From: KDD-96 Proceedings. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Mining Knowledge in Noisy Audio Data Andnej CZYZEWSKI TechnicalUniversityof GdaW, Facultyof Electronics,SoundEngineeringDept. Narutowicza11112; 80-952Gdausk,Poland. Abstract This paper demonstratesa KDD methodapplied to audio data analysis, particularly, it presents possibilitieswhich result from replacing traditional methodsof analysisand acousticsignal processing by KDD algorithmswhen restoringaudio recordings at&ctedby strongnoise. Introduction m-l-,, C--II-CL2----a?------L-- .--L--,-.-z-A_ 1yplGdl dppllCdUOIlS or cmnpurer l~llnologlGs 10 audioacousticsonly rarely considerthe opportunitiesof data processingwith the use of methodswhich stem from KDD approach.What is essentialhere is the fact that methods of analysis and signal processing developedon the basisof speechacousticshavenot been transferre4lrespectivelyso far to other relatedareas,e.g. as an algorithm of intelligent analysisand processing of the musical audio signal. In the meantimethe area of audio acoustics has an extensive demand for applicationsof intelligent signalprocessing. The paper demonstratesa KDD methodapplied to audio data analysis,which was studiedat the Sound Engineering Department of the Gdat+iskTechnical University. Particularly, it presentspossibilitieswhich result from replacing traditional methods of analysis and acousticsignalprocessingby KDD algorithmswhen restoringaudiorecordingsaRcted by strongnoise. Previously, the parallel algorithm applied to the removal of clicks has been tested(Czyzewski 1994, 1995a) and the rough set method applied to noise suppressionin old audio recordings was tried (Czyzewski1995b).A new conceptof perceptualcoding allowing for noise reductionin old musical recordings stemmed from a modification of KDD applications investieated zvzewski 199% ,d-+, -_.. --- -. . -, p----r-nreviouslv -.-- ---, bv -, the author K’ 1995c). Perceptual coding provides the way of processingaudio signal in such a way that the portions of signal which are perceptibleto human hearingsense are to be encodedwhile the remainingportionsof signal or noise are to be rejected.The algorithm processes signalin subbandsof the frequencyscalecorresponding 220 KDD-96 to the critical bandsof hearing. The rough set method was employedto building the knowledgebaseof signal and distortionsin sucha way that it becomespossibleto automaticallycontrol the maskingthresholdin order to maintainthe noiseaffectingaudio signalsnot audibleto listeners, Detailsof the elaboratedand testedalgorithmswill be presentedand results of their application discussed. Some general conclusions concerning knowledge acquisition of audio signal affected by noise and distortionswill be added.Potentialtelecommunications and multimediaappiicationswiii be quoted. Rough set approach to mining signal and noise data The idea of using KDD approachto the removal of continuous noise from old recordings uses the perceptualcoding schemeenhancedby the intelligent decisionalgorithmbasedon the rough set method. The rule set usedfor the determinationof thresholdsfor the selectionof eligible componentsof the signal is obtained by learning from examples.Hence, the data mining processallows one to discernbetweensignal and noise portions of the audio material. Consequently,the maskingthresholdlevel can be determinedfor eachdata frame allowingone to makethe noiseinaudibleafter the executionof the perceptualcodingprocedure. Before the details of the elaboratedalgorithm are presenteda brief introduction to the domains of rough sets and of perceptualcoding of audio data will be provided. Basic concepts of the rough set theory The Booleantraditional logic, which is employed by computersfor general use, stems from clhntofs formulationof the definition of a set and operationson sets.However,as numerousexamplesprove, computers which work on this basis,are not good enoughto solve many practical problems which require automatic inference,especiallyin situationswhen the data being analyzedcarry a certain inaccuracyor irreproducibility and when there is no possibility to create a precise enoughmodel of the decisiveprocess.In such cases, overcomingthe axioms of Cantor’sdefinition of sets may turn out to be of purposeand very useN. This situation obviously correspondsto the problems of discerning between signal and noise componentsin noisyaudiopatterns. Overcoming the iimitations related to Cantor’sdefinition of the set is possibleby :-P...i..,-, +l.n+ kn..a +rr Ipjllvllllg U&F-“..:ram,...+ IGqyuu~,,~cur LuaLCLLUG“a* ret.l.,...ewan;a.. lAlulLualI~~ IUIVCL” be strictly defined, that is of a set which is precisely definedby its elements.By doing so it is possibleto define the set based on its lower and upper approximations.Sucha set, sinceit is not definedfully, may includeelementswhich belongto it mauytimes. JJppr Apprownahon / gouudary Region \ Lower ADDrOxdtiOn UNIVERSE-U APPROXIMATION SPACE -AS LOWERANDUPPERAPROXRdATIONS-LA&UP ROUGH ------.luuJULT SET Bt DEPENDENCIES -IRS & D - Ii CORE-C Fig. 1. Illustration of elementarynotions relatedto the roughsettheory. Overcomingthe traditional axioms applied in the caseof rough setscausesthe logic basedon the rough set theory to acquire completely new featureswhich make it an extremely useful tool for solving many problemswhich require an intelligent data analysis, searchingfor hiddenrelationshipsbetweenthe data and even making the right decisionsin situations when incompleteandpartially contraryantecedents exist. The fundamentalsof this theory were announced by Pawlak in the early 1980’s (pawlak, 1982). The theorywasquickly adoptedby the scientificworld and is now one of the fast developingmethodsof artificial ;~+dl;“c.~M ulK.uqj~~~ mn-.lnl, (rawmn, 1aa1\ r=lJ,. I%* 111v mn;n lua.ul +.wa.sno LQIILW .*1ntLarl Inatbu +rr L” defining a rough set are illustrated schematicallyin Fig. 1. More detaileddefinitionsof theseterms can be found in the literature(Slowinskied., 1992). The knowledgeis representedin a systembased on rough sets in a tabular form composedof the following elements: a finite setof objects,P - is a finite set of attributes,D is a specialdecisiveattributedeterminedby the expert, P is a collectionof all conditionalattributesin P, vo, representsthe area of decisiveattributes,F - is called the knowledgefunction. An inductivelearningsystembasedon rough set .~ a-.-.-.consistsof the iearning componentfor the automauc rule derivation from training samples and of the inference system used for decision-making at the recognitionstage.Rulesare expressionsin the following format: if <conditionl>n2~. then <decision>. . and~ndition d Conditions are based on attributes. Attributes shouldbe equalto concretevalues or shouldbelong to certain ranges.The decisionalways use a single rule matchingapproach. The knowledgebasein rough set methodcan be convenientlyrepresented in the form of a decisiontable, in which rows representob&cts and c0imns represent attributes.In the last column decision attributes are collected.The main task for the learning phase (rule generationprocedure)is to find the minimum number of maximum composedsets that cover the so called positive region J%%s) providing one of the basic notions of the rough set theory @ ‘awl& 1982). Consequently, two typesof rules are to be derivedfrom the UIV &.4cinn UVIIY*“II t-hlw WVIV. rclrtcain W.-L nrbc md nnccihlp SWVY s4AI.s yv”LuY’” ndec *UIIY. .An Y. importantparameterof possiblerules, reflecting quality of them is the roughmeasurek&s definedas follows: pm=IXnYI 1’1 !U where:X is the conceptand Y is the set of all examplesdescribedby the rule. Spatial, Text, & Multimedia 221 An additionalparameterwas proposedby the author doting one to optimize the rule generationprocess. This parameterwas called the rule strength r and is definedas follows: where:c - numberof casesconformingthe rule, n p - the neutral point of the rough measure. The neutral point of the rough measure‘fl provides one of someparametersof the rule generationsystemto be set by its operator. This parameterallows one to regulatethe influence of possible(uncertain)rules on the processof decisionmaking.More detailsconcerning the rough set conceptsare to be found in the rich literature(Slowidskied., 1992;Wojcik, 1993). Perceptual coding algorithm Empirical data reveal that some signals are inaudiblein the presenceof othersboth in time and in frequencydomain. The level of the barely audiblepure tone dependson the ditferenceof frequenciesof the signal componentsand the masking tone, and on the excitationlevel of the masker.Usually,this dependence is presentedas the function of frequencyin a linear scale or in a logarithmic scale (Zwicker&Zwicker 1991). It can be observed that the shape varies .A.....%.%.” T.. “:-:Cn,.nCLr ..F..-.,.....x..” 4,. &v.,....m..-.bmlllt;E;~. 3lpulclaluy &uJluullj LOncqllcmby u1 rL. WIE; literature,someattemptsto calculatethat shapecan be found (Krohkowski, 1996). Another well-proven phenomenonis the fact that humanauditorysystemanalysesspectrumrangeswhich correspondto subbands,called critical bands. The stimuli frequencieswithin a critical band are perceived similarly and processedindependentlyfrom those of other critical bands. Becauseof the need to use the critical bandsscale,the Bark unit for this was defined, which is of the width of one critical band. It can be observed that Bark-to-Hertz dependencecan be approximatedby the straightline: up to the 8th Bark in the linear frequencyscaleand from the 8th Bark in the logarithmic one. The above property was taken into accountwhen convertingto Bark units in the eiaborated algorithm. Moreover,it turns out that maskingcurves assumealmostan uniform shapewhen calculatedversus Bark units. One can noticethat the slopesof the curves at the lower frequenciesare constant,whereasat the higher ones,the slopedependson the excitationlevel of the masker. 222 KDD-96 Basing on the above indications, the elaborated perceptual algorithm for the encoder performs the - __ folIowingoperations: Step 1. On the basis of the sampling frequency, valuesof frequenciesfor consecutivespectrallines are computed.Next, they are convertedto Bark units. Step2. The continuousseriesof 16-bit samplesare groupedinto blocks of the length of 512 samples.This &.P “I- ie UOY~IIYU ncrr~md 10 tn L” lm LN 1 t.r.mnrnmi~~ ss w*n,p”“~oY lustw~c.n uwL,,YvII hinh 1LL611 spectralresolution (long blocks) and time resolution requirements(short blocks). Since at the borders of blocks some audible distortions may occur, so called ‘block effects’, thus overlapping technique with the lengthof the fold equalsto 32 wasapplied. Step 3. Becauseof the Digital Fourier Transform properties,blocks containing samples are windowed before the processing is made. Rectangular-cosine shapedwindow was used calculatedaccordingto the following formula: d&u(i) = I data - sin(: eG‘) , i e(O,L-1) data, i E(L,N-L-1) A u datacos($-$), i E(N-&N-l) (3) where: L - the sizeof the fold, N - the lengthof the block. Step4. The FFT procedureis executed.Amplitudes and phases of spectral lines are calculated using complex representations.Since these values are symmetrical,only half of them is further processed.The remainingpart is restoredin the decoder. Step 5. The amplitudesof spectrallines are sorted accordingto decreasingvaluesof amplitude. Step 6. Simultaneous masking procedure is executed.Spectrallines with amplitudevalue remaining below the masking threshold are discarded.Masking curves are representedby uniform curves. For the practicaluse, shapesof thesecurvesare approximated hv “J ctraioht YU.a~.. lin~c I...WY. Thp clone L1.W Ya”p nf “a the line UX” 11-w at u. thP ua” lnw~r 1”..ll frequenciesis set to 27 dB/Bark, whereasat the higher ones,the slopeS (with minus sign) is expressedas: S =22-0.2-I [dB/Bark] (4) where: I - denotesthe ievei of the masker. For eachnon-maskedspectralline, there is a mask level computed,i.e. the excitation value of barely audibletoneof the respectivefrequency. Step7. Within every critical band for each spectral line, the minimum mask level is chosen.This approach ensures that after the quantization of non-masked components, the quantizationnoiseis maintainedbelow the audiblelevel. Step 8. Subjectivelevel of noise is estimatedby a human listener. If its value is below the mask level in everycritical band- no further actionsare performed.If not, new maskingthresholdsare establishedto shift the noise below the masking level in each particular subband.This procedureis conceivedas a flexible one in order to not to diminish nor to neglect eligible componentswithin the band. Step 9. After the perceptual processing,every spectmlcomponentis quantizedor set to 0 (if masked). It would be redundantto encodemaskedvahles:ml& only these componentswith non-zeromagnitudesare processed.However,there is a needto know, for which frequenciesspectmllines were neglectedif they were. Therefore,an additional piece of information is sent, which defineswhetherconsecutivecomplexcomponents are transmittedor not. And thus, everypackageof data is precededby 256 one-bitflags. If the flag is setto 0 at the kth position,it meansthat the magnitudeand phase for the kth spectml componentis not processed(the maskingoccurred).On the other hand if the kth value is set to 1, it denotesthat the packageincludesthe kth complexcomponent. utili= all 16-bit representationwhereasthe value can matchonly a part of it. Thus, it can be assumedthat the numberof bits usedto encodethesevaluesis constantin a critical band within the time duration of several frames.In a case,when the word length changes,one needsto sendonly a new valuefor appropriatesubband. Consequently, the datapackageis precededby a number of one-bitflags. When the kth flag is set to 0, it means that the number of bits used to encode spectml componentsin the kth critical band did not change. When the flag is equal to 1, it denotesthat a new number for thesebits will be transmittedfor the kth band. The number of one-bit flags is equal to the number of critical bands determinedby the given nnms.1:..n &.-..a..-, 341qJlll1~ UGquGll~y. During the maskingprocedure,it is evahratedthe permissiblenoiselevel in eachcritical baud. The level is used for the quantimtion and should be known to restoresoundcorrectly. Thus, there is a needto store values of the levels for every subband.Fortunately,it turns out that it is essentialto precedethe audiopackage by a numberof flags informing whetherthe noiselevel in consecutivecriticai bandschanged.If so, a new 16bit valueof the level for appropriatebandis transmitted. As previously,the numberof the one-bitflags refer to the numberof utilized critical bands. Consequently,each SlZsample frame is storedin the format as follows: 256 of one-bitflags of non-maskedspectrallines, up to 25 of one-bitflags. They describethe change of the word length engaged to encode complex componentsin a critical band, up to 25 of one-bitflags. They concernthe changeof permissiblenoiselevel in a critical band, up to 25 of 4-bit values of a new value of word length usedto encodespectralcomponentsin a critical band, 16-bit valuesof a new permissiblenoise level in a critical band, vdaes of ---r-----amnlitudes --and nhasen of non-masked r---- spectrallines.The value of phasescan be encodedusing 5 bits, what is recommendedin the literature. Consequently,amplitude and phase of the constant complexcomponentis encoded. The decoderusesthe abovedatafor the additive synthesisof soundon the basis of spectralcomponents which havebeenqualifiedas non-maskedones. Knoyledge acquisition of signal and of noise Previously, the rough set approach to the determinationof spectralcomponentsobtained in the McAulay-Quatieri analysis was tried by the author (Czyzewski1995b,1995c).Similar KDD procedureto the one elaboratedpreviously was exploited in the current experiments to derive rules allowing to automaticallyselectthe optimal level of the masking thresholdin the perceptualcodingffiltrationprocedure. The maskingthresholdinfluencing the selectionof spectralcomponentsin the encodershouldbe updated frameby framebasingon the rule set.This rule setis to be acquiredon the basis of examplesprocessedduring the learningphase.Correspondingly,threeclassesare to be defined: thresholdlow (too low), thresholdmedium or balanced(right) and thresholdhigh (too high). The expressions in brackets correspond to subjective assessment of the effectof filtration. When the threshold is too low, then the noise is clearly audible.When the threshold is too high, many eligible componentsare removed,so the resulting soundis clean but poor and distorted. Balanced threshold allows one to remove noisewithout discardingeligible signal components.As resultsfrom aboveindications,thresholdvaluesneedto be quantized.The quantizationconsistsin replacingreal values of masking threshold by the range representations which are utilized as decisionattributes (Slowinski ed., 1992). Practically, the uuiform . ... . . ..r.-..r...---^ ..-,,...-.,.I L.-.r,A ,.^ uL up .a73-I--” rC yuat1uuuw1 walaGlupluyGu UiibGuUll 1illl~CSUl magnitudeof threshold. Practically,the learuing procedureconsistsin selecting some short fragments of the recording, automatically setting various threshold levels and assessingthe effect subjectivelywhen playing back thosefragmentsafter the resynthesis.Correspondingly, Spatial, Text, Q Multimedia 223 each sample fragment is to be represented by a set of threshold values in each critical band and the decision comes from the human expert. That is the way the knowledge base is built withregard to expert subjective assessm&ts of individual examples. Normally, it is suBicient to choose some examples corresponding to the most characteristic fragments of the recording. Typically, up to 5 percent of the whole material should be chosen and assessed on the basis of 2 to 3 seconds portions. This produces a stream of exemplary data to be added to the relevant classes labeled as “low”, “right” and too “high”. Consequently, the knowledge base is build up to be applicable to the selected fragments (certainly) and to the rest of the whole recording (possibly). The generalization capabilities of KDD algorithms the rough set belongs to proved to work well also with the new patterns representing the material not employed to the %aining. The rule base represents knowledge acquired during the training of the algorithm. Thfi rule set may contain rules of the following form: (5) where: W,) = V*J*,...J*,~ denotes that in the frequency band No. k the threshold value is to be set to I is i EC l,2,...,16 > . the quantized level , , k E< 1,2,...,24 > Then, the magnitude of the threshold set in kth critical band is as follows: 4 = 61,. [m] (6) The exemplary rules presented above are to be determined automatically through the learning from fragments of the recording, packet after packet. As each packet represents the result of FFI’ tran&orm of 512 samples, thus for each 1s portion of audio sampled with the frequency 22.05 kHz as much as 22.050/512 z 43 rules may be generated. Thus, initially after typical learning procedure employing 10 or 15 s of exemplary audio material the decision table is constructed containing several hundreds of rules. Usually, such a data collection is superfluous. This feature results from the fact that musical tones duration usually exceeds single packet length. Consequently, many rules and attributes W, ) are discarded after the rough set based reduction of the obtained decision table and the resulting knowledge base is automatically compacted. Subsequently, the 224 KDD-96 acquired rule base is used for the automatic setting thresholds for all subbands and all consecutive packets of the whole recording. For the concrete combination of input data many rules are firing, some of them certain (rough measure equal to 1) and some uncertain (rough measure lower than 1) - see eq. 1. According to the rough set method principles, the decision always comes from the single firing rule being the strongest one - see eq. 2. Consequently, the specuum filtering thresholds are to be updated according to the winning rules. Subsequently, the current packet is processed using threshold values update controlled by the rule conditional attributes. Results of processing noisy recordings with this method are presented in the next paragraph. Results Music affected by strong noise was used for the described experiments. The analysis-resynthesis algorithm with the “intelligent” threshold update was applied among others to an exemplary fragment of the song performed by Edith Piaf taken from a very noisy record. After the perceptual filtration is executed, which is supported by the rough set-based control of masking threshold, the rectified signal was obtained revealing enhanced subjective quality. Results of analyses of music material made before and after the processing are presented in Fig. 2. As is seen from Fig. 2a, spectral analysis of the musical fragment reveals that signal components are accompanied by very strong noise. The noise is broadband (so called hiss) and its components are strong within the whole range of frequency (up to l/2 sampling freq which was equal to 22.05 kHz). Fig. 2b presents spectral analysis of the fragment restored with the perceptual coding algorithm with not properly selected masking thresholds - some eligible signal components are weakened while the higher components of hiss remain still beyond the masking threshold. Fig. 2c presents the result of signal restoration with the perceptual coding algorithm controlled by the rule set derived from eight characteristic portions of the whole recording (time duration of each portion: 2 to 3 s). Conclusions KDD algorithms should find their way to more audio applications. The previously conducted experiments related to neural network implementation to the removal of impulse distortions (Czyzewski 1994, 1995a) and the presented exemplary application related to the restoration of noisy audio recordings may support this opinion. There are many potential applications of Acknowledgment intelligent algorithms applied to the removal of noise and distortions. Some of them might be used in telecommunications and digital broadcasting, in databasesand multimedia-related systems as data reductionand noisesuppression techniques. The presentedresearchprojectwas sponsoredby the Committeefor ScientiIic Research,Warsaw, Poland. GrantNo. 8 TllD 002 08. References 1. 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