Evening Courses Icelandic Level 1+ Prerequisite for entry

Evening Courses
Icelandic Level 1+
Prerequisite for entry
Prerequisite for entry: Basic knowledge of Icelandic (successful completion of Icelandic
syllabus 1 at UCL Language Centre or other comparable studies).
Term duration
10 x 2-hour classes.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the course is to build on and strengthen students´ basic knowledge of Icelandic so
they can function at a very basic everyday survival level (basic vocabulary and grammar).
Students should be able to communicate in and understand Icelandic on a number of
practical everyday matters. Students will receive means to master the different sounds of the
Icelandic pronunciation.
Describing people/your house/places
Talking about clothes; colours
Talking about work/leisure activities
Talking about present, future and past activities
Ordering food
Talking about house, furniture
The body parts
Making plans
The weather
Linguistic Structures/ Phonetics
Solidifying the pronunciation of ll & nn
vowels before ng & nk
the double voiced plosives: dd, bb, gg.
the double unvoiced plosives: tt, pp, kk
Working on f & g
The difference between þ & ð
Tongue-twisters for r, soft g, different pronunciation of f
UCL Language Centre
Evening Courses
Weak and strong nouns in the plural, nominative
The definite article in the plural
Strong adjectives in the plural, nominative
Weak and strong verbs in the present, all 4 groups
The I-shift (B víxl) in strong verbs
The vowel-shift a-ö and ö-a in the plural
The present and past continuous
Sentence construction with auxiliary verbs for past, present, future (vera búinn að /
var að / er að / ætla að)
The numbers 1,2,3,4 in masc, fem, neuter. Nominative.
The possessive pronoun with plural nouns
The personal pronoun in all cases
Impersonal verbs “að vanta”, “að langa” & “að finnast”
Learning Resources
Course book: Colloquial Icelandic, Daisy Newman;
Learning Icelandic, Mál & Menning
Láki Jarðálfur, Dimmalimm, handouts
Teacher’s handouts
Online material from Bragi - íslenska
Glossaries from Colloquial Icelandic & Learning Icelandic
Íslensk ensk orðabók - Iðunn
Ensk-íslensk skólaorðabók – Mál & Menning
Online dictionaries:
www.ordabok.is http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/IcelOnline/Search.TEId.html
UCL Language Centre
Evening Courses