LINCOLN UNIVERSITY DAIRY FARM, NOW A CROPPING FARM? Adrian Van Bysterveldt DEXCEL DEVELOPER & PART OF LUDF FARM MANAGEMENT TEAM Introduction Lincoln University Dairy Farm (LUDF) is achieving excellent levels of profitability through growing large amounts of high quality grass and harvesting this to produce over 1700 MS/ha and 425 kgs MS/cow. Managing pastures is the most important activity on a dairy farm. The cows are your clients and you have to supply them with the ideal crop of grass (quantity and quality) to graze on every day, particularly in the first half of the season. Two facts 1. Pasture eaten is the greatest driver of farm profitability 2. Well managed pasture is the ideal food for cows to achieve high production. Six strategies 1. Correct stocking rate. 2. Clean out pastures in the autumn 3. Have a target Average Pasture Cover (APC) at drying off. 4. Have a target APC and feed wedge shape at Planned Start of Calving (PSC) 5. Allocate feed in the spring – Spring Rotation Plan 6. Measure APC every week – plate every paddock for an A+ result or ride through every paddock to rank them and just plate the longest and the one just grazed for a B+ 7. Identify and remove surplus feed early. Two results 1. High-energy intakes for the cows all year. 2. More $ for less effort Why? Pasture eaten is a key driver of farm profitability (Profit Watch 2003). Eat more ⇒ make more $. Axe s (Ctr l+z ) Profit W atch: Input - Output Graph $5.20 3000 2500 y = 0.1828x - 1064.6 2 Economic Farm Surplus $/Ha R = 0.3616 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 -500 -1000 Annual Pasture Req'ts dm/ha Meeting our customers’ needs Table 1: Target pasture to deliver to the cows Amount 18 plus Kgs DM/cow at peak Energy level 12 ME plus Fibre (%NDF) Between 35 and 40% Dry Matter Above 15% Protein Between 20 and 28% Refer to “Is Past Enough?” Wybe Kuperus at SIDE 2002 18000 Can it be done? L U D F P r e G r a z in g P a s tu r e M E B r o n s y n /Im p a c t/c lo v e r 13 1 2 .5 MJME 12 1 1 .5 11 1 0 .5 0 3 /0 4 0 4 /0 5 10 Jun Jul Aug Sept O ct N ov D ec Jan Feb M ar Apr M ay LUDF %NDF & % DM 50.0 45.0 40.0 % 35.0 30.0 03/04 NDF 04/05 NDF 03/04 DM 04/05 DM 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Graze to rem ove 3 to 4 leaves LU D F P re-grazing % P rotien LUDF grazing Grazepolicy to rem ove seed heads early 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 Residual 10.0 03/04 04/05 5.0 0.0 Jun Jul Aug Sept O ct N ov D ec Jan Feb M ar A pr M ay Step 1 Allow pasture to grow until the fourth leaf has appeared. This allows the crown and roots to top up their reserves to start the next cycle of growth after grazing. Step 2 Graze to 7 compressed half centimetres on the Rising Plate meter. This results in most of the new growth being harvested and few old leaves remaining to accumulate as dead matter at the base of the sward. Grazing at this height also means that most of the developing seed heads are eaten while they are still very digestible and before they appear. New daughter tiller development and clover growth are also encouraged by this practice. The strategy is to leave the paddock after grazing all set up to grow another ideal grass crop. Get the stocking rate correctly • Match cows/ha to total annual feed inputs CSR (Comparative Stocking Rate) Table 2: LUDF 2003/2004 season CSR Total pasture grown (from plate meter readings) Additional Supplements fed on Milking platform Winter grazing Total feed Kgs Live weight per Ha CSR (target range is between 80 and 90) • 18.5 t/ha 1.15 t/ha 2.6 t/ha 22.25 t/ha 1960 88 Match cow intake demand to pasture availability for as long as you can LUDF Pasture Growth 90.0 80.0 70.0 kgs DM/ha/day 60.0 Peak intake demand 50.0 40.0 30.0 3 yr average 20.0 10.0 0.0 Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May LUDF planned start of calving is 1 August. A key part of the strategy is to have flexible winter grazing arrangements. If there is sufficient cover, cows can be brought back to the milking platform to calve. In most cases the cows are calved on an adjacent runoff. Supplements are fed out in the autumn to extend lactation. Many farm system trials have shown this to give the greatest economic return for supplements. LUDF APC and feed wedge at drying off and calving The main challenge between drying off and calving is not only to lift the APC to the target calculated by the feed budget, but also to change the shape of the feed wedge so that there is a smooth progression of cover from the longest paddock down to the one that has just been grazed. When we have achieved this, the longest paddocks have enough pasture cover to feed the newly arrived cows on a small area. Having a wedge right down to paddocks that have just been grazed means that we will have excellent pasture cover all through the spring. Spring rotation plan (See ‘Making a Spring Feed Plan Work’, Session 3, Side 05) It is vital to have both a plan for area to graze each day and a target pasture cover graph. Lincoln Area Grazed 2004 8.0 Hectares Grazed 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 3- 26 -S -S ep ep ep ug ug ct O 19 -S -A -A ug p Se 12 5- 29 22 -A g Au g Au 15 8- 1- Feed Cover Target 2600 Kg DM/ha 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 4 00 /2 10 04 3/ 20 9/ /0 04 26 20 9/ /0 04 19 20 9/ /0 4 12 00 /2 09 04 5/ 20 8/ /0 04 29 20 8/ /0 04 22 20 8/ /0 4 15 00 /2 08 4 8/ 00 /2 08 1/ APC will rise for the first two weeks as cow numbers are building. The 1900 target cover on 7 October is very helpful to stay in control of pasture quality through the second and third round of grazing. Lincoln Actual & Budget APC Spring Actual 2003 Budget 2003 Kg DM/ha 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 ct -O 13 ct O 6- ep -S 29 ep -S 22 ep -S 15 p Se 8- p Se 1- ug -A 25 ug -A 18 ug -A 11 g Au 4- ul -J 28 ul -J 21 On LUDF, applying the Spring Rotation Plan is complex because the cows are coming back to the milking platform in small groups most days. Sticking to the area allocation plan is not enough. APC must be measured every week. If APC is above the budget, the planned daily allocated continues as per the plan. If APC is below the budget line (e.g. 8 Sept) the area allocated is not increased until actual pasture cover again matches the budget. The best quality grass silage (12 ME) was fed to the cows to keep intakes stable. Once the target cover has again been reached the area allocated continues as per the plan. The key is to do a farm walk every week and plate every paddock. The feed wedge This is a graph of the cover on the farm. Each paddock as measured every week – plate every paddock for an A+ result or ride through every paddock to rank them and just plate the longest and the one just grazed for a B+ . Farm Feed Wedge - Week Starting 13-Dec-04 Height 25 20 Height 15 10 5 0 Height S-8 N-10 S-4 N-9 S-2 N-6 S-9 N-3 N-8 17.9 16.8 16.1 15.56 15.5 S-5 15.4 15.4 13.1 12.3 12.2 12.14 11.13 10.75 10.48 10.28 N-7 S-1 S-6-2 S-7-2 S-11 S-10 N-2 N-5 N-11 N-1 N-4 S-3 9.8 9.47 9.15 9.15 8.2 8.1 7 Paddock If pasture growth matches demand i.e. 72 kgs DM/day then the feed wedge next week would look very similar. If pasture growth exceeds this, then in four days’ time paddock N9 would be expected to have a pre-grazing cover in excess of the target, and paddocks S2 and N6 would have covers that are even higher. Average pasture growth for December is over 75 kgs DM/day and so the expectation would be that in one week’s time there would be a surplus. Plans should be made to make up to two paddocks into silage. The grass crop should be cut down at the same level as the cows are grazing at. The advantage of making it immediately is that the paddocks will be ready with another ideal grass crop in 18 to 22 days’ time. Two results High energy intakes for the cows all year because pasture quality remains high Metabolisable Energy Maximum DM intake Daily Energy Intake Lax Grazing 11 15 kgs 165 ME Grazing down to 7 “clicks” 12.5 18 kgs 225 ME With lax grazing cows may appear fully fed because they are leaving lots of pasture behind, however there are at least three situations where these cows will have low energy intakes: 1. When % Dry Matter is below 14%. These cows will be consuming the maximum amount of wet weight grass that they can but there is insufficient Dry Matter to meet energy needs. 2. When the pasture has low digestibility and so low ME i.e. below 11. 3. When pasture has a high % NDF i.e. above 40% when it is going to seed. Cows cleaning out pastures to low residuals can have either: 1. High energy intakes, or 2. Low energy intakes. The difference will not be obvious to the casual observer. Pasture disappearance and M.E have to be measured. Energy intake is the real measure of a well-fed cow. More $ for less effort Cows /ha Peak kgs MS/cow/day Total kgs MS/cow kgs MS as a % of Lwt Cows wintered Maximum cows milked Cows wintered on farm kgs N /ha Supplements fed to 30 Nov Total purchased feed fed to milkers Silage made on the milking area Area re-grassed Pasture grown (measured by plate meter) Comparative stocking rate Financials at a $4 payout Farm Working Expenses ($/kg MS) Economic Farm Surplus ($/ha) Return on Asset (cash only) 2002/03 Lax Grazing 3.75 1.9 380 77.5% 631 604 0 200 150 kgs DM/cow 550 kgs DM/cow 0 8 ha 18.2t 78 (6.6t DM/cow) 2003/04 Lower grazing 3.99 2.2 422 86% 660 644 0.8 /ha 200 39 kgs DM/cow 287 kgs DM/cow 98 kgs DM/cow 98 18.5t 88 (5.6t DM/cow) $2.99 $1603 4.8% $2.59 $2752 7.5%