UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Evening Courses Dutch Level Proficiency Prerequisite for entry Successful completion of Dutch level 5+ at UCL CLIE, A-level Dutch, Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal Term duration 10 x 2-hour classes Self-Study 40 hours in total Aims and Objectives The course is designed for advanced level students requiring the language for vocational and professional purposes. The course comprises knowledge and understanding both of the structure of the Dutch language and of its use in professional environments. It covers cultural and professional contexts, negotiating and interacting, reading specialist texts note-taking and debates as well as other related topics. These areas will be related to the students’ individual needs and interests. Functions - expressing specialised opinions, critical topic-related comments debating, commenting, negotiating suggesting, accepting, refusing describing, defining, explaining composing written pieces of information for different purposes conducting presentations on a variety of specialist topics summarising complex information from English to Dutch (and vice versa) Course Content Main topics/themes to be covered (selection from the following): - university system/professional qualifications employment in business and industry job applications and interviews seminar papers and presentations group debates overview of the political and administrative structure of countries where Dutch is spoken demographic developments, gender roles and family life the European Union and global affairs UCL Centre for Languages & International Education Evening Courses 1 - current affairs in Flanders, The Netherlands and other parts of the world where Dutch is spoken (eg Dutch Antilles): political, socio-economic and cultural developments arts (music, literature, film, art, cultural heritage) Skills Reading - reading for gist (skimming), scanning for specific information in depth analysis of complex topics in major newspapers/magazines and specialised publications Writing - analysis and review of articles summaries critical comments Listening - radio, TV, audio and video recordings, feature films directed listening for specific tasks presentations, summaries Speaking - formal and informal discussions and debates presentations role-play Linguistic Structures Discourse Strategies - analysing/comparing texts from various sources (different text types, styles and registers) - recognising and applying different linguistic registers in writing and in speaking - preparing oral contributions for different audiences - spoken versus written communication Main aspects of these strategies - structuring (logical structures) - linking devices (lexical, grammatical) - stylistic levels and their usage - specialist vocabulary Application of complex grammatical features and registers Learning Resources There is no textbook for this course. Material for this course will be drawn from: - Written material from various sources such as De Standaard, De Morgen, NRC Handelsblad, De Telegraaf, De Volkskrant, past exam papers CNVT, etc. Authentic audio and audio-visual material such as News clips recorded from BVN Belgian and Dutch films Variety of internet sources In addition there is some language learning material for self-study in the Self-Access Centre. UCL Centre for Languages & International Education Evening Courses 2