G. Prem Kumar and P. Venkataram
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 INDIA
E-Mail : {prem,pallapa}
Performance degradation in communication networks
are caused by a set of faults. called sofr failures, owing
to which the network resources like bandwidth can not
he utilised to the expected level. An automated solution to the performance management problem involves
identifying these soft failures follonred by the required
change in few of the performance parameters t o overcome the performance degradation. The identification
of soft-fa.ilures can be done using any of the faultdiagnosis model [SI, and is not discussed here. In this
paper, the emphasis is on providing a viable solution
t o the network performance tuning. Since the exploration of the network performance tuning search space
t o bring out the required control is not well known in
advance, a reinforcement control model is developed to
tune the network performance. Ethernet performance
management is talien up as a case study. The results
obtained by the proposed approach demonstrate its
effectiveness in solving tlie net,work performance management problem [ill.
Performance management. is a complex pa,rt of present
day net,work management. [6]. Any ahnormal behavior
of tlie nebwork in tlie absence of hard-failure is supposed to be handled by the network performance nianager. Network performance degra.dat,ion is viewed t o
be caused by a set, of faults, called soft-failures. Solution bo the network performmce management problem
involves two st,eps. Firstly. identify t,he soft-failures
t h a t cause the performance degradation. Secondly,
tune t.he network parameters to bring its performance
back to normalcy.
In a.nother work [9], we proposed to use realist.ic
abductive reasoning model (Realistic-ARM) t,o ident,ify tlie network soft-fa,ilures. Each of the sofLfailures
is expect,ed t o have a remedy in t,he forin of tuning
up of network performa.nce parameters. Performance
0-7803-4984-9/98/$10.00 01998 IEEE.
tuning is done by using a neural network model that
applies necessary correction t o some of the p a r a m e
ters of the degraded communication network to bring
it back t o normalcy. A reinforcement learning mechanism, called stochastic real valved algorithm [la], is
used for on-line tuning of the network. Based on the
improvement in the network performance, the learning process takes place by adapting t o the behaviour
of the communicatioi~network.
In this paper, the soft-failure identification is not
discussed. Any of t,be fault-diagnosis models which
arrive with a set of explanations for a given set, of
ahnormalities, each with some assigned probability is
assumed to be t.he input to this work. A model for network fault diagnosis using realistic abductive reasoning model that also assigns probability to each of the
explanations is discussed in [lo]. A model t o identify
the soft-failures in Etbernet using Realistic Abductive
Reasoning is presented below. Reinforcement learning
niechanisni for performance tuning a,nd the results of
the performance tuning for Ethernet follow it.
We consider a, rest,ricted Ethernet, model t o illustra,te
the soft-failure identificat,ion. For details on the Ethernet operation, refer [a][.i].
We consider an Ethernet performance management model with the following assumptions.
The informa,tion that needs t.0 be monitored for
the purpose of performance h i l i n g is collected
froin the nodes and the channel. And, t h a t information which is beyond the normal values (both
above a,nd below the norinal limit,s) is reported
as symptom(s).
Some nioiiitoriiig information like load is
and colC.sio~st7r.e within the range are included
I Fault 1
2. 1 (F2)
( R l ) : Faulty Ethernel card, re-
1 (R2)
: Request the network
ma,nager to initiate fault, diagnostic measure8
(R3) : Ensure many packets are
8. (F8)
(R4) : Report to the network
(R5) : Allocate more prima,ry
memorg- to the required nodes
(RB): Selectively control the
hroatlcast packets
(R.7) : Report to the network
manager along with the specified ta,p
(R8) : Ensure many packets are
not, below the specified size
Table 1 Suggested rcmedies for the soft-failures
Fig. 1. Ethernet performance management knowledge model.
Layer #1 :
to support, the diagnostic process for minimizing
the number of explanations.
There may be some missing information and the
entire information may not he available at, the
time of performance t,uning.
PM Knowledge Model
Tlie Ethernrt perforinance management knowledge
base [2][3][4][5][7] is constructed as a liyper-bipartite
networ% (see Figure I ) . This maps t,he Ethernet, perforina,nce management~knowledge ont,o a model snita h k for t,he Healist,icAR.RI.
The Tahle 1 describes the suggeskcl remedies for
(,lie soft-failures of the EXhernet model.
The Results
'To ideiit,if>: the soft-failures, t,lie algorithm Realistic-AR,Rl is rini bb- set,ting "the presprcified number
of syrnpt,oms required to support. an observed s y m p
tom before concluding a fault," to 1. Tlir algorithm
is run foi various sets o f symploms (from layer 1 of
Figure 1) and some of the rrsnlts are given in Tahle
2 . The proha,hilities are assigned to each of the links
(not, shown here), which liave to he provided by the
expert oE t l r p part,icular netwnrlr.
From Tahle 2 . it ma;- h e oi-~servrdt,liat,the cov-ers
grnerated ti)- tlir proposed inoilel
1. Packet loss helow normal; 2. Packet loss normal;
3. Packet loss above normal; 4. Load below normal;
6 . Loa,d normal; G. Load above normal; 7. C!ollisions below normal; 8. Collisions normal: 9. Collisions ahove normal; l0.Large packets below normal;
ll.l,arge packets normal: l2.Large packets a,hove normal: 13.Small packets helow normal; 11.Small packets noruial; 1.5.Small packets a,bove normal: l6.Broadcast, packet,s normal: 17.Broadcast, packets a.hovr normal; 1S.Pacl;et loss on spine h o v e Iiornial: I9.Load
on spine normal; 2O.Load on spine above normal
Layer #'2 :
1. Light, t,raffic:2. Heavy traffic; 3 . Buffers are insufficient; 4. Users are t,oo many: 5 . Preambles a.r? 1,oo
m a n y 6. Broadcast packet,s are too many; 7. Spine
flooded wit,li t,oo many s n d packek: 8. Hea,v>-t,raffic
on spiur
Layer #3 :
1. ( F l ) Bahhling node; 2. (F2) Hardware prohleni: 3.
(F3I Jabbering node: 4. Too many rctransmissions;
5. tinder nt,ilization of clia,nnel a niaiiy small packets
arr in use: 6. ,Ittempt, for l.00 many hroadca,sts
1. (F4) Uridgc down: 2 . (F5)Diet,morl; paging; Y. (FG)
Broadcast sl,ornr: 4. ( F i ) Bad t,ap: 5. (FX) Runt, d o r m
1. 3,6,12,18,20
Table 2. Sample results for Ethernet performance model
explanation for any given symptoms without much of
extra guess.
Consider a case given in %No. 4 of Table 2. The
observed symptoms in layer #1 are: Symptom 10 :
number of large packets below normal; Symptom 15 :
small packets above normal; Symptom 16 : number of
broadcast packets are normal; Symptom 18 : packet
loss on spine above normal.
The soft-failure concluded is “Runt storm” (with
some plausibility) and the remedy is to ensure that too
many small paxkets a,re not inject,ed inbo the network.
Network performance management cannot be complete wit,hout,a control mechanism that tunes the net,work t,o overcome t,he performance degradation.
When there is a degradation in network performance, we first identify the soft,-failures with the
plausibility of their existence and then take up the
performance tuning. A reinforcem,ent learnmg (RL)
pamdigm is employed to accomplish performance t,uiiing. We use a, RL model, with two modules, similar
t,o that discussed in [8]. The first module. called tlie
”actor”. learns the correct action for a given agent
and the second module, called the “critic”, learns the
maximum reinforcement expected from the environment, for a, given input.
Fig. 2. The reinforcement learnins mechanism
Fig. 3. A connectionist model for network PM.
task is to learn how to react to a given input so as to
maximize the reinforcement it receives from the environment
In supervised learning, tlie agent is provided with
t,he desired out,put from which it, can form a gradient
to follow so as t.0 minimize the error in the out,put. In
R.L, such an explicit gradient information is absent,.
Hence the agent has to explore the output space to
find the right direction.
A reinforcement learning is suitable to use for net,work performance tuning because, the desired output t o bring the performance back t o normalcy is not
known well in advance.
The Neural Network Model
A connectionist model, as described in [la], is used to
realize the reinforcement, learning. This model uses
Reinforcement learning problems are usually modeled t,mo neural networks, each of them ba,sed on the backas an ngeiil intera.cting with an e?z.u%ronm.ent(see Fig- propagat,ioii learning algorithm (see Figure 3.)
The neural network has an input layer that is deure 2). The agent, receives an input from the environment, a,nd outputs a, suit,ahle act,ion The environment signed to accept tlie significant events of environment,
accepts the a,ction from the agent as input and out,. as inputs.
puts a sca,la,revaluatioii (reinforcement) of t.he action
The output of NN is the value on which the coras well as the next, input, t,o the agent. The agent,’s rect.ion to the comniunic.ation network pa,rameter de-
Reinforcement Learning
The NX also has one or more hidden layers, depending on the complexit)- of the problem. The number of neurons in the hidden layer(s) also depends on
the estimate of the mimber of exemplars provided for
t,raining [I].
Each layer of the N N consist,s of one or more neurons. T h e output of one layer is fed as the input of
the next. Associa.ted with each of these connections
is an adaptive weight. The output of a neuron in a
hidden layer or output, layer is calculated as am a,ctivation function of the weighted sum of t,he input, to
the neuron with an opt,ional bias term. which is also,
in principle adaptive.
For every pattern (or exemplar) presented to the
iirural iiet,work for training, t,wo passes are used. l h e
forward pass is used to eva,luate t,he oulput of the
neural network for tlie given input, with the existing
weights. In the reverse pass, the difference in t,he neural network output with the desired output, i s conipared and fed back to the neural network as an error
t,o change the weights of the neural network
For the input layer nenrons, tlie user input i s allplied aiid a,t the other neurons the net-input is calculated by using the following :
ci(u’ii* inputj)
where wij is the weight, of the link connecting the
i in the current, layer and the neuron j in the
preceding layer, and i n l ~ u t jis the output of the neuroil j fed t,o neuron i . T h e input to bias neuron in
i,he preceding layer is sct, t,o -1 and the weight is adjust,ahle. Esseidially, tlre weight on t,lie Ilks link in the
previous layer iridicat,es the t,hreshold of each nenroii
in the current laycr.
The out,put, of rach iieuroii is determined hy applying a transfer fuuci,ion f( .) l o the net-input to tlre
iieuroii. The commonlg used fuiictioiis are sigmoidal
fiinct,ions (i.r/.. (1 F-?)-’:
and h>Tperbolic tangent,.
Lci,71 /U!)
IVe use t,he function
.f(,.) = (1
In t,he reverse pass, i . c . , for t,he particular neiiron
< in out,pu( layer L , suppose t,liat the out,plJt of the
outpui is (1:. The hackncuroii is .yc aiid t h desired
propagated error is
6: = f’(hF)[df. - yf.].
where hf represents t,he net-input t,o t,he i”’ uiiit,
iu t,lir Lih lilyrr a-nd , f ’ ( . j is the deriva,tiw 01 . f ( .j .
For layers 1 = 1. . . ., (L-1). and Sor each neuron i
i n layer I the error is comput,rd using :
The a,dapt,ationof the weights of the link connecting neuroiis i and j is done using :
tu:, x
+ I< * 6: * u‘-l
where I< is the learning constant, t,hat depends on
the rate a t which the neural network is expected to
This neural network algorithm essentially minimizes t h r mean square error between the neural network out,put and the desired output using gradient,
desceut, approa,ch
RL for Performance Tuning
The realistic ahductive reasoning model evaluates tlie
performa.nce degradation with a set, of soft,-failures and
respect.ive plausihilit,ies. These values are fed t o the
two modules ol iieural network. One of the neural networks is the (‘actor’’ and the other i s tlie ‘.crit,ir”. Let
t,he out,put,of tlie “actor” be p , and that, ofthe “crit,ic”
he i~which is the goodness of p . The correction z is
applied to the which is a.n instance o f a Ga,ussia,ii distribution wit,h mean p and
varia,iicc where U is a non-increasing functioii of r .
The variance t,erin is used t o cont,rol explorat,ion of the
output space by having a small value when 1. is close to
the maxiinrim valiie and ot,herwise a large value. Once
again. t,he r e a l i h c ahdnctive reasoning model rvaluates t,lie coinmimicatioii network t o yield a, neu’ set of
soft-failures axid respect,ive percentage degradat,ioii in
performance. And. based on that,. the reiirforcenieni,
is given t,o hot11 thi. “actor” and tlie “critic”. ‘The error used t,o, t,he xeights of hot,li net,morks is a
function of tlie values of 11,. I’, a,nd ?. This process of
soft,-failnrr identificat,ion and perforniance tuning rep a t s till the network performance is brought, back t o
The follorving are t,he equations for “actor’ a i d
”crit,ic” iieural net,warks that, are incorporated int,o the
conmect,ionist model.
“Aci,or” neural iiet,work :
input I : th? degradation iii performance; plausiIdit>-o f t.he performance parameter being con1,rolled
h?- t,lie iieiiral iictwork: current set,t.ingot the paramet,er; ot,lier paramet,ers of significance.
output, : p .
r = 1 if t,he pcrformanc,e improves and -1 if it degrades fnrt,lier.
IerroP : (7
* (z
where z = f(p. U ) . where f(.) is a Gaossian with
i and variance m.
“Critic” neural network :
input : x.
outuut : i..
U = max(0, (1 - e)).
r = 1 if the performance improves and -1 if it degrades further.
backpropagated error = (r - i).
Algorithm performance Tuning
1. Choose a neural network with 1, . . . , L layers.
2 Set the input of the bias neurons to -1.0
*--Uwno NN.
3. Initialize w i j = 6 V i , j , a random value in the
range (0.1).
Fig. 4. Performance improvement on using neural network.
4.feed the input parameters
5. Propagate the signal forward through the neural the source buffers. The output is the recommended
network till the output layer, evaluating output
of each of the neurons i ,
where iirpvtj is the output from neuron j in the
preceding layer, fed to neuron i .
6 For each of the neuron i in the output layer
(layer L), compute the error 6: using the equations given in the respective p and f networks.
7 For 1 = 1, . . ., (L-1), compute the error
61 = f ’ ( h i )C j ( w Ii ij l
* #+I
8. Upda.te the weights using :
* J! * Y j
SI + K
I< is t,he learning rate.
9 Repeat, hy going to Step 4 till PM is active.
The Ethernet performance management model considered for soft-failure identification is further ext,eiided
to demonstrate the learning capabilit,y i . e . , improving
the cominunication network behavior in case of performance degrada,tion.
The parameters considered for improving the network performa,nce are (i) arrival proha,hility; (ii) basic
ret,ry slot; (iii) maximum pa.cket, length; and (iv) minimum pa,cliet, length. Besides the parameter’s value,
t,he t,uning a,lgorithm accepts performance degradation
and average number of packets queued up in each of
value of the parameters.
The simulation model is developed in C++ programming language on Sun Sparc 20 worlcstation, running SUN OS 4.2. Each of the “actor” and the “critic”
neural networks is trained by using backpropagation
learning procedure with 5 neurons in the input, 4 neurons in the hidden layer and one neuron in the output
layer. To demonstrate the proposed model for network
performance tuning, the Ethernet model is simulated
both in the absence of neural networks and after i n b
grating with neural networks. The performance of the
Ethernet a t several instances of simulation are presented. The improvement can be attributed to the
adaptability of the neura,l net,works to learn the behavior of the Ethernet and make appropriate changes
to result in better performance.
From Figure 4,it ca,n be observed that, there is a.
substantial improvement, in the performance (by over
5%, on an average) when the connectionist model for
performance tuning is employed. Initial dip in performance is because of the neural network training- to
reach the expected level of tuning. This may be overcome by providing the expert knowledge t o the neural
network before it is placed on the Ethernet for performance tuning
In t.his paper, network performance problem is presented in t,wo parts. First part identifies the ca.uses
of net,work performance degradataion and the second
gives necessary inning t,o bring the performance back
to normalcy using reinforcement learning model. The
model is tested with the hypothetical Ethernet and the
results show a significant iinproveineiit, of over 5%.
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