From: AAAI Technical Report SS-93-02. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Three-Level Knowledge Representation of Predicate-Argument Mapping for MultilinguM Lexicons Chinatsu Aone and Doug McKee Systems Research and Applications 2000 15th Street North Arlington, VA 22201, lexical 1 Introduction levels, automatic acquisition arise from predicate-argument mapping mismatches. Namely, verbs in different languages denoting the Constructing a semantic concept hierarchy covers same semantic concept do not always represent their only part of the problem in building any knowledge- thematic roles with the same syntactic structures (cf. based natural language processing (NLP) system: McCord[17], Oorr [10]). For example, "I like Mary" Language understanding requires mapping from syn- is translated into "Maria me gusta a m{", where the tactic structures into conceptual (i.e. interlingua) subject and the object in the English sentence are representation (henceforth verb-argument mapping), the object and the subject in the Spanish sentence. while language generation requires the inverse map- Furthermore, a verb with two different predicateping. Jacobs [13] proposed a solution in which argument mappings may correspond to two different he augmented his concept hierarchy in the knowl- verbs in another language. For example, the Enedge base with verb-argument mapping information. glish word "break," when AGENTis expressed as While his solution works for monolingual understand- in "John broke the window," is mapped to Japanese ing/generation, associating each semantic concept of word "kowasu", while without AGENT,as in "The a verb with English specific mapping information in window broke," "break" should map to "kowareru". the knowledge base is not ideal for an interlinguabased NLP system, since verb-argument mapping varies greatly amonglanguages. 2 Three-Level Representation In this paper, we discuss how the lexicon of our interlingua-based NLPsystem 1 abstracts the Each lexical sense of a verb in our lexicon encodes language-dependent portion of predicate-argument its semantic meaning (i.e. semantic concept), its demapping information from the core meaning of verb fault predicate-argument mappingtype (i.e. situation senses (i.e. semantic concepts as defined in the knowl- type), and any word-specific mappingexceptions (i.e. edge base). We also show how we represent this idiosyncrasies) in addition to its morphological and mapping information in terms of cross-linguistically syntactic information. In the following, these three generalized mappingtypes called situation types and levels are discussed in detail. word sense-specific idiosyncrasies. This three-level representation enables us to keep the languageSituation Types 2.1 independent knowledgebase intact and make efficient use of lexical data by inheritance. Wetake advantage Eachof a verb’s lexical senses is classified into one of of large multilingual corpora to automatically acquire the four default predicate-argument mapping types language- and domain-specific lexical information. called situation types. As shown in Table 1, situaIn addition, this representation framework eas- tion types of verbs are defined by two kinds of inily deals with some of the MTdivergences which formation: 1) the number of subcategorized NPor 1 Ourinterlingua-basedNLPsystemconsists of Solomon,a arguments and 2) the types of thematic roles which broad-coverage text understandingsystemfor English, Spanish these arguments should or should not map to. Since and Japanese, and an experimental generation system which this kind of information is applicable to verbs of any constructssentencesfrominterlingua representations. language, situation types are language-independent predicate-argument mapping types. Thus, in any lan- whole sentence rather than a verb itself (cf. Krifka guage, a verb of type CAUSED-PROCESS has two [15], Dorr [11], Moensand Steedman [20]). For inarguments which map to AGENTand THEMEin the stance, as shown below, the same verb can be classidefault case (e.g. "kill"). A verb of type PROCESS-fied into two different aspectual classes (i.e. activity OR-STATEhas one argument whose thematic role and accomplishment) depending on the types of obis THEME,and it does not allow AGENTas one ject NP’s or existence of certain PP’s. of its thematic roles (e.g. "die"). An AGENTIVEACTIONverb also has one argument but the argu- (1) a. Sue drank wine for/*in an hour. b. Sue drank a bottle of wine *for/in an hour. ment maps to AGENT(e.g. "look"). Finally, INVERSE-STATEverb has two arguments which (2) a. Harry climbed for/*in an hour. b. Harry climbed to the top *for/in an hour. map to THEMEand GOAL; it does not allow AGENT for its thematic role (e.g. "see"). Situation types are intended to address the issue of Althoughverbs in different languages are classified into the same four situation types using the same cross-linguistic predicate-argument mappinggeneraldefinition, mapping rules which map grammatical ization, rather than the semantics of aspect. functions (i.e. subject, object, etc.) in the syntactic structures 2 to thematic roles in the semantic strucSemantic Concepts 2.2 tures maybe different from one language to another. This is because languages do not necessarily express Each lexical meaning of a verb is represented by the same thematic roles with the same grammati- a semantic concept (or frame) in our languagecal functions. This mappinginformation is language- independent knowledge base, which is similar to the one described in Onyshkevych and Nirenburg [22]. specific (cf. Nirenburg and Levin [21]). Each verb frame has thematic role slots, which have The default mapping rules for the four situation TYPE and MAPPING. A TYPE facet types are shown in Table 2. They are nearly iden- two facets, tical for the three languages (English, Spanish, and value of a given slot provides a constraint on the type of objects which can be the value of the slot. This Japanese) we have analyzed so far. The only difference is that in Japanese the THEME of an INVERSE- information is used during the semantic disambiguaSTATEverb is expressed by marking the object NP tion process and during Debris Semantics, a semantically based syntax-to-semantics mapping strategy with a particle "-ga", which is usually a subject 3 employed whena parse fails (cf. [1]). marker (cf. Kuno[16]). 4 So we add such information In the MAPPINGfacets, we have encoded some to the INVERSE-STATE mapping rule for Japanese. cross-linguistically general predicate-argument mapGeneralization expressed in situation types has saved ping information. For example, we have defined us from defining semantic mappingrules for each verb that all the subclasses of #COMMUNICATIONsense in each language, and also made it possible to EVENT¢/: (e.g. #REPORT#, #CONFIRM#, etc.) acquire them from large corpora automatically. map their sentential complements (SENT-COMB) This classification system has been partially deTHEME, as shown below. rived from Vendler and Dowty’s aspectual classifications [24, 12] and Talmy’s lexicalization patterns (#COMMUNICATION-EVENT# [23]. For example, all AGENTIVE-ACTION verbs (AKO #DYNAMIC-SITUATION#) (AGENT (TYPE #PERSON# #ORGANIZATION#)) are so-called activity verbs, and so-called stalive verbs (THEME (TYPE #SITUATION# #ENTITY#) fall under either INVERSE-STATE (if transitive) (MAPPING (SENT-COMB W))) (GOAL (TYPE #PERSON# #ORGANIZATION#) 5 However, PROCESS-OR-STATE (if intransitive). (MAPPING (P-AP~G GOAL)))) the situation types are not for specifying the semantics of aspect, which is actually a property of the Also, by grouping prepositions (for languages like English and Spanish) and postpositions (for those 2 We use structures sinfilar to LFG’s f-structures. However, like Japanese) into semantically related concepts, we unlike those defined in Bresnan [4] or used in KBMT-89 [5], we normalize passive constructions. express other default mapping rules in the knowl3There is a debate over whether the NP with "ga" is a edge base language-independently. For example, the subject or object. However, our approach can accolmnodate MAPPINGfacet of the INSTRUMENT slot in Figeither analysis. 4The GOAL of some INVERSE-STATE verbs in Japanese ure 1 requires that the thematic role INSTRUMENT call be expressed by a "hi" postpositional phrase. However, of the event @BREAK@ be mapped from a P-ARG as Kuno [16] points out, since this is an idiosyncratic phe(i.e. a pre/postpositional argument in the syntactic nomenon, such infomnation does not go to the default mapping structure) whose pre/postposition denotes INSTRUrule but to the lexicon. 5h~ both cases, the reverse does not hold. MENT.In the following three sentences in English, CAUSED-PROCESS PROCESS-OR-STATE AGENTIVE-ACTION INVERSE-STATE # of required NP or S arguments 2 1 1 2 default thematic roles Agent Theme Theme Agent Goal Theme prohibited thematic roles Agent Agent Table 1: Definitions of Situation Types CAUSED-PROCESS AGENT THEME PROCESS-OR-STATE THEME AGENTIVE-ACTION AGENT INVERSE-STATE GOAL THEME English/Spanish Mapping Japanese Mapping (SURFACE SUBJECT) (SURFACE SUBJECT) (SURFACE OBJECT) (SURFACE OBJECT) SURFACESUBJECT) (SURFACE SUBJECT) SURFACESUBJECT) (SURFACE SUBJECT) SURFACESUBJECT) (SURFACE SUBJECT) (SURFACE OBJECT) (SURFACEOBJECT) (PARTICLE "GA") Table 2: Default MappingRules for Three Languages Note that our representation can also handle cases where two internal arguments "flip-flop". For example, in (5), "infected" maps its object NP to GOAL and the PP to THEMEidiosyncratically, while the Japanese counterpart "utsushita" maps its object NP ("infuruenza uirusu-o") to THEMEand the ("saru-ni") to GOAL.6 Such idiosyncratic mapping for "infect" is stated in the lexicon as in Figure 2. (#BREAK# (AKO #ANTI-CREATION-EVENT#) (AGENT (TYPE #CREATURE# #ORGANIZATION#)) (THEME (TYPE #ENTITY#)) (INSTRUMENT(TYPE #PHYSICAL-OBJECT#) (MAPPING(P-ARG INSTRUMENT)))) Figure 1: KB entry #BREAK# Spanish and Japanese, the words which indicate the instrument used for the #BREAK#event are different (i.e. "with", "con", "-de"). However, by assigning the same semantic concept INSTRUMENTto each of these words in the lexicons, the same default mapping rule is shared across languages. (3) John broke the vase with a hammer. Juan rompi5 el vaso con un martillo. John-wa kanazuchi-de kabin-o kowashita. 2.3 Idiosyncrasies Idiosyncrasiesslots in the lexicon specify wordsensespecific idiosyncratic phenomenawhich cannot be (5) a. The researchers infected the monkeys with flu virus. b. kenkyusha-tachi-wasaru-ni infuruenza uirusu-o utsushita. Word-specific (hence language-specific) TYPEidiosyncrasies can be also stated in IDIOSYNCRASIES slots in the lexicon to deal with someof the semantic mismatches (cf. Barnett et al. [2], Kameyama el al. [14]). For example,Japanese verbs like "shibousuru (die)" and "shiyousuru (use)" take only ple as their subjects while "shinu (die)" and "tsukau (use)" take any animate subjects. Suchword-specific semantic constraint lows and overrides knowledge base. is defined in the lexicon as folthe constraint inherited from the captured by semantic concepts or situation types. In (SHIBOUSURU (CATEGORY.V) particular, subcategorized pre/postpositions of verbs (SENSE-NAME.SHIBOUSURU-1) are specified here. For example, the fact that "look" (INFLECTION-CLASS.IRS) (SEMANTIC-CONCEPT#DIE#) denotes its THEMEargument by the preposition (IDIOSYNCRASIES (THEME(TYPE #PERSON#))) "at" is captured by specifying idiosyncrasies as shown (SITUATION-TYPEPROCESS)) in Figure 2. As discussed in the next section, we derive this kind of word-specific information automati2.4 Sharing Information through Incally from corpora. heritance In addition, word-specific mapping rules are stated in idiosyncrasies slots to deal with thematic divergenTheinformation stored in the three levels discussed cies (e.g. (4)). In Figure 2, a Spanish entry "gustar" aboveis shared throughinheritance (cf. Jaeobs [13]). is shown. 6The Japanese mappingis done by using the situation type of the verb (i.e. CAUSED-PROCESS) and the semantic con(4) a. li ke Ma ry. cept assigned to the postposition "ni" (i.e. GOAL) (cf. Section b. Maria me gusta a m~. 2.2). 3 (LOOK (CATEGORY . (SENSE-NAME. LOOK-l) (SEMANTIC-CONCEPT #LOOK#) (IDIOSYNCRASIES (THEME (MAPPING (P-ARG (SITUATION-TYPE AGENTIVE-ACTION)) "AT")))) (GUSTAR (CATEGORY . (SENSE-NAME. GUSTAR-1) (SEMANTIC-CONCEPT #LIKE#) (IDIOSYNCRASIES (THEME (MAPPING (SURFACE SUBJECT))) (GOAL (MAPPING (SURFACE OBJECT)))) (SITUATION-TYPE INVERSE-STATE)) (INFECT (CATEGORY. V) (SENSE-NAME. INFECT-I) (SEMANTIC-CONCEPT #INFECT#) (IDIOSYNCRASIES (THEME (MAPPING (P-ARG "WITH"))) (GOAL (MAPPING (SURFACE OBJECT)))) (SITUATION-TYPE CAUSED-PROCESS)) Figure 2: Lexical entries for "look", "gustar", and "infect" (BREAK.1 (ISA #BREAK#) (THEME WINDOW.2) (TENSE PAST)) (BREAK.5 Figure 4: "The window broke." Figure 5: "John broke the window." 3 The idiosyncrasies take precedence over the situation types and the semantic concepts, and the situation types over the semantic concepts. For example, two mappingrules derived by inheritance for "break" are shown in Figure 3. Notice that the semantic TYPErestriction and INSTRUMENT role stored in the knowledgebase are also inherited at this time. (ISA #BREAK#) (AGENT JOHN.6) (THEME WINDOW.7) (TENSE PAST)) Automatic Corpora Acquisition from In order to expand our lexicon to the size needed for broad coverage and to be able to tune the system to specific domains quickly, we have implemented algorithms to automatically build multi-lingual lexicons from corpora. The three-level representation described here lends itself to automatic acquisition. In this section, we discuss howthe situation types and By separating language-specific lexical idiosyncrasies are determined for verbs. predicate-argument mapping information (i.e. situOur overall approach is to use simple robust ation types and idiosyncrasies) from semantic concepts, we can capture predicate-argument mapping parsing techniques that depend on a few languagedivergences without proliferating semantic concepts. dependent syntactic heuristics (e.g. in English and For instance, we generate Japanese sentences from Spanish, a verb’s object usually directly follows the English within this framework in the following way. verb), and a dictionary for part of speech information. Wehave used these techniques to acquire inforGiven a semantic representation for the sentence "The window broke" (cf. Figure 4, detail omit- mation from English, Spanish, and Japanese corpora ted), a verb is chosen from the Japanese lexicon varying in length from about 25000 words to 2.7 milwhose semantic concept is #BREAK#and which lion words. expresses its THEMEbut not its AGENT,namely "kowareru", which has situation type PROCESS-OR-3.1 Acquiring Situation Type InforSTATE.On the other hand, given a semantic repremation sentation for the sentence "John broke the window" (cf. Figure 5), a verb whose semantic concept maps Weuse two surface features to restrict the possible to #BREAK#and which expresses both its AGENT situation types of a verb: the verb’s transitivity raling and THEME,namely "kowasu", which has situationand its subjec~ animacy. type CAUSED-PROCESS, is chosen. The transitivity rating of a verb is defined to be YPE #ENTITY#)) NT (TYPE #PHYSICAL-OBJECT#) J (MAPPING (P-ARG INSTR~ ! CAUSED-PROCESS PROCESS-OR-STATE Situation Types ~m-l~ V ¯ break" (MAPPING (SURFACE SUBJECT) (THEME (TYPE #ENTITY#) (MAPPENG (SURFACEOBJECT) (INSTRUMENT(TYPE #PHYSICAL-OBJECT#) (MAPPING (P-ARG INSTRUMENT) Figure 3: Information from the KB, the situation argument mappings for the verb "break." ~xioon (MAPPING (SURFACESUBJECT) INSTRUMENT TYPE #PHYSICAL-OBJECT# MAPPING P-ARG INSTRUMENT l type, and the lexicon all combine to form two predicate- Transitivity: CP/IS , , .. ~ .... .,.--.¯ ().0 O1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Ambig : ¯ : .. :...: - :. --:-- -: ..... t 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 AA/PS .......... o o 02 03 04 66 67 d8 d9 i o Subject Animacy: CP/AA ().0 Ambig. IS/PS d.1 (~.2 6.3 , , ee t ¯ ¯ ~,e eee ,ee 6.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 ¯ ,- -.. ,. ¯ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 , , ¯ .. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 ¯ , 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.0 Figure 6: This graph shows the accuracy of the Transitivity and Subject Animacymetrics. verb SUFFICE TIME TRAIN WRAP SORT UNITE TRANSPORT SUSTAIN SUBSTITUTE TA RG ET STORE STEAL SHUT STRETCH STRIP THREATEN WEAR TREAT TERMINATE WEIGH TEACH SURROUND TOTAL VARY WAIT SPEAK SURVIVE UNDERSTAND SURGE SUPPLY SIT TEND BREAK WRITE WATCH SUCCEED STAY STAND TELL SPEND SUPPORT SUGGEST TURN START LOOK THINK TRY WANT USE TAKE 0CC8 8 15 2O 22 25 27 28 32 33 36 36 36 36 53 57 58 61 77 79 81 82 85 97 112 130 139 146 180 188 188 199 200 219 243 268 277 300 310 368 445 454 57O 852 890 1084 1227 1272 1659 2211 2525 TR 0.6250 0,8333 1.0000 0,7222 0.4211 0.5833 0,8571 0.9062 0.7500 0.7778 0.9091 0.9167 0.2400 0.5278 0.7609 0.8793 0.8033 0.8052 0,9726 0,2069 0.7794 0.8000 0.0515 0.1354 0.1923 0.1667 0.4754 0,6946 0.0182 0.7176 0,0625 0.8594 0.4771 0.4637 0.7069 0.5379 0.2156 0.2841 0.8054 0.3823 0.8486 0.7782 0.3418 0.3474 0.1718 0.7602 0.7904 0.8559 0.8416 0.7447 SA 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.6667 1.0000 1.0000 0.6667 0.6842 0.5000 0.8000 1.0000 0.6667 0.5000 0.5000 0.8571 0.4419 0.6667 0.8000 1.0000 0.5294 0.6875 0.6667 0.2759 0.0294 1.0000 0.7500 0.3846 0.8684 0.3125 0.8571 0.7027 0.4340 0.5000 0.9123 0.8462 0.8899 0.6604 0.7237 0.8101 0,8125 0.5370 0.5918 0.5891 0.6221 0.6520 0.9237 0.8743 0.8787 0.7725 0.5933 Pred. (IS) ST Correct ST IS) CP) CP PS) (CP) (CP AA) (CP AA) (CP) (CP) (CP PS) (CP) (CP) (CP) (cP is) CP IS AA PS) CP IS AA PS) (CP /i%~ IIsS/ (CP IS) (CP IS) (CP IS) (is ps) (IS PS) (CP IS) (CP) (CP IS) (IS) CP) CP PS) (CP PS) (is) (CP IS) (IS PS) CP / IS CP IS PS) (IS PS) IS AA (cp) (CP) (CP PS) (CP PS) AA) AA cp) IS PS) IS) PS) cPisAA; t ICP IS PS) CP IS) (PS) (CP IS) (AA PS) (IS) (IS PS) (CP IS AA PS) CP IS) CP IS AA PS) (CP IS AA PS) (CP IS AA PS) CP IS) CP IS AA PS) (IS) (IS) IS PS) CP IS AA PS) (CP IS AA PS) (CP IS cp) AA PS) CP IS) (CP PS) (CP AA) OP) CP PS) (PS) (PS CP AA) (CP) (CP) (CP IS) (CP IS) PS l I I (AA PS) is) Prepositional Idio at up over in with out for on from up for over into out from from into of over over as on with into at at from over for up out at up with on with at out in up up into out off out over out up on with at up at as out on on over out into up over with off out at into for up (Is) (cP) (CP IS) (IS) (CP IS) over off out into up Table 3: Automatically Derived Situation Type and Idiosyncrasy Data 6 the number of transitive occurrences in the corpus Verbs that have a low subject animacy candivided by the total occurrences of the verb. In En- not be either CAUSED-PROCESSor AGENTIVEglish, a verb appears in the transitive wheneither: ACTION,since the syntactic subject must map to the AGENTthematic role. A high subject animacy ¯ the verb is directly followed by a noun, de- does not correlate with any particular situation type, terminer, personal pronoun, adjective, or wh- since several stative verbs take only animate subjects pronoun (e.g. "John owns a cow.") (e.g. perception verbs). The predicted situation types shown in Figure 6 ¯ the verb is directly followed by a "THAT"as a were calculated with the following algorithm: subordinating conjunction (e.g. "John said that he liked cheese.") 1. Assumethat the verb can occur with every situation type. ¯ the verb is directly followed by an infinitive (e.g. "John promised to walk the dog.") ¯ the verb past participle is preceded by "BE," as would occur in a passive construction (e.g. "The apple was eaten by the pig.") . If the transitivity rating is greater than 0.6, then discard the AGENTIVE-ACTION and PROCESS-OR-STATE possibilities. If the transitivity rating is below 0.1, then dis. For Spanish, we use a very similar algorithm, and card the CAUSED-PROCESS and INVERSEfor Japanese, we look for noun phrases with an obSTATEpossibilities. ject marker near and to the left of the verb. A high transitivity is correlated with CAUSED-PROCESS . If the subject animacy is below 0.6, then discard the CAUSED-PROCESSand AGENTIVEand INVERSE-STATE while a low transitivity corACTION possibilities. relates with AGENTIVE-ACTIONand PROCESSOR-STATE.Table 3 shows 50 verbs and their calcuWeare planning several improvements to our situlated transitivity rating. Figure 6 shows that for all ation type determination algorithms. First, Because but one of the verbs that are unambiguously transisome stative verbs can take animate subjects (e.g. tive the transitivity rating is above 0.6. The verb perception verbs like "see", "know", etc.), we some"spend" has a transitivity rating of 0.38 because times cannot distinguish between INVERSE-STATE most of its direct objects are numeric dollar amounts. or PROCESS-OR-STATE and CAUSED-PROCESS Phrases which begin with a number are not recogor AGENTIVE-ACTION verbs. This problem, hownized as direct objects, since most numeric amounts ever, can be solved by using algorithms by Brent [3] following verbs are adjuncts as in "John ran 3 miles." or Dorr [11] for identifying stative verbs. Wedefine the a verb’s subject animacy to be the Second, verbs ambiguous between CAUSEDnumber of times the verb appears with an animate PROCESS and PROCESS-OR-STATE(e.g. "break", subject over the total occurrences of the verb where "vary") often get inconclusive results because they we identified the subject. Any noun or pronoun diappear transitively about 50% of the time. When rectly preceding a verb is considered to be its subject. these verbs are transitive, the subjects are almost This heuristic fails in cases where the subject NPis always animate and when they are intransitive, the modified by a PP or relative clause as in "The man subjects are nearly always inanimate. We plan to recunder the car wore a red shirt." Wehave only implemented this metric for English. The verb’s subject ognize these situations by calculating animacy sepais considered to be animate if it is any one of the rately for transitive and intransitive cases. following: Acquiring Idiosyncratic Informa3.2 ¯ A personal pronoun ("it" and "they" were extion cluded, since they may refer back to inanimate objects.) Weautomatically identify likely pre/postpositional argument structures for a given verb by looking for ¯ A proper name pre/postpositions in places where they are likely to ¯ A word under "agent" or "people" in WordNet attach to the verb (i.e. within a few words to the right for Spanish and English, and to the left for (cf. [19]) Japanese). Whena particular pre/postposition ap¯ A word that appears in a MUC-4template slot pears here much more often than chance (based on eithat can be filled only with humans(eft [9]) ther Mutual Information or a chi-squared test [7, 6]), word know vow eat w~,nt resume possible clausal complements THATCOMP THATCOMP, TOCOMP TOCOMP INGCOMP Table 4: English Verbs which Take Complementizers we assume that it is a likely argument. A very similar strategy works well at identifying verbs that take sentential complements by looking for complementizers (e.g. "that", "to") in positions of likely attachment. Some examples are shown in Tables 3 and 4. The details of the exact algorithm used for English are contained in McKeeand Maloney [18]. Areas for improvement include distinguishing between cases where a verb takes a prepositional arguments, a prepositional particle, or a commonadjunct. 4 Conclusion [3] Michael Brent. Automatic Semantic Classification of Verbs from Their Syntactic Contexts: An ImplementedClassifier for Stativity. In Proceedings of the 5th European ACLConference, 1991. [4] Joan Bresnan, editor. The Mental Representation of GrammaticalRelations. MITPress, 1982. [5] Center for Machine Translation, Carnegie Mellon University. KBMT-89:Project Reprot, 1989. [6] Kenneth Church and William Gale. Concordances for Parallel Text. In Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the University of Waterloo Centre for the New OEDand Text Research: Using Corpora, 1991. [7] Kenneth Church and Patrick Hanks. Word Association Norms, Mutual Information, and Lexicography. Computational Linguistics, 16(1), 1990. [8] Ido Dagan and Alon Itai. Automatic Acquisition of Constraints for the Resolution of Anaphora References and Syntactic Ambiguities. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 1990. Wehave used this three-level knowledge representation for our English, Spanish and Japanese lexicons, and have built lexicons with data derived from corpora for each language. The lexicons have been [9] Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Proceedings of Fourth Message Understanding used for several multilingual data extraction applicaConference (MUC-4). Morgan Kaufmann Pubtions (cf. Aone et al. [1]) and a prototype MTsyslishers, 1992. tem (Japanese - English). The fact that this representation is language-independent, bidirectional and amenable to automatic acquisition has minimized our [10] Bonnie Dorr. Solving Thematic Divergences in Machine Translation. In Proceedings of 28th Andata acquisition effort considerably. nual Meeting of the ACL, 1990. 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