National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Variability of Respirator Fit Test Panels NIOSH Study Results Science Webinar Christopher Coffey, PhD Associate Director For Science James T. Wassell, PhD Research Statistician July 23, 2013 NIOSH PPT / NPPTL Vision & Mission The VISION is to be the leading provider of quality, relevant, and timely PPT research, training, and evaluation. The MISSION of the PPT program is to prevent work-related injury, illness and death by advancing the state of knowledge and application of personal protective technologies (PPT). PPT in this context is defined as the technical methods, processes, techniques, tools, and materials that support the development and use of personal protective equipment worn by individuals to reduce the effects of their exposure to a hazard. Purpose Scientific meeting Discuss objectives and preliminary results of the inter- panel variability study Initiate and encourage dialog Background NIOSH certification testing policy since early 1980s Based on1960’s anthroprometric data 1970’s LANL panels 42 CFR Filter penetration Resistance No measurement of face seal and other leakage (inward leakage) Background (Continued) Inward leakage important Determines amount of unfiltered air in facepiece Facepiece-to-face seal leakage potentially substantial Benchmark testing Evaluate respirator fit characteristics 101 respirators Reasons for New Panels Concerns about LANL panel Used military data Applicability to civilian workforce Demographic changes 2003 survey of respirator users Found differences in key facial measurements Developed new, more representative panels Bivariate PCA NIOSH Panel Development Timeline Protocol development and review 2002 Data collection 2003 Peer-review publication 2007 Institute of Medicine review 2007 Conclusion - both panels an improvement over the LANL panels Distribution of US Workers NIOSH Bivariate Panel Total = 97.7% 138.5 128.5 Face Width (mm) 120.5 134.5 132.5 146.5 144.5 5.2% 3.5% 21.3% 8.7% 5.7% 118.5 10.5% 25.0% 5.5% 5.3% 7.1% 108.5 98.5 158.5 Principal Component Analysis Defines new coordinate system linear combinations to describe trends Principal components - set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables Number of principal components ≤ number of original variables First principal component has the largest possible variance Sensitive to the relative scaling of the original variables PCA Panel Development 2003 survey – 18 measurements Four criteria to reduce number of measurements required Relevant to respirator fit Excluded dimensions correlated with included ones Reasonable number Excluded difficult to obtain and/or highly variable 10 measurement in categorization algorithms 35-Member Population-Based Bivariate Panel Cell # Population % 1 5.5 2 5.3 3 10.5 4 25.0 5 7.1 6 5.7 7 21.3 8 8.7 9 5.2 10 3.5 Calculated subjects needed Subjects tested 1.9 = 2 2 1.85 = 2 2 3.67 = 4 4 8.75 = 9 9 2.49 = 2 2 1.99 = 2 2 7.45 = 7 7 3.04 = 3 3 1.82 = 2 2 1.22 = 1 2 PCA Measurements Head Breadth Nose Breadth Minimum Frontal Nose Protusion Breadth Bizygomatic Breadth (face width) Bigonial Breadth Nasal Root Breadth Sellion-Subnasale Length Menton-Sellion Length (Face length) Interpupillary Breadth 10 Facial Measurements Head Breadth Minimal Frontal Breadth Nasal Root Breadth Nose Length Interpupillary Breadth Nose Protrusion Face Width Face Length Nose Breadth Bigonial Breadth Principal Component Analysis Panel Long/Narrow Nose Long Face Shape Short Face Short/Wide Nose Small Overall Size Large Background (Continued) Inward leakage (IL) 2009 NPRM and Test Procedure Half-facepieces Leakage through face seal and non-filter components New human subject panels Screening - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Sizing - NIOSH Bivariate 35-member panel Statistical basis for TIL testing1 Simple threshold test Sample sizes of 25 to 45 in increments of 5 Definitions Highly effective – sufficient fit for at least 90% of population, pass at least 90% of time Effective – sufficient fit for at least 80% of population, pass at least 80% of time Ineffective – sufficient fit for no more than 60% of population, pass no more than 5% of time Highly ineffective – sufficient fit for no more than 50% of population, pass no more than 1% of time - D Landsittel, Z Zhuang, W Newcomb, R BerryAnn, Determination of sample size and passing criteria for respirator fit panels. Statistical basis (Continued) Type I errors α0.8 = 0.20, α0.9 = 0.10 Type II errors β0.6 = 0.05 (1- β0.6 = 0.95), β0.5 = 0.01 (1- β0.1 = 0.99) Results Panels ≤ 30, insufficient to meet specified properties Panel of 35 met all except power for rejecting ineffective model (0.942 vs. 0.95) Panels ≥ 40, sufficient to meet specified properties Decision to use 35-member panel Panel Variability Definition Degree of agreement among panels Grid variability1 Temporally from one assembly of a panel to another Between laboratories Public comments Causes a wide range of results among panels Increase number of panel members to 105 RTI contracted to recommend panel size 1Submission to NIOSH Docket Number 036 from Birkner (Moldex-Metrics) – August 22, 2007, 2011 RTI Report Mathematical/simulation based Simulated the distribution of the test statistic Verified Landsittel results Estimates of fit within a two-member cell highly variable Equal allocation of members to cells Any respirator that fits a population should also fit the subpopulations Adequate data for precise cell estimates 2011 RTI Recommendation 40- or 50-member evenly distributed bivariate panels Study Objectives Address comments Determine the variability between different anthropometric panels Experimentally confirm RTI findings Investigate the ease of panel implementation Allow for statistical analysis Methodology Ten N95 Respirators Seven manufacturers Five Filtering Facepiece (OSFA and two sizes) Five Elastomeric Facepieces (three sizes) Inward Leakage by PortaCount® Pro+ 8038 Ambient concentration within PortaCount range (0.01 to 2.5 x 105 particles/cm3) Two replicates Seal completely broken in between replicates Experienced and new subjects Study Methodology (continued) Evenly distributed 40 subjects/panel Four subjects/cell Study goal recruit 120 subjects Bivariate Panel - Two Facepiece Sizes Smaller size Larger size Bivariate Panel - Three Facepiece Sizes Small Medium Large Distribution of Panel Members for Bivariate Panel One cell 9, three cell 10 members are outside the limits of the panel. PortaCount Pro+ and 8026 NaCl Generator Probe photos Exercises Eight exercise OSHA Fit test protocol Normal Breathing Deep Breathing Turning Head Side to Side Moving Head Up and Down Reciting Rainbow Passage Reaching Floor to Ceiling Grimacing (not included in calculations) Normal Breathing Inward Leakage Test New Subject Recruitment NPPTL Website NIOSH Facebook page and Twitter Community Outreach (Posters, Flyers, Face to Face meetings) Local universities, community colleges, vocational tech schools, high schools Local Fire Departments, Ambulance Services, Hospitals Federal employees in Pittsburgh and Morgantown Questions? Bivariate Implementation Issues Identified in the Study Difficulty in finding members for cells 1, 6 and 10 Excluded more than expected 3.3% of potential members Measurement concerns consistent with docket comments Multiple certification panels Current NIOSH Certification Panels for Non-CBRN Respirators Qualitative iso-amyl acetate test LANL Panels One size fits all 10 member panel Half-facepiece Full facepiece Multiple size facepieces 6 member panel Specific cell sizes Current NIOSH Certification Panel for Elastomeric Half-Facepiece Respirators (LANL 10-member Panel number of subjects evaluated per cell) LANL Full Facepiece Panel Face Width (mm) 117.5 126.5 135.5 144.5 153.5 133.5 cell 9 cell 10 cell 6 cell 7 cell 8 cell 3 cell 4 cell 5 cell 1 cell 2 123.5 113.5 103.5 93.5 Current NIOSH Certification Panel for CBRN Respirators Quantitative generated aerosol (corn oil) test Panel Face width and face length One size – 25 member panel Two sizes – 29 member panel Three sizes – 38 member panel Reasons for PCA/Bivariate Inclusion Currently both used for research PCA headform development Both in 2009 proposed test method PCA for screening Bivariate for testing PCA Panel Implementation Issues Identified 7/144 (5%) as outliers Expected Three females Two excluded One on the outer oval Four males One from Bivariate cell 9 Three from Bivariate cell 10 Exclusions not due to expected discriminators Distribution of PCA Panel Members Second Principal Component 50 40 30 20 10 240 260 One Outside with First PC = 327 280 First Principal Component 300 320 Pittsburgh PCA Distribution with NIOSH BV Cell Designations Cell 6 16/105 15.2% 6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,9,9 9,9,9,9 Cell 1 16/105 15.2% 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2 3,3,3,3,3,4 Cell 2 17/105 16.2% 1,2,2,3,3,3,3 3,3,3,4,4,4,4 5,5,7 Cell 5 8/105 7.6% 4,4,7,7,7,7,8,9 Cell 4 12/105 11.4% 2,2,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,8 Cell 3 6/105 5.7% 1,2,2,2,2,2 5/105 outliers were identified, 4.8% (5,8,9,10,10) Cell 7 7/105 6.7% 5,5,7,7,7,9,10 Cell 8 18/105 17.1% 5,5,5,7,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 8,9,10,10,10,10,10 Morgantown PCA Distribution with NIOSH BV Cell Designations Cell 6 5/39 12.8% 6,6,6,9,9 Cell 1 3/39 7.7% 1,1,1 Cell 2 6/39 15.4% 4,4,4,4,4,4 Cell 5 4/39 10.3% 4,6,6,7 Cell 4 4/39 10.3% 4,4,4,4 Cell 3 3/39 7.7% 4,4,4 2/39 outliers were identified 5.1% (9,10) Cell 7 7/39 17.9% 4,5,7,7,7,7,7 Cell 8 5/39 12.8% 7,7,10,10,10 Implications of using new panels Confusion of panel cell designations among multiple panels Limits number of potential panel members Smaller women/larger men over 50 Current IRB age limit ≤50 Confusion related respirator facepiece sizes Mid-Study Decisions Recruitment issues Difficulty in finding 4/cell Move to Morgantown Physical limits of cell size Multiple panel distributions in analysis 35-member in 2009 NPRM 25-member in previous NIOSH research1 Recruited 24 more members Smaller panel sizes analyzed 1Zhuang Z, Bradtmiller B, and Shaffer, RE. New Respirator Fit Test Panels Representing the Current U.S. Cilivian Work Force. JOEH 4:647-659, 2007. Distribution of 144 Subjects Tested Questions? Data Analysis Methodology Nonparametric Bootstrapping data-based resampling 500,000 panels generated and used for statistical analysis Each measurement considered independent 2880 data points used in this analysis 144 subjects x 2 measurements x 10 respirator models = 2880 Bootstrap – Data-Based Resampling 35-member population-based Bivariate Panel Cell # Subj 12 1 12 2 12 3 27 4 12 5 12 6 21 7 12 8 12 9 12 10 total 144 Reps data 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 24 24 54 24 24 42 24 24 24 288 sample 2 2 4 9 2 2 7 3 2 2 35 Repeat 500,000 times Calculate ONE mean for this One Panel Sampling with replacement yields ONE bootstrap sample for the 35 member population based Bivariate Panel Summary coefficient of variation estimate Bootstrap – Data-Based Resampling 40-member Equal Distribution Panel Cell # Subj 12 1 12 2 12 3 27 4 12 5 12 6 21 7 12 8 12 9 12 10 total 144 Reps data 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 24 24 54 24 24 42 24 24 24 288 sample 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 40 Repeat 500,000 times Calculate ONE mean for this One Panel Sampling with replacement yields ONE bootstrap sample for the 40 member equal distribution Bivariate Panel Summary coefficient of variation estimate Data Analysis Methodology Variability between panels determined by computing the mean IL for each panel Variability measured as the coefficient of variation (CV) = SD/mean for the 500,000 bootstrap means. Reference: Efron, B and R. Tibshirani, An Introduction to the Bootstrap. 1993. Chapman & Hall, Inc. Results - Equal Distribution Panels Coefficient of Variation (% change from baseline) Model (Type) N=40 N=30 N=20 A (FFR) 0.241 0.278 (15.4%) 0.341 (41.3%) B (FFR) 0.156 0.180 (15.5%) 0.221 (41.2%) C (FFR) 0.169 0.196 (15.6%) 0.240 (42.0%) D (FFR) 0.266 0.308 (15.6%) 0.377 (41.7%) E (FFR) 0.175 0.202 (15.4%) 0.248 (41.5%) F (Elastomeric) 0.278 0.321 (15.3%) 0.393 (41.2%) G (Elastomeric) 0.198 0.229 (15.7%) 0.281 (41.6%) H (Elastomeric) 0.191 0.221 (15.7%) 0.270 (41.5%) I (Elastomeric) 0.227 0.262 (15.3%) 0.321 (41.2%) J (Elastomeric) 0.228 0.264 (15.5%) 0.323 (41.5%) Results - Equal Distribution Panels Reference: Cell size of 4 (n=40) Cell size of 3 (n=30) has 15.3% - 15.7% greater CV than the cell size of 4 (n=40) panel Cell size of 2 (n=20) has 41.2% - 42.0% greater CV than the cell size of 4 (n=40) panel Results - Population Based Panels Coefficient of Variation (% change from baseline) Model (Type) N=35 N=30 N=25 A (FFR) 0.251 0.271 (7.8%) 0.297 (17.8%) B (FFR) 0.171 0.184 (7.4%) 0.205 (19.8%) C (FFR) 0.179 0.193 (7.7%) 0.208 (16.3%) D (FFR) 0.265 0.290 (9.3%) 0.307 (15.3%) E (FFR) 0.184 0.199 (8.2%) 0.223 (21.6%) F (Elastomeric) 0.321 0.343 (6.7%) 0.379 (18.3%) G (Elastomeric) 0.189 0.209 (10.7%) 0.226 (18.6%) H (Elastomeric) 0.198 0.213 (7.7%) 0.228 (15.4%) I (Elastomeric) 0.219 0.242 (9.9%) 0.265 (20.7%) J (Elastomeric) 0.228 0.248 (8.5%) 0.271 (18.1%) Results - Population Based Panels Reference: Population Based Panel of n=35. Panel of n=30 has 6.7% - 10.7% greater CV than the reference Panel of n=25 has 15.3% - 21.6% greater CV than the reference Comparison of Population based and Equal distribution panels for n=30 Coefficient of Variation Model (Type) A (FFR) Pop Based N=30 0.271 < Equal Dist N=30 0.278 B (FFR) 0.184 > 0.180 C (FFR) 0.193 < 0.196 D (FFR) 0.290 < 0.308 E (FFR) 0.199 < 0.202 F (Elastomeric) 0.343 > 0.321 G (Elastomeric) 0.209 < 0.229 H (Elastomeric) 0.213 < 0.221 I (Elastomeric) 0.241 < 0.262 J (Elastomeric) 0.247 < 0.264 8 out of 10 Population Based Panels have smaller CV. Binomial test p-value = 0.11 Summary of Results This is a comparison of 6 types of Panels. Panels with smaller sample size have greater variability as measured by the CV. This is result is consistent for all respirator models investigated. For n=30, Population based panels have smaller variability than equal distribution panels Population based panels take a larger sample from the “middle” cells (4 & 7) that are more homogeneous (smaller area). Future Analysis Within respirator type variability Pass/Fail Rates Within cell variability Use of cell clouds to evaluate “size specific” data New subjects v. experienced Male/female comparisons Inter-rater statistics for analysis of panel variability Questions for Discussion Is CV an appropriate approach for this analysis? If not, what do you suggest? What other ways can the data be used? What further research and data analysis is needed to answer the question of inter-panel variability? Potential Topics for Next Webinar August 20, 2013 at 1 PM Panels issues for certification implementation Two LANL panels for certification testing LANL half facepiece panel Based on face length and lip length Divided into 10 cells LANL full facepiece panel Based on face length and face width Divided into 10 cells NIOSH Bivariate PCA Quality Partnerships Enhance Worker Safety & Health Visit Us at: http// Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this presentation have not been formally disseminated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy. Thank you