Cow Plop BIngo Rules!

Three times each day at the Meredith Dairy Fest a
lucky cow is put out to pasture for every one to
admire her beauty. The admirers understand she has
a wonderful gift, nature’s fertilizer- cow pies. The
admirers desire that she fertilize their area of the
pasture so healthy hay will grow during this year’s
haying season.
The pasture is divided up into
100 squares. Each square is
assigned a random number between
1 and 100. Tickets are sold prior to
her jaunt in the pasture at $5 each. The
number of each ticket corresponds to the
number assigned to the squares on the pasture.
Then the game begins.
The beautiful lady struts her stuff and takes her sweet
time to select just the perfect place to plop her
valuable fertilizer. The owner of the ticket that
corresponds to the square that she chooses to fertilize
first is the winner of the prize - $200. If she chooses
to fertilize more than one square with the same cow
pie the winner is the ticket holder of the square with
the most pie.