From: AAAI Technical Report WS-00-03. Compilation copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. AutomatedBriefing Production for Lessons LearnedSystems Inderjeet Mani and Kristian Concepcion and Linda Van Guilder The MITRECorporation, W640 11493Sunset Hills Road Reston, Virginia 22090 {imani,kjc9,lcvg} Abstract Document productionis an importantfunctionin many organizations.In addition to instruction manuals, courseware, reports,systemdocumentation, etc., briefings are a verycommon type of document product,often usedin slide formas a visual accompaniment to a talk. Thispaperdescribesa domain-independent systemfor automatic briefinggenerationfroma high-level outline providedbythe user. Wediscusshowsomeof the methodologies usedin this systemmaybe leveraged in intelligentlessonslearnedsystems. Introduction Document productionis an important function in manyorganizations.In additionto instruction manuals,courseware, reports, systemdocumentation,etc., briefings are a very common type of documentproduct, often used in slide form as a visual accompaniment to a talk. Since so muchtime is spent by so manypeoplein producingbriefings, often under serious time constraints, any methodto reduce the amount of time spent on briefing productioncould yield great gains in productivity. In this paper, weprovidean overviewof a briefing generationsystem,followedby a brief discussionas to howsomeof the methodologiesused in this systemmay be leveragedin intelligent lessonslearnedsystems. Many briefings havea stereotypicalstructure, dictated in part by the business rules of the organization. For example, a commander maypresent a daily or weeklybrief to her superiors, whichis morein the nature of a routine update of activities since the last briefing; or she mayprovide an actionbrief, whichis triggeredby a particular situation, and whichconsists of a situation update followedby argumentsrecommending a particular courseof action. Further, the process of constructing a briefing mayinvolve certain stereotypicalactivities, includingculling informationfrom particular sources,such as messages,news,webpage~s,previousbriefings, etc. Thus,whilepart of the briefingcontent maybe created anewby the briefing author, other parts of the briefing maybe constructed fromexisting information sources. However,information in those sources need not necessarilybe in the sameformas neededby the briefing. Copyright©2000,American Associationfor Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. 43 Our workforms part of a larger DARPA-funded project (Project Genoa)aimedat improvinganalysis anddecisionmakingin crisis situations by providingtools tha t allow analysts to collaborate to developstructured argumentsin supportof particular conclusionsandto help predict likely future scenarios. Thesetools leverage a corporate memory that acts as a repository of knowledge gained as a result of analytical tasks. Thearguments,along with background evidence,are packagedtogether as briefings to high-level decision-makers. Ourapproachneeds to allow the analyst to take on as muchof the briefing authoringas she wantsto (e.g., it may take time for her to adaptto or trust the machine,or she may wantthe machineto present just part of the briefing). The analyst’sorganizationusuallywill instantiate oneof several templatesdictatingthe high-levelstructureof a briefing;for example,a briefing mayalwayshaveto begin with an executive summary. Themethodsused also needto be relatively domain-independent, since the subject matter of crises are somewhat unpredictable. Giventhese task requirements, wehave adoptedan approachthat is flexible about accommodating different degrees of authorinvolvement, that is relatively neutral about the rhetorical theoryunderlyingthe briefingstructure (since a templatemaybe providedby others), and that is domainindependent.In our approach,the author creates the briefing outline, whichis then fleshedout further by the system basedon informationin the outline. Thesystemfills out somecontentby invokinginformationreductiontools called summarization filters; it also makesdecisions, whenneeded, about outputmediatype; it introducesnarrative elementsto improve the coherenceof the briefing; andfinally, it assembles the final presentation, makingdecisionsaboutspatial layoutin the process. Abriefing is representedas a tree. Thestructure of the tree representsthe rhetorical structure of the briefing. Each nodehas a label, whichoffers a brief textual descriptionof the node. Eachleaf node has an associated goal, which, whenrealized, provides content for that node. There are twokinds of goals: content-levelgoals and narrative-level goals. Content-levelgoals are also of twokinds: retrieve goals, whichretrieve existing mediaobjects of a particular type (text, audio, image,audio, video)fromcorporatememory satisfying somedescription,andcreate goals, whichere- ate newmediaobjects of these types using programs.The programswehave used for create goals are summarization filters, whichtake input informationandturn it into some moreabstract anduseful representationtailored to the needs of the end-user,filtering out unimportant information. Narrative-levelgoals introducedeseriptionsof contentat other nodes:they include captions andrunningtext for media objects, andsegues,whichare rhetorical movesdescribing a transition to a node.Orderingrelations reflecting temporal andspatial layoutare definedon nodesin the tree. Two coarse-grainedrelations, seq for precedence,andpar for simultaneity, are used to specify a temporalorderingon the nodes in the tree. Thetree representation, along with the temporalconstraints, can be rendered in text as XML;we refer to the XML representationas a script. Theoverall architecture of our systemis nowdescribed. Theuser creates the briefingoutline in the formof a script, by using a GUI.Thebriefing generator takes the script as input. TheScript Validator applies an XML parser to the script, to cheekfor syntacticcorrectness.It thenbuildsa tree representationfor the script, whichrepresents the briefing outline, with temporalconstraints attachedto the leaves of the tree. Next, a ContentCreatortakes the input tree andexpands it by introducingnarrative-levelgoal coverseguesto nodes, and runningtext and captions describing mediaobjects at content nodes. Seguesare generatedbased on nodelabels, distance betweennodes, and the height in the tree. Running text andshort captions are generatedfrommeta-information associatedwith mediaobjects. For example,in the case of a create goal, a summarization filter maytake in a collection of documents and producea graphof sometrend detected in the collection, say, an associationbetweenpeopleandorganizationsover time. Or else, it maygeneratea biographyof a person fromthe collection. Themeta-informationin the structuredrepresentationof these outputsis usedto generate the runningtext and captions, by using shallowtext generation methods(cannedtext). Wherethe mediaobjects are foundby retrieve goals, the systemrelies on existing metainformation, but is designed not to fail if thereisn’t any- i.e., it will fail to providerunningtext. The end result of content selection (which has an XML representation called a groundscrip0 is that the complete tree has beenfully specified, with all the create andretrieve goals fully specified, with all the outputmediatypes decided. Whensummarizationfilters are used (for create goals), the mediatypeof the outputis specifiedas a parameter to the filter. This mediatype maybe convertedto some other type by the system(e.g., text to speechconversionusing Festival(Tayloret al. 98). Bydefault, all narrativenodes attemptto realize their goals as a speechmediatype, using rules basedon text length andtruncatability to decidewhen to use text-to-speech.Captionsare alwaysrealized, in addition, as text (i.e., theyhavea text realizationanda possible audiorealization). Then,a ContentExecutorexecutesall the create and retrieve goals. Thisis a verysimplestep, resulting in the generation of all the mediaobjects in the presentation, except for the audiofiles for speechto be synthesized.Thus,this 44 step results in realizationof the contentat the leavesof the tree. Finally, the PresentationGeneratortakes the tree which is output fromContentExecution,along with its temporal orderingconstraints, andgeneratesthe spatial layout of the presentation.If no spatial layout constraints are specified (the default is to not specify these), the systemallocates space using a simple methodbased on the temporallayout for nodes whichhave spatial manifestations. Speechsynthesis is also carded out here. Coherenceof a presented segmentis influenced mainlyby the temporalconstraints (whichhavebeenfleshed out by the ContentCreatorto include narrative nodes). Oncethe tree is augmentedwith spatial layoutconstraints,it is translatedby the Presentation Generator into SMIL1(SynchronizedMultimediaIntegration Language)(SMIL 99), a W3C-developed extension HTML that can be played by standard multimediaplayers (suchas (REAL Player 99) and (Grins Player 99). This thus presentsthe realizedcontent,synthesizingit into a multimediapresentationlaid out spatially andtemporally. Relevance to Intelligent Lessons Learned Systems Althoughthe briefing generation systemwasnot designed specifically for LessonsLearned, the tools we havedeveloped use methodologiesthat are relevant to Lessons Learned. The Genoabriefing moduleis aimedat packagingargumentsin favor of a particular analysis, whichis presented alongwith supportingevidenceto decision makers.In such cases, the briefing outline can specify argumentsand their supportingevidence(whichis filled in and reinforced by create andretrieve goals, both of whichdrawandbuild from data in corporate memory).Representationssuch as (Toulmin58) structures havebeen used in a variety of AI domains to conveyarguments(Clark 91) Oanssenand Sage 96). Toulminstructures identify the claim (the conclusion reached),its grounds(facts on whichthe argument is based), its warrant(the inferencerules appliedto arrive at the conclusion), its qualifier (degreeof certainty), as wellas backing(justification) anda possible rebuttal (exceptions that invalidatethe claim). Thesekinds of explanationscan be very useful in lessons learnedas well. For example,the lesson learned, the experiencewhichgaverise to it, the impactit has on task performance,andthe specific processthat it correctsor reinforces can be presentedin terms of arguments.Thebriefing generation modulecan help in presentingthe lessons learned, by culling informationrelated to the argumentsandtheir supporting evidencefromweband Othersources, whichcan be fleshedout bythe retrieval andcreationgoals. Thus,canonical presentationsof explanationsrelated to lessonslearned can be carried out. Further, wherethe lessons learned are fairly complex,summaries of these lessonscan be presented, allowinga drill-downcapability as needed. Future Directions There is a fair amountof work on automatic authoring of multimediapresentations, e.g., (Wahlster et al. 92), (Dalai et al. 96), (Mittal et al. 95), (Andreand Rist 97), generation of documents from specification knowledge bases (Power and Scott, 98), and explanatory caption generation (Mittal et al. 95). Theseefforts differ fromours in two ways: first, unlike us, they are not open-domain;and, second, they don’t use summarization filters. The open-domainrequirement of Project Genoahas required the design of a generic method. However,in manydomains, especially for Lessons Learned systems, domain knowledge bases may be available which can be exploited by our approach to allow for more reasoning about the content of the presentation. This can be viewed in part as an opportunity to leverage muchricher meta-info specifications than the ones we currently use, ineluding representations of evidence and counter-evidence for an argumentor point-of-view. Further, more effective tailoring of presentations to individual users or students may ¯ be exploited, based on intensive domainmodeling(Daniel et al. 99). Of course, we will need to carry out an evaluation to assess the extent to which the automationdescribed here provides efficiency gains in documentproduction. A second direction for future work is the output format. While multimedia players are popular, most presentations we have comeacross are in Microsoft Powerpoint. In addition, if the user wantsto edit the output, Powerpointediting is preferred to having to use a SMIL(i.e., HTML) editor. Weare therefore investigating the option of producing Powerpoint presentations. Finally, we have begun the de.sign of the Script Creator GUI(the only componentin Figure 1 remaining to be built). This will allow the author to create ~ripts for the briefing generator (instead of editing templates by hand), by laying out icons for media objects in temporal order (seq of pars). A user will be able to select a "standard" briefing template from a menu,and then view it in a briefing/template structure editor. The user can then prOvide content by adding annotations to any node in the briefing template. The user has a choice of saving the edit version in template forma, or in a particular output format e.g., (Powerpoint, SMIL). References Andre, E. and Rist, T. 1997. Towards a NewGeneration of Hypermedia Systems: Extending Automated Presentation Design for Hypermedia.L. Dybkjaer, ed., Proce.e~lings of the Third Spoken Dialogue and Discourse Workshop, Topics in Natural Interactive Systems1. 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