UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Evening Courses Icelandic Level 3 Prerequisite for entry Basic knowledge of Icelandic (successful completion of Icelandic syllabus 2+ at UCL Language Centre or other comparable studies). Term duration 10 x 2-hour classes. Aims and Objectives The course aims to help students become more confident speakers of Icelandic using good basic knowledge of Icelandic to develop all four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) to an intermediate level. Students should be starting to have a good command of the language in many common situations. Cultural awareness will be developed. Students will keep working on declension, with the aim of it becoming second nature. Functions - Travelling Writing postcards and letters Complaining Taking messages, functioning on the telephone Talking about the weather The seasons Extracting information from written or oral material Linguistic Structures/ Phonetics - Solidifying the basic pronunciation of all 14 vowels with interference from ng/nk & j Solidifying the pronunciation of double plosives, ll, nn, f, g, s, þ & ð Practice getting difficult pronunciation up to speed Grammar - The reflexive possessive pronoun for 3rd person, singular & plural Adverbs and prepositional phrases Word-order after adverbs and prepositional phrases Indefinite pronouns in the nominative, singular & plural (e.g. hver, einhver, annarhver, hvor, annarhvor, báðir, hvorugur) UCL Language Centre Evening Courses 1 - Revision of declension of nouns and adjectives Declension of nouns and adjectives with fraction (e.g. gaffall, jökull, fyndinn) Usage of prepositions of place with travel Usage of prepostions of time More impersonal expressions Learning Resources - Course book: Colloquial Icelandic, Daisy Newman; Learning Icelandic, Mál & Menning Teacher’s handouts Online material from Bragi - íslenska Dictionaries: Glossaries from Colloquial Icelandic & Learning Icelandic Íslensk ensk orðabók - Iðunn Ensk-íslensk skólaorðabók – Mál & Menning Online dictionaries: www.ordabok.is http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/IcelOnline/Search.TEId.html - UCL Language Centre Evening Courses 2