Wegive an overviewof existing KM IT solutions and mapthemto our framework. Introduction The need for effective KnowledgeManagement(KM) in organizations has been largely recognized. Tools and strategies from research have been put to work in organizations. However, manyof the KnowledgeManagementefforts were futile. Thereare two mainreasons for this: firstly, information management software that does not consider psychological and organizational aspects of KMhas been used. Secondly, existing information managementsoftware components are proprietary and not integrabl¢ with existing software, creating new barriers for the information flow. The goal of a KMeffort is the facilitation of the knowledgeflow (Borghoff & Pareschi 1998) amongpeople. The knowledge flow describes the distribution, recombinationand creation of new knowledge. Weconsider knowledgeas information put into an individual context of existing knowledge of a person. Thus psychological aspects of knowledgecreation have to be considered. People in an organization can be grouped into knowledgeentities (sets of people) amongwhichcertain restrictions for the knowledgeflow apply. Wesee that organizational aspects are also importantfor a KMeffort. These aspects are taken into account whenwe derive key features of a KMIT system in the section Core KnowledgeManagement support functionalities. Wewill propose an IT system architecture providingthose key features in the section Information ManagementArchitecture. A number of existing Copyright(~1 2000,American Associationfor Artificial Intelligence(www ~_aLorg).All rights reserved. implementations for someof the proposed features as well as areas for future research will be presented in the section in the section Related Work. Core Knowledge Management support functionalities A KMIT system has to support storage and retrieval of information. However,we concentrate on the retrieval for two reasons: firstly, retrieval processesare performedmoreoften and are thus the economicallydriving force for a KM effort. Secondly,It can only marginally contribute to storage support, the bigger part has to be achieved by organizational incentive systems. Wewill fist explore psychological issues of KM.Oneis not always awareof all relevant information sources. Moreover, humaninformation behavior makes the actual level of information that the user has available to create knowledge a small subset of the information neededfor a certain task (Heinen &Dietel 1991). A KMIT system should autonomouslypresent the user with assumedrelevant information. The system thus has to autonomouslyobserve the user, infer her task and search for relevant information. In (Hacker 1983), it is shownthat it is the planning phase a task when information is used to create knowledgethe most. A pro-active delivery of information ensures that morepotential problemscan be identified and potential mistakes avoided. Double work can be avoided and new knowledge is continuously created (Probst &Btichel 1998). The better the provided information is adapted (Personalized) the user’s qualification and interests, the better it is acknowledged and internalized by the user (Forgas 1985). Animportantorganizational aspect is the existence of different knowledgeentities (sets of people) in organizations. In (Schlichter, Koch,&Xu1998) the entities user, team and communityare characterized. For a KMIT system, it is important, that characteristic restrictions apply to the knowledge flow within and amongthe respective entities and must be enforced. The information objects ownedby a knowledge entity must be under its exclusive control. To support the knowledgeflow, the flow of different classes of knowledgehas to be supported. The notions of explicit knowledgethat can easily be coded into information and tacit knowledgethat is a collection of experiences, 145 whichis hard to express in natural language, were first introduced in (Polanyi 1958). In order to be managedby IT system, knowledgehas to be made explicit and coded into information. This process is analyzed in (Nonaka Takeuchi 1995), which extends the analysis of Anderson’s ACT-theory (Singley & Anderson 1989). The economic implications of the process are analyzed in (Trittmann Mellis 1999). Knowledge can be further classified by field of application. Wechoose the intangible assets monitor, an inductive-analytical approach for knowledgeaccounting (Sveiby 1998), (North, Probst, &Romhardt1998). Sveiby proposes,that intangible assets (in contrast to visible equity) in an organizationcan be classified into external structure of the organization, internal structure of the organization and staff competence.The internal structure is defined as business processes and technologies, whereasthe external structure is definedas relations along both directions of the value chain (i.e to customers and sub-contractors). Staff competence is seen as functionally applicable knowledge. From Sveiby’s modelwe derive three classes of knowledgethat we can capture: explicit technical knowledge(from internal structure and staff competence),tacit process knowledge or process experience(from internal structure and staff competence) and explicit relational networkknowledge(from internal and external structure). Information ManagementFramework Wewill present an IT frameworkthat incorporates the above derived requirements. Wemodel our frameworkwith software agents. Whyagents ? Since information to be managedby a KMIT system is inherently distributed, we require a distributed systeminfrastructure for implementation. Agent CommunicationLanguages (ACL) (e.g. FIPAACL,KQML) specify a high-level abstract meansof communicationamongagents. The flexibility of ACLsin terms of language(e.g. KIF) and ontology usage provides a powerful tool to modelcommunicationin a KM IT systemin a waythat is as close to the application as possible (see also (Weiss1999)). ACLsalso allow for loose coupling of componentsand thus assure an open architecture and easy integration of future newcomponents.Further, the agent-specific notion of autonomously acting objects fulfills one of the key features derived above. Framework structure In Figure 1, it can be seen that our frameworkis built of agencies madeup of several agents each. The agencies represent the organizational knowledgeentities user, team and communityand managethe respective information objects. The service agencyprovides services for the entity agencies and the shared ontology ensures a commondomainspecification for communicationof the components. Weconsider an organization madeup of teams and figure 1 showsthe IT systemfor one team. The shared ontology (SO) is shared by all team members and provides a concept of the team knowledgedomain. The I User Agency ( Profile Agent) ( Knowledge PumpAgent") (’Awareness Agent) I relevant I ~1 [ informationL~_l information] I I TemAgency I il I I A"n’ l I Community Agency (Expertise Agent) (Knowledge Firewa!lAgent) Shared Figure 1: Architecture of a KMIT system SOis subdividedinto a knowledgedomainmodelfor explicit technical knowledgeand a process domainmodelfor tacit process knowledge. The SOis used for consistent communication of the agencies, as a basis for the user profile in the user agencyand to specify informationrequests and replies. The user agencyconsists of the profile agent, the knowledge pumpagent and the awareness agent. The profile agent keeps a qualification and interest profile of the user based on the SO. The awareness agent analyzes the user’s work context, classifies it according to the SOand provides this informationto the profile agent and the knowledge pump agent. The knowledge pump agent autonomously requests information relevant to the user from the service agency. The knowledgepumpagent migrates to the available information sources if necessary and personalizes the retrieved raw information (including meta-information) accordingto the user’s qualification and interest profile. The service agency consists of the information broker agent, which registers available information sources. When the informationbroker agent receives a request for specified information,the registered sourcesare queried for this information The team agency includes two of the information sources in our framework.The technology agent resp. the process agent managesthe information that has been coded from the explicit technical knowledgeresp. the tacit process knowledge. Uponrequest from the information broker agent, both agents reply with the raw information requested, which ineludes mete-informationfor later personalization. The raw 146 information including meta-informationhas to be stored and indexed according to the SOby the membersof a team. Technology for KnowledgeManagement.Springer Verlag, Berlin. Bullock, J., and Goble, C. 1998. Tourist: The application of a description logic based semantic hypermediasystem for tourism. In ACMHypertext98, p. 132-141. ACM. Fink, J.; Kobsa,A.; and Nill, A. 1996. User-oriented adaptivity and adaptability in the avanti project. In Designing for the Web:Empirical Studies. Fitzpatrick, G.; Mansfield, T.; Kaplan, S.; Arnold, D.; Phelps, T.; and Segal, B. 1999. Instrumenting and augmenting the workadayworld with a generic notification service called elvin. In ECSCW99. Forgas, J.P. 1985. Interpersonal behaviour. Pergamon Press. Gruber, T. R. 1992. Ontolingua: A mechanismto support portable ontologies. Technicalreport, Stanford University. Gruber, T.R. 1993. Towardprinciples for the design of ontologies used for knowledgesharing. Technical report, Stanford University. Hacker, W., ed. 1983. Kognitive undmotivationaleAspekte der Handlung, volume 22. Huber. Heinen, E., and Dietel, B., eds. 1991. lndustriebetriebslehre, volume9. Gabler. Kobsa, A., and Wahlster, W., eds. 1989. User Models in Dialog Systems. Springer Verlag, London. Nonaka, I., and Takeuchi, H. 1995. The KnowledgeCreating Company.Oxford University Press. North, K.; Probst, G.; and Romhardt, K. 1998. Wissen messen- ans~ttze, erfahrungen und kritische fragen. ZfO Zeitschrifl Fiihrung und Organisation 3/1998:p. 158-166. Polanyi, M. 1958. Personal Knowledge. Chicago. Prinz, W. 1999. Nessie" An awareness environment for cooperative settings. In ECSCW99. Probst, G. J., and Btichel, B. S. 1998. Organisationales Lernen: Wettbewerbsvorteil der Zukunfl. Gabler. The communityagency provides for the relational network knowledge coded into information. The expertise agent managesinformation about expertise in a team, which is derived from the user profiles. Uponrequest from the Information broker agent, the expertise agent queries expertise agents in other teams for information. This exchange can only take place if the respective ontologies have a nonemptyintersection. The knowledgefirewall agent controls the import and export of all information from and to the team. The firewall agent also queries information sources of other teams for information uponrequest of the information broker. Related Work Wewouldlike to showhowour frameworkcomprises existing research projects in the KMIT field. The SOcould be designed with the tools and methods presented in (C-ruber 1992) and (Gruber 1993). Anotherpossible implementationfor an ontology based on a description logic can be found in (Bullock & Goble 1998). However, research remains to be done on construction of SOs. The user agency profile agent can be designed with methods presented in (Kobsa & Wahlster 1989) and in (Fink, Kobsa, &Nill 1996). It remains to be explored howthe SO can be used as the basis for the user profile. The functionality of a knowledgepumpis shownby the example of the XEROX Knowledge Pumpin (Borghoff & Pareschi 1998). In (StlB, Freitag, &Br6ssler 1999), it is shownhowXMLbased documentscan be personalized to the user’s needs. Anotherarea for future research is the awarenessagent. Existing awareness infrastructures like NESSIE(Prinz 1999) or Elvin (Fitzpatrick et al. 1999) supply events from user observation. It remains to be explored howthe user’s actual task can be inferred from this awarenessinformation. The team agency and the community agency require methodsfor storage, retrieval and reuse of information modules. Documentsbased on XML-applications tagged with recta-information seem to be a promising approach. Existing document managementsystems, for example, could be integrated as a meansof storage for information in the team agency and the communityagency. Stil3, C.; Freitag, B., and Br6ssler, P. 1999. Meta-modeling for web-based teachware. In International WWWCM 99. Springer LNCS. Schlichter, J.; Koch, M.; and Xu, C. 1998. Awarenessthe commonlink between groupware and communitysupport systems. In Ishida, T., ed., CommunityComputingand Support Systems, pp. 77-93. Springer Verlag. Singley, M., and Anderson,J. 1989. The transfer of cognitive skills. Cambridge,Massachusetts. Sveiby, K.E. 1998. The new organizational wealth. Berrett-Koehler Publications. Trittmann, R., and Mellis, W.1999. Wissenstransfer in der softwareentwicklung- eine 6konomischeanalyse. In Oberweis, A., and Sneed, H., eds., Fachtagungder GeseUschaft fpr lnformatik e.V. (GI), p. 27--45. BGTeubnerVerlagsgesellschaft. Weiss, G., ed. 1999. Muhiagent Systems - A ModernApproachto Distributed Artificical Intelligence. MITPress. Conclusion Wedesigned a KMIT reference framework by taking a holistic KMperspective. Wederived core features for a KM IT framework. Wedefined a schemeto classify knowledge in an organization. An IT frameworkhas been presented that includes the derived features for the derived classes of knowledge.Existing KMIT research has been classified according to our frameworkand areas for future research have beenidentified. References Borghoff,U. M., andPareschi, R., eds. 1998. Information 147