3. 4. Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology HST.131: Introduction to Neuroscience Course Director: Dr. David Corey NAME:- This examcontains80 questions,each worth 1 point. Pleasemakesure that you clearly indicateyour choice (circling the letter in Parts 1 and 4 or writing the letterfrom the I APPROPRIATE list in Parts 2 and 3). PART] (25pts): For thefollowing questions,please circle the BEST answer: A lesion in the left mediallemniscus: A) producesloss of painandtemperaturesenseon the left side of the body B) producesloss of painandtemperaturesenseon the right sideof the body C) producesloss of vibrationand positionsenseon the left sideof the body D) producesloss of vibration and positionsenseon the right side of the body E) producesloss of auditory information from the right ear 2. A patient presents with marked weakness of his left arm, but he refuses to believe that his arm is paralyzed. When asked to copy a picture, using his right hand, he fails to accurately representthe left side of the image. His lesion is most likely in the: A) left frontal lobe B) left occipital lobe C) left parietal lobe D) right parietal lobe E) right frontal lobe The A) B) C) D) E) major location of noradrenaline-producing neurons in the brain is the: pars compacta of the substantia nigra pars reticulata of the substantia nigra locus ceruleus raphe nuclei nucleus accumbens Occlusionof an anteriorcerebralarterywould most likely leadto: A) contralateralhomonymoushemianopsia B) contralateralarmweakness C) contralateralleg weakness D) Wernicke'saphasia E) contralateralfacial weakness 6. 9. 5. Which of the statementsaboutthe deepcerebellarnuclei is correct? A) B) C) D) E) output from the dentatenucleusprojectsto ipsilateralV ANL of thalamus globoseand emboliform nuclei sendaxonsin the superiorcerebellarpeduncle fastigial nucleusefferentsexit primarily via the superiorcerebellarpeduncle the lateralcerebellarhemispheresprojectprimarily to the fastigial nuclei the vermis projectsprimarily to the dentatenuclei The thalamicfasciculuscontainsfibers mergingfrom the: A) ansalenticularis+ cerebellum B) lenticularfasciculus+ ansalenticularis C) lenticularfasciculus+ cerebellum+ thalamus D) lenticularfasciculus+ ansalenticularis+ basalganglia E) ansalenticularis+ lepticularfasciculus+ cerebellum 7. Hemisectionof the spinalcord (Brown-Sequardsyndrome)most oftenresultsin signs belowthe lesionbestdescribedas: A) ipsilateralparalysisand contralateralloss of painand temperature B) ipsilateralparalysisand contralaterallossof light touchand positionsense C) contralateralparalysisand ipsilateralloss of painand temperature D) contralateralparalysisand ipsilaterallossof light touchand positionsense E) contralateralparalysisand bilaterallossof painandtemperature 8. The paraventricularand supraopticnuclei: A) producereleasinghormoneswhich diffuse into the hypophysealportal system B) projectto the posteriorpituitary C) leadto the productionof LH and FSH D) makehormoneswhich eventuallyreachthe anteriorpituitary E) eachproduceonly one hormone:ADH Choroid plexus can usually be found in: A) anterior (frontal) horn of lateral ventricle B) inferior (temporal) horn of lateral ventricle C) floor of the third ventricle D) floor of the fourth ventricle E) cauda equina 11. 10. Fibersoriginatingin the dorsalrootgangliaaboveT6 travelin: A) the ipsilateralClark's column B) the ipsilateralspinothalamictract C) the contralateralspinocerebellartract D) the ipsilateralfasciculusgracilis E) the ipsilateralfasciculuscuneatus The majorsourceof inputsto the caudatenucleusis A) globuspallidus B) subthalamicnucleus C) putamen D) associationareasof the cortex,like prefrontalcortex E) motorand somatosensory cortex 12.Efferentsfrom all of the following basalgangliastructuresuseinhibitory neurotransmitters EXCEPT: A) Caudate B) Putamen C) Globuspallidusinterna D) Subthalamicnucleus E) Substantianigra,parsreticulata 13. Which of the following fibertractscarriesefferentsfrom globuspallidus intemato thethalamus: A) Ansacervica1is B) Striaterminalis C) Subthalamicfasciculus D) E) Ansa lenticularis Lenticular nucleus 14. Which of the following statementsis true regarding "motor thalamus" or motor control in the thalamus: A) Inputs from the basalganglia go mostly to V A while inputs from cerebellum go mostly to VL. B) Output from "motor thalamus" projects to the cingulate gyrus. C) The medial lemniscus and spinothalamic tracts are the major sourcesof motor information. D) The thalamic nuclei involved in motor function receive blood supply predominantly from ganglionic branches of the anterior cerebral artery. E) None of the above. 18. 19. 15. The swinging flashlight test reveals constriction of the left pupil and dilatation of the right pupil when the light is swung in front of the left eye. When the light is swung in front of the right eye, the left pupil constricts and the right pupil remains dilated. The lesion is located in: A) Right optic nerve B) Right oculomotor nerve C) Left optic nerve D) Left oculomotor nerve E) Left superior colliculus 16. Pyramidal tract fibers project through all but which structure A) Corona radiate B) Posterior limb of internal capsule C) Cerebral peduncle D) Pontine tegmentum E) Lateral funiculus of the cord 17. The pupillary light reflex doesnot involve A) Optic tract B) Posteriorcommissure C) Optic radiation D) Pretectalnuclei E) Optic chiasm The A) B) C) D) E) facial nerve Sharesnucleus ambiguous with cranial nerves IX and X Motor nucleus is located in the upper pons Parasympathetic fibers originate in the inferior salvitory nucleus As a motor nerve, exits the brainstem close to the midline Receives innervation from both cortical hemispheres Which of the following combinations is NOT a pair of directly connected structures: A) Nucleus gracilis and Ventoposteriolateral nucleus of the thalamus B) Subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus internal C) Anterior nucleus of the thalamus and hippocampus D) Cerebellar cortex and inferior olivary nuclei E) Retina and superior colliculus 20. Which of the following is true: A) Vestibularnuclei are closeto the midline B) Climbing fibers reachcerebellumthroughinferior and superiorpeduncles C) Red nucleusprojectsto contralateralmotor cortex D) Vestibularnuclei receivea cerebellarprojectionthat bypassesdeepnuclei E) Parallelfibers run parallelto the planeofPurkinje cell dendrites 21. 22. Primary sensory cortex is located in A) Lateral occipital lobe B) Parietal lobe C) Precentral gyrus D) Cingulate gyrus E) Frontal eye fields The olfactory bulb A) Projectsto sensorycortex throughVANL of the thalamus B) Projectsto sensorycortex throughVPLNPM of the thalamus C) Projectsto the solitary tract so that smellandtastecanbe combined D) Receivescholinergic innervationfrom the nucleusof the diagonalband E) Sharesa type of myelin with the oculomotornerve 23. Impairmentof positionsensewould be most likely to come from A) lesionof the ventral root B) lesionof the dorsalhorn C) lesionof the posteriorfuniculus of the cord D) lesionof the lateralfuniculusof the cord E) lesionof the anteriorfuniculusof the cord 24. Fibers in the fornix A) Mostly crossin the hippocampalcommissure B) Mostly passposteriorto the anteriorcommissure C) Projectto the nucleusof Papez D) Extend into the temporalwhite matterasMeyer's loop E) Give rise to the stria terminalisas they archforward 25. Which of the following fiber tract/structure combinations is correct: A) Amygdala and stria medullaris B) Oculomotor nucleus and medial forebrain bundle C) Amygdala and the stria terminalis D) Cingulate gyrus and the perforant path E) Dorsomedial thalamus and mamillothalamic tract 32. 29. 30. 33. PART 2 (22pts): For thefollowing questions,pleaseenter the BEST answerfrom the list ofchoices For the following six (6) qnestions,pleaseusethe following list of choices: A) Upper midbrain B) Lower midbrain C) Upperpons D) Lower pons E) Dorsalmedulla F) Ventralmedulla 26. Decussationof the pyramidaltract 27. Nucleusfor t9uch sensationonthe forehead 28. Nucleus involved in looking to the right with the right eye Origin of climbing fibers Structureinvolved in generationof spatialmap from auditory infonnation Nuclei from which the medial lemniscus originates For the following six (6) questions,pleasechoosethe most appropriate nerve(s)from the list: A) Oculomotornerve (III) B) Trigeminalnerve (V) C) Facialnerve (VII) D) Vestibulocochlearnerve (VIII) E) Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) F) Vagusnerve (X) G) Hypoglossalnerve (XII) Baroreceptorsat the aortic arch Afferent limb of the gag reflex 34. Carriesfibers to the tensortympaniimuscle 35. Containsonly autonomicand somaticmotor fibers 36. Afferent limb of the blink (corneal)reflex 37. Innervates lacrimal gland for tear generation 39. 40. 41 For the following five (5) questions, please choose the most appropriate structure from this list: A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) 38. Ciliary ganglion Dentate gyrus Dentate nucleus Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus Entorhinal cortex Mamillary body Mesencephalic nucleus of V Nucleus accumbens I) J) K) L) M) N) 0) P) Nucleus ambiguous Nucleus of solitary tract Nucleus of spinal tract of V Septal nucleus Septum pellicidum Superior cervical ganglion Superior salvitory nucleus Trigeminal ganglion I Targetof perforantpathway First order sensory neurons for multiple modalities Secondorder sensoryneuronsfor tastefrom anterior2/3 of tongue Origin of cholinergic projectionto hippocampus 42. Activated in order to vomit For the following five (5) questions,pleasechoosethe vesselmost appropriate from this list: A. Anterior cerebralartery H. Posteriorcerebralartery B. Anterior choroidalartery I. Posteriorchoroidalartery C. Anterior communicatingartery J. Posteriorcommunicatingartery D. Anterior inferior cerebellarartery K. Posteriorinferior cerebellarartery E. Basilar artery L. Superiorcerebellarartery F. Externalcarotid artery M. Recurrentartery of Heubner G. Middle cerebralartery N. Vertebralartery 43. Somatosensory cortex corresponding to the ankle 44. Decussationof the pyramidaltract 45. Cochlearnuclei 46. Locus ceruleus 47. Primary auditory cortex PART A. B.C. 3 (18pis): You have chosena careeras a neuroanatomist as a direct consequence of this course. A clevergraduatestudentworking in your lab hasdevelopeda pair of reagentsfor pathway tracking.Molecule A is collected by axonsat the point of synapticconnectionto their targetandtransportedback to the cell body,while moleculeB is takenup by neuronal cell bodiesandtransportedto the synapsewhere it is releasedand it takenup by the postsynapticcell. When both A and B end up in the samecell, they combineto createa green fluorescentcomplex. B T-Green Beautiful picturesfrom theseexperimentsarepublishedon the coverof the issueof Nature containingyour paper. The paperhas6 figures that showthis systemin operation (herereproducedas line drawingswith the fluorescentsignalrepresentedby an"X"). Pleaseprovidethe following information(site labeled;projectiontarget[A]; input [B]) thatwould be require for eachfigure legend,usingthe following list of structures: Anterior horn Arm muscle Broca's area D. Caudatenucleus E. Cerebellargranulecell layer F. CerebellarPurkinje cell layer G. Cingulategyrus Cochlearnucleus H. I. Dentategyrus J. Dentatenucleus K. Dorsalroot ganglion L. Dorsomedialthalamus M.N.O.Entorhinalcortex Fastigialnucleus Globuspallidus, externa Globuspallidus, interna P. Heschl's gyrus Q. R.S. Inferior olive Leg muscle Nucleusof cranialnerve III u. Nucleus of cranialnerveVI v.w.x.Nucleusof cranialnerveVII Nucleuscuneatus Nucleusgracilis Y. Postcentralgyrus, lateral Z.AA. Postcentralgyrus,medial Precentralgyrus, lateral BB. Precentralgyrus, medial CC. Prefrontalcortex DD. Putamen EE. Red nucleus FF. Striate cortex GG.HH. Substantianigra Subthalamicnucleus II. V ANL of thalamus JJ.KK.Vestibularnucleus VPL of thalamus LL. Wemike's area (Becauseofthe high level of connectednessof the nervoussystem,there maybe more than one correctanswerto each question) 48. Labeledstructure: 49. Injection site for A: 50. Injection site tor B: XX XXX xx x Figures courtesy of MIT OCW. 51.Labeledstructure: 52. Injection site for A: 53. Injection site for B: 54. Labeledstructure: 55. Injection site for A: 56. Injectionsite for B: 57. Labeledstructure: 58. Injection site for A: 59. Injectionsite for B: xx 60. Labeledstructure: 61. Injection site for A: 62. Injectionsite for B: X 63. Labeledstructure: 64. Injection site for A: 65. Injection site for B: Figures courtesy of MIT OCW. PART 4 (15 piS): For the following questions,pleaseusethe follow answerguide: A. 1 and 3 are correct B. 1, 2 and 3 are correct C. 2 and 4 are correct D. 4 is correct E. none of the abovecombinations 66. The habenula I. is one of the few unpaired midline structures in the brain 2. is a thalamic association nucleus 3. projects to the hippocampus via the fasciculus retroflexus 4. receives input from the amygdala via the stria tenninalis ABC D E Crossedprojectionsinclude 1. nucleusgracilisto thalamus 2. trochlearnucleito inferiorobliquemuscle 3. pontinenucleito cerebellarhemisphere 4. facialnervemotornucleusto musclesof the forehead ABC D E 68. Regarding somatotopic organization: 1. Midline lesions on the upper pons might affect arms fibers from both medial lemnisci 2. In the dorsal columns, leg fibers are more lateral than arm fibers 3. In the medulla, arms fibers in the medial lemniscus are dorsal to leg fibers 4. In the lateral lemniscus, leg is more lateral than arm ABC D E 69. Which of these statementsare true about catecholaminergic nuclei 1. VT A projects to caudate while substantia nigra projects to putamen 2. Raphe nuclei in the pons provide thes noradrenergic innervation of cortex 3. Locus ceruleus is located in the lower pons 4. Tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate limiting enzyme in catechol synthesis ABC D E In the visualpathways, 1. Cuttingthe left optic nerveleadsto blindnessin the left eye 2. The differentlayersof cells in the lateralgeniculatecorrespondto different partsof visualspace 3. In striatecortex,the centerof visualspaceis locatedtowardsto occipitalpole 4. Fibersfrom temporalretinacrossin the optic chiasm ABC D E 7: The superiorolive I. Lies in the ventralmedulla 2. Projectsto the cerebralhemisphereas climbing fibers 3. Receivesafferentsfrom the ipsilateralred nucleus 4. Sendsfibers into the ipsilateralinferior cerebellarpeduncle ABC D E 72. CSF generated in the 4thventricle can exit it through the 1..foramen of Magendie 2. cerebralaqueduct 3. forman of Luschka 4. foramen of Munro ABC D E 73. A circumferentialmassimpinging on the cervical spinalcord (C4-C7)from the outsideis most likely to 1. involve the spinocerebellar tracts 2. involve the fasciculusgracilis more thancuneatus 3. causeupperextremityweakness(lower motor neuronpattern) 4. causeupperextremityweakness(uppermotor neuronpattern) ABC D E 74. Fibers of the superiorcerebellarpeduncledecussatein the 1. tectum 2. pontine tegmentum 3. basispontis 4. midbraintegmentum ABC D E 75. In most people, blood vessels arising from the basilar artery include 1. superior cerebellar artery 2. quadrigeminal artery 3. anterior inferior cerebellar artery 4. posterior inferior cerebellar artery ABC D E 76. On a coronalsectionof the brain, which of the following can appearadjacentto the temporal horn of the ventricle: 1. amygdala 2. caudate 3. hippocampus 4. thalamus ABC D E 77. Fibersof the fornix synapsein 1. mamillary body 2. amygdale 3. nucleusaccumbens 4. cingulategyrus ABC D E 78. In the autonomic nervous system, 1. sympathetic output originates in Clarke's nucleus in the thoracic cord 2. cells in the superior cervical ganglion synapse in the ciliary ganglion before reaching the pupil 3. Sympathetic fibers ascend from the cord with the spinal accessorynerve 4. parasympathetic and sympathetic systems leave the CNS at different levels ABC D E 79. Basalgangliaprojectionsinclude 1. Putamento GPe 2. Caudateto GPi 3. Caudateto GPe 4. Subthalamicnucleusto thalamus ABC D E Associationareasof cerebralcortexreceive inputs from 1. relay nuclei of the thalamus 2. associationareasof the thalamus 3. nucleusbasalisof Meynert 4. multiple cortical areas ABC D E