From: AAAI Technical Report SS-99-04. Compilation copyright © 1999, AAAI ( All rights reserved. The Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS): Remote Monitoring and Decision Support for CommercialAircraft - Putting Theory into Practice Michael Halasz, Franqois Dubr, Bob Orchard Integrated Reasoning Group National Research Council of Canada Institute for Information Technology M50Montreal Road Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A0R6 [mike.halasz, francois.dube, bob.orchard] Robert Ferland Program Leader, Decision Support Systems Air Canada PO Box 9000 Saint Laurent, Quebec, H4Y1 C2 ¯ Staff are progressively required to do morewith less with continual pressure to maximizeequipmentutilization. ¯ Technicians deal with far more equipment diversity than ever before. ¯ Accessto the right data, knowledgeand expertise at the right time is necessary to effectively carry out the appropriate repair action. ¯ The increasing amountsof useful data provided by newer generation equipmentrequire tools whichaid in integration andinterpretation. ¯ Unscheduled("surprise") maintenanceis persistent. ¯ Significant savings can be reaJ~ized through reduction in no fault found and repeat snagz handling. ¯ Innovative information technology solutions earl improve the bottomline. Conservativeestimates of savings for the airline and mining industries are 2-4% and 5-8%of the 3. total maintenancebudget, respectively A high level indication of the 1996costs of maintenance across 11 Canadianindustry sectors is shownin Figure 1. It indicates that, in addition to every dollar spent on new machinery, an additional 58 cents is spent on maintaining existing equipment.This amountsto repair costs of approximately $15 billion per year. Comparingthis with 1990data, the ratio of moneyspent on maintenancehas risen by about 14%.It is also worthnoting that for somesectors suchas railways and truck transport, maintenance exceeds the cost of new machinery. Abstract TheIntegratedDiagnosticSystem(IDS)is an appliedartificial intelligence(AI) projectthat deals withremotelymonitoring fleet of commercial aircraft and proactivelyalerting maintenancestaff to problemswhichcould disrupt operations. IDS uses a numberof Al techniquesto analysesituations and provide recommendations. IDSis very mucha workin progress andthe researchhas beenadaptedto the needsof an airline operator. Dueto the ongoingworkingrelationship withAir Canada, the systemdeals withmanyairline integrationissues such as networkcommunications,documentdelivery, technology transfer, andequipment dispatchregulations.Theobjectiveof this paper is to share someof the insights gainedover the courseof this projectandto highlightpracticalissuesof introducingadvancedinformationtechnologysystemsinto an airline’s environment. Introduction In 1992, researchers at the National Research Council of Canada(NRC)initiated the Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) programand solicited the participation of industrial partners. Thegoals of this effort were to developa platform to research, develop, integrate, and test advanceddiagnostic and decision support tools for the maintenanceof complex equipment. The partners would use this knowledgeto enhance existing products, develop newproducts, improveoperations, and establish newresearch directions. It was felt that the effort wouldhave benefits for maintenanceoperations in manyapplication areas including aerospace, power generation, manufacturing,forestry, and transportation. There were a numberof reasons for choosing the maintenance domainthat continue to be validI. For example: ¯ Improvedinterpretation of an organization’s diverse and distributed information assets can help the maintenance mission. Novel AI solutions could be developed and tested in real life situations. ¯ There is a need for systems which help in time critical, accurate, and consistent decision making. IDS Requirements To develop and test envisioned concepts, a good "laboratory" having the following key attributes was needed: ¯ availability of data, ¯ flee access to systems and personnel, and ¯ a complex,distributed operation with significant impact of downtime. 2. Anobservedoperationalanomaly.Typicallyreferred to as a "squawk"in USA. 3. Basedon NRC studies whichattempted~ quantify the economic benefits of assessingequipment problemscorrectly. 1. Recentindustryreports corroboratethis position(e.g. [CanaanGroup1998]). 88 more significant than the diagnostic benefits although perhapsmoredifficult to achieve technically. In parallel with the requirementsstudies, an airline market assessment indicated conservative savings of at least $1.5B per year for the world’sairlines with morethan 40 aircraft in their fleet (for improveddiagnostics alone). Air Canada Operational 2000 Environment Air Canadacurrently has a fleet of eight different aircraft types from four airframe manufacturers(160 aircraft). This is typical of a mediumsized commercialcarrier. Figure 2 depicts the world within whicha systemsuch as IDS should operate. Aircraft are continually on the move around the globe and turn-times at the gate continue to be shortened to maximizeutilization. This creates manychallenges. A numberof functional groups within the airline can be involved in maintenance decisions depending upon the problem. Theyare briefly described below: ¯ Line technicians repair aircrat~ at the gate or on overnight layover. The prime objective is to safely turn aircraft around with minimaldisruption. ¯ The MaintenanceControl Centre views the entire fleet and thus obtain a broad perspective. Theydeal with problems reported by the pilot or on-boardsystems. Theyalso monitorfleet status, identify trends, deal with persistent/ foreseeable problems, and decide maintenancepolicy. ¯ Engineering looks at specific performance indicators of the equipmentand will only becomeinvolved with difficult immediate concerns, on an as-required basis. They typically have the longest decision horizon. ¯ The manufacturersrepresentative can get involved in certain difficult problems. ¯ The personnel in parts stores must ensure that an adequate supply of spares exists from the various production sources both within and external to the airline. ¯ The goal of System Operations Control is to keep the entire fleet flying on schedule. They make system wide decisions on factors such as, disruptions due to weatheror equipmentfailure, and flight crew readiness. Modernaircraft have on-board systems which can transmit data to ground stations.l These data consist of routine performancesnapshots (engine parameters, pressures, altitude, valve positions, temperature...), typed pilot messages, aircraft generatedfault codes, and limit exceedancereports. Many databases support maintenance. They contain descriptions of symptoms and associated maintenance actions (free formtext), deferred problems,flight schedules (static and dynamic), weather, componentreliability, check schedules, and parts location. Thereis also a wealth of useful information held at the manufacturer, and by people and information systems in the engineering and maintenance control departments. This is not widely distributed and thus not available to the line technician in a timely manner. Whenaircraft problemsoccur, technicians rely heavily on professional judgement and knowledge. Additional support 4,000 6,000 8,000 10.000 12.0~0 14.000 16,(1(10 Slwyr Figure1. repairvs. capital expenditures (Source: Statistics Canada,1996) Largecommercial airlines fit the bill very nicely. In the fall of 1993, Air Canadabecamea participant in the project and a four monthrequirements analysis was carried out. This study was a top-level requirementsanalysis. It concentrated on developinga broad understanding of the equipmentoperator’s maintenanceoperations and the role systems such as IDS might play within the organization. Quantifying the benefits from effective use of available data to improve diagnostic performanceproved to be quite challenging. Nevertheless, a methodologywas developed which attempted to measurea subset of direct benefits in order to showsufficient promisefor the idea. Thus, there is justification in assuming that the benefits of such systems, effectively deployed, are muchlarger than indicated in the study. The main highlights of the study were: ¯ IDS wouldcut across manydifferent departments in the organizationthat did not typically interact. ¯ Anysolution had to deal with all equipmentsystems and all fleet types. This perspective is at odds with most manufacturers since their goal has traditionally been to becomesole source suppliers of equipment and associated support tools - a viewnot shared by their customers. ¯ Decision makingis highly distributed. Timelyaccess to the right data, knowledge,and expertise is necessary to effectively carry out the maintenance mission. Advice from the system had to be presented in real-time to a diversity of users. ¯ Newer generation equipment produces increasing amountsof potentially useful data. These data are not optimally utilized due to large volumesand difficult to detect patterns. Innovative information technology was requiredto aid in the integration of interpretation of data. ¯ Ideally, systems such as IDS, should have prognostic as well as "repair management" capabilities to be truly suecessful. Repair management provides the ability to recommendthe appropriate course of action given the broader context within which a problem occurs. Factors such as, schedules, location, weather, and passenger traffic would be taken into account. A very simple example wouldbe to automaticallyorder a part and deliver it to an airport before the aircraft lands in order to avoid a major disruption. The addition of these two sets of functions is expected to generate further tangible benefits which could be much Aparticularlyinterestingaspectof Air Canada is the datalinksystemwhichtransmrsaircraft generatedmessages to a groundbaseddatabase.This permitted development of a systemthat wouldconstantlymonitorand interpret these data to allowfor actionsto takeplacebeforethearrivalof the aircraftat its destination. 89 messages ~C"-~ r- opr=ingI - "p,lot ~d,ions I fault messages ~ /tkl/~ ~-J~ ~ -~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /~. ~/ r ¯ interrelation and potential usefulness of the different information systems, and ¯ specific diagnostic rules of thumb. All along it was evident that organizations such as Air Canadaare in a constant state of flux, thus an evolutionary protoyping methodology was followed [see, for example, McConnell1996]. The process involved frequent feedback from users and an evolving set of requirements. ~P IIL~. - procedures NIml~ln’trc"Jblesh°oting ~L.~Jm"~lW’ql-equlpmentlists Functional Architecture Figure 3 provides an overviewof the IDS architecture. Not all of this exists since it incorporatesthe broadervision. manufacturer rep. line technician maintenance control centre oo A319 ~ A32o ~ Figure2. Current situation- airline tools at their disposalare the: ¯ aircraft Built-In Test Equipment(BITE), ¯ MinimumEquipment List (MEL)- a document governing minimum equipmentneeds to dispatch aircraft safely, ¯ aircraft log bookwhich provides free form text descriptions of the problemsencountered, ¯ post flight reports (a summaryof the messagesgenerated by the aircraft for a givenflight leg), and ¯ troubleshooting manuals (migrating to electronic media) Thus, the decision environmentis characterized by distributed data, information, and knowledgesources. Making timely and correct decisions is importantand requires access to various combinationsof these sources. ~ CL~ performance data maintenance histories(scheduled, unscheduled, flight movement partslocation Approach An overriding consideration in conceiving IDS was that it had to address all aircraft types. Withfew exceptions (i.e. where fleet economyof scale permits), this is the reality whichmostline technicians face. A different systemfor each aircraft type was not going to be accepted and wouldnot be practical from a deploymentpoint of view. This initial assumptionset the stage and precluded AI techniques such as in-depth model-basedreasoning or large knowledgebases of specific rules for certain aircraft types. The philosophy was very muchtop down.In other words, a lot of time was spent with technicians analysing howthey reasoned and exploiting inherent structures in the troubleshooting manualsto generate rule sets automatically. Thus, as a first cut at the problem,this approachelicited methodologies pertaining to the investigative process and should extend to other aircraft types. Once the high level functionality of IDS was def’med, important decisions were madeconcerning the development environmentand associated tools. Concurrent with this was an intensive knowledgeacquisition process. It’s objectives were to obtain an in-depth understanding of: ¯ business processes associated with Air Canada’s aircraft maintenanceorganization (Technical Operations), ¯ data (including database structures), information, and knowledgesources, B767 : J minimum weather manuals ~ sch~ a~ed defects updates ~ ~ manufacturers Figure3. IDSfunctionalarchitecture IDSis data driven. The data driving it is stored in a multitude of dispersed databases of various vintages within Air Canada. Pertinent data are "pushed" to IDS and written to a database. These data coupled with the interpretive logic within IDS then triggers certain maintenanceactions. Once alerts are generatedby IDS, it continues its "investigation" by requesting subsets of data to refine its recommendations. In order to be truly effective IDSmustpossess a numberof basic functionalities. First of all, it musthavereliable inter- 9O andpresentthemto the user, faces to various distributed databases and sources of electronic manuals. Secondly, it mustmaintain its owninternal data sources and case-bases for reasoning. In addition, it incorporates AI techniquesto interpret text strings and rules, learn patterns, reason about situations, and build and retrieve cases. Finally, it mustaddress the delivery of informationto a global and mobile workforce. The ultimate vision for IDSincludes a: ¯ reactive componentwhich efficiently helps fred the root cause of a problem that happenedwithout warning, ¯ proactive componentwhich deals with problems in which somesort of "trend" or pattern is evolving, and ¯ situational componentwhichtakes into account the larger context of a problemwhetherit be reactive or proactive. recall related historical problemsfor the particular aircraft, and determinethe logical entry point in the electronic manuals and MELfor instructions on problemrelief. TABLE 1. Sample flight leg data Time 13:04:12 13:08:34 13:08:35 13:09:14 13:10:08 13:19:50 13:20:56 Basic Operating Principle Every time a message is received, IDS determines, whether or not the messagebelongs to an ongoing problem, is the start of somethingnew, or can be ignored. The process exploits manyknowledgesources, some allowing messages to cluster, others allowingmessages(or clusters) to merge, modified,or discarded. Theideal result is clear, concise, and complete descriptions of fault events associating symptoms and correct repair actions. Oncevalidated, these associations are addedto a case databasefor future retrieval. Ultimately, this can lead to automaticcase creation - seen as being highly useful by airline personnel. In addition, for a given symptomcluster, IDSdetermines the impact on aircraft dispatch, and has built-in links to the appropriate pages in the troubleshooting manuals and the minimumequipment list (MEL). A Simple Example Currently, IDS uses two asynchronously generated data sources. One is aircraft generated performance and fault data. The other is snag~loggeddefect information entered by technicians and flight crews.The latter is very similar to the free form text entered at car dealers whendescribing problems and associated repairs. Anexampleof a sequenceof events for a particular flight is shownin Table 1. For illustration purposes, only the essence of the messagesare given. At 13:04:12 the aircraft takes off. Overthe course of the 2 hour flight 22 messages were processed by IDS. All were generated by on-board systems except for two messages (13:22:41 and 14:47) which were entered by the pilot and flight crew respectively. The last messageoccurredafter the flight and wasentered into the systemat 22:52. It describes the corrective action. This example shows the snag was first picked up at 13:09:14. At this point IDSalerted groundcrews to a possible dispatch problemuponarrival. At 13:10:08 an associated message was generated and added to form a symptomcluster. At 13:22:41the pilot confirmsthe situation and IDSadds this messageto the previous two and assigns a higher alarm level to the snag. Whileall this is going on, IDSdoes three morethings. As the case dynamicallyevolves, it will, whenrequested: ¯ retrieve closest neighbours (previously validated cases) Phase Takeoff Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise Event NAV WRN FLR WRN FLR WRN FLR 13:22:28 Cruise 13:22:41 Cruise FLR SNG 13:41:01 Cruise 13:42:21 Cruise 13:48:02 Cruise ECR CPR FLR 13:48:08 13:48:27 13:55:50 13:59:01 14:01:57 14:37:23 14:47 FLR FLR FLR ECR FLR FLR Snag Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise 15:00:34 Cruise 15:08:54 Cruise 15:12:31 At Gate 22:52 WRN FLR MPF Snag Description ENG 20VSPD PROT FAULT HMU(OSG), J7//EIU2FAD ENG2 COMPRESSOR VANE VBVACT, HMUENG2A//EIU2FADEC SFCS FLPLH PROXSNSR1 37 CVORLGCIU1// SFCC1 L FLP DISC PROXSNSR37CV//LGCIU1 ENG2 COMPVANEOCCURRED AS PWR ADVTO CLB PWRTHRU17000 FT. ENGINECRUISE REPORT CRUISE PERFORMANCE REPORT ILS-2 NO DATAFROMCONTROL SOURCE// ILS 2 AFS:FMGC2//AFS,RblPI,2OR3 AFS:ILS2//AFS DME-I TRANSCEIVER//DME 1 ENGINECRUISE REPORT DMC2:NOFQI2 DATA//EIS2,EIS 1,EIS 3 AFS:ADIRUI/2/3 DISAGREE//AFS SEATCOVER AT 3 F NEEDSTO BE CHANGED - COVERCHANGED NAVALTI DISCREPANCY CHECKVHF-I ANTENNA CIRCUIT//VHF I MAINTENANCE POST FLIGHT REPORT REPLACEDMASTERBALLSCREW ACTUATOR FLEX DRIVE&SPACER,ENG RUNCARRIEDOUT, ACFTCHECKSSERV Althougha simple example,it demonstratesthe utility of such systems. Approximately2 hours before arrival, a significant snag is picked out from all the messagetraffic and ground personnel are alerted. Parts can be ordered and a repair can be adeptly carried out with minimaldisruption. It should be noted that not all messagesproduced during the flight can be associated with this particular snag. Some might be generated by the aircraft spuriously or might indicate a newor ongoingsnag. Others, such as the reports generated at 13:41:01, 13:42:21, and 13:59:01 (italics)represent routine tables of data recordedat certain flight phaseand stability conditions which go into the performancedatabase. Future versions oflDSwill use these data for prognostics. Current Situation Four versions of IDS have been "released", each exhibiting substantial changes.Since the objective of this paperis to describe the current situation, the fLrSt three are only briefly outlined with further details foundin [Wylieet al. 1997]. Version0.1. This consisted of a set of interfaces (4 basic screens). It was partially able to access data providedon tape by Air Canada.Its mainobjectives were to conf’m’nthe pre- 91 liminaryuser interface design and to pull concrete ideas from the "clouds"to help set the direction. Version1.0. This was an off-line prototype which was able to "playback" and reason with one year’s worth of data stored in a database. This had the benefit of permitting high volumesof data (at about 40 times real-time) to be pushed through IDS for testing purposes. This version dealt with a subset of aircraft systems(flight controls and engines) due to unavailability of electronic manuals. Evaluators at Air Canadacould nowget a better feel of the system since it could replay conditions over a selected time period. Version2.11. This version has been in place at a numberof sites in the airline since 1996.It interprets live data, is extended to the full aircraft (in this case the AirbusA320),has full access to the on-line manuals(troubleshooting and minimumequipmentlist), and has a modestcase-base of historical problemresolutions. After extendedevaluation of this prototypeat selected test sites, Air Canadamadea decision to further develop and deploy the system. In addition to supporting this, NRC wishedto continue towards the larger IDSvision. This meant dealing with the realities and goals of the two partners. Air Canadahad to meet the needs of its users and deal with corporate realities such as communicationsinfrastructure, budgets, manpower,and program standards. Muchof the effort in producing the v2.11 prototype had little to do with research. However, it wasessential to place a stable and useful system within Air Canada and provide project credibility. During the next stage, NRChas committed to continued support of IDSv2.11 so that test sites can remainoperative - includingdata redistribution via a server. Towards IDS version 3.0 To set the stage for continuingresearch it was clear that the monolithic systemthat was IDSv2.11 required a redesign. It wasthe result of the project’s history, variouslimitations, and changingrequirements. As detailed in Figure 4, each user of the systemwasrequired to run the full IDSapplication, with each user application receiving the real-time aircraft messages, performingthe identical reasoning and creating identical database records. This obviously has a numberof shortcomings: ¯ it does not scale well to large numbersof users, ¯ one cannot easily add modified or new interfaces as differing user needs are determined, and ¯ it does not provide a flexible research infrastructure. New functionality cannot be introduced without having a major impact on the existing application. Thenatural solution wasto distribute the various functions and services into a numberof co-operating components.In order to build such a distributed system, commercialmiddleware software was used. Various solutions were examined for building such n-tier systems. These included Remote Procedure Call (RPC) based systems, Message Oriented Middleware (MOM)and Object Request Brokers (ORB). Ultimately a message oriented middleware solution from 92 receivesand distributes datafromAir Canada systems user1 user2 usern Figure4. IDSversion2.11 Active Software, called ActiveWorks (see [Bracho and Green] or [PC Week1998]) was chosen. It provides support for asynchronousdelivery of typed messages(events) using either a publish/subscribe or a request/reply mechanism.It supports encryption of messagesand various levels of message persistence to assist with guaranteeddelivery. Messages are delivered in order and only once. There are also a large numberof adapters available to facilitate integration with various languages (C, C++, Java, ActiveX, etc.) and commercial applications such as SAP,Varity, and PeopleSoft. The central componentin an ActiveWorksdistributed system is a broker, through whichall events pass. There maybe one or morebrokers used in any application. The brokers and application componentsmaybe distributed on one, or many machines. Figure 5 shows a simplified view of the IDS v3.0 components connectedto a single broker (in practice several brokers on muldplemachinesare used). Briefly the function of ,osJ controller SRO processor Figure5. IDSversion3.0 each of the componentsofIDS v3.0 is as follows: ¯ MessageServer - receives data/messages from Air Canada systems in real-time; stores these messagesin text files for archive purposes; maintainslist of connectedIDS systems; delivers data/messages to connected IDS processes, ¯ Messageparser - receives data/messages from Message server; parses messages forming ActiveWorks events; discuss an alternate modelof service delivery which may overcomesomeof these issues. publishes these parsed events, 1 processor - subscribes to certain message pub¯ FEO lished by MessageParser; publishes status of aircraft; respondsto requests for status of aircraft; responds to requests for FEOinformation;publishes FEOinformation at end of flight leg, ¯ SRO2 processor - subscribes to published FEOs; respondsto requests for case-base searches, ¯ Flight processor - subscribes to messages published by MessageParser; maintains status of Air Canadaflights; checks messagesfor accuracy with respect to aircraft and flight information, ¯ IDScontroller - controls the startup and shutdownof the various IDSprocesses; monitorsthe state of the IDSprocesses (alive/dead,statistics, etc.), and ¯ IDSclients (users) - the function of these clients will vary depending on the view required of IDS information; may request aircraft status, subscribeto aircraft status events, request FEOdetails, request case-base searches, etc. This architecture allows us to easily add new or experimentalcomponents into the application with little or no disturbance of existing components (as long as the new componentis subscribing to published messagesor requesting an existing service from one of the components). For example,it is a simple matter to add a componentto monitor the distribution of messagesand collect statistics or to add an experimental client componentwith a newuser interface. In order to satisfy the requirementto maintain support for the IDS version 2.11 prototype, we modified the MessageServer of version 2.11 to receive its raw messagesfrom the IDS3.0 MessageServer rather than directly from the Air Canadasystems. Thus, it just becomesanother application that is connected to the IDS3.0 server. This is shownin Figure 6. Technology Transfer Challenges The challenges associated with technologytransfer are considerable. One could well argue that they overshadowthe technical issues. This section discusses practical issues which must be considered whentaking such systems through the implementationphase. It turns out that there is neveran optimaltimeto initiate or deploy such systems. Even whenprojects such as these are economicallyjustified, one must overcomea numberof hurdles. The first is finding a strong internal championand, to ensure that this role is properly transferred to their successors. These key individuals must embrace the vision and drive it throughall the internal obstacles in order to build awareness, secure funding, and assemble a project team. Critical Success Factors. Whenone considers successful deploymentof systems such as IDSthere are manyfactors to consider (see Figure 7). Someof the morecritical questions /.j//’~/ I research [ issues IT infrastructure J/ ~ I AVO0 ’,~ It~n~ogy Figure7. Deployment considerations are: ¯ ¯ usar2 *I I systemhnks I electronicmanual availability IDSv3.0 distributed components user1 "" @ ¯ user n Figure6. IDS2.11 withIDS3.0 ¯ Conclusion There are two mainissues worth discussing in the context of putting the theory into practice. Thefirst is to highlight some of the obstacles facing adoption of this type of technology within a complexmaintenanceorganization. The secondis to ¯ ¯ ¯ Can the 1T infrastructure (LAN/WAN TCP/IP) perform adequately for "real time" data delivery and response at user locations? Canit be used to effectively deliver multitier distributed applications? Will an electronic manualsystem be available on-line at commonworkstations for IDS to index and reference? Howwill partially resolved research issues impact? For example: ¯ an effective techniqueto automaticallygeneratecases (without human intervention)to offset limited access to appropriate technicians,or ¯ unsupervised learningtechniquesfor predictingfailures. Are the required links to legacy systems (e.g. flight movement) available and feasible? Is there an effective strategy to minimizechangesto business practices? (i.e. evolution not revolution)? Has a process for data "cloaking" 3been determined? Is IDSsufficiently reliable, scalable, and maintainable? Does the core software development team have requisite skills 4to deal with technologies newto the organization? 3. There is a requirement to temporarily "cloak" data on demandshould one of the airplanes monitoredbe involved in an incident or accident. This requires compliance with Ministry Of Transport (MOT)regulations and Air CanadaQuality Department 4. Note: in addition to the AI technologies, IDSalso assumesthe role of introducing object oriented techniques. cluster that IDSforms from the messagesthat I. Fault Event Object: the symptom are sent bythe aireratt. 2. Snag Rectification Object: an FEOwith the recommended associated repair appended to it - a potential basis for a case. 93 ¯ Can the project obtain active user participation? The nature of the roles users play in the day to day operationis largely event driven. Users must be freed up to contribute to the project for uninterrupted periods - a very difficult exercise. Typical requirements are: requirements def’mition, user documentation,training, and front line support. allow seamless maintenancesupport between organizations. Ongoing and Future Work The project is once again evolving towards a longer term focus. Theprototype, along with its infrastructure and data resources provides an excellent platform to test newideas. Manyimportant issues that require further work or remain unsolved are: ¯ automate case creation and maintenance. Workis ongoing to explore more refined ways in which to extract meanings from free form text; ¯ improve upon automated symptomclustering strategies and indexing of the case-bases; ¯ determine if the diagnostic coverage of the case-based reasoning paradigmis adequate whenapplied to the collective "experience" of Air Canadaor if another operator’s experienceshould be shared or if it is worthwhileto explore deeper reasoning techniques; ¯ experiment with model-basedtrend analysis; ¯ provide robust repair managementadvice by extending IDS to reason about other data sources and knowledge such as: downline station capability, componentrepair history/reliability, aircraft repair/maintenance history, deferred problems, parts location, schedules, and flight movement(including weather); ¯ extend to other Air Canadaaircraft, such as Airbus 319/ 330/340, Canadair CL65, and Boeing 767; ¯ develop and test delivery modesfor a variety of end users (e.g. Personal Communications Services (PCS), palm computing, wearable, pen computingsolutions); and ¯ continue work on the Aerospace Data Miner (ADAM) prototype, a domainspecific system that provides data mining and monitoring capabilities. Recent results have discovered very useful patterns from large amounts of data (text and parametric) to predict componentfailures and detect abnormalities. Field testing is in progress. Alternate Service Model Whenthis project was initially conceived, the focus was on equipmentoperators. The general idea was for an organization to purchase software from a vendor and acquire upgrades and new functionality as they becameavailable. In addition, the vendor or another companycould provide integration and customization. This is still a valid option that dependsuponthe goals and ambitions of the equipment operator. Equipmentmanufacturers, feeling the pressures of slim (at times nonexistent) profit margins on sales, have usually relied on parts and labour billing to recapture margins. Somecompaniesare nowpursuing another service modelwhich assumes the burden of up-time guarantees - a form of maintenanceoutsourcing. Whereone drawsthe line is difficult to predict. At one extreme, one could imagine an airline that doesn’t have its owntechnicians or overhaul staff. Our opinion is that there will be a spectrumof opportunities for service provision with airlines selecting a mix and match of service options which makesense for them. Thuswe believe that there is no right answerfor howsuch systemsshould be deployedand delivered but it is worthconsidering another modelbeing pursued. Figure 8 showsthree roles: ¯ Air Canadacontinues as lead user - helps set directions, providestest sites, reaps benefits, and purchasesservice. ¯ NRCprovides R&Dto mitigate technical risk and help produce commercialsoftware based on the IDS platform. ¯ The service provision role would be covered by a software developer and system integrator (which could be the same company): ¯ The developer takes R&Dprototypes and packages them into a productsuite (could operateremotelyfromthe operator) and developsthe market. ¯ Thesystemintegrator provides7/24 support, maintainsdata integrity froma varietyof airlines, retrievesdata fromappropriate databases,anddistributes information backto users. References 1. Bracho, R.; Green, J.; Understandingthe Integration Iceberg, http://www.activesw.comfhome.htm. 2. CanaanGroup Limited, Aviation Maintenancein the Information Age: Cutting Line MaintenanceCosts with Information Technology, Spring 1998, An Aviation Industry Commentary. 3. McConnell, S.; Rapid Development: TamingW~ld Software Schedules, 1996, Microsoft Press. 4. PC Week,ActiveWorks 3.0 hides the plumbingof app integration, letting administrators do their jobs. New York, 1998, v.15, n.51, p.37, 3p. ISSN0740-1604. 5. Statistics Canada, 1996. Private and Public Investment in Canada,Investment and Capital Stock Division, Revised Intentions, catalogue 61-206 Annual. 6. Wylie, R.; Orchard, B.; Halasz, M.; Dubt, F.; IDS: Improving Aircraft Fleet Maintenance,Innovative Applicationsof Artificial Intelligence, IAAI-97,July 27-31, 1997, Providence, RhodeIsland. Figure8. Possibleservice model Animportant concept is a shared service subscriber casebase which will greatly improve diagnostic coverage. This avenue is under consideration by Star AllianceI membersto Consists of: Air Canada, Air NewZealand, All NipponAirways, Ansett Australia, Lutthansa GermanAirlines, SAS- Scandinavian Airlines System, Thai AirwaysInternational, United Airlines, and VARIG Brazilian Airlines. 94