On Possible Applications of Rough Mereology to Handling Granularity in Ontological Knowledge Pavel Klinov and Lawrence J. Mazlack Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 Overview ...specifying and analyzing of a complex structure where the inference engine must take into account the uncertain character of knowledge about objects and complex structures (Polkowski & Skowron 1996). Representing and reasoning about knowledge is critical in Artificial Intelligence. There is a distinction between factual and ontological knowledge. Factual knowledge represents a set of facts about individual objects that are known or believed whereas ontological (background) knowledge represents implicit concepts and relationships that are assumed to exist in the world. Ontological knowledge is often represented as a hierarchy of concepts because splitting things of the real world into categories and sub-categories is a natural way of human thinking. One example of conceptual hierarchies in AI is ontologies that are widely used in such areas as Natural Language Processing, Semantic Web, etc. Representation of both types of knowledge becomes difficult when the knowledge is imprecise. One example of imprecision is granularity i.e. inability to distinguish between the individual objects. In this case, knowledge cannot be represented precisely but can be approximated with respect to the granularity of the domain. Approximation of factual knowledge has been extensively researched and often employs Rough Set Theory (Pawlak 1982) for dealing with indiscernibility of objects. Similar approach has been applied to ontologies to approximate concepts in the hierarchy (Doherty et al. 2003). The open problem is the approximations of hierarchical relationships (such as ”is-a”, ”part-of”) between concepts. This paper addresses this issue using Rough Mereology (Polkowski & Skowron 1996) complemented with Interval Analysis (Moore 1966). The principal contribution is to provide rough mereological functions that can be used for representation and reasoning with formal ontologies in approximation spaces. Specifically, approximate concept membership and approximate concept subsumption functions will be provided. It can be demonstrated that the interval based functions are free of the shortcomings of the previously suggested definitions (Cao, Sui, & Zhang 2003) (Klinov & Mazlack 2007). The primitive notion of Rough Mereology is a function called rough inclusion that defines the extent to which one possibly complex object is a part of another. Rough inclusion functions can be used in knowledge representation (Cao, Sui, & Zhang 2003). For example, the following problems that often occur in ontology engineering may be approached by means of rough inclusion functions: • Whether the object, say, x belongs to the concept A? The problem can be reduced to computing the rough inclusion of x’s equivalence class into the set that models A (membership function). • Whether the concept A ”is-a” concept B (whether A is subsumed by B)? The problem can be reduced to computing the rough inclusion of set A into set B (subsumption function). Both questions are subject to a degree in imprecise domains. Granularity, as a special type of imprecision, can be modeled by approximation spaces. In this case, it is of interest to compute lower and upper approximations of membership and subsumption degrees. This can be done using interval rough inclusion functions. Degree of Membership It is natural to model imprecise ontological concepts as rough sets in the case of granular knowledge. Then the approximate object membership can be computed using the standard Pawlak’s rough membership function μ (Pawlak & Skowron 1994). The problem with the rough membership in reasoning with ontologies is the computation of membership degrees to intersections and unions of concepts. This is not possible in the general case (Pawlak & Skowron 1994). However, it has been shown that μA∩B and μA∪B must fall into certain intervals (Yao 2004). This property suggests use of closed intervals instead of real numbers for the representation of rough membership degrees. Operations on intervals can be adopted as defined in Interval Analysis. Let ν denote the interval domain. Interval membership function μ : 2|U | × 2|U | → ν can be defined as an extension Interval Rough Mereology Rough Mereology is a recently proposed paradigm for approximate reasoning based on Rough Set Theory (Polkowski 1996). It was developed for: c 2007, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Copyright Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. 1876 of the standard rough membership (Pawlak 1982): μA (x) = μ([x]R , A) = [ [x]R ∩ A [x]R ∩ A , ] [x]R [x]R unified definition of the arithmetic operations of intervals (Moore 1966). This is not an accident. Rough sets can be viewed as interval structures. Analogously to how real numbers fall into imprecision intervals, crisp sets fall into intervals induced by approximation spaces. It is straightforward to verify that the function 8 is free of the described above shortcomings and obeys mandatory rough inclusion properties (Polkowski & Skowron 1996). (1) Then approximations of memberships to union or intersection of concepts can be computed as follows: μA∩B (x) = μA∪B (x) [max(0, μA (x) + μB (x) − 1), min(μA (x), μB (x))] = [max(μA (x), μB (x)), min(1, μA (x) + μB (x))] (2) Summary and Future Directions The paper proposes rough mereological approach to approximating concepts and hierarchical relationships for knowledge representation. The approach can be effectively used in systems that employ Rough Set Theory to handle the granularity of knowledge. Hierarchical relationships are approximated using the subsumption function that computes the degree of inclusion of one rough concept into another. This is useful in ontology engineering where concept hierarchy occupies a central place. Formal ontologies for imprecise domains can be approximated using the proposed mereological approach and be used by for approximate reasoning. There is a number of future research directions. In particular, the approach may be generalized to work with similarity (tolerance) spaces. This is useful when similarity better characterizes relationships among objects rather than indiscernibility. Another future direction is to use rough fuzzy hybridization to handle different types of imprecision, for example, granularity and vagueness. Interval approach is still expected to be beneficial because intervals can naturally represent lower and upper approximations of fuzzy membership values. (3) Degree of Subsumption Another common problem in ontological knowledge representation is determining whether or not a concept is more specific/generic than another concept. The problem can be reduced to measuring the extent to which one possibly imprecise set is a part of another. It can be done by providing a mereological subsumption function. Two rough inclusion functions for computing subsumption have been recently proposed (Cao, Sui, & Zhang 2003): |B(X) ∩ B(Y )| (4) |B(X) ∪ B(Y )| 1 |X ∩ Y | |X ∩ Y | (5) ϑ(X, Y ) = × + 2 |X ∪ Y | |X ∪ Y | where B(X) and B(Y) are boundary regions. Unfortunately these functions have some undesirable properties (Klinov & Mazlack 2007). For example, the function 4 returns counterintuitive result, namely 0, in the case when: X ⊆ Y . The function 5 is unable to distinguish between the case when X ⊆ (Y \Y ) and when both pairs (X, Y ) and (X, Y ) have 50% overlap. This may lead to a significant loss of information when reasoning in an imprecise environment. Analogously to the membership, the subsumption function can be interval based: η : 2|U | × 2|U | → ν. Then given some inclusion function for crisp sets ηc , η must have the following properties (η(X, Y ) = [α, β]): ρ(X, Y ) = 0 ≤ α ≤ minX⊆A⊆X;Y ⊆B⊆Y (ηc (A, B)) (6) maxX⊆A⊆X;Y ⊆B⊆Y (ηc (A, B)) ≤ β ≤ 1 (7) References Cao, C.; Sui, Y.; and Zhang, Z. 2003. Rough mereology in knowledge representation. In International Conference On Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, 329–333. Doherty, P.; Grabowski, M.; W., L.; and Szalas, A. 2003. Towards a framework for approximate ontologies. Fundamenta Informaticae 57(2–4):147–165. Klinov, P., and Mazlack, L. J. 2007. Interval rough mereology for approximating hierarchical knowledge. 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According to this interpretation, η can be computed as follows: [α, β] = [min(V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 ), max(V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 )] (8) where: V1 = ηc (X, Y ), V2 = ηc (X, Y ), V3 = ηc (X, Y ), V4 = ηc (X, Y ). Note that this definition is similar to the 1877