Approve Page 1 of 1 Name: Submission Date: Hilda A Pettit 2/24/2012 Organization: Vacca Office of Student Services Course Catalog Update << Go back to Course Catalog Update form Print Course Catalog Update Information: STU0004 Reference Number: CCU003843 Date: 16-FEB-12 Level: 2.00 of 2.00 Currently On The Worklist Of: Joanne Arhar, jarhar Owner: Office of Curriculum Services, 330-672-8558 or 330-672-8559, Inactivate a Course Change type: Inactivate Faculty member requesting inactivation: Philip Wang Requested Effective Term: 201280 Campus: Kent College: EH-Education, Health and Human Services Department: FLA-Foundations, Leadership and Administration Course Subject: RPTM-Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Course Number: 36080 Course Title: PRINCIPLES OF THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Title Abbreviation: PRINCIPLES THERAPEUTIC REC Slash Course and Cross-listed Information: None Course Level: Undergraduate Is course part of the LER, Writing-Intensive or Diversity requirements? No Course Attributes: 1. 2. 3. Will this inactivation affect program requirements within or outside of your unit? No If yes, explain: Reason for Inactivation: The course is no longer needed, required, or offered. Comments (500 Character Maximum): NOTE: Please do not use the following restricted characters: (~ * / \ --) Approve Comments: Date 2/16/2012 Return To Initiator User Tammy T Kersting Return To Prior Approver Deny Comment No comments available. History: Date User Status 2/23/2012 Shawn M Fitzgerald Approved 2/16/2012 Tammy T Kersting Submitted 2/24/2012