Brianna’s Law March 2013 EXHIBIT O Senate Committee on Judiciary Date: 3-14-2013 Page: 1 of 90 States in Blue Have Passed Arrestee DNA Legislation O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O 10 City of Chicago 53 Rapes & Murders prevented 8 convicted felons O 11 Chester Dewayne Turner O 12 Turner was arrested 21 times Over 15 years O 13 Chester Turner’s DNA was found on twelve 12 rape and murder victims O 14 First victim was murdered two months after the first arrest O 15 Diane Johnson – March 29, 1987 Annette Ernest – October 29, 1987 Anita Fishman – January 20, 1989 Regina Washington – September 23, 1989 Debra Williams – November 16, 1992 Mary Edwards – December 16, 1992 Andrea Triplett – April 2, 1993 Desarae Jones – May 16, 1993 Natalie Price – February 12, 1995 Mildred Beasley – November 6, 1996 Paula Vance – February 3, 1998 Brenda Bries – April 6, 1998 O 16 O 17 Eleven Lives Spared O 18 David Jones served 11 years in prison wrongfully convicted O 19 One DNA sample taken upon arrest Eleven women saved Prevented an innocent man spending 11 years in prison O 20 O 21 Matched a double homicide O 22 430 crimes matched to arrestee DNA O 23 California DNA database matching an average of 10 crimes per day O 24 California: more matches with arrestee DNA in 4 years than last 25 years with convicted DNA alone O 25 California: rate of cases cleared and investigations aided increased from 35% to 67.9% since adding arrestee DNA O 26 DNA Does not go into CODIS O 27 A DNA Profile goes into CODIS O 28 The DNA strand has over 3 billion markers O 29 The DNA strand has over 3 billion markers Only 13 go into CODIS O 30 These 13 markers have no potential to disclose any medical diagnostic information or physical characteristics O 31 33 RPM Vinyl Record Album O 32 “The Court should recognize that CODIS profiling is not the type of genetic testing that supplies significant information on disease risk or other physical or behavioral genetic traits.” O 33 CODIS DNA Profile This is the only information put into the database LabXYZ 0012152 13,14,29,31.2,11,12,10,16,18,7,9,11,11 12,17,24,14,15,9,11,16,19,9,12,21,26 DHL LabXYZ = Originating Laboratory Identifier 0012152 = Specimen ID # (Number automatically generated upon entry into CODIS) 06,09,11,12,10,10,22,24,9,03,10,08,09, 14,14,15,17,17,22,25,12,12,9,10,09,13 (These are the pairs identifying the 13 markers) O 34 DHL = Analyst Identifier NO Names or Social Security Numbers In CODIS O 35 CODIS DNA Profile This is the only information put into the database LabXYZ 0012152 13,14,29,31.2,11,12,10,16,18,7,9,11,11 12,17,24,14,15,9,11,16,19,9,12,21,26 DHL LabXYZ = Originating Laboratory Identifier 0012152 = Specimen ID # (Number automatically generated upon entry into CODIS) 06,09,11,12,10,10,22,24,9,03,10,08,09, 14,14,15,17,17,22,25,12,12,9,10,09,13 (These are the pairs identifying the 13 markers) O 36 DHL = Analyst Identifier 13,14,29,31.2,11,12,10,16,18,7,9,11,11 12,17,24,14,15,9,11,16,19,9,12,21,26 O 37 Match is Made: O 38 Match is Made: Originating State Reanalyzes to verify accuracy O 39 Match is Made: Originating State Reanalyzes to verify accuracy Name is Identified O 40 Match is Made: Originating State Reanalyzes to verify accuracy Name is Identified Name Released ONLY to Law Enforcement O 41 DNA Match only an investigative lead O 42 Only for FELONY arrests O 43 Only for FELONY arrests DNA Taken during formal booking process O 44 Only for FELONY arrests DNA Taken during formal booking process Taken when fingerprints and mug shots are taken O 45 When Booked for A Crime Can Be: O 46 When Booked for A Crime Can Be: Held Against Will O 47 When Booked for A Crime Can Be: Held Against Will Strip Searched O 48 When Booked for A Crime Can Be: Held Against Will Strip Searched Everything on person can be searched O 49 CODIS is a CLOSED SECURE SYSTEM O 50 Federal offense to tamper with CODIS O 51 There has NEVER been a misuse of breach of CODIS O 52 Arrestee DNA SAVES MONEY O 53 Sentenced 69 years with no parole O 54 Over Three Years Sooner O 55 $200,000 could have been saved O 56 Every $30 cheek swab results in savings of $27,000 O 57 For every $1 invested in DNA $90 is saved O 58 Congress has authorized grants to pay for the first year of an Arrestee DNA Testing Program O 59 “The Katie Sepich Enhanced DNA Collection Act” O 60 100 United States Senators O 61 100 United States Senators 2/3 United States House of Representatives O 62 100 United States Senators 2/3 United States House of Representatives Funded Implementation of arrestee DNA O 63 The United States Supreme Court will rule by June 2013 O 64 “Collecting DNA from individuals arrested for violent felonies provides a valuable tool for investigating unsolved crimes and thereby helping to remove violent offenders from the general population.”“ United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts O 65 The Attorneys General of all 50 states joined by Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia signed a brief in support O 66 “I think this is perhaps the most important criminal procedure case that this Court has heard in decades. So this is what is at stake: Lots of murders, lots of rapes that can be solved using this new technology that involves a very minimal intrusion on personal privacy. But why isn't this the fingerprinting of the 21st century? What is the difference? If it was permissible and it's been assumed to be so for decades, that it is permissible to fingerprint anybody who's booked, why is it not permissible to take a DNA sample from anybody who is arrested?” United States Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito O 67 Minorities have been disproportionately wrongfully convicted of crime O 68 Erroneous eyewitness identification O 69 Erroneous eyewitness identification Racial Bias O 70 DNA Profile does not identify race O 71 DNA Profile does not identify race Either the numbers match or they do not O 72 DNA is our best hope to eliminate racial bias O 73 Office of the Inspector General of the United States insures expungement is thorough and complete O 74 0 instances of DNA being manipulated or queried for other purposes O 75 Cold Cases Solved O 76 Cold Cases Solved Crimes Prevented O 77 Cold Cases Solved Crimes Prevented Lives Saved O 78 Cold Cases Solved Crimes Prevented Lives Saved Innocent Exonerated O 79 Cold Cases Solved Crimes Prevented Lives Saved Innocent Exonerated Taxpayers Dollars Saved O 80 Brianna Denison O 81 100 United States Senators O 82 100 United States Senators 2/3 of the US House of Representatives O 83 100 United States Senators 2/3 of the US House of Representatives Fifty States’ Attorneys General O 84 100 United States Senators 2/3 of the US House of Representatives Fifty States’ Attorneys General President Barack Obama O 85 Diane Johnson Annette Ernest Anita Fishman Regina Washington Debra Williams Mary Edwards Andrea Triplett Desarae Jones Natalie Price Mildred Beasley Paula Vance Brenda Bries O 86 O 87 O 88 O 89 O 90