NSSLHA Meeting Minutes January 21 & 22, 2014

NSSLHA Meeting Minutes
January 21 & 22, 2014
1. Welcome Back for Winter 2014! Welcome all new members!
2. Board Introductions (Member Intros Wednesday)
3. Why join NSSLHA?
a. Networking
b. Personal Development
c. Professional Experience
d. Support/Friendships
e. Resume Builder
f. Volunteer Opportunities
4. How to join NSSLHA
a. Pick up a Membership Form
b. $10 dues (cash or check to Emily)
c. Sign in at meetings
5. UPDATES from Last Semester
a. Adopt-a-Family
i. We fulfilled almost all items on the wish list. With the extra money that
was donated, NSSLHA purchased Target gift cards to give to the family.
Thanks to everyone who participated!
b. Aphasia Community Friendship Center (ACFC)
i. From all of our fundraising efforts, we will be donating $1000 to the
ACFC to benefit their weekly program!
ii. Lynn Chenowith from the ACFC is so appreciative and thankful for all
NSSLHA does for the program—both for volunteering and the donations.
iii. Lynn would like to come to NSSLHA as a guest speaker this semester. She
would also like to bring a few ACFC members who have aphasia to talk
about their experiences. More info coming soon!
iv. We are also looking to schedule another volunteer orientation for
NSSLHA members who would like to volunteer at the ACFC on Fridays.
6. Survey for NSSLHA Members
a. We would like to see what members want from this semester’s meetings and
b. Members rate 1-5 in the categories of Fundraising, Guest Speakers, Field Trips,
Volunteering, and Mentorship Program.
i. Results will be tallied soon. Upcoming events will be based on your
a. Fat Tuesday, March 4, 2014.
b. Look for info at upcoming meetings about signing up for volunteering at the
table or bringing a (store-bought) baked good.
8. MSHA Conference
a. March 27-29, 2014 in Kalamazoo
b. Stay tuned for information regarding membership, registration, volunteer
opportunities, and more (possible carpooling, hotel groups…)
9. Western Michigan University Open House
a. Friday, February 21, 2014 from 12-4PM
b. Open House for prospective SLP and AuD graduate students. The afternoon will
consist of discussions on admissions and curriculum, research opportunities, and
life at WMU. Tours of the Health and Human Services Building as well as WMU
clinic will be provided.
c. Want to carpool or go in groups? Email Sam at eramire8@emich.edu by
February 14.
d. Want to attend but by yourself/with family members? Email
10. National Stuttering Association
a. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month. The next meeting is scheduled for 7:309PM at the University of Michigan’s Medical Science Building 2 (room location to
be determined). Look for flyer near the student workroom in clinic or outside
clinic doors.
11. Have any questions, comments, ideas?
a. Please email the board at emu_nsslha@emich.edu!
b. Facebook group and NSSLHA website are also means of contact.
12. Next Meetings
a. Tuesday, February 4 @ 1PM
b. Wednesday, February 5 @ 9AM
c. Please bring any unpaid dues to next meeting. Thank you 