200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Agricultural *Institution # Exam Questions Soil & Water - Hydrology Soil & Water - Soil Conservation Systems Soil & Water - Water Management Power & Machinery - Systems Power & Machinery - Machine Design Power & Machinery - Power & Energy Systems Process & Handling Bio. Products - Unit Operations Process & Handling Bio. Products - Characterization Structures & Environment - Structural Systems Structures & Environment - Environmental Systems Structures & Environment - Facilities Planning Biological Systems - Biological Processes Biological Systems - Environ & Ecological Systems Agric Engr Principles - Core AgE Knowledges Agric Engr Principles - Equipment Application Agric Engr Principles - Professional Practice * 0 National 1 0 0 Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % 5 4 6 5 4 5 7 3 6 6 3 5 3 10 6 2 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Agricultural Comparator Groupings 30 19 63 Institution AVG % Correct 60 25 17 40 50 40 71 67 33 50 67 40 33 40 50 50 National AVG % Correct 56 63 52 63 59 58 54 40 38 43 51 61 73 63 51 67 27 17 63 National Standard Deviation ** 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.8 1.1 1.3 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.9 1.7 0.6 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 58 63 51 60 57 58 52 41 38 40 52 59 74 61 51 65 2 1 50 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 30 62 50 90 62 80 57 17 33 75 50 70 67 75 33 75 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 1 1 100 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 60 75 83 80 100 20 86 67 67 67 33 100 67 90 83 100 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Agricultural *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Hydraulics Hydrology Water Treatment Environmental Geotechnical * 0 National 1 1 100 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 14 6 6 10 4 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Water Resources Comparator Groupings 39 35 90 Institution AVG % Correct 88 62 50 62 88 57 83 50 70 75 National AVG % Correct 85 68 73 75 89 75 82 67 62 78 31 28 90 National Standard Deviation ** 1.0 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.0 1.9 1.0 1.1 1.6 0.7 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 86 70 73 75 89 76 80 66 64 77 1 1 100 7 6 86 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 100 62 62 75 88 71 100 67 70 75 80 61 75 75 91 71 86 71 54 79 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Agricultural *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Wastewater 11 Storm Water 6 Potable Water 11 Water Resources 6 Ambient Air 7 Emissions Sources 4 Control Strategies 9 Municiple Solid Waste (MSW), Commercial, and Ind. Wastes 10 Hazardous Waste, Special, and Radioactive Waste 10 Environmental Assessments 8 Remediation 8 Public Health and Safety 10 * 0 National 1 1 100 # Exam Questions Kentucky_ University of 7101 Environmental Comparator Groupings 15 8 53 Institution AVG % Correct 55 50 55 50 57 75 78 60 50 50 75 50 National AVG % Correct 52 66 51 68 60 45 62 55 59 70 60 65 15 8 53 National Standard Deviation ** 2.0 1.6 2.0 1.2 2.1 1.0 1.9 1.8 2.2 1.5 1.9 2.0 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 52 66 51 68 60 45 62 55 59 70 60 65 0 0 0 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 0 0 0 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Agricultural *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % National 1 1 100 # Exam Questions Comparator Groupings 4 4 100 Institution AVG % Correct General - Codes & Standards - Engineering Principles6 67 General - Codes & Standards - Fundamental Engineering 5 Practice100 General - Codes & Standards - Interpretation of Codes1 and Standards 0 Machine Design & Materials - Principles 4 100 Machine Design & Materials - Applications 3 100 Hydraulics & Fluids - Principles 4 50 Hydraulics & Fluids - Applications 3 67 Energy Conversion/Power Systems - Principles 4 75 Energy Conversion/Power Systems - Analysis of Systems 3 and Components 67 HVAC & Refrigeration - Principles 7 86 Fundamentals - Psychrometrics 5 100 Fundamentals - Principles 9 78 Equipment and Materials 14 57 Applications - Systems 10 90 Applications - Supportive Knowledges 2 50 * 0 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Mechanical-HVAC National AVG % Correct 83 90 50 94 100 75 83 88 92 89 95 75 82 78 50 4 4 100 National Standard Deviation ** 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.6 1.5 0.0 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 83 90 50 94 100 75 83 88 92 89 95 75 82 78 50 0 0 0 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 0 0 0 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Biological-(not Bio-Medical) *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Hydraulics Hydrology Water Treatment Environmental Geotechnical * 0 National 1 1 100 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 14 6 6 10 4 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Water Resources Comparator Groupings 19 17 89 Institution AVG % Correct 75 62 75 75 88 64 50 50 50 75 National AVG % Correct 89 61 66 65 90 72 83 72 72 70 18 16 89 National Standard Deviation ** 1.0 1.5 1.1 1.4 0.7 1.7 1.0 1.2 1.7 1.1 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 89 60 65 64 90 71 82 72 71 68 0 0 0 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 0 0 0 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Chemical *Institution # Exam Questions Mass/Energy: Mass Balances Mass/Energy: Energy Balances & Thermo Fluids: Fluid Transport Fluids: Mech-Energy Balance Fluids: Flow Measurement Heat Transfer: Mechanisms Heat Transfer: Applications Mass Transfer: Phase Equilibria Mass Transfer Contactors (Absorption-etc) Mass Transfer: Miscellaneous Separation Processes Kinetics: Reaction Parameters Kinetics: Reaction Rate Kinetics: Reactor Design & Evaluation Kinetics: Heterogenous Reaction Systems Plant Design/Operation: Economic Considerations Plant Design/Operation: Design & Operations Plant Design/Operation: Safety Plant Design/Operation: Environmental Plant Design/Operation: Materials Plant Design/Operation: Process Control * 0 National 2 2 100 Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % 8 10 2 9 3 5 8 4 5 1 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 3 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Chemical Comparator Groupings 227 155 68 Institution AVG % Correct 81 70 50 61 50 70 62 88 30 50 100 50 50 50 75 75 50 100 100 100 National AVG % Correct 71 60 57 54 53 57 51 58 50 63 74 72 51 53 61 65 59 72 47 77 147 112 76 National Standard Deviation ** 1.7 1.9 0.4 1.9 0.9 1.2 1.7 1.1 1.3 0.5 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.7 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.8 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 74 63 58 54 56 58 54 61 51 68 76 71 53 55 64 67 62 75 47 78 24 17 71 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 69 62 58 63 57 62 58 57 55 62 67 69 49 48 79 71 60 75 50 81 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 47 20 43 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 58 50 55 46 41 54 38 51 43 49 74 74 45 48 39 53 52 64 41 66 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Chemical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Wastewater 11 Storm Water 6 Potable Water 11 Water Resources 6 Ambient Air 7 Emissions Sources 4 Control Strategies 9 Municiple Solid Waste (MSW), Commercial, and Ind. Wastes 10 Hazardous Waste, Special, and Radioactive Waste 10 Environmental Assessments 8 Remediation 8 Public Health and Safety 10 * 0 National 1 0 0 # Exam Questions Kentucky_ University of 7101 Environmental Comparator Groupings 99 57 58 Institution AVG % Correct 27 50 64 50 43 25 44 40 40 75 75 70 National AVG % Correct 52 56 52 62 55 51 57 47 54 68 56 60 64 41 64 National Standard Deviation ** 2.1 1.2 2.0 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.3 1.4 1.9 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 53 56 55 67 59 54 60 48 55 71 60 64 8 7 88 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 61 65 56 60 39 62 51 62 55 61 66 66 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 21 6 29 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 44 56 41 48 48 40 52 38 54 60 45 50 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Civil *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Wastewater Treatment Biology Solid/Hazardous Waste Groundwater & Well Fields Geotechnical Water Resources * 0 National 4 3 75 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 4 10 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Environmental Comparator Groupings 170 75 44 Institution AVG % Correct 88 66 69 88 78 81 88 70 40 69 65 National AVG % Correct 82 55 65 60 77 66 66 51 56 62 62 92 53 58 National Standard Deviation ** 1.2 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.1 2.3 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 85 60 67 63 82 74 72 58 61 67 70 24 5 21 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 81 49 60 56 69 65 61 45 53 57 52 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 40 12 30 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 78 49 61 55 70 56 58 44 48 57 54 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Civil *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Subsurface Exploration & Sampling Engineering Properties & Soil Mechanics Foundations Earth Retaining Structures & Seismic Engineering Environmental Structural Transportation * 0 National 4 2 50 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 4 7 9 6 4 8 2 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Geotechnical Comparator Groupings 628 292 46 Institution AVG % Correct 84 62 66 75 81 69 46 64 38 31 69 75 National AVG % Correct 72 67 70 61 69 67 50 54 45 46 52 66 279 183 66 National Standard Deviation ** 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.0 1.5 1.9 1.4 1.0 1.9 0.7 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 77 74 74 69 76 75 56 59 51 50 60 75 83 31 37 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 69 65 64 56 65 68 47 50 44 48 49 62 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 196 54 28 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 66 60 67 55 63 58 46 47 39 41 44 55 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Civil *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Loading/Analysis Mechanics of Materials/Materials Member Design Failure Analysis/Design Criteria Geotechnical Transportation * 0 National 6 3 50 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 4 10 4 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Structural Comparator Groupings 560 321 57 Institution AVG % Correct 79 52 85 67 67 44 44 36 54 52 58 National AVG % Correct 76 65 83 66 73 55 46 45 54 53 56 342 216 63 National Standard Deviation ** 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.3 1.1 1.8 1.1 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 79 67 86 68 75 56 48 46 56 53 58 81 42 52 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 72 61 81 65 72 58 42 44 50 53 50 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 111 46 41 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 72 62 77 60 68 48 42 42 49 50 50 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Civil *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Traffic Analysis Transportation Planning/Construction Geometric Design/Traffic Safety Geotechnical Water Resources * 0 National 25 14 56 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 10 7 9 6 8 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Transportation Comparator Groupings 1,918 858 45 Institution AVG % Correct 82 54 65 74 70 71 63 70 40 60 National AVG % Correct 73 55 64 68 73 64 60 65 43 61 National Standard Deviation ** 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.7 1,114 593 53 305 105 34 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 75 57 66 71 75 67 62 69 45 63 72 53 62 67 73 63 58 62 38 58 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 392 122 31 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 68 50 62 63 68 60 56 60 39 56 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Civil *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Hydraulics Hydrology Water Treatment Environmental Geotechnical * 0 National 10 4 40 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 14 6 6 10 4 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Water Resources Comparator Groupings 1,528 874 57 Institution AVG % Correct 80 45 65 60 66 61 60 52 53 65 National AVG % Correct 77 57 66 63 80 64 69 56 52 69 854 557 65 National Standard Deviation ** 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.4 2.2 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.0 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 80 59 67 65 82 66 71 59 54 71 223 121 54 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 77 57 65 62 81 63 69 54 49 67 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 360 147 41 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 72 52 63 60 74 59 66 51 48 65 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Civil *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % National 2 1 50 # Exam Questions Comparator Groupings 302 123 41 Institution AVG % Correct Analysis of Structures-Loads 6 67 Analysis of Structures-Lateral Forces 6 67 Analysis of Structures-Lateral Force Distribution 9 50 Analysis of Structures-Methods 4 50 Design and Details of Structures-General Structural Considerations 6 67 Design and Details of Structures-Steel (AISC-AASHTO 14- ASD-LFD-LRFD) 71 Design and Details of Structures-Concrete (AASHTO-ACI-PCI 13 - etc.) 62 Design and Details of Structures-Wood (NDS-ASD) 7 29 Design and Details of Structures-Masonry (ACI 530-UBC 7 etc.) 43 Design and Details of Structures-Foundations & Retaining 8 Structures 56 * 0 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Structural I National AVG % Correct 56 50 57 62 52 66 52 55 54 65 209 85 41 National Standard Deviation ** 1.3 1.3 1.9 0.8 1.1 2.2 2.3 1.7 1.5 1.6 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 56 50 57 61 52 66 52 54 54 65 47 19 40 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 55 49 58 68 51 69 52 57 53 64 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 32 12 38 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 60 47 55 66 51 65 49 57 53 65 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Electrical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Basic ELE - Professionalism and Engineering Economics 2 Basic ELE - Safety & Reliability 3 Basic ELE - Electric Circuits 10 Basic ELE - Electric & Magnetic Field Theory & Applications 1 Basic ELE - Computer Systems & Engr 2 Electronics, Circuits & Components - Components 6 Electronics, Circuits & Components - Materials 2 Controls & Communications Systems 6 Power - Transmission & Distribution 5 Power - Rotating Machines & Elecromagnetic Devices3 General EE Knowledge - Interpret of Codes & Standards 2 General EE Knowledge - Microprocessor Systems 2 Hardware - Digital Electronics 6 Hardware - Design Analysis 8 Hardware - Systems 4 Software - System Software 5 Software - Development/Applications 9 Networks 4 * 0 National 1 1 100 # Exam Questions Kentucky_ University of 7101 Electrical & Computer-Computer Comparator Groupings 62 41 66 Institution AVG % Correct 100 67 80 100 100 100 100 67 80 67 100 100 83 62 75 80 44 75 National AVG % Correct 73 67 60 37 60 69 57 60 46 38 77 56 60 56 48 52 62 50 34 26 76 National Standard Deviation ** 0.7 0.9 2.4 0.5 0.7 1.5 0.8 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.8 1.6 1.5 1.1 1.2 2.0 1.0 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 78 71 68 32 68 76 68 62 49 45 76 69 69 60 54 54 69 54 7 5 71 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 71 57 54 43 64 67 43 55 60 29 86 50 62 55 43 69 52 43 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 13 6 46 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 62 56 47 46 42 56 42 53 38 28 69 35 44 47 33 38 52 37 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Electrical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Basic ELE - Professionalism and Engineering Economics 2 Basic ELE - Safety & Reliability 3 Basic ELE - Electric Circuits 10 Basic ELE - Electric & Magnetic Field Theory & Applications 1 Basic ELE - Computer Systems & Engr 2 Electronics, Circuits & Components - Components 6 Electronics, Circuits & Components - Materials 2 Controls & Communications Systems 6 Power - Transmission & Distribution 5 Power - Rotating Machines & Elecromagnetic Devices3 General EE Knowledge - Measurement & Instrumentation 2 General EE Knowledge - Interpret of Codes & Standards 1 General EE Knowledge - Computer Systems 1 Electronics - Electric Circuit Theory 4 Electronics - Electric & Magnetic Field Theory & Applications 3 Electronics - Components & Circuits 7 Control System Fundamentals 4 Control System Design/Implementation 2 Controls - Stability 4 Communications & Signal Processing 6 Communications - Noise & Interference 3 Telecommunications 3 * 0 National 1 0 0 # Exam Questions Kentucky_ University of 7101 Electrical & Computer-ECC Comparator Groupings 119 78 66 Institution AVG % Correct 50 33 20 100 50 50 50 50 60 0 0 0 100 25 67 14 50 0 25 67 67 0 National AVG % Correct 69 61 59 36 48 67 55 63 49 39 66 53 23 44 58 44 66 38 73 51 43 43 50 41 82 National Standard Deviation ** 0.7 0.9 2.2 0.5 0.7 1.6 0.7 1.4 1.4 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.4 1.2 0.8 1.6 1.1 0.7 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.0 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 79 66 64 48 53 74 68 64 53 45 75 66 18 54 65 49 72 37 76 56 50 53 20 14 70 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 68 65 64 35 45 67 58 65 51 35 78 65 20 41 65 45 64 40 72 52 53 42 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 35 19 54 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 64 60 56 26 46 62 43 64 46 40 53 34 34 36 52 43 66 40 71 41 27 36 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Electrical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Basic ELE - Professionalism and Engineering Economics 2 Basic ELE - Safety & Reliability 3 Basic ELE - Electric Circuits 10 Basic ELE - Electric & Magnetic Field Theory & Applications 1 Basic ELE - Computer Systems & Engr 2 Electronics, Circuits & Components - Components 6 Electronics, Circuits & Components - Materials 2 Controls & Communications Systems 6 Power - Transmission & Distribution 5 Power - Rotating Machines & Elecromagnetic Devices3 General Power - Measure, Instrument & Statistics 2 General Power - Special Applications 1 General Power - Codes, Standards & Special Appls 3 Circuit Analysis - Analysis 6 Circuit Analysis - Devices and Power Electronic Circuits 3 Circuit Analysis - Electric and Magnetic Fields and Applications 2 Rotating Machines 7 Electromagnetic Devices 4 Transmission & Distrib - Systems Analysis 6 Transmission & Distrib - Power System Performance 2 Transmission & Distrib - Protection 4 * 0 National 5 1 20 # Exam Questions Kentucky_ University of 7101 Electrical & Computer-Power Comparator Groupings 720 322 45 Institution AVG % Correct 90 47 62 40 50 63 40 43 52 40 30 40 40 77 33 30 71 35 37 30 65 National AVG % Correct 68 52 54 43 40 57 49 52 54 49 63 43 44 60 47 35 66 34 51 23 60 323 166 51 National Standard Deviation ** 0.7 0.9 2.1 0.5 0.6 1.5 0.7 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.9 1.2 0.9 0.6 1.5 1.1 1.2 0.6 1.0 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 74 56 56 46 39 60 48 53 56 51 68 46 49 62 50 37 68 37 53 24 63 129 58 45 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 64 53 52 43 40 55 54 51 53 52 62 47 48 58 47 35 67 37 55 24 61 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 197 72 37 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 65 47 51 38 41 56 47 51 51 47 57 40 35 58 42 33 62 28 47 20 54 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Mechanical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Hydraulics Hydrology Water Treatment Environmental Geotechnical * 0 National 1 1 100 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 14 6 6 10 4 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Water Resources Comparator Groupings 43 24 56 Institution AVG % Correct 88 62 100 75 62 50 67 50 60 75 National AVG % Correct 74 53 67 57 73 59 72 53 53 68 27 19 70 National Standard Deviation ** 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.7 2.6 1.2 1.5 1.8 0.9 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 82 57 73 64 76 61 73 58 57 66 3 2 67 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 88 46 79 62 75 71 89 56 53 75 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 10 2 20 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 49 46 50 35 61 49 70 43 43 68 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Mechanical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % FP Analysis - Type of Analysis 10 FP Analysis - Information Sources for Analysis 6 FP Management 8 Fire Science & Human Behavior - Fire Dynamics 8 Fire Science & Human Behavior - Human Response 4 FP System - Water-Based Fire Suppression Systems 10 FP System - Special Hazard Systems 4 FP System - Fire Detection and Alarm Systems 7 FP System - Smoke Management Systems 4 FP System - Explosion Protection and Prevention Systems 3 Passive Building Systems - Building Construction 10 Passive Building Systems - Means of Egress 6 * 0 National 1 0 0 # Exam Questions Kentucky_ University of 7101 Fire Protection Comparator Groupings 63 18 29 Institution AVG % Correct 60 33 75 12 25 50 0 57 25 0 40 67 National AVG % Correct 63 59 68 48 49 48 53 58 62 32 69 58 32 7 22 National Standard Deviation ** 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.1 1.8 1.1 1.5 1.1 0.9 2.0 1.6 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 62 58 68 45 46 43 53 56 63 31 62 57 14 6 43 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 69 64 67 59 50 49 54 63 71 31 73 65 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 10 3 30 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 66 57 72 49 58 56 48 59 58 43 75 57 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Mechanical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % National 5 4 80 # Exam Questions Comparator Groupings 413 256 62 Institution AVG % Correct General - Codes & Standards - Engineering Principles6 63 General - Codes & Standards - Fundamental Engineering 5 Practice72 General - Codes & Standards - Interpretation of Codes1 and Standards 40 Machine Design & Materials - Principles 4 55 Machine Design & Materials - Applications 3 87 Hydraulics & Fluids - Principles 4 75 Hydraulics & Fluids - Applications 3 80 Energy Conversion/Power Systems - Principles 4 60 Energy Conversion/Power Systems - Analysis of Systems 3 and Components 93 HVAC & Refrigeration - Principles 7 94 Fundamentals - Psychrometrics 5 88 Fundamentals - Principles 9 60 Equipment and Materials 14 66 Applications - Systems 10 68 Applications - Supportive Knowledges 2 80 * 0 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Mechanical-HVAC National AVG % Correct 60 65 61 53 68 60 75 51 70 76 72 58 61 61 53 199 136 68 National Standard Deviation ** 1.4 1.2 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.7 1.5 1.0 1.6 2.7 1.9 0.7 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 61 68 63 55 69 62 78 55 71 80 73 60 63 64 56 74 47 64 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 61 64 66 49 69 63 75 51 68 74 74 57 63 62 51 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 107 54 50 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 56 61 58 50 64 56 69 46 68 72 69 53 56 57 50 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Mechanical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % National 2 0 0 # Exam Questions Comparator Groupings 309 148 48 Institution AVG % Correct General - Codes & Standards - Engineering Principles6 67 General - Codes & Standards - Fundamental Engineering 5 Practice70 General - Codes & Standards - Interpretation of Codes1 and Standards 100 Machine Design & Materials - Principles 4 62 Machine Design & Materials - Applications 3 67 Hydraulics & Fluids - Principles 4 62 Hydraulics & Fluids - Applications 3 83 Energy Conversion/Power Systems - Principles 4 38 Energy Conversion/Power Systems - Analysis of Systems 3 and Components 67 HVAC & Refrigeration - Principles 7 43 Engineering Principles 18 53 Machine Design - Components 14 32 Applications - Systems 5 60 Applications - Supportive Knowledge 3 50 * 0 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Mechanical-Machine Design National AVG % Correct 55 71 71 64 77 62 66 51 69 60 54 50 49 57 179 95 53 National Standard Deviation ** 1.3 1.0 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.7 1.7 2.9 2.7 1.1 0.9 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 56 74 75 64 80 64 69 53 71 64 56 51 51 60 49 25 51 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 53 67 78 68 71 63 63 52 68 59 53 52 47 61 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 63 18 29 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 50 65 59 59 72 57 58 44 65 49 49 45 43 49 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Mechanical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % National 2 1 50 # Exam Questions Comparator Groupings 304 188 62 Institution AVG % Correct General - Codes & Standards - Engineering Principles6 67 General - Codes & Standards - Fundamental Engineering 5 Practice60 General - Codes & Standards - Interpretation of Codes1 and Standards 0 Machine Design & Materials - Principles 4 75 Machine Design & Materials - Applications 3 83 Hydraulics & Fluids - Principles 4 50 Hydraulics & Fluids - Applications 3 67 Energy Conversion/Power Systems - Principles 4 50 Energy Conversion/Power Systems - Analysis of Systems 3 and Components 67 HVAC & Refrigeration - Principles 7 57 Fundamentals - Engineering Principles 9 50 Fundamentals - Supportive Knowledges 4 88 Components - Hydraulic System Components 6 67 Components - Power Plant Components 8 56 Applications - System Applications 10 65 Applications - Supportive Knowledges 3 50 * 0 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Mechanical-Thermal & Fluids National AVG % Correct 61 70 63 55 73 62 72 61 69 68 43 52 55 59 46 70 159 112 70 National Standard Deviation ** 1.4 1.1 0.5 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.2 0.8 1.7 1.8 1.1 1.5 1.9 1.8 0.8 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 63 72 69 58 74 64 77 64 73 72 46 54 59 62 49 73 42 27 64 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** 59 70 76 57 73 64 75 61 71 69 40 53 57 62 46 73 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 79 34 43 Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 54 64 48 52 70 55 60 53 61 60 37 46 49 51 42 64 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Metallurgical *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % General Knowledge: QC-Statistics General Knowledge: Sciences General Knowledge: Mechanics Str. of Metals: Crystalline Properties Str. of Metals: Anealing & Structure Str. of Metals: Chemistry MMFMP: Mechanical Metallurgy MMFMP: Fabrication & Mech Processes Material Processing: Heat Treating Material Processing: Molten Metal Processing Material Processing: Powder Metallurgy Material Processing: Surface Modification Alloy Selection: Mechanical Properties Alloy Selection: Chemical Specifications Alloy Selection: Environmental Response Material Testing: Destructive Testing Material Testing: Nondestructive Testing * 0 National 2 0 0 # Exam Questions 2 14 2 3 2 5 6 7 5 5 2 3 4 3 5 7 5 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Metallurgical Comparator Groupings 20 10 50 Institution AVG % Correct 50 25 100 17 0 30 25 43 80 40 25 33 38 100 40 43 30 National AVG % Correct 25 35 58 48 70 62 63 54 70 54 48 73 65 67 61 53 56 9 2 22 National Standard Deviation ** 0.6 2.5 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.1 1.2 0.4 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.1 1.5 1.6 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 22 29 61 41 50 58 46 46 64 49 39 56 47 67 47 44 33 4 4 100 2 1 50 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 50 43 62 67 100 65 83 71 80 55 50 92 88 67 70 68 75 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 25 36 50 67 100 60 67 57 80 60 75 83 62 67 80 43 70 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Mining/Mineral *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Breadth - Environmental Breadth - Geotechnical Breadth - Structural Breadth - Transportation Breadth - Water Resources Subsurface Exploration & Sampling Engineering Properties & Soil Mechanics Foundations Earth Retaining Structures & Seismic Engineering Environmental Structural Transportation * 0 National 2 1 50 # Exam Questions 8 8 8 8 8 4 7 9 6 4 8 2 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Civil-Geotechnical Comparator Groupings 4 2 50 Institution AVG % Correct 81 94 62 56 69 75 64 44 33 0 44 25 National AVG % Correct 78 81 62 62 59 81 68 47 46 25 47 50 3 2 67 National Standard Deviation ** 1.3 1.3 1.2 2.9 1.5 0.5 0.5 2.2 1.5 1.4 0.5 0.8 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 79 88 67 50 62 75 67 56 50 25 46 33 1 0 0 0 0 0 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 75 62 50 100 50 100 71 22 33 25 50 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 200610 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying 1/13/2007 Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination ABET - Accredited Programs Graduate of Engineering Subject Matter Report by Major and PM Examination Board: Board Code: Major: Institution: School Code: PM Exam: Kentucky 71 Mining/Mineral *Institution Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Exploration: Methods & techniques Exploration: Deposits modeling Exploration: Geo conditions modeling Exploration: E&E resources/reserves Mine Plan/Oper: Methods & layouts Mine Plan/Oper: Equip, Fac, Systems Mine Plan/Oper: E&D ground Control Mine Plan/Oper: O&M mines & systems Mineral Proc: Lab & Pilot T&A Mineral Proc: D&E process flowsheets Mineral Proc: P&D equip, fac & systems Mineral Proc: O&M plants & facilities Env & Reclaim: S, M & PE characterization Env & Reclaim: M&P impact design Env & Reclaim: O&M Env Plan Env & Reclaim: Close & Reclaim site * 0 National 3 1 33 # Exam Questions 2 1 2 3 9 12 9 6 4 9 8 3 3 4 2 3 Kentucky_ University of 7101 Mining & Mineral Comparator Groupings 33 22 67 Institution AVG % Correct 33 67 67 33 67 42 48 61 50 56 38 22 44 42 17 22 National AVG % Correct 44 33 79 58 64 65 62 77 53 64 55 35 49 60 45 34 19 12 63 National Standard Deviation ** 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.8 2.5 1.4 1.2 1.1 2.1 1.8 0.9 0.9 1.2 0.6 0.8 Carnegie 1 AVG % Correct *** 39 47 84 58 65 65 60 75 53 65 58 40 53 59 45 37 4 4 100 1 0 0 Carnegie 2 AVG % Correct *** Carnegie 3 AVG % Correct *** 62 0 75 67 78 75 69 92 62 78 59 17 67 69 38 25 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Carnegie 1 - Research Extensive, Carnegie 2 - Research Intensive, Carnegie 3 - Masters I and II combined This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. The report itself may not be provided to third parties or used for any purpose other than that contemplated by NCEES and the recipient of this report. The information contained in this report however may be shared with accrediting bodies so long as the report recipient expressly informs the accrediting body that the information is confidential and proprietary and may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the accreditation review of the institution or program in question. By using any of the information contained in this report the report recipient agrees to respect and be bound by these terms conditions and limitations regarding the use of NCEES data. Your cooperation is appreciated. 0 0 50 33 33 33 33 33 50 22 38 0 0 25 50 67